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•  Should	
•  Two	
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o If	

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Intro to Machine Learning with H2O and Python - Denver
Intro to Machine Learning with H2O and Python - DenverIntro to Machine Learning with H2O and Python - Denver
Intro to Machine Learning with H2O and Python - Denver

This document provides an overview of, an open-source in-memory predictive analytics platform. It was founded in 2011 and has 50+ core developers. H2O supports many machine learning algorithms like generalized linear models, random forest, gradient boosting, and deep learning. It can handle large datasets across various environments and programming interfaces like R, Python, and REST APIs. H2O provides scalable supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms for tasks like classification, regression, clustering, and dimensionality reduction.

comcastdata sciencedata
Ml infra at an early stage
Ml infra at an early stageMl infra at an early stage
Ml infra at an early stage

Machine Learning Infra at an early stage presented by Nick Handel at Mesosphere's Feature Store Meetup (3/5/19)

machine learningfeature servicemesosphere
Machine Learning Interpretability - Mateusz Dymczyk - H2O AI World London 2018
Machine Learning Interpretability - Mateusz Dymczyk - H2O AI World London 2018Machine Learning Interpretability - Mateusz Dymczyk - H2O AI World London 2018
Machine Learning Interpretability - Mateusz Dymczyk - H2O AI World London 2018

This talk was recorded in London on Oct 30, 2018 and can be viewed here: The good news is building fair, accountable, and transparent machine learning systems is possible. The bad news is it��s harder than many blogs and software package docs would have you believe. The truth is nearly all interpretable machine learning techniques generate approximate explanations, that the fields of eXplainable AI (XAI) and Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in Machine Learning (FAT/ML) are very new, and that few best practices have been widely agreed upon. This combination can lead to some ugly outcomes! This talk aims to make your interpretable machine learning project a success by describing fundamental technical challenges you will face in building an interpretable machine learning system, defining the real-world value proposition of approximate explanations for exact models, and then outlining the following viable techniques for debugging, explaining, and testing machine learning models Mateusz is a software developer who loves all things distributed, machine learning and hates buzzwords. His favourite hobby data juggling. He obtained his M.Sc. in Computer Science from AGH UST in Krakow, Poland, during which he did an exchange at L’ECE Paris in France and worked on distributed flight booking systems. After graduation he move to Tokyo to work as a researcher at Fujitsu Laboratories on machine learning and NLP projects, where he is still currently based.

•  Lending	
•  Only	
•  163,987	
•  15	
Yes No
New data point
(e.g. loan amount, income)
Is the loan predicted to be bad?
What is the interest rate?

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Learn to Use Databricks for Data Science
Learn to Use Databricks for Data ScienceLearn to Use Databricks for Data Science
Learn to Use Databricks for Data Science

Data scientists face numerous challenges throughout the data science workflow that hinder productivity. As organizations continue to become more data-driven, a collaborative environment is more critical than ever — one that provides easier access and visibility into the data, reports and dashboards built against the data, reproducibility, and insights uncovered within the data.. Join us to hear how Databricks’ open and collaborative platform simplifies data science by enabling you to run all types of analytics workloads, from data preparation to exploratory analysis and predictive analytics, at scale — all on one unified platform.

AI Modernization at AT&T and the Application to Fraud with Databricks
AI Modernization at AT&T and the Application to Fraud with DatabricksAI Modernization at AT&T and the Application to Fraud with Databricks
AI Modernization at AT&T and the Application to Fraud with Databricks

AT&T has been involved in AI from the beginning, with many firsts; “first to coin the term AI”, “inventors of R”, “foundational work on Conv. Neural Nets”, etc. and we have applied AI to hundreds of solutions. Today we are modernizing these AI solutions in the cloud with the help of Databricks and a variety of in-house developments. This talk will highlight our AI modernization effort along with its application to Fraud which is one of our biggest benefitting applications.

Productionizing Machine Learning with Apache Spark, MLflow and ONNX from the ...
Productionizing Machine Learning with Apache Spark, MLflow and ONNX from the ...Productionizing Machine Learning with Apache Spark, MLflow and ONNX from the ...
Productionizing Machine Learning with Apache Spark, MLflow and ONNX from the ...

