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Build Mission Critical
Applications TODAY
Bhavani Rao
Senior Product Marketing Manager
with Docker, Kubernetes and
© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2
Trends in software development
Constraints and challenges
Possible solutions
Use Cases
© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 3
Mainstream in 2 to 5 years
• Source: Forrester's Global Business Technographics Developer Survey, 2017
© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 4
Build the app once,
for one platform - run
Easy to build &
maintain - creates
Cheaper and
smaller footprint
compared to VMs

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Cloud-Native Operations with Kubernetes and CI/CD
Cloud-Native Operations with Kubernetes and CI/CDCloud-Native Operations with Kubernetes and CI/CD
Cloud-Native Operations with Kubernetes and CI/CD

Operations practices have historically lagged behind development. Agile and Extreme Programming have become common practice for development teams. In the last decade, the DevOps and SRE movements have brought these concepts to operations, borrowing heavily from Lean principles such as Kanban and Value Stream Mapping. So, how does all of this play out if we’re using Kubernetes? In this class, Paul Czarkowski, Principal Technologist at Pivotal, will explain how Kubernetes enables a new cloud-native way of operating software. Attend to learn: ● what cloud-native operations are; ● how to build a cloud-native CI/CD stack; and ● how to deploy and upgrade an application from source to production on Kubernetes. Presenter: Paul Czarkowski, Principal Technologist, Pivotal Software

kubernetescloudcloud adoption
Why to Cloud Native
Why to Cloud NativeWhy to Cloud Native
Why to Cloud Native

This document provides an overview of cloud native concepts including: - Cloud native is defined as applications optimized for modern distributed systems capable of scaling to thousands of nodes. - The pillars of cloud native include devops, continuous delivery, microservices, and containers. - Common use cases for cloud native include development, operations, legacy application refactoring, migration to cloud, and building new microservice applications. - While cloud native adoption is growing, challenges include complexity, cultural changes, lack of training, security concerns, and monitoring difficulties.

cloud nativekubernetes
Enterprise Application Migration
Enterprise Application MigrationEnterprise Application Migration
Enterprise Application Migration

SpringOne Platform 2019 Session Title: Enterprise Application Migration Speakers: Ashley Eckard, Senior Systems Engineer, The Home Depot; Michael Wright, Sr Manager, Platform Architects, Pivotal Youtube:

developerpivotalpivotal cloud foundry
© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 5
Kubernetes is the winner for Container Orchestration
Run containers
across many
different machines
Auto scale as
demand changes
Automatic load
balancing across
Keeping storage
consistent with
multiple instances of
an application
© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 6
Can be on-premise,
private and public
© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 8
We are the Jenkins expertsDiverse Application Landscape
TraditionalModern Legacy
● Existing applications (traditional &
legacy) consume 80% of the IT
● Few modern applications
● No plans to migrate majority of
legacy and traditional applications
Containerized, microservice
architecture, built for cloud
Outdated technology
but critical for IT
Apps deployed on
server-oriented architecture

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Achieving DevSecOps Outcomes with Tanzu Advanced- May 25, 2021
Achieving DevSecOps Outcomes with Tanzu Advanced- May 25, 2021Achieving DevSecOps Outcomes with Tanzu Advanced- May 25, 2021
Achieving DevSecOps Outcomes with Tanzu Advanced- May 25, 2021

Achieving DevSecOps Outcomes with Tanzu Advanced Speakers: David Zendzian, Global Field CISCO, VMware Tanzu James Urquhart, Strategic Executive Advisor, VMware Tanzu Mike Koleno, Chief Architect, AHEAD

IBM Private Cloud Platform - Setting Foundation for Hybrid (JUKE, 2015)
IBM Private Cloud Platform - Setting Foundation for Hybrid (JUKE, 2015)IBM Private Cloud Platform - Setting Foundation for Hybrid (JUKE, 2015)
IBM Private Cloud Platform - Setting Foundation for Hybrid (JUKE, 2015)

This is the slide for IBM Partner Event, November 2015. Digital Transformation, Innovation, and Industry Transformer through Hybrid Cloud. IBM Scenarios of Hybrid Cloud and Roadmap .An example of how Enterprise can get into Hybrid Cloud through simple Dev/Test Private Cloud as the start.

