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Fundamental Test Process - APRIDILA ANGGITA SURI
The idea of a fundamental test process
for all levels of test has developed over
the years. Whatever the level of
testing, we see the same type of main
activities happening, although there
may be a different amount of formality
at the different levels, for example,
component tests might be carried out
less formally than system Tests in most
organizations with a less documented
test process.
The decision about the level of formality
of the processes will depend on the
system and Software context and the
level of risk associated with the
Fundamental Test Process – APRIDILA ANGGITA SURI
Test Analysis and
During test planning, we make sure we
understand the goals and objectives of the
customers, stakeholders, and the project, and the
risks which testing is intended to address. This
will give us what is sometimes called the mission
of testing or the test assignment. Based on this
understanding, test control has the following
major tasks:
 Measure and analyze the results of
reviews and testing.
 Monitor and document progress, test
coverage and exit criteria.
 Provide information on testing.
 Initiate corrective actions.
 Make decisions.
Fundamental Test Process – APRIDILA ANGGITA SURI
Test Planning and
Test analysis and design has the following major
tasks, in approximately the following order:
 Review the test basis (such as the product risk
analysis, requirements, architecture, design
specifications, and interfaces), examining the
specifications for the software we are testing.
 Identify test conditions based on analysis of
test items, their specifications, and what we
know about their behavior and structure.
 Design the tests.
 Evaluate testability of the requirements and
Fundamental Test Process – APRIDILA ANGGITA SURI

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The quality group plays several roles in software development including testing products, providing expertise on the product and development process, and offering knowledge and training. The primary activities of the quality assurance group are to develop and run tests with an emphasis on reporting defects. They also measure product quality, assess risks, ensure processes are defined and controlled, and provide guidance throughout the organization. The quality system models like ISO 9000 and CMM provide a framework for quality but do not prescribe specific techniques. The quality group aims to promote quality assurance, make developers aware of quality, and monitor procedures, testing, deliveries, and continuous improvement.

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What is testing?
What is testing?What is testing?
What is testing?

This document discusses testing principles and analogizes software testing to driving tests. It states that testing should start early in the development lifecycle and include both static and dynamic testing. Tests need to be regularly reviewed and revised to avoid the "pesticide paradox" where tests become outdated. Testing can find defects but cannot prove their absence. Fixing defects does not guarantee user acceptance if requirements are not met.

sistem informasiteknologi
Effective test coverage Techniques
Effective test coverage TechniquesEffective test coverage Techniques
Effective test coverage Techniques

Test coverage refers to measuring the degree to which the code or requirements are executed by a test suite. It helps identify areas that are not tested and improve test quality. Measuring test coverage establishes traceability between requirements and test cases, enables change impact analysis, and prevents defect leakage. Test coverage can be achieved through techniques like bi-directional traceability, static reviews, converting defects to test cases, and using code/unit test coverage tools. Maintaining adequate test coverage provides benefits like early defect prevention and better return on investment, while best practices include periodic maintenance, quality gates, using test management tools, and maintaining coverage metrics.

