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Sales and Site Optimisation Keith Feighery: Digital Strategist
Design, Info Architecture & Calls to Action Case Studies
Design with Clear Intent
Clear Layout

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Customer Success Summit: Customer Lifecycle Marketing
Customer Success Summit: Customer Lifecycle MarketingCustomer Success Summit: Customer Lifecycle Marketing
Customer Success Summit: Customer Lifecycle Marketing

Act-On provides marketing automation software to help companies manage customer relationships throughout the entire lifecycle, from initial lead to long-term advocate. They emphasize early activation and ongoing communication to boost retention and encourage advocacy. Act-On has seen success with their community-focused approach, generating referrals, positive reviews, and expanding existing customers.

customer successcustomer journey mappinglifecycle marketing
ad:tech Media Attibution
ad:tech Media Attibutionad:tech Media Attibution
ad:tech Media Attibution

The document discusses channel attribution models for measuring the effectiveness of different marketing channels. It notes the challenges of attribution across online and offline channels from data being siloed and a lack of single source of truth. It advocates that attribution models need to consider the consumer purchase journey and lifecycle, capabilities for tracking and analytics, and differ for acquisition versus retention business models. A real-world example shows how a "last click" attribution model is flawed for high consideration purchases where each channel has influencing roles.


The document discusses strategies for traffic generation, website conversion, and lead nurturing. It focuses on pay-per-click advertising, email marketing, and search engine optimization for traffic generation. For website conversion, it recommends setting key performance indicators and developing marketing and sales qualified lead generation strategies. Lead nurturing should include broadcast emails and automated email workflows tailored to where prospects are in the sales funnel.

Obvious Benefits
Appropriate Channel Design
Decluttered Logical Flow
Demonstrate clear Call to Action

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(Webinar) SEO meet CRO: Conversion Hacks for Organic Search Traffic
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Featured Presenter: Angie Schottmuller On average 70% of website traffic comes from search results. Are you optimizing conversion for organic traffic? More than 99% of websites are not, so it's a huge opportunity for you to gain an advantage. Learn how, when and where to provide search visitors a clear path to conversion, regardless of where a they enter your site... and despite Google's "not provided" keyword madness. From ranking, click-through, stick (cleverly maintained scent), and conversion, you'll leave this webinar loaded with tips to overhaul your regular website with some powerful SEO conversion boosters.

angie schottmullertim ashsitetuners
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Digital Marketing Metrics - Cheat Sheet

This document provides definitions for 13 key digital marketing metrics including conversion rate, ROI, cost per click, cost per acquisition, cost per mille, open rate, click rate, engagement rate, page like rate, bounce rate, rate of returning visitors, click-through rate, and unique reach rate. It was written by Mehreen Omer for attendees of her workshop on digital marketing for newbies.

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Anatomy Of The Online Sales Engine
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Anatomy Of The Online Sales Engine

The document discusses how to build a low-touch online sales channel using internet marketing. It recommends key components like a data warehouse, analytics engine, test engine, marketing automation, CRM, and self-support system. It also provides tips for traffic generation, social media, web design, paid search, affiliates, and monitoring the sales engine's efficiency. The overall goal is to acquire customers with minimum human involvement at the lowest possible cost.

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Track: Insight & Analytics Topic: MULTI-ATTRIBUTION Title: Contribution-Attribution-Mix, Oh My! Creating Content for YOUR Customers Speaker: ANDY BATTEN, Director of Digital Analytics & Optimization, Red Door Interactive While the phrase ‘Attribution’ has been supplanted by ‘Big Data’ as the hottest buzz-word in digital marketing, it remains a concept that few understand, and even fewer are incorporating into channel marketing strategies. Often, the difficulty for many companies is in breaking the concept down into the core components that could otherwise help them grasp and move through the process. Rather, companies think of attribution as one giant problem to solve, which inevitably continues to push the topic into the ‘next year’ bucket on their list of priorities. In “Contribution-Attribution-Mix, Oh My!”, Andy will break down the concept of ‘Attribution’ into core concepts and strategies that make the process tangible and linear, so you can walk away understanding the necessary elements and steps which are required to move from the crawl phase to ‘running’ with econometric/media mix modeling. - See more at:

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Facebook, Twitter and Blogging: Secrets for more followers, more traffic and ...
Facebook, Twitter and Blogging: Secrets for more followers, more traffic and ...Facebook, Twitter and Blogging: Secrets for more followers, more traffic and ...
Facebook, Twitter and Blogging: Secrets for more followers, more traffic and ...

