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Digital Marketing Priorities 2016
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Digital Marketing: Key Metrics
Jill Quick
Data Driven Digital Marketing
Consultant and Trainer
Break down the jargon, and understand the concepts needed for a solid
data driven approach for your marketing. Learn how to build a KPI
dashboard with the right metrics, with insights from key industry
influencers, for you to find nuggets of insights that drive your business in
a profitable direction.
Digital Marketing: Key Metrics with Jill Quick & Dave Chaffey
Recommended resources
for Expert members
Coming soon…
Google Analytics API – Google Sheets
dashboard for Expert members

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Online PR Trends 2018
Online PR Trends 2018   Online PR Trends 2018
Online PR Trends 2018

Best practices and trends on Influencer Relationship Management from the Smart Insights Digital Marketing Trends summit 2018.

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TFM&A - Content Marketing ROI 2015 - Dave Chaffey - Smart Insights
TFM&A - Content Marketing ROI 2015 - Dave Chaffey - Smart InsightsTFM&A - Content Marketing ROI 2015 - Dave Chaffey - Smart Insights
TFM&A - Content Marketing ROI 2015 - Dave Chaffey - Smart Insights

This document summarizes Dave Chaffey's presentation on evaluating content marketing ROI. It discusses techniques for proving the value of content marketing, including using dashboards, analytics segments, page value metrics, attribution models, and tools for showing social media amplification. It recommends using the VQVC framework to cover volume, quality and value of visits, as well as costs. The presentation provides examples from companies on how to measure ROI at both the overall investment level and for individual content initiatives and assets.

content management
TFM Martech giants panel - Technology for Marketing visuals
TFM Martech giants panel  - Technology for Marketing visuals TFM Martech giants panel  - Technology for Marketing visuals
TFM Martech giants panel - Technology for Marketing visuals

To support a panel discussion with IBM and Oracle at TFM London 2018. Includes the Smart Insights 30 categories of martech tools and AI options visuals available via our blog

martech2018 digital marketing trends
Digital Marketing: Key Metrics with Jill Quick & Dave Chaffey
 We need to get better at this data-drive-metrics-malarkey
 A framework for your digital metric planning:RACE
 What key metrics should you use?
 The good, bad, lagging, leading and casual metrics
 Why is this hard work?
 Where to go from here, next steps and tips to create your
KPI dashboard
About Me
 Digital Marketing Consultant and Trainer
 Data Driven Approach supporting established brands, start
ups and small businesses to make the most out of digital
 Lead Instructor at General Assembly
 Author for Smart Insights
 Loves finding that ‘aha moment’ that drives growth
You are not the colouring in department
 The ability to track ROI gives marketing respect
 Finding insights backed up by data gives you a
competitive edge

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Marketing Skills 2018
Marketing Skills 2018Marketing Skills 2018
Marketing Skills 2018

This document summarizes a webinar on digital marketing priorities for 2018 presented by Imran Farooq. The webinar discusses 7Ps (Pathway, Positioning, Proficiency, Prosperity, Productivity, Propel, Productise) that marketers should focus on to avoid becoming redundant. It encourages marketers to have a clear direction and destination; create a magnetic presence; commit to mastery; get client success quickly; be in a flow state; use tools to accelerate; and generate revenue through productized models. The webinar provides advice on developing one's career from a £20k freedom seeker to a £200k+ master of influence and discusses creating a personal learning plan to focus

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3 ways you're wasting your biddable media budget... and how to fix it!
3 ways you're wasting your biddable media budget... and how to fix it!3 ways you're wasting your biddable media budget... and how to fix it!
3 ways you're wasting your biddable media budget... and how to fix it!

How to maximize the returns from your biddable media budget There are more opportunities to buy media than ever before but, do you know exactly where you’re spending your budget, what you’re spending it on and how to optimise your campaigns to get the best returns? In this webinar, Sarah Barker, Head of Biddable Media at digital marketing agency Stickyeyes will take you through the three most common mistakes brands make when investing in biddable media and importantly…how to fix them. You will learn: - The minefield of marketing metrics and how you can use data to understand your audience - Cross-channel cannibalisation and the danger of a silo-mentality - Why last-click attribution isn’t the answer - Risk-taking – why it’s not just for James Bond!

paid search marketingbiddable mediapaid social marketing
Omnichannel marketing tips and techniques
Omnichannel marketing tips and techniques  Omnichannel marketing tips and techniques
Omnichannel marketing tips and techniques

This document provides tips and techniques for omnichannel marketing. It discusses the importance of viewing the customer experience across all channels from the customer's perspective. The document also outlines key success factors for various stages of the customer lifecycle, including boosting reach through content marketing and paid promotion, encouraging interaction through optimized content and customer journeys, boosting conversion through retargeting and testing, and increasing loyalty through lifecycle marketing and customer experience improvements. Implementation plans and metrics are suggested for each stage.

