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JBoss Fuse and Camel
● Apache Camel
● Enterprise Integration Patterns
● Components, Routes, Endpoints, Messages,
Apache Camel
• Powerful Integration Framework
– Based on known Enterprise Integration Patterns
– Framework do the heavy lifting
– You can focus on business problem
– Not "reinventing the wheel"
• Use Case : a really simple way to do integration
– Started as a Sub-project of ActiveMQ in March 2007
– 36 committers (15 work for Red Hat)
– 80-100k artifact downloads a month
– 120k website views a month
– 1000 user mailing list posts per month
– 130 + Components and growing
– Most widely used integration framework on the planet

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Implementing WebServices with Camel and CXF in ServiceMix
Implementing WebServices with Camel and CXF in ServiceMixImplementing WebServices with Camel and CXF in ServiceMix
Implementing WebServices with Camel and CXF in ServiceMix

The document discusses using the camel-cxf component to create and consume web services with Apache Camel. It describes three approaches for working with SOAP messages: POJO-based using generated Java objects, payload-based working directly with XML payloads, and provider-based. The agenda covers implementing a web service using these approaches with Apache ServiceMix, including code generation, configuration, packaging, and testing. Sample code is provided to demonstrate routing SOAP messages between HTTP, JMS, and generating responses using templates.

OSGi & Blueprint
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OSGi & Blueprint

OSGi and Blueprint provide modularity for Java applications. Apache Karaf is an OSGi container that allows dynamic installation and management of bundles. Blueprint is an implementation of the OSGi declarative services specification that allows configuring bundles through XML. Key concepts discussed include OSGi bundles and their lifecycle, the OSGi service registry for communication between bundles, and using Apache Karaf and Blueprint together for an OSGi application.

Application Profiling for Memory and Performance
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Application Profiling for Memory and Performance

This document discusses application profiling for memory and performance. It describes how to measure contention in CPU, memory, disk I/O, and network I/O as concurrency increases. It recommends performance tuning by identifying bottlenecks and shifting them through parameter tweaking and code profiling. Common issues like classcast exceptions, permgen errors, deadlocks, nullpointers, and outofmemoryexceptions can be addressed through profiling tools like JProfiler, Eclipse Memory Analyzer, and JConsole. The document provides examples of how WSO2 uses profiling to optimize products like the Identity Server for low-memory environments and Raspberry Pi clusters.

by WSO2
Enterprise Integration Patterns
Camel implements most EIP Patterns
• Messaging systems
• Messaging Channels
• Message Routing
• Message transformation
• Message Endpoints
Message router Message translator
Dead Letter Channel Message Bus
Recipient List Splitter Aggregator
Content Enricher Content Filter
Event Driven Consumer Polling Consumer
Example : complex deployment
Source : JBoss Fuse success story – Major Retail Pharmacy Chain
JBoss Fuse Architecture :
routes, components, endpoints
From : “Camel in Action”, by Claus Ibsen

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ActiveMQ 5.9.x new features
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ActiveMQ 5.9.x new features

This document provides an overview and agenda for a presentation on Apache ActiveMQ 5.9.x and Apache Apollo. The presentation will cover new features in ActiveMQ 5.9.x including AMQP 1.0 support, REST management, a new default file-based store using LevelDB, and high availability replication of the store. It will also introduce Apache Apollo and allow for a question and discussion period.

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What's New in WildFly 9?

This session covers new improvements that will be introduced in WildFly 9: • Wildfly-core will be extracted from the codebase and the ability to assemble a server on top of it will be introduced. WildFly 9 will be provided in two versions: Wildfly Web and Wildfly Full but users will be able to create their custom packaging of WildFly. • Users will be able to shutdown the application server in a graceful manner - after the shutdown command is executed server will reject new requests and allow existing requests to finish before it shuts down. • Support for HTTP/2, a new version of HTTP protocol based on SPDY, will be introduced. • Users will be able to use WildFly as a load balancer. Consequently, it will be possible to manage the balancer with the same tools that are used to manage the rest of the domain. What is more, users will be able to use more efficient protocols, such as HTTP/2, for communication between the balancer and backend servers. • An OpenShift cartridge, which will enable users to use WildFly 9 in cloud environment, will be provided. • WildFly 9 will use OpenJDK ORB library instead of JacORB.

