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Mobile Web 2.0
Four Methods for Mobile Web   1.  Do Nothing Create a site following Web Standard and let browsers do Content adaptation for mobile devices. Some browsers like iPhone Safari, S60 3 rd  Edition Reindeer or Opera Mobile are quite capable.
Four Methods for Mobile Web   2.  Reduce Images and Styling You can reduce presentational styling and images on the fly. Several resources available do the job for you. For eg. Mowser. Skweezer, Google Mobile, Feedm8, Opera Mini.
Four Methods for Mobile Web   3.  Use Handheld Stylesheets <link href=“handheld.css” rel=“stylesheet” type=“text/css” media=“handheld”>

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Todays web front-end applications architecture. All resources shared at the end of presentation. Full sources on:

Single Page Applications
Single Page ApplicationsSingle Page Applications
Single Page Applications

This document discusses Single Page Applications (SPAs) and the JavaScript framework Backbone.js. It defines SPAs as web apps that handle interactions on the client-side without needing to reach the server. The document discusses why SPAs are useful for providing a fluid user experience but can increase code complexity. It introduces Backbone components like Models, Collections, Views and the Router that help manage this complexity by enforcing structure and separating concerns. Examples are provided of how to decompose user interfaces into Views and use Backbone to encapsulate state, add routing, and follow best practices like view-model associations and event-driven communication between components.


This document discusses AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). It defines AJAX as standards-based presentation using XHTML, CSS for dynamic display, DOM for interaction, XML/XSLT for data interchange, and asynchronous retrieval of XML data using XMLHttpRequest and JavaScript binding. It describes the components of AJAX including HTML, CSS, DOM, XMLHttpRequest object. It explains asynchronous processing in AJAX and how AJAX works by fetching data from servers in the background without page refreshes. It provides examples of XMLHttpRequest and discusses advantages like faster page loads and new interface types and disadvantages like initial slowness and compatibility issues.

Four Methods for Mobile Web   4.  Create Separate Mobile Content Requires good amount of work but pays you in the long run.
Good News •  WAP (WAP 1.0) is dead. •  WAP 2.0 == subset of XHTML •  Most new age phones have HTML/XHTML Browsers •  Online Services are replacing Desktop Applications. It can be applied to Mobile World as well. •  Cell phones are selling 4 to 5 times faster than PCs.
Bad News   •  Small Screens •  Power consumption and battery drainage •  Greedy Mobile Operators still charge per KB for download •  Many unsupportive browsers and platforms. •  XHR request absent in many browsers. •  Latency SUCKS big time.
Device Detection Create mobile specific address like Subdomains like  can also be used But you still need to detect the device and redirect the user to right page

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AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is a technique for building interactive web applications where data can be updated asynchronously in the background without interfering with the display and behavior of the existing page. AJAX uses a combination of technologies like XHTML, CSS, DOM, XML, XSLT, JavaScript, and the XMLHttpRequest object to retrieve data from the server asynchronously in the background without loading the entire web page. This allows web pages to be more interactive and provides a better user experience.


This document summarizes AIDA/Web, a Smalltalk-based web application framework, and SWAZoo, a related project. AIDA/Web provides a Model-View-Controller architecture for dynamic web applications, supports web elements, session management, security, and persistence. SWAZoo aims to merge various Smalltalk web projects into a single toolkit, and includes an HTTP server, virtual servers, resource hierarchy, URL resolution, and HTTP request parsing capabilities. The document concludes by asking about Smalltalk's role in e-commerce.

Web 2.0 & Ajax Basics
Web 2.0 & Ajax BasicsWeb 2.0 & Ajax Basics
Web 2.0 & Ajax Basics

This document discusses Web 2.0 and AJAX technologies. It defines Web 2.0 as focusing on user participation, sharing, and collaboration using technologies like blogs, wikis, and AJAX. AJAX is defined as using asynchronous JavaScript and XML to update parts of a web page asynchronously without reloading the entire page. Examples of popular AJAX applications are given like Gmail and Google Maps. The technologies used in AJAX like XMLHttpRequest are discussed along with the asynchronous request-response process and browser support. Security considerations for both server-side and client-side AJAX applications are also covered.

