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12 Factor App
Best Practices for Scala Deployment
2005 2015
WAR files JAR files
App Servers Microservices
Java Scala
Hot-Deploy Continuous Deploy
Joe Kutner
JVM Platform Owner
Joe Kutner
12 Factor App
a methodology

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Continuous Deployment into the Unknown with Artifactory, Bintray, Docker and ...
Continuous Deployment into the Unknown with Artifactory, Bintray, Docker and ...Continuous Deployment into the Unknown with Artifactory, Bintray, Docker and ...
Continuous Deployment into the Unknown with Artifactory, Bintray, Docker and ...

VMware’s Common SaaS Platform (CSP) is a brand new offering designed to enhance the productivity of developers and cloud providers by equipping them with a set of common and configurable capabilities (such as Identity, Telemetry, Account Management, Billing etc.), thus enabling them to focus on their core businesses. But enough with the product pitch. CSP is distributed to numerous cloud providers around the globe, used by developers and IT alike to empower their services and better answer the business need of their customers. Please join us and witness how we take continuous delivery to the next step where sometimes the target environment is not on our control and still seamlessly manage and deliver our unique collection of capabilities, packaged as platform for ease of use, using the best and shiniest tools the frogs can provide.

#devops #jfrog #swampup #saas
JavaEdge 2008: Your next version control system
JavaEdge 2008: Your next version control systemJavaEdge 2008: Your next version control system
JavaEdge 2008: Your next version control system

The next generation of VCS has a clear target ahead of them: making branching and merging easier. Until recently, Subversion was dominating the world of Version Control Systems, but now, Distributed Version Control Systems are growing in popularity and everywhere you go you hear about Git or Mercurial, and how they make branching and merging a breeze. But the Subversion team isn't going down quietly, they have a new weapon: the 1.5 version. Learn about the next generation of Version Control Systems is planning to solve your problems.

Opinionated containers and the future of game servers by Brendan Fosberry
Opinionated containers and the future of game servers by Brendan FosberryOpinionated containers and the future of game servers by Brendan Fosberry
Opinionated containers and the future of game servers by Brendan Fosberry

The document discusses opinionated containers and containerizing game server applications. Containerizing simple applications like TeamSpeak is straightforward, but complex games like Team Fortress 2 pose unique challenges due to requirements for specific configuration files, port mappings, and handling of persisted state. While containerizing opinionated applications is becoming more common, the game server ecosystem presents difficulties around proprietary assets, obscured documentation, and hacker behavior that promote inflexible environments. Standardizing configuration methods and allowing external persisted state could help containerized game servers become more compatible and deployable at scale.

• Immutable
• Ephemeral
• Declarative
• Automated
"com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-native-packager" % "0.7.6"
$ sbt stage

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5 steps to take setting up a streamlined container pipeline
5 steps to take setting up a streamlined container pipeline5 steps to take setting up a streamlined container pipeline
5 steps to take setting up a streamlined container pipeline

The document outlines 5 steps to set up a container pipeline: 1. Use versioning and container registries like GitHub, Docker, and private registries to manage code versions and container images. 2. Use an orchestration engine like Kubernetes to manage and orchestrate container processes. Common options are AWS EKS, GCP GKE, and Oracle OKE. 3. Provision the Kubernetes cluster using scripts or Terraform on cloud infrastructure like OCI. 4. Implement container pipelines using tools like Oracle Container Pipelines to automate building, testing, and deploying containers. 5. Use Helm to package and deploy Kubernetes applications and integrate it into the CI/CD pipeline

linuxcontinuous deliverydevops
Kiss.ts - The Keep It Simple Software Stack for 2017++
Kiss.ts - The Keep It Simple Software Stack for 2017++Kiss.ts - The Keep It Simple Software Stack for 2017++
Kiss.ts - The Keep It Simple Software Stack for 2017++

Fresh thinking and latest technologies making it easier to develop and deploy corporate-grade apps in 2017++. I presented this session at ISTA and JsTalks conferences in November 2017. Video of the session is here:

A year in the life of a Grails startup
A year in the life of a Grails startupA year in the life of a Grails startup
A year in the life of a Grails startup

The document summarizes the experience of a Grails startup called Secret Escapes over its first year, including: - Secret Escapes is a members-only travel site founded in late 2010 that has grown to over 1 million users. - The initial Grails application included a CMS and storefront across two servers, with a focus on deployability, basic functionality, and third party integration. - After launching, they continued expanding features like booking options and integrating services like Facebook and Google Analytics. - They improved development processes around testing, deployment, and team collaboration over the first year.

grails secret escapes startup
without further ado…
The 12 Factors
• Codebase
• Dependencies
• Config
• Backing services
• Build, release, run
• Processes
• Port binding
• Concurrency
• Disposability
• Dev/prod parity
• Logs
• Admin processes
Thank You!
(just kidding)
The 12 Factors
• Codebase
• Dependencies
• Config
• Backing services
• Build, release, run
• Processes
• Port binding
• Concurrency
• Disposability
• Dev/prod parity
• Logs
• Admin processes

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Microservices - java ee vs spring boot and spring cloud
Microservices - java ee vs spring boot and spring cloudMicroservices - java ee vs spring boot and spring cloud
Microservices - java ee vs spring boot and spring cloud

Spring Boot and Spring Cloud provide an easier and more productive framework for building cloud-native microservices compared to Java EE. Spring Boot simplifies the development, deployment, and management of microservices. Spring Cloud adds helpful capabilities for service discovery, external configuration, load balancing, and monitoring that are missing from Java EE. While Java EE adoption is declining, the use of Spring Boot and Spring Cloud is growing rapidly among developers.