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Test Implementation
and Execution
During test implementation and
execution, we take The test conditions and
make them into test cases and testware and
set up the test environment. This mean that,
having put together a high-level design for
our tests, we now start to build them. We
transform our test conditions into test cases
and procedures, other Testware such as
scripts for automation.
Fundamental Test Process – APRIDILA ANGGITA SURI
Test Implementation
and Execution
Test implementation and execution have the following
majortasks, in approximately the following order:
 Implementation: Develop and prioritize our test
cases Create test suites from the test cases for
efficient test execution Implement and verify the
 Execution: Execute the test suites and individual
test cases, following our test proce dures. Log the
outcome of test execution and record the identities
and versions of the software under test, test tools
and testware.
 Compare actual results (what happened when we
ran the tests) with expected results (what we
anticipated would happen).
 Where there are differences between actual and
expected results, report discrepancies as incidents.
Repeat test activities as a result of action taken for
each discrepancy.
Fundamental Test Process – APRIDILA ANGGITA SURI
Evaluating Exit
Criteria and Reporting
Evaluating exit criteria is the
activity where Test execution is assessed
against the defined objectives. This
should be done for each test level, as for
each we need to know whether we have
Done enough testing. Based on our risk
assess- ment, we'll have set criteria
against which we'll Measure 'enough'.
These criteria vary for each project and
are known as exit criteria.
Fundamental Test Process – APRIDILA ANGGITA SURI
Evaluating Exit
Criteria and Reporting
Evaluating exit criteria has the following major tasks:
 Check test logs against the exit criteria specified in
test planning: We look to see what evidence we have
for which tests have been executed and checked, and
what defects have been raised, fixed, confirmation
tested, or are out standing.
 Assess if more tests are needed or if the exit criteria
specified should be changed: We may need to run
more tests if we have not run all the tests we
designed, or if we realize we have not reached the
coverage we expected, or if the risks have increased
for the project. We may need to change the exit
criteria to lower them, if the business and project
risks rise in impor tance and the product or technical
risks drop in importance. Note that this is not easy to
do and must be agreed with stakeholders.
 The test manage ment tools and test coverage tools
that we'll discuss in Chapter 6 help us with this
Fundamental Test Process – APRIDILA ANGGITA SURI

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Fundamental test process
Fundamental test processFundamental test process
Fundamental test process

The document discusses the fundamental test process for software testing at different levels. It describes the main activities that occur during testing, including test planning and control, test analysis and design, test implementation and execution, evaluating exit criteria and reporting, and test closure activities. Test planning involves understanding requirements, risks, objectives, and deriving a test plan and approach. Test control involves measuring results, monitoring progress, and making decisions. Test analysis and design identifies test conditions and designs test cases. Test implementation and execution builds testware and sets up environments to run test cases. Evaluating exit criteria assesses when enough testing has been done. Test closure includes delivering results and archiving test materials.

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QA process Presentation

The Heuristic Test Strategy Model provides a framework for designing effective test strategies. It involves considering four key areas: 1) the project environment including resources, constraints, and other factors; 2) the product elements to be tested; 3) quality criteria such as functionality, usability, and security; and 4) appropriate test techniques to apply. Some common test techniques include functional testing, domain testing, stress testing, flow testing, and scenario testing.

Overview of test process improvement frameworks
Overview of test process improvement frameworksOverview of test process improvement frameworks
Overview of test process improvement frameworks

This document provides an overview of several test process improvement frameworks: - The Test Maturity Model (TMM) uses five staged levels to measure test process maturity and suit regulatory environments. - Test Process Improvement (TPI) allows for asynchronous improvements across four process cornerstones and twenty processes at four levels. - Critical Testing Processes (CTP) focuses on continuously improving critical, high-impact testing processes. - The Systematic Test and Evaluation Process (STEP) assesses planning, implementation, and measurement of testing through qualitative and quantitative metrics.

qastepsoftware testing
Test Closure
Test closure activities include the following major
 Check which planned deliverables we actually
delivered and ensure all incident reports have
been resolved through defect repair or deferral.
 Finalize and archive testware, such as scripts,
the test environment, and any other test
infrastructure, for later reuse.
 Hand over testware to the maintenance
organization who will support the software and
make any bug fixes or maintenance changes, for
use in con firmation testing and regression
 Evaluate how the testing went and analyze
 Learned for future releases and projects.
Fundamental Test Process – APRIDILA ANGGITA SURI
Graham (2011). ISTQB-
Fondation of Software Testing.
London: Cengage Learning
Fundamental Test Process – APRIDILA ANGGITA SURI
Science and Technology
Information System
State Islamic University of
Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
Fundamental Test Process – APRIDILA ANGGITA SURI

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Fundamental Test Process - APRIDILA ANGGITA SURI

