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For CMOs, CDOs, CIOs and CFOs
Conversion Rate
A ratio that shows on average how many leads turn
into paying customers.

Know if your sales process works or not.
Share of Voice
The proportion of the total
audience commanded by a
media group or a brand across
its full range of media activities.

Share of Voice shows where
you rank compared to your
competitors when people talk
Your Company’s advertising for a given
about your industry advertising for a
given product.

Total cost of generating one lead either in total
or from a specific lead generation campaign.

Generating leads needs to be as
efficient as possible.

Total investment on marketing campaigns /
total leads generated.

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How To (Really) Get Into MarketingHow To (Really) Get Into Marketing
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Inside this guide, you'll learn an insiders tips and techniques to getting into the marketing industry - no job applications necessary. You'll learn what marketing really is, why you'll find a job easily, what entry level marketing jobs look like and four actionable things you can try right now to help get you into the marketing industry. Visit and the community jobs board to find opportunities and connect with professional marketers from all over.

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The Art & Science of Growth Hacking
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Building a Sales and Marketing machine for a B2B software company involves many functions working together. This slide deck explores the process of funnel design that is highly buyer centric. It looks at the Buyer journey, and how to successfully construct a buying process that they buyer will enjoy going through, which is very different from the typical sale process that is designed from the vendors standpoint, and fails because the buyer is not motivated to go through the steps.

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This document provides "sales skills" tips for college admissions professionals, framed as a top 10 list. It emphasizes listening to prospective students, researching them in advance, communicating value over features, discussing costs openly, providing appropriate marketing messages, focusing on building relationships over individual transactions, and getting comfortable with telling students they are not the right fit for the school. The overall message is that admissions requires business and sales skills to match the right students to the right academic programs.

Social Interactions
The number of total interactions your social media
account received over a specific time period.

Focus on increasing your social interactions
to build rapport with your network.
Social Media Page Views
The number of times a web page is
viewed as a result of being directed
from a social media channel.

Focusing on social media led page views
enables you to understand what content
truly resonates with your audience.
The rate at which your
followers take your
content and share it
through their network.

Higher the amplification
rate, the further the content
will reach.
Number of leads generated / number of contacts made
Lead Volume

Amount of leads that you are receiving
from campaigns.

Know what programs are the
most effective and conduct
real-time measurements.

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Growth Hacking
Growth HackingGrowth Hacking
Growth Hacking

This document discusses growth hacking strategies used by early internet companies like Hotmail to achieve rapid growth. It defines growth hacking as a set of tactics and best practices for acquiring, activating, and retaining users. Some key tactics discussed include viral growth, A/B testing landing pages, optimizing the user lifecycle funnel, and identifying bottlenecks. The document provides examples of notable growth hacks from companies like Dropbox, Path, and Eventbrite.

startupslean startupmarketing
How to increase sales force productivity
How to increase sales force productivityHow to increase sales force productivity
How to increase sales force productivity

This presentation contains tips on how productivity of the sales force can be improved in a business organization. Business organizations and managers often think about how they can get more out of their sales force. I hope you will find this useful if you are in that category

Edu4Sure - Google Ads Fundamentals
Edu4Sure - Google Ads FundamentalsEdu4Sure - Google Ads Fundamentals
Edu4Sure - Google Ads Fundamentals

This document provides an overview of Google Ads and how to set up campaign tracking and measurement. It discusses: 1. The different types of Google Ads campaigns including Search, Display, Video, Shopping and App campaigns. 2. How to set up conversion tracking to measure goals like sales, leads, or app installs. This includes setting conversion actions and attribution models. 3. Key reporting metrics for measuring campaign performance like conversions, cost per conversion, conversion rate and view-through conversions. 4. Tips for calculating return on investment and understanding time-based conversion data.

conversion tracking adwordsgoogle ads searchcampaign types
Lead Origination
The first contact point for a new lead.

Understand what activities
influence your pipeline.
by Channel
Change in the number of followers
for a given social media account.

