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Introduction to Docker
November, 2013
• Introduction to Docker, Containers, and the Matrix from Hell
• Why people care: Separation of Concerns
• Technical Discussion
• Ecosystem
• Use Cases
• Docker Futures
• Advanced topics: Networking, Data
• OpenStack
• Learn More
In the 8 months since we launched
• >200,000 pulls
• >7,500 github stars
• >200 significant contributors
• >200 projects built on top of docker
• UIs, mini-PaaS, Remote Desktop….
• 1000’s of Dockerized applications
• Memcached, Redis, Node.js…and Hadoop
• Integration in Jenkins, Travis, Chef,
Puppet, Vagrant and OpenStack
• Meetups arranged around the
world…with organizations like Ebay,
Cloudflare, Yandex, and Rackspace
presenting on their use of Docker
Why all the excitement?

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Docker Introduction
Docker IntroductionDocker Introduction
Docker Introduction

This document provides an introduction to Docker and discusses: - The challenges of managing applications across different environments which Docker aims to solve through lightweight containers. - An overview of Docker concepts including images, containers, the Docker workflow and networking. - How Docker Compose allows defining and running multi-container applications and Docker Swarm enables orchestrating containers across a cluster. - The open container ecosystem including the Open Container Initiative for standardization.

Docker Birthday #3 - Intro to Docker Slides
Docker Birthday #3 - Intro to Docker SlidesDocker Birthday #3 - Intro to Docker Slides
Docker Birthday #3 - Intro to Docker Slides

High level overview of Docker + Birthday #3 overview (app and challenge portion)! Learn more about Docker Birthday #3 celebrations here:

dockerlearn dockerdocker birthday
What is Docker
What is DockerWhat is Docker
What is Docker

Docker allows you to package applications with their dependencies into standardized units called containers that can run on any Linux server. Containers are more portable and efficient than virtual machines, starting in milliseconds and using less disk space. Docker makes it easy to deploy and run applications without having to rebuild environments and guarantees that an application will run the same regardless of the infrastructure it is running on.

Static website
Web frontend
User DB
Queue Analytics DB
Background workers
API endpoint
nginx 1.5 + modsecurity + openssl + bootstrap 2
postgresql + pgv8 + v8
hadoop + hive + thrift + OpenJDK
Ruby + Rails + sass + Unicorn
Redis + redis-sentinel
Python 3.0 + celery + pyredis + libcurl + ffmpeg + libopencv + nodejs +
Python 2.7 + Flask + pyredis + celery + psycopg + postgresql-client
Development VM
QA server
Public Cloud
Disaster recovery
Contributor’s laptop
Production Servers
The ChallengeMultiplicityofStacks
Production Cluster
Customer Data Center
The Matrix From Hell
Static website
Web frontend
Background workers
User DB
Analytics DB
QA Server
Single Prod
Public Cloud
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? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Cargo Transport Pre-1960
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Also a matrix from hell

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Docker introduction (1)
Docker introduction (1)Docker introduction (1)
Docker introduction (1)

Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. It allows packaging applications into standardized units for software called containers that can run on any infrastructure. The key components of Docker include images, containers, a client-server architecture using Docker Engine, and registries for storing images. Images act as templates for creating containers, which are run-time instances of images. Docker provides portability and isolation of applications using containers.

Docker Networking Deep Dive
Docker Networking Deep DiveDocker Networking Deep Dive
Docker Networking Deep Dive

This document provides an overview and agenda for a Docker networking deep dive presentation. The presentation covers key concepts in Docker networking including libnetwork, the Container Networking Model (CNM), multi-host networking capabilities, service discovery, load balancing, and new features in Docker 1.12 like routing mesh and secured control/data planes. The agenda demonstrates Docker networking use cases like default bridge networks, user-defined bridge networks, and overlay networks. It also covers networking drivers, Docker 1.12 swarm mode networking functionality, and how concepts like routing mesh and load balancing work.

docker networkinglibnetworkdocker
Introduction to Docker - VIT Campus
Introduction to Docker - VIT CampusIntroduction to Docker - VIT Campus
Introduction to Docker - VIT Campus

