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Presenter’s Name Presenter’s Title Date
Agenda The Impact of Web Performance  Challenges with Traditional Testing Trusted Cloud Web Performance Testing The Web Performance Testing Model A Case Study and Analytic Dashboard The CSC Accreditation  Next Steps
Reliability Matters “  9 out of 10 website visitors switch to a competitor's website if a company's website fails to load “     - Survey by 1&12 “  28% of online shoppers will not wait longer than four seconds for a web page to load before leaving “ - Akamai and Jupiter Research “ 90% of all web services are not load-tested”     -  InformationWeek
Impact of Performance Brand Image Revenue Customer Loyalty Customer Experience

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Best Practices In Load And Stress Testing Cmg Seminar[1]
Best Practices In Load And Stress Testing Cmg Seminar[1]Best Practices In Load And Stress Testing Cmg Seminar[1]
Best Practices In Load And Stress Testing Cmg Seminar[1]

The document discusses best practices for performance testing. It provides an overview of the typical performance testing process, including defining goals, planning tests, scripting tests, executing tests, analyzing results, and delivering findings. It also discusses considerations for choosing testing tools and resources as well as common pitfalls to avoid, such as not testing, poor planning, relying on customers to find issues, using the wrong tools, and failing to properly isolate variables.

Soasta Cloud Test
Soasta Cloud TestSoasta Cloud Test
Soasta Cloud Test

The document provides an overview of a company called SOASTA and their cloud testing solution. It discusses SOASTA being the first cloud testing company established in 2007 and how their cloudtest solution allows customers to perform load and performance testing in the cloud in a fast, affordable and scalable way. Key features of cloudtest mentioned are on-demand test provisioning, real-time analytics dashboards, and full test reports.

The Qa Testing Checklists for Successful Cloud Migration
The Qa Testing Checklists for Successful Cloud MigrationThe Qa Testing Checklists for Successful Cloud Migration
The Qa Testing Checklists for Successful Cloud Migration

Moving to the cloud is a smarter way to get better and faster service at less price. And, this is only possible once all the boxes in the checklists mentioned in this article have been crossed and you follow the steps of each testing area correctly. Testing the objectives/validations and approaches that were mentioned in the above cloud assessment checklist could be quite tough. Our best bet is to work with a team that has done cloud migration testing before, many times.

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Challenges with Traditional Testing Inability to quickly isolate issues across the infrastructure Monitoring application, network and servers Aggregation/correlation technology to analyze and synthesize test data Show only Traditional Testing High Cost to Simulate Real World Traffic and Users Availability and provisioning of needed hardware Software licenses for high volume of Virtual Users Staff time required to prepare environment and implement testing
Trusted Cloud Web Performance Testing Effective Real Time Monitoring of App-Environment-Platform Sophisticated Analytics Quickly pinpoint issues and fault points Affordable Load and Performance Testing Leveraging the Cloud On Pay-Per-Use Model Scalable Simulating  Real World Users and Web Traffic 10,000+ simultaneous users, from multiple servers Loads generated from one or multiple global regions Agile Rapid deployment and execution Speed total time to resolution
CSC Web Application Testing Delivery Define Test Requirements Based on Business Need Kick-off meeting Test Development and Setup Performance Engineer creates user scenario and test plans Load, stress, performance testing parameters, ramp speed, duration The CloudTest TM Provision the required load servers/locations CloudTest  TM  (SSH or agent) monitors all aspects of networks, system and applications CloudTest  TM  is pointed at target application and testing begins Results and Analytics CloudTest  TM  real time dashboards begin presenting live test results and analysis Test engineers review with customer live data as test is running Deliver a full written report, including screen shots and tuning recommendations
Define Objectives and Test Requirements Determine Limits Measure User Experience Test Specific Silos Verify Redundancy Exceed Break Points Plan For The Future Reliability Over Time Test Objective Load Test Browser Performance Test Targeting Infrastructure Test Failover Test Stress Test Capacity Test Soak Test Web Performance Test

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How to Fit Performance Testing into a DevOps Environment
How to Fit Performance Testing into a DevOps EnvironmentHow to Fit Performance Testing into a DevOps Environment
How to Fit Performance Testing into a DevOps Environment

This document discusses how to fit performance testing into DevOps environments. It recommends adopting best practices like shifting performance testing left to earlier stages, conducting continuous performance validation as part of continuous delivery, automating what can be automated while accelerating other tests, and ensuring collaboration between performance engineers and DevOps teams. The presentation provides an example of how a performance testing tool can integrate into a DevOps toolchain at different stages like build, deploy, test and release. It emphasizes the importance of performance testing for software quality in fast-paced DevOps environments.