Different channels will grow at
different rates. Focus your
efforts on what is working.
Return on

Provides critical performance assessment
of marketing campaigns relative to the
marketing spend.

Quick, meaningful measurement
of campaign success.
Market Share

Market share is your company’s
percentage of an industry or market’s
total sales over a specified time period.

Validates your position in the market
and helps you fine-tune your overall
marketing plan.

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Facebook Advertising Presentation
Facebook Advertising PresentationFacebook Advertising Presentation
Facebook Advertising Presentation

This document provides tips and trends for using Facebook effectively as a marketing tool. It discusses determining Facebook goals aligned with an organization's mission, understanding audiences through Facebook Insights, overcoming throttling of organic reach, and optimizing posts for higher engagement. It also covers using Facebook advertising such as boosting posts, building audiences, retargeting website visitors, and tracking conversions. The key aspects are knowing the target audience, posting engaging content, and learning from metrics to improve reach and engagement over time through paid advertising strategies.

facebook advertisingfacebook
SEO proposal
SEO proposalSEO proposal
SEO proposal

This document provides a proposal for search engine optimization (SEO) services. The 6-month program aims to increase website traffic and visibility through on-page and off-page optimization across six stages: evaluation and planning, execution, implementation, completion, off-page optimization, and monitoring. The proposal details each stage's process and deliverables. It guarantees submission to major search engines and directories, inclusion of client keywords, and that no black hat SEO techniques will be used. The total cost is Rs. 5000 per month.

best seo proposal for client pdfseo proposalseo proposal examples
The power of creative collaboration
The power of creative collaborationThe power of creative collaboration
The power of creative collaboration

This document discusses better collaboration between agencies and clients. It notes that historically, agencies did not provide clients with a full understanding of the creative process or ideas, and clients did not know how to properly evaluate work. It advocates that agencies start presentations with the agreed upon creative brief to provide necessary context before presenting ideas. Agencies should tell a story that bridges the brief to the final idea, giving clients a complete understanding. The document also provides models for properly evaluating ideas and ensuring collaborative discussions between agencies and clients.


A specific type of cost-per-action program
where advertisers pay for each time a user
clicks on an ad or link.

How valuable is each online ad
you post?
CPM (Cost per 1,000 impressions) / (1000 × Click Through Rate)

PageRank is an algorithm used by the
Google web search engine to rank websites in their search engine results. 80%
of traffic to your sites is organic. Optimize
your online presence for optimal ranking.

Do you have the most
relevant content when a
prospect looks for
Organic Search
Results of viewers that visit your
site due to non-paid search results.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) drives
better organic search results.

A count of how many different
people access your web site
in a given amount of time.

Marketer’s goal should be
to increase the number of
unique visitors to the site
to expand market reach.

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SEO-off page optimization technique SEO-off page optimization technique
SEO-off page optimization technique

learn and understand few techniques of how seo off page optimization will help improve traffic on your website.

digital marketingeducationonline marketing
How to find new customers and increase sales
How to find new customers and increase salesHow to find new customers and increase sales
How to find new customers and increase sales

This document provides guidance on defining your target market and generating sales leads. It recommends answering questions about who will buy your product and what value you offer to define your audience. Existing customers should be marketed to through bundling products, upselling, discounts, and rewards to increase sales. Potential new customers can be identified by analyzing metrics on how current customers were obtained and networking, and various outreach strategies like advertising, affiliates, and websites can generate new leads.

SEO Roadmap
SEO RoadmapSEO Roadmap
SEO Roadmap

A brief overview of how Wiideman Consulting Group's new SEO Roadmap solution helps solve the problem of choosing an SEO agency over working on SEO in-house.

seoroadmapsearch engine optimization
Time on Site
How much time the average user
spends on your site.

An engaged viewer can turn into an
engaged customer.

A pageview is an instance of a page being
loaded by a browser. The Pageviews metric is
the total number of pages viewed; repeated
views of a single page are also counted.

