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31 Ways to destroy your
Google Analytics
Charles Meaden
Digital Nation
30 seconds about me
• Founder of Digital Nation
• Been using web analytics in one form or another for 20 years
• Using Google Analytics since it was launched
The Spirit of Measurecamp
A Lesson From My First Boss
•Shit in
•Shit out

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Web Analytics 101 & Career Advice
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Web Analytics 101 & Career Advice

In this presentation to to Villanova University students, I explain the basics of web analytics and how to get a job in the field.

Google Analytics
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Google Analytics

The content includes the meaning of Google analytics, the demographic of the audience, how to use Google analytics, why is it important to your website and the dark side of Google analytics.

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The document provides 60 marketing tips for businesses, focusing on areas like branding, online presence, client communication, and marketing strategy and planning. Key tips include investing in a good website, maintaining compelling marketing materials, keeping an email list private using BCC, having a written marketing plan with a dedicated budget, and getting client feedback through advisory committees. The overall message is the importance of an integrated marketing approach across different channels and touchpoints with clients.

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It Used To Be So Easy
• 20 years ago, all we had to was process log files
• It’s quite difficult to corrupt a log file
Aggregation of Marginal Gains
We Shouldn’t Be Having This Talk
• If everyone associated with web analytics on a project did their
job properly
• So who’s to blame..
1. Marketing Teams
• ‘Don’t have the time’
– to write a proper brief
– tag campaigns
– keep people informed of new campaigns
• ‘Its not my job’ attitudes
• Won’t take the time to learn

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Google Analytics Training September 2016
Google Analytics Training September 2016Google Analytics Training September 2016
Google Analytics Training September 2016

These slides are from Noisy Little Monkey's Google Analytics training session. We run the courses from our offices in the Aardman Animations Studio in Bristol. The slides cover: - the basics of Analytics account set up - what the measures mean and which of them are most useful for your business - setting up goals - using custom reports and segments - if you are using AdWords, how Analytics can help to evaluate your ad spend.

google analyticseducation and trainingtraining
Ei Presentation on analytics
Ei Presentation on analyticsEi Presentation on analytics
Ei Presentation on analytics

The document discusses the goals and challenges of web analytics. It outlines four main goals of web analytics: to better understand users, make decisions based on data, improve the website by removing barriers, and improve conversions and sales. It also discusses challenges such as acting on findings and identifying the most important metrics to focus on.

Key Insights From Funnels - Enhanced Ecommerce For Google Analytics
Key Insights From Funnels - Enhanced Ecommerce For Google AnalyticsKey Insights From Funnels - Enhanced Ecommerce For Google Analytics
Key Insights From Funnels - Enhanced Ecommerce For Google Analytics

The slides from my talk at GPeC Summit, Romania, on 11 May 2015. I introduce the Enhanced Ecommerce reports for Google Analytics, but before I do, I outline my ideology for using Enhanced Ecommerce. It's not just a flashy set of reports, it's an optimization tool and a hypothesis machine. I'm less interested in successful transactions and more in things like abandonment and lack of engagement. Enhanced Ecommerce lets us expand the somewhat broken concept of a session-based conversion rate, and granularly investigate its components and particles. This way we can analyze not only transactions, visits, and visitors, but the products themselves, too.

enhanced ecommercegoogle analyticsgoogle tag manager
2. Developers
• Insist they know the best place to add tracking codes
• Won’t read technical briefs or just cherry pick from them
• Don’t see the need to comment or document their code
• And my all time favourite
• Not testing their code in a browser to make sure it deploys
3. Digital Agencies
• “Of course we know analytics”
• Just adding the code onto the page and nothing else
• Not taking the time to understand what the client wants
• Don’t see how they can make money from this
Why Do Mistakes Happen
 Lack of knowledge prevents sites from being tagged correctly
 Organisations don’t truly value the data from their tools and won’t
commit sufficient budgets to getting them setup correctly
 Agencies who claim ‘expert’ knowledge of analytics yet don’t even
exclude the IP address of the client
 Not enough attention being paid to analytics, so mistakes are not
spotted for weeks or months
You can help
• If there is anything I’ve missed let me know and I’ll add it to this
• Get hold of me via
– Twitter: @charlesmeaden
– Linkedin:

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Google Analytics
Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics
Google Analytics

The document discusses various ways to track user interactions on websites beyond traditional pageviews using Google Analytics and other common technologies. It provides examples of specific interactions that can be tracked, like clicks, mouse movements, and steps in a checkout process. It also addresses questions about implementing analytics code, testing, overhead, and best practices.

