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AWS로 글로벌 게임 런칭하기
장르별 아키텍처
Solutions Architect
Multiplayer Game architecture on AWS
Gaming on AWS - 1. AWS로 글로벌 게임 런칭하기 - 장르별 아키텍처 중심

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AWS 고객이 주로 겪는 운영 이슈에 대한 해법-AWS Summit Seoul 2017
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AWS 고객이 주로 겪는 운영 이슈에 대한 해법-AWS Summit Seoul 2017

day2 track1aws summit seoul 20171340
AWS for Games - 게임만을 위한 AWS 서비스 길라잡이 (레벨 200) - 진교선, 솔루션즈 아키텍트, AWS ::: Game...
AWS for Games - 게임만을 위한 AWS 서비스 길라잡이 (레벨 200) - 진교선, 솔루션즈 아키텍트, AWS :::  Game...AWS for Games - 게임만을 위한 AWS 서비스 길라잡이 (레벨 200) - 진교선, 솔루션즈 아키텍트, AWS :::  Game...
AWS for Games - 게임만을 위한 AWS 서비스 길라잡이 (레벨 200) - 진교선, 솔루션즈 아키텍트, AWS ::: Game...

AWS Gamekit은 인증, 상태저장과 같은 API 서비스를 손쉽게 구축할 수 있는 서비스입니다. AWS GameSparks는 클라이언트에 손쉽게 서버 로직을 추가하고 게임에 필수적인 컴포넌트들을 바로 사용할 수 있게 제공하는 서비스입니다. AWS Gamelift는 세션형 게임에 필요한 데디케이티드 서버를 관리해주는 강력한 서비스입니다. 본 서비스들의 소개 및 최신 업데이트를 전달해드립니다.

Why difficult?
•  Launch global…
•  Single DB? Cross-region copy data?
•  How to scale?
•  Latency…
•  Availability..
•  Agility…
•  Cost effective…
Average Network Latency, See
Europe to Asia
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Oregon' Beijing'
California' Sydney'
AWS Global Infrastructure
Run Game Servers Locally ???

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[Gaming on AWS] 넥슨 - AWS를 활용한 모바일 게임 서버 개발: 퍼즐 주주의 사례[Gaming on AWS] 넥슨 - AWS를 활용한 모바일 게임 서버 개발: 퍼즐 주주의 사례
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AWS를 활용한 모바일 게임 서버 개발: 퍼즐 주주의 사례 - 넥슨 (윤석주 신사업본부 선임)

아마존웹서비스gaming on awsnexon
Fargate 를 이용한 ECS with VPC 1부
Fargate 를 이용한 ECS with VPC 1부Fargate 를 이용한 ECS with VPC 1부
Fargate 를 이용한 ECS with VPC 1부

사내 발표자료 겸 만들었는데, ECS Fargate를 이용하실 분들이라면, 편리하게 쓰실 수 있도록 최대한 상세하게 만들어 보았습니다. 사실 CloudFormation 등 배포는 좀 더 편리하게 할 수 있지만, 회사 사정도 있고, 제가 일단 그런 기술을 너무 늦게 알았기 때문에 다루지는 않았습니다.

KGC 2016: HTTPS 로 모바일 게임 서버 구축한다는 것 - Korea Games Conference
KGC 2016: HTTPS 로 모바일 게임 서버 구축한다는 것 - Korea Games ConferenceKGC 2016: HTTPS 로 모바일 게임 서버 구축한다는 것 - Korea Games Conference
KGC 2016: HTTPS 로 모바일 게임 서버 구축한다는 것 - Korea Games Conference

부제: HTTPS 만 잘 알면 모바일 게임이 빨라진다?

Do not build a big cross-world mesh!
Run Game Servers Locally !!!
What should we do?
•  Game servers near players
•  Why?
1.  Low latency
2.  Play with friends
3.  When traveling…
go sightseeing~ !
What should we do?
•  Everything else as HTTP APIs
•  Why?
1.  Login
2.  Friends list
3.  Leaderboard
4.  Inventory
5.  IAP
6.  etc

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Docker 컨테이너를 기반으로 하여 AWS의 ECS 활용기를 소개합니다. (컨테이너 서버리스 컴퓨팅 Fargate를 사용해보자)

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Amazon GameLift FlexMatch
Amazon GameLift FlexMatchAmazon GameLift FlexMatch
Amazon GameLift FlexMatch

Amazon GameLift FlexMatch 思い通りにマッチメイキング

What should we do?
•  Data replication is not a good idea
•  Why?
1.  Fragile architecture
2.  High Latency
3.  Replicate all data in regions…? "
4.  Dependency on other region
What should we do?
•  Local caches is a good idea.
•  Why?
1.  Caching hot data
2.  No data replication
3.  Low latency
What should we do?
•  Nobody really “plays everywhere”
What should we do?
•  Nobody really “plays everywhere”

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천만 사용자를 위한 AWS 클라우드 아키텍처 진화하기 - 김준형 솔루션즈 아키텍트, AWS :: AWS Summit Seoul 2019
천만 사용자를 위한 AWS 클라우드 아키텍처 진화하기 - 김준형 솔루션즈 아키텍트, AWS :: AWS Summit Seoul 2019천만 사용자를 위한 AWS 클라우드 아키텍처 진화하기 - 김준형 솔루션즈 아키텍트, AWS :: AWS Summit Seoul 2019
천만 사용자를 위한 AWS 클라우드 아키텍처 진화하기 - 김준형 솔루션즈 아키텍트, AWS :: AWS Summit Seoul 2019

천만 사용자를 위한 AWS 클라우드 아키텍처 진화하기 김준형 솔루션즈 아키텍트, AWS AWS 클라우드는 초기에 적은 비용으로 웹 서비스를 시작하고, 향후 사업이 발전했을 때 천만 이상의 유저가 사용할 수 있는 고가용성, 확장성, 민첩성이 뛰어난 웹 서비스를 만들 수 있습니다. 본 세션에서는 작은 서비스로 시작하여 AWS의 다양한 서비스를 사용하여 천만 이상의 대규모 유저 트래픽을 수용할 수 있는 웹 서비스로 발전시키는 것을 단계별로 오토스케일링, 트래픽 경감, 모니터링과 자동화, 고가용성 확보를 위한 아키텍처 구성 방법을 소개합니다.