Pageviews shows that your site
works well enough to allow the
viewer to go from one page to the
next. And you have content that
keeps them engaged.
Funnel Visualization
Helps track the movement of prospects
through different stages (new, engaged,
marketing qualified, sales accepted, sales
rejected, closed won) in the funnel.

Funnel visualization shows strengths and
weaknesses in the marketing/sales process.
Return Visits

How many unique visitors are returning
more than once in a given time period.

Returning visitors are a great
indicator of engagement.

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B2B isn't altruistic or glamorous. How can we spend our lives doing it and still feel good about ourselves?

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Search Engine Marketing 101
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Search Engine Marketing 101

The webinar covered search engine marketing strategies, including: 1) An overview of search engine marketing and the anatomy of search engine results pages, which include paid and organic search listings. 2) Details on optimizing for organic search through content targeting, user experience, and external links to a website. 3) How paid search works on a pay-per-click auction model and tips to improve quality scores without increasing budgets. 4) Key tips for 2015 like using negative keywords, rebuilding campaigns for quality score refreshes, and leveraging remarketing lists and link reclamation.

Inbound Marketing 101
Inbound Marketing 101Inbound Marketing 101
Inbound Marketing 101

A presentation I gave on July 10, 2009 for members of the Cape Cod Technology Council in Hyannis, MA. I gave an overview of inbound marketing, then got into the details of SEO, blogging, social media and measurement of the marketing and sales funnel.

Bounce Rate

A measurement of the number of users
who leave a web site after viewing only
one web page.

Bounce rate measures the
ineffectiveness of a page or site.
Quality Score

A score assigned by Google to each
keyword marketed that is calculated
from an ad’s click-through rate, keyword
relevance per keyword group and the
relevance of the landing page, which
Google accesses over 200 factors.

Those who achieve higher quality
scores are rewarded with top
placement and lower bid cost.
Conversion Rate
The percentage of time a website visit turns into
a lead or contact.

Is your site effective? Yes or No?
Traffic Growth

This metric cover changes in referral traffic and
referral traffic sources.

Referral traffic growth tells you where to refocus your efforts.

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Marketing Analytics 101: How to Measure the Effectiveness of Your Website
Marketing Analytics 101: How to Measure the Effectiveness of Your WebsiteMarketing Analytics 101: How to Measure the Effectiveness of Your Website
Marketing Analytics 101: How to Measure the Effectiveness of Your Website

You've started a blog, signed up for twitter, and set up a Facebook Business Page - now how do you know if it's working for you? This webinar will provide all the basics of how inbound marketing-driven businesses should measure the effectiveness of their online efforts. This includes understanding what Internet marketing metrics to measure and how to leverage this data to make key business decisions and improve the effectiveness of your website.

What are Digital Marketing Funnels?
What are Digital Marketing Funnels?What are Digital Marketing Funnels?
What are Digital Marketing Funnels?

For many years, marketers have trusted the digital marketing funnel as their go-to strategy for acquiring new customers. The digital landscape is shifting, and while a lot of people still believe in the funnel, there is a new alternative available now.

The (Ultimate) Guide for Marketplace Analytics
The (Ultimate) Guide for Marketplace AnalyticsThe (Ultimate) Guide for Marketplace Analytics
The (Ultimate) Guide for Marketplace Analytics

We divided the guide in 2 parts: (1) marketplace dynamics, where we try to grasp the overall picture, (2) marketplace KPIs, where we make a snapshot of the different parts of the business and look at them overtime. And as a super bonus, we’ve prepared an open-source dashboard (Google Spreadsheet) to structure your activity.

dashboardopen sourcemarketplace
Click-Through Rate
The number of click-throughs per ad impression,
expressed as a percentage.

Learn what is enticing people to click
on your ads, and repeat this success.
Inbound Link

Back links, also known as incoming links,
inbound links, inlinks, and inward links, are
incoming links to a website or web page.
They are a key component in improving
one’s website ranking.

Always focus on number of links coming to your
site and from where. A link from high ranked site
is worth more than low ranked site.
Social Media

Metric shows, on average, how often
you post a tweet or status update to a
certain network.

