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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020
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MBA (Master of Business Administration)
RJS Institute of Management studies Koramangala, Bangalore.
Email: Ph No: 6363309991.
Education means learning, many students learn for the sake of marks, hence soft skills is partially
opposite for academic studies. This paper is made to know the importance of soft skills in students’
life both at college and future carrier life. It tends to know how soft skills tribute hard skills,
whicharethetechnicalrequirementsofajob for whichthestudentistrainedtodo it. Assimilation system of
training for soft skills into hard skills courses is completely effective and efficient method of
achieving both in an engaging way of teaching and a particular gratified manner to enhancethe soft
skills.A decade ago, individuals who were highly qualified with an excellence performance intheir
academic record with work experience were well recognized and talented by most of the corporate
sectors.Thereforetodayhardskillsandexperiencedoes not matter much at all and
arenotsufficientenoughfortheinner development to work effectively and rapid increase intoday’s
corporate world. Employers prefer to hire and promote those persons who are highly beneficial,
talented, quicker, resourceful, ethical, and self-driven individual withgoodcommunication.This paper
is based on an empirical study conducted between students regularly exposed to soft skills sessions
and those who are impoverished of the same.
Keywords: Integrated system, enhancement, rapid increase, self-driven, impoverished.
As the present scenario of business demands tremendous strengths among the employees to achieve
the goals, everyone in the organization has to contribute towards the direction of success by knowing
the basic effective soft skills knowledge. The main key aspect of soft skills is communication. It
happens only through formal way of learning things respectively. Hence, present professionals need
to surround a high soft skills computation, apartfromthespecialists or expert’sknowledgeinassurance
to get succeed in this challenging world.Teaching is the process of multidimensional performance,
challenging a huge range of knowledge and skills containing language skills, time management skills,
team work skills, social behavior skills, emotional intelligence skills, character or personality
traits.Teaching is a process of sharing knowledge and experience, with enhances both learning and
gaining two way of communication for bothfaculties and students. Teaching style can be adopted by
directing, discussing, delegating and correcting the errors of students by their necessary requirements.
As a result, the talent of teaching does not only comprise a self-deprecating transmission of
knowledge from lecturer to students. In its place, it is a multidimensional procedure that relive and
affects the process of student learning.
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020
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ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved Page 200
Soft skill is successful only if it happens in two ways that is one person should always be a listener
and another should always be observer only then he/she can be a good advisor. Soft skill is mainly
needed for directionit happens only through communication, so soft skills plays a
vitalroleincravingeach individual’spersonality.Such that it is completely importantfor every student to
acquire adequate skills beyond academic or technicalknowledge.The education as well as the current
trend market scenario is constantly developing faster day by day in the business field.So soft skills is
necessary and essential for every individuals to work smoothly in their work field.
1. To know the most important soft skills training strategy.
2. To find out and develop the most effective communication skills.
3. To know the appropriate and responsible training strategy.
According to Schulz (2008), lecturers play a vital part in enhancing the soft skills of a student.
Education beyond learning and its creative thinking capacity of knowledge to enhance the better quality
of gaining knowledge conducted between students regularly sessions of soft skills training and guiding
SA Dean (2017), soft skills is mainly needed for 21st
century due to workforce scholar works, the focus
of research is to identify the successful of soft skills as an academic professional course by its ethical
values and norms for newly graduated management students in recent days.
As world is changing rapidly day by day there are many technologies that are emerging in all industries
among them education industry is also one where there are new effective pedagogies focus on
developing higher way whichintroduced for effective learning. Few decades ago India is the country
which was lagging behind in education system. But today it has reached the level of 37.4 million
students enrolled in higher education that is 74.04% hence changes in education system is essential
and necessarySince many decades ago subject wise teaching and learning is happening. Hence
technology is booming at peak stage. Latest trend education system in order to work efficiently in
organization. Candidates must be highly talented and efficient to work smoothly and faster. Such that
due to oldest form of learning is not effective and sufficient due to change in situations it has become
compulsory to cope with the changes and students should adopt to the new education system. By
learning Soft skills which enhances the quality of every student in knowing the skills to work in today’
challenging world smoothly and efficiently.This paper focuses on to what extent teachers and
studentsknow the importance of soft skills learning and its usage benefits to persuade students to
increase their learning process.
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020
Available at
ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved Page 201
a) Research Design:
The research design used in this study is Empirical type of research.
b) Method of data collection:
For conducting this research, we used both primary data and secondary data
Primary data: It was obtained through a survey conducted on Fifty respondents.
Secondary data: It was collected from websites, internet, books and various papers
c) Sample size:The study was conducted by50 respondents only.
d) Sampling area: Bangalore south area.
Student success should be a teacher’s number one priority and success as well. For some students,
success will be getting as a good grade. For others, it might vary increased involvement in class.
Teachers can help all their students in class for their betterment of knowing things clearly.
Such that teachers can follow these steps mentioned below:
To set high expectations mainly.
Conduct competitive tasks in training sessions.
Establish a classroom different session routine.
Provide them basic skills.
Help students climb their skills step by step.
Vary your instruction.
Should show the interest on every individual student.
Be transparent and ready to help them in the assignments.
Soft skills are completely based on the individual mind set and personal attributes which influences
how well each individuals can work or interact with others. Soft skills make it easier to form
relationships with people in order to function smoothly, create trust and dependability, and lead
teams. It is an essential part of knowing, finding, attracting, and retaining clients. Since soft skills is
completely about each and every individual dyadic communication and its instructiveness among
their independent strength, and work ethic, this will help you in accordance with gaining the
superiority power for your own carrier life as on how you value them. Such that each and every job
role definitely requires some or the other way of interactions between people, whether it might be
with their managers, colleagues, Team members, customers etc. Hence soft skills isimportant to
each and every people sufficiently in the work place as a hole.
