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Metrics-Driven  Marketing Strategy (+ a little Product Strategy too) Dave McClure Visiting Lecturer Stanford Facebook Class (CS377W) 11/15/07
Summary Marketing Plan / Strategy = Target Customer Acquisition Channels 3 Important Factors = Volume, Cost, Conversion Focus on conversion to target customer lifecycle actions Measure as deep down the conversion funnel as possible Estimate Customer Lifecycle, Conversion, Revenue Potential  Hypothesize Customer Lifecycle & Critical Conversion Points Estimate Conversion , Revenue Potential when designing marketing plan Understand “Annual Rev. Per User” (ARPU) & “Customer Lifetime Value” (CLV) Match Marketing Channel Costs to Customer Revenue Potential Design channels that costs <20-50% of target ARPU / CLV *NOTE: “Cost” has multiple meanings actual dollars marketing costs product development time & resources time profit vs cashflow
Agenda Quick Review of Pirate Metrics Example Mktg Channels Brainstorm 3 Scenarios
Customer Lifecycle: 5 Steps A cquisition : users come to the site/page/app from various channels A ctivation : users enjoy 1 st  visit: &quot;happy&quot; user experience R etention : users come back, visit site multiple times R eferral : users like product enough to refer others R evenue : users conduct some monetization behavior AARRR!

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Growth Hackers have ushered in a new era of data and product-driven growth. Growth Hackers are a mix of product, data and marketing. Growth Hacking is a skillset and a mindset. Growth Hackers are in high demand by employers but in low supply. Growth Hacking is a skill of the future.

Tam Sam Som PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Tam Sam Som PowerPoint Presentation Slides Tam Sam Som PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Tam Sam Som PowerPoint Presentation Slides

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7 Steps to a Social Media Marketing Plan-THE PDF
7 Steps to a Social Media Marketing Plan-THE PDF7 Steps to a Social Media Marketing Plan-THE PDF
7 Steps to a Social Media Marketing Plan-THE PDF

This is the companion PDF to this presentation

Facebook App / User Conversion Your App 3. RETENTION Emails Feeds, Profiles 4. REFERRAL Passive: Feeds & Profiles Active: Initial App Invites Invites App Directory Feeds App Cross-Marketing Profile Ads 5. Revenue $$$ Ads, Lead Gen, Subscriptions, etc Canvas Pages App Cross-Marketing 2. Activation CTA, Copy & Graphics 1. ACQUISITION
Conversion Dashboard  (example below; customize for your use) $2 3% Email Open / RSS view -> Clickthru Retention $10 1% Refer 1+ users who activate Referral $3 2% Refer 1+ users who visit site Referral $5 2% Repeat Visitor  (3+ visits in first 30 days) Retention $25 1% User generates break-even revenue Revenue $3 2% Acct Signup (includes profile data) Activation $1 5% Email/Blog/RSS/Widget Signup (anything that could lead to repeat visit) Activation User generates minimum revenue Happy 1 st  Visit (views X pages, stays Y sec, Z clicks) Doesn't Abandon  (views 2+ pages, stays 10+ sec, 2+ clicks) Visit Site   (or landing page, or external widget) User Status $5 2% Revenue $.25 30% Activation $.05 70% Acquisition $.01 100% Acquisition Est. Value Conv % Category
Questions / Focus by Role Founder / CEO:  What do you measure & why?  Who’s responsible? Product Manager / Developer:  How do you choose what to build? Marketing What channels do you choose / who do you target?
Founder/CEO Q: What metrics do you watch?  WHY?  Who’s responsible? Hypothesize Customer Lifecycle & Refine Choose 5-10 conversion steps Less, not More is better Q: minimal necessary & sufficient metrics rqd to make decisions? can you simplify to top 3? just 1? Delegate  each Metric to someone (not you) to OWN  Focus on conversion improvement; measure & iterate NOTE: if you measure something, it should tell you something… Use  “Is it Actionable?”  test to determine whether or not to track a metric

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The document discusses metrics for startups, focusing on the AARRR framework of Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, and Revenue. It provides examples and recommendations for measuring key metrics at each stage, including number of visitors, time on site, page views, and conversions. The document emphasizes testing marketing channels and optimizing for user experience and conversion rates through iteration and A/B testing.