Python과 Git으로 만드는 모바일 게임 패치 시스템
Python과 Git으로 만드는 모바일 게임 패치 시스템Python과 Git으로 만드는 모바일 게임 패치 시스템
Python과 Git으로 만드는 모바일 게임 패치 시스템

쿠키런에서 사용하고 있는 모바일 게임 패치 시스템의 필요성과 구현, 작동 방식에 대해서 얘기합니다

마이크로서비스를 위한 AWS 아키텍처 패턴 및 모범 사례 - AWS Summit Seoul 2017
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마이크로서비스를 위한 AWS 아키텍처 패턴 및 모범 사례 - AWS Summit Seoul 2017

1340day2 track6aws summit seoul 2017
Architecture is decoupled
Loosely Coupled Pods (API Pod)
Loosely Coupled Pods (Game Server Pods)
VPC Subnet
VPC Subnet
Game API Pods
Availability Zone A
 Availability Zone B
VPC Subnet
VPC Subnet
Auto Scaling group
VPC Subnet
SNS Mobile

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〈야생의 땅: 듀랑고〉 서버 아키텍처 Vol. 3

NDC18에서 발표했습니다. 슬라이드 뒤쪽에 Q&A를 첨부했습니다. SlideShare에 슬라이드 300장 제한이 생겨서 부득이하게 3부로 나눠서 올렸습니다. 보는 데 불편하시겠지만 양해를 부탁드립니다. - 1부: - 2부: - 3부: 자막은 subpptx로 붙였습니다:

ndc18durangogame server
게임의 성공을 위한 Scalable 한 데이터 플랫폼 사례 공유 - 오승용, 데이터 플랫폼 리더, 데브시스터즈 ::: Games on AW...
게임의 성공을 위한 Scalable 한 데이터 플랫폼 사례 공유 - 오승용, 데이터 플랫폼 리더, 데브시스터즈 ::: Games on AW...게임의 성공을 위한 Scalable 한 데이터 플랫폼 사례 공유 - 오승용, 데이터 플랫폼 리더, 데브시스터즈 ::: Games on AW...
게임의 성공을 위한 Scalable 한 데이터 플랫폼 사례 공유 - 오승용, 데이터 플랫폼 리더, 데브시스터즈 ::: Games on AW...

데브시스터즈와 <쿠키런 : 킹덤> 의 사례를 기반으로, 게임 서비스에서 데이터 플랫폼의 역할과 중요성, 그리고 성공적인 게임 운영을 위한 데이터플랫폼의 Scalability 확보 방법에 대하여 기술적, 문화적 관점에서 이야기합니다. AWS 기반 클라우드의 특성을 적극적으로 활용한 데이터 플랫폼 환경과 발전 과정에 대한 기술적 설명과 더불어, 문화 및 조직적 차원에서의 접근에 대해서도 소개해드립니다..

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20180726 AWS KRUG - RDS Aurora에 40억건 데이터 입력하기

Game API Pods
VPC Subnet
VPC Subnet
Availability Zone A
 Availability Zone B
VPC Subnet
VPC Subnet
Auto Scaling group
VPC Subnet
SNS Mobile
VPC Subnet
VPC Subnet
Availability Zone A
 Availability Zone B
VPC Subnet
VPC Subnet
Auto Scaling group
VPC Subnet
SNS Mobile
VPC Subnet
VPC Subnet
Availability Zone A
 Availability Zone B
VPC Subnet
VPC Subnet
Auto Scaling group
VPC Subnet
SNS Mobile
  Login via HTTP API
  Download Game Assets
  Matchmaking to Game Server
Game Flow
  Login via HTTP API
  Download Game Assets
  Matchmaking to Game Server
  Connect to Server
  Hack Apart Your Friends
  Game Over
Game Flow
  Login via HTTP API
  Download Game Assets
  Matchmaking to Game Server
  Connect to Server
  Hack Apart Your Friends
  Game Over
  Write via HTTP API
Game Flow

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[Gaming on AWS] AWS와 함께 한 쿠키런 서버 Re-architecting 사례 - 데브시스터즈[Gaming on AWS] AWS와 함께 한 쿠키런 서버 Re-architecting 사례 - 데브시스터즈
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AWS와 함께 한 쿠키런 서버 Re-architecting 사례 - 데브시스터즈 (홍성진 수석, 서버팀 Senior Technical Lead)

아마존웹서비스awsamazon web services
What is Game Server ?
What is Game Server ?What is Game Server ?
What is Game Server ?

ICON2007 강연

Scalable Gaming with AWS - GDC 2014
Scalable Gaming with AWS - GDC 2014Scalable Gaming with AWS - GDC 2014
Scalable Gaming with AWS - GDC 2014

Discover how mobile game companies are leveraging AWS to build cost-effective, scalable games. Learn how companies like Supercell are using EC2 and S3 to run their online game servers. Understand the challenges in scaling game databases, and how developers like Halfbrick use DynamoDB to overcome these demands. Learn how you can use the new EC2 G2 and C3 instances to run multiplayer games in the cloud. Finally, see how developers like Rovio are using SNS to send mobile push notifications to keep players engaged.

