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The 6 Metrics Every Subscription Business Needs to Track
The 6 Metrics Every Subscription Business Needs to TrackThe 6 Metrics Every Subscription Business Needs to Track
The 6 Metrics Every Subscription Business Needs to Track

• 3. We’ll cover...1 The metrics we like to track...2 The metrics we NEED to track3 Q&A • 4. WHY DO METRICSMatter? • 5. They tell us if we’re succeeding • 6. Great metrics help us work on the right projects • 7. THE METRICS WE LIKEToo Much • 8. Total users • 9. Pageviews and visitors • 10. Vanity metrics are a distraction • 11. We need metrics that track our business • 12. Metric #1 MONTHLY RECURRING Revenue • 13. What is monthly recurring revenue (MRR)? • 14. SaaS depends heavily on recurring revenue All your costs are up front. And it takes a long time to turn a profit on a customer. • 15. MRR best practices • 16. Metric #2 USER AND REVENUE Churn • 17. Churn is the percentage of people that bail • 18. High churn = pain, low churn = win • 19. Churn starts low but grows quickly If customer growth is constant, churn will eventually match it. You’ll stop growing. • 20. 100 new customers per month at 10% churn 800 600 Customers 400 200 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar • 21. High churn = improve your product • 22. Once you have control of churn... To keep growing, you’ll need to acquire customers faster every month. • 23. Churn best practices • 24. Metric #3 AVERAGE REVENUE PER Customer • 25. Average revenue per customer • 26. Up-sells and cross-sells are the key • 27. Up-selling = get them on a higher plan • 28. Cross-selling = sell more stuff • 29. Average revenue best practices • 30. Metric #4 LIFETIME Value • 31. There are many different ways to calculate LTV LTV combines current revenue with churn to predict how much you’ll earn in the future. • 32. Different from average revenue per customer? • 33. LTV best practices • 34. Metric #5 COST PER Acquisition • 35. What’s the cost to acquire a new customer? • 36. The importance of CPA • 37. Get CPA for each marketing campaign • 38. CPA best practices • 39. Metric #6 THE SIGNUP Funnel • 40. Track each step to becoming a customer • 41. Don’t forget to track activation Activation = Someone uses a core part of your product for the first time • 42. Funnel best practices • 43. CAN WE TRACK THESE IN Analytics? • 44. Google Analytics can’t track any of this. • 45. You need to connect revenue to customers. • 46. A customer analytics revenue report • 47. We can also segment by traffic source • 48. Where do we get customer analytics? • 49. Two metrics you’ll need to pull by hand (for now) • 50. KISSmetrics will track these metrics for you

Testing Makes Perfect: A Case Study in Onsite Optimizations
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Ve Interactive, US and Avangate deep-dive into a client case study and discuss the onsite optimizations that drove a 34% mo/mo revenue increase for client, Kingsoft.

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The Blueprint to Account-Based Marketing (Webinar)
The Blueprint to Account-Based Marketing (Webinar)The Blueprint to Account-Based Marketing (Webinar)
The Blueprint to Account-Based Marketing (Webinar)

Featuring Julia Stead, Director of Demand Generation at Invoca, and Jim Hopkins, Product Marketing Manager at Salesforce, learn how they followed the #FlipMyFunnel model for account-based marketing to do ABM at scale.

b2baccount-based marketingb2b marketing
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Featured	Speakers
Andrew	Gaffney
Editorial	Director
Demand	Gen	Report
Matt	Zelen
Chief	Customer	Officer
Act-On	Software
• Overview of CLV/CAC ratio and
why it’s important
• Understanding Customer Lifetime
Value (CLV) &
Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
• How to use the CLV/CAC ratio in
day-to-day marketing decisions

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Ryan Brennan
Ryan Brennan Ryan Brennan
Ryan Brennan

This document summarizes the creative approach and growth hacking strategies used by WB Games for one of their mobile games. It discusses testing and optimizing different elements of the game's marketing and monetization funnel over 2018, including store redesign, creative optimization, channel optimization, and exploring new audiences. The results were large increases in key metrics like conversions, installs, and revenue, showing how testing and optimizing each part of the funnel can lead to significant growth when combined into a comprehensive strategy.