Mainly soft skills is important by its Communication skill. It enhances the quality of elements of
communication, non-verbal communication, public speaking, Interview techniques, Meetings
etiquettes, Business communication and career planning in future.
Hence communication is important in every place in order to communicate the facts, ideas, options
or emotions by two or more persons in reality.
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development
ISSN : 2581-7175 ©
Process of communication
Table 1.Table showing the course of the Respondents.
1. MBA
2. Faculties
3. BBA
Interpretation:From the abovetable,it is clear that
respondents are faculties and the remaining respondents are
Course Respondents
Feed back
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue
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©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved
Process of communication
of the Respondents.
% OF
20 40%
18 36%
12 24%
50 100%
it is clear that 40% of respondents has perused MBA and
e remaining respondents are BBA that is 24%.
Course Respondents
Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020
Page 202
espondents has perused MBA and 36% of

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The document systematically reviews literature on the need for continuing professional development of education administrators, finding that CPD programs help administrators improve knowledge and skills, better manage schools, and enhance education quality. CPD includes any formal or informal training that helps administrators develop competencies. While training programs exist, the literature calls for more comprehensive and sustainable leadership training to better support administrators.
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HR Academicians were surveyed about their perceptions of HR education. The results showed: 1) Half of HR Academicians have not published any articles in journals, with most publications coming from professors and associate professors. 2) HR Academicians see their role as a mix of teaching, training, and research activities. 3) There is a need to restructure HR management education to improve rigor, relevance, methodology and prepare students for industry with the necessary skills.

Making Management Education in India Meet Global Quality
Making Management Education in India Meet Global QualityMaking Management Education in India Meet Global Quality
Making Management Education in India Meet Global Quality

Abstract:Management education in India is under increasing demand with close on a lakh of students passing out each year. Demand has especially increased after changes towards privatization and globalization, offering great potential to aspiring MBA students. According to the Business Standard dated 20th March 21, 2014 “India’s Marquee B-schools make a dash for global recognition”. Tangible benefits of international accreditation attract global faculty and students besides helping justify higher fees. Further, B-schools are not satisfied with a single accreditation, but want the triple-crown, namely. Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), Association of MBAs (AMBA) and European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS). Keywords:Management education, Global recognition.

making management education in india meet global qprof.dr. sri saimanagement education
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development
ISSN : 2581-7175 ©
Table 2: showing the age factor of the res
1 25-35
2 35-45
3 45-55
Interpretation: From the above table it is clear that
34% of respondents are of 35-45 they are teachers ,
senior teachers opinions.
Table 3: showing strategy you consider most important
Particulars Frequency
Learning mindset
Practical assessments
Interpretation: From the above table it is clear that
with focus, 40% of the respondents those are
12% respondents those are 6 who is somewhat convenient with practical assessments
consider most important in respondents.
25-35 35-45
Total 46 34
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue
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©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved
of the response given.
% OF
23 46%
17 34%
10 20%
50 100%
From the above table it is clear that 46% of respondents are age group of 25
45 they are teachers , 20% respondents are age group of 45
strategy you consider most important respondents.
Frequency Percentage
24 48%
20 40%
6 12%
50 100%
From the above table it is clear that 48% of the respondents that is 24
of the respondents those are 20 who are comfortable with learning mindset
is somewhat convenient with practical assessments
consider most important in respondents.
45 45-60
Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020
Page 203
of respondents are age group of 25-35, and
respondents are age group of 45-55 which are
24 are convenient
who are comfortable with learning mindset and rest
is somewhat convenient with practical assessments in strategy they
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development
ISSN : 2581-7175 ©
Table 4: Showing the most successful soft skills training strategy
Particulars Frequency
Coaching skill
Critical thinking
AV class room teaching
Interpretation: From the above table it is very simple and clear that
people feelcoaching skill is most successful strategy and 36
critical thinking is successful strategy, rest 24% that is 12 of them feel AV classroom teaching is
beneficial for the successful soft skills strategy.
Table 5:Showing the most important soft skills you consider.
Particulars Frequency
Time management
8% 28%
Frequency Percentage
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue
Available at
©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved
the most successful soft skills training strategy
Frequency Percentage
20 40%
18 36%
12 24%
50 100%
: From the above table it is very simple and clear that 40% of respondents that is
coaching skill is most successful strategy and 36% of respondents that is 18
critical thinking is successful strategy, rest 24% that is 12 of them feel AV classroom teaching is
successful soft skills strategy.
most important soft skills you consider.
Frequency Percentage
4 8%
10 20%
36 72%
50 100%
Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020
Page 204
of respondents that is 20
18 of them feel
critical thinking is successful strategy, rest 24% that is 12 of them feel AV classroom teaching is
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020
Available at
ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved Page 205
Interpretation: From the above table it is clear that 8%of the respondents that is 4 of them are familiar
with time management 20% of respondents that is 10 of them feel comfortable by self-motivation 72%
of respondents that is 36 feel communication is the most important aspect of soft skill which they
consider the most.
1. Majority of the respondents are management students and faculties related to management
2. Various challenges must be faced to be effective among others creatively, hence majority of the
respondents feel that coaching skills helps them to get more beneficial knowledge.