People want content from you
on a regular basis. Too much
and they tune you out, too little
and they forget you exist.
Trafficked Pages
The pages on your website that receive the
most web traffic.

Know what pages your visitors are
going to, and make sure those pages
lead to conversion.

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Growth Hacking 101: Growth Metrics, Lean Analytics & Growth Culture
Growth Hacking 101: Growth Metrics, Lean Analytics & Growth CultureGrowth Hacking 101: Growth Metrics, Lean Analytics & Growth Culture
Growth Hacking 101: Growth Metrics, Lean Analytics & Growth Culture

This document provides an overview of growth hacking and strategies for Anirudh Narayan, a growth hacker and manager. It outlines his professional experience managing marketing budgets, scaling marketing channels, expanding business operations, and founding a startup. The document also includes an agenda for a growth hacking presentation covering topics like defining growth hacking, identifying product-market fit, analytics metrics, A/B testing, and setting a growth culture.

growth hackinggrowthlean analytics
The Art of Metrics
The Art of MetricsThe Art of Metrics
The Art of Metrics

Notes on commonly missed aspects of designing an analytics strategy. The first part of the presentation deals with well known lean-startup principles that many new practitioners seem (from my personal experience) to consistently overlook. The second and third part deal with Churn and Customer Acquisition Cost, two important but not nice-looking metrics that startups seem to avoid or oversimplify because... they both "hurt". Presentation delivered at Balkan Venture Forum 2015 in Zagreb.

kpiscaccustomer acquisition costs
Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (DogPatch Labs, Boston, March 2010)
Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (DogPatch Labs, Boston, March 2010)Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (DogPatch Labs, Boston, March 2010)
Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (DogPatch Labs, Boston, March 2010)

The document provides an overview of startup metrics and models presented by Dave McClure at Dogpatch Labs Boston in March 2010. It discusses the AARRR pirate metrics model for measuring acquisition, activation, retention, referral, and revenue. It emphasizes the importance of defining key metrics and conversion funnels, testing marketing channels, and optimizing products and marketing using fast iteration and A/B testing to improve conversions.

dogpatchstartup metricsboston
Traffic by Device

What devices (PC, Tablet, Mobile etc.) were used
to access a web page or site the most.

Web pages look different on different devices. Make sure your
content is formatted properly for all prospects.
Total Website

The number of web visitors that took an action
that resulted in the conversion you wanted.

Getting visitors to convert is the true value of the site.
Campaign Influence
Directly shows what portion of overall customer
acquisition originated in Marketing and where
Marketing touched and nurtured the lead at any
point during the sales process.

What effect are marketing campaigns having
on driving/influencing customer acquisition?
Email Campaign
Open Rate
The number of emails that were received
and opened pertaining to your campaign.

Open rate is a measure of
relevance, and determines the
effectiveness of subject lines.

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Growth hacking and Data analysis

- what is difference between digital marketer and growth hacker? - how can we use growth hacking to increasing revenue ? - how can Data analysis can improve growth hacking process in your startup / company ? - how can company / startup using growth hacking step by step ? - is growth hacking hype or not ? - is growth hacking depend on person or not ? and the other answer about growth hacking ....

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Branch Metrics Company Values
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Branch Metrics Company Values

These are the Branch Company values - they guide how we work everyday and how we interact with each other, our customers, vendors and potential new team members.

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1st Prod.Active Meetup: "Product analytics 101" by George Voulgaris
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A bird’s-eye view on how end-to-end user experience analytics transform product design, development and management.

productuser experienceanalytics
Social Reach

How far your message reaches across
social media.

Demonstrates level of content viewership.
Unsubscribe Rate
The number of people that chose not to receive
anymore updates or alerts from your website or
email campaigns.

You never want to lose a viewer, but it
can be good to know what is driving
someone away from your content.
Total Indexed

This metric tells you how many pages on your site
are indexed by search engines.

Total indexed pages allows you to determine which landing
pages receive the highest percentage of visits.