WURFL Wireless Universal Resource File is an XML configuration file which contains information about device capabilities and features for a variety of mobile devices.  Device information is contributed by developers around the world.
WALL WALL (Wireless Abstraction Library by Luca Passani) is a  JSP   tag library  that lets a developer author mobile pages similar to plain HTML, while delivering  WML ,  C-HTML  and  XHTML Mobile Profile  to the device from which the  HTTP request  originates, depending on the actual capabilities of the device itself.  Device capabilities are queried dynamically using the WURFL API. A WALL port to PHP (called WALL4PHP) is also available.
What is Mobile Ajax (MAjax) •  Ajax on Mobile Web •  A very small subset of Web Ajax •  A way to provide Rich Internet Apps on Mobile •  The website/application is completely browser based – no software to download. •  Using the power of Ajax to manage data,  reducing latency ,  loading time  and  increases response time . •  Disruptive power of Ajax (Ajit Jaokar)
Why Mobile Ajax •  Browser based application as easier to update. Client doesn’t need to download anything. •  You don`t need to care about Operators. (except for data plans) •  Data plans are becoming very affordable. •  Smart phones with intelligent browsers are fast becoming the norm. •  Coding for the Web is easier and cost-efficient than using proprietary, platform-specific technologies.

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Spicing up SharePoint web parts
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Spicing up SharePoint web parts

From DevConnections Las Vegas, Apr 19, 2011 Whether it’s dashboards, content publishing, or day-to-day collaboration, SharePoint’s web pages usually contain lots of web parts. Using traditional post-back techniques to refresh a single web part’s content is both slow and visually annoying. This session will cover what’s possible using AJAX, custom web services, the client object model and jQuery to spice up the SharePoint web parts that you’re cooking. Boom!

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ASP .NET MVC - best practices
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ASP .NET MVC - best practices

This document provides 11 best practices for ASP.NET MVC architecture and development. It recommends deleting unused account controller code, isolating controllers from external dependencies, using an inversion of control container, avoiding magic strings, following the POST-REDIRECT-GET pattern, separating domain and view models, not using code behind in views, bundling and minifying scripts/CSS, leveraging areas, caching data, and questions the use of repositories on top of a unit of work. It also outlines common MVC layers including models, data access with repositories, a service layer, and presentation layer.

Introduction to ASP.NET MVC
Introduction to ASP.NET MVC Introduction to ASP.NET MVC
Introduction to ASP.NET MVC

This document provides an introduction to ASP.NET MVC, covering the basics of MVC including models, views, controllers, routing, security, and more. It discusses how MVC fits into today's web development with frameworks built on top of HTTP. The "good parts" of MVC are highlighted, like separation of concerns, testability, and clean HTML output. Examples are provided throughout to demonstrate key MVC concepts.

Mobile Ajax Checklist   •  Javascript support  ( Should be able to do  document.write(&quot;something&quot;);  ) •  getElementById  - read and change •  DOM - Document Object Model or at least  innerHTML  support on DIV elements (read and write) •  XMLHttpRequest or ActiveXObject
Mobile Browsers supporting Ajax  •  Opera Mobile (>= 8.x, not Opera Mini) • IE Mobile (WM 5.0/2003) • S60 3rd ed. (WebKit/KHTML core) • Minimo (Mozilla based) • OpenWave (>=Mercury) • NetFront (>=3.4) • Safari Mobile (iPhone)
JavaScript Toolkits /Frameworks Impossible to use existing JavaScript toolkits for mobile web applications Too big in size Unnecessary overload of functions which you are not going to use e.g.  Drag and Drop Were made keeping in mind Desktop Browsers not Mobile Browsers
Available Solutions Frost Ajax Library (still in pre-alpha) YUI  and DOJO frameworks support few A-grade browsers Needed cross-browser Ajax support on different platforms support weakest browser capable of Ajax small size (<7-10KB)  limited functionality in core

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Single page applications (SPAs) provide a desktop-like user experience by dynamically loading content within a single web page rather than linking between multiple pages. Key characteristics of SPAs include chunking of HTML and data, use of MVC patterns for controllers, templating for views, routing for navigation without page reloads, real-time communication with servers, and local storage of data. Challenges for SPAs include search engine optimization due to lack of JavaScript execution, maintaining browser history state, and managing the page lifecycle of progressively loading content.