PASS 24HOP Linux Scripting Tips and Tricks
PASS 24HOP Linux Scripting Tips and TricksPASS 24HOP Linux Scripting Tips and Tricks
PASS 24HOP Linux Scripting Tips and Tricks

The document provides tips and tricks for scripting success on Linux. It begins with introducing the speaker and emphasizing that the session will focus on best practices for those already familiar with BASH scripting. It then details various tips across multiple areas: setting the shell and environment variables, adding headers and comments to scripts, validating input, implementing error handling and debugging, leveraging utilities like CRON for scheduling, and ensuring scripts continue running across sessions. The tips are meant to help authors write more readable, maintainable, and reliable scripts.

Slaying Monoliths with Node and Docker
Slaying Monoliths with Node and DockerSlaying Monoliths with Node and Docker
Slaying Monoliths with Node and Docker

The document discusses the evolution of Netflix's API architecture from a monolithic Java web server to a microservices architecture using Node.js and containers. It describes how the monolith led to scalability and developer productivity issues. The new architecture uses Node.js scripts in containers with process isolation for improved scalability, availability, and developer experience through rapid local development and debugging. Key aspects of the new architecture include service routing, versioning, operational insights, and container management.

netflixmicro services
The 12 Factors
• Codebase
• Dependencies
• Config
• Backing services
• Build, release, run
• Processes
• Port binding
• Concurrency
• Disposability
• Dev/prod parity
• Logs
• Admin processes
Use Version Control
12 Factor Scala
12 Factor Scala

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Grails 3.0 Preview
Grails 3.0 PreviewGrails 3.0 Preview
Grails 3.0 Preview

Graeme Rocher presented on upcoming versions of Grails. Grails 2.4 will include upgrades to Spring 4.0, Java 8 support, and the Asset Pipeline plugin. Grails 3.0 plans to embrace Gradle builds, abstract packaging, support non-servlet containers, and extend Grails' reach through profiles like Netty, batch, and Hadoop. It will also build on Spring Boot to enable embedded servers, runnable jars, and scripting/microservices. Key goals are reducing dependencies and bloat.

Java Serverless in Action - Voxxed Banff
Java Serverless in Action - Voxxed BanffJava Serverless in Action - Voxxed Banff
Java Serverless in Action - Voxxed Banff

This document discusses Fn Project, an open source container-native serverless platform. It allows users to write small bits of code called functions that can be easily deployed, invoked and scaled independently in the cloud or on-premises. Fn Project supports many programming languages including Java, Go, Python and JavaScript. It uses Docker containers to wrap and run functions and provides tools for monitoring, management and rapid development of serverless applications.

Webcast - Making kubernetes production ready
Webcast - Making kubernetes production readyWebcast - Making kubernetes production ready
Webcast - Making kubernetes production ready

Slides from our techical webcast where Harry Zhang and Abhinav Das discuss the problems the Applatix engineering team ran into in building large-scale production apps on Kubernetes and our resulting solutions, tips, and settings to resolve them. Full youtube video of webcast at

App #1 App #2
! build.sbt
! app
! conf
! public
! my-library
! build.sbt
! src
! main
! scala
! build.sbt
! app
! conf
! public
! my-library
! my-sub-project
! build.sbt
! src
! main
! scala

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Javantura v4 - Self-service app deployment with Kubernetes and OpenShift - Ma...
Javantura v4 - Self-service app deployment with Kubernetes and OpenShift - Ma...Javantura v4 - Self-service app deployment with Kubernetes and OpenShift - Ma...
Javantura v4 - Self-service app deployment with Kubernetes and OpenShift - Ma...

This document introduces self-service application deployment with Kubernetes and OpenShift. It discusses how containers and container orchestration tools like Kubernetes and OpenShift address issues with traditional application deployment processes by allowing developers to deploy applications without needing access to infrastructure. It provides an overview of Kubernetes and OpenShift concepts and components that enable this self-service deployment model.

