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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020
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ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 129
“A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on
Knowledge Regarding Prevention of Acute Respiratory Infection Among
Mothers of Under Five Children At Selected Urban Area, Jaipur.”
Mr. Vinod Kumar Nawariya *1
, Dr. Vidhi Sharma 2
, *
*1 M.Sc. Nursing Student Maharaj Vinayak Global university Jaipur
*2 Professor at Maharaj Vinayak Global university Jaipur
A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding prevention of acute
respiratory infection among mothers of under five children at selected urban area, Jaipur.”was conducted. A total of 50
mothers of under five children mothers were selected by purposive sampling technique. A structure knowledge
questionnaire and observation checklist were used to collect the data. In pre-test, mothers of under five children (36%)
have moderate knowledge, mothers of under five children (62%) have inadequate knowledge and (02%) have adequate
knowledge regarding prevention of acute respiratory infection, while in post-test, mothers of under five children (34%)
have moderate knowledge, mothers of under five children (00%) have inadequate knowledge and (66%) have adequate
knowledge regarding prevention of acute respiratory infection.
Key words- Plan teaching program, under five children, respiratory infection, mother.
Acute respiratory tract infection is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in developing and also developed
countries in under five years. Acute respiratory infections are inflammation of the respiratory tract anywhere
from nose to alveoli, with a wide a range of combination of signs and symptoms. ARI is classified into upper
respiratory tract infections (AURI) and lower respiratory tract infections (ALRI).Most common is acute upper
respiratory infections and most serious one is acute lower respiratory tract infections. Running nose or
common cold, sore throat are common symptoms of AURI ,whereas ALRI includes bronchitis, epiglottitis,
laryngitis and most common being pneumonia.
Objectives of the study:-
1. To assess the level pre-test on knowledge regarding prevention of acute respiratory infection among mothers of
under five children at selected urban area, Jaipur.
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020
Available at
ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 130
2. To assess the level post -test on knowledge regarding prevention of acute respiratory nfection among mothers of
under five children at selected urban area, Jaipur.
3. To determine the association between the level on knowledge regarding prevention of acute respiratory infection
among mothers of under five children at selected urban area, Jaipur and with their selected demographic variables.
4. To find out the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding prevention of acute
respiratory infection among mothers of under five children at selected urban area, Jaipur.
1. Under five children are susceptible to acute respiratory infection.
2. Acute respiratory infection can be controlled by the use of aseptic techniques.
3. Mothers of under five children may have knowledge regarding Hospital Acquired infection.
H1- There was a significant difference between pre-test post-test knowledge scores regarding prevention of acute
respiratory infection among mothers of under five children at selected urban area, Jaipur.
H 2- There was a significant association between post–testknowledge score and selected demographic variables regarding
prevention of acute respiratory infection among mothers of under five children at selected urban area, Jaipur.
Pre- experimental research design design was adopted for the present study. Total 50 subjects were selected from selected
urban area, Jaipur. Tools were used personal proforma, structured knowledge questionnaire and criteria checklist. Data
was analyzed ny using descriptive and inferential statistics such as mean, median, standard deviation, correlation
coefficient and chi-square test.
Result and discussion
The result showed that mean pre-test knowledge score of mothers of under five children was 15.4 Median is 15 and S.D
is 3.0724.
The result showed that mean post-test knowledge score of mothers of under five children was 21.13 Median is 21 and
S.D is 4.0058.
The result showed, in pre-test, mothers of under five children (36%) have moderate knowledge, mothers of under five
children (62%) have inadequate knowledge and (02%) have adequate knowledge regarding prevention of acute
respiratory infection, while in post-test, mothers of under five children (34%) have moderate knowledge, mothers of
under five children (00%) have inadequate knowledge and (66%) have adequate knowledge regarding prevention of
acute respiratory infection.
The results of the study revealed that no significant association was found between knowledge regarding prevention of
acute respiratory infection with age, education of the mother, occupation of the mother, type of family.
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020
Available at
ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 131
Table 1: Frequency and percentage distribution of subjects according to baseline characteristics.
Variables Frequency
e (%)
Age in years
21-25 years 26 52
26 – 30 years 12 24
30-35 years 08 16
35-40 years 04 08
Education of the mother
Primary 14 28
Secondary 20 40
Graduation 08 16
Post graduation 08 16
Occupation of the mother
House wife 29 58
Private job 07 14
Govt. job 11 22
Other work 03 06
Type of family
Nuclear family 32 64
Joint family 10 20
Extended family 08 16
Number of under-five children in the family
One 32 64
Two 10 20
More than two 08 16
Parent’s monthly income
Below 5000 Rupees 21 42
5001-10000 Rupees 12 24
10001-15000 Rupees 08 16
Above 15000 Rupees 09 18
Source of information
Electronic media 27 54
News paper 14 28
Friends and relatives 05 10
others 04 8
Electronic media 27 54
Table 2: Level of knowledge of pre-test and post-test
Level of knowledge N=50
Pretest Post test
Inadequate knowledge 31 0
Moderate knowledge 18 17
Adequate knowledge 01 33
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020
Available at
ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 132
The result showed, in pre-test, mothers of under five children (36%) have moderate knowledge, mothers of under five
children (62%) have inadequate knowledge and (02%) have adequate knowledge regarding prevention of acute
respiratory infection, while in post-test, mothers of under five children (34%) have moderate knowledge, mothers of
under five children (00%) have inadequate knowledge and (66%) have adequate knowledge regarding prevention of
acute respiratory infection.