One of the biggest challenges which customers face is how to productionize machine learning for enterprises. Once the Data scientist, Data Engineers, Business analyst, Machine learning engineer have successfully built their Machine Learning Models, they need model management a system that manages and orchestrates the entire lifecycle of machine learning models.

spark + ai summit

.war file
Jetty servlet container
Web browser
1. HTTP GET with query parameters (loan_amt, annual_inc, etc.)
2. JSON response with predictions
•  Offline	
o  Gradle 	
o  R	
•  Front-­‐end	
o  Web	
o  JavaScript	
•  Back-­‐end	
o  Je^y	
o  H2O-­‐generated	
•  R	
•  gradle	
•  app-­‐consumer-­‐loan	
o Code	
I have R
I have H2O

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Bootstrapping of PySpark Models for Factorial A/B Tests
Bootstrapping of PySpark Models for Factorial A/B TestsBootstrapping of PySpark Models for Factorial A/B Tests
Bootstrapping of PySpark Models for Factorial A/B Tests

1. Factorial A/B testing involves running multiple experiments simultaneously by assigning each visitor to a variant in all tests, allowing for faster results than isolated tests. 2. Bootstrapping can be used to estimate the distribution of statistics like GLM coefficients from A/B test results, providing estimates of effect size and uncertainty. 3. Bootstrapping models in Spark can be parallelized using multithreading to submit batches of bootstrap iterations concurrently, improving performance by utilizing all CPU cores.

Jeeves Grows Up: An AI Chatbot for Performance and Quality
Jeeves Grows Up: An AI Chatbot for Performance and QualityJeeves Grows Up: An AI Chatbot for Performance and Quality
Jeeves Grows Up: An AI Chatbot for Performance and Quality

Sarah: CEO-Finance-Report pipeline seems to be slow today. Why Jeeves: SparkSQL query dbt_fin_model in CEO-Finance-Report is running 53% slower on 2/28/2021. Data skew issue detected. Issue has not been seen in last 90 days. Jeeves: Adding 5 more nodes to cluster recommended for CEO-Finance-Report to finish in its 99th percentile time of 5.2 hours. Who is Jeeves? An experienced Spark developer? A seasoned administrator? No, Jeeves is a chatbot created to simplify data operations management for enterprise Spark clusters. This chatbot is powered by advanced AI algorithms and an intuitive conversational interface that together provide answers to get users in and out of problems quickly. Instead of being stuck to screens displaying logs and metrics, users can now have a more refreshing experience via a two-way conversation with their own personal Spark expert. We presented Jeeves at Spark Summit 2019. In the two years since, Jeeves has grown up a lot. Jeeves can now learn continuously as telemetry information streams in from more and more applications, especially SQL queries. Jeeves now “knows” about data pipelines that have many components. Jeeves can also answer questions about data quality in addition to performance, cost, failures, and SLAs. For example: Tom: I am not seeing any data for today in my Campaign Metrics Dashboard. Jeeves: 3/5 validations failed on the cmp_kpis table on 2/28/2021. Run of pipeline cmp_incremental_daily failed on 2/28/2021. This talk will give an overview of the newer capabilities of the chatbot, and how it now fits in a modern data stack with the emergence of new data roles like analytics engineers and machine learning engineers. You will learn how to build chatbots that tackle your complex data operations challenges.

DevOps for DataScience
DevOps for DataScienceDevOps for DataScience
DevOps for DataScience

A talk for SF big analytics meetup. Building, testing, deploying, monitoring and maintaining big data analytics services.

big dataapache sparkapache kafka
•  Common	
o R	
•  Gradle	
o Another	
•  the	
•  Common	
o Java	
•  Also,	
o Not	
•  Gradle	
•  Offline	
o  build.gradle	
o  data/loan.csv	
o  script.R	
•  Front-­‐end	
o  src/main/webapp/index.html	
o  src/main/webapp/app.js	
•  Back-­‐end	
o  src/main/java/org/gradle/	
o  lib/h2o-­‐genmodel.jar	
o  src/main/java/org/gradle/	
o  src/main/java/org/gradle/	
•  POJO	
o h^p://h2o-­‐­‐

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Data Science for Dummies - Data Engineering with Titanic dataset + Databricks...
Data Science for Dummies - Data Engineering with Titanic dataset + Databricks...Data Science for Dummies - Data Engineering with Titanic dataset + Databricks...
Data Science for Dummies - Data Engineering with Titanic dataset + Databricks...

