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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020
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ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 164
Growth Path Followed by France: A New Growth Theory
Himanshu Tiwari
(School of Economics, NMIMS, Mumbai
The Neoclassical Growth Model, although powerful, pays too much attention on tangible forms of
assets that a nation can capitalize on to increase its GDP/income. This paper attempts to propose an
alternative to the Neoclassical approach by building on their theoretical model and introducing certain
intangible assets like education, transparency and democracy. By charting out the idiosyncratic path
followed by France, this paper seeks to study what all other factors developing nations can capitalize on to
imitate such high growth.
Keywords — Growth Model, France, Education, GDP, Intangible Capital, Employment
France is the world’s 6th
largest economy as of
2018 in nominal terms. It has a mixed economy
combining extensive private enterprise with
substantial state enterprise and government
intervention. The government retains
considerable influence over key segments of
infrastructure sectors, with majority ownership
of railway, electricity, aircraft, nuclear power
and telecommunications. Financial services,
banking and the insurance sector are an
important part of the economy.
A. The Golden Age: The period between 1950-1973
is regarded as exceptional in the modern
European economic history as during this
period the region witnessed unprecedented high
rates of growth with mild fluctuations and
moderate rates of inflation along with faster
rate of output growth. The favorable growth in
per capita income in Western Europe can be
attributed to a strong growth in fixed
investment in machinery and equipment and a
massive technology transfer from United
B. The post 1973 period: The growth of output
slowed after 1973 in Western Europe in the
wake of the first oil crisis and subsequent
recession of 1974-75. The growth of France
however thereafter remained stable. Capital
formation and investment during the second
half of the 20th
century increased due to
technological and communications revolution.
The restructuring also included the
disappearance of the agricultural population
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020
Available at
ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 165
and transfer population to more productive
sectors. The “industrialization” of agriculture
which was a major force of growth and output
shot up.
A. USA: USA’s GDP was hit by recession in 1980
which reduced the growth rates and therefore
PCI saw a slow rise, until tax hike and defence
spending reduction pulled it back up. Since
then US per capita income has been at a
favourable rate despite negative impacts of the
Black Monday in 1987. In 2008-09, during the
GFC, dropped to an all-time low, with the rate
introduction of acts like the Dodd-Frank Act by
the state helped reviving the growth rate in
2010.The rates have always been in the range
of 1.5%-3% which has led to a steady growth
in per capita income.
B. FRANCE: Gross savings in advanced European
countries reached 12-14% of GDP during the
mid-twentieth century. Savings jumped and
reached a record level of roughly 25% of GDP
between 1950 and 1973 and never declined
below 20% till the end of the century. This led
to an increase in gross fixed domestic
investment. The gross stock of fixed non-
residential capital in Germany and France
increased more than sevenfold after 1950. In
1950 the capital stock of France amounted to
only 40% of that of United States but the same
level surpassed the U.S. level by about 8% and
the stock of European machinery and
equipment increased by 13 times by 1991.
Consumerism contributed to an expansion of the
output and increase in per capita GDP in France.
One such phenomenon was the housing boom.
Mechanization of households became a driving
force of consumption and economic growth.
These factors led to a steady increase in PCI of
France over the years.
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020
Available at
ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 166
It considers the ‘deliberate’ or ‘Intentional’
increase in productivity, in regards to a country it
refers to government policy aimed at increasing
productivity and causing long run economic
growth. The theory can be used to explain the
growth path of France through various variables.
A. Developing Human Capital (↑H): policies aimed at
increasing the education level in the economy,
therefore having greater amount of well-
educated labor force (H) would lead to growth.
( ) = ( ) ( ) [ ]1−
… (1)
Education: Based on the principles of the 1789
revolution, the French education system is
highly organized and centralized. It is divided
into the three stages- Enseignement primaire
(Primary Education), Enseignement secondaire
(Secondary Education) and Enseignement
supérieur (Higher/Tertiary Education)
The Primary and Secondary stage school
enrollments have been high over the years with a
slow and stable rise. The Tertiary stage however
has shown a great rise from 18% to 65%.
The French constitution makes it a duty of the
state to provide free, compulsory, secular
education at all levels. The state finances public
education and appoints inspectors to control the
structural and teaching quality etc.
