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VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280
VIVA Institute of Technology
National Conference onRole of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021)
Cross Platform Development Using Flutter
Mr. KetanKumarJwala Singh1
, Prof. Neha Lodhe2
(Department of MCA, Viva School Of MCA/ University of Mumbai, India)
(Department of MCA, Viva School Of MCA/ University of Mumbai, India)
Abstract : -Today the development of cross-platform mobile application has under the state of compromise.
The developers are not willing to choose an alternative of either building the similar app many times for many
operating systems or to accept a lowest common denominator and optimal solution that will going to trade the
native speed, accuracy for portability. The Flutter is an open-source SDK for creating high-performance,
highfidelity mobile apps for the development of iOS and Android. Few significant features of flutter are - Just-
in-time compilation (JIT), Ahead- of-time compilation (AOT compilation) into a native (system-dependent)
machine code so that the resulting binary file can execute natively. The Flutter’s hot reload functionality helps
us to understand quickly and easily experiment, build UIs, add features, and fix bugs. Hot reload works by
injecting updated source code files into the running Dart Virtual Machine (VM). With the help of Flutter, we
believe that we would be having a solution that gives us the best of both worlds: hardware accelerated graphics
and UI, powered by native ARM code, targeting both popular mobile operating systems.
Keywords -ARM code, Dart Virtual Machine, JIT compilation ,AOT compilation
Today the advancement of various application is developing exponentially. Every single person in this
world has having an advanced mobile phone in his pocket. Cell phone's combine a scope of capacities, for
example, media players, camera and GPS with cutting edge processing capacities and contact screens are getting
a charge out of continuously expanding prevalence Cell phone's assistance helps us to accomplish a scope of
undertakings through something known as applications or Apps to short. As indicated by Gartner, Google's
Android, Apple's iOS and RIM's Blackberry all have something like a 10 percent piece of the pie. For
completing this research paper and to learn about this subject, four research papers were used which incorporate
reasonable and descend and flow situation of Cross-stage versatile application advancement. MCIDER is
significantly a growing framework similarity engineering that can run applications worked for various versatile
biological systems ideally iOS and Android together on the equivalent Smartphone or tablet. Significantly in
less difficult terms CIDER had the power to run unchanged iOS parallels on the Android subsystem with no
kind of modification. Juice handles the assignment of expanding the limit of home Android portion by at the
same time utilizing the home part and the slave piece which is the application double interface for our situation.
Client space of the slave part gets in contact with the Cider empowered bit in the very same ways as the slave
bit. That is, the iOS applications get in to Linux based bit approach even though they are dealing with a home
part of iOS subsystem which is running on a run of the mill iOS-based gadget. Illustration of a remote part, and
reuse and run unchanged outside client space library code. Currently going to the design of these two working
frameworks. iOS keeps running on ARM CPUs like Android and still has an altogether different programming
biological system. iOS is based on the XNU. A cross breed mix of a solid BSD part and each microkernel
running in a solitary bit address space. When we say about Android, Each Android application is grouped into
Dalvik byte code (dex) arrangement and keeps running in a different Dalvik VM example.