This document provides tips for growing social media followers and online businesses. It discusses leveraging low hanging fruit by focusing on gaps in the market with high search volume and low competition. Various tools are recommended for keyword research, backlink analysis, and monitoring competitors. Best practices are covered for Facebook ads, content syndication, email capture, and building strategic partnerships with influencers. Case studies demonstrate how providing value first can build an audience and lead to revenue over time.

a4uexpo europe 2011
Sem Seo Basics
Sem Seo BasicsSem Seo Basics
Sem Seo Basics

Includes basic definitions of SEM, SEO and an overview of alternatives to SEM/SEO. Menu of\'sservices.

Key Take-Aways Remove Clutter – focus on key goals all the time  Remove any obstacles Provide lots of visual feedback  Users know that actions have been successful Adhere to affordance rules – make them obvious Big Buttons, Clear Large Links Anticipate and Answer questions upfront  Embed as part of user experience Knit USPs in copy and images of site Emphasise all your differentiators
Website Optimisation Dynamically Testi key elements of site Test Copy, Calls to Action, Images, Placement The $300,000,000 Button Both Split (A/B) and Multi-Variate Test Google Website Optimiser or Proprietary tools Define and set up conversion points Need to track and measure user actions Clear calls to action significantly augment optimisation goals Don’t force user to think – TELL THEM WHAT TO DO
Test Process Never stop testing and tracking user actions on website A/B Split Testing Define specific site goals (sale, sign-up etc..) Test two specific pages (typically high volume landing pages) Commercial tools (Vertster) or Google Optimiser  Monitor which test is performing better Use Variable rate or throttle testing to vary the percentage of traffic that gets routed to the various pages Multi-Variate testing Enables variable testing of elements within single pages D ifferent copy text, form layouts and even landing page images and background colours  together Track combinations that achieve predetermined goals
Irish Web 2.0 Examples

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The document provides an overview of online advertising formats, metrics for optimization, sources of new impressions, and advanced topics in web monetization. It discusses various format types like search, banners, rich media, and affiliates. It covers metrics for optimization like pageviews, coverage, depth, relevancy and price. New impression sources discussed include engagement ads, hyper-targeted ads, claiming questionable content, and pre-roll videos. Advanced topics covered are frequency capping and targeting customers by context, behavior, or demographics. Attribution of sales to specific marketing channels is also mentioned.

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Sensis faced challenges reaching the entire Australian search market through Google alone. They diversified their ad spend by setting up campaigns on Bing Ads using Acquisio's Ad Cloner to automatically port over 8,000 existing Google campaigns. This saved significant manual labor. After launching the cloned campaigns on Bing, Sensis used Acquisio's bid optimization tool to regulate spend and improve performance. Since adding Bing, Sensis has seen an 18% increase in clicks and a 16% reduction in average cost-per-click, demonstrating the benefits of diversifying ad spend across multiple search engines.

Ad Auditors: PPC Auditing Presentation
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Ad Auditors: PPC Auditing Presentation

Discover how an independent audit of your pay-per-click campaign can save 10-250% of your advertising costs.