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HTML Hypermedia APIs and Adaptive Web Design - RuPy
HTML Hypermedia APIs and Adaptive Web Design - RuPyHTML Hypermedia APIs and Adaptive Web Design - RuPy
HTML Hypermedia APIs and Adaptive Web Design - RuPy

The document discusses using HTML hypermedia APIs and adaptive web design together. HTML hypermedia APIs use standard HTML to build APIs that follow the hypermedia constraint, where clients interact by following links and submitting forms. Adaptive web design allows a single codebase to work across different devices by responding to features and making content and layout fluid. The document argues that HTML hypermedia APIs and adaptive web design work well together by allowing the same code and templates to be used for both the web interface and API, with separate URLs and optimizations for different perspectives. A demo is shown of a kanban board application built with this approach.


This document provides an overview of Java Server Pages (JSP) technology. It discusses that JSP allows developers to create dynamic web pages using Java code and HTML/XML. Key points covered include JSP elements like scripting elements, directives, actions; accessing request and response objects; session tracking mechanisms; and file uploading using HTML forms.

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Running Ajax In Constrained Browsers <a href=“page2.html&quot;    onclick=&quot;return !getData();&quot;> request data</a> <div id=“container&quot;>New Data can be updated here</div> Cont…
Running Ajax In Constrained Browsers (2) If  getData()  returns  true  (meaning it was able to do whatever it does) then the link's  onclick  will return  false , causing the browser not to follow the  href  attribute If  getData()  returns  false  (eg because a necessary JavaScript method was not found) then the return value &quot;true&quot; of the  onclick  attribute causes the link to be followed as if there had never been an  onclick  attribute.
Bibliography Ajit Jaokar, Bryan Rieger, Rocco Georgi: Mobile Ajax FAQ: Cameron Moll (Mobile Web Book)
Questions and Feedback About me –  Ankit Maheshwari  Co-Founder of Instablogs Network ( )  Email –  [email_address] Mob: - 91-9816664449

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This document discusses combining HTML hypermedia APIs with adaptive web design to create rich experiences despite platform fragmentation. It advocates using HTML elements like <a>, <link>, and <form> to define hypermedia controls and semantics. Content should be enhanced progressively based on capabilities. APIs and the web can be unified by treating the API as another representation of web resources, following HTTP specifications. Responsive design patterns like fluid layouts and conditional loading adapt to different contexts.

Unobtrusive js
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Unobtrusive js

This document discusses unobtrusive JavaScript and how it separates JavaScript behavior from HTML markup. Unobtrusive JavaScript allows web pages to degrade gracefully when JavaScript is disabled, as the functionality is not coupled to the document structure. It provides an example of unobtrusive JavaScript that is completely separate from the markup and reusable. The document recommends using frameworks like jQuery to select elements and enhance the user experience with JavaScript after the site functions without it.

Modern Web App Architectures
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Modern Web App Architectures

This document discusses various architectures and technologies for building web applications, including thick vs thin client architectures, MVC patterns, client vs server-side templating, RESTful vs RPC APIs, single page vs multi-page applications, and offline capabilities using technologies like AppCache and IndexedDB. It also briefly mentions responsive design, frameworks like Bootstrap and HTML5 Boilerplate, and pushing the capabilities of web applications.

