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Application deployment on
Openstack using Containers and
August 14, 2013
• Introduction to Docker (10 min)
• Docker and OpenStack (5 min)
• Demo of Docker (10 minutes)
• Demo of Docker + OpenStack (10 minutes)
• Q&A
In the 4.5 months since we launched
• >50,000 pulls
• >4,500 github stars
• >100 significant contributors
• >150 projects built on top of docker
• UIs, mini-PaaS, Remote Desktop….
• 1000’s of Dockerized applications
• Memcached, Redis, Node.js…and Hadoop
• Integration in Jenkins, Travis, Chef,
Puppet, Vagrant and OpenStack
• Meetups arranged around the
world…with organizations like Ebay,
Cloudflare, and Rackspace presenting
on their use of Docker
Why all the excitement?

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Rootless Containers
Rootless ContainersRootless Containers
Rootless Containers

In this talk we will discuss how to build and run containers without root privileges. As part of the discussion, we will introduce new programs like fuse-overlayfs and slirp4netns and explain how it is possible to do this using user namespaces. fuse-overlayfs allows to use the same storage model as "root" containers and use layered images. slirp4netns emulates a TCP/IP stack in userland and allows to use a network namespace from a container and let it access the outside world (with some limitations). We will also introduce Usernetes, and how to run Kubernetes in an unprivileged user namespace

[KubeCon EU 2021] Introduction and Deep Dive Into Containerd
[KubeCon EU 2021] Introduction and Deep Dive Into Containerd[KubeCon EU 2021] Introduction and Deep Dive Into Containerd
[KubeCon EU 2021] Introduction and Deep Dive Into Containerd

Join containerd maintainers and reviewers in a combined introduction and deep dive session. They will discuss the overview and the recent updates of containerd as well as how it is being used by Kubernetes, Docker and other container-based systems. The brief introduction about its architecture and service design will be included. The talk will also deep dive into how to leverage contained by extending and customizing it for your use case with low-level plugins like remote snapshotters, as well as by implementing your own containerd client. Upcoming features and recent discussion in containerd community will also be covered. - - -

Performance characteristics of traditional v ms vs docker containers (dockerc...
Performance characteristics of traditional v ms vs docker containers (dockerc...Performance characteristics of traditional v ms vs docker containers (dockerc...
Performance characteristics of traditional v ms vs docker containers (dockerc...

Docker containers provide significantly lower resource usage and higher density than traditional virtual machines when running multiple workloads concurrently on a server. When booting 15 Ubuntu VMs with MySQL sequentially, Docker containers boot on average 3.5 seconds compared to 5.8 seconds for KVMs. During steady state operation of 15 active VMs, Docker uses on average 0.2% CPU and 49MB RAM per container, while KVMs use 1.9% CPU and 292MB RAM each. Docker maintains low 1-minute load averages of 0.15, while KVMs average 35.9% under load.

Static website
Web frontend
User DB
Queue Analytics DB
Background workers
API endpoint
nginx 1.5 + modsecurity + openssl + bootstrap 2
postgresql + pgv8 + v8
hadoop + hive + thrift + OpenJDK
Ruby + Rails + sass + Unicorn
Redis + redis-sentinel
Python 3.0 + celery + pyredis + libcurl + ffmpeg + libopencv + nodejs +
Python 2.7 + Flask + pyredis + celery + psycopg + postgresql-client
Development VM
QA server
Public Cloud
Disaster recovery
Contributor’s laptop
Production Servers
The Challenge
Production Cluster
Customer Data Center
Results in matrix from hell
Static website
Web frontend
Background workers
User DB
Analytics DB
QA Server
Single Prod
Public Cloud
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Cargo Transport Pre-1960
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Also a matrix from hell

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Dev opsec dockerimage_patch_n_lifecyclemanagement_Dev opsec dockerimage_patch_n_lifecyclemanagement_
Dev opsec dockerimage_patch_n_lifecyclemanagement_