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The document discusses customer relationships and demand creation. It covers defining demand creation and how it differs for physical and web/mobile products. It discusses metrics and experimentation for demand creation. It then covers the customer development process and how customer discovery, validation, and creation fit within that process. Key aspects of customer discovery for both physical and web products are outlined.

business modelsteve blankcustomer development
Intro to Paid Online Marketing
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Intro to Paid Online Marketing

This document provides an introduction to online marketing. It outlines objectives such as branding, performance, and awareness. Various online advertising methods like search ads, display ads, social ads, email marketing, and affiliate marketing are described. Key terminology around pricing models and metrics like impressions, click-through rate, and conversion rate are defined. The document also discusses how to measure goals, allocate budgets, and optimize campaigns using analytics and insights. Examples of analyzing ad effectiveness and source performance are provided.

ad networksaffiliatesem
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Digital disruption is driving shopper demand for personalization. Stores are being reimagined as showrooms, distribution centers, experience centers and are increasingly only a touchpoint along a shoppers journey. Join Salesforce SVP Retail, Shelley Bransten, and a diverse set of retailers including ALDO, Safeway and HSN as they discuss how they leverage the Salesforce Shopper Success Platform to personalize the shopper journey everywhere, empower employees with mobile, collaboration and analytics tools, and transform into innovative and agile retailers.

International Examples Web 2.0
Sales Funnel Specifics
Managing the Sales Funnel Methods of acquisition PPC Ads, SEO, Video, Email, LeagGen, Affiliate Marketing, Offer based, etc. Once there – what’s important? Prove you can Add Value Qualify Leads with intent  You want users who are amenable to your message – Its ok for users to self-select opt out Monetise towards latter end of the Funnel After user sees value and expresses intent Push low-cost options in the middle of funnel High cost ones at the end of your funnel
Customer Lifecycle Understand the customer lifecycle  The various stages of a customer over a timer period Create indicators to track their intent As they begin to move lag – make sure you target them Identify high repeat behaviour  Identify a common characteristic – and track this  e.g. have visited more than 3 time and purchase Track rising and falling repeat rates Have early warning systems in place Track repeat rate by media source  Search Engine, PPC, Banner Ad etc..

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Les web analitycs présentés par Unica lors de la première WAW en France en mai 2008.

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How Can CPA Based Business Models Survive In The Future

The document discusses how online advertising works and lessons for advertisers and publishers to be successful in the future. It notes that advertisers are shifting spending towards performance-based models like CPA. However, advertising works best as a combination of channels like display, search, affiliate marketing and email. A holistic approach is needed to understand the customer journey and how channels influence each other. Success requires integrated tracking across channels, tailored creatives for each, and yield management to optimize returns.

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This document provides an overview of social media and its benefits and risks for organizations. It discusses how social media can be used to communicate, engage customers, build communities, and gain insights. However, organizations lose some control over conversations and may face criticism. The document also lists popular social media platforms and tools for listening to conversations. It provides examples of Irish companies using social media and concludes with international case studies of engagement.

online salessocialmediaibat
Customer Lifetime Value Segment customers into acquisition channels Identify the potential lifetime value per channel Identify length of customer lifecycle per channel Low cost channels could have shortest lifecycle Compare the relative potential value Consider: length of lifecycle, potential revenue per Customer  A llocate money towards higher potential value customers  By corollary - away from lower potential value customers
Understanding “Recency” Tracking Recency  Time since a customer last engaged in a behaviour Recency is  # 1  most powerful predictor of future behavior  C an predict likelihood of purchases, visits, game plays, or “ other  action-oriented” behavio u r T he more Recent a customer is,  the higher their potential value  is Segment Repeat segment into past and present (30 days) Apply a recency filter for real-time view L onger a customer has stopped engaging the less likely they are to repeat Take adjustive measures to increase in quality recency repeat customers
Dave McClure’s  AARRR for Start Ups
Start-Up Metrics A cquisition:   users come to site from various  channels A ctivation :   users enjoy 1 st  visit: " happy ” experience R etention:   users  come back , visit site multiple times R eferral:   users like product enough to  refer others R evenue:   users conduct some  monetization  behavior

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Introduction to Social Media Technologies
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Introduction to Social Media Technologies

This document provides an overview of social technologies and the social media landscape. It discusses major social networking platforms like Facebook and Twitter, professional networks like LinkedIn, blogs, bookmarking and RSS feeds, aggregation services, and photo and video sharing sites. The document aims to explain how these different social technologies can be used to communicate, engage communities, share content and information, build social networks, and participate in and learn from online discussions.