Using metrics to improve website engagement
Using metrics to improve website engagementUsing metrics to improve website engagement
Using metrics to improve website engagement

Brad Smith, assistant digital media manager, British Red Cross Digital impact conference

metricsengagementweb metrics
What is marketing automation
What is marketing automationWhat is marketing automation
What is marketing automation

Marketing automation involves using technology to automate marketing tasks like targeted email campaigns. It integrates platforms like websites, CRMs, and marketing automation platforms to deliver personalized messages based on user behaviors and data. Companies that effectively nurture leads through marketing automation generate more leads at a lower cost. Marketing automation elevates marketing efforts by automating tasks like data enrichment, nurture programs, abandonment messages, and lifecycle messaging without large budgets. Popular marketing automation platforms include Hubspot, Marketo, and Pardot. Agencies looking to offer marketing automation services should invest in a platform, become certified, and provide services like integration, training, and content creation.

marketing automation
4. Tags Missing From Pages
• Pages not being recorded at all
• Self referrals from your own domain name
• Incorrectly recorded landing pages
How to spot
• Use a crawling tool such as WASP or Screaming Frog to search the
UA code on the page
• Maintain a list of all page types and monitor on a regular basis
– Custom Alerts will give you an early warning
5. Too Many Google Analytics Tags
• Your bounce rate drops to zero
• Multiple sets of data running around your organisation
How to spot
• Use either HTTPFox , Google Analytics Debug or WASP to see which
tags are being fired
• If using Wordpress or CMS check which plugins are being used
• Hunt through the source code till you’ve find them and work out
which one can go
6. Mixing ‘Classic’ and Universal Code on the same site
• Multiple sessions being recorded
• No guarantee that your data will be recorded correctly
How to spot
• Use a crawling tool such as Screaming Frog or Wasp Crawler to
crawl your site and look for tags on the site
• Upgrade the site to Universal Analytics
You can run classic and Universal side on the same page without any issues.
This refers to using classic in one section and universal in another
7. Set Domain Name Not Set Or Misconfigured
• Traffic from other sites can appear in your domain
• Visits from come in as separate visits
How to spot
• Pages start appearing that don’t belong to your site
• Your subdomains appear as referrers
• Universal - Add the domain name to the referrer exclusion list
• Add the setdomainname into the your GA code (classic)

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This document provides an overview of Google Analytics 101. It discusses creating a measurement plan by defining business objectives, goals, key performance indicators and targets. It covers the different types of reporting in Google Analytics including audience, acquisition, behavior and conversions. It also discusses implementation of Google Analytics and the differences between classic and universal analytics. The document emphasizes creating a measurement plan and using Google Analytics reporting to inform business decisions.

Google Analytics: Introduction & User Training
Google Analytics: Introduction & User TrainingGoogle Analytics: Introduction & User Training
Google Analytics: Introduction & User Training

Google Analytics: Introduction & User Training are the slides from our public training courses - Seminars for Success in association with Google.