How lagom helps to build real world microservice systems
How lagom helps to build real world microservice systemsHow lagom helps to build real world microservice systems
How lagom helps to build real world microservice systems

This talk was given at the inaugural and gave an introduction to Lightbend's Lagom Framework (

Container Landscape in 2017
Container Landscape in 2017Container Landscape in 2017
Container Landscape in 2017

Container Landscape in 2017 - Provides an overview of CNCF, OCI, and Container orchestration frameworks

$ git submodule add
The 12 Factors
• Codebase
• Dependencies
• Config
• Backing services
• Build, release, run
• Processes
• Port binding
• Concurrency
• Disposability
• Dev/prod parity
• Logs
• Admin processes
Don’t check JAR files into Git

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Open Source, infrastructure as Code, Cloud Native Apps 2015
Open Source, infrastructure as Code, Cloud Native Apps 2015Open Source, infrastructure as Code, Cloud Native Apps 2015
Open Source, infrastructure as Code, Cloud Native Apps 2015

A brief presentation on the trends around open source, infrastructure as code and cloud native apps that I see out there.

open sourceinfrastructure as codecloud native apps
Deployment Best Practices on WebLogic Server (DOAG IMC Summit 2013)
Deployment Best Practices on WebLogic Server (DOAG IMC Summit 2013)Deployment Best Practices on WebLogic Server (DOAG IMC Summit 2013)
Deployment Best Practices on WebLogic Server (DOAG IMC Summit 2013)

1) The document discusses best practices for deploying applications on WebLogic Server. It addresses challenges like managing multiple applications and versions. 2) It provides strategies and tools for deployment including using the Deployer, Ant, Maven, and WLST scripts. It recommends planning deployments to clusters from the start. 3) The document discusses considerations for production redeployments like handling versioning, retire timeouts, and maintaining session state during redeployments. It also notes some pain points like managing custom configuration data and security policies.

oracle weblogic serverdeploy
Getting Started with Docker
Getting Started with DockerGetting Started with Docker
Getting Started with Docker

This document discusses Docker and provides an introduction and overview for getting started with Docker. It begins with discussing the challenges of managing complex software stacks across different environments and how Docker addresses this through containerization and separation of concerns. It then covers downloading and installing Docker, basic Docker commands like run, images, ps, and explains a "Hello World" example. Finally, it demonstrates building a simple Whalesay image and running MySQL and WordPress in linked Docker containers using both the Docker CLI and Docker Compose.

dockergetting startedmeetup
12 Factor Scala
Never rely on implicit
existence of system-wide
Explicitly declare
and isolate
global local
(ok in dev)

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Enabling applications to really thrive (and not just survive) in cloud environments can be challenging. The original 12 factor app methodology helped to lay out some of the key characteristics needed for cloud-native applications... but... as our cloud infrastructure and tooling has progressed, so too have these factors. In this workshop we'll dive into the extended and updated 15 factors needed to build cloud native applications that are able to thrive in this environment, and get hands-on with open source technologies and tools (including MicroProfile, Jakarta EE, Open Liberty, OpenJ9, and more!) that can help us achieve this.

kubernetesjavajakarta ee
IBM Connect 2017: Your Data In the Major Leagues: A Practical Guide to REST S...
IBM Connect 2017: Your Data In the Major Leagues: A Practical Guide to REST S...IBM Connect 2017: Your Data In the Major Leagues: A Practical Guide to REST S...
IBM Connect 2017: Your Data In the Major Leagues: A Practical Guide to REST S...

IBM Connect 2017 Session on RESTful architectures and their uses in IBM Domino environments (Notes and XPages applications). February 22, 2017.

javaapache winkibm notes
Benefits of an Open environment with Wakanda
Benefits of an Open environment with WakandaBenefits of an Open environment with Wakanda
Benefits of an Open environment with Wakanda

Wakanda is an open source platform that provides benefits of an open environment including freedom, adaptability, interoperability, portability, reusability, and community. It uses open source libraries and has open source and dual licensing. The Wakanda Studio includes tools like a model designer, GUI designer, and debugger. It supports add-ons, external widgets, and web components. The Wakanda backend integrates technologies like HTTP APIs, modules, and supports accessing external databases and technologies.

$ sbt stage
$ tree target/universal/stage/lib/
"## ch.qos.logback.logback-classic-1.1.1.jar
"## ch.qos.logback.logback-core-1.1.1.jar
"## com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-annotations-2.3...
"## com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-core-2.3.2.jar
"## com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-databind-2.3.2.jar
The 12 Factors
• Codebase
• Dependencies
• Config
• Backing services
• Build, release, run
• Processes
• Port binding
• Concurrency
• Disposability
• Dev/prod parity
• Logs
• Admin processes
Don’t check passwords into Git
Or was it “DUH”?

Recommended for you

Stay productive while slicing up the monolith
Stay productive while slicing up the monolith Stay productive while slicing up the monolith
Stay productive while slicing up the monolith

DevNexus 2017 Microservices-based architectures are en-vogue. The last couple of years we have learned how the thought-leaders implement them, and every other week we have heard about how containers and Platform-as-a-Service offerings make them ultimately happen. The problem is that the developers are almost forgotten and left alone with provisioning and continuous delivery systems, containers and resource schedulers, and frameworks and patterns to help slice existing monoliths. How can we get back in control and efficiently develop them without having to provision complete production-like environments locally, by hand? All the new buzzwords, frameworks, and hyped tools have made us forget ourselves—Java developers–and what it means to be productive and have fun building systems. The problem that we set out to solve is: how can we run real-world Microservices-based systems on our local development machines, managing provisioning, and orchestration of potentially hundreds of services directly from a single command line tool, without sacrificing productivity enablers like hot code reloading and instant turnaround time? During this talk, you’ll experience first-hand how much fun it can be to develop large-scale Microservices-based systems. You will learn a lot about what it takes to fail fast and recover and truly understand the power of a fully integrated Microservices development environment.