Lors de cette présentation, nous allons dans un premier temps rappeler la spécificité de docker par rapport à une VM (PID, cgroups, etc) parler du système de layer et de la différence entre images et instances puis nous présenterons succinctement kubernetes. Ensuite, nous présenterons un processus « standard » de propagation d’une version CI/CD (développement, préproduction, production) à travers les tags docker. Enfin, nous parlerons des différents composants constituant une application docker (base-image, tooling, librairie, code). Une fois cette introduction réalisée, nous parlerons du cycle de vie d’une application à travers ses phases de développement, BAU pour mettre en avant que les failles de sécurité en période de développement sont rapidement corrigées par de nouvelles releases, mais pas nécessairement en BAU où les releases sont plus rares. Nous parlerons des diverses solutions (jfrog Xray, clair, …) pour le suivie des automatique des CVE et l’automatisation des mises à jour. Enfin, nous ferons un bref retour d’expérience pour parler des difficultés rencontrées et des propositions d’organisation mises en oeuvre. Cette présentation bien qu’illustrée par des implémentations techniques est principalement organisationnelle.

Introduction to Docker and all things containers, Docker Meetup at RelateIQ
Introduction to Docker and all things containers, Docker Meetup at RelateIQIntroduction to Docker and all things containers, Docker Meetup at RelateIQ
Introduction to Docker and all things containers, Docker Meetup at RelateIQ

Docker is an open-source project to easily create lightweight, portable, self-sufficient containers from any application. The same container that a developer builds and tests on a laptop can run at scale, in production, on VMs, bare metal, OpenStack clusters, public clouds and more.

Docker - introduction
Docker - introductionDocker - introduction
Docker - introduction

An introduction to Docker and docker-compose. Starting from single docker run commands we discover docker file basics, docker-compose basics and finally we play around with scaling containers in docker-compose.

Solution: Intermodal Shipping Container
…in between, can be loaded and
unloaded, stacked, transported
efficiently over long distances,
and transferred from one mode
of transport to another
A standard container that is
loaded with virtually any
goods, and stays sealed until
it reaches final delivery.
Static website Web frontend
User DB Queue Analytics DB
QA server Public Cloud Contributor’s
Docker is a shipping container system for
Customer Data
…that can be manipulated using
standard operations and run
consistently on virtually any
hardware platform
An engine that enables any
payload to be encapsulated
as a lightweight, portable,
self-sufficient container…
Static website
Web frontend
Background workers
User DB
Analytics DB
QA Server
Single Prod
Public Cloud
Docker eliminates the matrix from Hell
Why Developers Care
• Build once…(finally) run anywhere*
• A clean, safe, hygienic and portable runtime environment for your app.
• No worries about missing dependencies, packages and other pain points during
subsequent deployments.
• Run each app in its own isolated container, so you can run various versions of libraries
and other dependencies for each app without worrying
• Automate testing, integration, packaging…anything you can script
• Reduce/eliminate concerns about compatibility on different platforms, either your own or
your customers.
• Cheap, zero-penalty containers to deploy services? A VM without the overhead of a VM?
Instant replay and reset of image snapshots? That’s the power of Docker
• * Today—we require a modern Linux kernel and AUFS. These requirements will be relaxed significantly with the 0.8
release of Docker. See

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Rootless Containers & Unresolved issues
Rootless Containers & Unresolved issuesRootless Containers & Unresolved issues
Rootless Containers & Unresolved issues

Rootless containers allow users to run containers without root privileges by leveraging user and namespace isolation techniques. While rootless containers mitigate some security risks, there are still unresolved issues around sub-user management, networking, and adoption by runtimes and image builders. Rootless containers also cannot prevent all attacks if a container is broken out of. Container runtimes are working to improve support for rootless containers to further enhance security.

The Lies We Tell Our Code (#seascale 2015 04-22)
The Lies We Tell Our Code (#seascale 2015 04-22)The Lies We Tell Our Code (#seascale 2015 04-22)
The Lies We Tell Our Code (#seascale 2015 04-22)

This document discusses various lies and forms of virtualization that are commonly used in computing. It begins by summarizing different virtualization technologies used at Joyent like zones, SmartOS, and Triton. It then discusses lies told at different layers of the stack, from virtual memory to network virtualization. Some key lies discussed include hyperthreading, paravirtualization, hardware virtual machines, Docker containers, filesystem virtualization techniques, and network virtualization. The document argues that many of these lies are practical choices that improve performance and workload density despite not perfectly representing the underlying hardware. It concludes by acknowledging the need to be mindful of security issues but also not to stop lying at the edge of the compute node.