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Chapter 9 - Analytics
Chapter 9 - AnalyticsChapter 9 - Analytics
Chapter 9 - Analytics

Learn more about Google Analytics, how to create a google analytics account, how to read google analytics metrics, how to navigate the google analytics console. Reference is the Google Analytics Demo Account. Google Analytics is a free analytical tool for measuring the performance of a website, blog, mobile app, or an e-commerce site.

google analyticsgoogle adwordsgoogle
8. Your Code Deployed On Other Sites
• Inflated visits
• Affects all of your metrics
How to spot
• Look at Year on Year patterns for anything that looks runs unusal
• Use Custom Alerts to alert you to any big increases in traffic
• Remove the incorrect filter
• Set a filter to only include traffic from your hostname
8. Your Code Deployed On Other Sites
• Main site and shop on a subdomain
• Intention was to setup two Google Analytics accounts
– Cross domain tracking not possible for “techical reasons”
• The shop fired both accounts
• Vists from the shop ended up in the main account
• Over the year, figures overinflated by 52%
9. Forgetting To Exclude Yourself / Client / Employees
• Inflated visitor figures
• Inflated conversion rates from all those tests you run
How to spot
• Look and see in Audience > Technology > Networks for large
amounts of traffic from one network
• Large visitor numbers from countries outside your target market
• Use a filter to exclude all known static IP addresses and known ISP
• If you have a lot of visits coming from dynamic IP’s, consider using
a custom variables / custom dimensions
10. Not Enabling Cross Domain Tracking
• New sessions created as you move between domains
• No true picture of the user journey
How to spot
• Traffic coming in from other subdomains or domains within your
• Deploy cross domain tracking
• Google Tag Manager and Universal Analytics make this a far
simpler process

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Content Marketing Retreat: Measurement with Google Analytics
Content Marketing Retreat: Measurement with Google Analytics Content Marketing Retreat: Measurement with Google Analytics
Content Marketing Retreat: Measurement with Google Analytics

This document summarizes a content marketing retreat focused on using Google Analytics to measure content marketing efforts. The retreat covers measuring key metrics, establishing benchmarks, determining important metrics to track, iterating measurement based on insights, and new Google Analytics features for social media analytics, custom dashboards, and multi-channel attribution. Attendees are encouraged to ask questions about how their efforts are affecting customer behavior and business objectives in order to continuously improve performance.

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Introduction to web analytics and the Google analytics platform pdf

An introduction to Google Analytics - tracking and understanding user behaviour on your website. Sussex guru Julian Erbsloeh - Head of Insight at Fresh Egg, explains in a little detail to the members of Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce at Northbrook College, Worthing. For a PDF version of the presentation please click the link here See and hear Julian on the YouTube Video version of this presentation:

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20210309 Google Analytics - UGent
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20210309 Google Analytics - UGent

Lois Leen gave a presentation on Google Analytics. She discussed the differences between the current Universal Analytics version and the new GA4 version, including pros and cons of each. She covered setting up a measurement plan, collecting data through the Google Analytics tracking code, and navigating the key reports for understanding audience, acquisition, behavior, and conversions. Leen also explained how to track events and configure goals to measure business objectives. The presentation included exercises for attendees to practice working with reports and setting up goals.

google analyticsgoogle analytics 4web analytics
11. Excluding Known Browser Bots
• Inflated visitor figures
• Distorted metrics
How to spot
• High levels of direct traffic with 100% bounce rate
• Look and see in Audience > Technology > Networks for large
amounts of traffic from one network
• Visits coming from Mozilla User Agent
• Use a filter to exclude IP address and networks
12. Excluding Malicious Browser Bots
• Inflated referring sites visits
• Distorted metrics
How to spot
• Look for ‘Semalt’ or ‘Buttons for
• Other referring web sites that have
100% bounce rates
• Enable the Bot Filtering in View > View
• Create a filter to exclude traffic from
Semalt and Buttons
13. Not QA’ing Code in the Browser
• Data either not recorded or wrong
• If not spotted in time, long term data quality issues
• People stop trusting the data
How to spot
• Immediate drops in data
• Look for code
– wrapped in comment tags
– no code at all
• Use HTTPFox , Google Analytics Debug or WASP to check whether
the GIF is being fired
• Have a test GA view that simulates the standard account
13. Not QA’ing Code in the Browser

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Google Analytics Overview
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Google Analytics Overview

Is your company starting to implement online marketing strategies such as SEO, PPC or social media? If this is the case, are you tracking your efforts through a web analytics platform like Google Analytics? If not, you may be wasting your time as you have no idea which strategies are driving traffic and converting visitors to leads or sales. If you are utilizing Google Analytics, what metrics are you looking at to determine campaign effectiveness? This presentation will provide info on the following: Google Analytics setup, advanced reporting features and reports offered by Google's free analytics platform. Learn how to measure your efforts, and better understand what success looks like.