Investigation of most current cross-stage mobile application improvement methods which are at present
accessible in the market. A part of the cross-stage changeable application advancement approaches are Phone
Gap, Titanium and so on. The different methods that used a run-time condition and those that create stage
VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280
VIVA Institute of Technology
National Conference onRole of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021)
explicit applications from a typical code base at suitable time. The last mentioned, generator-based classification
includes display driven arrangements and cross-gathering. Till now, there are no generation prepared
arrangements of this class. Hence, till these sorts of approaches are focuses on cross-stage arrangements that
include the source code of an application with a runtime domain. A portion of the instances of cross-stage
application improvement instruments are Phone Gap, which is a Hybrid system and Titanium. The most
noticeable mixture structure for cross stage application improvement is Phone Gap. Telephone Gap was initially
made by Nitobi Soft-product, which has been procured by Adobe. The improvement presently happens in the
Apache Cordova undertaking of the Apache Foundation, of which Phone Gap is a dispersion. Telephone Gap a
well-known cross-stage multifarious application improvement apparatus is inexactly founded on jQuery which
is an exceptionally quick library change device. This exploration paper investigated how unique devices which
are as of now accessible in the market work and associate with each other. Also, the advancements on which
cross-stage versatile application improvement apparatuses which are at present accessible in the market are right
now dependent on a portion of these advances which care as of now famous are HTML5, Java script and open-
source libraries, for example, jQuery and jQtouch. In this way designers can utilize an incredible piece of their
abilities to create portable applications. Portable web applications will be applications which utilize an example
of versatile internet browser to run the application. These are appropriate for portable sites like, These applications are created utilizing cross-stage SDK's and open-source libraries, for
example, jQuery, jQtouch, and so forth. The (UI) is created in HTML5 and rationale is characterized by
JavaScript. The last deliverable is a lot of records that can be facilitated on a web server and the application can
be gotten to utilizing any internet browser which could be from a PC, Android gadget, iOS gadget or a
Blackberry gadget. Cross breed portable applications are a mix of the past two application types. These
applications are created utilizing open-source libraries yet in addition approach a portion of the local capacities
of a gadget, for example, Camera, GPS and so on. So in simple words, cross-stage portable improvement by
taking case of HTML5 based web-application which can be gotten to from any kind of Mobile Browser.
Investigation of most current cross-stage mobile application improvement methods which are at present
accessible in the market. A part of the cross-stage changeable application advancement approaches are Phone
Gap, Titanium and so on. The different methods that used a run-time condition and those that create stage
explicit applications from a typical code base at suitable time. The last mentioned, generator-based classification
includes display driven arrangements and cross-gathering. Till now, there are no generation prepared
arrangements of this class. Hence, till these sorts of approaches are focuses on cross-stage arrangements that
include the source code of an application with a runtime domain. A portion of the instances of cross-stage
application improvement instruments are Phone Gap, which is a Hybrid system and Titanium. The most
noticeable mixture structure for cross stage application improvement is Phone Gap. Telephone Gap was initially
made by Nitobi Soft-product, which has been procured by Adobe. The improvement presently happens in the
Apache Cordova undertaking of the Apache Foundation, of which Phone Gap is a dispersion. Telephone Gap a
well-known cross-stage multifarious application improvement apparatus is inexactly founded on jQuery which
is an exceptionally quick library change device. This exploration paper investigated how unique devices which
are as of now accessible in the market work and associate with each other. Also, the advancements on which
cross-stage versatile application improvement apparatuses which are at present accessible in the market are right
now dependent on a portion of these advances which care as of now famous are HTML5, Java script and open-
source libraries, for example, jQuery and jQtouch. In this way designers can utilize an incredible piece of their
abilities to create portable applications. Portable web applications will be applications which utilize an example
of versatile internet browser to run the application. These are appropriate for portable sites like, These applications are created utilizing cross-stage SDK's and open-source libraries, for
example, jQuery, jQtouch, and so forth. The (UI) is created in HTML5 and rationale is characterized by
JavaScript. The last deliverable is a lot of records that can be facilitated on a web server and the application can
be gotten to utilizing any internet browser which could be from a PC, Android gadget, iOS gadget or a
Blackberry gadget. Cross breed portable applications are a mix of the past two application types. These
applications are created utilizing open-source libraries yet in addition approach a portion of the local capacities
of a gadget, for example, Camera, GPS and so on. So in simple words, cross-stage portable improvement by
taking case of HTML5 based web-application which can be gotten to from any kind of Mobile Browser.