- The document introduces Docker, explaining that it provides standardized packaging for software and dependencies to isolate applications and share the same operating system kernel. - Key aspects of Docker are discussed, including images which are layered and can be version controlled, containers which start much faster than virtual machines, and Dockerfiles which provide build instructions for images. - The document demonstrates Docker's build, ship, and run workflow through examples of building a simple image and running a container, as well as using Docker Compose to run multi-container applications like WordPress. It also introduces Docker Swarm for clustering multiple Docker hosts.

docker captaindockermicroservices
Solution: Intermodal Shipping Container
…in between, can be loaded and
unloaded, stacked, transported
efficiently over long distances,
and transferred from one mode
of transport to another
A standard container that is
loaded with virtually any
goods, and stays sealed until
it reaches final delivery.
Static website Web frontendUser DB Queue Analytics DB
QA server Public Cloud Contributor’s
Docker is a shipping container system for
Customer Data
…that can be manipulated using
standard operations and run
consistently on virtually any
hardware platform
An engine that enables any
payload to be encapsulated
as a lightweight, portable,
self-sufficient container…
Static website
Web frontend
Background workers
User DB
Analytics DB
QA Server
Single Prod
Public Cloud
Docker eliminates the matrix from Hell
Why Developers Care
• Build once…(finally) run anywhere*
• A clean, safe, hygienic and portable runtime environment for your app.
• No worries about missing dependencies, packages and other pain points during
subsequent deployments.
• Run each app in its own isolated container, so you can run various versions of libraries
and other dependencies for each app without worrying
• Automate testing, integration, packaging…anything you can script
• Reduce/eliminate concerns about compatibility on different platforms, either your own
or your customers.
• Cheap, zero-penalty containers to deploy services? A VM without the overhead of a VM?
Instant replay and reset of image snapshots? That’s the power of Docker
* With the 0.7 release, we support any x86 server running a modern Linux kernel (3.2+ generally. 2.6.32+ for RHEL 6.5+,
Fedora, & related)

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Docker introduction
Docker introductionDocker introduction
Docker introduction

The document introduces Docker, a container platform. It discusses how Docker addresses issues with deploying different PHP projects that have varying version requirements by allowing each project to run isolated in its own container with specified dependencies. It then covers key Docker concepts like images, containers, linking, exposing ports, volumes, and Dockerfiles. The document highlights advantages of Docker like enabling applications to run anywhere without compatibility issues and making deployment more efficient.

An Introduction to Kubernetes
An Introduction to KubernetesAn Introduction to Kubernetes
An Introduction to Kubernetes

Traditional virtualization technologies have been used by cloud infrastructure providers for many years in providing isolated environments for hosting applications. These technologies make use of full-blown operating system images for creating virtual machines (VMs). According to this architecture, each VM needs its own guest operating system to run application processes. More recently, with the introduction of the Docker project, the Linux Container (LXC) virtualization technology became popular and attracted the attention. Unlike VMs, containers do not need a dedicated guest operating system for providing OS-level isolation, rather they can provide the same level of isolation on top of a single operating system instance. An enterprise application may need to run a server cluster to handle high request volumes. Running an entire server cluster on Docker containers, on a single Docker host could introduce the risk of single point of failure. Google started a project called Kubernetes to solve this problem. Kubernetes provides a cluster of Docker hosts for managing Docker containers in a clustered environment. It provides an API on top of Docker API for managing docker containers on multiple Docker hosts with many more features.

iaaskubernetescloud computing
Introduction to kubernetes
Introduction to kubernetesIntroduction to kubernetes
Introduction to kubernetes

Those are the slides that were used to give an introduction to Kubernetes at the Nardoz Berlin Meetup on the 2018-06-28.

