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© 2015 IBM Corporation
Hybrid Cloud: How to Get
a Return from an
Investment Made Three
Decades Ago
Daniel Berg @dancberg
IBM Distinguished Engineer
Michael Elder @mdelder
IBM Senior Technical Staff Member
DTC 3045
Enterprise delivery teams must balance
increasing demands
Focus on Operational Costs
•  Consolidation and modernization
•  Operations Automation
•  Risk and compliance Management
•  Manual policy to analytics driven
Focus on Speed and Agility
•  Assemble solutions from verified
components and services
•  Fast deployment and redeployment
•  Agile to DevOps model
•  User first delivery model
Systems of Record Systems of EngagementHybrid Enterprise
is emerging as the
new model for
service delivery
The Interaction Landscape
Cloud Enabled Enterprise Applications
Public Cloud
Cloud Native Apps/Services
Hybrid Cloud is the secure consumption of services from two or
more sources, including private cloud, public cloud, or traditional IT.
What is Hybrid Cloud?

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UrbanCode Deploy DevOps Best Practices
UrbanCode Deploy  DevOps Best PracticesUrbanCode Deploy  DevOps Best Practices
UrbanCode Deploy DevOps Best Practices

Provides three sections highlighting: Understanding DevOps, DevOps Best Practices with UrbanCode Deploy, and Clouds & Containers.

DevOps within the Hybrid Cloud Deploying to the VMware Platform on the IBM Cloud
DevOps within the Hybrid Cloud Deploying to the VMware Platform on the IBM CloudDevOps within the Hybrid Cloud Deploying to the VMware Platform on the IBM Cloud
DevOps within the Hybrid Cloud Deploying to the VMware Platform on the IBM Cloud

This document discusses deploying VMware workloads to the IBM Cloud platform using VMware on IBM Cloud. Key points include: - IBM Cloud allows customers to easily move existing VMware workloads from on-premises data centers to IBM Cloud on a common platform. - IBM Validated Design simplifies deployment of VMware Cloud Foundation on IBM Cloud infrastructure consisting of bare metal servers, VMware software, and automated lifecycle management. - The partnership between IBM and VMware enables customers to achieve a consistent management and security model across their hybrid cloud with familiar VMware tools.

Turning up the HEAT with IBM MobileFirst for iOS Apps (Interconnect 2016)
Turning up the HEAT with IBM MobileFirst for iOS Apps (Interconnect 2016)Turning up the HEAT with IBM MobileFirst for iOS Apps (Interconnect 2016)
Turning up the HEAT with IBM MobileFirst for iOS Apps (Interconnect 2016)

The landmark partnership between Apple and IBM announced in 2014 set the Internet abuzz. This partnership aims to spark true, mobile-led business change across the enterprise. In this talk, we’ll show you how IBM is using OpenStack, Heat, and DevOps to deploy the MobileFirst Platform for iOS enterprise solutions. We willl tell the story of how we used full-stack application patterns based on OpenStack Heat to provision environments with speed and reliability.

Dev and Test Off-Prem
Development and test off-prem with production on Dedicated Cloud or
physical infrastructure in on-prem datacenters
On-Prem Off-Prem
ProdStage TestDev
Scenario One
Cloud for Burst Capacity
App dynamically “bursts” to off-prem clouds when on-prem approaches
capacity limits
App A App A
to cloud
On-Prem Off-Prem
Scenario Two
Cloud Front-End
Systems of Record applications are on-prem on mainframes or
distributed systems and Systems of Engagement applications are
off-premise in Dedicated Private or Shared Public clouds
App A App B
On-Prem Off-Prem
Scenario Three
On-Prem Off-Prem
App A
App B
App C
App A
App B
App C
Scenario Four
Portable Workloads
Application and data are portable across on-prem infrastructure and
off-premise clouds

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Continuous Delivery on IBM Bluemix: Manage Cloud Native Services with Cloud N...
Continuous Delivery on IBM Bluemix: Manage Cloud Native Services with Cloud N...Continuous Delivery on IBM Bluemix: Manage Cloud Native Services with Cloud N...
Continuous Delivery on IBM Bluemix: Manage Cloud Native Services with Cloud N...