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Fabric8 mq
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Fabric8 mq

This document discusses achieving horizontal scaling for enterprise messaging using Fabric8. It provides an introduction to Fabric8 and enterprise messaging concepts. It then describes how Fabric8MQ, which is built on Vert.x, provides horizontal scaling and load balancing for ActiveMQ by implementing features like protocol conversion, Camel routing, API management, multiplexing, and destination sharding across Kubernetes pods and nodes. The document concludes with a demo of Fabric8MQ's capabilities.

mqttfabric8 mqactivemq
Camel Context
• CamelContext is the container of many Camel Services
• Instance of the Camel runtime
From : “Camel in Action”, by Claus Ibsen
What is a Camel Component?
• Components are the main extension point in Camel
• Components are used to manage everything in Camel :
◾ Data Transport
◾ Data Formatting
◾ ... customized behaviour
• From a programming point of view they :
◾ Have a name
◾ Act as a Factory of endpoints
What is a Camel Processor?
• Core Camel concept : node capable of using, creating, or
modifying an incoming exchange
• During routing exchanges flow from one processor to another
public interface Processor {
   * Processes the message exchange
   * @param exchange the message exchange
   * @throws Exception if an internal processing error has occurred.
  void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception;
EIP Patterns and Processors
• Implement the actions of the EIP between the endpoints
• Perform actions on the message in the Route (e.g modify, use,
create, enrich ...)
• Processors can be linked in a pipeline flow
• Processor examples :
Splitter Message Filter
Aggregator Message Router
Content Enricher

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This document discusses how to build custom products using the WSO2 Carbon platform. It covers key Carbon concepts like features and components, and how to develop a custom component, create a corresponding feature, and install it into a Carbon-based product. It provides steps for building the backend and frontend of a component using Maven, as well as configuring deployment, clustering, and more.

by WSO2
What is a Camel route?
• A Route is the step-by-step movement of a message:
◾ From a “listening” endpoint in the role of consumer
◾ Through a processing component - enterprise integration pattern,
processor, interceptor, etc. (optional)
◾ To a target endpoint in the role of producer
• May involve any number of processing components that
modify the original message and/or redirect it
◾ Use expressions and predicates
• An application developer specifies routes using:
◾ Spring configuration files
◾ Java Domain Specific Language (DSL)
Routes ....
• By decoupling clients from servers, and producers
from consumers, routes can
◾ Decide dynamically what server a client will invoke
◾ Provide a flexible way to add extra processing
◾ Allow for clients and servers to be developed independently
◾ Allow for clients of servers to be stubbed out (using mocks)
for testing purposes
◾ Foster better design practices by connecting disparate
systems that do one thing well
◾ Enhance features and functionality of some systems (such
as message brokers and ESBs)
• Each route in Camel has a unique identifier that’s used
for logging, debugging, monitoring, and starting and
stopping routes.
Expressions and Predicates
• Expressions return a selection of nodes for processing
◾ XPath is used for parsing XML payloads
• Predicates are conditional expressions
◾ Used to add logical branching to routes
• Camel supports other expression languages
XQuery, Simple, Bean, OGNL, JavaScript, Groovy, Ruby ...
What is a Camel Endpoint?
• An endpoint is something that can create or receive messages,
for example, an FTP server, a Web Service, or a JMS broker
• Camel allows you to specifiy endpoints using simple URIs
◾ ftp://john@localhost/ftp?password=nhoj
◾ activemq:queue:MyQueue
◾ timer://myTimer?period=2000
• Consumer Endpoint, source at beginning of Route, 'from'
• Producer Endpoint, sink at end of Route, 'to'

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by WSO2
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This document discusses best practices for delivering mission-critical production grade architectures and infrastructures. It covers deployment patterns, reference architectures, capacity planning, and scaling. The key points are: understanding business objectives, considering infrastructure policies and standards, drawing logical and physical architectures, gathering performance data, sizing instances based on capacity planning guidelines, and keeping a buffer for unexpected demand. The goal is to right-size deployments to meet enterprise needs.