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This document provides an overview of cloud computing and testing in the cloud. It discusses key aspects of cloud computing including pay-per-use models, virtual server pools, and various cloud deployment models. It then covers cloud service level agreements and their technical and commercial terms. The document outlines different strategies for testing in the cloud including automation, functional testing, and monitoring. It also discusses challenges like security and reliability and how defects are tracked. Overall the document is providing guidance on testing applications and infrastructure deployed in cloud environments.

Test Automation NYC 2014
Test Automation NYC 2014Test Automation NYC 2014
Test Automation NYC 2014

This document discusses challenges with automated testing and test data management. It introduces service virtualization as a solution to address problems related to lack of environments, slow integration cycles, and unintended consequences of changes. The document also summarizes CA LISA's test automation and data management capabilities like functional testing, mobile testing, continuous validation, and test data warehousing to help improve testing practices.

test automation testautomation servicevirtualizati
Test Development and CloudTest   TM  AJAX-based, Modern Test Application The CloudTest   TM  Global Platform Data-Driven, Real-Time Test Analytics Test Engineers, Provision and Execute
Performance Assessment Analytics
Trusted Cloud Web Performance Testing Partnership SOASTA and the SOASTA Logo are trademarks of SOASTA, INC.
CSC Global Testing Practice Full lifecycle managed test services Industry consulting to drive transformation  Testing Center of Excellence (CoE) integrating best-of-breed test processes Testing solution accelerators  Technology Domain Process Access to large pool of certified resources Lifecycle Automation Solutions Test automation frameworks Tools labs and alliance partnerships 6000+ testing personnel Optimal mix of domain, testing, tool and management expertise Global footprint – Multiple low cost centers  World Sourcing, follow-the-sun model  ITAR facilities Flexible engagement models co-ownership,  managed testing services Testing as a Service (TaaS) Indigenously developed flexible yet rigorous process models Ensured independence through a strong governance structure SLA-driven Risk-Reward model Cost leveraging right-shoring and reusable assets Reduced TCO and cycle time  Comprehensive  Capability Globalized Service Delivery Predictable Gains Through Delivery Excellence

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Are you considering migrating from monolithic applications to microservices on the cloud? Check out this deck to understand the differences between monolithic applications and microservices, why microservices is a better option, and learn about cloud testing.

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Test Automation is becomming a MUST in software development life cycle now. DevOps has been an emerging trend, and it's no longer new. Remebering the old days, when you have to stand-up the test servers, get the builds from developers, deploy it, start-up agent machines, run your tests, collect reports, shutdown all resources you have just started, and spend days to analyze the failures. Now it's time to bring DevOps into this game and let it streamline all of these processes then you can save your days for other greater jobs of software testing.

Rl Partner Webinar To Share
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Provide On-Demand, Real World Load Testing to Your Customers — Become a Gomez Partner Today Do you know that 57% of application problems are found outside the corporate environment, by actual customers and prospects? Can your customers accurately test and measure end-user experience across geographies and locations under load? Are you testing your customer’s applications from outside the firewall to find problems anywhere in the application delivery chain? Can your customers see the impact of 3rd party content and services, such as CDNs, ISPs, ecommerce components on their web applications performance? Ensuring great experiences for today’s rich and complex Web 2.0 applications requires a new approach to performance testing. Forrester Research calls it “Realistic Performance Testing” — easy to use, delivered on-demand, and able to identify and resolve problems that behind-the-firewall testing tools miss. You can review these slides and find out more about Gomez’s Realistic Performance Testing Solutions, and learn how to drive more professional service revenue while delivering greater value to your customers as a valued Gomez Partner. As a Gomez Partner you’ll have the tools necessary to solve the quality assurance challenges posed by today’s rich internet applications. Become a valued Gomez Partner to •Drive consulting revenue for test definition, script development, test execution and analysis, and problem resolution services •Complement existing inside the firewall testing offerings, by providing realistic testing from an “outside-in” end-user perspective •Differentiate yourself by offering the only solution that tests and measures from 100,000+ real user desktops •Gain real-time performance insight when end-users’ experience degrades under load to offer more value to your customers •Help your customers quickly identify and resolve critical Web application performance issues across the entire application delivery chain