Development teams want to move quickly. Operations teams want to move forward with effective risk management. How do you balance these concerns? With IBM Continuous Delivery for Bluemix, developers are empowered to deliver changes at cloud speed, while release managers can establish policies that ensure compliance with standards. Promotions can be automated all the way to production while enforcing team policies around test coverage and automated test success. And of course, environment inventories are always just a click away. In this talk, you’ll learn how to enable your enterprise teams to deliver like a startup, without violating corporate regulations like separation of duties.

continuous deliveryibmdevops
IBM Bluemix Dedicated – GitHub Enterprise
IBM Bluemix Dedicated – GitHub EnterpriseIBM Bluemix Dedicated – GitHub Enterprise
IBM Bluemix Dedicated – GitHub Enterprise

The document discusses IBM Bluemix Dedicated - GitHub Enterprise, a new managed service that provides GitHub Enterprise in a dedicated, secure environment hosted on IBM's Bluemix Dedicated cloud platform. GitHub Enterprise allows for collaborative development through secure code repositories and integration with over 150 Bluemix services. The service is the first to offer GitHub Enterprise in a fully managed, dedicated cloud environment and provides benefits like facilitating agile development, security, backups and upgrades managed by IBM.

How do you deliver your applications to the cloud?
How do you deliver your applications to the cloud?How do you deliver your applications to the cloud?
How do you deliver your applications to the cloud?

Cloud, Docker, Bluemix, and DevOps. You feel the pressure of a hyper-competitive marketplace, and you want to win. Your goal is to deliver apps to that make your users happy and excited about your brand and products, but how do you do that? In this talk, we'll provide a technical briefing for how you can use a DevOps-enabled toolchain to deliver your apps with speed and reliability to the cloud platform of your choice. We'll review how UrbanCode Deploy can deliver your applications to OpenStack, IBM SoftLayer, Amazon, and VMWare with a consistent and portable Infrastructure-as-a-Service approach; or how you can use Containers and Cloud Foundry for app tiers that change potentially many times a day. Come take a look and ask your questions, and hopefully come away with a game plan to improve your delivery process today.

hybrid clouddevopscloud
Cloud applications are changing…
Hybrid Cloud – Key Ingredients
Services Integration Portability
Flexible Deployment Models
DevOps + Management
• Bluemix Public and Softayer deployment models are
just the beginning
• Expanding into domain focus, infrastructure, IaaS+ and
• Increasing our capability around enterprise and cloud
• Making it easy to move applications and services
between different deployments
• Providing common and consistent management across
deployment models
Building Flexible Deployment Models
Public Dedicated On-premises
Services Integration Portability
Flexible Deployment Models
Evolving the Bluemix Platform to enable Hybrid
Services Integration Portability
Flexible Deployment Models

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Deployment Automation for Hybrid Cloud and Multi-Platform Environments
Deployment Automation for Hybrid Cloud and Multi-Platform EnvironmentsDeployment Automation for Hybrid Cloud and Multi-Platform Environments
Deployment Automation for Hybrid Cloud and Multi-Platform Environments

This document discusses how IBM's UrbanCode Deploy product can be used to automate application deployments across hybrid cloud and multi-platform environments. It provides examples of how UrbanCode Deploy supports deploying applications to systems like IBM z/OS, distributed systems, private clouds, public clouds and PaaS platforms in an automated and unified manner using patterns and templates. The document also discusses reference architectures and case studies for implementing continuous delivery pipelines spanning both on-premise and cloud infrastructures.