by WSO2
Endpoint Syntax
• Endpoint URI format:
• Where:
• scheme identifies the component
– Scheme is the registered service name for activating a component in Camel
– Triggers dynamic loading of the component
– Maps to a specific instance of org.apache.camel.Component
• options is a list of name/value pairs
Consumer endpoint
Endpoint Functionality
• Endpoints are either message source or message sink
• Two roles :
◾ Consumer
– Appears at the beginning of a routing rule (for example, in a from() command
or in a <from ...> element, depending on the DSL used)
– Receives messages from an external source and creates a message
exchange object, which the routing rule processes.
◾ Producer
– Appears at the end of a routing rule (for example, in a to() command or in a
<to ...> element, depending on the DSL used)
– Sends the current message wrapped in the message exchange object to an
external target destination.
Camel Components in practice
Use Case : Receive orders from ActiveMQ queue and
based on the type of message forward to appropriate
queue (ActiveMQ or Websphere MQ)
Example 1 of 3
from newOrder
when isWidget to widget
otherwise to gadget

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With Oracle SOA Suite 11g the old Oracle ESB become the Mediator component. With that only one "real" service bus resides, the Oracle Serivce Bus (OSB), which has been taken over from BEA (used to be Aqualogic Service Bus). Mediator and OSB have some overlapping funcitonality, like transformation, routing and filtering. The question automatically raised is of course when to use which component. This presentation shows the difference between the components, the functionality they provide and some typical use cases for both.

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Scalability Availabilty and Management of WSO2 Carbon
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1. The document discusses strategies for scaling, availability, and managing the WSO2 Carbon platform, including clustering for scalability and availability, the WSO2 Elastic Load Balancer, separating management and worker nodes, deployment synchronization, and lazy loading. 2. It provides an overview of membership types and modes for Carbon clustering, configurations for clustering, and strategies for HTTP session replication. 3. The WSO2 Elastic Load Balancer 2.0 is introduced which provides tenant-aware load balancing, private jet mode to dedicate clusters for tenants, and an improved auto-scaler.

by WSO2
Deep Dive: Alfresco Core Repository (... embedded in a micro-services style a...
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Alfresco Summit 2014 (London) Though best practice is to leverage Alfresco through the well defined API's, it can be useful to understand the internals of the repository so that your development efforts are the most effective. A deep understanding of the repository will help you to evaluate performance bottlenecks, look for bugs, or make contributions. This session provides an overview of the repository internals, including the major components, the key services, subsystems, and database. We then provide an example where we leverage the repository in a micro-service architecture while building Alfresco's future cloud products and show how the different parts of the repository interact to fulfill requests.

by J V
Example 2 of 3
Example 3 of 3
Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder");
Predicate isWidget = xpath("/order/product = 'widget'");
Endpoint widget = endpoint("activemq:queue:widget");
Endpoint gadget = endpoint("wmq:queue:gadget");
Example : Java DSL
import org.apache.camel.Endpoint;
import org.apache.camel.Predicate;
import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
public class MyRoute extends RouteBuilder {
public void configure() throws Exception {
Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder");
Predicate isWidget = xpath("/order/product = 'widget'");
Endpoint widget = endpoint("activemq:queue:widget");
Endpoint gadget = endpoint("activemq:queue:gadget");
Example : XML DSL
<from uri="activemq:queue:newOrder"/>
<xpath>/order/product = 'widget'</xpath>
<to uri="activemq:queue:widget"/>
<to uri="wmq:queue:gadget"/>

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WSO2 ESB outperforms other open source ESBs through its use of specialized transports like the Pass Through Transport (PTT) and optimizations like streaming XPath and FAST XSLT. Benchmark tests showed WSO2 ESB 4.6 handling over 2,500 concurrent connections with minimal latency, outperforming competitors. While performance is important, WSO2 ESB is also enterprise-ready, part of a complete middleware platform, and offers PaaS deployment and 100% open source software.

by WSO2
Redhat Open Day - Integracion JBoss Fuse A-MQ
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Conozca como nuestro bus de servicios empresariales Red Hat JBoss Fuse proporciona una mejor gestión de la información maximizando el valor de sus aplicaciones, reduciendo los tiempos de respuesta operativos, agilizando la toma de decisiones inteligentes para su negocio en tiempo real.