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Social Media Fitzwilliam22nd June09

Social media allows brands to listen to customers, engage with them, and build communities. While it provides opportunities to strengthen relationships and gain insights, it also risks loss of control over messaging and negative publicity. Platforms like Twitter, blogs, and social networks are important to monitor. Case studies show the importance of responding quickly to issues and embracing user advocacy, as seen with Burger King, but also the risks of heavy-handed actions, as with Snickers. International brands like Zappos, Dell, and Ford demonstrate how to effectively engage customers through social media.

Layers Frames
Layers FramesLayers Frames
Layers Frames

The document discusses layers and frames in web page design. Layers allow dividing a webpage into rectangular regions using <div> tags. Key layer properties include position, size, visibility, and stacking order. Frames similarly divide a browser window into regions using <frameset> and <frame> tags. Frames optimize layout and allow different content in each region. Target frames receive linked content from other frames.

Start-up Marketing Plan Marketing Plan = Target Customer Acquisition Channels 3 Important Factors = Volume (#), Cost ($), Conversion (%) Measure conversion to target customer actions Test audience segments, campaign themes, Call-To-Action (CTAs)  [Gradually] Match Channel Costs =>  Revenue Potential  Increase Vol. & Conversion, Decrease Cost, Optimize for Revenue Potential Avg Txn Value (ATV), Ann Rev Per User (ARPU), Cust Lifetime Value (CLV) Design channels that (eventually) cost <20-50% of target ATV, ARPU, CLV Consider Costs, Scarce Resource Tradeoffs Actual $ expenses Marketing time & resources Product/Engineering time & resources Cashflow timing of expense vs. revenue, profit
5 Steps Start-up Metrics Model R evenue $$$ Biz Dev Ads, Lead Gen, Subscriptions, ECommerce A CQUISITION SEO SEM Apps & Widgets Affiliates Email PR Biz Dev Campaigns, Contests Direct, Tel, TV Social Networks Blogs Domains R etention Emails & Alerts System Events & Time-based Features Blogs, RSS, News Feeds
Acquisition Where are users coming from Acquisition Methods SEO / SEM Blogs Email Social Media & Social Networks Domains Top 10 - 100 Keywords Your Brand / Products Customer Needs / Benefits Competitor’s Brand / Products Semantic Equivalents Misspellings Key Metrics to Track Quantity (#) Cost ($) Conversions (%) Tools Google Analytics (web analytics) Google Keyword Tool SEO Book Tools
Activation  What do users do on first visit Example Activation Goals Click on something! Account sign up / Emails Referrals / Tell a friend Widgets / Embeds Low Bounce Rate Key Metrics to Track Pages per visit Time on site Conversions Tools Crazy Egg (Visual Click Mapping)   Google Website Optimizer (A/B & Multivariate Testing) (B2B Lead Generation Management)

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Ibat Content Marketing Programmesv1 8
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Ibat Content Marketing Programmesv1 8

The document discusses content marketing programs and strategies. It emphasizes leveraging owned media assets like websites and apps to provide valuable, engaging content to customers to establish trust and develop relationships. Content should be created internally, with partners, customers, and experts. The goals are to become a trusted thought leader, create less friction for prospects, and build long-term relationships rather than one-time sales. Consistency, listening to customers, and focusing on their needs rather than just selling are keys to success. A variety of content forms can be used, but the focus should be on valuable information, not just messages.


The document provides an overview of various social media platforms and how businesses can use them. It discusses key platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and recommends that businesses embrace social engagement. It emphasizes using engaging content across multiple digital channels to develop relationships with customers and establish trust. Case studies are presented on using different platforms like Facebook pages, competitions and ads effectively.

faceooksocial networkingcase studies

This document discusses layers and frames in web page design. Layers allow dividing a web page into rectangular containers that can hold content and be positioned anywhere on the page. Frames divide a browser window into separate regions, each displaying a different web page. Both layers and frames help organize and format page content. Nesting layers and frames provides better control over layout. Target frames allow content from one frame to display in another frame.