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Mobile Web

  • 2. Four Methods for Mobile Web 1. Do Nothing Create a site following Web Standard and let browsers do Content adaptation for mobile devices. Some browsers like iPhone Safari, S60 3 rd Edition Reindeer or Opera Mobile are quite capable.
  • 3. Four Methods for Mobile Web 2. Reduce Images and Styling You can reduce presentational styling and images on the fly. Several resources available do the job for you. For eg. Mowser. Skweezer, Google Mobile, Feedm8, Opera Mini.
  • 4. Four Methods for Mobile Web 3. Use Handheld Stylesheets <link href=“handheld.css” rel=“stylesheet” type=“text/css” media=“handheld”>
  • 5. Four Methods for Mobile Web 4. Create Separate Mobile Content Requires good amount of work but pays you in the long run.
  • 6. Good News • WAP (WAP 1.0) is dead. • WAP 2.0 == subset of XHTML • Most new age phones have HTML/XHTML Browsers • Online Services are replacing Desktop Applications. It can be applied to Mobile World as well. • Cell phones are selling 4 to 5 times faster than PCs.
  • 7. Bad News • Small Screens • Power consumption and battery drainage • Greedy Mobile Operators still charge per KB for download • Many unsupportive browsers and platforms. • XHR request absent in many browsers. • Latency SUCKS big time.
  • 8. Device Detection Create mobile specific address like Subdomains like can also be used But you still need to detect the device and redirect the user to right page
  • 9. WURFL Wireless Universal Resource File is an XML configuration file which contains information about device capabilities and features for a variety of mobile devices. Device information is contributed by developers around the world.
  • 10. WALL WALL (Wireless Abstraction Library by Luca Passani) is a JSP tag library that lets a developer author mobile pages similar to plain HTML, while delivering WML , C-HTML and XHTML Mobile Profile to the device from which the HTTP request originates, depending on the actual capabilities of the device itself. Device capabilities are queried dynamically using the WURFL API. A WALL port to PHP (called WALL4PHP) is also available.
  • 11. What is Mobile Ajax (MAjax) • Ajax on Mobile Web • A very small subset of Web Ajax • A way to provide Rich Internet Apps on Mobile • The website/application is completely browser based – no software to download. • Using the power of Ajax to manage data, reducing latency , loading time and increases response time . • Disruptive power of Ajax (Ajit Jaokar)
  • 12. Why Mobile Ajax • Browser based application as easier to update. Client doesn’t need to download anything. • You don`t need to care about Operators. (except for data plans) • Data plans are becoming very affordable. • Smart phones with intelligent browsers are fast becoming the norm. • Coding for the Web is easier and cost-efficient than using proprietary, platform-specific technologies.
  • 13. Mobile Ajax Checklist • Javascript support ( Should be able to do document.write(&quot;something&quot;); ) • getElementById - read and change • DOM - Document Object Model or at least innerHTML support on DIV elements (read and write) • XMLHttpRequest or ActiveXObject
  • 14. Mobile Browsers supporting Ajax • Opera Mobile (>= 8.x, not Opera Mini) • IE Mobile (WM 5.0/2003) • S60 3rd ed. (WebKit/KHTML core) • Minimo (Mozilla based) • OpenWave (>=Mercury) • NetFront (>=3.4) • Safari Mobile (iPhone)
  • 15. JavaScript Toolkits /Frameworks Impossible to use existing JavaScript toolkits for mobile web applications Too big in size Unnecessary overload of functions which you are not going to use e.g. Drag and Drop Were made keeping in mind Desktop Browsers not Mobile Browsers
  • 16. Available Solutions Frost Ajax Library (still in pre-alpha) YUI and DOJO frameworks support few A-grade browsers Needed cross-browser Ajax support on different platforms support weakest browser capable of Ajax small size (<7-10KB) limited functionality in core
  • 17. Running Ajax In Constrained Browsers <a href=“page2.html&quot; onclick=&quot;return !getData();&quot;> request data</a> <div id=“container&quot;>New Data can be updated here</div> Cont…
  • 18. Running Ajax In Constrained Browsers (2) If getData() returns true (meaning it was able to do whatever it does) then the link's onclick will return false , causing the browser not to follow the href attribute If getData() returns false (eg because a necessary JavaScript method was not found) then the return value &quot;true&quot; of the onclick attribute causes the link to be followed as if there had never been an onclick attribute.
  • 19. Bibliography Ajit Jaokar, Bryan Rieger, Rocco Georgi: Mobile Ajax FAQ: Cameron Moll (Mobile Web Book)
  • 20. Questions and Feedback About me – Ankit Maheshwari Co-Founder of Instablogs Network ( ) Email – [email_address] Mob: - 91-9816664449