3. So there is an requirement of every individual students and teachers to adopt soft skills hence
maximum people agrees no it is not huge and complicated for learning and teaching soft skills is
4. Many People are aware about soft skills, so communication is the most important tool and aspect
that many respondents feel.
5. Each individual emotional behavior differs hence many respondents feel the best strategy with
dealing emotional behavior by being attentive in their job.
6. Hence due to fastest development of technologies and competitive world it has become
compulsory for both teachers and students to get exposure to the new education system to adopt
soft skills to their career for their development and to know its importance in their life.
Table 6 Descriptive Analysis of demographic variables
Descriptive Statistics
N Mean
Deviation Skewness Kurtosis
Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic
Error Statistic
COURSE 50 1.94 0.818 0.113 0.337 -1.496 0.662
AGE 50 1.74 0.777 0.497 0.337 -1.161 0.662
STRATEGY 50 1.66 0.688 0.564 0.337 -0.728 0.662
MSS 50 1.84 0.792 0.298 0.337 -1.333 0.662
MIS 50 2.64 0.631 -1.571 0.337 1.345 0.662
Valid N
(listwise) 50
Table 6 shows that the highest mean belongs to most important soft skills (2.64) and least for strategy
(1.66). Also, that the values of Kurtosis ranged between (1.345 to -1.496). It is highest for most
important soft skills and the lowest for course. Additionally, the highest skewness value (-1.496) is for
most important soft skills and the lowest for course. As all the skewness and kurtosis values are between
±3.5, we can assume that the adapted constructs fulfil the requirement of univariate normality (Hair et
al, 1998).
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020
Available at
ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved Page 206
Table 7 Descriptive Analysis of factors of soft skill training
Descriptive Statistics
Skewness Kurtosis
Statistic Statistic Statistic
Speaking clearly and succinctly 4.12 0.849 -1.071 0.337 2.134 0.662
Working very well on a team 4.08 0.665 -0.089 0.337 -0.652 0.662
Working well with diverse
groups of people
3.68 0.819 -0.263 0.337 0.935 0.662
Showing lot of empathy toward
3.94 0.998 -0.646 0.337 -0.574 0.662
Having a positive attitude 3.98 0.869 -0.544 0.337 -0.294 0.662
Thinking that people can become
more intelligent
3.64 1.025 -0.277 0.337 -0.503 0.662
Having good self-control 3.4 1.143 -0.598 0.337 -0.049 0.662
Engaging in positive out of
college activities
3.3 1.165 -0.218 0.337 -0.561 0.662
Valid N (list wise) 50
Table 7 shows that the highest mean belongs to S1 (Speaking clearly and succinctly, mean = 4.12) and least
for S8 (Engaging in positive out of college activities, mean = 3.3). Also, that the values of Kurtosis ranged
between (2.134 to -1.496). It is highest for ‘Speaking clearly and succinctly’ and the lowest for ‘Having
good self-control’. Additionally, the highest skewness value is for ‘Speaking clearly and succinctly’ and the
lowest for ‘Working very well on a team’.
Hypothesis Testing
1. H0: There is no significant difference between courses with respect to factors of soft skill
Table 8 ANOVA
Sum of
F Sig.
Groups 0.443 2 0.222 0.299 0.743
Groups 34.837 47 0.741
Total 35.28 49

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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020
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ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved Page 207
Groups 1.402 2 0.701 1.625 0.208
Groups 20.278 47 0.431
Total 21.68 49
Groups 0.977 2 0.488 0.719 0.492
Groups 31.903 47 0.679
Total 32.88 49
Groups 0.32 2 0.16 0.155 0.857
Groups 48.5 47 1.032
Total 48.82 49
Groups 0.776 2 0.388 0.504 0.607
Groups 36.204 47 0.77
Total 36.98 49
Groups 0.038 2 0.019 0.017 0.983
Groups 51.482 47 1.095
Total 51.52 49
Groups 0.92 2 0.46 0.343 0.712
Groups 63.08 47 1.342
Total 64 49
Groups 2.902 2 1.451 1.072 0.35
Groups 63.598 47 1.353
Total 66.5 49
Since p-value is greater than 0.01, the null hypothesis is accepted with regard to factors of soft skill training.
Hence there is no significant difference between courses with respect to factors of soft skill training.
2. H0: There is no significant difference between age groups with respect to factors of soft skill
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020
Available at
ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved Page 208
Table 9 ANOVA
Sum of
F Sig.
1.541 2 0.771 1.073 0.35
33.739 47 0.718
Total 35.28 49
2.741 2 1.371 3.401 0.042
18.939 47 0.403
Total 21.68 49
1.038 2 0.519 0.766 0.471
31.842 47 0.677
Total 32.88 49
5.065 2 2.532 2.72 0.076
43.755 47 0.931
Total 48.82 49
3.994 2 1.997 2.845 0.068
32.986 47 0.702
Total 36.98 49
7.101 2 3.55 3.757 0.031
44.419 47 0.945
Total 51.52 49
0.139 2 0.07 0.051 0.95
63.861 47 1.359
Total 64 49
5.648 2 2.824 2.181 0.124
60.852 47 1.295
Total 66.5 49
Since p-value is greater than 0.01, the null hypothesis is accepted with regard to factors of soft skill training.
Hence there is no significant difference between age groups with respect to factors of soft skill training.