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Geary LSF's Growth & Development task force behind the Geary LSF University offers classes on everything ranging from Analytics to Social Media to Project Management and more. This presentation by Geary LSF's Director of Analytics was used to educate team members on the basics of Analytics and how we use Analytics to benefit our clients.

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My Measurecamp slides from my presentation. Will also be writing up a blog post covering this in more details and will post updates here and in the g+ community

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13. Not QA’ing Code in the Browser
14: Losing UTM & Gclid Codes Due To Redirects
• Marketing information not correctly recorded
• Increase in direct traffic
How to spot
• Direct traffic is far higher than you’d expect
• Missing medium and sources
• Use HTTPFox to analyse the redirects and see what gets stripped
• Discuss with your developers the most efficient way of developing
the redirects that handle the codes
15. Not Linking Adwords to Analytics
• All Adwords traffic is reported as organic
• Lose your Matched Search Query report
How to spot
• Nothing reported in the Adwords section
• Link Adwords to Analytics
16. Not Tagging Campaigns
• Visits appear as referrals or direct
– Email will appear as or direct
– Display campaigns just appear in the referring sites
How to spot
• Peaks in direct traffic or referring traffic when email is sent out
• No campaign traffic when you’re running them
• Email - talk to your ESP about the most effective way to tag your
• Teach those who run campaigns how to tag them

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Presentation from Superweek 2015 on the actions that can be taken to overcome the barriers to the use of Digital Analytics.

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A quick presentation about A/B testing pitfalls you should be aware of. Things that influence your A/B tests and the results you get out them. I

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The document discusses using Unix-based systems like Linux and Mac OS X for ETL processes involving data cleaning and transformation. It explains that Unix is well-suited for this task as it allows processing data through a sequence of commands in a flexible and reproducible way. The document then covers Unix principles like having small focused tools that can be chained together using pipes, and how silence from commands indicates success. It provides examples of using Unix commands and scripting to perform common ETL tasks like counting lines, summing values, fixing dates and loading data into a database.

dataanalyticsbig data
17. Using Campaign Tracking for Internal Promotions
• Existing medium / source / campaign information overwritten
• New sessions are started
How to spot
• People ‘landing’ on pages that don’t make sense such as
• Medium, Source and Campaign tags that refer to internal
• Remove the tags
• Replace them with events
• Look at Universal Enhanced Ecommerce for banner tracking
18. Events Being Fired on Page Load
• Drops the bounce rate to zero for
that page
• Affects the overall bounce rate
How to spot
• Use HTTPFox, Google Analytics
Debug or WASP to see what is being
sent back to Google and what is
firing the event
• Set the event to be a non-interaction
19. None or One Thank You Page for All Forms
• Incorrect conversion rates
How to spot
• Goals have almost identical conversion rates
• Create separate thank you pages
• Set the pageview element to record a distinct name for each form
• Fire an event when the form is successfully completed
– Downside is you can’t create a funnel
20. Goals Incorrectly Setup
• Incorrect conversion rates
• Zero conversions
How to spot
• Funnels that don’t look right
– bulge in the middle
– same numbers for each step
• Use regex to tightly define goals
• Test, Test and Test again

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Customer Lifetime Value
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Customer Lifetime Value

Basic information on Customer Lifetime Value models. - Demything frequent doubts with CLV. - You can not calculate CLV in Google Analytics. - First steps and outputs that you have to prepare when thinking about CLV. - Presentation of possible outputs a CLV model can give you. - Discussion on early estimation of CLV using cohort analysis and simple models to understand what interactions lead to a success. The presentation was prepared in the pub White Swan for MeasureCamp London, March, 13, 2015.