VPC Private Subnet
VPC Public Subnet
Game Server Pods
Availability Zone A
 Availability Zone B
VPC Public Subnet
VPC Private Subnet
VPC Private Subnet
 VPC Private Subnet
RabbitMQ + Elastic Load Balancing
Availability Zone A
 Availability Zone B
TCP 5672
rabbitmq-node1 rabbitmq-node2
TCP 4369
& 25672
RabbitMQ + Elastic Load Balancing
•  Clustering Tutorial
•  Set Queue HA policy to "all"
•  Create Internal load balancer
–  Listen Port: TCP 5672
•  VPC Security Group
–  For load balancer: TCP 5672
–  Between EC2 nodes: TCP 4369 & 25672
•  Set up Client to Heartbeat
VPC Private Subnet
 VPC Private Subnet
SQS for critical data (purchasing, voucher)
Availability Zone A
 Availability Zone B
TCP 5672
rabbitmq-node1 rabbitmq-node2
TCP 4369
& 25672

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GDC 2015 - Low-latency Multiplayer Gaming with AWS
GDC 2015 - Low-latency Multiplayer Gaming with AWS GDC 2015 - Low-latency Multiplayer Gaming with AWS
GDC 2015 - Low-latency Multiplayer Gaming with AWS

Learn the challenges involved with deploying a low-latency multiplayer game globally, and how to overcome them with AWS. Based on real-world experiences from myself and other game developers deploying online games with tens of thousands of players.

[야생의 땅: 듀랑��] 서버 아키텍처 Vol. 2 (자막)
[야생의 땅: 듀랑고] 서버 아키텍처 Vol. 2 (자막)[야생의 땅: 듀랑고] 서버 아키텍처 Vol. 2 (자막)
[야생의 땅: 듀랑고] 서버 아키텍처 Vol. 2 (자막)

NDC16에서 발표했습니다. 원고를 포함한 추가 발표자료는 다음 주소에서 확인하실 수 있습니다:

game serverdurangondc16
VPC Private Subnet
VPC Public Subnet
Redis Pub / Sub
Availability Zone A
 Availability Zone B
VPC Public Subnet
VPC Private Subnet
Auto Scaling group
VPC Private Subnet
VPC Public Subnet
CloudFormation + Chef
Availability Zone A
Auto Scaling group
Use CloudFormation to create a
template for your complete
regional environment
VPC Private Subnet
VPC Public Subnet
Availability Zone A
 Availability Zone B
VPC Public Subnet
VPC Private Subnet
Redis Redis
JSON Format, which can be but
into source control repositories
Where My Servers At?

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[IGC 2016] 에피드게임즈 한정현 - 런칭 후 이틀만에 전액환불 그리고 재시작
[IGC 2016] 에피드게임즈 한정현 - 런칭 후 이틀만에 전액환불 그리고 재시작[IGC 2016] 에피드게임즈 한정현 - 런칭 후 이틀만에 전액환불 그리고 재시작
[IGC 2016] 에피드게임즈 한정현 - 런칭 후 이틀만에 전액환불 그리고 재시작

'로그(LOG) – 항해의 시작'을 시작하면서 겪은 우여곡절을 발표해보고 싶었습니다.아무래도 전액환불과 초기화에 이은 재시작 자체가 모바일 게임업계에서도 무척 드문 일이다보니 저희와 같은 흑역사를 다시 겪지 말라는 의미에서라도 공유하고 싶습니다.

글로벌 게임 런칭과 Cdn의 활용.pdf
글로벌 게임 런칭과 Cdn의 활용.pdf글로벌 게임 런칭과 Cdn의 활용.pdf
글로벌 게임 런칭과 Cdn의 활용.pdf

글로벌 서비스 런칭을 준비하는 게임사들이 꼭 알아야하는 필수요건!!

[GAMENEXT] 일본 모바일 시장과 주요 성공 요인(Metaps)
[GAMENEXT] 일본 모바일 시장과 주요 성공 요인(Metaps)[GAMENEXT] 일본 모바일 시장과 주요 성공 요인(Metaps)
[GAMENEXT] 일본 모바일 시장과 주요 성공 요인(Metaps)

The document provides an overview of the Android app markets in Korea and Japan. It discusses the current mobile market status and carrier penetration rates in both countries. It notes that Japan and Korea now rival the US in Google Play revenues, with Japan overtaking the US in October 2012 and Korea following suit. The document then summarizes key success factors and trends in each country's Android market, such as the role of KakaoTalk and LINE messaging apps, the genres and monetization of top-grossing games, and tips for effective marketing strategies to achieve growth on Google Play. It introduces Metaps as a company that provides SDK tools and services to help developers with user acquisition, engagement and monetization on Android.

asia marketmetapsgamenext
VPC Subnet
Server Registration
Availability Zone A
 Availability Zone B
VPC Subnet
Auto Scaling group
VPC Subnet
Cleanup Loop for
unhealthy server
Launch new game
pods via the
Health Flag
Server Registration & Scaling
•  HTTPS POST /api/servers/register
•  Include an HMAC (RFC 2104) and custom salt for
the payload
•  Send Server Status
–  Public IP
–  # Players
–  Game Modes
•  Matchmaking Service
–  Maintains server list
–  Removes servers
Example of Web API Call
API Request: Response from Web Services:
Content-Type: application/json;
X-Authentication: 7BC920BC255F7E60-0-0-5F4
"BuildVersion": "5.01",
"Region": "USCentral", "GameMode": "0",
"LobbyId": "Lobby 32",
"EnableQueue": false
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"LobbyID": "Lobby 32",
"ServerHostname": "",
"ServerPort": 7777,
"Ticket": "e98yf289f248902f4904f0924f9pj",
"Status": "Waiting",
"Queue": [
Scaling Game Servers
•  Monitor Server
•  Launch new ones via
Amazon EC2 API or
•  Choose Server
•  Drain Players
•  Terminate
Auto-Scaling of AWS cannot be used
unless game state is centralized

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[GAMENEXT] 성공적인 모바일 게임 런칭을 위한 전략 (Tapjoy)
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[GAMENEXT] 성공적인 모바일 게임 런칭을 위한 전략 (Tapjoy)

[2013 GAME-NEXT : ALL STARS] 성공적인 모바일 게임 런칭을 위한 전략 : Tapjoy / Chris Akhavan, Senior Vice President, Global Partnerships

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게임 고객 사례를 통해 살펴보는 AWS 활용 전략 :: 이경안 :: AWS Summit Seoul 2016
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5월 17일 서울COEX에서 열린 AWS Summit Seoul 2016에서 이경안 매니저, MobilFactory 이성수 CTO, Smilegate 최병주 차장, NZIN 최양민 차장 님께서 발표하신 "게임 고객 사례를 통해 살펴보는 AWS 활용 전략" 발표자료입니다.