3.1.1 Resources and Guidance
The resources and guidelines contain a list of features that help the farmer decides the best yield and
the best way to do is to cultivate it. When a farmer clicks this method, he will do so you have been given a list of
VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280
VIVA Institute of Technology
National Conference onRole of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021)
plants suitable for planting in the selected region based on real weather conditions. The farmer can choose any
of the crops given in the list. Resources as well leadership offers many features such as land reform techniques,
methods of sowing seeds, quantity and method to provide irrigation, fertilizer to be used and a good harvest
way. Depending on the selected crop the farmer will be given advice on various ways to help increase her yield. Preparation
The app is even designed to help the farmer maintain the soil rich mineral composition by selecting the
largest plant cycle corresponds to the type of soil of the selected region. The farmer they will be introduced to
farming techniques and excellent tools they can use it to prepare the ground
Fig.2 Land Preparation Seed Sowing
Farmers are also advised on the type of seed and sowing methods to be used. The app will also
determine the maximum the right time to sow and set farmer reminder.
Fig.3 Seed Sowing Irrigation
Each plant needs a different method of irrigation to provide different amounts of water, other crops
such as rice require Plenty of water when other plants like wheat they need less water. Irrigation feature of the
application helps farmers decide what is best for them watering is.
Fig.4 Irrigation Fertilization
The application will test the soil based on the selected region as well so let the farmer know which
fertilizer is best will be used depending on the mineral composition of the soil plants that were previously
planted. The app also helps connect farmer local producers and fertilizer distributors.
VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280
VIVA Institute of Technology
National Conference onRole of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021)
Fig.5 Fertilization Harvesting
The harvesting factor helps the farmer determine the best time yield and appropriate harvesting
strategies should be installed.
Fig.5 Harvesting Mandi Prices
The app will allow easy access to grain in government as well vegetable distribution sites show details
of daily market reports and price trends.
3.1.2 Advantages of Proposed System
There are a few focus points that have been found in different studies calculation. In the first one, we
checked about the structure of a functional operating system derived from CIDER, can always run Android and
iOS applications in Currently on the same gadget. It has helped us to achieve problematic operation using iOS
unmodified matches Android sub-system. Performance benchmark benchmarks similarly shown that CIDER did
better than Dalvik Automatic Blending Machine. Dalvik Blending Machine is a type of device age bid code that
includes application source code before application. CIDER compiler is considered to do more than Dalvik. And
in addition, a great way to understand the file the different parameters by which we can see are different
application development tools across the section part of these are available in the market right now parameters
were time to ship, GUI type, security performance and so on. This checklist also helped us to see how this is a
mobile application development apparatus also do what development they rely on. One way is to provide in-
depth insight into the latest innovations in which the cross section does a variety of things application
development tools. Part of this upgrades were HTML5, jQuery, jQtouch, HTML5 and CSS is used to set up web
applications independent category.
Fig.6 System Architecture
The application is made to flutter with a farming solution contains many legumes that help farmers
plan their crops cycles and accordingly determine the right time or weather for planting any crop. The main
purpose of this app is to provide farmers who have a complete solution to help grow their yields and resolve
their questions. The app contains many features each offers to meet a specific user requirement namely the
farmer. The main features of the app are:
(1) Weather monitoring and real-time indicators.
(2) Land reform strategies
(3) Suitable conditions for sowing seeds
(4) Irrigation rate and fertilizer are required
(5) A good harvest time
(6) Planting methods and crop cycle to be followed
VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280
VIVA Institute of Technology
National Conference onRole of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021)
(7) Real-time data from sensors in the field
(8) Connecting farmers to the market
(9) Easy access to government distribution points
(10)Creating a blog to help farmers understand again create more efficient planting methods.
Fig.7 IoT devices Used.
The program includes the use of multiple IoT devices used in fields to measure various parameters
such as temperature, humidity and soil moisture. This data is sent to the Firebase database from where it is
located flutter application accessed and displayed to user.
Fig.8 Temperature and humidity sensor:
To measure the temperature using DHT11 interrupted by Raspberry pi. DHT11 measures temperatures
with the help of Gingerbread is data wirelessly transferred to a database. This device may be used to detect the
sudden rise of temperatures may indicate forest fires.