Example : change the endpoint
<from uri="file:inbox/orders?delete=true"/>
<xpath>/order/product = 'widget'</xpath>
<to uri="activemq:queue:widget"/>
<to uri="wmq:queue:gadget"/>
use file instead
DSL : Java or XML ?
● Java
+ More options for custom development, embedded solutions
in legacy applications/frameworks
– Developer needs to take control of instantiation and route
+ Configuration over coding, which is simple, and means you
can see your route and its resources / configuration, all in
one place
– More coarse-grained and verbose
Consumers and Producers
• Message consumers and producers are created from
◾ Some endpoint technologies can create producers and
consumers, others support the creation of either a producer
or a consumer
◾ Examples :
.setBody().simple("Current time is ${header.firedTime}")
ESB and routes
• ESB creates a pipeline of processors
◾ Passes incoming message to processor
◾ Sends output from one processor to the next in the chain

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JBoss Fuse Workshop 101 part 5
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It's time to take a look at the running container for the camel route we have been creating for this stock trading company, after all, our system cannot always run on developer's laptop. This part takes you look at the OSGi container in JBoss Fuse

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JBoss Fuse Workshop 101 part 6
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This is the last part of the workshop. This workshop is about fabric8. It provision, automate, configure, and manage containers from a central location. Also provide HA, failover and service registry too.

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JBoss Fuse Workshop 101 part 4
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JBoss Fuse Workshop 101 part 4

The best thing about Camel is that you can actually concentrating what is important, your enterprise specific customize logic. And guess what, there are no framework to learn, just use POJO. This workshop tells you how to register your java bean in Camel, and how to make use of it!

jboss fuse
ESB and messages
• ESB sends a Message Exchange along the pipeline
◾ Passes incoming message to processor
◾ Must be explicitly transformed, if needed
Camel Message Exchange
• Message Container during routing
• Two Properties:
• InOnly (fire & forget - e.g. JMS message)
• InOut (request-response - e.g. HTTP requests)
Exchange ID MEP
Exception Properties
Camel Message
• Basic structure for moving data over a Route
Sender ReceiverMessage
Camel Message Lifecycle
Sender ReceiverMessage

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JBoss Fuse Workshop 101 part 3
JBoss Fuse Workshop 101 part 3JBoss Fuse Workshop 101 part 3
JBoss Fuse Workshop 101 part 3

This part go on to explain what EIP, Enterprise Integration Pattern is. We take you through some of the common EIP we use while trying to solve integration problems. But it's not just boring old textbook EIP, we go through an ordering system that actually discuss what EIP we can use in it!

jboss fuseapache camelintegration
JBoss Fuse - Fuse workshop Error Handling
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JBoss Fuse - Fuse workshop Error Handling

This small independent workshop talks about error handling in Camel. It covers the basic error handler, catches exceptions and also using try and catch in Camel route.

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JBoss Fuse Workshop 101 part 2
JBoss Fuse Workshop 101 part 2JBoss Fuse Workshop 101 part 2
JBoss Fuse Workshop 101 part 2

This document discusses message transformation techniques in JBoss Fuse, including transforming message formats like XML, JSON, CSV, and POJO; using components like marshal, unmarshal, and transform to change formats; updating message metadata and content; and using processors and beans to customize transformations.

jboss fuseworkshop
Camel Message Lifecycle
• In messages are modified by each processor in the
◾ If a processor sets the Out message, Camel automatically
copies the Out message into the In message and resets the
Out message to be null
End of Pipeline
• When processing is finished Camel returns the ME to
the consumer
• The consumer can :
◾ Send a response message
◾ Commit a transaction
◾ Handle and error
◾ Free any resource in use
Camel Components
120+ Components (supported)
Camel Components
120+ Components (supported)

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aqui se muestran los diferentes tipos de honorarios de un consultor asi como los métodos que hay para determinarlos e ingormacion de la factura hacia el cliente.