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Mini Pods Everywhere
Collecting logs to AWS
VPC Private Subnet
VPC Public Subnet
Game Server Logs
Availability Zone A
S3 Bucket
Amazon CloudWatch Logs
VPC Private Subnet
VPC Public Subnet
Game Server Logs
Availability Zone A

S3 Bucket
Amazon Redshift

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소셜카지노 초기런칭 및 실험결과 공유

경기 스타트업 캠퍼스에서 열린 해외 사업/마케팅 세미나에서 글로벌 서비스 성공 및 실패 사례 공유때 발표한 자료입니다. 뒤늦게 진입한 소셜카지노(포커, 슬롯) 게임을 만들던 과정과 테스트 마케팅을 집행해본 결과를 간략히 공유하고 있습니다.

게임서비스를 위한 ElastiCache 활용 전략 :: 구승모 솔루션즈 아키텍트 :: Gaming on AWS 2016
게임서비스를 위한 ElastiCache 활용 전략 :: 구승모 솔루션즈 아키텍트 :: Gaming on AWS 2016게임서비스를 위한 ElastiCache 활용 전략 :: 구승모 솔루션즈 아키텍트 :: Gaming on AWS 2016
게임서비스를 위한 ElastiCache 활용 전략 :: 구승모 솔루션즈 아키텍트 :: Gaming on AWS 2016

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Launching Unreal Engine on AWS
Gaming on AWS - 1. AWS로 글로벌 게임 런칭하기 - 장르별 아키텍처 중심
Gaming on AWS - 1. AWS로 글로벌 게임 런칭하기 - 장르별 아키텍처 중심
Gaming on AWS - 1. AWS로 글로벌 게임 런칭하기 - 장르별 아키텍처 중심

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Do you want to analyze AWS CloudTrail events within minutes of them arriving in your Amazon S3 bucket? Would you like to learn how to run expressive queries over your CloudTrail logs? We will demonstrate Apache Spark and Apache Spark Streaming as two tools to analyze recent and historical security logs for your accounts. To do so, we will use Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR), your logs stored in S3, and Amazon SNS to generate alerts. With these tools at your fingertips, you will be the first to know about security events that require your attention, and you will be able to quickly identify and evaluate the relevant security log entries.

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AWS Architecture - GDC 2014

Mobile, AAA, and MMO game companies alike are leveraging AWS to build cost-effective, scalable online games. Learn how game studios are using AWS services such as Elastic Beanstalk, DynamoDB, Amazon S3, CloudFront, and ElastiCache to build online games that can scale from 1,000 to 1,000,000 users, while paying only for what they use. Finally, we'll share some thoughts about the future of cloud gaming based on trends we're seeing worldwide.

Unreal Engine with AWS CloudFormation
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Gaming on AWS - 1. AWS로 글로벌 게임 런칭하기 - 장르별 아키텍처 중심
Multiplayer game servers
  Login via API
  Request matchmaking
  Get game server IP
Multiplayer game servers
  Login via API
  Request matchmaking
  Get game server IP
  Connect to server
  Pull down assets
  Other players join
Mobile(Casual) architecture on AWS

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AWS re:Invent 2016| GAM401 | Riot Games: Standardizing Application Deployment...
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This document discusses Riot Games' use of Amazon ECS and Terraform to standardize application deployments. It describes how Riot Games migrated existing container deployments to ECS to gain benefits like increased resource utilization and elasticity. It also discusses how Terraform was used to define infrastructure as code and achieve benefits like consistent, reproducible deployments and avoiding resource attribution issues. The document shares lessons learned, such as breaking deployments into modular stacks, using tags extensively, and centralizing logs.

Deploying a Low-Latency Multiplayer Game Globally: Loadout
Deploying a Low-Latency Multiplayer Game Globally: Loadout Deploying a Low-Latency Multiplayer Game Globally: Loadout
Deploying a Low-Latency Multiplayer Game Globally: Loadout

This is a deep-dive straight into the guts of running a low-latency multiplayer game, such as a first-person shooter, on a global scale. We dive into architectures that enable you to split apart your back-end APIs from your game servers, and Auto Scale them independently. See how to run game servers in multiple AWS regions such as China and Frankfurt, and integrate them with your central game stack. We’ll even demo this in action, using AWS CloudFormation and Chef to deploy Unreal Engine game servers.

amazon web servicesgamingec2

This document discusses how Amazon Web Services (AWS) can be used to build scalable game infrastructure. It recommends using AWS services like Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, Amazon S3, CloudFront, Auto Scaling, ElastiCache and DynamoDB to allow games to automatically scale capacity based on player demand. It also discusses global deployment across AWS regions and using VPC networking and placement groups to optimize game server performance.