Fig.9 Soil moisture Sensor
The main purpose of this research project is to provide farmers with the perfect solution to help them
get a higher yield too and also to solve questions. These projects aim to transform agriculture in India by
introducing farmers to simple and easy solutions which is similar to this app that allows farmers to adapt and use
new ways to help them better manage their crops to get a good harvest.
5.1 Future Scope
This research project can continue to be developed by
(1) Making the app available in multiple regional languages.
(2) Creating a farmers' blog that will allow them to interact and sharing ideas.
(3) Allowing farmers to sell their product through the app by connecting them to the distributors
and local markets.
VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280
VIVA Institute of Technology
National Conference onRole of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021)
(4) Include features that will going to help and monitor livestock and grain storage
I would like to extend my special thanks to my second author Prof. Neha Lodhe who helped me a lot with my research work and our chief
executive of In-charge Prof.ChandaniPatel who gave me a great opportunity to do this great research on the topic "Cross-Platform
development using Flutter and also helped me do a lot of research and learned many new things very much.Thank you so much for them for
their valuable cooperation towards me.
[1]Wei-Meng Lee,Cross Platform Development using Flutter(Code Magazine,2019)
[2]Cross Platform Development using Flutter, Department of Computer Science,SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram,
Chennai, India ,Volume 9 Issue No.4 ISSN XXXX XXXX © [2019]IJESC.
[3]Marco L. Napoli, Beginning Flutter: A Hands on guide to App Development(1st Ed.published by John Wiley & Sons,Inc,2020,ISBN-
13: 978-1119550822 ISBN-10: 1119550823)
[4]Eric Windmill, Forward by Ray Rischpater, Flutter In Action(Manning publications,2020)
[5]PrajyotMainkar, Google Flutter Mobile Development Quick Start Guide(Packt publishing Ltd. Mar 30,2019)
[6]Mark clow, Learn Google Flutter Fast:65 Examples Apps(independently published,ISBN-1092297375 & 9781092297370)
[7]Jeremy Blum, Exploring Arduino:Tools and Techniques For Engineering Wizardly (2nd Ed. ISBN-13 978-1118549360 & ISBN-
[8]Alberto Miola, Flutter Completer Reference: Create Beautiful, fast and native apps for any device(published 30 sep-2020)
[9]Andrey Aleev, Flutter Quick Start: Step-by-step tutorial for Cross-platform mobile developers,(published 13 Jan-2020)
[10] Rap Payne, Beginning App Development with Flutter:Create Cross-Platform Mobile Apps(1st EditionApress publisher, published 4th
Dec 2019ISBN-13 9781484251805)
[11] Alessandro Biessek,An introductory guide to building cross-platform mobile publications with flutter and Dart-2(Kindle
Edition,Packt publishing, published 12 Sep 2019)
[12] Simone Alessandria,Flutter projects:Apractical,based guide to build real world cross platform mobile applications and
games(Packt publishing, published 7 Apr 2020)
[13] Carmine Zaccagnino, Programming Flutter:Native ,Cross-Platform Apps the Easy Web-The Pragmatic Programmers(Kindle
Edition, Pragmatic publisher,published 25th Feb 2020,ISBN-13 9781680506952)
[14] Frank Zammetti, Practical Flutter:Improve your Mobile Development with Google’s Latest Open Source SDK(1st Edition Apress
publisher, published 19th Jul 2019,ISBN-13 9781484249710)
[15] Sunny Chanday, Flutter Login(Kindle Edition, published 13th May 2020)
[16] Flutter-Beautiful native apps in record time:
[17] Arduino Website -
[18] Dart Packages-
[19] Tutorialspoint-
[20] Flutter Tutorial-Tutorialspoint-

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Cross Platform Development Using Flutter

  • 1. VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021) ISSN(Online): 2581-7280 VIVA Institute of Technology 9th National Conference onRole of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021) 1 Cross Platform Development Using Flutter Mr. KetanKumarJwala Singh1 , Prof. Neha Lodhe2 1 (Department of MCA, Viva School Of MCA/ University of Mumbai, India) 2 (Department of MCA, Viva School Of MCA/ University of Mumbai, India) Abstract : -Today the development of cross-platform mobile application has under the state of compromise. The developers are not willing to choose an alternative of either building the similar app many times for many operating systems or to accept a lowest common denominator and optimal solution that will going to trade the native speed, accuracy for portability. The Flutter is an open-source SDK for creating high-performance, highfidelity mobile apps for the development of iOS and Android. Few significant features of flutter are - Just- in-time compilation (JIT), Ahead- of-time compilation (AOT compilation) into a native (system-dependent) machine code so that the resulting binary file can execute natively. The Flutter’s hot reload functionality helps us to understand quickly and easily experiment, build UIs, add features, and fix