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More than 200 billion emails are sent every day and 65 billion of those are marketing messages. But click-to-open rates can be as low as 1%. Check out this SlideShare to learn how we can make email marketing better and improve response and conversion.

roiemail marketingmarketing strategy
Introducing Smart Targets - SMX London 2020
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This document provides an overview of setting smart targets for paid search campaigns to maximize profitability. It discusses moving from fixed budget mindsets to focusing on return on ad spend (ROAS) or cost per acquisition (CPA) targets based on relevant business inputs. These inputs include profit margin, percentage of margin willing to invest in acquisition, and lead-to-sale conversion rates. The document also provides guidance on calculating smart targets, health checking targets and CPCs, integrating advertising data with CRM systems, and using smart bidding to explore efficiency and volume tradeoffs. The goal is to set targets grounded in an understanding of actual business metrics and profitability.

ppcsemgoogle ads
Modern B2B
marketers have
learned to coexist
with chaos
Marketers are inundated
with metrics that offer
countless ways to dissect and
evaluate their campaigns
CLV/CAC: The Formula to Find
‘True North’ on Your Marketing
Did your business make more money
from a customer than it spent to
acquire that customer?
The Formula to Find ‘True North’ on Your Marketing Map
“The expected lifetime value of a
customer represents the maximum
allowable acquisition cost of that
customer. Then using those numbers,
you can craft a marketing budget that is
related to firm profitability versus some
fussier method of budgeting for
marketing expenses.”
—Ruth Stevens, President, eMarketing Strategy
“ “

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Megan Ketchum
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The document discusses how misalignment between marketing and sales costs businesses $1 trillion annually in wasted productivity. It advocates for a new approach where marketing and sales target the same audiences by deciding on ideal customer profiles, building contact information in CRMs, and exposing marketing activity in CRMs. The keys to success are said to be focusing on shared audiences, building trust between marketing and sales through relationships and feedback loops, and optimizing processes and performance metrics end-to-end. Companies that align marketing and sales see faster revenue and margin growth as well as higher customer retention and win rates.

CLV/CAC Can Help
Answer Crucial
Are you finding your most valuable
Are you targeting them effectively?
Are you making the most of the relationship
once you win their business?3.
Part I: Understanding CLV
Customer Lifetime Value
The word “lifetime” is the one that
matters when looking at what the term
really means to marketers.
What is CLV?
Calculating CLV

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You’ve got your creative set and your nurture streams up and running. But how do you know what’s working--and more importantly--how to boost performance down the road? This webinar will walk you through how to take advantage of all the reporting available in Lead Accelerator, and apply this data to driving even more powerful results for your programs. Bill Buecksler, marketing automation consultant, walks you through the reporting capabilities of Lead Accelerator and how to use this data to increase performance. Topics will include how to: -Use data from the Audience Insight report to influence your Lead Accelerator program -Understand the metric definitions within the Nurture Streams Performance Table -Explore the effectiveness of your program throughout the marketing funnel with the Funnel Impact report -Apply your learnings to increasing overall performance with Lead Accelerator

Account Based Marketing Web Campaigns
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This document discusses account-based marketing (ABM) tactics that can be implemented on websites to enhance lead generation. It recommends dynamically customizing call-to-action buttons by account type for unknown visitors and by funnel stage and company graphics for known contacts. It also suggests using dynamic messaging and calls-to-action to increase engagement and contacts. Sales should be alerted to visitor metrics grouped by account and content hubs can track account interest over time. Implementing these ABM tactics on websites can enhance lead generation for accounts in just days without requiring IT resources.

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Two Rules Will Get
You 90% of The Way
These are common-sense
marketing metrics. It’s important
to keep them that way.
Consistency is key. Pick the
right formula for your business
and use consistently.
How Should You
Calculate CLV?
What is the average sales value of your first
transaction with a customer?
How much do you typically make per year
from a customer after the first purchase –
including cross-sell and upsell revenue (if
How long does a typical customer continue
to do business with you? (The answer,
ideally, will be in years – not months or
How Do I Know if
My CLV is Good or
How much you spent to acquire a customer
Whether businesses like yours typically
generates significant revenue from
return/repeat customers
How much you typically spend to maintain
these ongoing customer relationships
What’s the Most
Important Mistake to
Avoid When
Calculating CLV?
The biggest mistake, by far, comes
back to the word lifetime –
marketers who calculate customer
value based only upon the value of
the first sale.

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This document discusses how AWeber uses customer profiling to improve their onboarding process. It explains that they gather both active and passive customer data to create personalized profiles. Active data includes information directly from customers, like location and goals. Passive data includes inferred details like online presence and technology used. These profiles allow AWeber to send customized onboarding emails, prioritize high-potential customers for support, and recommend integrations. The profiling approach improved key metrics like engagement and integration activation. Overall, the personalized onboarding helps customers succeed faster with AWeber's email marketing platform.