The result shows that mean post-test knowledge score (21.13) of mothers of under five children is higher than mean pre-
test knowledge (15.04) with a mean difference of 06.09 which is found to be statistically significant as evident from the
obtained ‘t’ value of 15.1073739 which is more than the table ‘t’ value for df (49) at 0.05 level of significance. The
results of the study revealed that no significant association is found between knowledge regarding prevention of acute
respiratory infection with age, education of the mother, occupation of the mother, type of family. The results of the study
revealed that significant association is found between knowledge regarding prevention of acute respiratory infection in
number of under-five children in the family, parent’s monthly income, source of information.
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Publications; 2002.
2. http;// By AyeshaMirza,MD.Hospital . acquired
infections.(ciated2019 may19).
3. . CDC Guidelines. Universal blood and body fluid precautions; Pathogens Branch – CDC.htm.
4. Aiken LH, Sloene DM, Klocinski JL. The blood: prospective, retrospective and institutional reports. Am J Public
Health 1997;87(1):103-6.
5. Lewis, Heitkemper, Dirksen. 2004. Medical – Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clincal Problems.
6th Ed. Missouri : Mosby Elsevier publications; 2004.
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2005 Mar (cited 2019 Jan. 7); 56 (1): 59-66. Available from URL: http:// www.
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A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Prevention of Acute Respiratory Infection Among Mothers of Under Five Children at Selected Urban Area, Jaipur

  • 1. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020 Available at ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 129 “A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Prevention of Acute Respiratory Infection Among Mothers of Under Five Children At Selected Urban Area, Jaipur.” Mr. Vinod Kumar Nawariya *1 , Dr. Vidhi Sharma 2 , * *1 M.Sc. Nursing Student Maharaj Vinayak Global university Jaipur *2 Professor at Maharaj Vinayak Global university Jaipur ABSTRACT A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding prevention of acute respiratory infection among mothers of under five children at selected urban area, Jaipur.”was conducted. A total of 50 mothers of under five children mothers were selected by purposive sampling technique. A structure knowledge questionnaire and observation checklist were used to collect the data. In pre-test, mothers of under five children (36%) have moderate knowledge, mothers of under five children (62%) have inadequate knowledge and (02%) have adequate knowledge regarding prevention of acute respiratory infection, while in post-test, mothers of under five children (34%) have moderate knowledge, mothers of under five children (00%) have inadequate knowledge and (66%) have adequate knowledge regarding prevention of acute respiratory infection. Key words- Plan teaching program, under five children, respiratory infection, mother. I. INTRODUCTION Acute respiratory tract infection is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in developing and also developed countries in under five years. Acute respiratory infections are inflammation of the respiratory tract anywhere from nose to alveoli, with a wide a range of combination of signs and symptoms. ARI is classified into upper respiratory tract infections (AURI) and lower respiratory tract infections (ALRI).Most common is acute upper respiratory infections and most serious one is acute lower respiratory tract infections. Running nose or common cold, sore throat are common symptoms of AURI ,whereas ALRI includes bronchitis, epiglottitis, laryngitis and most common being pneumonia. II. METHODOLOGY Objectives of the study:- 1. To assess the level pre-test on knowledge regarding prevention of acute respiratory infection among mothers of under five children at selected urban area, Jaipur. RESEARCH ARTICLE OPEN ACCESS
  • 2. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020 Available at ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 130 2. To assess the level post -test on knowledge regarding prevention of acute respiratory nfection among mothers of under five children at selected urban area, Jaipur. 3. To determine the association between the level on knowledge regarding prevention of acute respiratory infection among mothers of under five children at selected urban area, Jaipur and with their selected demographic variables. 4. To find out the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding prevention of acute respiratory infection among mothers of under five children at selected urban area, Jaipur. Assumption:- 1. Under five children are susceptible to acute respiratory infection. 2. Acute respiratory infection can be controlled by the use of aseptic techniques. 3. Mothers of under five children may have knowledge regarding Hospital Acquired infection. Hypotheses:- H1- There was a significant difference between pre-test post-test knowledge scores regarding prevention of acute respiratory infection among mothers of under five children at selected urban area, Jaipur. H 2- There was a significant association between post–testknowledge score and selected demographic variables regarding prevention of acute respiratory infection among mothers of under five children at selected urban area, Jaipur. Methodology:- Pre- experimental research design design was adopted for the present study. Total 50 subjects were selected from selected urban area, Jaipur. Tools were used personal proforma, structured knowledge questionnaire and criteria checklist. Data was analyzed ny using descriptive and inferential statistics such as mean, median, standard deviation, correlation coefficient and chi-square test. Result and discussion The result showed that mean pre-test knowledge score of mothers of under five children was 15.4 Median is 15 and S.D is 3.0724. The result showed that mean post-test knowledge score of mothers of under five children was 21.13 Median is 21 and S.D is 4.0058. The result showed, in pre-test, mothers of under five children (36%) have moderate knowledge, mothers of under five children (62%) have inadequate knowledge and (02%) have adequate knowledge regarding prevention of acute respiratory infection, while in post-test, mothers of under five children (34%) have moderate knowledge, mothers of under five children (00%) have inadequate knowledge and (66%) have adequate knowledge regarding prevention of acute respiratory infection. The results of the study revealed that no significant association was found between knowledge regarding prevention of acute respiratory infection with age, education of the mother, occupation of the mother, type of family. .