Continuous Delivery for cloud - scenarios and scope
Continuous Delivery for cloud  - scenarios and scopeContinuous Delivery for cloud  - scenarios and scope
Continuous Delivery for cloud - scenarios and scope

Cloud is both a catalyst and an enabler for DevOps. Having the flexibility and the services and capabilities provided by the Cloud lowers the barrier to adoption for organization looking to adopt DevOps. Hence, allowing them to achieve the business goals of Speed, Business Agility and Innovation. This webinar will explore the impact of DevOps on using the Cloud as a Platform as a Service and vice versa. It will explore the different use cases of DevOps that are enabled or enhanced by the Cloud platform, and the different 'scopes' of adoption by organizations adopting Cloud and DevOps in an iterative manner.

devopscontinuous deliverycloud
The Business Case behind Cloud Computing - The risks and rewards
The Business Case behind Cloud Computing - The risks and rewardsThe Business Case behind Cloud Computing - The risks and rewards
The Business Case behind Cloud Computing - The risks and rewards

Presentation by James Valentine on the Business Case behind Cloud computing, risks and rewards, how to add value and reduce costs.

saassalesforcecost reduction
Enabling Hybrid with expanded platforms
ü  Automate the build of
Docker images
ü  Manage and distribute
Docker images in
private image registries
ü  Easily host containers
or OpenStack VMs
ü  Extend to on/off premise
private OpenStack
ü  Scale and auto-
recovery built-in
ü  Logging and Monitoring
Integration with on-premises applications and data
Services Integration Portability
Flexible Deployment Models
On-premise database and apps
Cast Iron -> Secure Connector -> Next
Enabling Portability for Cloud Workloads
Public Dedicated On-premises
Services Integration Portability
Flexible Deployment Models
Containers are a critical
foundation of Hybrid Cloud
and portability.
Building consistent APIs for
Infrastructure and Services
across cloud environments.
DevOps in Hybrid Cloud
Services Integration Portability
Flexible Deployment Models
Pinpoint the problem
to a specific part of
the environment
Drill down into the
details and get to
the root cause
Deploy a fix leveraging a common delivery pipeline across both clouds
and traditional infrastructure, bridging the gap in two speed IT
Detect that a problem
occurred, or is about
to happen
Rapid iterations
Plan Develop Build Test Deploy Prod
Slower iterations
Plan Develop Build Test Deploy Prod
Alignment Isolation Coordination
Application Performance
Deployment Automation
DevOps + Management

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#8311: Transform the Enterprise with IBM Cloud Private
#8311: Transform the Enterprise with IBM Cloud Private#8311: Transform the Enterprise with IBM Cloud Private
#8311: Transform the Enterprise with IBM Cloud Private

Does your organization need to improve development agility and operational efficiency? Does it also need to accelerate the delivery of applications to market? Bottom line: do you need to become cloud native with your application development, but face security and compliance challenges that limit your adoption of public cloud? The enterprise needs a platform on which it can create new, cloud native applications, modernize and optimize existing ones, and gain access to capabilities in public cloud for secure integration with applications being developed behind the firewall. The new IBM Cloud Private helps your organization meet these enterprise challenges. Come learn more about IBM Cloud Private and how you can leverage it. Presented at IBM Think 2018.

ibmcloudibm cloud private
IBM DevOps Workshops at IBM InterConnect 2017
IBM DevOps Workshops at IBM InterConnect 2017IBM DevOps Workshops at IBM InterConnect 2017
IBM DevOps Workshops at IBM InterConnect 2017

Learn how to jump-start your digital transformation. DevOps workshops are different from the regular breakout sessions. They are interactive, small-group workshops, led by IBM DevOps experts, who oversee the discussion and provide inputs to further the attendees’ understanding with structured exercises and sharing ideas and experiences.

Helping Organizations Realize the Value of DevOps with Continuous Software De...
Helping Organizations Realize the Value of DevOps with Continuous Software De...Helping Organizations Realize the Value of DevOps with Continuous Software De...
Helping Organizations Realize the Value of DevOps with Continuous Software De...

The IBM UrbanCode solution enables continuous release and application deployment allowing organizations to deliver applications rapidly and improve overall time to market.