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#FlipMyFunnel Austin - Jesse Ariss - When it Comes to ABM: Blow. Don’t Suck.
#FlipMyFunnel Austin - Jesse Ariss - When it Comes to ABM:  Blow. Don’t Suck.#FlipMyFunnel Austin - Jesse Ariss - When it Comes to ABM:  Blow. Don’t Suck.
#FlipMyFunnel Austin - Jesse Ariss - When it Comes to ABM: Blow. Don’t Suck.

Jesse Ariss, Product Marketing Manager at Vidyard, recently presented “When it Comes to ABM: Blow. Don’t Suck.” at the #FlipMyFunnel Austin.

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From Startup to IPO: Lessons from the pricing trenches - Brad Coffey of HubSpot
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Brad Coffey went from an MBA intern at the startup HubSpot to the Chief Strategy Officer of the Public Company HubSpot. While he used a lot of his talents to make this climb, one particularly important project that helped Coffey show his skills was taking on HubSpot's pricing. By making pricing strategy a core competency, Coffey learned an immense amount about business strategy and was able to propel HubSpot's revenue by picking the right customer. Here's his take on the lessons he learned over the years in the pricing trenches, presented at Price Intelligently's SaaSFest 2016.

pricingvalue based pricingsaasfest 2016
How Can I Use CLV to
Improve Marketing
1. A complete view of CLV
allows you to track the impact
of your customer onboarding,
retention, upsell / cross-sell and
loyalty programs
How Can I Use CLV to
Improve Marketing
2. CLV can also be used to
determine how much should
be spent on marketing
3. By identifying and comparing
your “best” customers’ CLV to
the average CLV for your customer
base as a whole, you’ll be able to
determine how much those “best”
customers are truly worth – and how
much you should invest in acquiring
How Can I Use CLV to
Improve Marketing
Part II: Understanding CAC
Customer Acquisition Cost

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This list contains a comprehensive review of the best marketing automation tool for small businesses and early-stage startups in 2021.

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This certificate certifies that Ted Breyere successfully completed the AAE2703 - Technical Enablement for MOTOTRBO Third-Party Application Environments course on August 21, 2015.

AirParking-final lecture
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AirParking-final lecture
The	key	to	defining	CAC	is	the	
word	acquisition
What is CAC?
Divide the amount your marketing
organization spends on customer
acquisition during a specific period by
the number of customers acquired
during the same period
How Do You
Calculate CAC?
How Do I Know If
My CAC is Good or
What’s the best way to uncover
this cost to value ratio?
This is where CLV/CAC once
again enters the picture
(I promise we’ll get there!)
What’s the Most
Important Mistake to
Avoid When
Calculating CAC?
A lack of context when you
calculate CAC and use this
metric to make decisions and
assess marketing effectiveness.

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Investigación educativa II

resumen del libro Investigación Educativa Una estrategia constructivista Juan Luis Hidalgo Guzmán

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The document reviews the top 5 selling cars in India in November 2016 and their year-over-year sales growth. The Maruti Suzuki Baleno saw the largest increase in sales at 153% from October 2015 to October 2016. The Chevrolet Enjoy and Hyundai i10 also experienced high sales growth of 183% and 48% respectively. The Maruti Suzuki Celario and Renault Kwid sales grew 144% and 89% compared to the previous year. The document provides each car's tire size and sales statistics for 2015 and 2016.

Cronograma i corte 30% (lenguaje)
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Cronograma i corte 30% (lenguaje)

Este documento presenta el cronograma de actividades para la asignatura de Lenguaje y Tecnología de la Información y la Comunicación en la Universidad "Fermín Toro" de Venezuela durante el lapso académico 2016-B. Incluye las fechas, descripciones y estrategias de evaluación para las actividades del primer corte que comprende el foro de bienvenida, un foro de discusión, la elaboración de un mapa conceptual, y una prueba presencial sobre los contenidos de la unidad II.

Fine-tuning your email, landing pages,
forms, and other touch points
Improving on-site ecommerce
conversion metrics
Experimenting with tactics such as
inbound and referral programs
2.How Can I Use CAC to
Improve Marketing
Part III: Mapping a Path to Profit
A Closer Look at the ”Compass Metric”
Compass	Quotient	(CQ)	
One Number to Rule
Them All
An Example of CQ
For CLV let’s assume a customer generates $50,000
in revenue during a three-year timeframe.
For CAC let’s assume it cost $15,000 to acquire this
Using CLV/CAC (50,000 / 15,000) we get a
quotient of 3.33

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My favourite pets

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Práctica 2
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Práctica 2

Este documento discute las causas de la baja participación de los padres en los centros educativos. Señala que la implicación de los padres es baja debido a que están centrados en sus trabajos y la aparición de la mujer en el trabajo, lo que les impide involucrarse. También menciona que la figura de los abuelos a veces no existe o están lejos. Sin embargo, reconoce que los padres están empezando a interesarse más en la educación de sus hijos debido a la crisis económica y los cambios de mentalidad sobre la educación

Linea de tiempo
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El documento habla sobre la historia de Windows, desde su primera versión en 1981 hasta la más reciente en 2015. Detalla algunas de las características clave y actualizaciones de cada versión importante de Windows como la interfaz gráfica, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, Cortana y el lanzamiento de nuevos navegadores. También menciona algunos de los programas creados por Microsoft como Windows Movie Maker y el soporte para dispositivos USB que se han ido agregando a lo largo de las versiones de Windows.