performance testingload testingreality load
Requirements Collection System Study Test Strategy Design Test Environmental Setup Deployment of Monitors Scripting Test Run Analysis & Interim Report Implementation of Recommendations Final Comprehensive Report Project Closure Baseline Test Run Enhancement Test Run Diagnostic Test Run Performance Testing Lifecycle Traversal Document
Case Study: Spotlight Millions of eFilers each TAX year Several Performance issues in the Past Internal Test Lab cost $4M (4K Test) Test Tools: Silk-Keynote-Wily SOASTA CloudTest   TM  Live Production Tested over (33) Days Slowly Ramping up User Traffic Ramp-Monitor-Detect-Fix-Ramp Peak, Reached 300,000 concurrent users Peak, provisioned 2,200 Cloud server cores Detected (27) “critical” performance issues Testing CloudTest   TM  achieved (75X) results
Real-Time Test Analytics The Dashboard allows easy-to-use, real-time analytics based on testing implementation.
Case Study “  Most confidence we have had in an Intuit system in production… Ever! Thanks SOASTA!  ” Dan Bartow Manager of Performance Engineering TurboTax SOASTA and the SOASTA Logo are trademarks of SOASTA, INC.

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Slides from STV Tech Talks (Glasgow, UK) - 27 August 2013 -- Based on the experience of leading the current initiative to move towards Continuous Delivery at Skyscanner, I presented a view on 5 key focus areas that must be considered to make Continuous Delivery an achievable objective within a very complex Service Oriented Architecture.

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Ness provides performance testing and environment comparison services to help companies maintain stability during transitions and releases. Their performance on demand solution offers load testing, ongoing monitoring, results analysis, and testing infrastructure. This holistic approach aims to improve testing and monitoring while reducing costs and increasing confidence in application launches.

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Test automation process for Project management. How project is automated & how it it is developed is explained here.

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CSC Accreditation:  Performance Matters Validate  performance level of a web application/web site Average response time most accurately overall end to end performance metric Real time performance feedback during testing to highlight areas of improvement  Accreditation report defining site performance based on metrics gathered during test Accreditation Features 25 Hours of Performance Testing 10,000 Virtual Users 100 Hours of Build-Test-Analysis Time Accreditation Report Review of Findings On a Debrief Call
Next Steps Trusted Cloud Web Performance Testing Schedule a Demonstration of Real Time Analytics Schedule a Kick Off Meeting To Understand needs and requirements