Why Devops Cares?
• Configure once…run anything
• Make the entire lifecycle more efficient, consistent, and repeatable
• Increase the quality of code produced by developers.
• Eliminate inconsistencies between development, test, production, and customer
• Support segregation of duties
• Significantly improves the speed and reliability of continuous deployment and continuous
integration systems
• Because the containers are so lightweight, address significant performance, costs,
deployment, and portability issues normally associated with VMs
Why it works—separation of concerns
• Dan the Developer
• Worries about what’s “inside” the
• His code
• His Libraries
• His Package Manager
• His Apps
• His Data
• All Linux servers look the same
• Oscar the Ops Guy
• Worries about what’s “outside”
the container
• Logging
• Remote access
• Monitoring
• Network config
• All containers start, stop, copy,
attach, migrate, etc. the same
More technical explanation
• High Level—It’s a lightweight VM
• Own process space
• Own network interface
• Can run stuff as root
• Can have its own /sbin/init
(different from host)
• <<machine container>>
• Low Level—It’s chroot on
• Can also not have its own
• Container=isolated processes
• Share kernel with host
• No device emulation (neither
HVM nor PV) from host)
• <<application container>>
• Run everywhere
• Regardless of kernel version
• Regardless of host distro
• Physical or virtual, cloud or not
• Container and host
architecture must match*
• Run anything
• If it can run on the host, it can
run in the container
• i.e. if it can run on a Linux
kernel, it can run
Containers vs. VMs
Hypervisor (Type 2)
Host OS
Host OS
Containers are isolated,
but share OS and, where
appropriate, bins/libraries
…result is significantly faster deployment,
much less overhead, easier migration,
faster restart

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Docker introduction &amp; benefits
Docker introduction &amp; benefitsDocker introduction &amp; benefits
Docker introduction &amp; benefits

Docker allows for easy deployment and management of applications by wrapping them in containers. It provides benefits like running multiple isolated environments on a single server, easily moving applications between environments, and ensuring consistency across environments. The document discusses using Docker for development, production, and monitoring containers, and outlines specific benefits like reducing deployment time from days to minutes, optimizing hardware usage, reducing transfer sizes, and enhancing productivity. Future plans mentioned include using Kubernetes for container orchestration.

Introduction to docker
Introduction to dockerIntroduction to docker
Introduction to docker

Docker is a tool that allows users to package applications into containers to run on Linux servers. Containers provide isolation and resource sharing benefits compared to virtual machines. Docker simplifies deployment of containers by adding images, repositories and version control. Popular components include Dockerfiles to build images, Docker Hub for sharing images, and Docker Compose for defining multi-container apps. Docker has gained widespread adoption due to reducing complexity of managing containers across development and operations teams.

continuous deliverydockerintroduction
Docker and the Linux Kernel
Docker and the Linux KernelDocker and the Linux Kernel
Docker and the Linux Kernel

The document summarizes a talk given at the Linux Plumbers Conference 2014 about Docker and the Linux kernel. It discusses what Docker is, how it uses kernel features like namespaces and cgroups, its different storage drivers and their issues, kernel requirements, and how Docker and kernel developers can collaborate to test and improve the kernel and Docker software.

Why are Docker containers lightweight?
Original App
(No OS to take
up space, resources,
or require restart)
Modified App
Copy on write
capabilities allow
us to only save the diffs
Between container A
and container
Every app, every copy of an
app, and every slight modification
of the app requires a new virtual server
Copy of
No OS. Can
Share bins/libs
VMs Containers
What are the basics of the Docker system?
Docker Engine
Host 2 OS (Linux)
Host 1 OS (Linux)
Changes and Updates
Docker Engine
Docker Engine
Host is now running A’’
Mod A’’
Host running A wants to upgrade to A’’.
Requests update. Gets only diffs
Mod A’
Ecosystem Support
• Operating systems
• Virtually any distribution with a 2.6.32+ kernel
• Red Hat/Docker collaboration to make work across RHEL 6.4+, Fedora, and other members of the family (2.6.32 +)
• CoreOS—Small core OS purpose built with Docker
• OpenStack
• Docker integration into NOVA (& compatibility with Glance, Horizon, etc.) accepted for Havana release
• Private PaaS
• OpenShift
• Solum (Rackspace, OpenStack)
• Other TBA
• Public PaaS
• Deis, Voxoz, Cocaine (Yandex), Baidu PaaS
• Public IaaS
• Native support in Rackspace, Digital Ocean,+++
• AMI (or equivalent) available for AWS & other
• DevOps Tools
• Integrations with Chef, Puppet, Jenkins, Travis, Salt, Ansible +++
• Orchestration tools
• Mesos, Heat, ++
• Shipyard & others purpose built for Docker
• Applications
• 1000’s of Dockerized applications available at