omnichannel retail2018 digital marketing trends
Stages of Accountability
marketing is
an art not a
what if my
doesn't impact
Self promotion
hey come see all
my charts
i know i should
measure, i just
don't know how
revenue starts
What stage are you?
Where would you say you are in terms of
your stage of marketing accountability?
1 – Denial
2 – Fear
3 – Confusion
4 – Self-Promotion
5 – Full Accountability
NOTE: There is one answer only per vote
The Lingo
 A metric is a number that gives you information about an
aspect if your business.
 Dimensions are attributes that give context to what your
metrics are measuring. More formally: dimensions are
qualitative characteristics, identifying the who, where, and
when of a particular metric
What is a KPI?
A KPI is a “promoted metrics”
unique to your business

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Managing digital marketing in 2017
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Managing digital marketing in 2017

A summary of recommendations on how to manage digital marketing in 2017 based on our worldwide research report

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How To Measure The Performance Of Your Content And Track ROI
How To Measure The Performance Of Your Content And Track ROIHow To Measure The Performance Of Your Content And Track ROI
How To Measure The Performance Of Your Content And Track ROI

This document discusses how to measure the performance of content and track return on investment (ROI). It recommends identifying key metrics based on business goals like lead generation, sales, and brand awareness. Common metrics include website traffic, downloads, and social engagement. The document provides a framework for organizing content by channel, type, and goals to ask the right questions of data. It suggests establishing a scoring system and standardizing content to adapt and improve based on insights. Finally, the document outlines calculating content ROI at the campaign, type, and customer lifetime value levels to include in metrics reporting.

content marketing
Innovating digital, 2019 and beyond - CIM West Yorkshire from Dave Chaffey
Innovating digital, 2019 and beyond - CIM West Yorkshire from Dave ChaffeyInnovating digital, 2019 and beyond - CIM West Yorkshire from Dave Chaffey
Innovating digital, 2019 and beyond - CIM West Yorkshire from Dave Chaffey

My presentation for the Chartered Institute of Marketing in Leeds updated to cover Smart Insights RACE planning framework for an April 2019 talk for West Yorkshire CIM members.

digital trends
What are you trying to achieve?
CurationMe Content SaaS Business
Business Objectives
Sell more online
Keep more
Up sell basic
users to next
Goal More Sales
Reduce churn
by 20%
KPI MMR Churn Rate
Best Case
Worst Case
50 accounts p/m
20 accounts p/m
Micro Goals
 Share content via social media
 Subscribe to newsletter
 Watch video
 Play game
 Use calculators
 Livechat
 Customise a product
 Add product to cart
 View special content
 Store location
 Property search
Are you tracking everything?
RACE Macro & Micro Goals Tracking/Goal Type Tracking
Reach Scroll Read Event Tracking
Bounce Rate Dimension in GA
Act Read Blog Dimensions in GA
Watch Video Event Tracking
Live Chat Event Tracking
Social Share Event Tracking
Convert Create Account Destination URL Goal
Activate Account Destination URL Goal
Free Trial Destination URL Goal
Engage Buy Subscriptions Destination URL Goal
Repeat Purchase Destination URL Goal
Upgrade Package Event Tracking
What do these guys say?

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2018 digital marketing trends - Dave Chaffey
2018 digital marketing trends - Dave Chaffey2018 digital marketing trends - Dave Chaffey
2018 digital marketing trends - Dave Chaffey

This document summarizes digital marketing trends for 2018, including applications of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in marketing, accelerated mobile pages (AMPs), progressive web apps (PWAs), and conversion rate optimization (CRO) and personalization. It discusses using AI for conversational interfaces, automated copywriting, and different marketing AI options. It also addresses being ready for the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ePrivacy initiative through reviewing customer lifecycles, capability gaps, and personalization techniques.

digital marketing2018 marketing trends
Win more customers with an integrated marketing communications strategy
Win more customers with an integrated marketing communications strategyWin more customers with an integrated marketing communications strategy
Win more customers with an integrated marketing communications strategy

The document discusses digital marketing priorities and strategies for 2019. It recommends creating an integrated marketing communications strategy to win more customers by focusing on the connected customer experience. An effective strategy provides personalized, consultative, and frictionless experiences at every touchpoint to build trust over the customer lifecycle. The presentation provides examples of how to implement targeted messaging, content marketing, and sales alignment using marketing automation tools like Pardot to nurture customer relationships at scale.