One view or display of an ad. Ad reports list total
impressions per ad, which tells you the number
of times your ad was served by the search engine
when searchers entered your keywords (or viewed
a content page containing your keywords).

Impressions are a relative measure
of ad effectiveness.

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Finding the one growth metric that matters
Finding the one growth metric that mattersFinding the one growth metric that matters
Finding the one growth metric that matters

From social media to website analytics, there are literally hundreds of things you could track, measure and try to improve. But what is the one metric that if improved would mean a big win for your business? This deck will help you hone in on the metrics that really matter to your business. You’ll get their insights on the tools and strategies you need to find, prioritize and grow the numbers that will result in big wins for your business.

growth hackingmarketinggrowth hacker
Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (July 2011)
Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (July 2011)Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (July 2011)
Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (July 2011)

The document discusses startup metrics and provides an overview of the AARRR framework for tracking key metrics at different stages of a startup. It defines the stages as Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, and Revenue. For each stage, it lists example metrics to track, tools to use, and tips for optimization.

dave mccluremetricspirates
Silicon Valley 2.0: The Lean VC
Silicon Valley 2.0: The Lean VCSilicon Valley 2.0: The Lean VC
Silicon Valley 2.0: The Lean VC

The document discusses changes in technology platforms, venture capital, and startup incubation and metrics. Platforms now focus on distribution and monetization rather than just technology. Venture capital funds are smaller with fewer large funds, and there are more "super angels" and micro-VCs. Incubators make many small bets through quick experiments, focusing on metrics and fast failure to identify successes.

lean vcstartupsdave snowden
Referring URLs
Any link received by a web page from
another web page.

Referring URLs enhances
your share of voice.
Media Coverage
The number of media outlets that
discuss, report or critique your
company news in a given time period.

The more media pick-ups,
the more viewers will see
your news.
Click by Channel
The number of clicks on a specific link
that came from each individual social
media channel (Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn etc.).

Knowing how your visitors get
to your content tells you which
channels you should focus on.
Average Interactions
per Post
The average number of external interactions one
social media post receives.

Measuring interactions allow you shape theme and
direction of future content.

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9 Worst Practices in SaaS Metrics

A presentation about 9 mistakes that SaaS founders should avoid, with some practical advice on how (and why) to avoid them.

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Slack's Ali Rayl on Scaling Support for User Growth
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Slack's Ali Rayl on Scaling Support for User Growth

In this Heavybit Speaker Series Presentation, Ali Rayl talks about building Slack's Support Stack particularly after the company's exponential growth spikes. Ali Rayl is the Director of Quality and Support at Slack where she’s built the team to manage more than 5,000 corporate clients including Stripe, Rdio, Medium, Airbnb, Expedia and Buzzfeed. In the past she was the Director of QA at Songbird — an open-source cross platform music player built on Mozilla’s XULRunner and GStreamer. Full Video available Here:

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Lean Analytics Cycle
Lean Analytics CycleLean Analytics Cycle
Lean Analytics Cycle

The document discusses the lean analytics cycle of metrics, hypothesis, experiment, and act. It provides examples of how Hello Bar used this process to improve their installation rate. They found a low installation rate in metrics, hypothesized that more options would increase installations, tested this in an experiment, and achieved a 40% increase. Through dozens of experiments, their rate increased by 89%. The document encourages analyzing metrics to find opportunities, forming hypotheses through research, rigorously testing hypotheses, and making data-driven decisions.

product designtestinglean startup
Advertising Value
Equivalency (AVE)
What your editorial coverage would cost if it were
advertising space (or time).

Although it appears to be evaluative, the dollar-denominated
calculations have nothing to do with profitability, and can confuse
senior managers who are not familiar with marketing metrics.
Marketing-Qualified Lead
A lead that is more qualified to turn over for
sales follow-up because of their activity.

MQLs help sales prioritize lead
follow-up driving more efficient
pipeline creation.
Keyword Ranking
by Position

The position of your content in the search
results with the specific keyword you’re
searching for on a search engine.


