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Building Scalable Serverless
Event-Driven Computing
with AWS Lambda
powered by
• Software Consultant for Ortus
• Work with ColdBox, CommandBox,
ContentBox APIs and VueJS every day!
• Working with Coldfusion since 1999 - V4
• Love learning and sharing the lessons learned
• From New Zealand, live in Bakersfield, Ca
• Loving wife, lots of kids, and countless critters
AWS Lambda?
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
Why AWS Lambda?
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
AWS Lambda is a compute service that runs
your code in response to events and
automatically manages the compute
resources, making it the fastest way to turn an
idea into a modern, production, serverless
What is Serverless?
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
● Most people refer to Lambda a “serverless” programming
● Serverless doesn’t mean that there are no servers
● There are always servers involved.
What is Serverless?
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
● You just don’t see them
● You don’t manage them
● You can login and touch them.
● You write code for a specific runtime
● Deploy it to the serverless environment.
● Lambda takes care of everything else, including
scalability and core security.
Benefits of Lambda
● No need for managing servers
● Automatic scaling
● Pay-as-you-go pricing
● Performance optimization
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
Features of AWS Lambda?
● Extend other AWS services with custom logic
● Build custom backend services
● Bring your own code
● Completely automated administration
● Built-in fault tolerance
● Package and deploy functions as container images
● Automatic scaling
● Connect to relational databases
● Fine-grained control over performance
● Connect to shared file systems
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
Features of AWS Lambda?
● Run code in response to Amazon CloudFront requests
● Orchestrate multiple functions
● Integrated security model
● Trust and integrity controls
● Only pay for what you use
● Flexible resource model
● Integrate Lambda with your favorite operational tools
● Achieve up to 34% better price performance with functions
powered by Graviton2
● Monitoring and observability
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
Use Cases for Lambda
● Quickly process data at scale
● Run interactive web and mobile backends
● Enable powerful ML insights
● Create event-driven applications
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
Lambda - Pricing
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
Getting started with BoxLang AWS Lambdas
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
Getting started with BoxLang AWS Lambdas
This repository contains the AWS Lambda Runtime for
the BoxLang language. This runtime allows you to run
BoxLang code in AWS Lambda functions. The runtime is
built using the AWS Lambda Custom Runtime API and
the BoxLang interpreter.
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
BoxLang AWS Lambda - Usage
To use it, you need to create a Lambda function and
specify Java 21 as the runtime. The class that executes
your BoxLang code is By
convention it will execute a Lambda.bx file in the root
(/var/task/Lambda.bx) of the Lambda function, via the
run() method.
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
BoxLang AWS Lambda - Usage
Method Signature:
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
// Lambda.bx
function run( event, context, response ){
// Your code here
BoxLang AWS Lambda - Run Arguments
Run Arguments
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
● The event parameter is the event data that is passed to the Lambda function as
a Struct.
● The context parameter is the context object that is passed to the Lambda
function. This matches the AWS Lambda context object:
● The response parameter is the response object that is passed to the Lambda
BoxLang AWS Lambda - Response Struct
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
The response object is a Struct that you can use to set the response data. The
response object has the following keys:
● statusCode : The HTTP status code for the response.
● headers : A Struct of headers to send in the response.
● body : The body of the response, which can be anything.
The BoxLang lambda runner will return the response object as the response to
the Lambda function as a JSON object.
BoxLang AWS Lambda - Testing Locally
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
gradle shadowJar
gradle buildMainZip
BoxLang AWS Lambda - Testing Locally
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
The AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) is a
toolkit that improves the developer experience of building
and running serverless applications on AWS.
Requires: Docker running
BoxLang AWS Lambda - AWS SAM benefits:
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
● Define your application infrastructure code quickly, using less code
● Manage your serverless applications through their entire
development lifecycle
● Quickly provision permissions between resources with AWS SAM
● Continuously sync local changes to the cloud as you develop
● Manage your Terraform serverless applications
Invoking Lambda Locally with Sample Data
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
sam local invoke bxFunction
sam local invoke bxFunction
Invoking Lambda Locally with Debug Mode
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
sam local invoke bxFunction
--event=workbench/sampleEvents/api.json --debug
sam local invoke bxFunction
--event=workbench/sampleEvents/event.json --debug
Custom Lambda Function
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
If you don't want to use the convention of Lambda.bx
then you can setup an environment variable called:
with the full path to the BoxLang class that will execute
your code.