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Managing digital-marketing-smart-insights-2015

Managing Digital Marketing in 2015 Best practices for integrating digital technology, marketing and advertising to fuel business growth Author: Dr Dave Chaffey Research in collaboration with TFM&A 2015 Published: January 2015

If you could take 5 to the board?
 Customer Lifetime Value
 Cost of Customer Acquisition
 Churn/Retention Rate by Cohort
 Growth Rate (of customers and revenue)
 Traffic & Customer Acquisition by Channel
Rand Fishkin
Wizard of Moz
Metric Overview
In marketing, customer lifetime value (CLV or often CLTV),
lifetime customer value (LCV), or life-time value (LTV) is a
prediction of the net profit attributed to the entire future
relationship with a customer.
Metric Overview
Roughly defined, LTV is the projected revenue that a
customer will generate during their lifetime. This is just
looking at Simple LTV
Annual profit contribution per customer x average number
of years that they remain a customer - the cost of customer
Metric Overview
Average subscriber is 14 months
based on your churn rate
CPA is £50
They spend £14.96
Your lifetime value is
14.96 * 14 = £209.44 - cost to acquire £50 = £159.44

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A guide for agencies on the processes and options for growing new business focusing on Digital Agency services.

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Growing business through digital marketing
Growing business through digital marketingGrowing business through digital marketing
Growing business through digital marketing

This presentation discusses eight strategies for driving business growth using digital marketing. It provides examples of how companies like Hubspot and ASOS grew using digital strategies. Key strategies discussed include developing an omnichannel customer experience, integrating search, social and email marketing, focusing on engagement, and using latest best practices such as personalization, social media marketing and re-targeting. The presentation emphasizes that measurement and optimization should be the foundation of any digital marketing strategy.

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Top tips for driving leads and optimising conversions in 2020
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Top tips for driving leads and optimising conversions in 2020

Do you struggle to get customers to your site? Are you unsure where you should focus your time and resource when people actually start engaging with your content? Confused about where you should be collecting data and how to showcase success to your stakeholders? Join Phil McGuin, Demand Generation Director and Will Garbutt, CRO and UX Manager from digital agency Stickyeyes as they show you how to maximise your end-to-end customer journey to create an amazing user experience that converts prospects and drives commercial success. With experience in both B2B and B2C markets across a range of industries, they’ll draw on real-world case studies to show you: - How you can engage customers with your website and proposition; - The importance of acquisition mapping and capturing the right customer information; - How to navigate your customers through their lifecycle stages to encourage conversion and advocacy; and - Examples of the tools you can use and the data you should be collecting to measure and optimise success.

digital marketingdigital marketing strategymarketing
If you could take 5 to the board?
 Commitment / Brand Love
 Share of wallet
 Channel preference
 Spend/Frequency
 Coverage (what proportion of spend the top x% of
customers account for)
Edwina Dunn
CEO Startcount
Metric Overview
How do you calculate Purchase Frequency?
You can work out your purchase frequency by using this simple
calculation. You can define your time periods to one that best fits with
your business model, here I have just gone ahead with a 1 year period.
This metric is going to tell you the average number of times
that your customers are making a purchase with you over
your chosen time period.
Your Total Orders (365 days) / Unique customers (365 days) = Purchase
If you want to understand the time between your customers purchased use this
formula to see how long a typical customer takes before making a repeat
365 days / purchase frequency = time between purchases
If you could take 5 to the board?
 Sales Made
 Cost of Acquisition
 Monthly Recurring Revenue
 Church Value in £ and # of clients
 Sales Pipeline / Forecast with Dates
Tink Taylor
Founder Dot Mailer
Metric Overview
How quickly are your customers leaving you. It is cheaper and easier to
retain customers than it is to get new ones. Monitor churn to understand
how good you are at keeping your customers.
Customers Lost during x period/starting customers = churn rate %

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Digital marketing transformation : Benchmarking your digital future
Digital marketing transformation : Benchmarking your digital futureDigital marketing transformation : Benchmarking your digital future
Digital marketing transformation : Benchmarking your digital future

In this member webinar hosted by digital strategist Dr Dave Chaffey, co-founder of Smart Insights explains techniques to help you review your digital capabilities, set your future direction and articulate strategy to colleagues. You will learn how to: > Discover the digital maturity of your business > Define goals needed to achieve transformation > Plan and prioritize activities to integrate digital > Influence company culture and instil a process of continuous improvement Includes examples from a range of sectors including leaders from some generally less mature industries such as Manufacturing, Aerospace and Defence, Higher Education, Financial Services, Engineering and Construction.

digital transformationdigital marketing strategy
The Future of Sales Prospecting
 The Future of Sales Prospecting The Future of Sales Prospecting
The Future of Sales Prospecting