Big picture slide
Gaming on AWS - 1. AWS로 글로벌 게임 런칭하기 - 장르별 아키텍처 중심
Core Game Backend
•  Choose Region
•  Elastic Load Balancer
•  Two Availability Zones
•  EC2 for App
•  RDS Database
•  Multi-AZ
•  S3 for Game Data
•  Assets
•  UGC
•  Analytics

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Cloud Native 오픈소스 서비스 소개 및 Serverless로 실제 게임 개발하기
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Cloud Native 오픈소스 서비스 소개 및 Serverless로 실제 게임 개발하기

1. Cloud Native computing focuses on running containerized microservices at scale through technologies like Kubernetes. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation promotes this approach. 2. Games can benefit from a Cloud Native approach by running in-game and out-game processes as microservices on Kubernetes, including matchmaking, shops, rankings, and more. 3. Serverless computing through Functions as a Service (FaaS) allows code to be executed in response to events, reducing costs and speeds up development cycles for game processes like item purchases or notifications. Cloud Z's FaaS platform demonstrates running game functions.

cncfcloud nativeserverless
StrongLoop Overview
StrongLoop OverviewStrongLoop Overview
StrongLoop Overview

OpenSource API Server based on Node.js API framework built on supported Node.js platform with Tooling and DevOps. Use cases are Omni-channel API Server, Mobile Backend as a Service (mBaaS) or Next Generation Enterprise Service Bus. Key functionality include built in enterprise connectors, ORM, Offline Sync, Mobile and JS SDKs, Isomorphic JavaScript and Graphical API creation tool.

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C# Client to Cloud
C# Client to CloudC# Client to Cloud
C# Client to Cloud

The document discusses the three phases of major galactic civilizations: survival, inquiry, and sophistication. It then summarizes Mark Slodge's presentation on using C# for cloud to mobile applications. The presentation covers using C# for the cloud backend, clients on various platforms, and communication between the cloud and clients. It provides examples of applications built with C# and Azure and discusses technologies like Mobile Services.

Scale It Way Out
•  Auto Scaling Group
•  Capacity on Demand
•  Respond to Users
•  ElastiCache
•  Memcache
•  Redis
•  CloudFront CDN
•  DLC, Assets
•  Game Saves
•  UGC
Beanstalk saves your time!
•  Beanstalk Manages
•  ELB
•  EC2
•  Auto Scaling
•  Monitoring
•  RDS
•  Add Other Services
•  S3
•  CloudFront
•  ElastiCache
•  SNS
Elastic Beanstalk Container
Gaming on AWS - 1. AWS로 글로벌 게임 런칭하기 - 장르별 아키텍처 중심
More CLI bell
•  Initialize everything
•  Write code
•  Commit to git
•  Push to Beanstalk
•  Coffee / Beer
•  Repeat

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(GAM402) Deploying a Low-Latency Multiplayer Game Globally: Loadout | AWS re:...

This is a deep-dive straight into the guts of running a low-latency multiplayer game, such as a first-person shooter, on a global scale. We dive into architectures that enable you to split apart your back-end APIs from your game servers, and Auto Scale them independently. See how to run game servers in multiple AWS regions such as China and Frankfurt, and integrate them with your central game stack. We'll even demo this in action, using AWS CloudFormation and Chef to deploy Unreal Engine game servers. In the second half, hear from PlayFab, who built the backend for the Top-10 free-to-play PC shooter Loadout. PlayFab reveals details about their architecture, including AWS Elastic Beanstalk setup, Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon RDS patterns, data sharding, and use of multiple Availability Zones. Finally, PlayFab highlights challenges they faced when deploying to AWS China, and how they solved them.

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Deep Dive into AWS Fargate - CON333 - re:Invent 2017
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AWS Fargate makes running containerized workloads on AWS easier than ever before. This session will provide a technical background for using Fargate with your existing containerized services, including best practices for building images, configuring task definitions, task networking, secrets management, and monitoring.

PLNOG 17 - Tomasz Stachlewski - Infrastruktura sieciowa w chmurze AWS
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Celem prezentacji jest przedstawienie sposobu tworzenia i zarządzania infrastrukturą sieciową w chmurze (AWS). Podczas prezentacji użytkownicy dowiedzą się z jakich komponentów składa się infrastruktura w chmurze, zapoznają się z tematyką VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), Security Group, Direct Connect, Avaibility Zone, Route53, Regions. Dodatkowo dowiedzą się jak należy projektować systemy aby były określane jako HA oraz w jaki sposób można tworzyć rozwiązania hybrydowe i połączyć chmurę z istniejącą infrastrukturą on-premise. Dodatkowo słuchacze zapoznają się ze sposobem zarządzania infrastrukturą sieciową jak kodem (tzw. IaC - Infrastructure as Code) – co pozwala w szybki sposób tworzyć i zarządzać całością infrastruktury sieciowej w chmurze.

Writing Is Painful
Zone A
Zone B
•  Games are Write Heavy
•  Caching of Limited Use
•  Key Value Key Value
•  Binary Structures
•  Database = Bottleneck
Zone A
Sharding is tough to operate
Zone A
Zone B
•  NoSQL Data Store
•  Fully-Managed
•  Highly Available
•  PUT/GET Keys
•  Secondary Indexes
•  Provisioned Throughput
•  Auto Scaling
Elastic Beanstalk Container

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Gaming in the Cloud at Websummit Dublin
Gaming in the Cloud at Websummit DublinGaming in the Cloud at Websummit Dublin
Gaming in the Cloud at Websummit Dublin

In this talk from the Dublin Websummit 2014 AWS Technical Evangelist Ian Massingham discusses the major trends that are changing the gaming market today and how using the cloud as a development and delivery platform for gaming products and services can help meet the challenges that these trends present. Includes examples of gaming customers running on the AWS cloud today as well as a discussion of how you might build and scaling a gaming back-end on AWS using AWS services to enable low cost and pain free scaling of your gaming infrastructure.

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Gaming in the Cloud at Websummit Dublin
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Gaming in the Cloud at Websummit Dublin

In this talk from the Dublin Websummit 2014 AWS Technical Evangelist Ian Massingham discusses the major trends that are changing the gaming market today and how using the cloud as a development and delivery platform for gaming products and services can help meet the challenges that these trends present. Includes examples of gaming customers running on the AWS cloud today as well as a discussion of how you might build and scaling a gaming back-end on AWS using AWS services to enable low cost and pain free scaling of your gaming infrastructure.