bugs. Hot reload works by injecting updated source code files into the running Dart Virtual Machine (VM). With the help of Flutter, we believe that we would be having a solution that gives us the best of both worlds: hardware accelerated graphics and UI, powered by native ARM code, targeting both popular mobile operating systems. Keywords -ARM code, Dart Virtual Machine, JIT compilation ,AOT compilation I. INTRODUCTION Today the advancement of various application is developing exponentially. Every single person in this world has having an advanced mobile phone in his pocket. Cell phone's combine a scope of capacities, for example, media players, camera and GPS with cutting edge processing capacities and contact screens are getting a charge out of continuously expanding prevalence Cell phone's assistance helps us to accomplish a scope of undertakings through something known as applications or Apps to short. As indicated by Gartner, Google's Android, Apple's iOS and RIM's Blackberry all have something like a 10 percent piece of the pie. For completing this research paper and to learn about this subject, four research papers were used which incorporate reasonable and descend and flow situation of Cross-stage versatile application advancement. MCIDER is significantly a growing framework similarity engineering that can run applications worked for various versatile biological systems ideally iOS and Android together on the equivalent Smartphone or tablet. Significantly in less difficult terms CIDER had the power to run unchanged iOS parallels on the Android subsystem with no kind of modification. Juice handles the assignment of expanding the limit of home Android portion by at the same time utilizing the home part and the slave piece which is the application double interface for our situation. Client space of the slave part gets in contact with the Cider empowered bit in the very same ways as the slave bit. That is, the iOS applications get in to Linux based bit approach even though they are dealing with a home part of iOS subsystem which is running on a run of the mill iOS-based gadget. Illustration of a remote part, and reuse and run unchanged outside client space library code. Currently going to the design of these two working frameworks. iOS keeps running on ARM CPUs like Android and still has an altogether different programming biological system. iOS is based on the XNU. A cross breed mix of a solid BSD part and each microkernel running in a solitary bit address space. When we say about Android, Each Android application is grouped into Dalvik byte code (dex) arrangement and keeps running in a different Dalvik VM example. II. EXISTING SYSTEM Investigation of most current cross-stage mobile application improvement methods which are at present accessible in the market. A part of the cross-stage changeable application advancement approaches are Phone Gap, Titanium and so on. The different methods that used a run-time condition and those that create stage
  • 2. VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021) ISSN(Online): 2581-7280 VIVA Institute of Technology 9th National Conference onRole of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021) 2 explicit applications from a typical code base at suitable time. The last mentioned, generator-based classification includes display driven arrangements and cross-gathering. Till now, there are no generation prepared arrangements of this class. Hence, till these sorts of approaches are focuses on cross-stage arrangements that include the source code of an application with a runtime domain. A portion of the instances of cross-stage application improvement instruments are Phone Gap, which is a Hybrid system and Titanium. The most noticeable mixture structure for cross stage application improvement is Phone Gap. Telephone Gap was initially made by Nitobi Soft-product, which has been procured by Adobe. The improvement presently happens in the Apache Cordova undertaking of the Apache Foundation, of which Phone Gap is a dispersion. Telephone Gap a well-known cross-stage multifarious application improvement apparatus is inexactly founded on jQuery which is an exceptionally quick library change device. This exploration paper investigated how unique devices which are as of now accessible in the market work and associate with each other. Also, the advancements on which cross-stage versatile application improvement apparatuses which are at present accessible in the market are right now dependent on a portion of these advances which care as of now famous are HTML5, Java script and open- source libraries, for example, jQuery and jQtouch. In this way designers can utilize an incredible piece of their abilities to create portable applications. Portable web applications will be applications which utilize an example of versatile internet browser to run the application. These are appropriate for portable sites like, These applications are created utilizing cross-stage SDK's and open-source libraries, for example, jQuery, jQtouch, and so