1. The document discusses trends affecting sales prospecting, including the rise of AI, virtual selling, and digital buying. It identifies opportunities for sales teams to leverage AI, prioritization insights, and product-led growth to adapt. 2. A new sales paradigm is proposed with three pillars: prioritization, personalization, and collaboration. Prioritization involves understanding best customer profiles and buyer teams. Personalization uses AI to personalize at scale. Collaboration enables internal and external collaboration over contextual data. 3. Investing in AI, data privacy, prioritization insights, and tools for asynchronous learning are identified as ways for sales teams to succeed in this evolving landscape. A framework is presented to help sales teams prospect effectively

8 Big Mistakes digital marketers should avoid in 2017
8 Big Mistakes digital marketers should avoid in 20178 Big Mistakes digital marketers should avoid in 2017
8 Big Mistakes digital marketers should avoid in 2017

The document summarizes eight common mistakes that digital marketers should avoid in 2017, as presented by Ray Coppinger of Marketo. The mistakes include: not defining digital marketing goals for one's company; failing to help guide content marketing strategy; not prioritizing SEO; focusing on the wrong metrics; testing improperly or not at all; not prioritizing social media; being obsessed with ranking first in search results; and falling behind industry changes by not continuing to learn. Coppinger provides advice on how to avoid each mistake, such as aligning metrics with channel objectives, starting small tests, and creating a reading list to stay updated on latest trends.

digital marketing2017 digital marketing trendsmistakes
If you could take 5 to the board?
 Increased Revenue
 Lowered Costs
 Improved Customer Satisfaction (NPS)
 Increased Capabilities
Jim Sterne
Founder eMetrics Summit &
Digital Analytics Association
Metric Overview
The NPS system gives you a percentage, based on the
classification that respondents fall into—from Detractors
to Promoters.
Metric Overview
So to calculate the percentage, follow these steps:
Enter all of the survey responses into an Excel spreadsheet.
Now, break down the responses by Detractors, Passives, and Promoters.
Add up the total responses from each group.
To get the percentage, take the group total and divide it by the total number of
survey responses.
Now, subtract the percentage total of Detractors from the percentage total of
Promoters—this is your NPS score.
Metric Overview
(Number of Promoters — Number of Detractors) /
(Number of Respondents) x 100
Example: If you received 100 responses to your survey:
10 responses were in the 0–6 range (Detractors)
20 responses were in the 7–8 range (Passives)
70 responses were in the 9–10 range (Promoters)
When you calculate the percentages for each group, you get
10%, 20%, and 70% respectively.
To finish up, subtract 10% (Detractors) from 70%

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B2B Marketing trends 2017   B2B Marketing trends 2017
B2B Marketing trends 2017

A review of 5 key areas of digital marketing trends for business-to-business marketers presented to the CommuniGator conference in Sept 2016

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Digital marketing for Charities 2016
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Digital marketing for Charities 2016

Charity marketing specialist Lucy Conlan steps us through the trends across web, mobile, email and social media marketing to engage their audiences into 2016.

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International - global marketing case studies
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International - global marketing case studies

A webinar for Smart Insights members from Mike Berry, author of "The Best of Global Digital Marketing"

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If you could take 5 to the board?
 Ratio of Daily Average Users: Monthly Average
Users (DAU:MAU)
 CPA: Cost Per Acquisition
 CLT: Customer Lifetime Value
 Customer Referral Rate
 Customer Churn
Matthew Eisner
Global Marketing Manager at
Startup Bootcamp
Metric Overview
How likely are your users to send on to a
friend/ referrals ?
I = number of invites sent by each
C = the percent conversion of each invite
K = I*C
Metric Overview
Situation 1
1250 users send 2000
invites (2000/1250) = 1.6
580 convert as customers
(580/2000) = 0.29
1.6*0.29 = 0.464
Situation 2
1250 users send 2000
invites (2000/1250) = 1.6
1250 convert as customers
(580/2000) = 0.625
1.6*0.625 = 1
Good and Bad Metrics
Feel good measurements to justify marketing spend
 Facebook likes
 Number of names gathered at a trade show
When metrics go wrong…

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Online retail merchandising 2016

Consultant Chris Jones of Redsocks reviews the latest merchandising techniques for e-retailers and brands selling through online retail sites.

Analyzing Your Key Metrics: 7 Areas You Must Examine for PPC Account Success
Analyzing Your Key Metrics: 7 Areas You Must Examine for PPC Account SuccessAnalyzing Your Key Metrics: 7 Areas You Must Examine for PPC Account Success
Analyzing Your Key Metrics: 7 Areas You Must Examine for PPC Account Success