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Internal Search - The Lost Child of Web Analytics
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Internal Search - The Lost Child of Web Analytics

Discover why you should take the time to analyse the words and phrases that people enter into the search engine on your web site. These words show the users intent and allow you to better understand their thinking. Voted 'Best Presentation' at the 2012 MeasureCamp in London

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Chi squared test for digital analytics
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This document discusses using the chi-square test for independence to analyze categorical data and determine if there is a relationship between two variables. It provides examples of chi-square test use cases, steps for implementing the test, requirements, hypothesis testing steps, and shows chi-square distribution plots. The document also includes sample code in R and analyzes a dataset on pricing plan sales across countries to determine if the number of sales is dependent on country.

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21. Session ID’s
• Increase the number of unique page names and running into
Google limits of 50,000 per table
How to spot
• 1000’s of combinations of the same name
• Exclude specific variables in the admin section
22. Other Tracking ID’s
• Increase the number of unique page
names and running into Google limits
of 50,000 per table
How to spot
1000’s of combinations of the same name
• Exclude specific variables in the admin
23. Site Search Not Implemented
• Searches recorded as page views
• Can’t use the Site Search tools to
segment traffic
How to spot
• The Content > Site Section is empty
• Look at URL’s to determine where the
query string is
• Set up site search in the Google
Analytics Admin section
24. Zero Search Results Not Tracked
• You don’t know which search terms failed to produce zero results
How to spot
• You can’t as you’re not tracking them
• Modify your search results URL to include a phrase such as
• Fire an event that contains missing search term
• Use Google Tag Manager to scrape the DOM element

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Government and commercial sites have some key differences in acquisition, forms, and tracking outcomes. Government sites are less focused on acquisition and do not market services at the individual property level. Their forms can be much longer, with over 100 fields to ensure accuracy for benefit claims. Outcomes are often determined offline, making it hard to track the full online journey. However, they also share similarities in using agile processes, relying on developers to implement code, and sometimes needing to challenge other experts to get the right analytics focus.

25. Incorrect Time Zones Set
• It’s not clear when the peak times are on your site
How to spot
• Traffic appearing at strange times, normally early in the morning
• Change the timezones within the admin section
– The change isn’t applied retrospectively
26. Incorrect Currency Set
• Transactions are recorded in the
wrong currency
– Actual number will be correct if
not specifying currency in
ecommerce data
How to spot
• The wrong currency symbol is
• Change the currency within the
View Settings
27. Default Page Set Incorrectly
• Pages created that don’t actually
• Can break goals
How to spot
• All directories contain the
default page
• Before removing it, see if has
been used in goals and
28. Not Setting All Pages To Lower Case
• End up with duplicate pages
– Happens on Windows IIS servers
which are not case sensitive
How to spot
• Pages will appear as two separate
• Eyeball pages names to check for
any issues
• Setup a lower case custom filter

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Getting to the People Behind The Keywords
Getting to the People Behind The KeywordsGetting to the People Behind The Keywords
Getting to the People Behind The Keywords

This document discusses an improved approach to keyword analysis that focuses on classifying keywords by the intent and lifecycle stage of the people using them, rather than just analyzing keywords individually. It involves identifying expected search behaviors, building ways to segment data into personas, establishing goals for each persona, and analyzing actual user behavior to identify optimization opportunities. The approach is applied at scale using tools like Google Analytics and custom dimensions to group keywords and slice the data in various ways. This helps uncover different types of visitors and their potential value to the business.

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This document discusses funnel views in Google Analytics and how to set them up. Funnel views allow you to group similar website content types together to understand the overall user flow and where users are dropping off. The best way to define the groups is with a custom dimension that tags each piece of content with its type. This approach is language agnostic and more reliable than using URLs. Once set up, funnel views provide a high-level view of user paths and can help identify failing content to improve conversions.