ibmprivate cloudenterprise
Pivotal Container Service : la nuova soluzione per gestire Kubernetes in azienda
Pivotal Container Service : la nuova soluzione per gestire Kubernetes in aziendaPivotal Container Service : la nuova soluzione per gestire Kubernetes in azienda
Pivotal Container Service : la nuova soluzione per gestire Kubernetes in azienda

The document discusses Pivotal Container Service (PKS), a container management platform from VMware and Pivotal. PKS provides an enterprise-grade solution for provisioning, operating, and managing Kubernetes clusters across multiple clouds. It integrates Kubernetes with VMware technologies like NSX-T, vSphere, and vRealize to provide networking, security, storage, and management capabilities. PKS aims to simplify running containers at scale in production by handling tasks like cluster operations, upgrades, and monitoring.

pkskubernetesapplication modernization
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Diverse Deployment Environments
Apache Tomcat
● Majority of applications are in a data
● Applications slowly being migrated to
the public cloud
Public Cloud
app 1
app 2
© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 10
All applications need CI/CD
Ideas Value
© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 11
● NOT a supported product
● Open Source Project
CI/CD for modern cloud
applications on KubernetesJenkins X?
© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 12
Jenkins on Kubernetes?
Namespace Namespace
Master Agent Agent
On-Premise or Public Cloud
Agent Agent Agent
Learn Kubernetes?
• Team
• Security
• Compliance

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Is Private Cloud Right for Your Organization
Is Private Cloud Right for Your OrganizationIs Private Cloud Right for Your Organization
Is Private Cloud Right for Your Organization

This is a presentation I did for a Focus webinar:

iaasprivate cloudpublic cloud
Pivotal Developer-Ready Infrastructure Slides
Pivotal Developer-Ready Infrastructure SlidesPivotal Developer-Ready Infrastructure Slides
Pivotal Developer-Ready Infrastructure Slides

This document discusses developer ready infrastructure and the evolution of cloud platforms. It argues that platforms need to support developers through automation and by handling operational concerns so developers can focus on building applications. It outlines different platform layers from infrastructure as a service (IaaS) to fully managed application platforms and serverless functions. Pivotal's approach leverages Kubernetes, BOSH, and Cloud Foundry to provide a fully automated and production-ready container platform that can run on any cloud and handle all operational tasks.

Cloud Native DevOps
Cloud Native DevOpsCloud Native DevOps
Cloud Native DevOps

Cloud native technologies, like containers and Kubernetes, enable enterprise agility at scale and without compromises. Learn how enterprises can warp speed their DevOps initiatives by embracing cloud native technologies, measuring DevOps success, and utilizing modern enterprise Kubernetes platforms like Nirmata!

devopskubernetescloud native
© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 13
Market Challenges with Enterprise Continuous Delivery
• Scales easily
• Across multiple teams, workloads,
application types
• Resilient
• To application & infrastructure
• Easy to install, manage & maintain
• Adds security & compliance
Flexible, governed
continuous delivery
© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 14
What is CloudBees Core?
• Proven, full-featured CD solution
• On-premise or in the cloud
• Extends Jenkins functionality to
the enterprise
• Integrates with Kubernetes &
Flexible, governed
continuous delivery
© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 15
CloudBees Core On Modern Cloud Platforms
Managed Master Agent Agent
Managed Master Agent Agent
Managed Master Agent Agent
Namespace Namespace
Jenkins or
Team Admin
CD as a Service
Onboard Teams
Tools or Shared
On Premise or Public Cloud
Azure Container
© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 16
Who Benefits?
CD as a Service
• On demand CI/CD
• Spend more time on codingDeveloper
Jenkins or
Team Admin
Tools or Shared
Simplifies Provisioning
• Manage CloudBees Core as any other
application on Kubernetes
• Conform and enforce IT standards
• Delegate provisioning of masters
Reduces admin burden
• On demand team onboarding
• Easily manage permissions
• Simplifies provisioning of masters

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Four considerations when monitoring microservices
Four considerations when monitoring microservicesFour considerations when monitoring microservices
Four considerations when monitoring microservices