Twelve Factor App
Twelve Factor AppTwelve Factor App
Twelve Factor App

Twelve Factor App for Distributed Software Development with Cloud Native Computing using Open Source Technology

twelvefactorappcloud nativeopen source
Web app job and functions - TUGAIT 2017
Web app job and functions  - TUGAIT 2017Web app job and functions  - TUGAIT 2017
Web app job and functions - TUGAIT 2017

A useful means to automate tasks in the cloud is by leveraging WebJobs hosted in Azure App Service. In this session Steef-Jan will go into the creation, deployment and operations of WebJobs. You will learn about the ins- and outs of Azure WebJobs and how they relate to other Azure Services like functions and logic apps.

Can you make your app open source
at any moment, without compromising
any credentials?
Litmus Test
• Resource handles to the database,
Memcached, and other backing services
• Credentials to external services such as
Amazon S3 or Twitter
• Per-deploy values such as the canonical
hostname for the deploy
Anything that changes between
deployment environments:
(does not include things like conf/routes)
Configuration is…
Configuration belongs
in the environment,
not in the application
Configuration should
be strictly separated
from code

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DevOps with ActiveMQ, Camel, Fabric8, and HawtIO
DevOps with ActiveMQ, Camel, Fabric8, and HawtIO DevOps with ActiveMQ, Camel, Fabric8, and HawtIO
DevOps with ActiveMQ, Camel, Fabric8, and HawtIO

DevOps and Continuous Delivery slides with Fabric8 (, HawtIO (, Camel, ActiveMQ, Docker Jenkins, etc.

devops continuous delivery fabric8 docker hawtio
Dropwizard and Groovy
Dropwizard and GroovyDropwizard and Groovy
Dropwizard and Groovy

This document provides an overview of using Dropwizard, a Java framework for building production-grade RESTful web services, with Groovy. It discusses how Dropwizard combines popular Java libraries and frameworks, highlights some companies using Dropwizard with Groovy successfully, and describes key parts of a Dropwizard application like configurations, resources, representations, metrics, and deployment. The document emphasizes how Dropwizard enables service-oriented architectures and provides advantages like performance, testability, and easy deployment.


Los patrones están en todos lados. Los patrones de diseño han existido desde hace mucho tiempo para las arquitecturas tradicionales (monolíticas). Los patrones nos permiten tener un abanico de opciones de diseño predeterminadas, que se pueden aplicar según cada problema de negocio y tecnológico, dándonos una ventaja en el diseño de la solución, dado que son estructuras que han sido probadas durante el tiempo en forma repetitiva, hasta consolidarse como un patrón. Sin embargo, los patrones de diseño han cambiado con la llegada de la nube y el enfoque de microservicios. En esta oportunidad vamos a discutir en profundidad estos patrones de diseño y su aplicabilidad.

cloud computingdesign patternsarchitecture
The 12 Factors
• Codebase
• Dependencies
• Config
• Backing services
• Build, release, run
• Processes
• Port binding
• Concurrency
• Disposability
• Dev/prod parity
• Logs
• Admin processes
The 12 Factors
• Codebase
• Dependencies
• Config
• Backing services
• Build, release, run
• Processes
• Port binding
• Concurrency
• Disposability
• Dev/prod parity
• Logs
• Admin processes
build, release, run

Recommended for you

Soccnx10: Best and worst practices deploying IBM Connections
Soccnx10: Best and worst practices deploying IBM ConnectionsSoccnx10: Best and worst practices deploying IBM Connections
Soccnx10: Best and worst practices deploying IBM Connections

Depending on deployment size, operating system and security considerations you have different options to configure IBM Connections. This session will show good and bad examples on how to do it from multiple customer deployments. We will describe things we found and how you can optimize your systems. Main topics include simple (documented) tasks that should be applied, missing documentation, automated user synchronization, TDI solutions and user synchronization, performance tuning, security optimizing and planning Single Sign On for mail, IBM Sametime and SPNEGO. This is valuable information that will help you to be successful in your next IBM Connections deployment project. A presentation by Christoph Stoettner & Nico Meisenzahl

social connections 10soccnx10canada
Grails in the Cloud (2013)
Grails in the Cloud (2013)Grails in the Cloud (2013)
Grails in the Cloud (2013)