Retention How users come back Retention Methods Automated Emails * Track open rate / CTR / Quantity RSS / News Feeds * Track % viewed / CTR / Quantity Widgets / Embeds Track impressions / CTR / Quantity Example Retention Goals 1 - 3+ visits per month Long customer life cycle / Low decay Identify fanatics Key Metrics to Track Source Quantity Conversions Visitor Loyalty Session Length Cohort Analysis Distrib of Visits over Time Rate of Decay Effective Customer Lifecycle
Referrals How do users refer others Referral Methods Send to Friend: Email / IM Social Media Widgets / Embeds Affiliates Viral Growth Factor =  X * Y * Z X = % of users who invite other people Y = average # of people that they invited Z = % of users who accepted an invitation A viral growth factor > 1 Equals an exponential  organic user acquisition.
Revenue How do you make money Revenue Tips Start Free => 2% “ Freemium ” Subscription / Recurring transactions Qualify your customers -> Lead generation (arbitrage) Sell something! (physical or virtual) Don’t Rely on AdSense (only) Resources & Tools Revenue Metrics (Andrew Chen) How to Create a Profitable “Freemium” Startup (Andrew Chen)   2008 Affiliate Marketing Review (Scott Jangro)

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Social Media&Listening Terenure V1.2
Social Media&Listening Terenure V1.2Social Media&Listening Terenure V1.2
Social Media&Listening Terenure V1.2

This document summarizes the key aspects of social media and its applications for business. It outlines the benefits of social media including directly engaging customers and cutting marketing costs. It also discusses potential risks like loss of brand control. The document then provides an overview of major social media platforms and how they can be used, including blogs, Twitter, Facebook, videos and photos. It also discusses listening to online conversations and provides case studies of both successes and failures in social media by companies.

Dbs Content Marketing Programmesv1 8
Dbs Content Marketing Programmesv1 8Dbs Content Marketing Programmesv1 8
Dbs Content Marketing Programmesv1 8

Content Marketing Presentation to Diploma in Online Marketing, Sales and Digital Strategy for DBS. Covers the content marketing process and goes through b2b and b2c case studies.


This document discusses best practices for information architecture, web design, and optimization. It provides recommendations such as using clear layouts and calls to action, de-cluttering information, demonstrating benefits, and appropriately designing channels. It also discusses techniques like A/B testing website elements, managing sales funnels, understanding customer lifecycles and recency, and segmenting customers. The case study of Wiltshire Farm Foods emphasizes removing clutter, providing visual feedback, answering questions upfront, and emphasizing differentiators.

information architectureusabilityia
Case Studies for Optimised Sites Dave McClure’s Presentation Andrew Chen’s Blog Website Optimisation Sites