IBM Bluemix DevOps Services
Enabling rapid software delivery
IBM Bluemix DevOps Services – Project Mgmt
Source Control Management
•  Hosted	
•  Support	
•  Manage	
•  Projects	
IBM Bluemix DevOps Services – Delivery
•  IntegraCon	
•  AutomaCon	
•  Fully	
IBM Bluemix Quality Services – Mobile Quality
Tester End UsersDeveloper
Over the air build distribution1 In app bug reporting2
Crash log reporting
In app user feedback3
LOB/Digital Marketer
Sentiment Analysis5
User Feedback
Crash logs
Bugs vs. Crashes
Quality Dashboard
with Sentiment Analysis
Addresses five key use cases, attacking pain points for all key users

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IBM Bluemix
IBM BluemixIBM Bluemix
IBM Bluemix

1. Bluemix is IBM's cloud platform that provides an open innovation platform to build, deploy, and manage applications anywhere through public, private, and on-premises options. 2. It delivers flexible compute options including containers and virtual machines and a catalog of over 100 services to extend applications. 3. Bluemix offers deployment options like public, dedicated, and local environments to meet enterprise security, compliance, and infrastructure needs while fostering innovation.

The new developer experience
The new developer experienceThe new developer experience
The new developer experience

My presentation for our Benelux IBM Rational Innovate event. This presentation explains how the IBM Bluemix and devops as a service solution can be used for modern cloud based development.

#bluemix #devops #cloud
InterConnect 2015: 3540 Release and Deploy Headliner
InterConnect 2015: 3540 Release and Deploy HeadlinerInterConnect 2015: 3540 Release and Deploy Headliner
InterConnect 2015: 3540 Release and Deploy Headliner

Session 3540 Release and Deploy Headliner was originally presented at IBM InterConnect Feb 22 - 26, 2015.

SmartCloud Monitoring
IBM UrbanCode Deploy w/ Patterns
Mobile Quality
Traditional IBM view of an on-premises delivery
UrbanCode Deploy to deliver applications to hybrid cloud
•  Manage application
components and versions
•  Manage configurations across
all environments
•  Offer secure ‘self-service’
•  Increase transparency
•  Ensure governance and compliancy
Composite Applications
Re-usable Workflows
The “What”
The “How”
The “Where”
Intuitive scalable model-driven deployment automation
Images from
image registry Deploy containers from
image component
Deploy to docker hosts or
IBM Container Service
•  Automate deployment of mobile
applications by interacting with
mobile platforms and mobile SDKs
•  Support for emulators/simulators in
Apple XCode and Android SDK
•  Planned support for mobile testing
“device-clouds” e.g.: Appurify,
MobileLabs, Perfecto Mobile and
Enable rapid delivery of mobile applications
Rational Team ConcertIDE
Request Build
Jazz Build Engine
Native SDK Build
Built Artifacts
Deploy Use Application
Mobile ResourceIBM UrbanCode Deploy
IBM Worklight Server
IBM UrbanCode

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IBM Bluemix hands on
IBM Bluemix hands onIBM Bluemix hands on
IBM Bluemix hands on

This document provides an overview of IBM Bluemix, a cloud platform for building, running, and managing applications. It discusses key Bluemix concepts like regions, spaces, and foundational elements. It also covers the various options available for developing applications on Bluemix, including using the command line interface, Eclipse plugin, manifest files, and environment variables. The document promotes Bluemix's capabilities for rapid application development and deployment through simplification, flexibility, and DevOps services.

IBM Private Cloud Platform - Setting Foundation for Hybrid (JUKE, 2015)
IBM Private Cloud Platform - Setting Foundation for Hybrid (JUKE, 2015)IBM Private Cloud Platform - Setting Foundation for Hybrid (JUKE, 2015)
IBM Private Cloud Platform - Setting Foundation for Hybrid (JUKE, 2015)

This is the slide for IBM Partner Event, November 2015. Digital Transformation, Innovation, and Industry Transformer through Hybrid Cloud. IBM Scenarios of Hybrid Cloud and Roadmap .An example of how Enterprise can get into Hybrid Cloud through simple Dev/Test Private Cloud as the start.

ibmprivate cloudenterprise
Elevate Your Continuous Delivery Strategy Above the Rolling Clouds (Interconn...
Elevate Your Continuous Delivery Strategy Above the Rolling Clouds (Interconn...Elevate Your Continuous Delivery Strategy Above the Rolling Clouds (Interconn...
Elevate Your Continuous Delivery Strategy Above the Rolling Clouds (Interconn...