Number 2 in the Data Science for Dummies series - We'll predict Titanic survival with Databricks, python and MLSpark. These are the slides only (excuse the Powerpoint animation issues) - check out the actual tech talk on YouTube: If you have not used Databricks before check out the first talk - Databricks for Dummies. Here's the rest of the series: 1) Data Science overview with Databricks 2) Titanic survival prediction with Azure Machine Learning Studio + Kaggle 3) Data Engineering with Titanic dataset + Databricks + Python 4) Titanic with Databricks + Spark ML 5) Titanic with Databricks + Azure Machine Learning Service 6) Titanic with Databricks + MLS + AutoML 7) Titanic with Databricks + MLFlow 8) Titanic with .NET Core + ML.NET 9) Deployment, DevOps/MLOps and Productionisation

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Better Customer Experience with Data Science - Bernard Burg, Comcast
Better Customer Experience with Data Science - Bernard Burg, ComcastBetter Customer Experience with Data Science - Bernard Burg, Comcast
Better Customer Experience with Data Science - Bernard Burg, Comcast

This document discusses using data science and machine learning to improve the customer experience at Comcast. It describes using error data from set-top boxes and customer behavior data to predict when customers will call and the reasons for their calls. H2O machine learning algorithms were able to more accurately predict calls and reasons compared to Spark ML, improving the customer service experience. Overall, adopting H2O's algorithms provided superior results, faster performance, and better use of memory compared to alternative tools.

Industrial Data Science
Industrial Data ScienceIndustrial Data Science
Industrial Data Science

A three hour lecture I gave at the Jyväskylä Summer School. The talk goes through important details about the use of data science in real businesses. These include data deployment, data processing, practical issues with data solutions and arising trends in data science. See also Part 1 of the lecture: Introduction Data Science. You can find it in my profile (click the face)

data sciencedata deploymentpractical issues
•  Scoring	
o Judging	
o Need	
•  Storing	
o Ouen	
o This	
•  Model	
o Need	
o Hourly,	
o Time	
•  Hot	
o SeparaKng	
o Java	
o Load	
•  H2O	
o GitHub:	
o tutorials/streaming/storm	
•  H2O	
o GitHub:	
o examples/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/
•  “Ask	
•  h^p://	
•  Uses	
•  MulKnomial	
o Given	
•  See	
o Do	
•  GitHub:	

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Accelerating the ML Lifecycle with an Enterprise-Grade Feature Store
Accelerating the ML Lifecycle with an Enterprise-Grade Feature StoreAccelerating the ML Lifecycle with an Enterprise-Grade Feature Store
Accelerating the ML Lifecycle with an Enterprise-Grade Feature Store

Productionizing real-time ML models poses unique data engineering challenges for enterprises that are coming from batch-oriented analytics. Enterprise data, which has traditionally been centralized in data warehouses and optimized for BI use cases, must now be transformed into features that provide meaningful predictive signals to our ML models.

spark + ai summit

Self Guiding User Experience
Self Guiding User ExperienceSelf Guiding User Experience
Self Guiding User Experience

In this talk we will share the idea of developing self guiding application that would provide the most engaging user experience possible using crowd sourced knowledge on a mobile interface. We will discuss and share how historical usage data could be mined using machine learning to identify application usage patterns to generate probable next actions. #h2ony - Powered by the open source machine learning software Contributors welcome at: - To view videos on H2O open source machine learning software, go to:

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Processing Large Datasets for ADAS Applications using Apache Spark
Processing Large Datasets for ADAS Applications using Apache SparkProcessing Large Datasets for ADAS Applications using Apache Spark
Processing Large Datasets for ADAS Applications using Apache Spark

Semantic segmentation is the classification of every pixel in an image/video. The segmentation partitions a digital image into multiple objects to simplify/change the representation of the image into something that is more meaningful and easier to analyze [1][2]. The technique has a wide variety of applications ranging from perception in autonomous driving scenarios to cancer cell segmentation for medical diagnosis. Exponential growth in the datasets that require such segmentation is driven by improvements in the accuracy and quality of the sensors generating the data extending to 3D point cloud data. This growth is further compounded by exponential advances in cloud technologies enabling the storage and compute available for such applications. The need for semantically segmented datasets is a key requirement to improve the accuracy of inference engines that are built upon them. Streamlining the accuracy and efficiency of these systems directly affects the value of the business outcome for organizations that are developing such functionalities as a part of their AI strategy. This presentation details workflows for labeling, preprocessing, modeling, and evaluating performance/accuracy. Scientists and engineers leverage domain-specific features/tools that support the entire workflow from labeling the ground truth, handling data from a wide variety of sources/formats, developing models and finally deploying these models. Users can scale their deployments optimally on GPU-based cloud infrastructure to build accelerated training and inference pipelines while working with big datasets. These environments are optimized for engineers to develop such functionality with ease and then scale against large datasets with Spark-based clusters on the cloud.