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020
Available at
ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved Page 209
Table 10 Correlation Analysis
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 Overall
1 0.163
.449** -
.282* .293*
Sig. (2-
0.257 0.987 0.036 0 0.001 0.047 0.039 0
0.163 1 0.085 .345*
0.144 0.253
0.126 .397**
Sig. (2-
0.257 0.555 0.014 0.318 0.077 0.504 0.382 0.004
0.085 1 0.226
0.225 0.249 0.167 .436**
Sig. (2-
0.987 0.555 0.115 0.95 0.117 0.082 0.247 0.002
0.226 1 .375**
0.244 .517**
Sig. (2-
0.036 0.014 0.115 0.007 0.498 0.141 0.088 0
1 .519**
0.07 .611**
Sig. (2-
0 0.318 0.95 0.007 0 0.63 0 0
0.253 0.225 0.098 .519**
1 0.091 .485**
Sig. (2-
0.001 0.077 0.117 0.498 0 0.532 0 0
-.282* -
0.07 0.091 1 0.077 0.261
Sig. (2-
0.047 0.504 0.082 0.141 0.63 0.532 0.597 0.068
0.126 0.167 0.244 .611**
0.077 1 .726**
Sig. (2-
0.039 0.382 0.247 0.088 0 0 0.597 0
0.261 .726**
Sig. (2-
0 0.004 0.002 0 0 0 0.068 0
N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Table 10 shows that the highest correlation (r = 0.752) is between the variables, ‘Having a positive
attitude’ and over all training. In addition, the lowest correlation (r =.009) is between ‘working well with
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020
Available at
ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved Page 210
diverse groups of people’ and ‘having a positive attitude’. As the correlations are substantially lower than
0.80 in absolute value, there is unlikely to be any statistical issue of multi collinearity (Hair et al., 1998)
Digital teaching is a new trend these days which are acquired and are following by all the teachers and
students, Hence higher education in INDIA is grown more, as many students clear their higher education
courses with subject knowledge it is not that effective and knowledgeable to get the job easily in
Multinational companies, Thus it can be concluded that by learning soft skills which is highly effective
and which benefits both the students and teachers to get well trained and making students to get realistic
knowledge of the concepts they learn. By knowing the concepts in detail what , why and it is necessary
use of it.
Hence by learning soft skills for business effectively or efficiently it is convenient for them to work
easily and smoothlyBoth teachers and students are using digital teaching which is somewhat convenient.
Soft skills help to access and manage the time to work effectively andto be different compare to others
in order to be a successful person among competitors in organization or at work place.
Sumathi M, Asst. Prof, department of commerce and management soft skills trainer in krupanidhi
college of commerce and management Koramangala, Bangalore, “Importance of soft skills for
business in present days” the values principles in both practical and theoretical aspect teaching
concepts for survival in corporate sectors as well as civic manners in public relation as a
professional individual.
AweJade(2008),Eightvalid reasonsin order to DevelopSoftSkills, and its essentials.
fromhttp:/ by topic /a/softskills.html
Eldered Brad (2006), "The growing need for soft skills" , Montana economy at a glance, retrieved
Jan 2009, from http://www.ourfactsyourfuture.or g/admin/ uploaded
Hewitt Sean (2008), "9 Soft Skills for Success" retrieved August 2008, from http:/ 121_career.html
Subramaniam,2013 Teachers perception on their readiness in integrating soft skills in the teaching
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MartinCarole(2008), uniqueness. Asp
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Tobin P (2006), "Managing Ourselves- Leading others". ICEL 2006, inspiring Leadership:
Experiential learning and leadership development. Vol. 2, pp.32-46.

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International Journal of Business and Management Invention (IJBMI) is an international journal intended for professionals and researchers in all fields of Business and Management. IJBMI publishes research articles and reviews within the whole field Business and Management, new teaching methods, assessment, validation and the impact of new technologies and it will continue to provide information on the latest trends and developments in this ever-expanding subject. The publications of papers are selected through double peer reviewed to ensure originality, relevance, and readability. The articles published in our journal can be accessed online.

MM BAgali...... HR academicians Research paper..... HR Education...... PhD Wo...
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mm bagali...... hr academicians research paper....
Competency improvement needs of teachers of brick/blocklaying and concreting ...
Competency improvement needs of teachers of brick/blocklaying and concreting ...Competency improvement needs of teachers of brick/blocklaying and concreting ...
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This study determined the competency improvement needs of teachers of brick/blocklaying and concreting works for effective teaching in technical colleges in Edo and Delta States. Three research questions gave credence to the study and two null hypotheses tested. A descriptive survey research design was used. A population of 64 respondents made up of 42 brick/blocklaying and concreting works (BBCW) teachers and 22 technologists was used. A 56- item competencies structured questionnaire was the instrument for the study. Three experts validated the instrument. A reliability coefficient of 0.74 was obtained. Research questions were answered with Mean and standard deviation, while independent t-test statistic applied to test the hypotheses. From the findings, it was revealed that brick/blocklaying and concreting works teachers and technologist need competency improvements for classroom management, planning instructions, evaluation strategies and different types of instructional techniques. It was recommended among others that, BBCW teachers and technologist be exposed to regular workshops, seminars and trainings for capacity building on areas of needs identified in the study.

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020
Available at
ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved Page 211
1. NAME:____________________________________
AGE: 20-30_______30-40________40-50_______
2. Designation: MBA_________FACULTY________BBA________
3.What strategy do you consider most important to learn soft skills? a) Focus b) learning mindset c)
practical assessments.
