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© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Flux is Incubating 🎉
The Road Ahead
Stefan Prodan, Flux Maintainer, Flagger Creator, DX Engineer at Weaveworks
Leigh Capili, Flux Contributor, DX at Weaveworks
© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Stefan is a Developer Experience Engineer at
Weaveworks and an open source contributor
to cloud-native projects like Flux, Flagger,
Service Mesh Interface, and others. He
worked as a software architect and a
DevOps consultant, helping companies
embrace DevOps and the SRE movement.
Stefan has over 15 years of experience with
software development and he enjoys
programming in Go and writing about
distributed systems.
Leigh is a Kubernetes Contributor and
Developer Experience Engineer at
Weaveworks. ☸
He authored kubeadm's etcd mTLS
implementation and is currently working on
cluster-addons and multi-tenancy in Flux.
He also maintains ignite, a docker-like
experience for using Firecracker MicroVM’s.
Leigh really likes helping people.
Stefan Prodan Leigh Capili
Flux is awesome!
Leigh Capili, Developer Experience Engineer, Weaveworks
© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation

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The everyday developer's guide to version control with Git
The everyday developer's guide to version control with GitThe everyday developer's guide to version control with Git
The everyday developer's guide to version control with Git

Git is a distributed version control system that allows developers to track changes in source code. It provides tools to commit changes locally, branch code for parallel development, and collaborate remotely by pushing and pulling changes from a shared repository. Common Git commands include init to create a repository, add and commit to save changes locally, checkout to switch branches, pull to retrieve remote changes, and push to upload local changes. Git helps developers work efficiently by enabling features like branching, undoing mistakes, and viewing the revision history.

developerversion controlweb development
Introducing GitLab (September 2018)
Introducing GitLab (September 2018)Introducing GitLab (September 2018)
Introducing GitLab (September 2018)

-- Software developments trends -- Introducing GitLab -- Landmarks over the 1.5 past years Delivered by ALMtoolbox

Kubernetes Workshop
Kubernetes WorkshopKubernetes Workshop
Kubernetes Workshop

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes, an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It describes basic Kubernetes components like pods, replication controllers, services, deployments, and replica sets. It explains how Kubernetes is used to group and schedule containers, maintain desired pod counts, update applications seamlessly with rolling updates, and more. The document also notes Kubernetes was inspired by Google's internal container systems and can manage applications across cloud and bare-metal environments.

© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Flux CD - Production Users benefiting from GitOps
Azure Arc
© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
The Flux community was the first to clearly define GitOps practices:
1. Describe your system declaratively
2. Keep configuration under source control
3. Use software agents to reconcile and ensure correctness and alert for drift
Why GitOps?
Some Benefits:
Collaboration on infra (devs ♥ git)
Access Control
Auditable History
Drift Correction
~ clear boundaries between dev-teams and k8s ~
© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
The Flux project aims to provide a complete Continuous Delivery platform on top of
Kubernetes, supporting all the common practices and tooling in the field, e.g.
Kustomize, Helm, metrics with Prometheus and so on.
Why is Flux great for GitOps?
© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Flux v1 → Flux v2 progress
Flux v1 -- Monolith
sync a single git repo to a local cluster, and automate updates to YAML in Git
Flux v2 -- Kubernetes-native micro-services, rewritten from scratch
syncs multiple git repositories to local or remote clusters + much more
Multiple new project repos because Flux v2 has several controllers:
● fluxcd / flux2
● fluxcd / source-controller
● fluxcd / kustomize-controller
● fluxcd / helm-controller
● … and more
● Flagger also now in the fluxcd org

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Introduction to Gitlab
Introduction to GitlabIntroduction to Gitlab
Introduction to Gitlab

Gitlab is an open-source project that provides git repository management and issue tracking. It started as a self-hosted alternative to GitHub that was difficult to deploy but has since improved with an omnibus installer and RPM packages that make it easy to install and manage. While the enterprise edition provides more functionality, the community edition remains very full-featured and supports features like public and private repositories, user groups, access control lists, integration with Redmine, pull requests, a REST API, wikis, LDAP integration, deployment keys, web hooks, and snippets.

Devops Porto - CI/CD at Gitlab
Devops Porto - CI/CD at GitlabDevops Porto - CI/CD at Gitlab
Devops Porto - CI/CD at Gitlab

The document discusses GitLab CI/CD, an overview of the types of pipelines in GitLab including how they are defined and can group jobs. It also mentions manual actions, multi-project pipeline graphs, and security on protected branches. Additional topics covered include review apps and environments, application performance monitoring, next steps such as moving from dev to devops, how everyone can contribute to GitLab, and current job openings.