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  • 1. BUILDING  A  SMARTER  APPLICATION   Tom  Kraljevic   H2O  World  2015   Nov.  9,  2015     (+  help  from  Amy  and  Prithvi)  
  • 2. BUILDING  A  SMARTER  APPLICATION   Q:    What  is  a  Smarter  ApplicaKon?   A:    An  applicaKon  that  learns  from  data      [From  rules-­‐based  to  model-­‐based]     Topics:   o Combining  applicaKons  with  models   o Deploying  models  into  producKon     Target  audience:   o  Developers  adding  Machine  Learning  to  apps   o  Data  Scien0sts/DevOps  puYng  models  into  producKon  
  • 3. RESOURCES  ON  THE  WEB   •  Slides  and  material  for  this  talk   o GitHub  h2oai/h2o-­‐world-­‐2015-­‐training   •  tutorials/building-­‐a-­‐smarter-­‐applicaKon   •  Source  code   o GitHub  h2oai/app-­‐consumer-­‐loan     •  H2O  Tibshirani  release  (on  USB)   o h^p://   •  Generated  POJO  model  Javadoc   o h^p://h2o-­‐­‐ Kbshirani/3/docs-­‐website/h2o-­‐genmodel/javadoc/ index.html  
  • 4. A  CONCRETE  USE  CASE   •  We’re  building  a  consumer  loan  app   •  The  end-­‐user  is  applying  for  a  loan   •  Imagine  the  website  is  a  lender   •  Should  a  loan  be  offered?   •  Two  predicKve  models   o Is  the  loan  predicted  to  be  bad  (yes/no)   o If  no,  what  is  the  interest  rate  to  be  offered?  
  • 5. STEPS  TO  BUILDING  A  SMARTER  APP   Step  1:    Picking  the  quesKon  your  model  will  answer   Step  2:    Using  your  data  to  build  a  model   Step  3:    ExporKng  the  generated  model  as  a  Java  POJO   Step  4:    Compiling  the  model   Step  5:    HosKng  the  model  in  a  servlet  container   Step  6:    Running  the  JavaScript  app  in  a  browser   Step  7:    Using  a  REST  API  to  make  predicKons   Step  8:    IncorporaKng  the  predicKon  into  your  applicaKon  
  • 6. THE  DATA   •  Lending  club  loans  from  2007  to  June  2015   •  Only  loans  that  have  a  known  good  or  bad   outcome  are  used  to  build  the  model   •  163,987  rows   •  15  columns  
  • 7. DATA  DICTIONARY   Predictor  Variable   DescripBon   Units   loan_amnt   Requested  loan  amount   US  dollars   term   Loan  term  length   months   emp_length   Employment  length   years   home_ownership   Housing  status   categorical   annual_inc   Annual  income   US  dollars   verificaKon_status   Income  verificaKon  status   categorical   purpose   Purpose  for  the  loan   categorical   addr_state   State  of  residence   categorical   dK   Debt  to  income  raKo   %   delinq_2yrs   Number  of  delinquencies  in  the  past  2  years   integer   revol_uKl   Revolving  credit  line  uKlized   %   total_acc   Total  accounts  (number  of  credit  lines)   integer   longest_credit_length   Age  of  oldest  acKve  account   years   Response  Variable   DescripBon   Model  Category   bad_loan   Is  this  loan  likely  to  be  bad?                                   Binomial  classificaKon   int_rate   What  should  the  interest  rate  be?             Regression  
  • 8. WORKFLOW  FOR  THIS  APP   Edit  form   field  value   Get   PredicKons   Bad   Loan?   Visit  web   page   Declined   Accepted:  Show   Interest  Rate   Start   Yes No New data point (e.g. loan amount, income) Is the loan predicted to be bad? What is the interest rate?
  • 9. APP  ARCHITECTURE  DIAGRAM   Back-end /            (webapp)            html,  css,  js     /predict            (servlet)            java   .war file Jetty servlet container Front-end Web browser Javascript   applicaKon   Port 8080 1. HTTP GET with query parameters (loan_amt, annual_inc, etc.) 1 2 2. JSON response with predictions
