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Apache Flex ...
… and the imperfect Web
          Presented by
         Sebastian Mohr

       July 5th 2012, Berlin
About me
     HTML / Javascript Developer (2000 - 2006)
     Flex Developer since Summer 2006
     Mate, Robotlegs, Parsley, Spring AS, Swiz
     Study of Cognitive Science, Osnabrueck
     W3C Fan, Semantic Web, Open Web
     Apache Flex PPMC since November 2011
The imperfect Web
Gary Oldman explains why “Graffiti“ - or the “imperfect Web“
respectively - is great for the world ...

              Watch video:
The imperfect Web is:
●   Webbrowsers: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera
●   Markups: XHTML, SVG, SMIL, MXML (Flex), XAML
    (Silverlight), FXML (JavaFX), WebGL, X3D, XForm, XPath,
    XML, XSLT, XQuery, RDF, OWL, ...
●   Script-Engines: ECMAScript, Javascript, Actionscript,
●   Ajax & JS-Libs: JQuery, ExtJS, Dojo, Prototype, MochiKit,
    PhoneGap, Rhomobile, Sencha, ...
●   Devices: Desktop, Mobile, TV
●   Mobile OS: iOS, Android, Windows Mobile

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This document summarizes a presentation about Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) given by Alexandru Badiu. It begins by explaining some of the shortcomings of test-driven development (TDD), such as not being able to test full functionality and refactoring dependency on early tests. It then describes the key features of BDD, including using a common language that all stakeholders can understand, producing tests, documentation, and specifications, and supporting tools like Gherkin and Cucumber. The document provides examples of how BDD is implemented in PHP using Behat and in Drupal using the Behat Drupal Extension. It concludes by inviting the audience to discuss employment opportunities.

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Front-End 개발의 괜찮은 선택 ES6 & React
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The document discusses the history and challenges of front-end development. It notes that initially there were many different front-end tools that made selection difficult. Frameworks became popular but could be incompatible and difficult to decouple. It suggests that ES6 and React provide a good foundation for building front-ends, as React code can be written in ES6 and they avoid issues of other frameworks.

Seven ways to be a happier JavaScript developer - NDC Oslo
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Seven ways to be a happier JavaScript developer - NDC Oslo

JavaScript is a bigger world than a language these days. Time to take stock and find happiness in that world.

Web History (2005 - 2011)

Read article:
The Web Today
                          HTML /                   Flashplayer            Silverlight 5      Java
                          Javascript               11                                        (Applets)

 Runtime                  Dependent on             GPU support            GPU support,       GPU support,
 Features                 Web Browser                                     Multithreading     Multithreading

 Markup                   XHTML 1.1,               FXG 2.0, MXML          XAML               FXML
 Language                 HTML5, SVG

 Scripting                Javascript               Actionscript           JScript            Java, JRuby,
 Language                                                                                    Groovy

 Interaction              Adobe Muse,              Adobe Flash            Microsoft          JavaFX Scene
 Design Tools             Adobe Edge,              Catalyst, Adobe        Expression         Builder
                          Adobe Proto              Flash Pro              Blend
 Developer                Eclipse, Adobe           Adobe Flash            Microsoft Visual   Eclipse
 Tools                    Dreamweaver              Pro, Adobe             Studio
                                                   Flash Builder

Read article:
Thank you Tim for ...
+++ HTTP

--- HTML

                     Tim Berners-Lee,
Flash Everywhere?
         ●   Adobe AIR 4+ for Mobile
         ●   Flashplayer 12+ with
             Multithreading and better GPU-
         ●   Flashplayer 12+ great for Flash-
             Games and Apache Flex

         ●   Adobe Open Screen Project?
         ●   Faster Mobile-CPUs each year →
             Flashplayer 12+ for Mobile again?
         ●   Flash-2-HTML Converter?

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This document discusses HTML5 and web technologies. It provides an agenda and overview of key topics including what HTML5 is, how it evolves HTML incrementally, and new APIs like drag and drop, forms, canvas, and web sockets. It also discusses cross-browser support, uses of technologies like CSS3, SVG and WebGL across devices, and references for further information.

Hinting at a better web
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Hinting at a better web

This document discusses ways to improve how web developers learn best practices through browser and tooling improvements. It suggests that linting and inline insights directly in code editors could help prevent mistakes by flagging issues early. A tool called webhint is highlighted that provides one-stop checking and explanations of hints related to performance, accessibility, security and more. The document advocates for customizing hints based on a project's specific needs and environment. Overall, it argues for accelerated learning through context-sensitive, customizable best practices integrated into development workflows.