Git and git workflow best practice
Git and git workflow best practiceGit and git workflow best practice
Git and git workflow best practice

This document provides an overview of various Git commands, workflows, and best practices. It covers the basics of initializing repositories, committing, branching, merging, tagging, undoing changes, and working with remotes. It also summarizes several common Git workflows including centralized, feature branching, Gitflow, and forking models. Best practices around aliases, ignoring files, log formatting, and branching strategies are also outlined.

© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Awesome Flux v2 Features
declarative Helm
dependent ordering
Git & Helm tagging / semver
image-tag updates
multi-repo composition
remote-cluster mgmt
(kstatus / prometheus)
Flux gives you flexible tools to implement GitOps for your team’s specific needs
© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
The Community Knows Flux Awesomeness
(26k+ since Sandbox)
(1569 since Sandbox)
14 Maintainers
In 5 companies
(6 Maintainers, 3 companies at Sandbox time)
GitHub Stars
(+8k since Sandbox)
(11k+ since Sandbox)
Lots of love
for our community….
© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Resources to Get Started
● New users: use Getting Started Guides
● Flux v1 users: use Migration Guides (see next slide)
The Power of GitOps with Flux v2 (& the GitOps Toolkit) Playlist
© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
See GitHub Discussion on Flux v1 → Flux v2 Migration:
Or go to →
Migrating from Flux v1 → Flux v2

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Datadog is a cloud-based monitoring solution that collects metrics from applications, servers, tools and services to provide visibility. It aggregates data across an organization's full technology stack in one place. Datadog allows users to build dashboards to monitor key metrics, receive alerts for critical issues, and gain insights through log collection and analysis. It supports monitoring of containers, Kubernetes, databases, microservices and other modern applications and infrastructure components through its agents. Datadog is used by many companies to gain operational visibility through its features for infrastructure monitoring, APM, logs, and more.

Intro to git and git hub
Intro to git and git hubIntro to git and git hub
Intro to git and git hub

This document provides an introduction to Git and GitHub. It outlines the basics of Git including initializing repositories, tracking changes, branching, merging, and resolving conflicts. It also covers GitHub concepts such as cloning repositories from GitHub to a local machine and pushing/pulling changes between local and remote repositories. The document explains how to collaborate on projects hosted on GitHub using Git.

GitOps - Modern best practices for high velocity app dev using cloud native t...
GitOps - Modern best practices for high velocity app dev using cloud native t...GitOps - Modern best practices for high velocity app dev using cloud native t...
GitOps - Modern best practices for high velocity app dev using cloud native t...

Alexis Richardson, Weaveworks CEO, recently presented this slide deck at the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon event. He covers GitOps - modern best practices for developing apps faster using cloud native tools.

cloud nativesoftware developmentgitops
Flux technical deep dive
Stefan Prodan, Flux maintainer, Weaveworks
© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Cluster Operators who automate provision and configuration of clusters
Platform Engineers who build continuous delivery for developer teams
App Developers who rely on continuous delivery to get their code live
Who is Flux for?
© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Cluster Operators - bootstrap & maintenance
Cluster Definition Cluster Addons Tenants Clusters
develop configure on-board maintain
Infrastructure Git Repository Environments
© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Flux bootstrap - CLI & Terraform Provider
One-click provisioning for:
● Git repositories
● Deploy keys
● Teams access
● Flux controllers
Git providers:
● GitHub
● GitLab
● BitBucket (TBA)
● SSH-agent (TBA)

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Jenkins vs GitLab CI
Jenkins vs GitLab CIJenkins vs GitLab CI
Jenkins vs GitLab CI

This document compares GitLab CI and Jenkins for continuous integration. It discusses how GitLab CI is integrated directly into GitLab while Jenkins is a separate product. It also covers differences in programming languages used, configuration approaches, and extensibility through plugins. The document then demonstrates how to set up a sample CI/CD pipeline in GitLab CI to package and deploy code and websites for different environments.

gitlabsecr2016иван немытченко
Leveraging Nexus Repository Manager at the Heart of DevOps
Leveraging Nexus Repository Manager at the Heart of DevOpsLeveraging Nexus Repository Manager at the Heart of DevOps
Leveraging Nexus Repository Manager at the Heart of DevOps