Cassie Oumedian is the Sr. Digital Specialist at Hanapin Marketing with over 7 years of PPC experience working on some of the world's largest brands. At Hanapin, she helps Enterprise, Small and Medium size businesses analyze their PPC accounts to help identify gaps and opportunities within their digital PPC strategy. Higher quality ads can lead to lower prices and better ad positions. The components of Quality Score (expected CTR, ad relevance, and landing page experience) are determined every time your keyword matches a customer's search. What is Quality Score? How is Quality Score calculated? Click Thru Rate Landing Page Relevance Ad Text Relevance Keyword Relevance Historical Performance Device Why is Quality Score Important? Ad Rank = QS + Max CpC + Ad Extensions What Does and Doesn’t Matter Regarding Quality Score? Se ling the (Quality) Score Using Quality Score to Guide Optimizations Bing Quality Score New updates released in Feb include Market Estimate QS when not enough data is available. Facebook Relevance Score Relevance score is calculated based on the positive and negative feedback an ad receives from its target audience. The higher an ad’s relevance score is, the less it will cost to be delivered. Sounds familiar…. Search impression share: The impressions you’ve received on the Search Network divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive. Search Lost IS (budget): The percentage of time that your ads weren't shown on the Search Network due to insufficient budget.. Impression Share From my experience a total search impression share of 75% + would be considered good as this means your account is showing up for majority of auctions available. This is factoring in a balance of all the match types. What Happens When An Accounts Has Lots of Broad Match? Are negative keywords blocking relevant traffic in your account? Ad Extensions Ad Extensions are a Big Deal! How to tell if your display campaigns are broken? Start by reviewing Display Placement Reports to see if your ads are showing up on relevant sites. If placements are not driving actual conversions or assisted conversions, be sure to exclude placements to increase efficiency. If you notice mobile apps are driving irrelevant traffic, you can exclude them by adding the above placement exclusion to weed out inefficient traffic. How Do Search Partners Perform for your account? After reviewing the data, you can then determine if you need to expand search partners, or maybe exclude them all together to help increase efficiency. Adjust mobile bid modifiers to help optimize for optimal conversions and CPA/ROAS. Bing mobile and TABLET bid adjustments Bing offers Tablet bids adjustments from -20% up to +300% to help optimize tablet performance 2015 KISSmetrics Guide KISSmetrics Demo h p:// h p://

ppcdigital marketingmarketing
Digital Marketing Metrics That Matter
Digital Marketing Metrics That Matter Digital Marketing Metrics That Matter
Digital Marketing Metrics That Matter

Organizations strive to minimize the cost to acquire a customer. This pyramid shows the key metrics that impact CAC, their formulas and the chain of events that builds value and efficacy in digital marketing.

test and measurementdigital marketingdigital marketing metrics
Good and Bad Metrics
We have a database of 50,000 people
We created 1 million leads, yadayadayada…..
When metrics go wrong…
Good and Bad Metrics
Activity is easy to see and
Your boss may see this as just
costs going out of the door.
When metrics go wrong…
Revenue metrics
Incremental contributions
of individual marketing
Good and Bad Metrics
Lagging metrics: Historical, shows you how you are doing, its like reporting
the news, its happened. E.g. sales this month
Leading metrics: Forward looking, number today that predicts tomorrow.
EG pipeline
When metrics go right…
Correlated and Casual Metrics
Correlated: Two Variables that
are related - but may be
dependent on something else.
E.g. Ice cream and drowning
Causal: An independent
variable that directly impacts a
dependent one.
E.g. summertime and drowning

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50 Digital Marketing Metrics for CMOs, CDOs, CIOs and CFOs
50 Digital Marketing Metrics for CMOs, CDOs, CIOs and CFOs50 Digital Marketing Metrics for CMOs, CDOs, CIOs and CFOs
50 Digital Marketing Metrics for CMOs, CDOs, CIOs and CFOs

These 50 metrics are must haves for any CMOs, CDOs, CIOs and CFOs. They help to illustrate why marketing is important and how marketing will help your organization.

Growth Metrics - Koen Goudriaan
Growth Metrics - Koen GoudriaanGrowth Metrics - Koen Goudriaan
Growth Metrics - Koen Goudriaan

The document discusses various growth metrics for digital products including pageviews, time spent, downloads, daily active users, unique visitors, customer acquisition cost, lifetime value, viral coefficient, and churn rate. It provides definitions and examples for each metric, noting that customer acquisition cost should be 3 times lower than lifetime value and that viral coefficient and churn rate can be calculated on a monthly or yearly basis.

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Lean Startup Analytics/Metrics
Lean Startup Analytics/MetricsLean Startup Analytics/Metrics
Lean Startup Analytics/Metrics

Presented at Lean Startup Circle on 4/15/14 for their back to basics night. The theme for the evening was analytics.

Find a leading, casual metric…
…Find Your Superpower
Paired Metrics
Consider matching your KPI with a paired metric
Eg if your KPI is to shorten time on customer enquiries you
should pair this with customer satisfaction.
If it won’t change how
you behave,
it’s a bad metric.
What To Do

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Sonamine presentation at Casual Connect July 2011. Beyond Metrics - Predictives with lessons and perspectives from other industries.