The adoption of microservices add a new layer of complexity to an already complex application environment. When application issues arise, it becomes difficult to pinpoint the source and, too often, you find yourself in lengthy war rooms or assigning experts to triage every issue. As a result, brand loyalty, customer satisfaction and innovation are negatively impacted. The old approach to monitoring application performance just isn’t working. A new approach is needed. In this session we will discuss four areas that you should consider which will change the way you think about monitoring microservices

PKS: The What and How of Enterprise-Grade Kubernetes
PKS: The What and How of Enterprise-Grade KubernetesPKS: The What and How of Enterprise-Grade Kubernetes
PKS: The What and How of Enterprise-Grade Kubernetes

SpringOne Platform 2017 Cornelia Davis, Pivotal; Fred Melo, Pivotal Because of its well thought out and powerful abstractions, robust and cloud-native architecture, and the vibrant community around it, the use of Kubernetes for containerized workloads has surged. And while Kubernetes is theoretically ready to run applications in production, the actual viability is highly dependent on how Kubernetes itself is managed. In this session Cornelia and Fred will cover role of the container orchestration system in your IT landscape, and they’ll dive under the covers to show how it provides the enterprise-class Kubernetes services you need to trust your most critical workloads to it. Yes, technical details revealed!

springone platformspringone platform 2017
Powerup & GCP | Workshop on Google Kubernetes Engine
Powerup & GCP | Workshop on Google Kubernetes EnginePowerup & GCP | Workshop on Google Kubernetes Engine
Powerup & GCP | Workshop on Google Kubernetes Engine

Continuing our #powerupgrade series, expert practitioners at Powerup and GCP (Google Cloud Platform) organized a session on GKE - showcasing operational and cost efficiencies by completely eliminating the need to install, manage and operate one's own Kubernetes clusters. Do not miss being a part of this interactive learning and best-practice showcase. We also had domain experts and business leaders at the event who have successfully implemented GKE.

© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 17
Solution Value Pillars
Feature Benefits
Simplified management Offer self service CD
Security & compliance Powerful control of pipelines & jobs
Unconstrained flexibility CD for all applications
Leverages Kubernetes Scalable and resilient
© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 18
Elegant, intuitive user experience
• Easily create, administer and manage
• Extends Blue Ocean
• Assign roles and correct permissions to
Jenkins users
• Shift focus from servers and resources
(masters and agents) to teams and
• Allows Shared Services to delegate
tasks to team-level admins
© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 19
Security through Team Masters
• Easy to understand pre-defined roles: Team Admin, Team Member, Team Guest
• Roles are fully customizable with fine grained permissions
• Easy to understand permissions: Administer, Run and Read
• Integrated with new user experience
• Apply department and organization level permissions to individual teams or projects
• Lock down access to individual masters
• Bulk add new users and manage users through Operations Center CLI
© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 20
CloudBees Jenkins Operations Center
• Manage multiple masters with one
• Share build agent resources (Mac and
Windows) that can be used by any
• Control authentication and authorization
schemes used by masters
• Update plugins on masters
• Management and enforcement of
security settings on masters
CloudBees Core
Managed Master Agent Agent
Managed Master Agent Agent
Managed Master Agent Agent

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VMware Developer-Ready Transformation
VMware Developer-Ready TransformationVMware Developer-Ready Transformation
VMware Developer-Ready Transformation

The document discusses how VMware products like NSX, vRealize Operations, and vRealize Log Insight can provide monitoring, logging, and security capabilities for Pivotal Cloud Foundry environments. It highlights how NSX delivers inherently secure infrastructure, high performance distributed networking, and availability for PaaS. The document also notes how NSX can help organizations run things cheaper and be more efficient through improved data center operations and reduced CapEx.