The class must have a run() method that matches the
signature above.
Custom Lambda Function
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
If you don't want to use the convention of Lambda.bx
then you can setup an environment variable called:
with the full path to the BoxLang class that will execute
your code.
The class must have a run() method that matches the
signature above.
Debugging your Lambda Function
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
You can enable debug mode by setting the environment
variable BOXLANG_LAMBDA_DEBUG to true.
This will output debug information to the Lambda logs.
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
// Lambda.bx
function run( event, context, response ){
// response.statusCode = 200; set by default
response.headers = {
"Content-Type" : "text/plain"
response.body = "Hello World";
Hello World
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
However, if you don't even want to deal with the response struct, you can just use
a return and whatever you return will be placed for you in the response.body.
// Lambda.bx
function run( event, context ){
return "Hello World";
Skip the response object
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
However, if you don't even want to deal with the response struct, you can just use
a return and whatever you return will be placed for you in the response.body.
// Lambda.bx
function run( event, context ){
return "Hello World";
Skip the response object
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
In order to deploy your function to AWS Lambda, you need to package the
runtime and your BoxLang code into a zip file. The zip file should contain the
following structure:
+ Lambda.bx
+ boxlang-aws-lambda-1.0.0-all.jar
Packaging your BoxLang Lambda
Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
● Brian Klaas - the CFML AWS Guy
Great AWS Content including NodeJS Lambdas, StepFunctions and much more
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Building Scaleable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda powered by BoxLang

  • 1. ROOM A PRESENTED BY GAVIN PICKIN Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda powered by INTO THE BOX 2024
  • 2. GAVIN PICKIN SPEAKER AT ITB 2024 • Software Consultant for Ortus • Work with ColdBox, CommandBox, ContentBox APIs and VueJS every day! • Working with Coldfusion since 1999 - V4 • Love learning and sharing the lessons learned • From New Zealand, live in Bakersfield, Ca • Loving wife, lots of kids, and countless critters
  • 3. AWS Lambda? INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
  • 4. Why AWS Lambda? INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang AWS Lambda is a compute service that runs your code in response to events and automatically manages the compute resources, making it the fastest way to turn an idea into a modern, production, serverless applications.
  • 5. What is Serverless? INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang ● Most people refer to Lambda a “serverless” programming model. ● Serverless doesn’t mean that there are no servers involved. ● There are always servers involved.
  • 6. What is Serverless? INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang ● You just don’t see them ● You don’t manage them ● You can login and touch them. ● You write code for a specific runtime ● Deploy it to the serverless environment. ● Lambda takes care of everything else, including scalability and core security.
  • 7. Benefits of Lambda ● No need for managing servers ● Automatic scaling ● Pay-as-you-go pricing ● Performance optimization INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
  • 8. Features of AWS Lambda? ● Extend other AWS services with custom logic ● Build custom backend services ● Bring your own code ● Completely automated administration ● Built-in fault tolerance ● Package and deploy functions as container images ● Automatic scaling ● Connect to relational databases ● Fine-grained control over performance ● Connect to shared file systems INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
  • 9. Features of AWS Lambda? ● Run code in response to Amazon CloudFront requests ● Orchestrate multiple functions ● Integrated security model ● Trust and integrity controls ● Only pay for what you use ● Flexible resource model ● Integrate Lambda with your favorite operational tools ● Achieve up to 34% better price performance with functions powered by Graviton2 ● Monitoring and observability INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
  • 10. Use Cases for Lambda ● Quickly process data at scale ● Run interactive web and mobile backends ● Enable powerful ML insights ● Create event-driven applications INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
  • 11. Lambda - Pricing INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
  • 12. Getting started with BoxLang AWS Lambdas INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
  • 13. Getting started with BoxLang AWS Lambdas This repository contains the AWS Lambda Runtime for the BoxLang language. This runtime allows you to run BoxLang code in AWS Lambda functions. The runtime is built using the AWS Lambda Custom Runtime API and the BoxLang interpreter. INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
  • 14. BoxLang AWS Lambda - Usage To use it, you need to create a Lambda function and specify Java 21 as the runtime. The class that executes your BoxLang code is By convention it will execute a Lambda.bx file in the root (/var/task/Lambda.bx) of the Lambda function, via the run() method. INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
  • 15. BoxLang AWS Lambda - Usage Method Signature: INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang // Lambda.bx class{ function run( event, context, response ){ // Your code here } }
  • 16. BoxLang AWS Lambda - Run Arguments Run Arguments INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang ● The event parameter is the event data that is passed to the Lambda function as a Struct. ● The context parameter is the context object that is passed to the Lambda function. This matches the AWS Lambda context object: ● The response parameter is the response object that is passed to the Lambda function.