  • 3. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020 Available at ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 131 III. MODELING AND ANALYSIS Table 1: Frequency and percentage distribution of subjects according to baseline characteristics. Variables Frequency (f) Percentag e (%) Age in years 21-25 years 26 52 26 – 30 years 12 24 30-35 years 08 16 35-40 years 04 08 Education of the mother Primary 14 28 Secondary 20 40 Graduation 08 16 Post graduation 08 16 Occupation of the mother House wife 29 58 Private job 07 14 Govt. job 11 22 Other work 03 06 Type of family Nuclear family 32 64 Joint family 10 20 Extended family 08 16 Number of under-five children in the family One 32 64 Two 10 20 More than two 08 16 Parent’s monthly income Below 5000 Rupees 21 42 5001-10000 Rupees 12 24 10001-15000 Rupees 08 16 Above 15000 Rupees 09 18 Source of information Electronic media 27 54 News paper 14 28 Friends and relatives 05 10 others 04 8 Electronic media 27 54 Table 2: Level of knowledge of pre-test and post-test Level of knowledge N=50 Pretest Post test Inadequate knowledge 31 0 Moderate knowledge 18 17 Adequate knowledge 01 33
  • 4. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020 Available at ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 132 IV. CONCLUSION The result showed, in pre-test, mothers of under five children (36%) have moderate knowledge, mothers of under five children (62%) have inadequate knowledge and (02%) have adequate knowledge regarding prevention of acute respiratory infection, while in post-test, mothers of under five children (34%) have moderate knowledge, mothers of under five children (00%) have inadequate knowledge and (66%) have adequate knowledge regarding prevention of acute respiratory infection. The result shows that mean post-test knowledge score (21.13) of mothers of under five children is higher than mean pre- test knowledge (15.04) with a mean difference of 06.09 which is found to be statistically significant as evident from the obtained ‘t’ value of 15.1073739 which is more than the table ‘t’ value for df (49) at 0.05 level of significance. The results of the study revealed that no significant association is found between knowledge regarding prevention of acute respiratory infection with age, education of the mother, occupation of the mother, type of family. The results of the study revealed that significant association is found between knowledge regarding prevention of acute respiratory infection in number of under-five children in the family, parent’s monthly income, source of information. V. REFERENCES 1. Ducel G, Fabry J, Nicolle L. Prevention of hospital-acquired infections – a practical guide. 2nd ed. WHO Publications; 2002. 2. http;// By AyeshaMirza,MD.Hospital . acquired infections.(ciated2019 may19). 3. . CDC Guidelines. Universal blood and body fluid precautions; Pathogens Branch – CDC.htm. 4. Aiken LH, Sloene DM, Klocinski JL. The blood: prospective, retrospective and institutional reports. Am J Public Health 1997;87(1):103-6. 5. Lewis, Heitkemper, Dirksen. 2004. Medical – Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clincal Problems. 6th Ed. Missouri : Mosby Elsevier publications; 2004. 6. Parvcz et al., Nosocomial infections: Measures for prevention and control. Nursing Journal of India (12505741) 2005 Mar (cited 2019 Jan. 7); 56 (1): 59-66. Available from URL: http:// www. 7. Manual on Infection prevention and control policies and guidelines (WHO/AFRO/CRHCS/East, Central and Southern African College Of Nursing, Prepared by Una V. Reid ,HRD Consultant, November, 2001. 8. Black JM, Howks JH, Keene AM. Medical surgical nursing; Indore: W. B. Sounders Company; 2018. 9. Coello R, Charlett A, Ward V. Device-related sources of bacteraemia in English hospitals – opportunities for their prevention of hospital-acquired bacteraemia; J Hosp Infect 2003;53