Docker and Kubernetes 101 workshop
Docker and Kubernetes 101 workshopDocker and Kubernetes 101 workshop
Docker and Kubernetes 101 workshop

This document provides an overview of Docker and Kubernetes concepts and demonstrates how to create and run Docker containers and Kubernetes pods and deployments. It begins with an introduction to virtual machines and containers before demonstrating how to build a Docker image and container. It then introduces Kubernetes concepts like masters, nodes, pods and deployments. The document walks through running example containers and pods using commands like docker run, kubectl run, kubectl get and kubectl delete. It also shows how to create pods and deployments from configuration files and set resource limits.

Why Devops Cares?
• Configure once…run anything
• Make the entire lifecycle more efficient, consistent, and repeatable
• Increase the quality of code produced by developers.
• Eliminate inconsistencies between development, test, production, and customer
• Support segregation of duties
• Significantly improves the speed and reliability of continuous deployment and continuous
integration systems
• Because the containers are so lightweight, address significant performance, costs,
deployment, and portability issues normally associated with VMs
Containers vs. VMs
Hypervisor (Type 2)
Host OS
Host OS
Containers are isolated,
but share OS and, where
appropriate, bins/libraries
…result is significantly faster deployment,
much less overhead, easier migration,
faster restart
Why are Docker containers lightweight?
Original App
(No OS to take
up space, resources,
or require restart)
Modified App
Union file system allows
us to only save the diffs
Between container A
and container
Every app, every copy of an
app, and every slight modification
of the app requires a new virtual server
Copy of
No OS. Can
Share bins/libs
VMs Containers
What are the basics of the Docker system?
Docker Engine
Host 2 OS (Linux)
Host 1 OS (Linux)

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Rootless Kubernetes
Rootless KubernetesRootless Kubernetes
Rootless Kubernetes

Kubernetes supports several security mechanisms such as Seccomp, Apparmor, SELinux, and runAsUser for protecting the hosts from container-breakout attacks. However, these mechanisms are not sufficient for the security demand because Kubelet and CRI/OCI runtimes require the root privileges on the hosts, and these components are seriously bug-prone. The dependency on the root privileges has been also problematic for promoting Kubernetes to the HPC world, where users are often disallowed to install software as the root. In this talk, Akihiro and Giuseppe will show the community’s ongoing work for making Kubernetes deployable and runnable as a non-root user, by using User Namespaces. The main topics of discussion will be UID/GID mapping, unprivileged Copy-on-Write filesystems, Usermode networking (Slirp), and Cgroups.

LXC, Docker, and the future of software delivery | LinuxCon 2013
LXC, Docker, and the future of software delivery | LinuxCon 2013LXC, Docker, and the future of software delivery | LinuxCon 2013
LXC, Docker, and the future of software delivery | LinuxCon 2013

This document discusses Linux containers and Docker. It describes how Linux containers provide isolation using namespaces and cgroups to allow applications to run consistently across different environments. Docker builds on Linux containers to make them easy to use, create, share, and deploy. Docker allows building images from Dockerfiles, sharing images in registries, and developing hybrid cloud workflows. The document outlines Docker's roadmap and growing ecosystem of tools and projects building on Docker.

[FOSDEM 2020] Lazy distribution of container images
[FOSDEM 2020] Lazy distribution of container images[FOSDEM 2020] Lazy distribution of container images
[FOSDEM 2020] Lazy distribution of container images The biggest problem of the OCI Image Spec is that a container cannot be started until all the tarball layers are downloaded, even though more than 90% of the tarball contents are often unneeded for the actual workload. This session will show state-of-the-art alternative image formats, which allow runtime implementations to start a container without waiting for all its image contents to be locally available. Especially, this session will put focus on CRFS/stargz and its implementation status in containerd ( The plan for BuildKit integration will be shown as well.