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I will look at 3 areas: 1. Reducing cost 2. Increasing conversions/revenue 3. Automating reducing cost & increasing revenue Reports I will cover are: 1. Best & worse landing pages 2. Best & worse internal Site Search 3. Pages by revenue contribution 4. Broken pages by referral 5. Marketing Channels pivoted by new users 6. Simple Engagement Scoring using goal values & userId 7. 3d Motion Chart to show Revenue vs Sales vs CPA/ROI 8. Intelligent Alerts – what changed & whats broken 9. Custom Alerts – based on your business logic 10. GoogleSheets Alerts & GA embed API Prerequisite: You will get most value from this event if you bring a laptop & have a Google Analytics account already. Please subscribe via meet-up so I have an idea of numbers. Thanks! Phil. 07723012727 ----------------------------------------------------- Note: I`ll add upload the slides after then event Phil.

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29. Agencies creating Properties Not Accounts
• Hassles when trying to get admin access to accounts
How to spot
• Agencies refusing access to accounts
• Shoot a short video explaining how to change the user
30. Deleting Your Google Analytics Account
• Your data has gone!
How to spot
• The account doesn’t appear to be there
• Select the Trash Can icon to recover the
– You have 35 days to recover account
31. Not Correctly Tracking 404 Pages
• If you have no clear 404 page or way of identifying it, then data
from the error pages gets mixed up with live pages
How to spot
• Enter a URL that you know doesn’t exist
• Typically, sites will do one of the following
– Show a dedicated 404 error page on it’s own unique URL
– Show the a 404 error message on the URL you entered
• Fire an event or virtual page view to identify the pages
• Lunametrics has a good article on tracking 404’s using Google Tag

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31 Ways To Destroy Your Google Analytics Implementation