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Web Performance Testing

  • 2. Agenda The Impact of Web Performance Challenges with Traditional Testing Trusted Cloud Web Performance Testing The Web Performance Testing Model A Case Study and Analytic Dashboard The CSC Accreditation Next Steps
  • 3. Reliability Matters “ 9 out of 10 website visitors switch to a competitor's website if a company's website fails to load “ - Survey by 1&12 “ 28% of online shoppers will not wait longer than four seconds for a web page to load before leaving “ - Akamai and Jupiter Research “ 90% of all web services are not load-tested” - InformationWeek
  • 4. Impact of Performance Brand Image Revenue Customer Loyalty Customer Experience
  • 5. Challenges with Traditional Testing Inability to quickly isolate issues across the infrastructure Monitoring application, network and servers Aggregation/correlation technology to analyze and synthesize test data Show only Traditional Testing High Cost to Simulate Real World Traffic and Users Availability and provisioning of needed hardware Software licenses for high volume of Virtual Users Staff time required to prepare environment and implement testing
  • 6. Trusted Cloud Web Performance Testing Effective Real Time Monitoring of App-Environment-Platform Sophisticated Analytics Quickly pinpoint issues and fault points Affordable Load and Performance Testing Leveraging the Cloud On Pay-Per-Use Model Scalable Simulating Real World Users and Web Traffic 10,000+ simultaneous users, from multiple servers Loads generated from one or multiple global regions Agile Rapid deployment and execution Speed total time to resolution
  • 7. CSC Web Application Testing Delivery Define Test Requirements Based on Business Need Kick-off meeting Test Development and Setup Performance Engineer creates user scenario and test plans Load, stress, performance testing parameters, ramp speed, duration The CloudTest TM Provision the required load servers/locations CloudTest TM (SSH or agent) monitors all aspects of networks, system and applications CloudTest TM is pointed at target application and testing begins Results and Analytics CloudTest TM real time dashboards begin presenting live test results and analysis Test engineers review with customer live data as test is running Deliver a full written report, including screen shots and tuning recommendations
  • 8. Define Objectives and Test Requirements Determine Limits Measure User Experience Test Specific Silos Verify Redundancy Exceed Break Points Plan For The Future Reliability Over Time Test Objective Load Test Browser Performance Test Targeting Infrastructure Test Failover Test Stress Test Capacity Test Soak Test Web Performance Test
  • 9. Test Development and CloudTest TM AJAX-based, Modern Test Application The CloudTest TM Global Platform Data-Driven, Real-Time Test Analytics Test Engineers, Provision and Execute
  • 11. Trusted Cloud Web Performance Testing Partnership SOASTA and the SOASTA Logo are trademarks of SOASTA, INC.
  • 12. CSC Global Testing Practice Full lifecycle managed test services Industry consulting to drive transformation Testing Center of Excellence (CoE) integrating best-of-breed test processes Testing solution accelerators Technology Domain Process Access to large pool of certified resources Lifecycle Automation Solutions Test automation frameworks Tools labs and alliance partnerships 6000+ testing personnel Optimal mix of domain, testing, tool and management expertise Global footprint – Multiple low cost centers World Sourcing, follow-the-sun model ITAR facilities Flexible engagement models co-ownership, managed testing services Testing as a Service (TaaS) Indigenously developed flexible yet rigorous process models Ensured independence through a strong governance structure SLA-driven Risk-Reward model Cost leveraging right-shoring and reusable assets Reduced TCO and cycle time Comprehensive Capability Globalized Service Delivery Predictable Gains Through Delivery Excellence
  • 13. Requirements Collection System Study Test Strategy Design Test Environmental Setup Deployment of Monitors Scripting Test Run Analysis & Interim Report Implementation of Recommendations Final Comprehensive Report Project Closure Baseline Test Run Enhancement Test Run Diagnostic Test Run Performance Testing Lifecycle Traversal Document
  • 14. Case Study: Spotlight Millions of eFilers each TAX year Several Performance issues in the Past Internal Test Lab cost $4M (4K Test) Test Tools: Silk-Keynote-Wily SOASTA CloudTest TM Live Production Tested over (33) Days Slowly Ramping up User Traffic Ramp-Monitor-Detect-Fix-Ramp Peak, Reached 300,000 concurrent users Peak, provisioned 2,200 Cloud server cores Detected (27) “critical” performance issues Testing CloudTest TM achieved (75X) results
  • 15. Real-Time Test Analytics The Dashboard allows easy-to-use, real-time analytics based on testing implementation.
  • 16. Case Study “ Most confidence we have had in an Intuit system in production… Ever! Thanks SOASTA! ” Dan Bartow Manager of Performance Engineering TurboTax SOASTA and the SOASTA Logo are trademarks of SOASTA, INC.
  • 17. CSC Accreditation: Performance Matters Validate performance level of a web application/web site Average response time most accurately overall end to end performance metric Real time performance feedback during testing to highlight areas of improvement Accreditation report defining site performance based on metrics gathered during test Accreditation Features 25 Hours of Performance Testing 10,000 Virtual Users 100 Hours of Build-Test-Analysis Time Accreditation Report Review of Findings On a Debrief Call
  • 18. Next Steps Trusted Cloud Web Performance Testing Schedule a Demonstration of Real Time Analytics Schedule a Kick Off Meeting To Understand needs and requirements