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Data Formats
Serialization String JSon Castor JAXB
XStream XmlBeans SOAP XmlJson CSV
EDI Flatpack
Gzip Zip
PGP Crypto XMLSecurity RSS Syslog
TidyMarkup Custom
• Transform format (e.g. CSV to XML)
• Transform data type (e.g. Java.lang.String to javax.jms.TextMessage)
• Use built-in components (e.g. XSLT), use components (e.g. Enricher),
built-in Data formats, templates, custom
Extending Camel
● Using Components
From : “Camel in Action”, by Claus Ibsen
Extending Camel : create custom components
• Use Maven to create a skeleton component
• Define endpoint name
• Implement endpoint class to create
Consumer or Producer or both
• Implement Consumer and Producer classes
JBoss Fuse Camel :
advanced topics

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Proceso de la consultoria
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Proceso de la consultoria

El documento describe las etapas del proceso de consultoría, incluyendo la iniciación, diagnóstico, planificación de acción, aplicación y terminación. También presenta un caso empresarial sobre una pizzería llamada "Don Pochocho" que busca diferenciarse ofreciendo comida rápida saludable y una experiencia única para los clientes.

EIP In Practice
EIP In PracticeEIP In Practice
EIP In Practice

This document provides an overview of enterprise integration patterns (EIPs) and how they are implemented using Apache Camel and Project Fuji frameworks. It discusses core EIP principles like asynchronous messaging for integration. It also describes various EIP implementations like content-based routing, dead letter channels, and message transformation patterns. Code examples are shown using the Java and Spring DSLs for Apache Camel and the DSL and web UI for Project Fuji.

eip integration java apache camel
An introduction to Apache Camel
An introduction to Apache CamelAn introduction to Apache Camel
An introduction to Apache Camel

Apache Camel is an open-source integration framework that allows applications to integrate various systems together. It uses Enterprise Integration Patterns to provide routing and mediation between endpoints. Camel supports various languages and has a large number of components for integration with different systems like files, databases, messaging systems etc. It allows configuration of routes using a simple domain specific language to perform operations like transforming messages, splitting/aggregating data between endpoints.

apache camel
Data transformation overview
● Data Format & Data Type
◾ Data format example : message body from .csv to .xml
◾ Data type example : message body from
java.lang.String to javax.jms.TextMessage
◾ Data transformations can be combined
From : “Camel in Action”, by Claus Ibsen
Data Transformation
Data transformation in routes
Explicitly enforce transformation in the route using the Message
Translator or the Content Enricher EIPs. This gives you the power
to do data mapping using regular Java code.
Data transformation using
Camel provides a range of components for transformation, such
as the XSLT component for XML transformation.
Data transformation
using data formats
Data formats are Camel transformers that come in pairs to
transform data back and forth between well-known formats
Data transformation
using templates
Camel provides a range of components for transforming using
templates, such as Apache Velocity.
Data type transformation using
Camel’s type-converter
Camel has an elaborate type-converter mechanism that activates
on demand. This is convenient when you need to convert from
common types such as java.lang.Integer to java.lang.String or
even from to java.lang.String.
Message transformation in
component adapters
Extend Data transformation capability via custom transformers
Message Translator & Content Enricher
From : “Camel in Action”, by Claus Ibsen
Message Translator
● 3 methods supported
◾ Using Processor
◾ Using beans
◾ Using <transform>
.bean(new OrderToCsvBean())
From : “Camel in Action”, by Claus Ibsen

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Overview of Mule
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Overview of Mule

This document provides an introduction and overview of Mule, an open-source enterprise service bus (ESB). It discusses what Mule is, how it uses advanced technologies like staged event-driven architecture (SEDA) and Java NIO. The core concepts of Mule like the universal message object, endpoints, transports, connectors, routers, filters and transformers are explained. Examples are given of using Mule for file processing and XML pipelines. Exception handling in Mule is also covered.

Mule enterprise service bus
Mule enterprise service busMule enterprise service bus
Mule enterprise service bus

Mule is an open-source enterprise service bus (ESB) that allows for flexible movement of data between different endpoints and systems. It uses a staged event-driven architecture and non-blocking Java I/O to provide scalability. Core Mule concepts include universal message objects, endpoints, transports, connectors, routers, filters and transformers that allow data to be routed and transformed declaratively between systems and applications. Mule provides capabilities for XML validation, transformation and routing through its built-in components.

mule enterprise service bus
Mule Overview
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Mule Overview

The document discusses the open-source enterprise service bus Mule, including what Mule is, its core concepts like the universal message object and endpoints, and how Mule uses technologies like staged event-driven architecture and non-blocking I/O to move data between different systems and formats in a flexible way. It also provides examples of using Mule to move XML files between directories and handling exceptions.