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SEO Trends 2016
SEO Trends 2016SEO Trends 2016
SEO Trends 2016

The document discusses how big data and algorithms will change search marketing in 2016. As more data is created, algorithms and machine learning will be used to analyze multiple data sources and provide automated insights and recommendations to help marketers be more efficient. This will free up experts to focus on more creative work. The presentation encourages marketers to collect and analyze as much website data as possible and use algorithms to help manage their search marketing efforts.

Digital Commerce archetypes, criteria for success and alignment
Digital Commerce archetypes, criteria for success and alignmentDigital Commerce archetypes, criteria for success and alignment
Digital Commerce archetypes, criteria for success and alignment

4 Common Archetypes Across Digital Commerce Brands, 2 Archetypes Emerge As Leaders & Orchestrating for Success.

ecommercedigital marketingdigital strategy
What To Do
What To Do
Your VP of marketing may
Reach = Events per session
Act = Number of Free Trials
Convert = Return on Investment
Engage = Churn Rate
Your CFO may want…
Reach = Cost per Visitor
Act = Cost per Acquisition
Convert = Return on Investment
Engage = Monthly Recurring
What To Do…
Your questions please?
All members can also ask questions through our ‘Answers’ community

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The document discusses key performance indicators (KPIs) for social media marketing campaigns. It identifies 10 essential KPIs: return on investment, incremental sales, traffic sources, purchase funnel, goal completion rate, keyword performance, end action rate, cost per lead, email marketing engagement score, and social interactions. For each KPI, it provides a definition and describes success indicators, such as incremental sales exceeding marketing investment or a high goal completion rate.

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The future of integrated campaigns: the art of transmedia planning
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The future of integrated campaigns: the art of transmedia planning

This document discusses the transition from integrated marketing to transmedia storytelling. Integrated marketing focuses on consistency across media with one main message, while transmedia tells a cohesive story through multiple platforms to encourage engagement. It advocates pulling consumers in through compelling narratives rather than just pushing messages. The document outlines a 4-phase process for transmedia planning: 1) ignite brand stories, 2) hook up tribes by seeding content, 3) create live experiences, and 4) amplify through sharing. It argues transmedia better leverages social relationships and sees consumers as complex beings who piece together information, while integrated marketing treats people simply and ignores how media suit different purposes.

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11 Game-Changing Sales Metrics & How/When to Use Them
11 Game-Changing Sales Metrics & How/When to Use Them 11 Game-Changing Sales Metrics & How/When to Use Them
11 Game-Changing Sales Metrics & How/When to Use Them

Sales metrics can help you drive more efficient growth by understanding bottlenecks and weak points in your business.


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Digital Marketing: Key Metrics with Jill Quick & Dave Chaffey