This document discusses different cloud platforms for hosting Grails applications. It provides an overview of infrastructure as a service (IaaS) models like Amazon EC2 and shared/dedicated virtual private servers, as well as platform as a service (PaaS) options including Amazon Beanstalk, Google App Engine, Heroku, Cloud Foundry, and Jelastic. A comparison chart evaluates these platforms based on factors such as pricing, control, reliability, and scalability. The document emphasizes that competition and changes in the cloud space are rapid and recommends keeping applications loosely coupled and testing platforms using free trials.

grails cloud
Migrating Java EE applications to IBM Bluemix Platform-as-a-Service
Migrating Java EE applications to IBM Bluemix Platform-as-a-ServiceMigrating Java EE applications to IBM Bluemix Platform-as-a-Service
Migrating Java EE applications to IBM Bluemix Platform-as-a-Service

This document discusses migrating Java EE applications from traditional deployment to IBM's Bluemix Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). It introduces key concepts of cloud computing including IaaS, PaaS and SaaS models. It then focuses on Bluemix, describing it as IBM's cloud platform that is built on Cloud Foundry and provides services across various categories. The document guides developers on migrating an example application called DayTrader to Bluemix, covering steps like using database and other services, scaling the runtime, and adopting additional services to enhance the application.

interconnect bluemix migration jee
$ sbt stage
$ sbt deployHeroku
# in the cloud!
$ target/universal/stage/bin/my-app
$ sbt run
(in production)
simple build tool
The 12 Factors
• Codebase
• Dependencies
• Config
• Backing services
• Build, release, run
• Processes
• Port binding
• Concurrency
• Disposability
• Dev/prod parity
• Logs
• Admin processes

Recommended for you

be the captain of your connections deployment
be the captain of your connections deploymentbe the captain of your connections deployment
be the captain of your connections deployment

as seen at Engage 2106 - Presented with Christoph Stoettner We cover installation, migrating, tuning, troubleshooting, documenting and more

ibmibm connectionsconnections administrator
1049: Best and Worst Practices for Deploying IBM Connections - IBM Connect 2016
1049: Best and Worst Practices for Deploying IBM Connections - IBM Connect 20161049: Best and Worst Practices for Deploying IBM Connections - IBM Connect 2016
1049: Best and Worst Practices for Deploying IBM Connections - IBM Connect 2016

Depending on deployment size, operating system and security considerations you have different options to configure IBM Connections. This session show good and bad examples on how to do it from multiple customer deployments. Christoph Stoettner describes things he found and how you can optimize your systems. Main topics include simple (documented) tasks that should be applied, missing documentation, automated user synchronization, TDI solutions and user synchronization, performance tuning, security optimizing and planning Single Sign On for mail, IBM Sametime and SPNEGO. This is valuable information that will help you to be successful in your next IBM Connections deployment project. A presentation from Christoph Stoettner (panagenda).

ibmconnectionsconnect2016christoph stoettner
Continuous Integration - Mobile Practice
Continuous Integration - Mobile PracticeContinuous Integration - Mobile Practice
Continuous Integration - Mobile Practice

Continuous Integration (CI) is a development practice that requires developers to integrate code into a shared repository several times a day. Each check-in is then verified by an automated build, allowing teams to detect problems early. In this post, Vedamanikandan explains continuous integration.

cloudbig datamobile
$ sbt stage
$ sbt deployHeroku
# in the cloud!
$ target/universal/stage/bin/scaladays
The 12 Factors
• Codebase
• Dependencies
• Config
• Backing services
• Build, release, run
• Processes
• Port binding
• Concurrency
• Disposability
• Dev/prod parity
• Logs
• Admin processes
Processes should be stateless

Recommended for you

CA World 2014 Release Automation Coexistence in the Enterprise
CA World 2014 Release Automation Coexistence in the EnterpriseCA World 2014 Release Automation Coexistence in the Enterprise
CA World 2014 Release Automation Coexistence in the Enterprise

This document discusses release automation and integration in the enterprise. It provides an overview of the challenges of complex application delivery environments with many tools. It then describes how CA Release Automation can orchestrate the entire tool chain through its workflow engine and integration capabilities. It includes over 70 action packs and 1300+ actions to integrate with various tools for continuous delivery.

Docker12 factor
Docker12 factorDocker12 factor
Docker12 factor

This document discusses modernizing apps using Docker and the 12 Factor methodology. It begins by thanking sponsors and introducing new organizers. It then provides an overview of the evolution of application architectures from the late 90s to today. It notes the benefits of using Docker, such as faster deployments, version tracking, and security. It discusses moving from a monolith application to a microservices architecture using Docker and following the principles of the 12 Factor App methodology to address challenges of distributed systems, rapid deployments, and automation. The 12 factors are then each explained in detail and how Docker can help implement them for building modern, scalable apps.