forth. The (UI) is created in HTML5 and rationale is characterized by JavaScript. The last deliverable is a lot of records that can be facilitated on a web server and the application can be gotten to utilizing any internet browser which could be from a PC, Android gadget, iOS gadget or a Blackberry gadget. Cross breed portable applications are a mix of the past two application types. These applications are created utilizing open-source libraries yet in addition approach a portion of the local capacities of a gadget, for example, Camera, GPS and so on. So in simple words, cross-stage portable improvement by taking case of HTML5 based web-application which can be gotten to from any kind of Mobile Browser. III. METHODOLOGY 3.1 PROPOSED SYSTEM Investigation of most current cross-stage mobile application improvement methods which are at present accessible in the market. A part of the cross-stage changeable application advancement approaches are Phone Gap, Titanium and so on. The different methods that used a run-time condition and those that create stage explicit applications from a typical code base at suitable time. The last mentioned, generator-based classification includes display driven arrangements and cross-gathering. Till now, there are no generation prepared arrangements of this class. Hence, till these sorts of approaches are focuses on cross-stage arrangements that include the source code of an application with a runtime domain. A portion of the instances of cross-stage application improvement instruments are Phone Gap, which is a Hybrid system and Titanium. The most noticeable mixture structure for cross stage application improvement is Phone Gap. Telephone Gap was initially made by Nitobi Soft-product, which has been procured by Adobe. The improvement presently happens in the Apache Cordova undertaking of the Apache Foundation, of which Phone Gap is a dispersion. Telephone Gap a well-known cross-stage multifarious application improvement apparatus is inexactly founded on jQuery which is an exceptionally quick library change device. This exploration paper investigated how unique devices which are as of now accessible in the market work and associate with each other. Also, the advancements on which cross-stage versatile application improvement apparatuses which are at present accessible in the market are right now dependent on a portion of these advances which care as of now famous are HTML5, Java script and open- source libraries, for example, jQuery and jQtouch. In this way designers can utilize an incredible piece of their abilities to create portable applications. Portable web applications will be applications which utilize an example of versatile internet browser to run the application. These are appropriate for portable sites like, These applications are created utilizing cross-stage SDK's and open-source libraries, for example, jQuery, jQtouch, and so forth. The (UI) is created in HTML5 and rationale is characterized by JavaScript. The last deliverable is a lot of records that can be facilitated on a web server and the application can be gotten to utilizing any internet browser which could be from a PC, Android gadget, iOS gadget or a Blackberry gadget. Cross breed portable applications are a mix of the past two application types. These applications are created utilizing open-source libraries yet in addition approach a portion of the local capacities of a gadget, for example, Camera, GPS and so on. So in simple words, cross-stage portable improvement by taking case of HTML5 based web-application which can be gotten to from any kind of Mobile Browser. 3.1.1 Resources and Guidance The resources and guidelines contain a list of features that help the farmer decides the best yield and the best way to do is to cultivate it. When a farmer clicks this method, he will do so you have been given a list of
  • 3. VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021) ISSN(Online): 2581-7280 VIVA Institute of Technology 9th National Conference onRole of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021) 3 plants suitable for planting in the selected region based on real weather conditions. The farmer can choose any of the crops given in the list. Resources as well leadership offers many features such as land reform techniques, methods of sowing seeds, quantity and method to provide irrigation, fertilizer to be used and a good harvest way. Depending on the selected crop the farmer will be given advice on various ways to help increase her yield. Preparation The app is even designed to help the farmer maintain the soil rich mineral composition by selecting the largest plant cycle corresponds to the type of soil of the selected region. The farmer they will be introduced to farming techniques and excellent tools they can use it to prepare the ground Fig.2 Land Preparation Seed Sowing Farmers are also advised on the type of seed and sowing methods to be used. The app will also determine the maximum the right time to sow and set farmer reminder. Fig.3 Seed Sowing Irrigation Each plant needs a different method of irrigation to provide different amounts of water, other crops such as rice require Plenty of water when other plants like wheat they need less water. Irrigation feature of the application helps farmers decide what is best for them watering is. Fig.4 Irrigation Fertilization The application will test the soil based on the selected region as well so let the farmer know which fertilizer is best will be used depending on the mineral composition of the soil plants that were previously planted. The app also helps connect farmer local producers and fertilizer distributors.