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Docker Swarm 0.2.0
Docker Swarm 0.2.0Docker Swarm 0.2.0
Docker Swarm 0.2.0

Swarm in a nutshell • Exposes several Docker Engines as a single virtual Engine • Serves the standard Docker API • Extremely easy to get started • Batteries included but swappable

clusteringdockerdocker api
Kubernetes for Beginners: An Introductory Guide
Kubernetes for Beginners: An Introductory GuideKubernetes for Beginners: An Introductory Guide
Kubernetes for Beginners: An Introductory Guide

Kubernetes is an open-source tool for managing containerized workloads and services. It allows for deploying, maintaining, and scaling applications across clusters of servers. Kubernetes operates at the container level to automate tasks like deployment, availability, and load balancing. It uses a master-slave architecture with a master node controlling multiple worker nodes that host application pods, which are groups of containers that share resources. Kubernetes provides benefits like self-healing, high availability, simplified maintenance, and automatic scaling of containerized applications.

kubernetesdockercloud computing
Introduction to Docker - IndiaOpsUG
Introduction to Docker - IndiaOpsUGIntroduction to Docker - IndiaOpsUG
Introduction to Docker - IndiaOpsUG

- The document introduces Docker, explaining that it provides standardization for packaging software applications and dependencies to make them portable and help transition from monolithic to microservices architectures. - Docker uses operating system-level virtualization rather than hardware virtualization, allowing containers to start quickly while remaining isolated and using fewer resources than virtual machines. - The document covers Docker concepts like images, containers, and registries, and provides examples of common Docker commands for pulling images, running containers, and managing the Docker workflow of building, shipping, and running applications.

Use Cases
• Ted Dziuba on the Use of Docker for Continuous Integration at Ebay Now
• Sasha Klizhentas on use of Docker at Mailgun/Rackspace
• Sebastien Pahl on use of Docker at CloudFlare
• Cambridge HealthCare
• Red Hat Openshift and Docker
Use Cases—From Our Community
Use Case Examples Link
Clusters Building a MongoDB cluster using docker
Production Quality MongoDB Setup with Docker
Wildfly cluster using Docker on Fedora
Build your own PaaS OpenSource PaaS built on Docker, Chef, and Heroku Buildpacks
Web Based
Environment for
JiffyLab – web based environment for the instruction, or lightweight use of,
Python and UNIX shell
Easy Application
Deploy Java Apps With Docker = Awesome
How to put your development environment on docker
Running Drupal on Docker
Installing Redis on Docker
Create Secure
Docker makes creating secure sandboxes easier than ever
Create your own SaaS Memcached as a Service
Automated Application
Multi-cloud Deployment with Docker
Continuous Integration
and Deployment
Next Generation Continuous Integration & Deployment with dotCloud’s Docker and
Testing Salt States Rapidly With Docker
Lightweight Desktop
Docker Desktop: Your Desktop Over SSH Running Inside Of A Docker Container
Docker Futures*
• Docker 0.7 (current release)
• Fedora compatibility
• Reduce kernel dependencies
• Device mapper
• Container linking
• Docker 0.8 (Dec)
• Shrink and stabilize Core
• Provide stable, pluggable API
• RHEL compatibility
• Nested containers
• Beam: Introspection API based on Redis
• expand snapshot management features
for data volumes
• We will consider this “production
• Docker 0.9 (Jan)
• Docker 1.0 (Feb)
• We will offer support for this product
Docker 0.1-0.6
* We shoot for time based releases (1x/5wks), features are targeted, but not guaranteed for particular releases
Advanced topics
• Data
• Today: Externally mounted volumes
• Share volumes between containers
• Share volume between a containers and underlying hosts
• high-performance storage backend for your production database
• making live development changes available to a container, etc.
• Optional: specify memory limit for containers, CPU priority
• Device mapper/ LVM snapshots in 0.7
• Futures:
• I/O limits
• Container resource monitoring (CPU & memory usage)
• Orchestration (linking & synchronization between containers)
• Cluster orchestration (multi-host environment)
• Networking
• Supported today:
• UDP/TCP port allocation to containers
• specify which public port to redirect. If you don’t specify a public port, Docker will revert to allocating a random public port.
• Docker uses IPtables/netfilter
• IP allocation to containers
• Docker uses virtual interfaces, network bridge,
• Futures:
• See Pipework (Upstream) : Software-Defined Networking for Linux Containers (
• Certain pipework concepts will move from upstream to part of core Docker
• Additional capabilities come with libvirt support in 0.8-0.9 timeframe