Allows you to see where your content with
specific keywords ranks compared to
other content. A lower ranking indicates a
need for better SEO.
Drop-Off Rate

The number of visitors or attendees who left
the conversion process without completing it.

Drop-off rate shows you where
prospects stop the sales process,
often pointing out a weakness in
your strategy.

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Contently Pitch Deck
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Contently Pitch Deck

Find more pitch decks at:

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Pendo Series B Investor Deck External
Pendo Series B Investor Deck ExternalPendo Series B Investor Deck External
Pendo Series B Investor Deck External

Pendo is a Raleigh, NC-based company founded in 2013 that provides an integrated platform for capturing user behavior data, providing product analytics, and delivering personalized in-app guidance. The platform helps various teams across organizations like customer success, marketing, engineering, and product management. Some key customers highlighted in the presentation include Infor, Sprinklr, and Henry Schein. Pendo is targeting continued growth in annual recurring revenue and moving further upmarket towards larger enterprise customers. The company is seeking a $15 million Series B funding round in Q1 of fiscal year 2018.

Intercom's first pitch deck!
Intercom's first pitch deck!Intercom's first pitch deck!
Intercom's first pitch deck!

From a LONG time ago. Late 2011. When raising $600k was a monumental task. And when I thought it could get us to profitability!

Tells in what tone or context (positive, negative
or neutral) people are discussing your brand in.

By ignoring negative or even positive
sentiment, you’re missing key opportunities to engage consumers and build
brand advocates.

People who receive regular automatic updates to
your blog, website or mailing list.

These people have let you
know that they want to receive
your content.
Media Tone

The tone (positive, neutral or negative)
of your media coverage.

Most media coverage can be expected
to be neutral, but you should try and
minimize anyof closed deals that marketing touched once /
negative coverage.
total number of closed deals.
Data Quality

Poor data quality is one of the key contributors to
marketing campaign effectiveness.

Data quality management is not only critical
for the success of marketing automation, it’s
also a key for customer satisfaction.

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Front series A deck
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Front series A deck

This is the deck I used for our series A. We ended up raising $10M with Social Capital, Stewart Butterfield and a few others.

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Mattermark 2nd (Final) Series A Deck

This was our final Series A deck. Read more about raising the round in this blog post:

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Mixpanel - Our pitch deck that we used to raise $65M
Mixpanel - Our pitch deck that we used to raise $65MMixpanel - Our pitch deck that we used to raise $65M
Mixpanel - Our pitch deck that we used to raise $65M

To learn more:

Visitor Demographics
Tells you the country,
city, language and other
demographic information
that pertains to your
website visitors.

Visitor demographics can help you curate content specific to a
certain area or language if you’re seeing high viewership rates.
Lets you understand who’s reading your content from where.
Sales Pipeline
Marketing-sourced measures % of leads in pipeline uniquely
created by marketing. Marketing-influenced is % of leads
touched at least once by marketing during the sales process.

How effective are marketing campaigns at
influencing pipeline.

The total participants who accepted an
offer on a marketing campaign divided
by the total audience.

How effective was your offer
or messaging?

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50 Digital Marketing Metrics for CMOs, CDOs, CIOs and CFOs