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Digital Insights - Digital Marketing Agency
Metrics-Driven Marketing Strategy
Metrics-Driven Marketing StrategyMetrics-Driven Marketing Strategy
Metrics-Driven Marketing Strategy
Dave McClure
Dave McClure - Designing Marketing Plans
Dave McClure - Designing Marketing PlansDave McClure - Designing Marketing Plans
Dave McClure - Designing Marketing Plans
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Foo Camp 2008)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Foo Camp 2008)Startup Metrics for Pirates (Foo Camp 2008)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Foo Camp 2008)
Dave McClure
Startup Metrics for Pirates (SeedCamp 2008)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (SeedCamp 2008)Startup Metrics for Pirates (SeedCamp 2008)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (SeedCamp 2008)
Dave McClure
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Beijing, June 2009)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Beijing, June 2009)Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Beijing, June 2009)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Beijing, June 2009)
Dave McClure
Startup Metrics for Pirates (FOWA/Miami, Feb 2009)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (FOWA/Miami, Feb 2009)Startup Metrics for Pirates (FOWA/Miami, Feb 2009)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (FOWA/Miami, Feb 2009)
Dave McClure
Numbers not Napkins: Simple Startup Metrics
Numbers not Napkins: Simple Startup MetricsNumbers not Napkins: Simple Startup Metrics
Numbers not Napkins: Simple Startup Metrics
Dave McClure
Silicon Valley 2.0: The Startup Metrics Revolution (Tokyo, December 2008)
Silicon Valley 2.0: The Startup Metrics Revolution (Tokyo, December 2008)Silicon Valley 2.0: The Startup Metrics Revolution (Tokyo, December 2008)
Silicon Valley 2.0: The Startup Metrics Revolution (Tokyo, December 2008)
Dave McClure
Digital Insights - Digital Marketing Agency
Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (May 2010)
Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (May 2010)Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (May 2010)
Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (May 2010)
Dave McClure
Online Marketing Tactics
Online Marketing TacticsOnline Marketing Tactics
Startup Metrics For Pirates: AARRR! (Startonomics SF Oct 2008)
Startup Metrics For Pirates: AARRR! (Startonomics SF Oct 2008)Startup Metrics For Pirates: AARRR! (Startonomics SF Oct 2008)
Startup Metrics For Pirates: AARRR! (Startonomics SF Oct 2008)
Dave McClure
Tavant4Pak Webinar WebAnalytics Aug192010
Tavant4Pak Webinar WebAnalytics Aug192010Tavant4Pak Webinar WebAnalytics Aug192010
Tavant4Pak Webinar WebAnalytics Aug192010
Tavant Technologies Inc.
Digital Insights - Digital Marketing Agency
Digital Insights - Digital Marketing Agency
How to be a Web 2.0 Metrics Jedi (Web 2.0 Expo, April 2009)
How to be a Web 2.0 Metrics Jedi  (Web 2.0 Expo, April 2009)How to be a Web 2.0 Metrics Jedi  (Web 2.0 Expo, April 2009)
How to be a Web 2.0 Metrics Jedi (Web 2.0 Expo, April 2009)
Dan Olsen
Closing the Gap on ROI Measurement - Spur Interactive, Steve Interactive
Closing the Gap on ROI Measurement - Spur Interactive, Steve InteractiveClosing the Gap on ROI Measurement - Spur Interactive, Steve Interactive
Closing the Gap on ROI Measurement - Spur Interactive, Steve Interactive
Online Marketing Summit

Similar to Onlne Sales And Optimisationv1.1 (20)

Information Architecture Overview, Calls to Action & Case Studies
Information Architecture Overview, Calls to Action & Case StudiesInformation Architecture Overview, Calls to Action & Case Studies
Information Architecture Overview, Calls to Action & Case Studies
Metrics-Driven Marketing Strategy
Metrics-Driven Marketing StrategyMetrics-Driven Marketing Strategy
Metrics-Driven Marketing Strategy
Dave McClure - Designing Marketing Plans
Dave McClure - Designing Marketing PlansDave McClure - Designing Marketing Plans
Dave McClure - Designing Marketing Plans
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Foo Camp 2008)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Foo Camp 2008)Startup Metrics for Pirates (Foo Camp 2008)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Foo Camp 2008)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (SeedCamp 2008)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (SeedCamp 2008)Startup Metrics for Pirates (SeedCamp 2008)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (SeedCamp 2008)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Beijing, June 2009)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Beijing, June 2009)Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Beijing, June 2009)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Beijing, June 2009)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (FOWA/Miami, Feb 2009)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (FOWA/Miami, Feb 2009)Startup Metrics for Pirates (FOWA/Miami, Feb 2009)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (FOWA/Miami, Feb 2009)
Numbers not Napkins: Simple Startup Metrics
Numbers not Napkins: Simple Startup MetricsNumbers not Napkins: Simple Startup Metrics
Numbers not Napkins: Simple Startup Metrics
Silicon Valley 2.0: The Startup Metrics Revolution (Tokyo, December 2008)
Silicon Valley 2.0: The Startup Metrics Revolution (Tokyo, December 2008)Silicon Valley 2.0: The Startup Metrics Revolution (Tokyo, December 2008)
Silicon Valley 2.0: The Startup Metrics Revolution (Tokyo, December 2008)
Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (May 2010)
Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (May 2010)Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (May 2010)
Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (May 2010)
Online Marketing Tactics
Online Marketing TacticsOnline Marketing Tactics
Online Marketing Tactics
Startup Metrics For Pirates: AARRR! (Startonomics SF Oct 2008)
Startup Metrics For Pirates: AARRR! (Startonomics SF Oct 2008)Startup Metrics For Pirates: AARRR! (Startonomics SF Oct 2008)
Startup Metrics For Pirates: AARRR! (Startonomics SF Oct 2008)
Tavant4Pak Webinar WebAnalytics Aug192010
Tavant4Pak Webinar WebAnalytics Aug192010Tavant4Pak Webinar WebAnalytics Aug192010
Tavant4Pak Webinar WebAnalytics Aug192010
How to be a Web 2.0 Metrics Jedi (Web 2.0 Expo, April 2009)
How to be a Web 2.0 Metrics Jedi  (Web 2.0 Expo, April 2009)How to be a Web 2.0 Metrics Jedi  (Web 2.0 Expo, April 2009)
How to be a Web 2.0 Metrics Jedi (Web 2.0 Expo, April 2009)
Closing the Gap on ROI Measurement - Spur Interactive, Steve Interactive
Closing the Gap on ROI Measurement - Spur Interactive, Steve InteractiveClosing the Gap on ROI Measurement - Spur Interactive, Steve Interactive
Closing the Gap on ROI Measurement - Spur Interactive, Steve Interactive