Changes and Updates
Docker Engine
Docker Engine
Host is now running A’’
Mod A’’
Host running A wants to upgrade to A’’.
Requests update. Gets only diffs
Mod A’
Docker Futures
• Stabilizing: Docker 0.8 in Early
• Shrink and stabilize Core
• Provide stable, pluggable API
• Expanding runtime
• OpenStack: announced
• Docker as various flavors of VM
(AMI, vdf, etc.)-This week
• Increase compatible kernel set-
• Increase compatible Union FS
• IaaS compatibility-Ongoing
• Dev/devops tools integrations:
• Chef, Puppet, Vagrant, GitHub,
Travis, Buildbot,
• Various flavors of PaaS & IDE
OpenStack / Docker
New hypervisor to enable Nova to deploy Linux containers
Why Docker + OpenStack
• Alternative to VMs within OpenStack
• Easier deployment of OpenStack itself
• Cross cloud application deployment
• At OpenStack Summit we hope to show:
• Building and testing an application from source
• Running on a laptop
• Running it, without modification or noticeable downtime, on a public
• Running it, without modification or noticeable downtime, on an
openstack cluster
• Doing all of the above using Nova and Horizon

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[KubeCon NA 2020] containerd: Rootless Containers 2020
[KubeCon NA 2020] containerd: Rootless Containers 2020[KubeCon NA 2020] containerd: Rootless Containers 2020
[KubeCon NA 2020] containerd: Rootless Containers 2020

Rootless Containers means running the container runtimes (e.g. runc, containerd, and kubelet) as well as the containers without the host root privileges. The most significant advantage of Rootless Containers is that it can mitigate potential container-breakout vulnerability of the runtimes, but it is also useful for isolating multi-user environments on HPC hosts. This talk will contain the introduction to rootless containers and deep-dive topics about the recent updates such as Seccomp User Notification. The main focus will be on containerd (CNCF Graduated Project) and its consumer projects including Kubernetes and Docker/Moby, but topics about other runtimes will be discussed as well.

Docker, Kubernetes, and Google Cloud
Docker, Kubernetes, and Google CloudDocker, Kubernetes, and Google Cloud
Docker, Kubernetes, and Google Cloud

Learn the basics of Docker and Kubernetes before applying these complementary tools to deploy containers on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Comparing Next-Generation Container Image Building Tools
 Comparing Next-Generation Container Image Building Tools Comparing Next-Generation Container Image Building Tools
Comparing Next-Generation Container Image Building Tools Until recently, running `docker build` against Dockerfile had been the only way to build container images. However, lots of opensource software are being proposed as successors/alternatives to `docker build`: - BuildKit (Moby Project / Docker) - img (Jessica Frazelle / Microsoft) - Buildah (Project Atomic / Red Hat) - umoci & Orca (SUSE) - Bazel (Google) - OpenShift S2I (Red Hat) Akihiro Suda compares these new tools' advantages and disadvantages. His evaluation basis would include but not be limited to: - Performance (Cache efficiency, Concurrency, Distributed Execution) - Secret management, e.g. SSH and AWS keys - Support for non-Dockerfile - Non-root execution - UI & UX - Governance of the community He also proposes a unified interface for using these tools with Kubernetes in a vendor-neutral way.

Why a new hypervisor?
• Nova a computing controller for OpenStack
• Nova support for containers is minimal (via LibVirt)
• Enables control of Docker through OpenStack projects (ex:
deploy containers via Horizon Web UI)
Current state of the project
• Nova blueprint accepted
• Code review in progress
• Testing in Devstack
• Code available:
Deploying container with Horizon
Access Docker Registry through Glance

Recommended for you

Devoxx France 2015 - The Docker Orchestration Ecosystem on Azure
Devoxx France 2015 - The Docker Orchestration Ecosystem on AzureDevoxx France 2015 - The Docker Orchestration Ecosystem on Azure
Devoxx France 2015 - The Docker Orchestration Ecosystem on Azure

Overview of the Docker ecosystem and orchestration systems, and how to make them run on Microsoft Azure.

[Paris Container Day 2021] nerdctl: yet another Docker & Docker Compose imple...
[Paris Container Day 2021] nerdctl: yet another Docker & Docker Compose imple...[Paris Container Day 2021] nerdctl: yet another Docker & Docker Compose imple...
[Paris Container Day 2021] nerdctl: yet another Docker & Docker Compose imple...

nerdctl is a Docker-compatible CLI for containerd that provides the same UI/UX as Docker and Docker Compose. It supports features like lazy pulling via Stargz and encrypted images via OCIcrypt that are not yet available in Docker. While containerd includes ctr and crictl for debugging, nerdctl aims to be a full-featured CLI for container and image management with Docker-like usability. It can run on Linux, macOS via Lima virtual machines, and is working on native Windows support.