  • 1. 31 Ways to destroy your Google Analytics implementation Charles Meaden Digital Nation
  • 2. 30 seconds about me • Founder of Digital Nation • Been using web analytics in one form or another for 20 years • Using Google Analytics since it was launched
  • 3. The Spirit of Measurecamp
  • 4. A Lesson From My First Boss •Shit in •Shit out
  • 5. It Used To Be So Easy • 20 years ago, all we had to was process log files • It’s quite difficult to corrupt a log file
  • 6. Aggregation of Marginal Gains
  • 7. We Shouldn’t Be Having This Talk • If everyone associated with web analytics on a project did their job properly • So who’s to blame..
  • 8. 1. Marketing Teams • ‘Don’t have the time’ – to write a proper brief – tag campaigns – keep people informed of new campaigns • ‘Its not my job’ attitudes • Won’t take the time to learn
  • 9. 2. Developers • Insist they know the best place to add tracking codes • Won’t read technical briefs or just cherry pick from them • Don’t see the need to comment or document their code • And my all time favourite • Not testing their code in a browser to make sure it deploys correctly
  • 10. 3. Digital Agencies • “Of course we know analytics” • Just adding the code onto the page and nothing else • Not taking the time to understand what the client wants • Don’t see how they can make money from this
  • 11. Why Do Mistakes Happen  Lack of knowledge prevents sites from being tagged correctly  Organisations don’t truly value the data from their tools and won’t commit sufficient budgets to getting them setup correctly  Agencies who claim ‘expert’ knowledge of analytics yet don’t even exclude the IP address of the client  Not enough attention being paid to analytics, so mistakes are not spotted for weeks or months
  • 12. You can help • If there is anything I’ve missed let me know and I’ll add it to this deck • Get hold of me via – – Twitter: @charlesmeaden – Linkedin:
  • 13. 4. Tags Missing From Pages Consequence • Pages not being recorded at all • Self referrals from your own domain name • Incorrectly recorded landing pages How to spot • Use a crawling tool such as WASP or Screaming Frog to search the UA code on the page Fix • Maintain a list of all page types and monitor on a regular basis – Custom Alerts will give you an early warning
  • 14. 5. Too Many Google Analytics Tags Consequence • Your bounce rate drops to zero • Multiple sets of data running around your organisation How to spot • Use either HTTPFox , Google Analytics Debug or WASP to see which tags are being fired • If using Wordpress or CMS check which plugins are being used Fix • Hunt through the source code till you’ve find them and work out which one can go
  • 15. 6. Mixing ‘Classic’ and Universal Code on the same site Consequence • Multiple sessions being recorded • No guarantee that your data will be recorded correctly How to spot • Use a crawling tool such as Screaming Frog or Wasp Crawler to crawl your site and look for tags on the site Fix • Upgrade the site to Universal Analytics You can run classic and Universal side on the same page without any issues. This refers to using classic in one section and universal in another
  • 16. 7. Set Domain Name Not Set Or Misconfigured Consequence • Traffic from other sites can appear in your domain • Visits from come in as separate visits How to spot • Pages start appearing that don’t belong to your site • Your subdomains appear as referrers Fix • Universal - Add the domain name to the referrer exclusion list • Add the setdomainname into the your GA code (classic)
  • 17. 8. Your Code Deployed On Other Sites Consequence • Inflated visits • Affects all of your metrics How to spot • Look at Year on Year patterns for anything that looks runs unusal • Use Custom Alerts to alert you to any big increases in traffic Fix • Remove the incorrect filter • Set a filter to only include traffic from your hostname
  • 18. 8. Your Code Deployed On Other Sites Consequence • Main site and shop on a subdomain • Intention was to setup two Google Analytics accounts – Cross domain tracking not possible for “techical reasons” • The shop fired both accounts • Vists from the shop ended up in the main account • Over the year, figures overinflated by 52%
  • 19. 9. Forgetting To Exclude Yourself / Client / Employees Consequence • Inflated visitor figures • Inflated conversion rates from all those tests you run How to spot • Look and see in Audience > Technology > Networks for large amounts of traffic from one network • Large visitor numbers from countries outside your target market Fix • Use a filter to exclude all known static IP addresses and known ISP names • If you have a lot of visits coming from dynamic IP’s, consider using a custom variables / custom dimensions
  • 20. 10. Not Enabling Cross Domain Tracking Consequence • New sessions created as you move between domains • No true picture of the user journey How to spot • Traffic coming in from other subdomains or domains within your organisation Fix • Deploy cross domain tracking • Google Tag Manager and Universal Analytics make this a far simpler process
  • 21. 11. Excluding Known Browser Bots Consequence • Inflated visitor figures • Distorted metrics How to spot • High levels of direct traffic with 100% bounce rate • Look and see in Audience > Technology > Networks for large amounts of traffic from one network • Visits coming from Mozilla User Agent Fix • Use a filter to exclude IP address and networks
  • 22. 12. Excluding Malicious Browser Bots Consequence • Inflated referring sites visits • Distorted metrics How to spot • Look for ‘Semalt’ or ‘Buttons for Websites’ • Other referring web sites that have 100% bounce rates Fix • Enable the Bot Filtering in View > View Settings • Create a filter to exclude traffic from Semalt and Buttons