OPS Executive insights Webinar - Tanzu Slides
OPS Executive insights Webinar - Tanzu SlidesOPS Executive insights Webinar - Tanzu Slides
OPS Executive insights Webinar - Tanzu Slides

Vmware Tanzu & Accenture Executive Insights for the Ontario Public Sector Webinar Matt Russell & Arni Raghvender September 24, 2020

Tanzu Standard
Tanzu StandardTanzu Standard
Tanzu Standard

Introducing Tanzu Editions VMware Tanzu editions package capabilities of the Tanzu portfolio into clearly defined solutions targeted at the most common enterprise challenges. There are four Tanzu editions, each a superset of the one before it along a spectrum, giving customers a clear path to add capabilities over time as needed.

vmware tanzutanzu standardtanzu editions
© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 21
CloudBees Role-Based Access Controls
Granular control of permissions
• Define permissions by user, team, folder and job
• Define various roles globally or limit them by objects
• Enables delegation of assigning roles to team or Jenkins admin
Single Sign On
• Built-in SSO server to simplify way of securing masters
• Reinforces company security standards
• Integrated with authentication standards (SAML2, OAuth,) and backends
(LDAP, Active Directory)
© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 22
CloudBees RBAC
© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 23
Templates for jobs, folders and builds
• Template Pipeline
• Custom Marker Files
• Benefits
▸ Standardize CD pipelines & folders
▸ Standardize CD pipelines company
▸ Facilitates separation of duties
• Shared libraries or custom libraries
• Customer defined pipeline snippets for reuse
▸ Facilitates DRY - do not repeat yourself
© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 24
Autoscaling & Resiliency
• Developers are no longer bottlenecked from running any number of tests or builds,
even all at once
• Automatically scales the CloudBees Core cluster by provisioning just the resources needed
by teams to run their CI/CD workloads without bottlenecks
• Upon completion of CI/CD workloads, the cluster can be scaled down automatically
resulting in tangible cost savings and complying with standard IT policies
• Developers can rest assured that any Jenkins or infrastructure related failures are
automatically handled
• Automatically provisions Jenkins agents or masters in the event of any catastrophic
crashes, thus ensuring there’s no business disruption for the enterprise

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Cloud-native Data
Cloud-native DataCloud-native Data
Cloud-native Data

<November 2017 Updated from earlier presentations on Cloud-native Data> Cloud-native applications form the foundation for modern, cloud-scale digital solutions, and the patterns and practices for cloud-native at the app tier are becoming widely understood – statelessness, service discovery, circuit breakers and more. But little has changed in the data tier. Our modern apps are often connected to monolithic shared databases that have monolithic practices wrapped around them. As a result, the autonomy promised by moving to a microservices application architecture is compromised. What we need are patterns and practices for cloud-native data. The anti-patterns of shared databases and simple proxy-style web services to front them give way to approaches that include use of caches (Netflix calls caching their hidden microservice), database per service and polyglot persistence, modern versions of ETL and data integration and more. In this session, aimed at the application developer/architect, Cornelia will look at those patterns and see how they serve the needs of the cloud-native application.

cloud nativecloud patternsmicroservices
VMware Tanzu Introduction- June 11, 2020
VMware Tanzu Introduction- June 11, 2020VMware Tanzu Introduction- June 11, 2020
VMware Tanzu Introduction- June 11, 2020

This document outlines an agenda for a presentation on vSphere 7 With Kubernetes and Tanzu. It includes introductions of the presenters Bernard Park and Prasanna Upperi. The presentation will cover an overview of Tanzu, vSphere with Kubernetes, and Tanzu Mission Control. It will also include demonstrations. The document provides background on the presenters and describes the Tanzu portfolio and key products like Tanzu Kubernetes Grid, vSphere with Kubernetes, and Tanzu Mission Control. It outlines how vSphere with Kubernetes allows using Kubernetes to manage VMs, containers, and other workloads across environments in a standardized way through custom resources.

Amazon Web Services and PaaS - Enterprise Java for the Cloud Era? - Mark Pric...
Amazon Web Services and PaaS - Enterprise Java for the Cloud Era? - Mark Pric...Amazon Web Services and PaaS - Enterprise Java for the Cloud Era? - Mark Pric...
Amazon Web Services and PaaS - Enterprise Java for the Cloud Era? - Mark Pric...