Mike Worthington of Sonatype gave a presentation about leveraging Nexus Repository Manager. He discussed how Nexus can be used at different stages of a software development lifecycle, from a simple caching proxy to improve speed and consistency, to full integration with continuous integration and continuous delivery pipelines to improve quality. Worthington also explained how Nexus can be used to manage software components, enforcing policies on open source usage and alerting on policy violations. He emphasized that the repository is the hub that connects development, testing, and deployment across teams and environments.

open sourcecontinuous integrationnexus
Git - Basic Crash Course
Git - Basic Crash CourseGit - Basic Crash Course
Git - Basic Crash Course

Git is a distributed revision control system that is widely used in the software development industry. The presentation was used in a lecture delivered in BITS-Pilani, India. The lecture served as a basic crash course on Git. First, it sets off with a guide to install and configure git on various platforms. Then, the basic working concepts of Git are explained. This is followed by a detailed step-by-step guided demonstration of a sample workflow in Git. Afterwards, Some auxillary commands that are frequently used are discussed briefly. Finally, basic concepts of branching and merging are detailed. The presentation ends with a few possible merge conflicts that occur in Git.

revision controlbits pilanilinux
© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Flux - Multi-cluster bootstrap
© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Flux - Cluster management
● Dependency management for infrastructure and apps
● Secrets management (Mozilla SOPS, Cloud KMS)
● Authenticity validation (GPG commit signing verification)
● Validates manifests against Kubernetes API
● Impersonates Kubernetes accounts (multi-tenancy RBAC)
● Health assessment of the deployed workloads
● Integrates with Kubernetes Cluster API
● Incident management (suspend/resume reconciliation)
● Reports cluster state changes
● Trigger cluster reconciliation via webhooks
© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Flux - Observability
● Reconciliation status exposed via
“kubectl get/describe”
● Health checks for workloads
and custom resources
● Kubernetes events
● Prometheus metrics and alerts
● Grafana dashboards
● Slack/MS Teams/Discord notifications
● Commit-status updates for
GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Azure DevOps
© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
GitOps Toolkit - Flux SDK
The GitOps Toolkit is a set of composable
APIs and specialized tools that can be used
to build a Continuous Delivery platform on
top of Kubernetes.
The toolkit is for platform engineers who
want to make their own continuous delivery
system, and have requirements not covered
by Flux.

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Advanced Git Presentation By Swawibe
Advanced Git Presentation By SwawibeAdvanced Git Presentation By Swawibe
Advanced Git Presentation By Swawibe

This document summarizes several common Git commands: - Git merge joins two or more development histories together in either a fast-forward or no fast-forward manner. - Git log displays commit history and allows formatting and filtering options like oneline, decorate, stats, diffs, shortlog, graph and custom formats. - Other commands covered include revert, checkout, reset, cherry-pick, rebase and filtering log output by amount, date, author, message, file, content and range.

git mergegit rebaseadvanced git
Git presentation
Git presentationGit presentation
Git presentation

Git is a free and open source distributed version control system initially designed by Linus Torvalds for Linux kernel development. It allows multiple users to work together on projects simultaneously using the same files. Git provides benefits like enhanced collaboration and productivity, reduced errors, and traceability of changes. Key features of Git include branching, merging, and synchronizing with remote repositories. Common Git commands are used to initialize repositories, add/commit files, switch branches, clone repositories, and push/pull from remote servers.

gitusing gitvcs
Reduce SRE Stress: Minimizing Service Downtime with Grafana, InfluxDB and Tel...
Reduce SRE Stress: Minimizing Service Downtime with Grafana, InfluxDB and Tel...Reduce SRE Stress: Minimizing Service Downtime with Grafana, InfluxDB and Tel...
Reduce SRE Stress: Minimizing Service Downtime with Grafana, InfluxDB and Tel...