  • 23. 13. Not QA’ing Code in the Browser Consequence • Data either not recorded or wrong • If not spotted in time, long term data quality issues • People stop trusting the data How to spot • Immediate drops in data • Look for code – wrapped in comment tags – no code at all Fix • Use HTTPFox , Google Analytics Debug or WASP to check whether the GIF is being fired • Have a test GA view that simulates the standard account
  • 24. 13. Not QA’ing Code in the Browser
  • 25. 13. Not QA’ing Code in the Browser
  • 26. 14: Losing UTM & Gclid Codes Due To Redirects Consequence • Marketing information not correctly recorded • Increase in direct traffic How to spot • Direct traffic is far higher than you’d expect • Missing medium and sources • Use HTTPFox to analyse the redirects and see what gets stripped out Fix • Discuss with your developers the most efficient way of developing the redirects that handle the codes
  • 27. 15. Not Linking Adwords to Analytics Consequence • All Adwords traffic is reported as organic • Lose your Matched Search Query report How to spot • Nothing reported in the Adwords section Fix • Link Adwords to Analytics
  • 28. 16. Not Tagging Campaigns Consequence • Visits appear as referrals or direct – Email will appear as or direct – Display campaigns just appear in the referring sites How to spot • Peaks in direct traffic or referring traffic when email is sent out • No campaign traffic when you’re running them Fix • Email - talk to your ESP about the most effective way to tag your pages • Teach those who run campaigns how to tag them
  • 29. 17. Using Campaign Tracking for Internal Promotions Consequence • Existing medium / source / campaign information overwritten • New sessions are started How to spot • People ‘landing’ on pages that don’t make sense such as • Medium, Source and Campaign tags that refer to internal Fix • Remove the tags • Replace them with events • Look at Universal Enhanced Ecommerce for banner tracking
  • 30. 18. Events Being Fired on Page Load Consequence • Drops the bounce rate to zero for that page • Affects the overall bounce rate How to spot • Use HTTPFox, Google Analytics Debug or WASP to see what is being sent back to Google and what is firing the event Fix • Set the event to be a non-interaction event
  • 31. 19. None or One Thank You Page for All Forms Consequence • Incorrect conversion rates How to spot • Goals have almost identical conversion rates Fix • Create separate thank you pages • Set the pageview element to record a distinct name for each form • Fire an event when the form is successfully completed – Downside is you can’t create a funnel
  • 32. 20. Goals Incorrectly Setup Consequence • Incorrect conversion rates • Zero conversions How to spot • Funnels that don’t look right – bulge in the middle – same numbers for each step Fix • Use regex to tightly define goals • Test, Test and Test again
  • 33. 21. Session ID’s Consequence • Increase the number of unique page names and running into Google limits of 50,000 per table How to spot • 1000’s of combinations of the same name Fix • Exclude specific variables in the admin section
  • 34. 22. Other Tracking ID’s Consequence • Increase the number of unique page names and running into Google limits of 50,000 per table How to spot 1000’s of combinations of the same name Fix • Exclude specific variables in the admin section
  • 35. 23. Site Search Not Implemented Consequence • Searches recorded as page views • Can’t use the Site Search tools to segment traffic How to spot • The Content > Site Section is empty Fix • Look at URL’s to determine where the query string is – search_query=zoo • Set up site search in the Google Analytics Admin section
  • 36. 24. Zero Search Results Not Tracked Consequence • You don’t know which search terms failed to produce zero results How to spot • You can’t as you’re not tracking them Fix • Modify your search results URL to include a phrase such as noresults – • Fire an event that contains missing search term • Use Google Tag Manager to scrape the DOM element
  • 37. 25. Incorrect Time Zones Set Consequence • It’s not clear when the peak times are on your site How to spot • Traffic appearing at strange times, normally early in the morning Fix • Change the timezones within the admin section – The change isn’t applied retrospectively
  • 38. 26. Incorrect Currency Set Consequence • Transactions are recorded in the wrong currency – Actual number will be correct if not specifying currency in ecommerce data How to spot • The wrong currency symbol is shown Fix • Change the currency within the View Settings
  • 39. 27. Default Page Set Incorrectly Consequence • Pages created that don’t actually exist • Can break goals How to spot • All directories contain the default page Fix • Before removing it, see if has been used in goals and segments
  • 40. 28. Not Setting All Pages To Lower Case Consequence • End up with duplicate pages – Happens on Windows IIS servers which are not case sensitive How to spot • Pages will appear as two separate rows Fix • Eyeball pages names to check for any issues • Setup a lower case custom filter
  • 41. 29. Agencies creating Properties Not Accounts Consequence • Hassles when trying to get admin access to accounts How to spot • Agencies refusing access to accounts Fix • Shoot a short video explaining how to change the user accounts
  • 42. 30. Deleting Your Google Analytics Account Consequence • Your data has gone! How to spot • The account doesn’t appear to be there Fix • Select the Trash Can icon to recover the account – You have 35 days to recover account
  • 43. 31. Not Correctly Tracking 404 Pages Consequence • If you have no clear 404 page or way of identifying it, then data from the error pages gets mixed up with live pages How to spot • Enter a URL that you know doesn’t exist • Typically, sites will do one of the following – Show a dedicated 404 error page on it’s own unique URL – Show the a 404 error message on the URL you entered Fix • Fire an event or virtual page view to identify the pages • Lunametrics has a good article on tracking 404’s using Google Tag Manager