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Communicating Through Technology By: Lani Petrulo
Technology Is Everywhere
And it's not going anywhere but forward!

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This document discusses a Master's degree in Education and ICT (e-learning) that focuses on designing and managing e-learning projects. It also covers the professional fields involved in e-learning, including infrastructure, technology, human talent, innovation in education, and planning.

Waverley Portfolio US-3
Waverley Portfolio US-3Waverley Portfolio US-3
Waverley Portfolio US-3

This document lists completed and ongoing mobile app projects for Waverley Software. It includes over 30 apps developed for Pinger including TextFree and Doodle Buddy. It also lists apps created for Addus HomeCare, Avenace, Banjo, Callaway Digital Arts, Corporation for International Business, Creatives SA, Dun and Bradstreet, Fan.TV, Gigwalk, GridPoint, Groupon, iControl, Kinokē, Lyve Minds, Mozilla, Ready.FM, Seagate, SnapFinger, Sococo, Toyota, and TripIt. Many of the apps have links to the relevant listing in the Apple or Google Play app stores.

Nexus 7 for Adult Education
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Nexus 7 for Adult Education

This document provides an overview of using the Nexus 7 tablet for adult education. It begins with navigating the Nexus 7, including notifications, screenshots, and organizing apps. It then discusses choosing education apps like QR Droid, Chrome, and Quizlet. The document ends by demonstrating how to make QR codes and websites using tools like Weebly and providing contact information for the author.

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Web 2.0 Tools For The Classroom Cape Elizabeth

This document discusses using Web 2.0 tools in the classroom. It notes that today's students want to be engaged rather than entertained, and that they produce original content outside the classroom. Various Web 2.0 tools are presented such as Diigo, Wordle, Animoto, and Voicethread that could be used in the classroom, but that the tool alone does not increase knowledge - it requires context and pedagogy. Readers are encouraged to explore how tools might work and be used for their content and to build knowledge. Building a community of experts and getting input from students are also suggested.

Generations kalamazoo
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Generations kalamazoo

This document contains a list of links from Andy Wolber on managing technology changes and resources for how different generations use technology. It includes links to articles on managing technology, digital literacy training, the technology gap in the workplace, and using social media and bookmarking tools. The links provide information on how technology is adopted by different age groups and strategies for organizations to address changes.

Enlaces Inteligencia Competitiva
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Enlaces Inteligencia Competitiva

The document lists various tools for competitive intelligence and monitoring, including search engines, metasearch engines, RSS readers, web page monitors, social media and networking sites, reputation tools, analysis platforms, collaboration and visualization tools, and other miscellaneous online resources. It provides URLs for over 50 different tools across these categories to help users gather information from open sources on the public internet.

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So..... What do we do about it?

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The document discusses several behaviors related to digital comportment including respect, liberty, integrity, privacy, autonomy, quality of life, care and accompaniment, respect for the law, and copyrights. It provides images to illustrate each of these concepts in the digital world.
Edu gov-backlink-list
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Edu gov-backlink-list

The document contains a list of URLs for education and government forums and wikis. Many of the URLs are for university forums and wikis allowing users to register, login or signup. Some URLs also include government agency forums and wikis. The URLs suggest the list was compiled to generate backlinks from education and government domains to help with search engine optimization.

20 ways the i pad can be a powerful
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This document lists and briefly describes 20 apps and tools that can be used with the iPad for educational purposes. It includes apps for creating and sharing documents, forms, and videos as well as for note taking, collaboration, and presenting. Links are provided for each app to learn more about its features and educational uses. A credits section acknowledges the sources of app screenshots and images used in the document.

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Thank you to all who attended the Parish Technology Summit at Villanova University. We explored the how and why technology needs to be an integral part of catechetical ministry in the 21st Century.

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A webinar broadcast in the summer of 2012 (before I went back to school for Marketing), this presentation was the most highly-registered in our company during my time there and received very positive feedback from its attendees. Today there are things I would edit and improve, including my overall strategic approach to social media - but that is the fun of working in an emerging field. Also, now that I have a solid educational background on the subject, I would use my new knowledge to bolster this presentation.

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Cis1 192-xm2b-alcala-alfredo-web-links
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Cis1 192-xm2b-alcala-alfredo-web-links

The document contains links to resources for Discovering Computers 2016 and Microsoft Office 2016 chapters. For Discovering Computers 2016, Alfredo Alcala provides 12 YouTube links summarizing each chapter. For Microsoft Office 2016, he provides 10 OneDrive links for Word, PowerPoint and Excel labs for most chapters, noting he did not have time to complete the Access labs. The links are intended to supplement learning materials for a CIS 1 course.


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Study IT in UT

This document provides an overview of studying information technology at the University of Tartu. It discusses how computers are now ubiquitous, highlights some of the first computer programmers like Ada Lovelace and Alan Turing, and notes how programming can be used to create websites, applications, and games. The document also addresses some misconceptions about IT careers, such as that they are boring, only for boys or socially awkward people. It emphasizes that IT allows one to collaborate and help people. Finally, it promotes studying IT at the University of Tartu by noting its high international ranking and benefits like financial support, exposure to industry, and laptops for students.

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SWONtech News for February, 2012
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SWONtech News for February, 2012

This is a run-down of technology news from SWON Library Consortium. In this edition you'll hear about a number of privacy issues, from web browsing to iPhone apps to security certificates. There's also ebook lending news and some new tools for creating digital texts. Join SWON for this hour of tech talk.

BlackBerry 10 Rises
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BlackBerry 10 Rises

The document discusses strategies for mobile game developers on the BlackBerry 10 platform. It recommends focusing on user discovery through the BlackBerry World storefront and Games app, retention through BBM and cross-platform leaderboards and achievements, and monetization through the BlackBerry payment ecosystem and marketing opportunities. Developers are encouraged to create exciting games rather than relying solely on tools and features to succeed on BlackBerry 10.


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