  • 2. Lead-to-Customer Conversion Rate A ratio that shows on average how many leads turn into paying customers. Know if your sales process works or not.
  • 3. Share of Voice The proportion of the total audience commanded by a media group or a brand across its full range of media activities. Share of Voice shows where you rank compared to your competitors when people talk Your Company’s advertising for a given about your industry advertising for a industry. product/Total given product.
  • 4. CPL – Cost-per-Lead Total cost of generating one lead either in total or from a specific lead generation campaign. Generating leads needs to be as efficient as possible. Total investment on marketing campaigns / total leads generated.
  • 5. Social Interactions The number of total interactions your social media account received over a specific time period. Focus on increasing your social interactions to build rapport with your network.
  • 6. Social Media Page Views The number of times a web page is viewed as a result of being directed from a social media channel. Focusing on social media led page views enables you to understand what content truly resonates with your audience.
  • 7. Amplification Rate The rate at which your followers take your content and share it through their network. Higher the amplification rate, the further the content will reach. Number of leads generated / number of contacts made
  • 8. Lead Volume Amount of leads that you are receiving from campaigns. Know what programs are the most effective and conduct real-time measurements.
  • 9. Lead Origination The first contact point for a new lead. Understand what activities influence your pipeline.
  • 10. Follower Growth by Channel Change in the number of followers for a given social media account. Different channels will grow at different rates. Focus your efforts on what is working.
  • 11. Return on Marketing Investment Provides critical performance assessment of marketing campaigns relative to the marketing spend. Quick, meaningful measurement of campaign success.
  • 12. Market Share Market share is your company’s percentage of an industry or market’s total sales over a specified time period. Validates your position in the market and helps you fine-tune your overall marketing plan.
  • 13. CPC – Cost-per-Click A specific type of cost-per-action program where advertisers pay for each time a user clicks on an ad or link. How valuable is each online ad you post? CPM (Cost per 1,000 impressions) / (1000 × Click Through Rate)
  • 14. PageRank PageRank is an algorithm used by the Google web search engine to rank websites in their search engine results. 80% of traffic to your sites is organic. Optimize your online presence for optimal ranking. Do you have the most relevant content when a prospect looks for information?
  • 15. Organic Search Results of viewers that visit your site due to non-paid search results. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) drives better organic search results.
  • 16. Unique Visits A count of how many different people access your web site in a given amount of time. Marketer’s goal should be to increase the number of unique visitors to the site to expand market reach.
  • 17. Time on Site How much time the average user spends on your site. An engaged viewer can turn into an engaged customer.
  • 18. PageViews A pageview is an instance of a page being loaded by a browser. The Pageviews metric is the total number of pages viewed; repeated views of a single page are also counted. Pageviews shows that your site works well enough to allow the viewer to go from one page to the next. And you have content that keeps them engaged.
  • 19. Funnel Visualization Helps track the movement of prospects through different stages (new, engaged, marketing qualified, sales accepted, sales rejected, closed won) in the funnel. Funnel visualization shows strengths and weaknesses in the marketing/sales process.
  • 20. Return Visits How many unique visitors are returning more than once in a given time period. Returning visitors are a great indicator of engagement.
  • 21. Bounce Rate A measurement of the number of users who leave a web site after viewing only one web page. Bounce rate measures the ineffectiveness of a page or site.
  • 22. Quality Score A score assigned by Google to each keyword marketed that is calculated from an ad’s click-through rate, keyword relevance per keyword group and the relevance of the landing page, which Google accesses over 200 factors. Those who achieve higher quality scores are rewarded with top placement and lower bid cost.
  • 23. CVR – Conversion Rate The percentage of time a website visit turns into a lead or contact. Is your site effective? Yes or No?
  • 24. Referral Traffic Growth This metric cover changes in referral traffic and referral traffic sources. Referral traffic growth tells you where to refocus your efforts.
  • 25. CTR – Click-Through Rate The number of click-throughs per ad impression, expressed as a percentage. Learn what is enticing people to click on your ads, and repeat this success.
  • 26. Inbound Link Back links, also known as incoming links, inbound links, inlinks, and inward links, are incoming links to a website or web page. They are a key component in improving one’s website ranking. Always focus on number of links coming to your site and from where. A link from high ranked site is worth more than low ranked site.
  • 27. Social Media Publishing Volume Metric shows, on average, how often you post a tweet or status update to a certain network. People want content from you on a regular basis. Too much and they tune you out, too little and they forget you exist.