During the 1980s, priority education zones and
vocational training provided greater support to
schools and educational activities. The 1989
Framework Law increased the democratic
response to education, reduced children’s
workload and contributed to the notable increase
in trend since 1989. A sign of the overall
increased standards of the literacy can be seen
from the coinciding primary and secondary
enrollment rates from 2004. A new Framework
Law passed in 2005 stated that education is a
national priority, and the system should
guarantee equal level and opportunity of
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020
Available at
©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 167
knowledge and skills to all. In 2013, minimum
level education for the teachers was raised.
These developments increase the efficiency and
productivity of human resource. Higher
enrollment in tertiary education, results in more
‘worth’ of people (increasing human capital),
translating into a higher employment in this
sector. In France, large service sector industries
like Tourism, Energy etc. exist and are
continuously growing. Therefore, ↑H in (1)
Investing more in R&D, i.e.
( +1)− ( )
( ) ( )
a(1-u)H, or ( & ) . Policies
ensuring a greater amount of R&D will ensure
economic growth in long run.
Innovation: France is considered an innovation
powerhouse and is a haven for innovators and
Innovation is recognized to one of the driving
forces in France by business decision makers. It
has a large number of business incubators and
accelerators providing opportunities, advice and
guidance to the companies. The Act of 10th
August 2007 on the Liberties and
Responsibilities of Universities allows
cooperative partnerships with companies,
commercial subsidiaries allowing incubation and
tapping of universities into private funding for
collaborative projects. The French tax system
actively encourages R&D through research tax
credit. Since 2008, it has become the main public
financing source for innovation spending and
also incentivizes public-private research.
The graph below shows that the R&D
Expenditure of France on Innovation has
remained high over the years. It is ranked second
in Europe and fourth in the world for the number
of patents filed, with 7,664 international patents
in 2011. France stands 3rd
in the world among
the 100 most innovative organizations.

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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020
Available at
ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 168
Therefore, ↑E(t) in (1).
y( ) = ∗( ) ( ) [ ( )]1− …(2)
{Where ∗= + }
1) Tangible Capital ("#): Policies ensuring greater
amount of K*(↑ ), such as better infrastructure,
greater amount of investment by all the firms
would lead to economic growth.
= ( $ % & , ( ) )
Gross Fixed Capital Formation is the aggregate
investment in the economy which has an
upward increasing trend. Post war push for
France (heavy investment by the government)
has proved to be of immense importance. GFCF
then on has had a cyclical trend. Patents,
copyrights, trademarks, government
effectiveness, etc, have played a role in a high
Cost of starting up a business is a proxy to
infrastructure that shows that the better is the
infrastructure; lower is the cost of starting up a
business. Because of an increasing GFCF,
existing incubators and infrastructure, the cost of
starting up a business is less. Therefore, ↑K*.
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020
Available at
ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 169
2) Intangible Capital ("E) : This includes
factors such as political stability, corruption,
laws, etc, a greater amount of would act as
incentives for the firm in an economy to invest
(↑K) increase K* and leading to economic
Worldwide Governance Indicators: It includes 6
key indicators for governance. They are Control
of Corruption, Government Effectiveness, Rule
of Law, Regulatory Quality, Voice and
Accountability and Political Stability and
Absence of Violence/Terrorism. The first 5
indicators in the list have been stable and
increasing (positively) over the time. Incidences
like Pension Protests in 2010, Intervention in
Mali in 2013, the Islamic State attacks in Paris in
2015, the recent election of President Macron in
2017 and many more have contributed to the
increasing political instability and terrorism in
France over the years.
An event which played an important role in
shaping the present state of France is the French
Revolution. French Revolution along with the
Napoleonic Wars has shaped France
technologically, culturally and legally. The
events of the war served as tools of revolution
which formed the foundations for modern
weaponry in France. The introduction of
mortars, standard 12 lb. batteries, rockets, and
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020
Available at
ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 170
howitzer cannons into the system, molded the
way we perceive modern warfare today. The
French Civil Code which was formulated by
Napoleon in1804 is applicable even today in
French Republic and have influenced laws
around the world. Although the code has been
changed to fit modern standards, it still has the
basic foundations of the revolution. For e.g.: the
core provisions of the French civil code
concerning contract and torts have remained
essentially unchanged over the years. The
principles of democracy, liberty, merit, equality
and sovereignty have been an enduring aspect of
the French Revolution and the very ideas of
rights, citizenship, secular society, free speech
and rule of law were shaped by French
[1]Gross domestic expenditure on R&D by sector of
performance and source of funds. (2018). Retrieved from
[2] Worldwide Governance Indicators | DataBank. (2018).