This document discusses using Kafka and VoltDB together for streaming data architectures. It provides an overview of VoltDB as an operational database that can run entirely in-memory at web scale. It describes how VoltDB supports real-time analytics like counters, aggregates, and rankings through features like materialized views. The document also discusses how to configure Kafka producers and consumers to integrate with VoltDB importers and exporters. Using Kafka can simplify streaming data architectures by providing centralized queuing and resiliency while VoltDB supports low-latency transactions and analytics on streaming data.

sticky sessions
The 12 Factors
• Codebase
• Dependencies
• Config
• Backing services
• Build, release, run
• Processes
• Port binding
• Concurrency
• Disposability
• Dev/prod parity
• Logs
• Admin processes
The twelve-factor app
is completely self-contained
The web app exports HTTP
as a service by binding to a port
Traditional Deployment

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Migrating Java EE applications to IBM Bluemix platform as-a-service (CloudFou...
Migrating Java EE applications to IBM Bluemix platform as-a-service (CloudFou...Migrating Java EE applications to IBM Bluemix platform as-a-service (CloudFou...
Migrating Java EE applications to IBM Bluemix platform as-a-service (CloudFou...

This presentation talks about how to migrate an existing Java EE applications onto IBM's Bluemix cloud platform, which is based CloudFoundry.

Fantastic Buildpacks and Where to Find Them
Fantastic Buildpacks and Where to Find ThemFantastic Buildpacks and Where to Find Them
Fantastic Buildpacks and Where to Find Them

Adventure awaits you as we journey through the buildpack ecosystem. We’ll discuss how to find buildpacks in the wild and examine their different habitats, including Google, Heroku, and Cloud Foundry. In this talk, you’ll learn how to run buildpacks and where to find production ready buildpacks that are perfect for your app.

2019 Texas Star Party
2019 Texas Star Party2019 Texas Star Party
2019 Texas Star Party

The 2019 Texas Star Party was the 40th annual event that brings amateur astronomers together to observe and learn. Activities included observing programs, an astrophotography contest, mirror making, vendor tables, talks, and viewing the night sky with telescopes. Past notable speakers have included astronomers John Bortle, Halton Arp, David Eicher, David Levy, Eugene Shoemaker, Don Pettit, and Clyde Tombaugh. The star party takes place each May near Fort Davis, Texas.

Modern Deployment
The 12 Factors
• Codebase
• Dependencies
• Config
• Backing services
• Build, release, run
• Processes
• Port binding
• Concurrency
• Disposability
• Dev/prod parity
• Logs
• Admin processes
Scale Up
Scale Out

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10 Mistakes Hackers Want You to Make
10 Mistakes Hackers Want You to Make10 Mistakes Hackers Want You to Make
10 Mistakes Hackers Want You to Make

The document outlines 10 mistakes hackers want developers to make when building applications. The mistakes include: 1) Using dependencies with known vulnerabilities; 2) Unsanitized user input which can enable injection attacks; 3) Unsafe regex patterns that can allow denial of service attacks; 4) Failure to implement rate limiting and prevent abusive requests. The document provides examples and solutions for avoiding each mistake to help developers build more secure applications.

NASA Space Apps Expo
NASA Space Apps ExpoNASA Space Apps Expo
NASA Space Apps Expo

The document discusses deploying apps with Heroku. It introduces Heroku as a platform-as-a-service that allows developers to deploy and run web apps on the internet without managing infrastructure. Heroku provides add-ons for common services like databases, caching, email delivery, and content delivery networks. Developers can manage their apps through Heroku's dashboard and command line interface. The document provides instructions for getting started with Heroku, including installing necessary tools and creating a Heroku account.

NASA Space Apps
NASA Space AppsNASA Space Apps
NASA Space Apps

This document discusses deploying apps with Heroku, a platform as a service. It summarizes that with Heroku, you write code, push it to Heroku, and it will run in a container managed by Heroku. The document provides information on installing Git and the Heroku CLI, creating a Heroku account, and getting started guides for various programming languages like Node.js, Ruby, Python, Java, and PHP.

worker.1 clock.1
Workload Diversity
The 12 Factors
• Codebase
• Dependencies
• Config
• Backing services
• Build, release, run
• Processes
• Port binding
• Concurrency
• Disposability
• Dev/prod parity
• Logs
• Admin processes
Graceful shutdown
Quick startup
Resilience to failure
Servers are not pets
Servers are cattle

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Why Heroku Loves JHipster
Why Heroku Loves JHipsterWhy Heroku Loves JHipster
Why Heroku Loves JHipster

Heroku loves the JHipster framework because it allows developers to easily deploy Java Spring and Angular applications to Heroku with minimal configuration. JHipster integrates seamlessly with Heroku by automatically installing dev tools, creating a Heroku app, provisioning a database, and deploying the app with a simple git push. Heroku also provides additional benefits like creating CI/CD pipelines and production apps associated with GitHub repositories for JHipster projects. Overall, JHipster handles much of the infrastructure configuration for deploying to Heroku, allowing developers to focus on their code and products.

What the Struts?
What the Struts?What the Struts?
What the Struts?