4. What is your most successful soft skills training strategy?
a) Coaching skills b) critical thinkingc) AV class room teaching
5. Is soft skills huge and complicated for learning and teaching? a) Yes
b) No
6. What soft skills do you consider the most important?
a) Self-motivation b) communication c) Time management
7. What are your strategies for dealing with emotional behaviour’s?
a) meditation b) take a deep breath c) Be attentive
8. Do you think soft skills learning benefits your career to develop in your life?
a) Yes b) No
***************************THANK YOU****************************

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An Emperical Study of Learning How Soft Skills is Essential for Management Students in Their Carrier Life

  • 1. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020 Available at ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved Page 199 AN EMPERICAL STUDY OF LEARNING HOW SOFT SKILLS IS ESSENTIAL FOR MANAGEMENT STUDENTS IN THEIR CARRIER LIFE ABHISHEK. P MBA (Master of Business Administration) RJS Institute of Management studies Koramangala, Bangalore. Email: Ph No: 6363309991. ABSTRACT: Education means learning, many students learn for the sake of marks, hence soft skills is partially opposite for academic studies. This paper is made to know the importance of soft skills in students’ life both at college and future carrier life. It tends to know how soft skills tribute hard skills, whicharethetechnicalrequirementsofajob for whichthestudentistrainedtodo it. Assimilation system of training for soft skills into hard skills courses is completely effective and efficient method of achieving both in an engaging way of teaching and a particular gratified manner to enhancethe soft skills.A decade ago, individuals who were highly qualified with an excellence performance intheir academic record with work experience were well recognized and talented by most of the corporate sectors.Thereforetodayhardskillsandexperiencedoes not matter much at all and arenotsufficientenoughfortheinner development to work effectively and rapid increase intoday’s corporate world. Employers prefer to hire and promote those persons who are highly beneficial, talented, quicker, resourceful, ethical, and self-driven individual withgoodcommunication.This paper is based on an empirical study conducted between students regularly exposed to soft skills sessions and those who are impoverished of the same. Keywords: Integrated system, enhancement, rapid increase, self-driven, impoverished. INTRODUCTION: As the present scenario of business demands tremendous strengths among the employees to achieve the goals, everyone in the organization has to contribute towards the direction of success by knowing the basic effective soft skills knowledge. The main key aspect of soft skills is communication. It happens only through formal way of learning things respectively. Hence, present professionals need to surround a high soft skills computation, apartfromthespecialists or expert’sknowledgeinassurance to get succeed in this challenging world.Teaching is the process of multidimensional performance, challenging a huge range of knowledge and skills containing language skills, time management skills, team work skills, social behavior skills, emotional intelligence skills, character or personality traits.Teaching is a process of sharing knowledge and experience, with enhances both learning and gaining two way of communication for bothfaculties and students. Teaching style can be adopted by directing, discussing, delegating and correcting the errors of students by their necessary requirements. As a result, the talent of teaching does not only comprise a self-deprecating transmission of knowledge from lecturer to students. In its place, it is a multidimensional procedure that relive and affects the process of student learning. RESEARCH ARTICLE OPEN ACCESS
  • 2. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020 Available at ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved Page 200 Soft skill is successful only if it happens in two ways that is one person should always be a listener and another should always be observer only then he/she can be a good advisor. Soft skill is mainly needed for directionit happens only through communication, so soft skills plays a vitalroleincravingeach individual’spersonality.Such that it is completely importantfor every student to acquire adequate skills beyond academic or technicalknowledge.The education as well as the current trend market scenario is constantly developing faster day by day in the business field.So soft skills is necessary and essential for every individuals to work smoothly in their work field. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY: 1. To know the most important soft skills training strategy. 2. To find out and develop the most effective communication skills. 3. To know the appropriate and responsible training strategy. REVIEW OF LITERATURE According to Schulz (2008), lecturers play a vital part in enhancing the soft skills of a student. Education beyond learning and its creative thinking capacity of knowledge to enhance the better quality of gaining knowledge conducted between students regularly sessions of soft skills training and guiding process. SA Dean (2017), soft skills is mainly needed for 21st century due to workforce scholar works, the focus of research is to identify the successful of soft skills as an academic professional course by its ethical values and norms for newly graduated management students in recent days. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: As world is changing rapidly day by day there are many technologies that are emerging in all industries among them education industry is also one where there are new effective pedagogies focus on developing higher way whichintroduced for effective learning. Few decades ago India is the country which was lagging behind in education system. But today it has reached the level of 37.4 million students enrolled in higher education that is 74.04% hence changes in education system is essential and necessarySince many decades ago subject wise teaching and learning is happening. Hence technology is booming at peak stage. Latest trend education system in order to work efficiently in organization. Candidates must be highly talented and efficient to work smoothly and faster. Such that due to oldest form of learning is not effective and sufficient due to change in situations it has become compulsory to cope with the changes and students should adopt to the new education system. By learning Soft skills which enhances the quality of every student in knowing the skills to work in today’ challenging world smoothly and efficiently.This paper focuses on to what extent teachers and studentsknow the importance of soft skills learning and its usage benefits to persuade students to increase their learning process.