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Growth Path Followed by France

  • 1. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020 Available at ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 164 Growth Path Followed by France: A New Growth Theory Himanshu Tiwari (School of Economics, NMIMS, Mumbai Email: ----------------------------------------************************---------------------------------- Abstract: The Neoclassical Growth Model, although powerful, pays too much attention on tangible forms of assets that a nation can capitalize on to increase its GDP/income. This paper attempts to propose an alternative to the Neoclassical approach by building on their theoretical model and introducing certain intangible assets like education, transparency and democracy. By charting out the idiosyncratic path followed by France, this paper seeks to study what all other factors developing nations can capitalize on to imitate such high growth. Keywords — Growth Model, France, Education, GDP, Intangible Capital, Employment ----------------------------------------************************---------------------------------- I. INTRODUCTION France is the world’s 6th largest economy as of 2018 in nominal terms. It has a mixed economy combining extensive private enterprise with substantial state enterprise and government intervention. The government retains considerable influence over key segments of infrastructure sectors, with majority ownership of railway, electricity, aircraft, nuclear power and telecommunications. Financial services, banking and the insurance sector are an important part of the economy. II. WESTERN EUROPE & FRANCE A. The Golden Age: The period between 1950-1973 is regarded as exceptional in the modern European economic history as during this period the region witnessed unprecedented high rates of growth with mild fluctuations and moderate rates of inflation along with faster rate of output growth. The favorable growth in per capita income in Western Europe can be attributed to a strong growth in fixed investment in machinery and equipment and a massive technology transfer from United States. B. The post 1973 period: The growth of output slowed after 1973 in Western Europe in the wake of the first oil crisis and subsequent recession of 1974-75. The growth of France however thereafter remained stable. Capital formation and investment during the second half of the 20th century increased due to technological and communications revolution. The restructuring also included the disappearance of the agricultural population RESEARCH ARTICLE OPEN ACCESS
  • 2. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020 Available at ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 165 and transfer population to more productive sectors. The “industrialization” of agriculture which was a major force of growth and output shot up. III. FRANCE & USA A. USA: USA’s GDP was hit by recession in 1980 which reduced the growth rates and therefore PCI saw a slow rise, until tax hike and defence spending reduction pulled it back up. Since then US per capita income has been at a favourable rate despite negative impacts of the Black Monday in 1987. In 2008-09, during the GFC, dropped to an all-time low, with the rate introduction of acts like the Dodd-Frank Act by the state helped reviving the growth rate in 2010.The rates have always been in the range of 1.5%-3% which has led to a steady growth in per capita income. B. FRANCE: Gross savings in advanced European countries reached 12-14% of GDP during the mid-twentieth century. Savings jumped and reached a record level of roughly 25% of GDP between 1950 and 1973 and never declined below 20% till the end of the century. This led to an increase in gross fixed domestic investment. The gross stock of fixed non- residential capital in Germany and France increased more than sevenfold after 1950. In 1950 the capital stock of France amounted to only 40% of that of United States but the same level surpassed the U.S. level by about 8% and the stock of European machinery and equipment increased by 13 times by 1991. Consumerism contributed to an expansion of the output and increase in per capita GDP in France. One such phenomenon was the housing boom. Mechanization of households became a driving force of consumption and economic growth. These factors led to a steady increase in PCI of France over the years.