This presentation describes how we see client architectures evolving from traditional IT, to cloud-enabled, to cloud native, with bridges in between. It explains how IBM UrbanCode Deploy enables clients to capture full-stack blueprints for their workloads in a way that is cloud-portable. It will highlight new capabilities in VMWare vCenter, IBM SoftLayer, Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure. Attendees will also see a live demonstration of end-to-end deployment during the talk.

Extend support to back-end Systems of Record
Rational Team Concert
IBM UrbanCode
Deploy for z/OS
•  Push button deployments to the mainframe
•  Secure and reliable deployment and promotion
of incremental native file system changes across
•  Greater visibility of “what is where” with the
ability rollback to any prior version at ease
Deploy Application
IBM Rational
Test Workbench
RD&T Test Environment
Introducing IBM UrbanCode Deploy with Patterns
IBM UrbanCode Deploy
with Patterns
VMware® vCenter Server™
ü  Full	
•  Design	
ü  Portability	
•  Capture	
•  Hybrid	
•  Enables	
ü  Con8nuous	
•  Eliminate	
Supporting Hybrid Cloud with IBM Cloud services
Front-End Mid-Tier Backend
Mobile Quality
Monitoring and
Cloud IntegrationTrack and
Dev/Test with Hybrid Cloud
Image Registry
IBM Bluemix
IBM UrbanCode Deploy

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Bluemix DevOps Meetup
Bluemix DevOps MeetupBluemix DevOps Meetup
Bluemix DevOps Meetup

This document discusses DevOps and containers. It provides an overview of DevOps, what Docker is, and IBM Bluemix and its Container Service. The agenda includes DevOps concepts like continuous delivery and feedback. Docker simplifies application portability and deployment. IBM Bluemix is a digital innovation platform that supports containers. Its Container Service automates building, distributing, hosting, and managing Docker images at scale.

DevOps adoption in the enterprise
DevOps adoption in the enterpriseDevOps adoption in the enterprise
DevOps adoption in the enterprise

The document discusses adopting DevOps practices at enterprise scale, outlining three patterns of DevOps adoption: driving business agility, scaling for the enterprise across hybrid environments, and driving innovation through rapid experimentation and feedback using techniques like containerization and microservices. It provides examples and case studies of organizations addressing bottlenecks in their development and deployment processes by applying practices like continuous integration, deployment automation, test automation, and service virtualization.

Microservice Builder: A Microservice DevOps Pipeline for Rapid Delivery and P...
Microservice Builder: A Microservice DevOps Pipeline for Rapid Delivery and P...Microservice Builder: A Microservice DevOps Pipeline for Rapid Delivery and P...
Microservice Builder: A Microservice DevOps Pipeline for Rapid Delivery and P...

Presentation from IBM InterConnect 2017. Abstract: Acceleratate your microservice delivery and promotion with an out-of-box DevOps pipeline! In this session, you'll learn how to use the Project Liber8 DevOps pipeline. We will explore its anatomy, operation, visualization, customization and ecosystem integration. We will further examine its use in deploying to IBM Cloud and on-premise deployments. A live demo will be used to reinforce concepts.

microserviceskubernetesmicroservice builder
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Continuous Delivery to the cloud - Innovate 2014
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Continuous Delivery to the cloud - Innovate 2014

The document discusses continuous delivery to the cloud using DevOps approaches. It outlines how DevOps utilizes Lean principles to accelerate feedback and improve time to value. Continuous delivery pipelines are discussed as a way to automate deployments from development to production. The document also discusses how adopting DevOps and cloud can standardize infrastructure for lower costs and faster delivery. IBM's cloud platforms like BlueMix, PureApplication System, and SmartCloud Orchestrator are presented as ways to deploy applications and leverage patterns of expertise for consistent deployments. UrbanCode Deploy is highlighted as a tool that supports these patterns and continuous delivery to IBM's cloud platforms.