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типы стран
Under the hood
• Implements Nova’s driver API (start, stop, deploy, destroy,
• Using Docker HTTP Rest API to control containers
Want to learn more:
• Documentation
• Getting started: interactive tutorial, installation instructions, getting
started guide,
• About: Introductory whitepaper:
• Github: dotcloud/docker
• IRC: freenode/docker/
• Google groups:!forum/docker-user
• Twitter: follow @docker
• OpenStack Code:
• Meetups: Scheduled for Boston, San Francisco, Austin, London,
Paris, Boulder…and Nairobi. Go to website for details

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Docker and OpenStack Boston Meetup

  • 1. Application deployment on Openstack using Containers and Docker BOSTON OPENSTACK MEETUP: August 14, 2013
  • 2. Contents • Introduction to Docker (10 min) • Docker and OpenStack (5 min) • Demo of Docker (10 minutes) • Demo of Docker + OpenStack (10 minutes) • Q&A
  • 3. In the 4.5 months since we launched • >50,000 pulls • >4,500 github stars • >100 significant contributors • >150 projects built on top of docker • UIs, mini-PaaS, Remote Desktop…. • 1000’s of Dockerized applications • Memcached, Redis, Node.js…and Hadoop • Integration in Jenkins, Travis, Chef, Puppet, Vagrant and OpenStack • Meetups arranged around the world…with organizations like Ebay, Cloudflare, and Rackspace presenting on their use of Docker
  • 4. Why all the excitement?
  • 5. Static website Web frontend User DB Queue Analytics DB Background workers API endpoint nginx 1.5 + modsecurity + openssl + bootstrap 2 postgresql + pgv8 + v8 hadoop + hive + thrift + OpenJDK Ruby + Rails + sass + Unicorn Redis + redis-sentinel Python 3.0 + celery + pyredis + libcurl + ffmpeg + libopencv + nodejs + phantomjs Python 2.7 + Flask + pyredis + celery + psycopg + postgresql-client Development VM QA server Public Cloud Disaster recovery Contributor’s laptop Production Servers The Challenge Multiplicity of Stacks Multiplicity of hardware environments Production Cluster Customer Data Center Do services and apps interact appropriately? Can I migrate smoothly and quickly?
  • 6. Results in matrix from hell Static website Web frontend Background workers User DB Analytics DB Queue Development VM QA Server Single Prod Server Onsite Cluster Public Cloud Contributor’s laptop Customer Servers ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • 8. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Also a matrix from hell
  • 9. Multiplicity of Goods Multiplicity of methods for transporting/storing Do I worry about how goods interact (e.g. coffee beans next to spices) Can I transport quickly and smoothly (e.g. from boat to train to truck) Solution: Intermodal Shipping Container …in between, can be loaded and unloaded, stacked, transported efficiently over long distances, and transferred from one mode of transport to another A standard container that is loaded with virtually any goods, and stays sealed until it reaches final delivery.
  • 10. Static website Web frontend User DB Queue Analytics DB Development VM QA server Public Cloud Contributor’s laptop Docker is a shipping container system for code Multiplicity of Stacks Multiplicity of hardware environments Production Cluster Customer Data Center Do services and apps interact appropriately? Can I migrate smoothly and quickly …that can be manipulated using standard operations and run consistently on virtually any hardware platform An engine that enables any payload to be encapsulated as a lightweight, portable, self-sufficient container…
  • 11. Static website Web frontend Background workers User DB Analytics DB Queue Development VM QA Server Single Prod Server Onsite Cluster Public Cloud Contributor’s laptop Customer Servers Docker eliminates the matrix from Hell
  • 12. Why Developers Care • Build once…(finally) run anywhere* • A clean, safe, hygienic and portable runtime environment for your app. • No worries about missing dependencies, packages and other pain points during subsequent deployments. • Run each app in its own isolated container, so you can run various versions of libraries and other dependencies for each app without worrying • Automate testing, integration, packaging…anything you can script • Reduce/eliminate concerns about compatibility on different platforms, either your own or your customers. • Cheap, zero-penalty containers to deploy services? A VM without the overhead of a VM? Instant replay and reset of image snapshots? That’s the power of Docker • * Today—we require a modern Linux kernel and AUFS. These requirements will be relaxed significantly with the 0.8 release of Docker. See