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CON411-R - Advanced network resource management on Amazon EKS
CON411-R - Advanced network resource management on Amazon EKSCON411-R - Advanced network resource management on Amazon EKS
CON411-R - Advanced network resource management on Amazon EKS

Different Kubernetes users have different requirements for their cluster network setup. They might want high pod density, or no overlay networking, or separate security groups, or separate network interface for each pod. Having a centralized network resource provider instead of a per-node IPAM daemon enables network assets available as a schedulable Kubernetes resource. This makes it possible to simplify the management of networking resources and offer further customizable networking solutions. In this session, we discuss how the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) team has approached meeting these customer needs, and share the solution to manage network resources centrally.

Leaderboard in DynamoDB
•  Hash key = Primary key
•  Range key = Sub key
•  Others attributes are
unstructured, unindexed
•  So… How to sort based
on Top Score?
Leaderboard with Secondary Indexes
•  Create a secondary index!
•  Set hash key to Game Level
•  Set range key to Top Score
•  Can now query by Level,
Sorted by Top Score
•  Handles any (sane) gaming
use case
•  Decouple Game Servers from APIs
•  Create local mini pods
•  Create Matchmaking APIs to point user to game pod
•  Replicate asynchronously to avoid high latency
•  Use Managed services
–  DynamoDB
–  RDS
–  S3/CloudFront
–  ElastiCache
Gaming on AWS, Korea

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AWS as platform for scalable applications
AWS as platform for scalable applicationsAWS as platform for scalable applications
AWS as platform for scalable applications

The document describes building a link shortening application called YA.LS using Amazon Web Services. It discusses: 1) Developing the application using Node.js, Express, and other packages and deploying it to AWS Elastic Beanstalk. 2) Storing shortened links and target URLs in DynamoDB and caching them locally. 3) Redirecting requests using the stored URLs. 4) Enhancing it to take screenshots, store them in S3, and record analytics using SQS, Lambda, and Kinesis. 5) Configuring authentication with IAM and deploying the infrastructure with CloudFormation.

Arquitetura Hibrida - Integrando seu Data Center com a Nuvem da AWS
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Arquitetura Hibrida - Integrando seu Data Center com a Nuvem da AWS

The document discusses using AWS services like EC2, VPC, Auto Scaling and others to build a hybrid architecture that integrates an organization's on-premises data center with the AWS cloud. It provides overviews of EC2 instance types, Auto Scaling capabilities, and how to use VPC to connect networks and define routing and security rules. The hybrid model allows leveraging AWS' elastic infrastructure while integrating it with existing IT systems, enabling innovation without being constrained by data center capacity limits or costs.

aws summit brasil 2013
AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)를 이용한 코드 기반 인프라 개발 및 배포 - 공찬호(리얼리티매직) :: AWS C...
AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)를 이용한 코드 기반 인프라 개발 및 배포 - 공찬호(리얼리티매직) :: AWS C...AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)를 이용한 코드 기반 인프라 개발 및 배포 - 공찬호(리얼리티매직) :: AWS C...
AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)를 이용한 코드 기반 인프라 개발 및 배포 - 공찬호(리얼리티매직) :: AWS C...

This document discusses using AWS CDK to develop and deploy infrastructure as code. It begins with an introduction of the speaker and their background. It then provides examples of using CDK to create a game backend with Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon ElastiCache. The document outlines topics like using a custom authorizer with API Gateway, handling many resources and methods, running Lambda functions in a VPC, blue/green deployments, code reuse with layers, and testing strategies. Code examples and references are provided.