Customer Acquisition PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Customer Acquisition PowerPoint Presentation SlidesCustomer Acquisition PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Customer Acquisition PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Need to present your business conversion strategy, our content ready Customer Acquisition PowerPoint Presentation Slides can help you out. Consumer acquisitions is the process of convincing the consumer to buy your product or service, keeping this in mind our team have designed this customer retention strategy complete deck which includes professional slides like segmentation and targeting, market sizing, target prospects, understanding consumer needs, acquisition strategies, demand creation strategy, sales force automation, sales funnel, consumer lifecycle, user lead framework, lead generation strategy, lead nurturing lifecycle, lead scoring, lead conversion process, acquisition channels/tools, cost by channel, client referrals, etc. Acquiring new customer is part of marketing process so it also covers PPT slides on marketing as well such as social media marketing, marketing campaigns and promotions, marketing reach by channels, marketing roadmap, word of mouth marketing, marketing growth strategy, idea acquisition cost model, customer retention strategies, benefits and impacts, customer loyalty lifecycle, loyalty program dashboard, customer satisfaction and feedback, key metrics, Ansoff matrix for growth strategy, etc. Download this customer lifecycle PPT design to boost your business sales. Our Customer Acquisition PowerPoint Presentation Slides are like a backpack. They contain all the essentials.

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Creating A Social Media Strategy
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Creating A Social Media Strategy

The document provides guidance on developing a social media strategic plan. It recommends starting with profiling the target audience and setting goals and objectives. It then discusses auditing current social media profiles, developing a content strategy, defining success metrics, preparing to monitor social channels, and using analytics to track progress and adjust the strategy. The document includes exercises to help with setting objectives, auditing profiles, researching competition, setting guidelines, identifying relevant platforms, developing a content plan, and determining metrics.

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Product Q: how do you choose what to build (or NOT build) ? Choose features for conversion improvement 80% on existing feature optimization 20% on new feature development Just guess, then  A/B test … A LOT Measure conversion improvement Rinse & Repeat
Marketing Q: what channels / who do you market to? Design & Test Multiple Mktg Channels Select & Focus on Channels with: High Volume High Conversion Low Cost Measure *deeper* down the conversion funnel, not just to website / landing page Segment & Select channels & customers by conversion @ deepest possible level (ideally $$$)
Agenda Quick Review of Pirate Metrics Example Mktg Channels Brainstorm 3 Scenarios
Example Marketing Channels disclaimer: these estimates of vol, cost/user, time & effort are highly subjective & very dependent on your specific business med/hi  (reports, co-branding) Med/hi med/hi (capture metrics, generate reports) med-high depends on partner, size of customer base, conversion Biz Dev / Partner low/zero (med = prof contest site) Med low/med (depends on contest, site, campaign) low/med small unless big prize $  (don’t, keep it under $5K) Contest low/zero if no system; Med/hi if integrated SFA High med-high med-high depends on target demographics Telemktg low/zero Med/hi medium Med/hi depends on geography Direct / radio Med/hi (production cost) High Med-high High Potentially large (if you spend) TV low/med low Low for FB social networks; med/hi for normal sites low/zero depends on CTA; size of accessible social networks /  # users Viral / Referral low/med  (landing pages = med) Low/med Low/med (depends on your marketing) Depends depends on your keywords SEM med/hi (depends on complexity) med Low/med low/med Depends on CTA; size of accessible sites, level of adoption + bloggers Widget med/hi (depends on rqd tracking & reporting) med/hi med/hi (need to build affiliate program, capture metrics, generated reports) Med/hi depends on economics Affiliate / Lead Gen low/zero med medium (develop story, build contacts) Med/hi depends on your business & audience & news PR Low (redirects/co-brand?) low low depends depends on keywords, domain costs domains med/hi low/zero Medium (depends on your search geeks) Low/zero depends on your keywords SEO low/zero (med = CMS, prof design) low/med Low (if just you blogging);  med (if you're setting up big CMS / evangelizing to other bloggers) low/med Depends on # blogs in your segment, competitive scenario Blogs / Bloggers low/med  (med = create templates) low/med Low low/med depends on CTA, size of your house lists, email signups Email Prod Effort Mktg Effort Time to implement Cost/user Volume Channel