  • 3. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020 Available at ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 166 IV. THE NEW GROWTH THEORY It considers the ‘deliberate’ or ‘Intentional’ increase in productivity, in regards to a country it refers to government policy aimed at increasing productivity and causing long run economic growth. The theory can be used to explain the growth path of France through various variables. A. Developing Human Capital (↑H): policies aimed at increasing the education level in the economy, therefore having greater amount of well- educated labor force (H) would lead to growth. ( ) = ( ) ( ) [ ]1− … (1) Education: Based on the principles of the 1789 revolution, the French education system is highly organized and centralized. It is divided into the three stages- Enseignement primaire (Primary Education), Enseignement secondaire (Secondary Education) and Enseignement supérieur (Higher/Tertiary Education) The Primary and Secondary stage school enrollments have been high over the years with a slow and stable rise. The Tertiary stage however has shown a great rise from 18% to 65%. The French constitution makes it a duty of the state to provide free, compulsory, secular education at all levels. The state finances public education and appoints inspectors to control the structural and teaching quality etc. During the 1980s, priority education zones and vocational training provided greater support to schools and educational activities. The 1989 Framework Law increased the democratic response to education, reduced children’s workload and contributed to the notable increase in trend since 1989. A sign of the overall increased standards of the literacy can be seen from the coinciding primary and secondary enrollment rates from 2004. A new Framework Law passed in 2005 stated that education is a national priority, and the system should guarantee equal level and opportunity of
  • 4. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020 Available at ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 167 knowledge and skills to all. In 2013, minimum level education for the teachers was raised. These developments increase the efficiency and productivity of human resource. Higher enrollment in tertiary education, results in more ‘worth’ of people (increasing human capital), translating into a higher employment in this sector. In France, large service sector industries like Tourism, Energy etc. exist and are continuously growing. Therefore, ↑H in (1) B. INCREASING THE LEVEL OF TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE (↑E I.E. PRODUCTIVITY): BY Investing more in R&D, i.e. ( +1)− ( ) = ( ) ( ) a(1-u)H, or ( & ) . Policies ensuring a greater amount of R&D will ensure economic growth in long run. Innovation: France is considered an innovation powerhouse and is a haven for innovators and businesses. Innovation is recognized to one of the driving forces in France by business decision makers. It has a large number of business incubators and accelerators providing opportunities, advice and guidance to the companies. The Act of 10th August 2007 on the Liberties and Responsibilities of Universities allows cooperative partnerships with companies, commercial subsidiaries allowing incubation and tapping of universities into private funding for collaborative projects. The French tax system actively encourages R&D through research tax credit. Since 2008, it has become the main public financing source for innovation spending and also incentivizes public-private research. The graph below shows that the R&D Expenditure of France on Innovation has remained high over the years. It is ranked second in Europe and fourth in the world for the number of patents filed, with 7,664 international patents in 2011. France stands 3rd in the world among the 100 most innovative organizations.
  • 5. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020 Available at ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 168 Therefore, ↑E(t) in (1). C. INCREASING AVERAGE CAPITAL (↑K*): y( ) = ∗( ) ( ) [ ( )]1− …(2) {Where ∗= + } 1) Tangible Capital ("#): Policies ensuring greater amount of K*(↑ ), such as better infrastructure, greater amount of investment by all the firms would lead to economic growth. = ( $ % & , ( ) ) Gross Fixed Capital Formation is the aggregate investment in the economy which has an upward increasing trend. Post war push for France (heavy investment by the government) has proved to be of immense importance. GFCF then on has had a cyclical trend. Patents, copyrights, trademarks, government effectiveness, etc, have played a role in a high GFCF. Cost of starting up a business is a proxy to infrastructure that shows that the better is the infrastructure; lower is the cost of starting up a business. Because of an increasing GFCF, existing incubators and infrastructure, the cost of starting up a business is less. Therefore, ↑K*.
  • 6. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020 Available at ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 169 2) Intangible Capital ("E) : This includes factors such as political stability, corruption, laws, etc, a greater amount of would act as incentives for the firm in an economy to invest (↑K) increase K* and leading to economic growth. Worldwide Governance Indicators: It includes 6 key indicators for governance. They are Control of Corruption, Government Effectiveness, Rule of Law, Regulatory Quality, Voice and Accountability and Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism. The first 5 indicators in the list have been stable and increasing (positively) over the time. Incidences like Pension Protests in 2010, Intervention in Mali in 2013, the Islamic State attacks in Paris in 2015, the recent election of President Macron in 2017 and many more have contributed to the increasing political instability and terrorism in France over the years. V. CONCLUSIONS:MAJOR EVENTS, FRENCH REVOLUTION An event which played an important role in shaping the present state of France is the French Revolution. French Revolution along with the Napoleonic Wars has shaped France technologically, culturally and legally. The events of the war served as tools of revolution which formed the foundations for modern weaponry in France. The introduction of mortars, standard 12 lb. batteries, rockets, and
  • 7. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020 Available at ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 170 howitzer cannons into the system, molded the way we perceive modern warfare today. The French Civil Code which was formulated by Napoleon in1804 is applicable even today in French Republic and have influenced laws around the world. Although the code has been changed to fit modern standards, it still has the basic foundations of the revolution. For e.g.: the core provisions of the French civil code concerning contract and torts have remained essentially unchanged over the years. The principles of democracy, liberty, merit, equality and sovereignty have been an enduring aspect of the French Revolution and the very ideas of rights, citizenship, secular society, free speech and rule of law were shaped by French revolution. REFERENCES [1]Gross domestic expenditure on R&D by sector of performance and source of funds. (2018). Retrieved from GERD_SOF# [2] Worldwide Governance Indicators | DataBank. (2018). Retrieved from x?source=worldwide-governance-indicators