  • 13. Why Devops Cares? • Configure once…run anything • Make the entire lifecycle more efficient, consistent, and repeatable • Increase the quality of code produced by developers. • Eliminate inconsistencies between development, test, production, and customer environments • Support segregation of duties • Significantly improves the speed and reliability of continuous deployment and continuous integration systems • Because the containers are so lightweight, address significant performance, costs, deployment, and portability issues normally associated with VMs
  • 14. App A Containers vs. VMs Hypervisor (Type 2) Host OS Server Guest OS Bins/ Libs App A’ Guest OS Bins/ Libs App B Guest OS Bins/ Libs App A’ Docker Host OS Server Bins/Libs App A Bins/Libs App B App B’ App B’ App B’ VM Container Containers are isolated, but share OS and, where appropriate, bins/libraries Guest OS Guest OS …result is significantly faster deployment, much less overhead, easier migration, faster restart
  • 15. Why are Docker containers lightweight? Bins/ Libs App A Original App (No OS to take up space, resources, or require restart) App Δ Bins/ App A Bins/ Libs App A’ Guest OS Bins/ Libs Modified App Union file system allows us to only save the diffs Between container A and container A’ VMs Every app, every copy of an app, and every slight modification of the app requires a new virtual server App A Guest OS Bins/ Libs Copy of App No OS. Can Share bins/libs App A Guest OS Guest OS VMs Containers
  • 16. What are the basics of the Docker system? Source Code Repository Dockerfile For A Docker Engine Docker Container Image Registry Build Docker Host 2 OS (Linux) Container A Container B Container C Container A Push Search Pull Run Host 1 OS (Linux)
  • 17. Changes and Updates Docker Engine Docker Container Image Registry Docker Engine Push Update Bins/ Libs App A App Δ Bins/ Base Container Image Host is now running A’’ Container Mod A’’ App Δ Bins/ Bins/ Libs App A Bins/ Bins/ Libs App A’’ Host running A wants to upgrade to A’’. Requests update. Gets only diffs Container Mod A’
  • 18. Docker Futures • Stabilizing: Docker 0.8 in Early October • Shrink and stabilize Core • Provide stable, pluggable API • Expanding runtime environments: • OpenStack: announced • Docker as various flavors of VM (AMI, vdf, etc.)-This week • Increase compatible kernel set- October • Increase compatible Union FS set-October • IaaS compatibility-Ongoing • Dev/devops tools integrations: Ongoing • Chef, Puppet, Vagrant, GitHub, Travis, Buildbot, • Various flavors of PaaS & IDE
  • 19. OpenStack / Docker New hypervisor to enable Nova to deploy Linux containers
  • 20. Why Docker + OpenStack • Alternative to VMs within OpenStack • Easier deployment of OpenStack itself • Cross cloud application deployment • At OpenStack Summit we hope to show: • Building and testing an application from source • Running on a laptop • Running it, without modification or noticeable downtime, on a public cloud • Running it, without modification or noticeable downtime, on an openstack cluster • Doing all of the above using Nova and Horizon
  • 21. Why a new hypervisor? • Nova a computing controller for OpenStack • Nova support for containers is minimal (via LibVirt) • Enables control of Docker through OpenStack projects (ex: deploy containers via Horizon Web UI)
  • 22. Current state of the project • Nova blueprint accepted • Code review in progress • Testing in Devstack • Code available: •
  • 24. Access Docker Registry through Glance
  • 25. Under the hood • Implements Nova’s driver API (start, stop, deploy, destroy, etc…) • Using Docker HTTP Rest API to control containers
  • 26. Want to learn more: • • Documentation • Getting started: interactive tutorial, installation instructions, getting started guide, • About: Introductory whitepaper: • Github: dotcloud/docker • IRC: freenode/docker/ • Google groups:!forum/docker-user • Twitter: follow @docker • OpenStack Code: • Meetups: Scheduled for Boston, San Francisco, Austin, London, Paris, Boulder…and Nairobi. Go to website for details