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Kubernetes Basics
Kubernetes BasicsKubernetes Basics
Kubernetes Basics

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes including: 1) Kubernetes is an open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of containerized applications. It provides container-centric infrastructure and allows for quickly deploying and scaling applications. 2) The main components of Kubernetes include Pods (groups of containers), Services (abstract access to pods), ReplicationControllers (maintain pod replicas), and a master node running key components like etcd, API server, scheduler, and controller manager. 3) The document demonstrates getting started with Kubernetes by enabling the master on one node and a worker on another node, then deploying and exposing a sample nginx application across the cluster.

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Introduction to Docker - 2017
Introduction to Docker - 2017Introduction to Docker - 2017
Introduction to Docker - 2017

This document provides an introduction to Docker and discusses how it helps address challenges in the modern IT landscape. Some key points: - Applications are increasingly being broken up into microservices and deployed across multiple servers and environments, making portability and scalability important. - Docker containers help address these issues by allowing applications to run reliably across different infrastructures through package dependencies and resources together. This improves portability. - Docker provides a platform for building, shipping and running applications. It helps bridge the needs of developers who want fast innovation and operations teams who need security and control.

Docker introduction
Docker introductionDocker introduction
Docker introduction

Docker is a system for running applications in isolated containers. It addresses issues with traditional virtual machines by providing lightweight containers that share resources and allow applications to run consistently across different environments. Docker eliminates inconsistencies in development, testing and production environments. It allows applications and their dependencies to be packaged into a standardized unit called a container that can run on any Linux server. This makes applications highly portable and improves efficiency across the entire development lifecycle.

OpenStack / Docker
New hypervisor to enable Nova to deploy Linux containers
Why Docker + OpenStack
• Alternative to VMs within OpenStack-today
• Easier deployment of OpenStack itself-near future
• Cross cloud application deployment
• At OpenStack Summit we will show:
• Building and testing an application from source
• Running on a laptop
• Running it, without modification or noticeable downtime, on a public
• Running it, without modification or noticeable downtime, on an
openstack cluster
• Doing all of the above using Nova, Glance and Horizon
• Containers orchestration with OpenStack Heat (Demo at
Why a new hypervisor?
• Nova a computing controller for OpenStack
• Nova support for containers is minimal (via LibVirt)
• Enables control of Docker through OpenStack projects (ex:
deploy containers via Horizon Web UI)
Want to learn more?
• Documentation
• Getting started: interactive tutorial, installation instructions, getting
started guide,
• About: Introductory whitepaper:
• Github: dotcloud/docker
• IRC: freenode/#docker
• Google groups:!forum/docker-
• Twitter: follow @docker
• Meetups: Scheduled for Boston, San Francisco, Austin, London, Paris,
Boulder…and Nairobi.

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Intro Docker october 2013
Intro Docker october 2013Intro Docker october 2013
Intro Docker october 2013

This document provides an introduction and overview of Docker. It discusses why Docker was created to address issues with managing applications across different environments, and how Docker uses lightweight containers to package and run applications. It also summarizes the growth and adoption of Docker in its first 7 months, and outlines some of its core features and the Docker ecosystem including integration with DevOps tools and public clouds.

Intro to Docker October 2013
Intro to Docker October 2013Intro to Docker October 2013
Intro to Docker October 2013

This document provides an introduction and overview of Docker, including its rapid growth and adoption, key benefits for developers and operations teams, technical underpinnings, ecosystem support, use cases, and future plans. Docker provides a way to package applications into lightweight containers that are portable and can run on any infrastructure. It solves issues around dependency management and consistency across environments.