  • 10. MODEL  INFORMATION   Bad  Loan  Model     Algorithm:      GBM   Model  category:  Binary          ClassificaKon   ntrees:      100   max_depth:    5   learn_rate:    0.05   AUC  on  valid:  .685   max  F1:      0.202   Interest  Rate  Model     Algorithm:    GBM   Model  category:  Regression     ntrees:      100   max_depth:    5   learn_rate:    0.05     MSE:      11.1   R2:        0.424  
  • 11. SOFTWARE  PIECES   •  Offline   o  Gradle  (build)   o  R  +  H2O  (model  building)   •  Front-­‐end   o  Web  browser   o  JavaScript  applicaKon  (run  in  the  browser)   •  Back-­‐end   o  Je^y  servlet  container   o  H2O-­‐generated  model  POJO  (hosted  by  servlet  container)  
  • 12. WHAT  YOU  NEED  FOR  HANDS-­‐ON   •  R  and  the  H2O  R  package  (from  USB)   •  gradle  (from  USB)   •  app-­‐consumer-­‐loan  (from  USB)   o Code  and  data  is  self-­‐contained  in  this  directory   I have R installed I have H2O Installed
  • 13. HANDS-­‐ON  DEMONSTRATION   If  you  are  already  running  H2O  on  your  laptop,  please  stop  it  so  the  gradle   script  runs  properly!     STEP  1:    Compile  and  run  (From  the  command  line)     C:>  cd  pathtoH2OWorld2015USBimage   C:>  cd  app-­‐consumer-­‐loan   C:>  ..gradle-­‐2.8bingradle  je^yRunWar     STEP  2:    Use  the  app  (In  a  web  browser)     h^p://localhost:8080     (Future)  STEP  3:    Rerun  without  rebuilding  the  models  or  recompiling     C:>  ..gradle-­‐2.8bingradle  je^yRunWar  -­‐x  war    
  • 14. COMMON  HANDS-­‐ON  ERRORS   •  Common  R  errors   o R  not  on  PATH   •  Gradle  needs  to  invoke  R   o Another  H2O  is  already  running   •  the  R  script  can’t  find  the  data  in  h2o.importFile()     •  Common  Java  errors   o Java  not  installed  at  all   •  Also,  must  install  a  JDK  (Java  Development  Kit)  so  that  the   Java  compiler  is  available  (JRE  is  not  sufficient)   o Not  connected  to  the  internet   •  Gradle  needs  to  fetch  some  dependencies  from  the  internet  
  • 15. KEY  FILES   •  Offline   o  build.gradle   o  data/loan.csv   o  script.R   •  Front-­‐end   o  src/main/webapp/index.html   o  src/main/webapp/app.js   •  Back-­‐end   o  src/main/java/org/gradle/   o  lib/h2o-­‐genmodel.jar  (downloaded)   o  src/main/java/org/gradle/  (generated)   o  src/main/java/org/gradle/  (generated)  
  • 16. POST-­‐DEMO  POINTERS   •  POJO  Javadoc   o h^p://h2o-­‐­‐ Kbshirani/3/docs-­‐website/h2o-­‐genmodel/ javadoc/index.html  
  • 17. NEXT  STEPS:  CLOSING  THE  FEEDBACK  LOOP   •  Scoring   o Judging  how  good  the  predicKons  really  are   o Need  to  get  the  correct  answers  from  somewhere   •  Storing  predicKons  (and  the  correct  answers)   o Ouen  Hadoop   o This  can  be  a  lot  of  work  to  organize  
  • 18. NEXT  STEPS:  RETRAINING  AND  DEPLOYING   •  Model  update  frequency   o Need  depends  on  the  use  case   o Hourly,  daily,  monthly?   o Time  cost  of  training  the  model  is  a  factor   •  Hot  swapping  the  model   o SeparaKng  front-­‐end  and  back-­‐end  makes  this  easier   o Java  reflecKon  for  in-­‐process  hot-­‐swap   o Load  balancer  for  servlet  container  hot-­‐swap  
  • 19. RELATED  EXAMPLES   •  H2O  Generated  Model  POJO  in  a  Storm  bolt   o GitHub:    h2oai/h2o-­‐world-­‐2015-­‐training   o tutorials/streaming/storm   •  H2O  Generated  Model  POJO  in  Spark  Streaming   o GitHub:  h2oai/sparkling-­‐water   o examples/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ examples/h2o/CraigslistJobTitlesStreamingApp.scala  
  • 20. BONUS  APP   •  “Ask  Craig”  app   •  h^p://   •  Uses  Spark  word2vec,  H2O  gbm   •  MulKnomial  classificaKon  problem   o Given  the  words  for  a  new  job  posKng,  figure  out  the   right  category  for  the  job   •  See  blog  about  this  Sparkling  Water  app   o Do  a  web  search  for  “h2o  ask  craig”   •  GitHub:  h2oai/app-­‐ask-­‐craig  
  • 21. Q  &  A   •  Thanks  for  a^ending!   •  Send  follow  up  quesKons  to:   Tom  Kraljevic