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Digital Insights - Digital Marketing Agency
Digital Insights - Digital Marketing Agency
Digital Insights - Digital Marketing Agency
Digital Insights - Digital Marketing Agency
Digital Insights - Digital Marketing Agency
Digital Insights - Digital Marketing Agency
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Onlne Sales And Optimisationv1.1

  • 1. Sales and Site Optimisation Keith Feighery: Digital Strategist
  • 2. Design, Info Architecture & Calls to Action Case Studies
  • 12. Case Study: Wiltshire Farm Foods
  • 13. Key Take-Aways Remove Clutter – focus on key goals all the time Remove any obstacles Provide lots of visual feedback Users know that actions have been successful Adhere to affordance rules – make them obvious Big Buttons, Clear Large Links Anticipate and Answer questions upfront Embed as part of user experience Knit USPs in copy and images of site Emphasise all your differentiators
  • 14. Website Optimisation Dynamically Testi key elements of site Test Copy, Calls to Action, Images, Placement The $300,000,000 Button Both Split (A/B) and Multi-Variate Test Google Website Optimiser or Proprietary tools Define and set up conversion points Need to track and measure user actions Clear calls to action significantly augment optimisation goals Don’t force user to think – TELL THEM WHAT TO DO
  • 15. Test Process Never stop testing and tracking user actions on website A/B Split Testing Define specific site goals (sale, sign-up etc..) Test two specific pages (typically high volume landing pages) Commercial tools (Vertster) or Google Optimiser Monitor which test is performing better Use Variable rate or throttle testing to vary the percentage of traffic that gets routed to the various pages Multi-Variate testing Enables variable testing of elements within single pages D ifferent copy text, form layouts and even landing page images and background colours together Track combinations that achieve predetermined goals
  • 16. Irish Web 2.0 Examples
  • 18. Look at Irish Enterprise Examples
  • 23. Managing the Sales Funnel Methods of acquisition PPC Ads, SEO, Video, Email, LeagGen, Affiliate Marketing, Offer based, etc. Once there – what’s important? Prove you can Add Value Qualify Leads with intent You want users who are amenable to your message – Its ok for users to self-select opt out Monetise towards latter end of the Funnel After user sees value and expresses intent Push low-cost options in the middle of funnel High cost ones at the end of your funnel
  • 24. Customer Lifecycle Understand the customer lifecycle The various stages of a customer over a timer period Create indicators to track their intent As they begin to move lag – make sure you target them Identify high repeat behaviour Identify a common characteristic – and track this e.g. have visited more than 3 time and purchase Track rising and falling repeat rates Have early warning systems in place Track repeat rate by media source Search Engine, PPC, Banner Ad etc..
  • 25. Customer Lifetime Value Segment customers into acquisition channels Identify the potential lifetime value per channel Identify length of customer lifecycle per channel Low cost channels could have shortest lifecycle Compare the relative potential value Consider: length of lifecycle, potential revenue per Customer A llocate money towards higher potential value customers By corollary - away from lower potential value customers