7 Keys to Getting Your Bearings When Analyzing CQ
The CQ is (within reason) a self-contained marketing metric
The CQ is a historical metric rather than a predictive metric
The CQ offers a clear “redline” for identifying urgent and fundamental business problems
The CQ can’t tell you whether a business is (or will be) profitable
The CQ can include customer retention costs
… but including retention costs is not always important or helpful
The CQ offers powerful insights to assess marketing performance and support a marketer’s
decision-making process
Insight to Impact:
Using CQ in Day-to-Day Marketing Decisions
Using CQ in
Build a More Valuable
Customer Base
Using CQ in
Minimize Risk Due to
Customer Churn

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Luke Irlam - Filmography04
Luke Irlam - Filmography04Luke Irlam - Filmography04
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The document appears to be a filmography for Luke Irlam of Imàgio Productions listing various filming projects from 2013 to 2015, including shoots for Volkswagen South Africa, Transnet, Dimension Data, and other corporate and event clients. Many of the projects involved filming notable persons or editing over multiple days or months. The filmography provides details on the client, title, Luke Irlam's role, and any remarks for each date.


Ted Breyere completed a course on RF energy exposure and product safety compliance on September 8, 2015. The certificate certifies that Ted Breyere successfully completed course RDS1004, which focused on RF energy exposure and product safety compliance.

Family Councils
Family CouncilsFamily Councils
Family Councils

Presentation about "Family Councils", a talked given by Elder M. Russell Ballard in the Saturday Afternoon Session of General Conference at April 2016.

Using CQ in
Other Places to Apply
The Most Useful Aspect of
The CQ is its Flexibility
A few of the 4,000+ customers that can attest to this vision
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customer journey.
We enable marketers to focus on strategy, creative, and customers -
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See a Demo:

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Ian Ahrens CV Jan2016
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Ian Ahrens has over 36 years of experience in oil, gas, petrochemical, nuclear and sugar industries. He currently owns a risk engineering consulting firm and has previously held roles in project engineering, technical management, operations, and process design. He has extensive experience facilitating process safety workshops including HAZOPs, HAZIDs, SIL assessments, and risk assessments for oil and gas projects.


The document summarizes new crowdfunding rules in British Columbia that allow private companies to raise capital online without filing a prospectus. Under the new rules, private companies can raise up to $250,000 every 6 months by issuing shares or debt securities to individual investors who can invest up to $1,500 each through an online funding portal. Funding portals are also exempt from registration requirements if they meet certain criteria like maintaining accurate records and not providing investment advice. The new rules create an opportunity for startups to tap into crowdfunding as a source of capital but companies will need to consider how crowdfunding fits with their overall fundraising plans and capital structure.

Zodiac & InfoTrust Webinar: The Basics of Customer Lifetime Value 5.9.17
Zodiac & InfoTrust Webinar: The Basics of Customer Lifetime Value 5.9.17Zodiac & InfoTrust Webinar: The Basics of Customer Lifetime Value 5.9.17
Zodiac & InfoTrust Webinar: The Basics of Customer Lifetime Value 5.9.17

Dr. Peter Fader, co-founder of predictive analytics company Zodiac and marketing professor at Wharton, teams up with CMO Michael Loban of web analytics consultancy InfoTrust to explain the basics of using Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) and predictive analytics to supercharge your marketing and business strategy. The presentation covers- -The definition of Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) -Why CLV is meaningful to your organization -How to think about calculating CLV and why many methods are incorrect -How to use CLV and predictive analytics to optimize your strategy and campaigns -Common questions and concerns

predictive analyticscustomer analyticsweb analytics
How	Are	We	Doing?
Q&A	/	Speakers
Andrew	Gaffney
Editorial	Director
Demand	Gen	Report
Matt	Zelen
Chief	Customer	Officer
Act-On	Software
Thank	You	For	Attending
Register	for	more	sessions	now	thru	November	18th!
Please	Join	Our	Next	Session	Tomorrow	at	12PM	ET	/	9AM	PT

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