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Aubrey Smith, Sparked Advisory In this training, we will build on the foundation established in Lean Startup 101 and 201 by delving into examples and cases of the Lean Startup concepts in action. Attendees of Lean Startup 301 will be exposed to cutting edge work from thought leaders and experts using Lean Startup in practice today — at startups and within the enterprise. Participation in this session is essential: You will be asked to help design an MVP and experiment to test critical Leap of Faith Assumption(s) in groups and will be encourage to share experiences. The session is designed to allow attendees to stretch their skills and to push one-another to ‘learn by doing’. The session will also include: Sample cases and live interviews with practitioners highlighting the application of core concepts; Exercises designed to bring the concepts to life and challenge participants to deepen their skills; Discussion of advanced topics such organizational culture and governance as well as industry-specific concepts such as using Lean Startup in heavily regulated markets. Thanks to Lean Startup Co.’s law firm, Orrick, for being the sponsor for this track.

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The document discusses business metrics and models for startups, focusing on the AARRR framework of Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, and Revenue. It provides examples of metrics for each stage of the customer lifecycle and conversion funnel. Key recommendations include focusing on the critical few actionable metrics that drive decisions, optimizing for conversion improvement, and testing assumptions through A/B testing.


The document outlines strategies for building a high-performance LinkedIn lead generation system to 2-10X sales in 2023. It discusses setting up teams, tools, processes for smart outbound outreach like webinars and smart inbound content generation. Case studies show how these pillars were used to exponentially grow connections, leads, meetings and sales for consulting businesses. The key is establishing a continuous optimization system to refine strategies based on data.

Conversion Measurement Conversion Criteria: best-performing (%)  channels / campaigns / copy largest-volume (#)  channels / campaigns / copy lowest-cost ($)  channels / campaigns / copy Measurement Components: Audience Segment (age, region, profession, interest) Channel Source (social network, SEM, organic, PR, etc) Campaign Theme / Brand Promise (“save money”, “get cool stuff”) Landing Page & CTA Copy & Graphics
Agenda Quick Review of Pirate Metrics Example Mktg Channels Brainstorm 3 Scenarios
Scenario I Example: Lightweight Facebook App Consumer target: people who poke, are frisky ;) Customers are worth: $0-5? currently advertising revenue potential for sponsorship, e-commerce revenue Company has ZERO funding / marketing budget limited ability to raise capital limited budget mostly from ad revenue Questions: how to design marketing channels? Significant viral potential? Conversion to long-term customer potential? Marketing potential off-FB?
Scenario II Example: Consumer Website (low-end) Consumer target: pet owners Customers are worth $5-25 mostly advertising, sponsorship revenue some e-commerce revenue Company has modest funding / marketing budget raised $XM in capital / not yet at break-even spending $X00K / year on marketing Questions: how to design marketing channels? Email marketing? SEO/SEM keyword opportunities? Blogging / Affiliate opportunites?

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Drew Houston and Adam Smith discuss how their startups Dropbox and Xobni reached 2 million users in 2 years through focusing on product-market fit, learning from early users, and designing viral features. They emphasize the importance of talking to potential users early, generating buzz through scarcity and word of mouth, and optimizing the user funnel through metrics to understand what drives acquisition and retention.

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This document introduces an updated framework called "Pirate Metrics 2.0" for visualizing and measuring key business metrics. The framework models a business as a "Customer Factory" that turns unaware visitors into happy, paying customers through acquisition, activation, retention, revenue, and referral. It depicts the customer journey in a nonlinear graph and identifies two "hotspots" - nodes with the most lines entering or leaving. This helps simplify complex concepts and identify bottlenecks to growth. The framework also shows three "Engines of Growth" - paid, sticky, and referral - to help businesses focus on scaling.