  • 1. Digital Marketing Priorities 2016 Brought to you by: Digital Marketing: Key Metrics Jill Quick Data Driven Digital Marketing Consultant and Trainer Break down the jargon, and understand the concepts needed for a solid data driven approach for your marketing. Learn how to build a KPI dashboard with the right metrics, with insights from key industry influencers, for you to find nuggets of insights that drive your business in a profitable direction.
  • 4. Coming soon… Google Analytics API – Google Sheets dashboard for Expert members
  • 6. 6  We need to get better at this data-drive-metrics-malarkey  A framework for your digital metric planning:RACE  What key metrics should you use?  The good, bad, lagging, leading and casual metrics  Why is this hard work?  Where to go from here, next steps and tips to create your KPI dashboard Agenda
  • 7. 7 About Me  Digital Marketing Consultant and Trainer  Data Driven Approach supporting established brands, start ups and small businesses to make the most out of digital  Lead Instructor at General Assembly  Author for Smart Insights  Loves finding that ‘aha moment’ that drives growth @jillquick
  • 8. 8 You are not the colouring in department  The ability to track ROI gives marketing respect  Finding insights backed up by data gives you a competitive edge
  • 9. 9 Stages of Accountability Denial marketing is an art not a science Fear what if my marketing doesn't impact revenue? Self promotion hey come see all my charts Confusion i know i should measure, i just don't know how Accountability revenue starts with marketing
  • 10. 10 What stage are you? Where would you say you are in terms of your stage of marketing accountability? 1 – Denial 2 – Fear 3 – Confusion 4 – Self-Promotion 5 – Full Accountability NOTE: There is one answer only per vote
  • 11. 11 The Lingo  A metric is a number that gives you information about an aspect if your business.  Dimensions are attributes that give context to what your metrics are measuring. More formally: dimensions are qualitative characteristics, identifying the who, where, and when of a particular metric Dimensions Metrics
  • 12. 12 What is a KPI? A KPI is a “promoted metrics” unique to your business
  • 13. 13 What are you trying to achieve? CurationMe Content SaaS Business Business Objectives Sell more online subscriptions Keep more customers Up sell basic users to next package Goal More Sales Reduce churn by 20% Upgrade packages KPI MMR Churn Rate Purchased Upgrades Best Case Worst Case £20,000 £10,000 25% 15% 50 accounts p/m 20 accounts p/m
  • 14. 14 Micro Goals  Share content via social media  Subscribe to newsletter  Watch video  Play game  Use calculators  Livechat  Customise a product  Add product to cart  View special content  Store location  Property search
  • 15. 15 Are you tracking everything? RACE Macro & Micro Goals Tracking/Goal Type Tracking Reach Scroll Read Event Tracking Bounce Rate Dimension in GA Act Read Blog Dimensions in GA Watch Video Event Tracking Live Chat Event Tracking Social Share Event Tracking Convert Create Account Destination URL Goal Activate Account Destination URL Goal Free Trial Destination URL Goal Engage Buy Subscriptions Destination URL Goal Repeat Purchase Destination URL Goal Upgrade Package Event Tracking
  • 16. 16 What do these guys say?
  • 17. 17 If you could take 5 to the board?  Customer Lifetime Value  Cost of Customer Acquisition  Churn/Retention Rate by Cohort  Growth Rate (of customers and revenue)  Traffic & Customer Acquisition by Channel Rand Fishkin Wizard of Moz
  • 18. 18 Metric Overview CUSTOMER LIFETIME In marketing, customer lifetime value (CLV or often CLTV), lifetime customer value (LCV), or life-time value (LTV) is a prediction of the net profit attributed to the entire future relationship with a customer.
  • 19. 19 Metric Overview LIFETIME VALUE (LTV) Roughly defined, LTV is the projected revenue that a customer will generate during their lifetime. This is just looking at Simple LTV Annual profit contribution per customer x average number of years that they remain a customer - the cost of customer acquisition.
  • 20. 20 Metric Overview EXAMPLE Average subscriber is 14 months based on your churn rate CPA is £50 They spend £14.96 Your lifetime value is 14.96 * 14 = £209.44 - cost to acquire £50 = £159.44
  • 21. 21 If you could take 5 to the board?  Commitment / Brand Love  Share of wallet  Channel preference  Spend/Frequency  Coverage (what proportion of spend the top x% of customers account for) Edwina Dunn CEO Startcount
  • 22. 22 Metric Overview How do you calculate Purchase Frequency? You can work out your purchase frequency by using this simple calculation. You can define your time periods to one that best fits with your business model, here I have just gone ahead with a 1 year period. This metric is going to tell you the average number of times that your customers are making a purchase with you over your chosen time period. Your Total Orders (365 days) / Unique customers (365 days) = Purchase Frequency If you want to understand the time between your customers purchased use this formula to see how long a typical customer takes before making a repeat purchase. 365 days / purchase frequency = time between purchases
  • 23. 23 If you could take 5 to the board?  Sales Made  Cost of Acquisition  Monthly Recurring Revenue  Church Value in £ and # of clients  Sales Pipeline / Forecast with Dates Tink Taylor Founder Dot Mailer
  • 24. 24 Metric Overview How quickly are your customers leaving you. It is cheaper and easier to retain customers than it is to get new ones. Monitor churn to understand how good you are at keeping your customers. Customers Lost during x period/starting customers = churn rate % CHURN
  • 25. 25 If you could take 5 to the board?  Increased Revenue  Lowered Costs  Improved Customer Satisfaction (NPS)  Increased Capabilities Jim Sterne Founder eMetrics Summit & Digital Analytics Association
  • 26. 26 Metric Overview The NPS system gives you a percentage, based on the classification that respondents fall into—from Detractors to Promoters. NET PROMOTOR SCORE
  • 27. 27 Metric Overview NET PROMOTOR SCORE So to calculate the percentage, follow these steps: Enter all of the survey responses into an Excel spreadsheet. Now, break down the responses by Detractors, Passives, and Promoters. Add up the total responses from each group. To get the percentage, take the group total and divide it by the total number of survey responses. Now, subtract the percentage total of Detractors from the percentage total of Promoters—this is your NPS score.
  • 28. 28 Metric Overview NET PROMOTOR SCORE (Number of Promoters — Number of Detractors) / (Number of Respondents) x 100 Example: If you received 100 responses to your survey: 10 responses were in the 0–6 range (Detractors) 20 responses were in the 7–8 range (Passives) 70 responses were in the 9–10 range (Promoters) When you calculate the percentages for each group, you get 10%, 20%, and 70% respectively. To finish up, subtract 10% (Detractors) from 70% (Promoters),
  • 29. 29 If you could take 5 to the board?  Ratio of Daily Average Users: Monthly Average Users (DAU:MAU)  CPA: Cost Per Acquisition  CLT: Customer Lifetime Value  Customer Referral Rate  Customer Churn Matthew Eisner Global Marketing Manager at Startup Bootcamp
  • 30. 30 Metric Overview VIRAL GROWTH FACTOR: K How likely are your users to send on to a friend/ referrals ? I = number of invites sent by each customer C = the percent conversion of each invite K = I*C
  • 31. 31 Metric Overview WHAT IS VIRAL? Situation 1 1250 users send 2000 invites (2000/1250) = 1.6 580 convert as customers (580/2000) = 0.29 1.6*0.29 = 0.464 Situation 2 1250 users send 2000 invites (2000/1250) = 1.6 1250 convert as customers (580/2000) = 0.625 1.6*0.625 = 1
  • 32. 32 Good and Bad Metrics VANITY METRICS Feel good measurements to justify marketing spend  Facebook likes  Number of names gathered at a trade show When metrics go wrong…
  • 33. 33 Good and Bad Metrics FOCUS ON QUANTITY, NOT QUALITY We have a database of 50,000 people We created 1 million leads, yadayadayada….. When metrics go wrong…
  • 34. 34 Good and Bad Metrics ACTIVITY, NOT RESULTS Activity is easy to see and measure. Your boss may see this as just costs going out of the door. When metrics go wrong… FINANCE METRICS Revenue metrics Incremental contributions of individual marketing programmes.
  • 35. 35 Good and Bad Metrics LAGGING VS LEADING Lagging metrics: Historical, shows you how you are doing, its like reporting the news, its happened. E.g. sales this month Leading metrics: Forward looking, number today that predicts tomorrow. EG pipeline When metrics go right…
  • 36. 36 Correlated and Casual Metrics Correlated: Two Variables that are related - but may be dependent on something else. E.g. Ice cream and drowning Causal: An independent variable that directly impacts a dependent one. E.g. summertime and drowning
  • 37. 37 Find a leading, casual metric… …Find Your Superpower
  • 38. 38 Paired Metrics Consider matching your KPI with a paired metric Eg if your KPI is to shorten time on customer enquiries you should pair this with customer satisfaction.
  • 39. 39 Remember… If it won’t change how you behave, it’s a bad metric.
  • 42. 42 What To Do WHO ARE YOU REPORTING TO, WHAT DO THEY WANT TO SEE? Your VP of marketing may want… Reach = Events per session Act = Number of Free Trials Convert = Return on Investment Engage = Churn Rate Your CFO may want… Reach = Cost per Visitor Act = Cost per Acquisition Convert = Return on Investment Engage = Monthly Recurring Revenue
  • 44. Your questions please? All members can also ask questions through our ‘Answers’ community