NetApp is a global cloud-led, data-centric software company. They are an industry leader in hybrid cloud data services and data management solutions. Their platform enables their customers to store and share large quantities of digital data across physical and hybrid cloud environments. NetApp Engineering’s Site Reliability Engineering team is tasked with supporting their internal build environment, test, and automation infrastructure. After collecting their time-stamped data in InfluxDB, they are using Kapacitor to push alerts directly to Slack via webhooks. Their globally distributed SRE team are able to seamlessly collaborate and troubleshoot. Discover how NetApp uses a time series platform to detect trends in real time that can result in failures within their environments, and to provide key metrics used in SRE postmortems. Join this webinar as Dustin Sorge will dive into: NetApp's approach to monitoring their SRE team's metrics — including SLO's and SLI's Their best practices and techniques for monitoring memory usage and CPU usage How they use InfluxDB and Telegraf to detect trends and coordinate fixes faster.

influxdbsretime series database
© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
GitOps Toolkit - Source Controller
© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
GitOps Toolkit - Specialized Reconcilers
The GitOps Toolkit allows specialized reconcilers to collaborate when declaring
the desired state of a group of clusters:
● Kustomize Controller
● Helm Controller
● Image Reflector Controller
● Image Automation Controller
To write your own controller see the source-watcher guide.
© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
App Developers - manual delivery
Source Code Container Images Deploy Manifests Clusters
build push update apply
© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
App Developers - automated delivery
Source Code Container Images Deploy Manifests Clusters
build push update apply
Git Repo Image Repo Git Repo Environments

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Introducing GitLab (September 2018)
Introducing GitLab (September 2018)Introducing GitLab (September 2018)
Introducing GitLab (September 2018)

The document discusses GitLab, an open source DevOps platform. It provides an overview of GitLab's features including version control, issue tracking, code review, continuous integration/delivery, security tools, and more. Recent landmarks for GitLab include being used by over 100,000 organizations and having over 2,000 contributors. The document promotes GitLab as a one-stop shop that allows development from idea to production.

Gitlab ci,
Gitlab ci, cncf.skGitlab ci,
Gitlab ci,

This document provides an introduction to Gitlab CI and continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) workflows. It discusses DevOps practices and the benefits of Gitlab CI. It then covers how to set up Gitlab runners, write a basic Gitlab CI configuration file, define jobs, stages, variables and environments. The document demonstrates concepts like Docker integration, artifacts, auto and manual deployments, and stopping deployments. It concludes with a live demo of a Gitlab CI configuration.

Webinar: Capabilities, Confidence and Community – What Flux GA Means for You
Webinar: Capabilities, Confidence and Community – What Flux GA Means for YouWebinar: Capabilities, Confidence and Community – What Flux GA Means for You
Webinar: Capabilities, Confidence and Community – What Flux GA Means for You

Flux, the original GitOps project, began its development in a small London office back in 2017 with the goal to bring continuous delivery (CD) to developers, platform and cluster operators working with Kubernetes. From donating the project to the CNCF, its continued growth within the cloud native community, to its achievement of passing rigorous battle tests for security, longevity and governance, it’s little wonder that Flux v2 has reached yet another celebratory milestone – General Availability (GA). Flux is the GitOps platform of choice for many enterprise companies such as SAP, Volvo Cars, and Axel Springer; and is embedded within AKS, Azure Arc and EKS Anywhere. It provides extensive automation to CI/CD, security and audit trails, and reliability through canary deployments and rollback capabilities. Join this webinar by Flux maintainers and creators and discover: * Latest release features and roadmap for the future. * Interesting use cases for Flux (e.g security). * Flux capabilities you may not be aware of (e.g. extensions). * Joining the vibrant Flux community. * How to leverage Flux in a supported enterprise environment today.

© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Flux - Automate image updates to Git
© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Flux v2 - Powered by GitOps Toolkit
© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Do you have questions?
Join the Flux discussions on GitHub
© 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Thank you very much!

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How to manage Kubernetes at scale with just git
How to manage Kubernetes at scale with just git How to manage Kubernetes at scale with just git
How to manage Kubernetes at scale with just git

n this talk, Stefan will speak about the challenges of managing Kubernetes clusters and how driving operations through git can enable dev teams to collaborate on infrastructure the same way they do for app development. Stefan will explore the GitOps methodology and talk about the benefits of using Flux for Kubernetes cluster management and Helm Operator for application delivery. He will demo a GitOps pipeline for promoting applications across environments using GitHub, Kubernetes custom resources and Flux automation features.

WTF is GitOps & Why Should You Care?
WTF is GitOps & Why Should You Care?WTF is GitOps & Why Should You Care?
WTF is GitOps & Why Should You Care?