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Steve Blank and Eric Ries at Startup2Startup Customer Development Presentation 30 April 2009, Palo Alto California

Scenario III Example: Consumer Website (high-end) Consumer target: people tracking their money/finances Customers are worth $25-100+ significant lead-gen & advertising potential for lots of e-commerce revenue Company has funding / marketing budget raised $XXM in capital; approaching break-even / profitable significant >$XM spend on marketing; known customer economics Questions: how to design marketing channels? SEO/SEM potential? Direct Marketing potential? Biz Dev opportunities? Viral may be less important if large vol of profitable leads

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Dave McClure
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Startup Metrics for Pirates: AARRR! (Startonomics SF 2008)
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Startup Metrics for Pirates: AARRR! (Startonomics SF 2008)
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Startup Metrics for Pirates: AARRR! (Startonomics SF 2008)

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Metrics-Driven Marketing Strategy

  • 1. Metrics-Driven Marketing Strategy (+ a little Product Strategy too) Dave McClure Visiting Lecturer Stanford Facebook Class (CS377W) 11/15/07
  • 2. Summary Marketing Plan / Strategy = Target Customer Acquisition Channels 3 Important Factors = Volume, Cost, Conversion Focus on conversion to target customer lifecycle actions Measure as deep down the conversion funnel as possible Estimate Customer Lifecycle, Conversion, Revenue Potential Hypothesize Customer Lifecycle & Critical Conversion Points Estimate Conversion , Revenue Potential when designing marketing plan Understand “Annual Rev. Per User” (ARPU) & “Customer Lifetime Value” (CLV) Match Marketing Channel Costs to Customer Revenue Potential Design channels that costs <20-50% of target ARPU / CLV *NOTE: “Cost” has multiple meanings actual dollars marketing costs product development time & resources time profit vs cashflow
  • 3. Agenda Quick Review of Pirate Metrics Example Mktg Channels Brainstorm 3 Scenarios
  • 4. Customer Lifecycle: 5 Steps A cquisition : users come to the site/page/app from various channels A ctivation : users enjoy 1 st visit: &quot;happy&quot; user experience R etention : users come back, visit site multiple times R eferral : users like product enough to refer others R evenue : users conduct some monetization behavior AARRR!
  • 5. Facebook App / User Conversion Your App 3. RETENTION Emails Feeds, Profiles 4. REFERRAL Passive: Feeds & Profiles Active: Initial App Invites Invites App Directory Feeds App Cross-Marketing Profile Ads 5. Revenue $$$ Ads, Lead Gen, Subscriptions, etc Canvas Pages App Cross-Marketing 2. Activation CTA, Copy & Graphics 1. ACQUISITION
  • 6. Conversion Dashboard (example below; customize for your use) $2 3% Email Open / RSS view -> Clickthru Retention $10 1% Refer 1+ users who activate Referral $3 2% Refer 1+ users who visit site Referral $5 2% Repeat Visitor (3+ visits in first 30 days) Retention $25 1% User generates break-even revenue Revenue $3 2% Acct Signup (includes profile data) Activation $1 5% Email/Blog/RSS/Widget Signup (anything that could lead to repeat visit) Activation User generates minimum revenue Happy 1 st Visit (views X pages, stays Y sec, Z clicks) Doesn't Abandon (views 2+ pages, stays 10+ sec, 2+ clicks) Visit Site (or landing page, or external widget) User Status $5 2% Revenue $.25 30% Activation $.05 70% Acquisition $.01 100% Acquisition Est. Value Conv % Category
  • 7. Questions / Focus by Role Founder / CEO: What do you measure & why? Who’s responsible? Product Manager / Developer: How do you choose what to build? Marketing What channels do you choose / who do you target?
  • 8. Founder/CEO Q: What metrics do you watch? WHY? Who’s responsible? Hypothesize Customer Lifecycle & Refine Choose 5-10 conversion steps Less, not More is better Q: minimal necessary & sufficient metrics rqd to make decisions? can you simplify to top 3? just 1? Delegate each Metric to someone (not you) to OWN Focus on conversion improvement; measure & iterate NOTE: if you measure something, it should tell you something… Use “Is it Actionable?” test to determine whether or not to track a metric
  • 9. Product Q: how do you choose what to build (or NOT build) ? Choose features for conversion improvement 80% on existing feature optimization 20% on new feature development Just guess, then A/B test … A LOT Measure conversion improvement Rinse & Repeat