  • 28. Highest Trafficked Pages The pages on your website that receive the most web traffic. Know what pages your visitors are going to, and make sure those pages lead to conversion.
  • 29. Traffic by Device What devices (PC, Tablet, Mobile etc.) were used to access a web page or site the most. Web pages look different on different devices. Make sure your content is formatted properly for all prospects.
  • 30. Total Website Conversions The number of web visitors that took an action that resulted in the conversion you wanted. Getting visitors to convert is the true value of the site.
  • 31. Marketing-Originated Campaign Influence Directly shows what portion of overall customer acquisition originated in Marketing and where Marketing touched and nurtured the lead at any point during the sales process. What effect are marketing campaigns having on driving/influencing customer acquisition?
  • 32. Email Campaign Open Rate The number of emails that were received and opened pertaining to your campaign. Open rate is a measure of relevance, and determines the effectiveness of subject lines.
  • 33. Social Reach How far your message reaches across social media. Demonstrates level of content viewership.
  • 34. Unsubscribe Rate The number of people that chose not to receive anymore updates or alerts from your website or email campaigns. You never want to lose a viewer, but it can be good to know what is driving someone away from your content.
  • 35. Total Indexed Pages This metric tells you how many pages on your site are indexed by search engines. Total indexed pages allows you to determine which landing pages receive the highest percentage of visits.
  • 36. Impressions One view or display of an ad. Ad reports list total impressions per ad, which tells you the number of times your ad was served by the search engine when searchers entered your keywords (or viewed a content page containing your keywords). Impressions are a relative measure of ad effectiveness.
  • 37. Referring URLs Any link received by a web page from another web page. Referring URLs enhances your share of voice.
  • 38. Media Coverage The number of media outlets that discuss, report or critique your company news in a given time period. The more media pick-ups, the more viewers will see your news.
  • 39. Click by Channel The number of clicks on a specific link that came from each individual social media channel (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.). Knowing how your visitors get to your content tells you which channels you should focus on.
  • 40. Average Interactions per Post The average number of external interactions one social media post receives. Measuring interactions allow you shape theme and direction of future content.
  • 41. Advertising Value Equivalency (AVE) What your editorial coverage would cost if it were advertising space (or time). Although it appears to be evaluative, the dollar-denominated calculations have nothing to do with profitability, and can confuse senior managers who are not familiar with marketing metrics.
  • 42. Marketing-Qualified Lead A lead that is more qualified to turn over for sales follow-up because of their activity. MQLs help sales prioritize lead follow-up driving more efficient pipeline creation.
  • 43. Keyword Ranking by Position The position of your content in the search results with the specific keyword you’re searching for on a search engine. Formula Allows you to see where your content with specific keywords ranks compared to other content. A lower ranking indicates a need for better SEO.
  • 44. Drop-Off Rate The number of visitors or attendees who left the conversion process without completing it. Drop-off rate shows you where prospects stop the sales process, often pointing out a weakness in your strategy.
  • 45. Customer Sentiment Tells in what tone or context (positive, negative or neutral) people are discussing your brand in. By ignoring negative or even positive sentiment, you’re missing key opportunities to engage consumers and build brand advocates.
  • 46. Subscribers People who receive regular automatic updates to your blog, website or mailing list. These people have let you know that they want to receive your content.
  • 47. Media Tone The tone (positive, neutral or negative) of your media coverage. Most media coverage can be expected to be neutral, but you should try and minimize anyof closed deals that marketing touched once / negative coverage. Number total number of closed deals.
  • 48. Data Quality Poor data quality is one of the key contributors to marketing campaign effectiveness. Data quality management is not only critical for the success of marketing automation, it’s also a key for customer satisfaction.
  • 49. Visitor Demographics Tells you the country, city, language and other demographic information that pertains to your website visitors. Visitor demographics can help you curate content specific to a certain area or language if you’re seeing high viewership rates. Lets you understand who’s reading your content from where.
  • 50. Marketing-Influenced Sales Pipeline Marketing-sourced measures % of leads in pipeline uniquely created by marketing. Marketing-influenced is % of leads touched at least once by marketing during the sales process. How effective are marketing campaigns at influencing pipeline.
  • 51. Acquisition Rate The total participants who accepted an offer on a marketing campaign divided by the total audience. How effective was your offer or messaging?