  • 17. BoxLang AWS Lambda - Response Struct INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang The response object is a Struct that you can use to set the response data. The response object has the following keys: ● statusCode : The HTTP status code for the response. ● headers : A Struct of headers to send in the response. ● body : The body of the response, which can be anything. The BoxLang lambda runner will return the response object as the response to the Lambda function as a JSON object.
  • 18. BoxLang AWS Lambda - Testing Locally INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang Build gradle shadowJar gradle buildMainZip
  • 19. BoxLang AWS Lambda - Testing Locally INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang The AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) is a toolkit that improves the developer experience of building and running serverless applications on AWS. Requires: Docker running
  • 20. BoxLang AWS Lambda - AWS SAM benefits: INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang ● Define your application infrastructure code quickly, using less code ● Manage your serverless applications through their entire development lifecycle ● Quickly provision permissions between resources with AWS SAM connectors ● Continuously sync local changes to the cloud as you develop ● Manage your Terraform serverless applications
  • 21. Invoking Lambda Locally with Sample Data INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang sam local invoke bxFunction --event=workbench/sampleEvents/api.json sam local invoke bxFunction --event=workbench/sampleEvents/event.json
  • 22. Invoking Lambda Locally with Debug Mode INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang sam local invoke bxFunction --event=workbench/sampleEvents/api.json --debug sam local invoke bxFunction --event=workbench/sampleEvents/event.json --debug
  • 23. Custom Lambda Function INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang If you don't want to use the convention of Lambda.bx then you can setup an environment variable called: BOXLANG_LAMBDA_CLASS with the full path to the BoxLang class that will execute your code. The class must have a run() method that matches the signature above.
  • 24. Custom Lambda Function INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang If you don't want to use the convention of Lambda.bx then you can setup an environment variable called: BOXLANG_LAMBDA_CLASS with the full path to the BoxLang class that will execute your code. The class must have a run() method that matches the signature above.
  • 25. Debugging your Lambda Function INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang You can enable debug mode by setting the environment variable BOXLANG_LAMBDA_DEBUG to true. This will output debug information to the Lambda logs.
  • 26. INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang // Lambda.bx class{ function run( event, context, response ){ // response.statusCode = 200; set by default response.headers = { "Content-Type" : "text/plain" }; response.body = "Hello World"; } } Hello World
  • 27. INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang However, if you don't even want to deal with the response struct, you can just use a return and whatever you return will be placed for you in the response.body. // Lambda.bx class{ function run( event, context ){ return "Hello World"; } } Skip the response object
  • 28. INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang However, if you don't even want to deal with the response struct, you can just use a return and whatever you return will be placed for you in the response.body. // Lambda.bx class{ function run( event, context ){ return "Hello World"; } } Skip the response object
  • 29. INTO THE BOX 2024 SUBTITLE - IF NEEDED Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang
  • 30. INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang In order to deploy your function to AWS Lambda, you need to package the runtime and your BoxLang code into a zip file. The zip file should contain the following structure: + Lambda.bx /lib + boxlang-aws-lambda-1.0.0-all.jar Packaging your BoxLang Lambda
  • 31. INTO THE BOX 2024 Building Scalable Serverless Event-Driven Computing with AWS Lambda - powered by BoxLang ● Brian Klaas - the CFML AWS Guy Great AWS Content including NodeJS Lambdas, StepFunctions and much more ● Interesting Links