Editor's Notes

  1. Relate to different roles of attendees and to introduce
  2. if we are going to change the way people see marketing, as the rev maker not revenue taker then we must get better at
  3. credit to Marketo 5 stages of accountability from 2007
  4. Pool ask people on the webinar where they are.
  5. More formally: metrics are quantitative measures, describing events or trends on a website. Metrics typically look at two aspects: scale (or volume) and efficiency. Scale tend to be regular numbers, such as Visits or Time-On-Site. Efficiency are expressed as a ratio, as with Return-On-Investment (ROI) or Average Order Value (AOV).
  6. A KPIs can be UNIQUE to your business. Best practices" are what works well for most businesses in a given industry. example AOV metrics you could report on for commerce - number of orders, conversion rate , AOV
  7. identify your objectives do you have a goal to show the metric has happened what is the kph for that goal set expectations - best case worst case
  8. macro and micro goals map it all to race what type of tracking do you need to see if it is working and then check to see if its tracked or not
  9. Knowing this, would you up the budget? would you invest in keeping them for 15 months ?
  10. Churn/Retention Rate by Cohort Growth Rate (of customers and revenue) Traffic & Customer Acquisition by Channel
  11. Net Promoter or Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a management tool that can be used to gauge the loyalty of a firm's customer relationships. It serves as an alternative to traditional customer satisfaction research and claims to be correlated with revenue growth.
  12. Net Promoter or Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a management tool that can be used to gauge the loyalty of a firm's customer relationships. It serves as an alternative to traditional customer satisfaction research and claims to be correlated with revenue growth.
  13. Vanity. don't just measure whats easy Marketers can sometimes end up using metrics that stand in for the big ones…….like profit and revenue
  14. Too many cooks…
  15. costs going out of the door frame the question - what you do links back to the bottom line. Revenue metrics - the impact marketing has on company performance Marketing programme performance metrics - incremental contributions of individual marketing programmes. Don't forget about your cohorts and segmentation