Message Translator
public class OrderToCsvBean {
public static String map(String custom) {
String id = custom.substring(0, 9);
String customerId = custom.substring(10, 19);
String date = custom.substring(20, 29);
String items = custom.substring(30);
String[] itemIds = items.split("@");
StringBuilder csv = new StringBuilder();
for (String item : itemIds) {
return csv.toString();
No Camel dependency!
Message Body mapped
automatically to
method signature
Message Body transformed
Into java.lang.String
From : “Camel in Action”, by Claus Ibsen
Content Enricher
.process(new Processor() {
    public void process(Exchange exchange) {
        Message in = exchange.getIn();
        in.setBody(in.getBody(String.class) +
Access Message Header
Modify Message Header
Use Mock component From : “Camel in Action”, by Claus Ibsen
Using Beans
● Camel does not mandate to learn a specific component
● Camel uses the Service
Activator EIP to invoke POJOs
inside a route, implemented
by the Bean Component
● A sample route would look like:
.bean(new OrderToCsvBean())
Bean component
From : “Camel in Action”, by Claus Ibsen
Bean invocation
● Camel works as a Service Activator, Camel resolves the
bean to call at runtime
From : “Camel in Action”, by Claus Ibsen

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Mule overview
Mule overviewMule overview
Mule overview

The document discusses the open-source enterprise service bus Mule, including what Mule is, its core concepts like the universal message object and endpoints, and how Mule uses technologies like staged event-driven architecture and non-blocking I/O to move data between different systems and formats in a flexible way. It also provides examples of using Mule to move XML files between directories and handling exceptions.

Mule overview
Mule overviewMule overview
Mule overview

The document discusses the open-source enterprise service bus Mule, including what Mule is, its core concepts like the universal message object and endpoints, and how Mule uses technologies like staged event-driven architecture and non-blocking I/O to move data between different systems and formats in a flexible way. It also provides examples of using Mule to move XML files between directories and handling exceptions.

ESB introduction using Mule
ESB introduction using MuleESB introduction using Mule
ESB introduction using Mule

The document provides an introduction to Mule, an open-source enterprise service backbone. It describes key Mule concepts like staged event-driven architecture (SEDA) and Java NIO, and how Mule uses these concepts to provide a scalable and modular integration platform. It also summarizes core Mule components like endpoints, routers, transformers and how they facilitate message flow and integration. XML examples are provided to demonstrate basic Mule configuration and exception handling.

Error handlers
● Camel support two concepts of error :
◾ Irrecoverable error (e.g. SQLException)
◾ Recoverable error
● In Camel a Recoverable error is represented by a
Java Throwable or Exception, accessible from
● An Irrecoverable error is represented by a message
with a fault flag that can be set or accessed from
● These definitions allow Camel to decide what to do
with an error
● Developers can perform full unit testing of integration
flows without having to deploy and listen on physical
◾ Configure the route to listen on in-memory endpoints
such as direct or seda and write to mock, test, or
dataset endpoints
◾ Write unit tests using JUnit or TestNG, which...
– Set expectations on each producer endpoint
– Send messages to the consumer endpoint using
– Assert expectations
● Camel's strength lies in the concept of Component
● All components are accessible via the URI syntax : e.g.
<scheme name> : <hierarchical part> [ ? <query> ] 
[ # <fragment> ]
● Components are listed here :
● Some components are defined as External, since they do
not belong to the standard Apache Camel distribution and
are available under different licenses
Asynchronous messaging
● JMS is a powerful integration technology
● Camel does not ship with a JMS provider, you need to
configure it with a specific ConnectionFactory instance
Message channel
Publish Subscribe channel
From : “Camel in Action”, by Claus Ibsen

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Mule overview
Mule overviewMule overview
Mule overview

Mule is an open-source ESB that uses a staged event-driven architecture and non-blocking I/O. It allows components to be connected through queues and employs dynamic control to manage load. Mule configurations are defined through XML files and involve endpoints, routers, transformers and other components to route events through the ESB. Exceptions can be handled through defined exception strategies that redirect invalid messages.