Presented at Open Source 101 2022 Presented by Priyanka Ravi, Weaveworks Abstract: If you’re interested in learning more about Cloud Native Computing or are already in the Kubernetes community you may have heard the term GitOps. It’s become a bit of a buzzword, but it’s so much more! The benefits of GitOps are real - they bring you security, reliability, velocity and more! And the project that started it all was Flux - a CNCF Incubating project developed and later donated by Weaveworks (the GitOps company who coined the term). Pinky will share from personal experience why GitOps has been an essential part of achieving a best-in-class delivery and platform team. Pinky will give a brief overview of definitions, CNCF-based principles, and Flux's capabilities: multi-tenancy, multi-cluster, (multi-everything!), for apps and infra, and more. Pinky will cover a little of Flux's microservices architecture and how the various components deliver this robust, secure, and trusted open source solution. Through the components of the Flux project, users today are enjoying compatibility with Helm, Jenkins, Terraform, Prometheus, and more as well as with cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and more. Join us for this informative session and get all of your GitOps questions answered by an end user in the community!

open sourceopen source 101os101
WTF is GitOps and Why You Should Care?
WTF is GitOps and Why You Should Care?WTF is GitOps and Why You Should Care?
WTF is GitOps and Why You Should Care?

Slides from Talk ( If you’re interested in learning more about Cloud Native Computing or are already in the Kubernetes community you may have heard the term GitOps. It’s become a bit of a buzzword, but it’s so much more! The benefits of GitOps are real – they bring you security, reliability, velocity and more! And the project that started it all was Flux – a CNCF Incubating project developed and later donated by Weaveworks (the GitOps company who coined the term). Pinky will share from personal experience why GitOps has been an essential part of achieving a best-in-class delivery and platform team. Pinky will give a brief overview of definitions, CNCF-based principles, and Flux’s capabilities: multi-tenancy, multi-cluster, (multi-everything!), for apps and infra, and more. Pinky will cover a little of Flux’s microservices architecture and how the various components deliver this robust, secure, and trusted open source solution. Through the components of the Flux project, users today are enjoying compatibility with Helm, Jenkins, Terraform, Prometheus, and more as well as with cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and more. Join us for this informative session and get all of your GitOps questions answered by an end user in the community! Speaker: Priyanka (aka “Pinky”) is a Developer Experience Engineer at Weaveworks. She has worked on a multitude of topics including front end development, UI automation for testing and API development. Previously she was a software developer at State Farm where she was on the delivery engineering team working on GitOps enablement. She was instrumental in the multi-tenancy migration to utilize Flux for an internal Kubernetes offering. Outside of work, Priyanka enjoys hanging out with her husband and two rescue dogs as well as traveling around the globe.

gitopsgit opscontinuous delivery

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Flux is incubating + the road ahead