Enterprise makeover. Be a good web citizen, deliver continuously and change y...
Enterprise makeover. Be a good web citizen, deliver continuously and change y...Enterprise makeover. Be a good web citizen, deliver continuously and change y...
Enterprise makeover. Be a good web citizen, deliver continuously and change y...

Microservices, cloud, continuous delivery heavily influenced how modern teams build software systems. Come to this talk to learn how our team rebuild frontend stack of several newspapers significantly reducing cycle time and creating fun work environment that lets great developers be great. Some of the things I’ll share: - how respecting the Web makes us faster - what we learned running 12factor apps on Heroku - nuances of Continuous Delivery that you won’t find in books - thinking process behind our decisions and some of the change patterns we used Video:

12factorprogressive enhancementrest
What should we occupy?

                                        Occupy Wallstreet

                             Occupy Flash & Occupy HTML 5

                              Occupy W3C & Occupy ECMA Int.
                                   Not occupied yet:                          Not occupied yet:

Read article:
Where is Apache Flex in 2050?
    Apache Flex might not be necessary if:
          Single Webbrowser / Webengine (Webkit?)
          RIA-HTML (Audio, Video, 3D, Text) (HTML 6?)
          Binary HTML (like SWF?)
          Semantic Web interface included into HTML
          Stronger Javascript / ECMAScript - Engine
            –   Typed Objects
            –   Packages / OOP

Read article:
Spoon Foundation Ecosystem

See presentation by Justin Mclean:
Personal Survey (1)
  Which Model-View-Controller (MVC) Microarchitectures
  have you used in your Flex projects?

See personal survey:

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We are obsessed with coding and creating automated workflows and optimisations. And yet our final products aren't making it easy for people to use them. Somewhere, we lost empathy for our end users and other developers. Maybe it is time to change that. Here are some ideas.

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JS Module Server

Why packaging javascript as a static asset leads nowhere on the long run? Possible solution is rethinking the way the javascript is served

Angular 1.x reloaded: improve your app now! and get ready for 2.0
Angular 1.x reloaded:  improve your app now! and get ready for 2.0Angular 1.x reloaded:  improve your app now! and get ready for 2.0
Angular 1.x reloaded: improve your app now! and get ready for 2.0

The buzz about the upcoming major reincarnation of AngularJS, with its hot mix of excitement and critics, has somehow shadowed the immediate gains enabled by the recent 1.3 and 1.4 releases. This code-based talk will introduce concepts such as the "Controller As" syntax, component-based directives, the new router and bind once, to demonstrate how mixing these currently available Angular features with good design patterns (and a bit of ES6) provides concrete improvements in performance, modularity, testability and developer productivity to our apps now. Furthermore, it will show how the main ideas at the basis of Angular 2.0 (API simplification, consistency, even more componentization and interoperability with ES6 and Web Components) can be applied to the design and implementation of 1.x applications, helping us both being more productive now & simplifying the upgrade to the "new" Angular.

Personal Survey (2)
How many MXML files do you have in your latest Flex

See personal survey:
Goals for Apache Flex
●   Strengthening large-scale Flex applications
●   Highly productive and fast development environment
●   Flex code should be easily mergeable across different flex projects worldwide
●   Flex code should be based on coding standards
●   Flex code should be sustainable and easily maintainable
●   There should be more highly skilled Flex Developers around
●   Developer tools should be easy to be used and should help the
    designer/developer to be more productive
●   The Flashplayer - "Actionscript Virtual Machine" (AVM) respectively - should
    be as powerful as the "Java Virtual Machine" (JVM)
●   The Adobe Flash Catalyst should be as powerful as Microsoft Expression

    Read article:
Masuland „Login Example“ for Web,
                           Desktop and Mobile

See code examples:
Is coding „fun“?
           At the beginning … probably true!
●   Coding is work
●   Goal-Driven Development … work, work, work, work, work, work -> HAPPY
●   Social-Driven Development – mental hygiene & social hygiene
●   An architecture often proves its quality at the end of the project
●   Desirable: Less frustrations and high success/motivation while working on
    bugs and features of your app
●   The more features in your app, the more dependencies you have to deal with
●   Testability of your code
●   Optimal development environment and configuration
●   Anarchy vs. coding conventions / design patterns
●   Artistic freedom of your software engineers

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This document discusses the challenges of large monolithic frontend applications and proposes microfrontends as an architectural approach to address these challenges. It describes different patterns for implementing microfrontends, including mini single-page applications (SPAs) separated by links, a single SPA with multiple independently developed components, and using web components for tighter integration. Key challenges discussed are performance, shared dependencies, and inter-component communication. Examples and demos of single-spa and Angular elements are also referenced.