  • 2. Introduction The idea of a fundamental test process for all levels of test has developed over the years. Whatever the level of testing, we see the same type of main activities happening, although there may be a different amount of formality at the different levels, for example, component tests might be carried out less formally than system Tests in most organizations with a less documented test process. The decision about the level of formality of the processes will depend on the system and Software context and the level of risk associated with the software. Fundamental Test Process – APRIDILA ANGGITA SURI
  • 3. Test Analysis and Design During test planning, we make sure we understand the goals and objectives of the customers, stakeholders, and the project, and the risks which testing is intended to address. This will give us what is sometimes called the mission of testing or the test assignment. Based on this understanding, test control has the following major tasks:  Measure and analyze the results of reviews and testing.  Monitor and document progress, test coverage and exit criteria.  Provide information on testing.  Initiate corrective actions.  Make decisions. Fundamental Test Process – APRIDILA ANGGITA SURI
  • 4. Test Planning and Control Test analysis and design has the following major tasks, in approximately the following order:  Review the test basis (such as the product risk analysis, requirements, architecture, design specifications, and interfaces), examining the specifications for the software we are testing.  Identify test conditions based on analysis of test items, their specifications, and what we know about their behavior and structure.  Design the tests.  Evaluate testability of the requirements and system. Fundamental Test Process – APRIDILA ANGGITA SURI
  • 5. Test Implementation and Execution During test implementation and execution, we take The test conditions and make them into test cases and testware and set up the test environment. This mean that, having put together a high-level design for our tests, we now start to build them. We transform our test conditions into test cases and procedures, other Testware such as scripts for automation. Fundamental Test Process – APRIDILA ANGGITA SURI
  • 6. Test Implementation and Execution (Cont...) Test implementation and execution have the following majortasks, in approximately the following order:  Implementation: Develop and prioritize our test cases Create test suites from the test cases for efficient test execution Implement and verify the environment.  Execution: Execute the test suites and individual test cases, following our test proce dures. Log the outcome of test execution and record the identities and versions of the software under test, test tools and testware.  Compare actual results (what happened when we ran the tests) with expected results (what we anticipated would happen).  Where there are differences between actual and expected results, report discrepancies as incidents. Repeat test activities as a result of action taken for each discrepancy. Fundamental Test Process – APRIDILA ANGGITA SURI
  • 7. Evaluating Exit Criteria and Reporting Evaluating exit criteria is the activity where Test execution is assessed against the defined objectives. This should be done for each test level, as for each we need to know whether we have Done enough testing. Based on our risk assess- ment, we'll have set criteria against which we'll Measure 'enough'. These criteria vary for each project and are known as exit criteria. Fundamental Test Process – APRIDILA ANGGITA SURI
  • 8. Evaluating Exit Criteria and Reporting (Cont...) Evaluating exit criteria has the following major tasks:  Check test logs against the exit criteria specified in test planning: We look to see what evidence we have for which tests have been executed and checked, and what defects have been raised, fixed, confirmation tested, or are out standing.  Assess if more tests are needed or if the exit criteria specified should be changed: We may need to run more tests if we have not run all the tests we designed, or if we realize we have not reached the coverage we expected, or if the risks have increased for the project. We may need to change the exit criteria to lower them, if the business and project risks rise in impor tance and the product or technical risks drop in importance. Note that this is not easy to do and must be agreed with stakeholders.  The test manage ment tools and test coverage tools that we'll discuss in Chapter 6 help us with this assessment. Fundamental Test Process – APRIDILA ANGGITA SURI
  • 9. Test Closure Activities Test closure activities include the following major tasks:  Check which planned deliverables we actually delivered and ensure all incident reports have been resolved through defect repair or deferral.  Finalize and archive testware, such as scripts, the test environment, and any other test infrastructure, for later reuse.  Hand over testware to the maintenance organization who will support the software and make any bug fixes or maintenance changes, for use in con firmation testing and regression testing.  Evaluate how the testing went and analyze lessons.  Learned for future releases and projects. Fundamental Test Process – APRIDILA ANGGITA SURI
  • 10. BIBLIONGRAPHY Graham (2011). ISTQB- Fondation of Software Testing. London: Cengage Learning EMEA. Fundamental Test Process – APRIDILA ANGGITA SURI
  • 11. LINK Science and Technology Faculty Information System State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau Fundamental Test Process – APRIDILA ANGGITA SURI