OpenStack Boston
OpenStack BostonOpenStack Boston
OpenStack Boston

This document discusses using Docker containers with OpenStack for application deployment. It begins with an introduction to Docker, describing its growth in usage and integration with various tools. Docker is presented as a solution to issues around deploying applications across different environments and hardware by providing lightweight, portable containers that package code and dependencies. The document demonstrates how Docker can be used with OpenStack through a new hypervisor that allows OpenStack to deploy and manage Linux containers, enabling control of Docker through the OpenStack dashboard.

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Docker Presentation at the OpenStack Austin Meetup | 2013-09-12
Application Deployment on Openstack
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Intro to Docker November 2013

  • 2. Contents • Introduction to Docker, Containers, and the Matrix from Hell • Why people care: Separation of Concerns • Technical Discussion • Ecosystem • Use Cases • Docker Futures • Advanced topics: Networking, Data • OpenStack • Learn More
  • 3. In the 8 months since we launched • >200,000 pulls • >7,500 github stars • >200 significant contributors • >200 projects built on top of docker • UIs, mini-PaaS, Remote Desktop…. • 1000’s of Dockerized applications • Memcached, Redis, Node.js…and Hadoop • Integration in Jenkins, Travis, Chef, Puppet, Vagrant and OpenStack • Meetups arranged around the world…with organizations like Ebay, Cloudflare, Yandex, and Rackspace presenting on their use of Docker
  • 4. Why all the excitement?
  • 5. Static website Web frontend User DB Queue Analytics DB Background workers API endpoint nginx 1.5 + modsecurity + openssl + bootstrap 2 postgresql + pgv8 + v8 hadoop + hive + thrift + OpenJDK Ruby + Rails + sass + Unicorn Redis + redis-sentinel Python 3.0 + celery + pyredis + libcurl + ffmpeg + libopencv + nodejs + phantomjs Python 2.7 + Flask + pyredis + celery + psycopg + postgresql-client Development VM QA server Public Cloud Disaster recovery Contributor’s laptop Production Servers The ChallengeMultiplicityofStacks Multiplicityof hardware environments Production Cluster Customer Data Center Doservicesandapps interact appropriately? CanImigrate smoothlyand quickly?
  • 6. The Matrix From Hell Static website Web frontend Background workers User DB Analytics DB Queue Development VM QA Server Single Prod Server Onsite Cluster Public Cloud Contributor’s laptop Customer Servers ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • 8. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Also a matrix from hell
  • 9. MultiplicityofGoods Multiplicityof methodsfor transporting/storing DoIworryabout howgoodsinteract (e.g.coffeebeans nexttospices) CanItransport quicklyandsmoothly (e.g.fromboatto traintotruck) Solution: Intermodal Shipping Container …in between, can be loaded and unloaded, stacked, transported efficiently over long distances, and transferred from one mode of transport to another A standard container that is loaded with virtually any goods, and stays sealed until it reaches final delivery.
  • 10. Static website Web frontendUser DB Queue Analytics DB Development VM QA server Public Cloud Contributor’s laptop Docker is a shipping container system for code MultiplicityofStacks Multiplicityof hardware environments Production Cluster Customer Data Center Doservicesandapps interact appropriately? CanImigrate smoothlyandquickly …that can be manipulated using standard operations and run consistently on virtually any hardware platform An engine that enables any payload to be encapsulated as a lightweight, portable, self-sufficient container…
  • 11. Static website Web frontend Background workers User DB Analytics DB Queue Development VM QA Server Single Prod Server Onsite Cluster Public Cloud Contributor’s laptop Customer Servers Docker eliminates the matrix from Hell
  • 12. Why Developers Care • Build once…(finally) run anywhere* • A clean, safe, hygienic and portable runtime environment for your app. • No worries about missing dependencies, packages and other pain points during subsequent deployments. • Run each app in its own isolated container, so you can run various versions of libraries and other dependencies for each app without worrying • Automate testing, integration, packaging…anything you can script • Reduce/eliminate concerns about compatibility on different platforms, either your own or your customers. • Cheap, zero-penalty containers to deploy services? A VM without the overhead of a VM? Instant replay and reset of image snapshots? That’s the power of Docker * With the 0.7 release, we support any x86 server running a modern Linux kernel (3.2+ generally. 2.6.32+ for RHEL 6.5+, Fedora, & related)