The extraordinary growth of Java during the last decade owed everything to the set of infrastructure services that application servers provided as part of the platform. However, TCO eventually drove the move to the cloud and PaaS (Platform as a Service) is set to deliver a standard run-time for the next generation of applications, replacing the proprietary infrastructure provided by the application server vendors. Now the question is: where do developers of real-world business applications look for a common set of standard infrastructure services? Is there a common framework that can provide essential application services, such as message queueing, push notifications, email integration, in-memory caching and processing? Amazon Web Services (AWS) with their highly-scaleable IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) model are an obvious answer, but how best to combine Java's rich ecosystem of tools, frameworks and knowledge with the scale and cost-effectiveness of cloud-based web services? This session will help you to understand how you can deliver applications that make effective use of those services by using a Java PaaS, without being forced to support the underlying infrastructure. In this code-rich session, aimed at architects and developers, Mark Prichard of CloudBees will show how you can: Pass Amazon security credentials and configuration parameters to PaaS applications at run-time to provide customized environments; use JDBC and Amazon RDS (Relational Data Service) to provide resilient and performant relational data servicesReplace JMS queues and topics with Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service) and SNS (Simple Notification Service) to develop cloud-based messaging applications; use Amazon's SES (Simple Email Service) from Java applications. We'll also look at other cloud e-mail services that offer easy integration with the PaaS modelRun distributed caching solutions in the cloud using Amazon ElastiCache's in-memory distributed caching with Java PaaS deployments.

© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 25
Autoscaling at the Cluster Level
K8s Node K8s Node K8s Node K8s Node
No capacity to
provision Jenkins
Provisions an additional
node to provision Jenkins
Cluster scaling
Cloud Service Provider
Use Cases
© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 27
• Lack of central process control &
management dashboards
• Upgrade of plugins on different
masters becomes complex to maintain
• Non reproducible SW builds & testsMaster A Master B
Master C Master D
DevOps sprawl - disconnected masters
On-premise or in the public cloud
Poor infrastructure utilization
= more cost
© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 28
Deploy to Cloud or On-Premise
Mac OS Jenkins
AgentElastic Kubernetes Service
CloudBees Core
Microservice 3
Microservice 2
Microservice 1
Amazon Web Services
● Eliminate networking & security
● Code doesn’t leave the building
● Host Jenkins masters/agents in cloud
AND utilize local infrastructure

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Evolve or Fall Behind: Driving Transformation with Containers - Sai Vennam - ...
Evolve or Fall Behind: Driving Transformation with Containers - Sai Vennam - ...Evolve or Fall Behind: Driving Transformation with Containers - Sai Vennam - ...
Evolve or Fall Behind: Driving Transformation with Containers - Sai Vennam - ...

This presentation was the opening session in the container conference 2018 in Bangalore. "IBM Developer Advocate Sai Vennam speaks about the latest emerging technology in the container space - from managed Kubernetes offerings to open-source tools like Istio and containerd. You'll also see how container technology is driving transformation in all industries across the world." URL:

Continuous Delivery to Kubernetes with Jenkins and Helm
Continuous Delivery to Kubernetes with Jenkins and HelmContinuous Delivery to Kubernetes with Jenkins and Helm
Continuous Delivery to Kubernetes with Jenkins and Helm

Presentation given at Oracle Code One 2018 covering deploying Jenkins to Kubernetes with Helm, deploying to Kubernetes from Jenkins with Helm, and Jenkins X.

Edge 2016 Session 1886 Building your own docker container cloud on ibm power...
Edge 2016 Session 1886  Building your own docker container cloud on ibm power...Edge 2016 Session 1886  Building your own docker container cloud on ibm power...
Edge 2016 Session 1886 Building your own docker container cloud on ibm power...

The material for IBM Edge 2016 session for a client use case of Spectrum Conductor for Containers Please refer to for more details about Spectrum Conductor for Containers. Please refer to and for the demo of Spectrum Conductor for Containers.

© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 29
Legacy and Modern Applications
Google Kubernetes Engine
CloudBees Core
Microservice 3
Microservice 2
Microservice 1
‘Modern’ Containerized
‘Legacy’ or ‘Classic’
Monolithic Applications
● Target new apps to run on cloud native
architecture to leverage high
availability and elasticity
● Classic or legacy applications can
Leverage the power of Kubernetes for
CI/CD workloads
● CloudBees Core supports all
application types
Namespaces Data Center
Google Cloud Platform
© 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 30
Summary - CloudBees Core
Scalable & resilient
Centralize & simplify management, security and
Enterprise functionality
Leverage Kubernetes and Docker for workloads and
Full-featured CD solution for all your applications and
users, not just cloud native applications
Offer CD as service

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Continuous Delivery with CloudBees Core

  • 1. Build Mission Critical Applications TODAY Bhavani Rao Senior Product Marketing Manager with Docker, Kubernetes and CloudBees
  • 2. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2 Agenda Trends in software development Constraints and challenges Possible solutions Solution Benefits Use Cases
  • 3. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 3 MICROSERVICES Mainstream in 2 to 5 years Microservices • Source: Forrester's Global Business Technographics Developer Survey, 2017
  • 4. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 4 CONTAINERIZATION Build the app once, for one platform - run anywhere Consistency between environments Easy to build & maintain - creates modularity Cheaper and smaller footprint compared to VMs
  • 5. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 5 Kubernetes is the winner for Container Orchestration Run containers across many different machines Auto scale as demand changes Automatic load balancing across containers Keeping storage consistent with multiple instances of an application
  • 6. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 6 Can be on-premise, private and public cloud (source:
  • 8. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 8 We are the Jenkins expertsDiverse Application Landscape TraditionalModern Legacy ● Existing applications (traditional & legacy) consume 80% of the IT budget ● Few modern applications ● No plans to migrate majority of legacy and traditional applications Containerized, microservice architecture, built for cloud Outdated technology but critical for IT Apps deployed on server-oriented architecture
  • 9. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 9 Diverse Deployment Environments Apache Tomcat Applications GitHub On-Premise Firewall Nexus ● Majority of applications are in a data center ● Applications slowly being migrated to the public cloud Public Cloud app app 1 app 2
  • 10. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 10 All applications need CI/CD Code Test Release Deploy Build Ideas Value Legacy On-premise Cloud Modern
  • 11. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 11 Dev Stage Prod ● NOT a supported product ● Open Source Project Y Z Z CI/CD for modern cloud applications on KubernetesJenkins X?
  • 12. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 12 Jenkins on Kubernetes? Namespace Namespace Namespace Namespace Namespace Master Agent Agent POD POD POD On-Premise or Public Cloud Agent Agent Agent POD POD POD Learn Kubernetes? Governance? • Team management • Security • Compliance
  • 13. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 13 Market Challenges with Enterprise Continuous Delivery • Scales easily • Across multiple teams, workloads, application types • Resilient • To application & infrastructure failures • Easy to install, manage & maintain • Adds security & compliance Flexible, governed continuous delivery solution
  • 14. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 14 What is CloudBees Core? • Proven, full-featured CD solution • On-premise or in the cloud • Extends Jenkins functionality to the enterprise • Integrates with Kubernetes & Docker Flexible, governed continuous delivery
  • 15. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 15 CloudBees Core On Modern Cloud Platforms CLOUDBEES CORE Managed Master Agent Agent Managed Master Agent Agent Managed Master Agent Agent POD CloudBees Jenkins Operations Center POD Namespace Namespace Namespace Namespace Namespace Developer Jenkins or Team Admin CD as a Service Onboard Teams Provisioning Tools or Shared Services POD POD POD POD POD POD POD POD On Premise or Public Cloud Azure Container Service
  • 16. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 16 Who Benefits? CD as a Service • On demand CI/CD • Spend more time on codingDeveloper Jenkins or Team Admin Tools or Shared Services Simplifies Provisioning • Manage CloudBees Core as any other application on Kubernetes • Conform and enforce IT standards • Delegate provisioning of masters Reduces admin burden • On demand team onboarding • Easily manage permissions • Simplifies provisioning of masters
  • 17. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 17 Solution Value Pillars Feature Benefits Simplified management Offer self service CD Security & compliance Powerful control of pipelines & jobs Unconstrained flexibility CD for all applications Leverages Kubernetes Scalable and resilient