  • 3. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020 Available at ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved Page 201 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: a) Research Design: The research design used in this study is Empirical type of research. b) Method of data collection: For conducting this research, we used both primary data and secondary data Primary data: It was obtained through a survey conducted on Fifty respondents. Secondary data: It was collected from websites, internet, books and various papers c) Sample size:The study was conducted by50 respondents only. d) Sampling area: Bangalore south area. QUALITIES THAT CAN HELP TEACHERS TO GUIDE THEIR STUDENTS EFFECTIVELY BY USING SOFTSKILLS Student success should be a teacher’s number one priority and success as well. For some students, success will be getting as a good grade. For others, it might vary increased involvement in class. Teachers can help all their students in class for their betterment of knowing things clearly. Such that teachers can follow these steps mentioned below: To set high expectations mainly. Conduct competitive tasks in training sessions. Establish a classroom different session routine. Provide them basic skills. Help students climb their skills step by step. Vary your instruction. Should show the interest on every individual student. Be transparent and ready to help them in the assignments. WHY ARE SOFT SKILLS IMPORTANT FOR INDIVIDULAS? Soft skills are completely based on the individual mind set and personal attributes which influences how well each individuals can work or interact with others. Soft skills make it easier to form relationships with people in order to function smoothly, create trust and dependability, and lead teams. It is an essential part of knowing, finding, attracting, and retaining clients. Since soft skills is completely about each and every individual dyadic communication and its instructiveness among their independent strength, and work ethic, this will help you in accordance with gaining the superiority power for your own carrier life as on how you value them. Such that each and every job role definitely requires some or the other way of interactions between people, whether it might be with their managers, colleagues, Team members, customers etc. Hence soft skills isimportant to each and every people sufficiently in the work place as a hole. Mainly soft skills is important by its Communication skill. It enhances the quality of elements of communication, non-verbal communication, public speaking, Interview techniques, Meetings etiquettes, Business communication and career planning in future. Hence communication is important in every place in order to communicate the facts, ideas, options or emotions by two or more persons in reality.
  • 4. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development ISSN : 2581-7175 © PROCESS OF COMMUNICATION Sender Process of communication ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION: Table 1.Table showing the course of the Respondents. SL.NO COURSE RESPONDENTS 1. MBA 2. Faculties 3. BBA TOTAL Interpretation:From the abovetable,it is clear that respondents are faculties and the remaining respondents are 46 34 20 Course Respondents Encoding Feed back International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue Available at ©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved PROCESS OF COMMUNICATION Process of communication Response ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION: of the Respondents. NO. OF RESPONDENTS % OF RESPONDENTS 20 40% 18 36% 12 24% 50 100% it is clear that 40% of respondents has perused MBA and e remaining respondents are BBA that is 24%. 20 Course Respondents 25-35 35-45 45-60 Message Media Encoding Decoding Receiver Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020 Page 202 espondents has perused MBA and 36% of Decoding Receiver
  • 5. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development ISSN : 2581-7175 © Table 2: showing the age factor of the res SL. NO AGE RESPONDENTS 1 25-35 2 35-45 3 45-55 TOTAL Interpretation: From the above table it is clear that 34% of respondents are of 35-45 they are teachers , senior teachers opinions. Table 3: showing strategy you consider most important Particulars Frequency Focus Learning mindset Practical assessments Total Interpretation: From the above table it is clear that with focus, 40% of the respondents those are 12% respondents those are 6 who is somewhat convenient with practical assessments consider most important in respondents. 0 10 20 30 40 50 25-35 35-45 Total 46 34 46 34 AXISTITLE AXIS TITLE TOTAL Total International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue Available at ©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved of the response given. NO. OF RESPONDENTS % OF RESPONDENTS 23 46% 17 34% 10 20% 50 100% From the above table it is clear that 46% of respondents are age group of 25 45 they are teachers , 20% respondents are age group of 45 strategy you consider most important respondents. Frequency Percentage 24 48% 20 40% 6 12% 50 100% From the above table it is clear that 48% of the respondents that is 24 of the respondents those are 20 who are comfortable with learning mindset is somewhat convenient with practical assessments consider most important in respondents. 45 45-60 20 34 20 AXIS TITLE TOTAL Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020 Page 203 of respondents are age group of 25-35, and respondents are age group of 45-55 which are 24 are convenient who are comfortable with learning mindset and rest is somewhat convenient with practical assessments in strategy they
  • 6. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development ISSN : 2581-7175 © Table 4: Showing the most successful soft skills training strategy Particulars Frequency Coaching skill Critical thinking AV class room teaching Total Interpretation: From the above table it is very simple and clear that people feelcoaching skill is most successful strategy and 36 critical thinking is successful strategy, rest 24% that is 12 of them feel AV classroom teaching is beneficial for the successful soft skills strategy. Table 5:Showing the most important soft skills you consider. Particulars Frequency Time management Self-motivation Communication Total 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 4 14 8% 28% Frequency Percentage International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue Available at ©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved the most successful soft skills training strategy Frequency Percentage 20 40% 18 36% 12 24% 50 100% : From the above table it is very simple and clear that 40% of respondents that is coaching skill is most successful strategy and 36% of respondents that is 18 critical thinking is successful strategy, rest 24% that is 12 of them feel AV classroom teaching is successful soft skills strategy. most important soft skills you consider. Frequency Percentage 4 8% 10 20% 36 72% 50 100% 8 16% Percentage Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020 Page 204 of respondents that is 20 18 of them feel critical thinking is successful strategy, rest 24% that is 12 of them feel AV classroom teaching is
  • 7. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020 Available at ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved Page 205 Interpretation: From the above table it is clear that 8%of the respondents that is 4 of them are familiar with time management 20% of respondents that is 10 of them feel comfortable by self-motivation 72% of respondents that is 36 feel communication is the most important aspect of soft skill which they consider the most. FINDINGS: 1. Majority of the respondents are management students and faculties related to management studies. 2. Various challenges must be faced to be effective among others creatively, hence majority of the respondents feel that coaching skills helps them to get more beneficial knowledge. 3. So there is an requirement of every individual students and teachers to adopt soft skills hence maximum people agrees no it is not huge and complicated for learning and teaching soft skills is difficult. 4. Many People are aware about soft skills, so communication is the most important tool and aspect that many respondents feel. 5. Each individual emotional behavior differs hence many respondents feel the best strategy with dealing emotional behavior by being attentive in their job. 6. Hence due to fastest development of technologies and competitive world it has become compulsory for both teachers and students to get exposure to the new education system to adopt soft skills to their career for their development and to know its importance in their life. Table 6 Descriptive Analysis of demographic variables Descriptive Statistics N Mean Std. Deviation Skewness Kurtosis Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. Error Statistic Std. Error COURSE 50 1.94 0.818 0.113 0.337 -1.496 0.662 AGE 50 1.74 0.777 0.497 0.337 -1.161 0.662 STRATEGY 50 1.66 0.688 0.564 0.337 -0.728 0.662 MSS 50 1.84 0.792 0.298 0.337 -1.333 0.662 MIS 50 2.64 0.631 -1.571 0.337 1.345 0.662 Valid N (listwise) 50 Table 6 shows that the highest mean belongs to most important soft skills (2.64) and least for strategy (1.66). Also, that the values of Kurtosis ranged between (1.345 to -1.496). It is highest for most important soft skills and the lowest for course. Additionally, the highest skewness value (-1.496) is for most important soft skills and the lowest for course. As all the skewness and kurtosis values are between ±3.5, we can assume that the adapted constructs fulfil the requirement of univariate normality (Hair et al, 1998).