  • 4. VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021) ISSN(Online): 2581-7280 VIVA Institute of Technology 9th National Conference onRole of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021) 4 Fig.5 Fertilization Harvesting The harvesting factor helps the farmer determine the best time yield and appropriate harvesting strategies should be installed. Fig.5 Harvesting Mandi Prices The app will allow easy access to grain in government as well vegetable distribution sites show details of daily market reports and price trends. 3.1.2 Advantages of Proposed System There are a few focus points that have been found in different studies calculation. In the first one, we checked about the structure of a functional operating system derived from CIDER, can always run Android and iOS applications in Currently on the same gadget. It has helped us to achieve problematic operation using iOS unmodified matches Android sub-system. Performance benchmark benchmarks similarly shown that CIDER did better than Dalvik Automatic Blending Machine. Dalvik Blending Machine is a type of device age bid code that includes application source code before application. CIDER compiler is considered to do more than Dalvik. And in addition, a great way to understand the file the different parameters by which we can see are different application development tools across the section part of these are available in the market right now parameters were time to ship, GUI type, security performance and so on. This checklist also helped us to see how this is a mobile application development apparatus also do what development they rely on. One way is to provide in- depth insight into the latest innovations in which the cross section does a variety of things application development tools. Part of this upgrades were HTML5, jQuery, jQtouch, HTML5 and CSS is used to set up web applications independent category. IV. FIGURES Fig.6 System Architecture The application is made to flutter with a farming solution contains many legumes that help farmers plan their crops cycles and accordingly determine the right time or weather for planting any crop. The main purpose of this app is to provide farmers who have a complete solution to help grow their yields and resolve their questions. The app contains many features each offers to meet a specific user requirement namely the farmer. The main features of the app are: (1) Weather monitoring and real-time indicators. (2) Land reform strategies (3) Suitable conditions for sowing seeds (4) Irrigation rate and fertilizer are required (5) A good harvest time (6) Planting methods and crop cycle to be followed
  • 5. VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021) ISSN(Online): 2581-7280 VIVA Institute of Technology 9th National Conference onRole of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021) 5 (7) Real-time data from sensors in the field (8) Connecting farmers to the market (9) Easy access to government distribution points (10)Creating a blog to help farmers understand again create more efficient planting methods. Fig.7 IoT devices Used. The program includes the use of multiple IoT devices used in fields to measure various parameters such as temperature, humidity and soil moisture. This data is sent to the Firebase database from where it is located flutter application accessed and displayed to user. Fig.8 Temperature and humidity sensor: To measure the temperature using DHT11 interrupted by Raspberry pi. DHT11 measures temperatures with the help of Gingerbread is data wirelessly transferred to a database. This device may be used to detect the sudden rise of temperatures may indicate forest fires. Fig.9 Soil moisture Sensor V. CONCLUSION The main purpose of this research project is to provide farmers with the perfect solution to help them get a higher yield too and also to solve questions. These projects aim to transform agriculture in India by introducing farmers to simple and easy solutions which is similar to this app that allows farmers to adapt and use new ways to help them better manage their crops to get a good harvest. 5.1 Future Scope This research project can continue to be developed by (1) Making the app available in multiple regional languages. (2) Creating a farmers' blog that will allow them to interact and sharing ideas. (3) Allowing farmers to sell their product through the app by connecting them to the distributors and local markets.