  • 13. Why Devops Cares? • Configure once…run anything • Make the entire lifecycle more efficient, consistent, and repeatable • Increase the quality of code produced by developers. • Eliminate inconsistencies between development, test, production, and customer environments • Support segregation of duties • Significantly improves the speed and reliability of continuous deployment and continuous integration systems • Because the containers are so lightweight, address significant performance, costs, deployment, and portability issues normally associated with VMs
  • 14. Why it works—separation of concerns • Dan the Developer • Worries about what’s “inside” the container • His code • His Libraries • His Package Manager • His Apps • His Data • All Linux servers look the same • Oscar the Ops Guy • Worries about what’s “outside” the container • Logging • Remote access • Monitoring • Network config • All containers start, stop, copy, attach, migrate, etc. the same way
  • 15. More technical explanation • High Level—It’s a lightweight VM • Own process space • Own network interface • Can run stuff as root • Can have its own /sbin/init (different from host) • <<machine container>> • Low Level—It’s chroot on steroids • Can also not have its own /sbin/init • Container=isolated processes • Share kernel with host • No device emulation (neither HVM nor PV) from host) • <<application container>> • Run everywhere • Regardless of kernel version (2.6.32+) • Regardless of host distro • Physical or virtual, cloud or not • Container and host architecture must match* • Run anything • If it can run on the host, it can run in the container • i.e. if it can run on a Linux kernel, it can run WHY WHAT
  • 16. App A Containers vs. VMs Hypervisor (Type 2) Host OS Server Guest OS Bins/ Libs App A’ Guest OS Bins/ Libs App B Guest OS Bins/ Libs AppA’ Docker Host OS Server Bins/Libs AppA Bins/Libs AppB AppB’ AppB’ AppB’ VM Container Containers are isolated, but share OS and, where appropriate, bins/libraries Guest OS Guest OS …result is significantly faster deployment, much less overhead, easier migration, faster restart
  • 17. Why are Docker containers lightweight? Bins/ Libs App A Original App (No OS to take up space, resources, or require restart) AppΔ Bins/ App A Bins/ Libs App A’ Guest OS Bins/ Libs Modified App Copy on write capabilities allow us to only save the diffs Between container A and container A’ VMs Every app, every copy of an app, and every slight modification of the app requires a new virtual server App A Guest OS Bins/ Libs Copy of App No OS. Can Share bins/libs App A Guest OS Guest OS VMs Containers
  • 18. What are the basics of the Docker system? Source Code Repository Dockerfile For A Docker Engine Docker Container Image Registry Build Docker Host 2 OS (Linux) ContainerA ContainerB ContainerC ContainerA Push Search Pull Run Host 1 OS (Linux)
  • 19. Changes and Updates Docker Engine Docker Container Image Registry Docker Engine Push Update Bins/ Libs App A AppΔ Bins/ Base Container Image Host is now running A’’ Container Mod A’’ AppΔ Bins/ Bins/ Libs App A Bins/ Bins/ Libs App A’’ Host running A wants to upgrade to A’’. Requests update. Gets only diffs Container Mod A’
  • 20. Ecosystem Support • Operating systems • Virtually any distribution with a 2.6.32+ kernel • Red Hat/Docker collaboration to make work across RHEL 6.4+, Fedora, and other members of the family (2.6.32 +) • CoreOS—Small core OS purpose built with Docker • OpenStack • Docker integration into NOVA (& compatibility with Glance, Horizon, etc.) accepted for Havana release • Private PaaS • OpenShift • Solum (Rackspace, OpenStack) • Other TBA • Public PaaS • Deis, Voxoz, Cocaine (Yandex), Baidu PaaS • Public IaaS • Native support in Rackspace, Digital Ocean,+++ • AMI (or equivalent) available for AWS & other • DevOps Tools • Integrations with Chef, Puppet, Jenkins, Travis, Salt, Ansible +++ • Orchestration tools • Mesos, Heat, ++ • Shipyard & others purpose built for Docker • Applications • 1000’s of Dockerized applications available at