This document discusses the Apache Struts vulnerability CVE-2017-5638 that was exploited in the Equifax data breach of 2017. It provides details on how the vulnerability worked, the timeline of events, and recommendations for preventing similar incidents. These include automating dependency updates, generating dependency reports, using dependency locks, monitoring vulnerability advisories, adding intrusion detection to applications, and implementing security best practices like logging, layered security, and monitoring access patterns. The key message is that organizations must stay vigilant about known vulnerabilities in dependencies and react quickly to patch them.

Async and Non-blocking IO w/ JRuby
Async and Non-blocking IO w/ JRubyAsync and Non-blocking IO w/ JRuby
Async and Non-blocking IO w/ JRuby

The document discusses asynchronous and non-blocking I/O with JRuby. It explains that asynchronous operations are better than synchronous operations because they use fewer resources and allow for parallelism. It provides an example of building a JRuby application with the Ratpack framework that makes asynchronous HTTP requests to eBay's API in a non-blocking way using promises. It also discusses using RxJava and Hystrix with Ratpack to build a book management application that handles data and API requests asynchronously.

Application Servers are
not disposable
Microservices are
Easy to replace
Decoupled from
external infrastructure
Easy to modify

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I can't believe it's not a queue: Kafka and Spring
I can't believe it's not a queue: Kafka and SpringI can't believe it's not a queue: Kafka and Spring
I can't believe it's not a queue: Kafka and Spring

Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that allows for publishing and subscribing to streams of records. It provides functionality for building real-time data pipelines and streaming apps. The document discusses Kafka concepts like producers, consumers, topics, partitions and offsets. It also provides examples of using Kafka with Java and Spring, and describes how Heroku uses Kafka for logging and metrics aggregation.

Deploying JHipster Microservices
Deploying JHipster MicroservicesDeploying JHipster Microservices
Deploying JHipster Microservices

- The document discusses deploying JHipster microservices. It begins by generating a JHipster microservices application and configuring options like the application name, database, and authentication. - The application is then generated, creating all necessary files and scaffolding for the microservices architecture. - Options selected include PostgreSQL for the production database, JWT authentication, and HazelCast for caching.

Measuring doubles with 8" neaf copy
Measuring doubles with 8" neaf copyMeasuring doubles with 8" neaf copy
Measuring doubles with 8" neaf copy

1) The document describes methods for measuring visual binary stars using an 8-inch telescope. Key methods discussed include the filar micrometer, reticle eyepiece, speckle interferometry, lucky imaging, and plate solving. 2) Lucky imaging involves taking a short video, aligning and stacking frames to produce a high-quality image, and then measuring the position angle and separation of the binary stars. 3) Accurate calibration of the plate scale and position angle is important for obtaining precise measurements. The document outlines methods for calibrating these values using a diffraction grating and drift images rather than relying on measurements of other binary stars.

science education
The 12 Factors
• Codebase
• Dependencies
• Config
• Backing services
• Build, release, run
• Processes
• Port binding
• Concurrency
• Disposability
• Dev/prod parity
• Logs
• Admin processes

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Java 20
Java 20Java 20
Java 20

Java has survived since 1995 through many changes in technology by evolving and embracing change. It remained popular through the dot-com bubble, rise of mobile phones, and multi-core revolution by focusing on backwards compatibility, polyglot programming, portability, and concurrency. In the 2010s, Java saw a renaissance through its widespread use by companies like Netflix, Twitter, and Google for cloud computing, big data, and mobile applications.

Programming JVM Bytecode with Jitescript
Programming JVM Bytecode with JitescriptProgramming JVM Bytecode with Jitescript
Programming JVM Bytecode with Jitescript

Every Java developer should have a good working knowledge of JVM bytecode. It’s fun, it can help you diagnose problems, improve performance, and even empowers you to build your own languages. No matter what kind of Java application you work on, you’ll get something out of this talk. We’ll start with bytecode fundamentals. You’ll learn how the most common operations work and see visual representations of how the JVM executes that code. The second part of the talk will introduce Jitescript, a Java library for generating bytecode. You learn how to use Jitescript with some plain old Java code to create your own JVM languages.

jdays 2015
jdays 2015jdays 2015
jdays 2015

This document discusses best practices for deploying Java applications based on the 12 Factor App methodology. The 12 factors are codebase, dependencies, configuration, backing services, build and release, processes, port binding, concurrency, disposability, development and production parity, logs, and admin processes. Adhering to practices like separating configuration from code, making processes disposable and reproducible, and running admin tasks separately can improve an application's scalability, maintainability, and portability. The document argues that by adopting this methodology, Java applications can avoid common problems and perform as well as applications in other languages.

The 12 Factors
• Codebase
• Dependencies
• Config
• Backing services
• Build, release, run
• Processes
• Port binding
• Concurrency
• Disposability
• Dev/prod parity
• Logs
• Admin processes
The 12 Factors
• Codebase
• Dependencies
• Config
• Backing services
• Build, release, run
• Processes
• Port binding
• Concurrency
• Disposability
• Dev/prod parity
• Logs
• Admin processes

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Programming JVM Bytecode
Programming JVM BytecodeProgramming JVM Bytecode
Programming JVM Bytecode

Every Java developer should have a good working knowledge of JVM bytecode. It’s fun, it can help you diagnose problems, improve performance, and even opens the door to building languages of your own. No matter what kind of Java application you work on, you’ll get something out of this talk. We’ll start with bytecode fundamentals. You’ll learn how the most common operations work and see visual representations of how the JVM executes that code. The second part of the talk will introduce Jitescript, a Java library for generating bytecode. You’ll learn how to use Jitescript with some plain old Java code to create your own JVM languages.