Do Try This At Home
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Presented by Brian Dillard (Pathfinder Development). This Web 2.0 Expo 2008 (San Francisco) session examines the ways in which standards bodies, browser vendors and library/plug-in authors are shaping the future of our foundational web technologies - and how individual developers can participate in that process. Brian's Blog: Brian's Company:

Firefox Developer Tools
Firefox Developer ToolsFirefox Developer Tools
Firefox Developer Tools

This document provides an agenda for Developer Tools slides presented by Tomoya Asai at a Mozilla Workshop in Tokyo on October 6th, 2011. The agenda includes introductions to the Web Console, Inspector (Highlighter), Style Editor, CSS Doctor, Scratchpad, GCLI (Graphical CLI), and Source Map developer tools. Links are provided for further information and video demonstrations of some of the tools. The presentation aims to demonstrate various developer tools and allow time for questions.

Apache Flex Layers

Read article:
Architectural Pattern /

See Nanoarchitectures:
Application Development
1. Application Code that shows the working application with
source code available
2. Specification Document which explains the purpose of the
application and collects all its requirements
3. Application Coding Standard which consists of a collection
of Architectural Patterns and underlying Coding Conventions in
the code
     3.1. Architectural Patterns just like "Model-View-
     Controller" (MVC), "Model-View-Presenter" (MVP),
     "Presentation Model" (PM) ... etc.
     3.2. Coding Conventions on the basis of Flex 3 or Flex 4

Read definition page:
Read definition page:

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A Period of Transition
A Period of TransitionA Period of Transition
A Period of Transition

Talk held on a Smashing Magazine Meetup February, 27th 2012 in Frankfurt (Germany) about current problems with developers, designers and clients in front-end development

2013 04-02-server-side-backbone
2013 04-02-server-side-backbone2013 04-02-server-side-backbone
2013 04-02-server-side-backbone

This document discusses using a proxy server to render single page applications for search engines and legacy browsers. It introduces the concept of a server-side backbone that runs the same backbone application code on both the client and server. This allows rendering the initial HTML on the server to avoid problems with robots and speeds up loading for users. It also discusses some of the challenges in implementing this approach like emulating the DOM and browser APIs on the server. Overall it presents server-side rendering as a way to solve crawlability and legacy browser support problems for single page apps.

backbone.js node.js cheerio jquery
Firefox os how large open source project works
Firefox os   how large open source project worksFirefox os   how large open source project works
Firefox os how large open source project works

This document summarizes a presentation about how the large open source Firefox OS project works. It discusses fundamentals like version control using Mercurial and Git, issue tracking with Bugzilla, continuous integration using Travis and TBPL/Jenkins for daily builds. It also covers collaboration tools like Wikis, emails, and video conferencing used by the geographically distributed team. The presentation aims to provide insights for other projects on building an open source project at Mozilla's scale.

Thank you!
●   Apache Flex Community Revue July 2012,
●   Apache Flex 4.8 Release Candidate,
●   Apache Flex News,
●   Apache Flex Wiki,
●   Apache Flex Mailing Lists,
●   Apache Flex JIRA,
●   Apache Flex Blog,
●   Adobe Flex,
●   Adobe Flex Roadmap,
●   Adobe Flashplayer Roadmap,
●   Masuland „Login Example“,

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Apache Flex and the imperfect Web