  • 21. Use Cases • Ted Dziuba on the Use of Docker for Continuous Integration at Ebay Now • • • Sasha Klizhentas on use of Docker at Mailgun/Rackspace • • Sebastien Pahl on use of Docker at CloudFlare • • Cambridge HealthCare • jenkins-part-i • Red Hat Openshift and Docker •
  • 22. Use Cases—From Our Community Use Case Examples Link Clusters Building a MongoDB cluster using docker Production Quality MongoDB Setup with Docker Wildfly cluster using Docker on Fedora Build your own PaaS OpenSource PaaS built on Docker, Chef, and Heroku Buildpacks Web Based Environment for Instruction JiffyLab – web based environment for the instruction, or lightweight use of, Python and UNIX shell Easy Application Deployment Deploy Java Apps With Docker = Awesome How to put your development environment on docker Running Drupal on Docker Installing Redis on Docker Create Secure Sandboxes Docker makes creating secure sandboxes easier than ever Create your own SaaS Memcached as a Service Automated Application Deployment Multi-cloud Deployment with Docker Continuous Integration and Deployment Next Generation Continuous Integration & Deployment with dotCloud’s Docker and Strider Testing Salt States Rapidly With Docker Lightweight Desktop Virtualization Docker Desktop: Your Desktop Over SSH Running Inside Of A Docker Container
  • 23. Docker Futures* • Docker 0.7 (current release) • Fedora compatibility • Reduce kernel dependencies • Device mapper • Container linking • Docker 0.8 (Dec) • Shrink and stabilize Core • Provide stable, pluggable API • RHEL compatibility • Nested containers • Beam: Introspection API based on Redis • expand snapshot management features for data volumes • We will consider this “production ready” • Docker 0.9 (Jan) • Docker 1.0 (Feb) • We will offer support for this product Docker 0.1-0.6 AUFS Docker 0.8+ LXC * We shoot for time based releases (1x/5wks), features are targeted, but not guaranteed for particular releases
  • 24. Advanced topics • Data • Today: Externally mounted volumes • Share volumes between containers • Share volume between a containers and underlying hosts • high-performance storage backend for your production database • making live development changes available to a container, etc. • Optional: specify memory limit for containers, CPU priority • Device mapper/ LVM snapshots in 0.7 • Futures: • I/O limits • Container resource monitoring (CPU & memory usage) • Orchestration (linking & synchronization between containers) • Cluster orchestration (multi-host environment) • Networking • Supported today: • UDP/TCP port allocation to containers • specify which public port to redirect. If you don’t specify a public port, Docker will revert to allocating a random public port. • Docker uses IPtables/netfilter • IP allocation to containers • Docker uses virtual interfaces, network bridge, • Futures: • See Pipework (Upstream) : Software-Defined Networking for Linux Containers ( • Certain pipework concepts will move from upstream to part of core Docker • Additional capabilities come with libvirt support in 0.8-0.9 timeframe
  • 25. OpenStack / Docker New hypervisor to enable Nova to deploy Linux containers
  • 26. Why Docker + OpenStack • Alternative to VMs within OpenStack-today • Easier deployment of OpenStack itself-near future • Cross cloud application deployment • At OpenStack Summit we will show: • Building and testing an application from source • Running on a laptop • Running it, without modification or noticeable downtime, on a public cloud • Running it, without modification or noticeable downtime, on an openstack cluster • Doing all of the above using Nova, Glance and Horizon • Containers orchestration with OpenStack Heat (Demo at summit)
  • 27. Why a new hypervisor? • Nova a computing controller for OpenStack • Nova support for containers is minimal (via LibVirt) • Enables control of Docker through OpenStack projects (ex: deploy containers via Horizon Web UI)
  • 28. Want to learn more? • • Documentation • Getting started: interactive tutorial, installation instructions, getting started guide, • About: Introductory whitepaper: story/ • Github: dotcloud/docker • IRC: freenode/#docker • Google groups:!forum/docker- user • Twitter: follow @docker • Meetups: Scheduled for Boston, San Francisco, Austin, London, Paris, Boulder…and Nairobi.