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IBM UrbanCode Deploy with Patterns is a full-stack environment management and deployment solution that enables users to design, deploy and update full-stack environments for multiple clouds. Join Michael Elder, Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM DevOps, as he shows you how you can improve your customer feedback loop using iterative, full-stack application design for the cloud. In this webinar, he will cover an innovative new way of designing and versioning your cloud applications through a web-based environment development toolkit.

ibm urbancode deploy with patterns
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IBM Multicloud Management on the OpenShift Container Platform

The document discusses IBM's Cloud Paks and multicloud management capabilities. It introduces Cloud Paks as enterprise-ready cloud software solutions that are containerized, certified, and can run on private and public clouds. It then summarizes the key capabilities of several Cloud Paks for applications, data, integration, automation, and multicloud management. It positions IBM as providing solutions for building, deploying, integrating, analyzing, automating, and managing applications and infrastructure across hybrid and multicloud environments.


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InterConnect 2015: 3045 Hybrid Cloud - How to get a return from an investment made three decades ago

  • 1. © 2015 IBM Corporation Hybrid Cloud: How to Get a Return from an Investment Made Three Decades Ago Daniel Berg @dancberg IBM Distinguished Engineer Michael Elder @mdelder IBM Senior Technical Staff Member DTC 3045
  • 2. Enterprise delivery teams must balance increasing demands 1 Optimize Focus on Operational Costs •  Consolidation and modernization •  Operations Automation •  Risk and compliance Management •  Manual policy to analytics driven optimization Focus on Speed and Agility •  Assemble solutions from verified components and services •  Fast deployment and redeployment •  Agile to DevOps model •  User first delivery model Innovate Systems of Record Systems of EngagementHybrid Enterprise is emerging as the new model for service delivery
  • 4. 3 Cloud Enabled Enterprise Applications On-Prem Dedicated Cloud Traditional IT Off-Prem Dedicated Private Cloud Shared Public Cloud Cloud Native Apps/Services Hybrid Cloud is the secure consumption of services from two or more sources, including private cloud, public cloud, or traditional IT. What is Hybrid Cloud?
  • 5. Dev and Test Off-Prem Development and test off-prem with production on Dedicated Cloud or physical infrastructure in on-prem datacenters 4 On-Prem Off-Prem ProdStage TestDev Scenario One
  • 6. Cloud for Burst Capacity App dynamically “bursts” to off-prem clouds when on-prem approaches capacity limits 5 App A App A ‘burst’ to cloud On-Prem Off-Prem Scenario Two
  • 7. Cloud Front-End Systems of Record applications are on-prem on mainframes or distributed systems and Systems of Engagement applications are off-premise in Dedicated Private or Shared Public clouds 6 App A App B On-Prem Off-Prem Scenario Three
  • 8. 7 On-Prem Off-Prem App A App B App C App A App B App C Scenario Four Portable Workloads Application and data are portable across on-prem infrastructure and off-premise clouds
  • 9. Cloud applications are changing… 8 Micro-Services
  • 10. Hybrid Cloud – Key Ingredients 9 Services Integration Portability Flexible Deployment Models DevOps + Management • Bluemix Public and Softayer deployment models are just the beginning • Expanding into domain focus, infrastructure, IaaS+ and SaaS • Increasing our capability around enterprise and cloud connectivity • Making it easy to move applications and services between different deployments • Providing common and consistent management across deployment models
  • 11. Building Flexible Deployment Models 10 Public Dedicated On-premises Services Integration Portability Flexible Deployment Models
  • 12. Evolving the Bluemix Platform to enable Hybrid 11 Services Integration Portability Flexible Deployment Models
  • 13. Enabling Hybrid with expanded platforms ü  Automate the build of Docker images ü  Manage and distribute Docker images in private image registries ü  Easily host containers or OpenStack VMs ü  Extend to on/off premise private OpenStack clouds ü  Scale and auto- recovery built-in ü  Logging and Monitoring built-in 12
  • 14. Integration with on-premises applications and data 13 Services Integration Portability Flexible Deployment Models On-premise database and apps Cast Iron -> Secure Connector -> Next
  • 15. Enabling Portability for Cloud Workloads 14 Public Dedicated On-premises Services Integration Portability Flexible Deployment Models Containers are a critical foundation of Hybrid Cloud and portability. Building consistent APIs for Infrastructure and Services across cloud environments.