  • 8. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020 Available at ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved Page 206 Table 7 Descriptive Analysis of factors of soft skill training Descriptive Statistics Mean Std. Deviation Skewness Kurtosis Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. Error Statistic Std. Error Speaking clearly and succinctly 4.12 0.849 -1.071 0.337 2.134 0.662 Working very well on a team 4.08 0.665 -0.089 0.337 -0.652 0.662 Working well with diverse groups of people 3.68 0.819 -0.263 0.337 0.935 0.662 Showing lot of empathy toward others 3.94 0.998 -0.646 0.337 -0.574 0.662 Having a positive attitude 3.98 0.869 -0.544 0.337 -0.294 0.662 Thinking that people can become more intelligent 3.64 1.025 -0.277 0.337 -0.503 0.662 Having good self-control 3.4 1.143 -0.598 0.337 -0.049 0.662 Engaging in positive out of college activities 3.3 1.165 -0.218 0.337 -0.561 0.662 Valid N (list wise) 50 Table 7 shows that the highest mean belongs to S1 (Speaking clearly and succinctly, mean = 4.12) and least for S8 (Engaging in positive out of college activities, mean = 3.3). Also, that the values of Kurtosis ranged between (2.134 to -1.496). It is highest for ‘Speaking clearly and succinctly’ and the lowest for ‘Having good self-control’. Additionally, the highest skewness value is for ‘Speaking clearly and succinctly’ and the lowest for ‘Working very well on a team’. Hypothesis Testing 1. H0: There is no significant difference between courses with respect to factors of soft skill training. Table 8 ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. S1 Between Groups 0.443 2 0.222 0.299 0.743 Within Groups 34.837 47 0.741 Total 35.28 49
  • 9. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020 Available at ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved Page 207 S2 Between Groups 1.402 2 0.701 1.625 0.208 Within Groups 20.278 47 0.431 Total 21.68 49 S3 Between Groups 0.977 2 0.488 0.719 0.492 Within Groups 31.903 47 0.679 Total 32.88 49 S4 Between Groups 0.32 2 0.16 0.155 0.857 Within Groups 48.5 47 1.032 Total 48.82 49 S5 Between Groups 0.776 2 0.388 0.504 0.607 Within Groups 36.204 47 0.77 Total 36.98 49 S6 Between Groups 0.038 2 0.019 0.017 0.983 Within Groups 51.482 47 1.095 Total 51.52 49 S7 Between Groups 0.92 2 0.46 0.343 0.712 Within Groups 63.08 47 1.342 Total 64 49 S8 Between Groups 2.902 2 1.451 1.072 0.35 Within Groups 63.598 47 1.353 Total 66.5 49 Since p-value is greater than 0.01, the null hypothesis is accepted with regard to factors of soft skill training. Hence there is no significant difference between courses with respect to factors of soft skill training. 2. H0: There is no significant difference between age groups with respect to factors of soft skill training.
  • 10. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020 Available at ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved Page 208 Table 9 ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. S1 Between Groups 1.541 2 0.771 1.073 0.35 Within Groups 33.739 47 0.718 Total 35.28 49 S2 Between Groups 2.741 2 1.371 3.401 0.042 Within Groups 18.939 47 0.403 Total 21.68 49 S3 Between Groups 1.038 2 0.519 0.766 0.471 Within Groups 31.842 47 0.677 Total 32.88 49 S4 Between Groups 5.065 2 2.532 2.72 0.076 Within Groups 43.755 47 0.931 Total 48.82 49 S5 Between Groups 3.994 2 1.997 2.845 0.068 Within Groups 32.986 47 0.702 Total 36.98 49 S6 Between Groups 7.101 2 3.55 3.757 0.031 Within Groups 44.419 47 0.945 Total 51.52 49 S7 Between Groups 0.139 2 0.07 0.051 0.95 Within Groups 63.861 47 1.359 Total 64 49 S8 Between Groups 5.648 2 2.824 2.181 0.124 Within Groups 60.852 47 1.295 Total 66.5 49 Since p-value is greater than 0.01, the null hypothesis is accepted with regard to factors of soft skill training. Hence there is no significant difference between age groups with respect to factors of soft skill training.