  • 1. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 1 Flux is Incubating 🎉 The Road Ahead Stefan Prodan, Flux Maintainer, Flagger Creator, DX Engineer at Weaveworks Leigh Capili, Flux Contributor, DX at Weaveworks
  • 2. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 2 Introductions Stefan is a Developer Experience Engineer at Weaveworks and an open source contributor to cloud-native projects like Flux, Flagger, Service Mesh Interface, and others. He worked as a software architect and a DevOps consultant, helping companies embrace DevOps and the SRE movement. Stefan has over 15 years of experience with software development and he enjoys programming in Go and writing about distributed systems. Leigh is a Kubernetes Contributor and Developer Experience Engineer at Weaveworks. ☸ He authored kubeadm's etcd mTLS implementation and is currently working on cluster-addons and multi-tenancy in Flux. He also maintains ignite, a docker-like experience for using Firecracker MicroVM’s. Leigh really likes helping people. Stefan Prodan Leigh Capili
  • 3. Flux is awesome! Leigh Capili, Developer Experience Engineer, Weaveworks
  • 4. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 4
  • 5. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 5 Flux CD - Production Users benefiting from GitOps Azure Arc
  • 6. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 6 The Flux community was the first to clearly define GitOps practices: 1. Describe your system declaratively 2. Keep configuration under source control 3. Use software agents to reconcile and ensure correctness and alert for drift Why GitOps? Some Benefits: Collaboration on infra (devs ♥ git) Access Control Auditable History Drift Correction ~ clear boundaries between dev-teams and k8s ~
  • 7. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 7 The Flux project aims to provide a complete Continuous Delivery platform on top of Kubernetes, supporting all the common practices and tooling in the field, e.g. Kustomize, Helm, metrics with Prometheus and so on. Why is Flux great for GitOps?
  • 8. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 8 Flux v1 → Flux v2 progress Flux v1 -- Monolith sync a single git repo to a local cluster, and automate updates to YAML in Git Flux v2 -- Kubernetes-native micro-services, rewritten from scratch syncs multiple git repositories to local or remote clusters + much more Multiple new project repos because Flux v2 has several controllers: ● fluxcd / flux2 ● fluxcd / source-controller ● fluxcd / kustomize-controller ● fluxcd / helm-controller ● … and more ● Flagger also now in the fluxcd org
  • 9. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 9 Awesome Flux v2 Features declarative Helm health-checks dependent ordering bootstrap Git & Helm tagging / semver image-tag updates multi-repo composition multi-tenancy remote-cluster mgmt observability (kstatus / prometheus) notifications extensible Flux gives you flexible tools to implement GitOps for your team’s specific needs
  • 10. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 10 The Community Knows Flux Awesomeness 🛠 40k+ Contributions (26k+ since Sandbox) 🥰 1888 Contributors (1569 since Sandbox) 🤹 14 Maintainers In 5 companies (6 Maintainers, 3 companies at Sandbox time) 🌟 12k+ GitHub Stars (+8k since Sandbox) 🎯 16k+ Commits (11k+ since Sandbox) 💖 Lots of love for our community….
  • 11. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 11 Resources to Get Started START HERE: ● New users: use Getting Started Guides ● Flux v1 users: use Migration Guides (see next slide) The Power of GitOps with Flux v2 (& the GitOps Toolkit) Playlist The NEXT TALK (EVERY OTHER MONDAY):
  • 12. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 12 See GitHub Discussion on Flux v1 → Flux v2 Migration: Or go to → Migrating from Flux v1 → Flux v2
  • 13. Flux technical deep dive Stefan Prodan, Flux maintainer, Weaveworks
  • 14. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 14 Cluster Operators who automate provision and configuration of clusters Platform Engineers who build continuous delivery for developer teams App Developers who rely on continuous delivery to get their code live Who is Flux for?
  • 15. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 15 Cluster Operators - bootstrap & maintenance Cluster Definition Cluster Addons Tenants Clusters develop configure on-board maintain Infrastructure Git Repository Environments CD
  • 16. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 16 Flux bootstrap - CLI & Terraform Provider One-click provisioning for: ● Git repositories ● Deploy keys ● Teams access ● Flux controllers Git providers: ● GitHub ● GitLab ● BitBucket (TBA) ● SSH-agent (TBA)
  • 17. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 17 Flux - Multi-cluster bootstrap
  • 18. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 18 Flux - Cluster management Features: ● Dependency management for infrastructure and apps ● Secrets management (Mozilla SOPS, Cloud KMS) ● Authenticity validation (GPG commit signing verification) ● Validates manifests against Kubernetes API ● Impersonates Kubernetes accounts (multi-tenancy RBAC) ● Health assessment of the deployed workloads ● Integrates with Kubernetes Cluster API ● Incident management (suspend/resume reconciliation) ● Reports cluster state changes ● Trigger cluster reconciliation via webhooks
  • 19. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 19 Flux - Observability Features: ● Reconciliation status exposed via “kubectl get/describe” ● Health checks for workloads and custom resources ● Kubernetes events ● Prometheus metrics and alerts ● Grafana dashboards ● Slack/MS Teams/Discord notifications ● Commit-status updates for GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Azure DevOps
  • 20. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 20 GitOps Toolkit - Flux SDK The GitOps Toolkit is a set of composable APIs and specialized tools that can be used to build a Continuous Delivery platform on top of Kubernetes. The toolkit is for platform engineers who want to make their own continuous delivery system, and have requirements not covered by Flux.
  • 21. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 21 GitOps Toolkit - Source Controller
  • 22. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 22 GitOps Toolkit - Specialized Reconcilers The GitOps Toolkit allows specialized reconcilers to collaborate when declaring the desired state of a group of clusters: ● Kustomize Controller ● Helm Controller ● Image Reflector Controller ● Image Automation Controller To write your own controller see the source-watcher guide.
  • 23. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 23 App Developers - manual delivery Source Code Container Images Deploy Manifests Clusters build push update apply
  • 24. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 24 App Developers - automated delivery Source Code Container Images Deploy Manifests Clusters build push update apply Git Repo Image Repo Git Repo Environments CI CD
  • 25. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 25 Flux - Automate image updates to Git
  • 26. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 26 Flux v2 - Powered by GitOps Toolkit
  • 27. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 27 Do you have questions? Join the Flux discussions on GitHub
  • 28. © 2018 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 28 Thank you very much!