  • 26. Understanding “Recency” Tracking Recency Time since a customer last engaged in a behaviour Recency is # 1 most powerful predictor of future behavior  C an predict likelihood of purchases, visits, game plays, or “ other action-oriented” behavio u r T he more Recent a customer is, the higher their potential value is Segment Repeat segment into past and present (30 days) Apply a recency filter for real-time view L onger a customer has stopped engaging the less likely they are to repeat Take adjustive measures to increase in quality recency repeat customers
  • 27. Dave McClure’s AARRR for Start Ups
  • 28. Start-Up Metrics A cquisition: users come to site from various channels A ctivation : users enjoy 1 st visit: &quot; happy ” experience R etention: users come back , visit site multiple times R eferral: users like product enough to refer others R evenue: users conduct some monetization behavior
  • 29. Start-up Marketing Plan Marketing Plan = Target Customer Acquisition Channels 3 Important Factors = Volume (#), Cost ($), Conversion (%) Measure conversion to target customer actions Test audience segments, campaign themes, Call-To-Action (CTAs) [Gradually] Match Channel Costs => Revenue Potential Increase Vol. & Conversion, Decrease Cost, Optimize for Revenue Potential Avg Txn Value (ATV), Ann Rev Per User (ARPU), Cust Lifetime Value (CLV) Design channels that (eventually) cost <20-50% of target ATV, ARPU, CLV Consider Costs, Scarce Resource Tradeoffs Actual $ expenses Marketing time & resources Product/Engineering time & resources Cashflow timing of expense vs. revenue, profit
  • 30. 5 Steps Start-up Metrics Model R evenue $$$ Biz Dev Ads, Lead Gen, Subscriptions, ECommerce A CQUISITION SEO SEM Apps & Widgets Affiliates Email PR Biz Dev Campaigns, Contests Direct, Tel, TV Social Networks Blogs Domains R etention Emails & Alerts System Events & Time-based Features Blogs, RSS, News Feeds
  • 31. Acquisition Where are users coming from Acquisition Methods SEO / SEM Blogs Email Social Media & Social Networks Domains Top 10 - 100 Keywords Your Brand / Products Customer Needs / Benefits Competitor’s Brand / Products Semantic Equivalents Misspellings Key Metrics to Track Quantity (#) Cost ($) Conversions (%) Tools Google Analytics (web analytics) Google Keyword Tool SEO Book Tools
  • 32. Activation What do users do on first visit Example Activation Goals Click on something! Account sign up / Emails Referrals / Tell a friend Widgets / Embeds Low Bounce Rate Key Metrics to Track Pages per visit Time on site Conversions Tools Crazy Egg (Visual Click Mapping) Google Website Optimizer (A/B & Multivariate Testing) (B2B Lead Generation Management)
  • 33. Retention How users come back Retention Methods Automated Emails * Track open rate / CTR / Quantity RSS / News Feeds * Track % viewed / CTR / Quantity Widgets / Embeds Track impressions / CTR / Quantity Example Retention Goals 1 - 3+ visits per month Long customer life cycle / Low decay Identify fanatics Key Metrics to Track Source Quantity Conversions Visitor Loyalty Session Length Cohort Analysis Distrib of Visits over Time Rate of Decay Effective Customer Lifecycle
  • 34. Referrals How do users refer others Referral Methods Send to Friend: Email / IM Social Media Widgets / Embeds Affiliates Viral Growth Factor = X * Y * Z X = % of users who invite other people Y = average # of people that they invited Z = % of users who accepted an invitation A viral growth factor > 1 Equals an exponential organic user acquisition.
  • 35. Revenue How do you make money Revenue Tips Start Free => 2% “ Freemium ” Subscription / Recurring transactions Qualify your customers -> Lead generation (arbitrage) Sell something! (physical or virtual) Don’t Rely on AdSense (only) Resources & Tools Revenue Metrics (Andrew Chen) How to Create a Profitable “Freemium” Startup (Andrew Chen) 2008 Affiliate Marketing Review (Scott Jangro)
  • 37. Case Studies for Optimised Sites Dave McClure’s Presentation Andrew Chen’s Blog Website Optimisation Sites