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PUBG: Battlegrounds 라이브 서비스 EKS 전환 사례 공유 [크래프톤 - 레벨 300] - 발표자: 김정헌, PUBG Dev...PUBG: Battlegrounds 라이브 서비스 EKS 전환 사례 공유 [크래프톤 - 레벨 300] - 발표자: 김정헌, PUBG Dev...
PUBG: Battlegrounds 라이브 서비스 EKS 전환 사례 공유 [크래프톤 - 레벨 300] - 발표자: 김정헌, PUBG Dev...
Amazon Web Services Korea
7. 게임 스트리밍 서비스를 위한 아키텍처 - 언리얼 엔진을 중심으로! [레벨 300] - 발표자: 하흥수, 솔루션즈 아키텍트, AWS :...
7.	게임 스트리밍 서비스를 위한 아키텍처 - 언리얼 엔진을 중심으로! [레벨 300] - 발표자: 하흥수, 솔루션즈 아키텍트, AWS :...7.	게임 스트리밍 서비스를 위한 아키텍처 - 언리얼 엔진을 중심으로! [레벨 300] - 발표자: 하흥수, 솔루션즈 아키텍트, AWS :...
7. 게임 스트리밍 서비스를 위한 아키텍처 - 언리얼 엔진을 중심으로! [레벨 300] - 발표자: 하흥수, 솔루션즈 아키텍트, AWS :...
Amazon Web Services Korea
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Amazon Web Services Korea
AWS 고객이 주로 겪는 운영 이슈에 대한 해법-AWS Summit Seoul 2017
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Amazon Web Services Korea
AWS for Games - 게임만을 위한 AWS 서비스 ��라잡이 (레벨 200) - 진교선, 솔루션즈 아키텍트, AWS ::: Game...
AWS for Games - 게임만을 위한 AWS 서비스 길라잡이 (레벨 200) - 진교선, 솔루션즈 아키텍트, AWS :::  Game...AWS for Games - 게임만을 위한 AWS 서비스 길라잡이 (레벨 200) - 진교선, 솔루션즈 아키텍트, AWS :::  Game...
AWS for Games - 게임만을 위한 AWS 서비스 길라잡이 (레벨 200) - 진교선, 솔루션즈 아키텍트, AWS ::: Game...
Amazon Web Services Korea
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Amazon Web Services Korea
Fargate 를 이용한 ECS with VPC 1부
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Hyun-Mook Choi
KGC 2016: HTTPS 로 모바일 게임 서버 구축한다는 것 - Korea Games Conference
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임태현, 게임 서버 디자인 가이드, NDC2013
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Amazon Web Services Korea
Python과 Git으로 만드는 모바일 게임 패치 시스템
Python과 Git으로 만드는 모바일 게임 패치 시스템Python과 Git으로 만드는 모바일 게임 패치 시스템
Python과 Git으로 만드는 모바일 게임 패치 시스템
Youngtaek Oh
마이크로서비스를 위한 AWS 아키텍처 패턴 및 모범 사례 - AWS Summit Seoul 2017
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마이크로서비스를 위한 AWS 아키텍처 패턴 및 모범 사례 - AWS Summit Seoul 2017
Amazon Web Services Korea
〈야생의 땅: 듀랑고〉 서버 아키텍처 Vol. 3
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〈야생의 땅: 듀랑고〉 서버 아키텍처 Vol. 3
Heungsub Lee
게임의 성공을 위한 Scalable 한 데이터 플랫폼 사례 공유 - 오승용, 데이터 플랫폼 리더, 데브시스터즈 ::: Games on AW...
게임의 성공을 위한 Scalable 한 데이터 플랫폼 사례 공유 - 오승용, 데이터 플랫폼 리더, 데브시스터즈 ::: Games on AW...게임의 성공을 위한 Scalable 한 데이터 플랫폼 사례 공유 - 오승용, 데이터 플랫폼 리더, 데브시스터즈 ::: Games on AW...
게임의 성공을 위한 Scalable 한 데이터 플랫폼 사례 공유 - 오승용, 데이터 플랫폼 리더, 데브시스터즈 ::: Games on AW...
Amazon Web Services Korea
20180726 AWS KRUG - RDS Auroraᄋ�� 40억건 데이터 입력하기
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Jongwon Han
[Gaming on AWS] AWS와 함께 한 쿠키런 서버 Re-architecting 사례 - 데브시스터즈
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[Gaming on AWS] AWS와 함께 한 쿠키런 서버 Re-architecting 사례 - 데브시스터즈
Amazon Web Services Korea
What is Game Server ?
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What is Game Server ?
흥배 최

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Gaming on AWS - 1. AWS로 글로벌 게임 런칭하기 - 장르별 아키텍처 중심