  • 6. VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021) ISSN(Online): 2581-7280 VIVA Institute of Technology 9th National Conference onRole of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021) 6 (4) Include features that will going to help and monitor livestock and grain storage Acknowledgements I would like to extend my special thanks to my second author Prof. Neha Lodhe who helped me a lot with my research work and our chief executive of In-charge Prof.ChandaniPatel who gave me a great opportunity to do this great research on the topic "Cross-Platform development using Flutter and also helped me do a lot of research and learned many new things very much.Thank you so much for them for their valuable cooperation towards me. REFERENCES [1]Wei-Meng Lee,Cross Platform Development using Flutter(Code Magazine,2019) [2]Cross Platform Development using Flutter, Department of Computer Science,SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram, Chennai, India ,Volume 9 Issue No.4 ISSN XXXX XXXX © [2019]IJESC. [3]Marco L. Napoli, Beginning Flutter: A Hands on guide to App Development(1st Ed.published by John Wiley & Sons,Inc,2020,ISBN- 13: 978-1119550822 ISBN-10: 1119550823) [4]Eric Windmill, Forward by Ray Rischpater, Flutter In Action(Manning publications,2020) [5]PrajyotMainkar, Google Flutter Mobile Development Quick Start Guide(Packt publishing Ltd. Mar 30,2019) [6]Mark clow, Learn Google Flutter Fast:65 Examples Apps(independently published,ISBN-1092297375 & 9781092297370) [7]Jeremy Blum, Exploring Arduino:Tools and Techniques For Engineering Wizardly (2nd Ed. ISBN-13 978-1118549360 & ISBN- 10:1118549368) [8]Alberto Miola, Flutter Completer Reference: Create Beautiful, fast and native apps for any device(published 30 sep-2020) [9]Andrey Aleev, Flutter Quick Start: Step-by-step tutorial for Cross-platform mobile developers,(published 13 Jan-2020) [10] Rap Payne, Beginning App Development with Flutter:Create Cross-Platform Mobile Apps(1st EditionApress publisher, published 4th Dec 2019ISBN-13 9781484251805) [11] Alessandro Biessek,An introductory guide to building cross-platform mobile publications with flutter and Dart-2(Kindle Edition,Packt publishing, published 12 Sep 2019) [12] Simone Alessandria,Flutter projects:Apractical,based guide to build real world cross platform mobile applications and games(Packt publishing, published 7 Apr 2020) [13] Carmine Zaccagnino, Programming Flutter:Native ,Cross-Platform Apps the Easy Web-The Pragmatic Programmers(Kindle Edition, Pragmatic publisher,published 25th Feb 2020,ISBN-13 9781680506952) [14] Frank Zammetti, Practical Flutter:Improve your Mobile Development with Google’s Latest Open Source SDK(1st Edition Apress publisher, published 19th Jul 2019,ISBN-13 9781484249710) [15] Sunny Chanday, Flutter Login(Kindle Edition, published 13th May 2020) [16] Flutter-Beautiful native apps in record time: [17] Arduino Website - [18] Dart Packages- [19] Tutorialspoint- [20] Flutter Tutorial-Tutorialspoint-