  • 11. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020 Available at ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved Page 209 Table 10 Correlation Analysis S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 Overall S1 Pearson Correlation 1 0.163 - 0.002 .298* .529** .449** - .282* .293* .531** Sig. (2- tailed) 0.257 0.987 0.036 0 0.001 0.047 0.039 0 S2 Pearson Correlation 0.163 1 0.085 .345* 0.144 0.253 - 0.097 0.126 .397** Sig. (2- tailed) 0.257 0.555 0.014 0.318 0.077 0.504 0.382 0.004 S3 Pearson Correlation - 0.002 0.085 1 0.226 - 0.009 0.225 0.249 0.167 .436** Sig. (2- tailed) 0.987 0.555 0.115 0.95 0.117 0.082 0.247 0.002 S4 Pearson Correlation .298* .345* 0.226 1 .375** 0.098 - 0.211 0.244 .517** Sig. (2- tailed) 0.036 0.014 0.115 0.007 0.498 0.141 0.088 0 S5 Pearson Correlation .529** 0.144 - 0.009 .375** 1 .519** 0.07 .611** .752** Sig. (2- tailed) 0 0.318 0.95 0.007 0 0.63 0 0 S6 Pearson Correlation .449** 0.253 0.225 0.098 .519** 1 0.091 .485** .721** Sig. (2- tailed) 0.001 0.077 0.117 0.498 0 0.532 0 0 S7 Pearson Correlation -.282* - 0.097 0.249 - 0.211 0.07 0.091 1 0.077 0.261 Sig. (2- tailed) 0.047 0.504 0.082 0.141 0.63 0.532 0.597 0.068 S8 Pearson Correlation .293* 0.126 0.167 0.244 .611** .485** 0.077 1 .726** Sig. (2- tailed) 0.039 0.382 0.247 0.088 0 0 0.597 0 Overall Pearson Correlation .531** .397** .436** .517** .752** .721** 0.261 .726** 1 Sig. (2- tailed) 0 0.004 0.002 0 0 0 0.068 0 N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Table 10 shows that the highest correlation (r = 0.752) is between the variables, ‘Having a positive attitude’ and over all training. In addition, the lowest correlation (r =.009) is between ‘working well with
  • 12. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020 Available at ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved Page 210 diverse groups of people’ and ‘having a positive attitude’. As the correlations are substantially lower than 0.80 in absolute value, there is unlikely to be any statistical issue of multi collinearity (Hair et al., 1998) CONCLUSION: Digital teaching is a new trend these days which are acquired and are following by all the teachers and students, Hence higher education in INDIA is grown more, as many students clear their higher education courses with subject knowledge it is not that effective and knowledgeable to get the job easily in Multinational companies, Thus it can be concluded that by learning soft skills which is highly effective and which benefits both the students and teachers to get well trained and making students to get realistic knowledge of the concepts they learn. By knowing the concepts in detail what , why and it is necessary use of it. Hence by learning soft skills for business effectively or efficiently it is convenient for them to work easily and smoothlyBoth teachers and students are using digital teaching which is somewhat convenient. Soft skills help to access and manage the time to work effectively andto be different compare to others in order to be a successful person among competitors in organization or at work place. REFERENCES Sumathi M, Asst. Prof, department of commerce and management soft skills trainer in krupanidhi college of commerce and management Koramangala, Bangalore, “Importance of soft skills for business in present days” the values principles in both practical and theoretical aspect teaching concepts for survival in corporate sectors as well as civic manners in public relation as a professional individual. AweJade(2008),Eightvalid reasonsin order to DevelopSoftSkills, and its essentials. fromhttp:/ by topic /a/softskills.html Eldered Brad (2006), "The growing need for soft skills" , Montana economy at a glance, retrieved Jan 2009, from http://www.ourfactsyourfuture.or g/admin/ uploaded Publications/1686_Article_Sept06.pd Hewitt Sean (2008), "9 Soft Skills for Success" retrieved August 2008, from http:/ 121_career.html Subramaniam,2013 Teachers perception on their readiness in integrating soft skills in the teaching and learning Journal of research & method in education, 2 (5) (2013). MartinCarole(2008), uniqueness. Asp Romedios,2012 The role of soft skills in employability, 2 (7) (2012). Tobin P (2006), "Managing Ourselves- Leading others". ICEL 2006, inspiring Leadership: Experiential learning and leadership development. Vol. 2, pp.32-46.
  • 13. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 - Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2020 Available at ISSN : 2581-7175 ©IJSRED:All Rights are Reserved Page 211 ANNEXURE 1. NAME:____________________________________ AGE: 20-30_______30-40________40-50_______ 2. Designation: MBA_________FACULTY________BBA________ 3.What strategy do you consider most important to learn soft skills? a) Focus b) learning mindset c) practical assessments. 4. What is your most successful soft skills training strategy? a) Coaching skills b) critical thinkingc) AV class room teaching 5. Is soft skills huge and complicated for learning and teaching? a) Yes b) No 6. What soft skills do you consider the most important? a) Self-motivation b) communication c) Time management 7. What are your strategies for dealing with emotional behaviour’s? a) meditation b) take a deep breath c) Be attentive 8. Do you think soft skills learning benefits your career to develop in your life? a) Yes b) No ***************************THANK YOU****************************