Creating Scalable JVM/Java Apps on Heroku
Creating Scalable JVM/Java Apps on HerokuCreating Scalable JVM/Java Apps on Heroku
Creating Scalable JVM/Java Apps on Heroku

The document discusses deploying Java applications on Heroku using modern containerless deployment methods. It outlines the Twelve Factors methodology for building apps that are scalable and portable. The Twelve Factors include treating code as deployable units, explicitly declaring dependencies, storing configs in environment variables, and others. Adopting these practices allows apps to be deployed easily on Heroku and keep development and production environments in parity.

DevLink: Healthy Programmer
DevLink: Healthy ProgrammerDevLink: Healthy Programmer
DevLink: Healthy Programmer

This document provides guidance for programmers to improve their health and fitness while continuing to code. It recommends getting 10,000 steps per day, moving for 5 minutes every hour, and doing core exercises daily. It discusses the benefits of exercise for cognition and reducing health risks from prolonged sitting. The document also provides tips for meal planning, using a Pomodoro technique combined with exercise breaks, and developing a health plan. Disclaimers note that the information is general and not meant as individual medical advice.

Admin tasks should be
run in isolated processes
$ heroku run console
Running `console` attached to terminal... up, run.2581
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Djava.rmi.server.useCode...
Failed to created JLineReader: java.lang.NoClassDefFou...
Falling back to SimpleReader.
Welcome to Scala version 2.11.1 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server...
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.
$ heroku run sbt console

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Build a Bigger Brain
Build a Bigger BrainBuild a Bigger Brain
Build a Bigger Brain

This document provides a disclaimer and introduction for a talk on building a bigger brain through healthy living. The disclaimer notes that the talk is for informational purposes only and should not replace medical advice. It also states that results may vary and medical or dietary changes should only be made with professional guidance. The introduction then notes that the speaker is a programmer, not a doctor, and introduces the topics to be covered in the talk.

Deploy, Scale and Sleep at Night with JRuby
Deploy, Scale and Sleep at Night with JRubyDeploy, Scale and Sleep at Night with JRuby
Deploy, Scale and Sleep at Night with JRuby

1) The document discusses using JRuby to deploy and scale Ruby applications. JRuby runs Ruby code on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), allowing for features like deployment automation, background jobs, and clustering. 2) It provides examples of using tools like Warbler, Trinidad, and TorqueBox to package and deploy JRuby applications to servers like Tomcat, as well as to PaaS providers. These tools automate deployment and add capabilities like background processing. 3) JRuby and tools like TorqueBox are said to allow applications to scale horizontally by deploying across multiple servers for high availability and load balancing, helping applications "Deploy, Scale and Sleep at Night."

Deploying JRuby Web Applications
Deploying JRuby Web ApplicationsDeploying JRuby Web Applications
Deploying JRuby Web Applications

1) The document discusses different options for deploying JRuby web applications, including using Warbler, Trinidad, and TorqueBox to package applications into WAR files for deployment to servers like Tomcat. 2) It provides examples of deploying applications using these tools and servers, as well as options for background jobs, clustering, and deployment to PaaS providers like Heroku. 3) The document recommends TorqueBox for its additional features like job scheduling, messaging, session replication, and high availability clustering capabilities.

simple build tool
"com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-native-packager" % "0.7.6"
console: target/universal/stage/bin/my-app 
worker: target/universal/stage/bin/my-app 
-main com.example.MyWorker
The 12 Factors
• Codebase
• Dependencies
• Config
• Backing services
• Build, release, run
• Processes
• Port binding
• Concurrency
• Disposability
• Dev/prod parity
• Logs
• Admin processes

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About Alibaba company and brief general information regarding how to trade on...
About Alibaba company and brief general information regarding how to trade on...About Alibaba company and brief general information regarding how to trade on...
About Alibaba company and brief general information regarding how to trade on...

In this slide, you can easily find out regarding Alibaba company and how to work on this website.Come on!Enjoy it!

social media
How to Choose the Right UIUX Design Service for Optimal Customer Experience
How to Choose the Right UIUX Design Service for Optimal Customer ExperienceHow to Choose the Right UIUX Design Service for Optimal Customer Experience
How to Choose the Right UIUX Design Service for Optimal Customer Experience

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to select the right UI/UX design service to ensure the best possible customer experience.

best ui/ux design service
Add sbt-native-packager1.
Run `sbt stage`2.
Deploy to Heroku?3.
Go to the sbt-native-packager talk4.
What next?
Joe Kutner
JVM Platform Owner

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