  • 16. DevOps in Hybrid Cloud 15 Services Integration Portability Flexible Deployment Models Isolate Pinpoint the problem to a specific part of the environment Diagnose Drill down into the details and get to the root cause Deploy a fix leveraging a common delivery pipeline across both clouds and traditional infrastructure, bridging the gap in two speed IT Sense Detect that a problem occurred, or is about to happen Rapid iterations Plan Develop Build Test Deploy Prod Slower iterations Plan Develop Build Test Deploy Prod Alignment Isolation Coordination Automation Application Performance Management Deployment Automation DevOps + Management
  • 17. IBM Bluemix DevOps Services Enabling rapid software delivery 16
  • 18. IBM Bluemix DevOps Services – Project Mgmt Source Control Management •  Hosted  source  control  management   within  the  cloud   •  Support  for  Git  and  Jazz  repositories   •  Manage  users  access  via  projects   •  Projects  have  developer  centric  tools   such  as  IDE,  defect  tracking,  and  a   delivery  pipeline  
  • 19. IBM Bluemix DevOps Services – Delivery Pipeline •  IntegraCon  test,  System   test,  ProducCon   •  AutomaCon  ensures   the  same  procedure  in   each  environment   •  Fully  hosted,  managed,   and  integrated  in  the   cloud  for  the  cloud  
  • 20. IBM Bluemix Quality Services – Mobile Quality Assurance Tester End UsersDeveloper Over the air build distribution1 In app bug reporting2 Crash log reporting 4 In app user feedback3 LOB/Digital Marketer Sentiment Analysis5 Builds User Feedback Crash logs Bugs Bugs vs. Crashes Quality Dashboard with Sentiment Analysis Addresses five key use cases, attacking pain points for all key users
  • 21. SmartCloud Monitoring IBM UrbanCode Deploy w/ Patterns 20 Mobile Quality Assurance uBuild AppScan Traditional IBM view of an on-premises delivery pipeline
  • 22. UrbanCode Deploy to deliver applications to hybrid cloud •  Manage application components and versions •  Manage configurations across all environments •  Offer secure ‘self-service’ capabilities •  Increase transparency •  Ensure governance and compliancy
  • 23. 22 Composite Applications Components Re-usable Workflows Environment Management SIT PROD The “What” The “How” The “Where” Deployment Automation Intuitive scalable model-driven deployment automation Images from image registry Deploy containers from image component Deploy to docker hosts or IBM Container Service
  • 24. •  Automate deployment of mobile applications by interacting with mobile platforms and mobile SDKs •  Support for emulators/simulators in Apple XCode and Android SDK •  Planned support for mobile testing “device-clouds” e.g.: Appurify, MobileLabs, Perfecto Mobile and DeviceAnywhere Enable rapid delivery of mobile applications Develop Deliver SCM Rational Team ConcertIDE Build Request Build Jazz Build Engine Native SDK Build Built Artifacts Deploy Use Application Run Mobile ResourceIBM UrbanCode Deploy IBM Worklight Server Android Worklight IBM UrbanCode Deploy 23
  • 25. Extend support to back-end Systems of Record 24 SCM Rational Team Concert IBM UrbanCode Deploy for z/OS •  Push button deployments to the mainframe •  Secure and reliable deployment and promotion of incremental native file system changes across environments •  Greater visibility of “what is where” with the ability rollback to any prior version at ease Deploy Application IBM Rational Test Workbench RD&T Test Environment
  • 26. Introducing IBM UrbanCode Deploy with Patterns IBM UrbanCode Deploy with Patterns New VMware® vCenter Server™ ü  Full  stack  Applica8on  Design  &  Provisioning   •  Design  open,  full  stack  applicaCon   environments  from  diagram  or  source   ü  Portability  to  heterogeneous  clouds   •  Capture  the  experCse  of  a  heterogeneous   DevOps  team,  from  soluCon  architects  to  IT   specialists   •  Hybrid  clouds:  Blend  your  applica8on  with   PaaS,  SaaS,  and  Tradi8onal  IT   •  Enables  you  to  balance  speed,  cost,  and   flexibility  according  to  your  specific  needs   ü  Con8nuous  Delivery  of  Applica8ons  into  the   Cloud   •  Eliminate  weeks  of  waiCng  for  new   environments  when  starCng  new  projects  or   tesCng  new  app  changes  
  • 27. Supporting Hybrid Cloud with IBM Cloud services 26 IBM  UrbanCode   Deploy   Node.js,  Java,  …   Front-End Mid-Tier Backend Mobile Quality Assurance Monitoring and Analytics Cloud IntegrationTrack and Plan
  • 28. Dev/Test with Hybrid Cloud 27 Off-PremOn-Prem Image Registry IBM Bluemix IBM UrbanCode Deploy PRODSTAGING Delivery Pipeline