  • 1. Apache Flex ... … and the imperfect Web Presented by Sebastian Mohr July 5th 2012, Berlin
  • 2. About me ● HTML / Javascript Developer (2000 - 2006) ● Flex Developer since Summer 2006 ● Mate, Robotlegs, Parsley, Spring AS, Swiz ● Study of Cognitive Science, Osnabrueck ● W3C Fan, Semantic Web, Open Web Technologies ● Apache Flex PPMC since November 2011 Homepage: Twitter: LinkedIn:
  • 3. The imperfect Web Gary Oldman explains why “Graffiti“ - or the “imperfect Web“ respectively - is great for the world ... Watch video:
  • 4. The imperfect Web is: ● Webbrowsers: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera ● Markups: XHTML, SVG, SMIL, MXML (Flex), XAML (Silverlight), FXML (JavaFX), WebGL, X3D, XForm, XPath, XML, XSLT, XQuery, RDF, OWL, ... ● Script-Engines: ECMAScript, Javascript, Actionscript, JScript ● Ajax & JS-Libs: JQuery, ExtJS, Dojo, Prototype, MochiKit, PhoneGap, Rhomobile, Sencha, ... ● Devices: Desktop, Mobile, TV ● Mobile OS: iOS, Android, Windows Mobile
  • 5. Web History (2005 - 2011) Read article:
  • 6. The Web Today HTML / Flashplayer Silverlight 5 Java Javascript 11 (Applets) Runtime Dependent on GPU support GPU support, GPU support, Features Web Browser Multithreading Multithreading Markup XHTML 1.1, FXG 2.0, MXML XAML FXML Language HTML5, SVG Scripting Javascript Actionscript JScript Java, JRuby, Language Groovy Interaction Adobe Muse, Adobe Flash Microsoft JavaFX Scene Design Tools Adobe Edge, Catalyst, Adobe Expression Builder Adobe Proto Flash Pro Blend Developer Eclipse, Adobe Adobe Flash Microsoft Visual Eclipse Tools Dreamweaver Pro, Adobe Studio Flash Builder Read article:
  • 7. Thank you Tim for ... +++ HTTP +++ --- HTML Tim Berners-Lee,
  • 8. Flash Everywhere? ● Adobe AIR 4+ for Mobile ● Flashplayer 12+ with Multithreading and better GPU- support ● Flashplayer 12+ great for Flash- Games and Apache Flex ● Adobe Open Screen Project? ● Faster Mobile-CPUs each year → Flashplayer 12+ for Mobile again? ● Flash-2-HTML Converter?
  • 9. What should we occupy? Occupy Wallstreet Occupy Flash & Occupy HTML 5 Occupy W3C & Occupy ECMA Int. Not occupied yet: Not occupied yet: Read article:
  • 10. Where is Apache Flex in 2050? ● Apache Flex might not be necessary if: ● Single Webbrowser / Webengine (Webkit?) ● RIA-HTML (Audio, Video, 3D, Text) (HTML 6?) ● Binary HTML (like SWF?) ● Semantic Web interface included into HTML ● Stronger Javascript / ECMAScript - Engine – Typed Objects – Packages / OOP Read article:
  • 11. Spoon Foundation Ecosystem See presentation by Justin Mclean:
  • 12. Personal Survey (1) Which Model-View-Controller (MVC) Microarchitectures have you used in your Flex projects? See personal survey:
  • 13. Personal Survey (2) How many MXML files do you have in your latest Flex projects? See personal survey:
  • 14. Goals for Apache Flex ● Strengthening large-scale Flex applications ● Highly productive and fast development environment ● Flex code should be easily mergeable across different flex projects worldwide ● Flex code should be based on coding standards ● Flex code should be sustainable and easily maintainable ● There should be more highly skilled Flex Developers around ● Developer tools should be easy to be used and should help the designer/developer to be more productive ● The Flashplayer - "Actionscript Virtual Machine" (AVM) respectively - should be as powerful as the "Java Virtual Machine" (JVM) ● The Adobe Flash Catalyst should be as powerful as Microsoft Expression Blend Read article:
  • 15. Masuland „Login Example“ for Web, Desktop and Mobile See code examples:
  • 16. Is coding „fun“? At the beginning … probably true! ● Coding is work ● Goal-Driven Development … work, work, work, work, work, work -> HAPPY ● Social-Driven Development – mental hygiene & social hygiene ● An architecture often proves its quality at the end of the project ● Desirable: Less frustrations and high success/motivation while working on bugs and features of your app ● The more features in your app, the more dependencies you have to deal with ● Testability of your code ● Optimal development environment and configuration ● Anarchy vs. coding conventions / design patterns ● Artistic freedom of your software engineers
  • 17. Apache Flex Layers Read article:
  • 18. Architectural Pattern / Nanoarchitectures See Nanoarchitectures:
  • 19. Application Development Procedure 1. Application Code that shows the working application with source code available 2. Specification Document which explains the purpose of the application and collects all its requirements 3. Application Coding Standard which consists of a collection of Architectural Patterns and underlying Coding Conventions in the code 3.1. Architectural Patterns just like "Model-View- Controller" (MVC), "Model-View-Presenter" (MVP), "Presentation Model" (PM) ... etc. 3.2. Coding Conventions on the basis of Flex 3 or Flex 4 Read definition page:
  • 22. References ● Apache Flex Community Revue July 2012, ● Apache Flex 4.8 Release Candidate, ● Apache Flex News, ● Apache Flex Wiki, ● Apache Flex Mailing Lists, ● Apache Flex JIRA, ● Apache Flex Blog, ● Adobe Flex, ● Adobe Flex Roadmap, ● Adobe Flashplayer Roadmap, ● Masuland „Login Example“,