  • 10. Marketing Q: what channels / who do you market to? Design & Test Multiple Mktg Channels Select & Focus on Channels with: High Volume High Conversion Low Cost Measure *deeper* down the conversion funnel, not just to website / landing page Segment & Select channels & customers by conversion @ deepest possible level (ideally $$$)
  • 11. Agenda Quick Review of Pirate Metrics Example Mktg Channels Brainstorm 3 Scenarios
  • 12. Example Marketing Channels disclaimer: these estimates of vol, cost/user, time & effort are highly subjective & very dependent on your specific business med/hi (reports, co-branding) Med/hi med/hi (capture metrics, generate reports) med-high depends on partner, size of customer base, conversion Biz Dev / Partner low/zero (med = prof contest site) Med low/med (depends on contest, site, campaign) low/med small unless big prize $ (don’t, keep it under $5K) Contest low/zero if no system; Med/hi if integrated SFA High med-high med-high depends on target demographics Telemktg low/zero Med/hi medium Med/hi depends on geography Direct / radio Med/hi (production cost) High Med-high High Potentially large (if you spend) TV low/med low Low for FB social networks; med/hi for normal sites low/zero depends on CTA; size of accessible social networks / # users Viral / Referral low/med (landing pages = med) Low/med Low/med (depends on your marketing) Depends depends on your keywords SEM med/hi (depends on complexity) med Low/med low/med Depends on CTA; size of accessible sites, level of adoption + bloggers Widget med/hi (depends on rqd tracking & reporting) med/hi med/hi (need to build affiliate program, capture metrics, generated reports) Med/hi depends on economics Affiliate / Lead Gen low/zero med medium (develop story, build contacts) Med/hi depends on your business & audience & news PR Low (redirects/co-brand?) low low depends depends on keywords, domain costs domains med/hi low/zero Medium (depends on your search geeks) Low/zero depends on your keywords SEO low/zero (med = CMS, prof design) low/med Low (if just you blogging); med (if you're setting up big CMS / evangelizing to other bloggers) low/med Depends on # blogs in your segment, competitive scenario Blogs / Bloggers low/med (med = create templates) low/med Low low/med depends on CTA, size of your house lists, email signups Email Prod Effort Mktg Effort Time to implement Cost/user Volume Channel
  • 13. Conversion Measurement Conversion Criteria: best-performing (%) channels / campaigns / copy largest-volume (#) channels / campaigns / copy lowest-cost ($) channels / campaigns / copy Measurement Components: Audience Segment (age, region, profession, interest) Channel Source (social network, SEM, organic, PR, etc) Campaign Theme / Brand Promise (“save money”, “get cool stuff”) Landing Page & CTA Copy & Graphics
  • 14. Agenda Quick Review of Pirate Metrics Example Mktg Channels Brainstorm 3 Scenarios
  • 15. Scenario I Example: Lightweight Facebook App Consumer target: people who poke, are frisky ;) Customers are worth: $0-5? currently advertising revenue potential for sponsorship, e-commerce revenue Company has ZERO funding / marketing budget limited ability to raise capital limited budget mostly from ad revenue Questions: how to design marketing channels? Significant viral potential? Conversion to long-term customer potential? Marketing potential off-FB?
  • 16. Scenario II Example: Consumer Website (low-end) Consumer target: pet owners Customers are worth $5-25 mostly advertising, sponsorship revenue some e-commerce revenue Company has modest funding / marketing budget raised $XM in capital / not yet at break-even spending $X00K / year on marketing Questions: how to design marketing channels? Email marketing? SEO/SEM keyword opportunities? Blogging / Affiliate opportunites?
  • 17. Scenario III Example: Consumer Website (high-end) Consumer target: people tracking their money/finances Customers are worth $25-100+ significant lead-gen & advertising potential for lots of e-commerce revenue Company has funding / marketing budget raised $XXM in capital; approaching break-even / profitable significant >$XM spend on marketing; known customer economics Questions: how to design marketing channels? SEO/SEM potential? Direct Marketing potential? Biz Dev opportunities? Viral may be less important if large vol of profitable leads