  • 29. Please Note: •  IBM’s statements regarding its plans, directions, and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice at IBM’s sole discretion. •  Information regarding potential future products is intended to outline our general product direction and it should not be relied on in making a purchasing decision. •  The information mentioned regarding potential future products is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code or functionality. Information about potential future products may not be incorporated into any contract. •  The development, release, and timing of any future features or functionality described for our products remains at our sole discretion. Performance is based on measurements and projections using standard IBM benchmarks in a controlled environment. The actual throughput or performance that any user will experience will vary depending upon many factors, including considerations such as the amount of multiprogramming in the user’s job stream, the I/O configuration, the storage configuration, and the workload processed. Therefore, no assurance can be given that an individual user will achieve results similar to those stated here. 28
  • 30. Notices and Disclaimers Copyright © 2015 by International Business Machines Corporation (IBM). No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from IBM. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM. Information in these presentations (including information relating to products that have not yet been announced by IBM) has been reviewed for accuracy as of the date of initial publication and could include unintentional technical or typographical errors. IBM shall have no responsibility to update this information. THIS DOCUMENT IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. IN NO EVENT SHALL IBM BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE ARISING FROM THE USE OF THIS INFORMATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF DATA, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF PROFIT OR LOSS OF OPPORTUNITY. IBM products and services are warranted according to the terms and conditions of the agreements under which they are provided. Any statements regarding IBM's future direction, intent or product plans are subject to change or withdrawal without notice. Performance data contained herein was generally obtained in a controlled, isolated environments. Customer examples are presented as illustrations of how those customers have used IBM products and the results they may have achieved. Actual performance, cost, savings or other results in other operating environments may vary. References in this document to IBM products, programs, or services does not imply that IBM intends to make such products, programs or services available in all countries in which IBM operates or does business. Workshops, sessions and associated materials may have been prepared by independent session speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views of IBM. All materials and discussions are provided for informational purposes only, and are neither intended to, nor shall constitute legal or other guidance or advice to any individual participant or their specific situation. It is the customer’s responsibility to insure its own compliance with legal requirements and to obtain advice of competent legal counsel as to the identification and interpretation of any relevant laws and regulatory requirements that may affect the customer’s business and any actions the customer may need to take to comply with such laws. IBM does not provide legal advice or represent or warrant that its services or products will ensure that the customer is in compliance with any law.
  • 31. Notices and Disclaimers (con’t) Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of those products, their published announcements or other publicly available sources. IBM has not tested those products in connection with this publication and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance, compatibility or any other claims related to non-IBM products. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products. IBM does not warrant the quality of any third-party products, or the ability of any such third-party products to interoperate with IBM’s products. IBM EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The provision of the information contained herein is not intended to, and does not, grant any right or license under any IBM patents, copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property right. •  IBM, the IBM logo,, Bluemix, Blueworks Live, CICS, Clearcase, DOORS®, Enterprise Document Management System™, Global Business Services ®, Global Technology Services ®, Information on Demand, ILOG, Maximo®, MQIntegrator®, MQSeries®, Netcool®, OMEGAMON, OpenPower, PureAnalytics™, PureApplication®, pureCluster™, PureCoverage®, PureData®, PureExperience®, PureFlex®, pureQuery®, pureScale®, PureSystems®, QRadar®, Rational®, Rhapsody®, SoDA, SPSS, StoredIQ, Tivoli®, Trusteer®, urban{code}®, Watson, WebSphere®, Worklight®, X-Force® and System z® Z/OS, are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at "Copyright and trademark information" at:
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