  • 1. AWS로 글로벌 게임 런칭하기 장르별 아키텍처 김일호 Solutions Architect
  • 2. Multiplayer Game architecture on AWS (MMORPG, FPS)
  • 5. Why difficult? •  Launch global… •  Single DB? Cross-region copy data? •  How to scale? •  Latency… •  Availability.. •  Agility… •  Cost effective…
  • 6. Average Network Latency, See N.America 41.7ms Europe to Asia 137.9ms Asia Pacific 97.9ms Trans-Pacfic 103.8ms Trans-Atlantic 79.6ms Latin America 133.2ms Europe 11.6ms Japan 16.8ms
  • 8. Run Game Servers Locally ???
  • 9. Do not build a big cross-world mesh! ###+ms ###+ms ##+ms ###+ms
  • 10. Run Game Servers Locally !!!
  • 11. What should we do? •  Game servers near players •  Why? 1.  Low latency 2.  Play with friends 3.  When traveling… go sightseeing~ ! quality=80&strip=all
  • 12. What should we do? •  Everything else as HTTP APIs •  Why? 1.  Login 2.  Friends list 3.  Leaderboard 4.  Inventory 5.  IAP 6.  etc
  • 13. What should we do? •  Data replication is not a good idea •  Why? 1.  Fragile architecture 2.  High Latency 3.  Replicate all data in regions…? " 4.  Dependency on other region
  • 14. What should we do? •  Local caches is a good idea. •  Why? 1.  Caching hot data 2.  No data replication 3.  Low latency
  • 15. What should we do? •  Nobody really “plays everywhere”
  • 16. What should we do? •  Nobody really “plays everywhere”
  • 18. Loosely Coupled Pods (API Pod) Virginia HTTP
  • 19. Loosely Coupled Pods (Game Server Pods) Tokyo Oregon Frankfurt Virginia HTTP TCP / UDP TCP / UDP TCP / UDP
  • 20. VPC Subnet VPC Subnet Game API Pods Availability Zone A Availability Zone B VPC Subnet VPC Subnet Auto Scaling group WEB VPC Subnet WEB JOBS Cognito SNS Mobile Push SES Other Pods
  • 21. Game API Pods VPC Subnet VPC Subnet Availability Zone A Availability Zone B VPC Subnet VPC Subnet Auto Scaling group WEB VPC Subnet WEB JOBS Cognito SNS Mobile Push SES VPC Subnet VPC Subnet Availability Zone A Availability Zone B VPC Subnet VPC Subnet Auto Scaling group WEB VPC Subnet WEB JOBS Cognito SNS Mobile Push SES VPC Subnet VPC Subnet Availability Zone A Availability Zone B VPC Subnet VPC Subnet Auto Scaling group WEB VPC Subnet WEB JOBS Cognito SNS Mobile Push SES
  • 22. Region   Login via HTTP API   Download Game Assets   Matchmaking to Game Server EC2 Game Flow EC2 EC2
  • 23. Region   Login via HTTP API   Download Game Assets   Matchmaking to Game Server   Connect to Server   Hack Apart Your Friends   Game Over Game Flow EC2 EC2
  • 24. Region   Login via HTTP API   Download Game Assets   Matchmaking to Game Server   Connect to Server   Hack Apart Your Friends   Game Over   Write via HTTP API Game Flow EC2 EC2
  • 25. VPC Private Subnet VPC Public Subnet Game Server Pods Availability Zone A Availability Zone B VPC Public Subnet VPC Private Subnet GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME
  • 26. VPC Private Subnet VPC Private Subnet RabbitMQ + Elastic Load Balancing Availability Zone A Availability Zone B TCP 5672 rabbitmq-node1 rabbitmq-node2 TCP 4369 & 25672
  • 27. RabbitMQ + Elastic Load Balancing •  Clustering Tutorial •  Set Queue HA policy to "all" •  Create Internal load balancer –  Listen Port: TCP 5672 •  VPC Security Group –  For load balancer: TCP 5672 –  Between EC2 nodes: TCP 4369 & 25672 •  Set up Client to Heartbeat
  • 28. VPC Private Subnet VPC Private Subnet SQS for critical data (purchasing, voucher) Availability Zone A Availability Zone B TCP 5672 rabbitmq-node1 rabbitmq-node2 TCP 4369 & 25672
  • 29. VPC Private Subnet VPC Public Subnet Redis Pub / Sub Availability Zone A Availability Zone B VPC Public Subnet VPC Private Subnet GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME Auto Scaling group
  • 30. VPC Private Subnet VPC Public Subnet CloudFormation + Chef Availability Zone A GAME GAME GAME Auto Scaling group
  • 31. CloudFormation Use CloudFormation to create a template for your complete regional environment VPC Private Subnet VPC Public Subnet Availability Zone A Availability Zone B VPC Public Subnet VPC Private Subnet Region GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME Redis Redis JSON Format, which can be but into source control repositories
  • 32. Where My Servers At? Tokyo Oregon Frankfurt Virginia ? ?
  • 33. VPC Subnet Server Registration Availability Zone A Availability Zone B VPC Subnet Region Auto Scaling group WEB WEB Oregon Tokyo VPC Subnet Cleanup Loop for unhealthy server Launch new game pods via the CloudFormation template JOBS Health Flag
  • 34. Server Registration & Scaling •  HTTPS POST /api/servers/register •  Include an HMAC (RFC 2104) and custom salt for the payload •  Send Server Status –  Public IP –  # Players –  Game Modes •  Matchmaking Service –  Maintains server list –  Removes servers
  • 35. Example of Web API Call API Request: Response from Web Services: POST Matchmake Content-Type: application/json; X-Authentication: 7BC920BC255F7E60-0-0-5F4 { "BuildVersion": "5.01", "Region": "USCentral", "GameMode": "0", "LobbyId": "Lobby 32", "EnableQueue": false } HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 { "LobbyID": "Lobby 32", "ServerHostname": "", "ServerPort": 7777, "Ticket": "e98yf289f248902f4904f0924f9pj", "Status": "Waiting", "Queue": [ "User1", "User2" ] }
  • 36. Scaling Game Servers •  Monitor Server Capacity •  Launch new ones via Amazon EC2 API or CloudFormation •  Choose Server •  Drain Players •  Terminate Auto-Scaling of AWS cannot be used unless game state is centralized
  • 39. VPC Private Subnet VPC Public Subnet Game Server Logs Availability Zone A S3 Bucket Amazon CloudWatch Logs GAME GAME GAME
  • 40. VPC Private Subnet VPC Public Subnet Game Server Logs Availability Zone A Amazon
 Kinesis S3 Bucket Amazon Redshift GAME GAME GAME
  • 45. Unreal Engine with AWS CloudFormation UnrealServer unreal_linux.template.json true my-bucket-name sshkeyname MyPass123
  • 50. Multiplayer game servers   Login via API   Request matchmaking   Get game server IP Region
  • 51. Multiplayer game servers   Login via API   Request matchmaking   Get game server IP   Connect to server   Pull down assets   Other players join Region EC2 API
  • 56. Core Game Backend ELB S3 •  Choose Region •  Elastic Load Balancer •  Two Availability Zones •  EC2 for App •  RDS Database •  Multi-AZ •  S3 for Game Data •  Assets •  UGC •  Analytics Region
  • 57. Scale It Way Out CloudFront CDN ELB S3 EC2EC2EC2 Region •  Auto Scaling Group •  Capacity on Demand •  Respond to Users •  ElastiCache •  Memcache •  Redis •  CloudFront CDN •  DLC, Assets •  Game Saves •  UGC
  • 58. Beanstalk saves your time! ELB S3 •  Beanstalk Manages •  ELB •  EC2 •  Auto Scaling •  Monitoring •  RDS •  Add Other Services •  S3 •  CloudFront •  ElastiCache •  SNS EC2 Elastic Beanstalk Container EC2 CloudFront CDN
  • 61. Region Writing Is Painful Availability Zone A Availability Zone B S3 EC2 •  Games are Write Heavy •  Caching of Limited Use •  Key Value Key Value •  Binary Structures •  Database = Bottleneck ELB EC2 CloudFront CDN
  • 63. Sharding is tough to operate Source:
  • 64. DynamoDB Availability Zone A Availability Zone B S3 •  NoSQL Data Store •  Fully-Managed •  Highly Available •  PUT/GET Keys •  Secondary Indexes •  Provisioned Throughput •  Auto Scaling EC2 EC2 ELB CloudFront CDN Elastic Beanstalk Container
  • 65. Leaderboard in DynamoDB •  Hash key = Primary key •  Range key = Sub key •  Others attributes are unstructured, unindexed •  So… How to sort based on Top Score?
  • 66. Leaderboard with Secondary Indexes •  Create a secondary index! •  Set hash key to Game Level •  Set range key to Top Score •  Can now query by Level, Sorted by Top Score •  Handles any (sane) gaming use case
  • 67. Summary •  Decouple Game Servers from APIs •  Create local mini pods •  Create Matchmaking APIs to point user to game pod •  Replicate asynchronously to avoid high latency •  Use Managed services –  DynamoDB –  RDS –  S3/CloudFront –  ElastiCache
  • 68. Gaming on AWS, Korea