  • 18. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 18 Elegant, intuitive user experience • Easily create, administer and manage teams • Extends Blue Ocean • Assign roles and correct permissions to Jenkins users • Shift focus from servers and resources (masters and agents) to teams and pipelines • Allows Shared Services to delegate tasks to team-level admins
  • 19. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 19 Security through Team Masters • Easy to understand pre-defined roles: Team Admin, Team Member, Team Guest • Roles are fully customizable with fine grained permissions • Easy to understand permissions: Administer, Run and Read • Integrated with new user experience • Apply department and organization level permissions to individual teams or projects • Lock down access to individual masters • Bulk add new users and manage users through Operations Center CLI
  • 20. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 20 CloudBees Jenkins Operations Center • Manage multiple masters with one interface • Share build agent resources (Mac and Windows) that can be used by any master • Control authentication and authorization schemes used by masters • Update plugins on masters • Management and enforcement of security settings on masters CloudBees Core CloudBees Jenkins Operations Center Managed Master Agent Agent Managed Master Agent Agent Managed Master Agent Agent POD POD POD POD POD POD POD POD POD POD CLOUDBEES CORE
  • 21. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 21 CloudBees Role-Based Access Controls Granular control of permissions • Define permissions by user, team, folder and job • Define various roles globally or limit them by objects • Enables delegation of assigning roles to team or Jenkins admin Single Sign On • Built-in SSO server to simplify way of securing masters • Reinforces company security standards • Integrated with authentication standards (SAML2, OAuth,) and backends (LDAP, Active Directory)
  • 22. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 22 CloudBees RBAC
  • 23. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 23 Compliance Templates for jobs, folders and builds • Template Pipeline • Custom Marker Files • Benefits ▸ Standardize CD pipelines & folders �� Standardize CD pipelines company ▸ Facilitates separation of duties • Shared libraries or custom libraries • Customer defined pipeline snippets for reuse ▸ Facilitates DRY - do not repeat yourself
  • 24. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 24 Autoscaling & Resiliency • Developers are no longer bottlenecked from running any number of tests or builds, even all at once • Automatically scales the CloudBees Core cluster by provisioning just the resources needed by teams to run their CI/CD workloads without bottlenecks • Upon completion of CI/CD workloads, the cluster can be scaled down automatically resulting in tangible cost savings and complying with standard IT policies • Developers can rest assured that any Jenkins or infrastructure related failures are automatically handled • Automatically provisions Jenkins agents or masters in the event of any catastrophic crashes, thus ensuring there’s no business disruption for the enterprise
  • 25. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 25 Autoscaling at the Cluster Level K8s Node K8s Node K8s Node K8s Node No capacity to provision Jenkins Provisions an additional node to provision Jenkins instance Cluster scaling Cloud Service Provider
  • 27. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 27 • Lack of central process control & management dashboards • Upgrade of plugins on different masters becomes complex to maintain • Non reproducible SW builds & testsMaster A Master B Master C Master D DevOps sprawl - disconnected masters On-premise or in the public cloud Poor infrastructure utilization = more cost
  • 28. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 28 Deploy to Cloud or On-Premise Mac OS Jenkins AgentElastic Kubernetes Service CloudBees Core Microservice 3 Microservice 2 Microservice 1 GitHub Amazon Web Services On-Premise Firewall Nexus ● Eliminate networking & security challenges ● Code doesn’t leave the building ● Host Jenkins masters/agents in cloud AND utilize local infrastructure Cloud
  • 29. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 29 Legacy and Modern Applications Google Kubernetes Engine CloudBees Core Microservice 3 Microservice 2 Microservice 1 ‘Modern’ Containerized Applications ‘Legacy’ or ‘Classic’ Monolithic Applications ● Target new apps to run on cloud native architecture to leverage high availability and elasticity ● Classic or legacy applications can Leverage the power of Kubernetes for CI/CD workloads ● CloudBees Core supports all application types Namespaces Data Center Google Cloud Platform
  • 30. © 2018 CloudBees, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 30 Summary - CloudBees Core Scalable & resilient Centralize & simplify management, security and compliance Enterprise functionality Leverage Kubernetes and Docker for workloads and teams Full-featured CD solution for all your applications and users, not just cloud native applications Offer CD as service