Ruby Microservices with RabbitMQ
Ruby Microservices with RabbitMQRuby Microservices with RabbitMQ
Ruby Microservices with RabbitMQ

Microservices with Zoran Majstorović discusses moving from monolithic applications to microservices architectures using RabbitMQ/AMQP for messaging. It covers refactoring Ruby code using callbacks to use a consumer microservice. It also demonstrates a simple way to deploy a microservice in a Docker container to AWS ECS. Key topics include decoupling services, different integration options like messaging, AMQP concepts, and using RabbitMQ with Ruby.

rubymessage queuerabbitmq
TS 4839 - Enterprise Integration Patterns in Practice
TS 4839 - Enterprise Integration Patterns in PracticeTS 4839 - Enterprise Integration Patterns in Practice
TS 4839 - Enterprise Integration Patterns in Practice

JavaOne 2009 presentation on Enterprise Integration Patterns In Practice by Andreas Egloff and Bruce Snyder

Web Services
● Camel uses Apache CXF to access and publish Web
Services (
● Camel supports both WSDL first and Code First approach
● CXF can be configured via URI
● CXF can be configured via endpoint bean
● Camel provides multiple ways to integrate with Databases
◾ JDBC Component
◾ SQL component
◾ JPA Component
◾ Hibernate Component (Extra component, must be downloaded
◾ iBatis component
Virtual endpoints
● In-memory messaging is a synchronous or asynchronous
messaging model which happens inside or across a
● 3 components
◾ Direct
– Synchronous model
◾ Seda/VM
– Asynchronous
– Same parameters
– No persistence
– No JMS
– VM can be used to send messages across CamelContexts
Automating tasks
● Timer and Quartz components
◾ Support only consuming components
● Timer is Camel Core component
◾ Very simple
● Quartz is based on the
◾ Allows much finer grained control

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Spring integration
Spring integrationSpring integration
Spring integration

Introduction to Spring Integration - #BiteIt presentation ( Code samples:

javaspringspring integration
Spring RabbitMQ
Spring RabbitMQSpring RabbitMQ
Spring RabbitMQ

This document provides an overview of Spring RabbitMQ, which is a framework for integrating Java applications with the RabbitMQ message broker. It discusses messaging basics and RabbitMQ concepts like exchanges, queues, bindings and message routing. It then summarizes how Spring RabbitMQ can be used to configure RabbitMQ infrastructure like connections, templates, listeners and administrators either directly in Java code or using Spring configuration. It also briefly mentions how Spring Integration and Spring Boot can be used to build messaging applications on RabbitMQ.

Mulesoftppt Mulesoftppt

The document discusses the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) Mule and its core concepts. Mule is an open-source ESB that uses advanced technologies like Staged Event-Driven Architecture (SEDA) and Java New Input/Output (NIO) to route messages between applications. It decomposes applications into stages connected by queues to improve performance. Mule's universal message object (UMO) allows messages to be received and sent from anywhere. Core concepts include endpoints, transports, connectors, routers, filters and transformers that define how messages flow through the system.

● Aggregator combines messages incoming to a single
outbound message
● Aggregator identifies messages that are related
● Messages are sent to the outbound channel when
completion conditions occur
● Aggregator requires the developer to define
◾ Correlation identifier: an Expression
◾ Completion condition: a Predicate
◾ Aggregation strategy: an AggregationStrategy
● Splitter allows to read a message and split it into separate
messages so that they can be processed separately
● To use Splitter, the developer will need to configure an
Expression, which will be evaluated when a message
● Splitter will decorate the message with information that is
passed to the Exchange (e.g. Number of pieces the
original message has been split into, current message
index ....)
Load Balancer
● The Camel Load Balancer component is a Processor that
● Load Balancer allows to balance anything is defined in Camel routes
● Load Balancer offers multiple load balancing strategies
.log("A received: ${body}")
.log("B received: ${body}")
From : “Camel in Action”, by Claus Ibsen
● Camel routes can create and enlist in transactional
● Use JMS transactions for reliable retry of message
● Use JDBC transactions to make processors
● Use the transactional error handler provided with
● Use an idempotent consumer to avoid unwanted

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Overview of Mule
Overview of MuleOverview of Mule
Overview of Mule

Mule is an open-source ESB that uses a staged event-driven architecture. It decomposes applications into stages connected by queues to improve performance. Mule also leverages Java NIO for efficient I/O operations using buffers, character encoding, regular expressions, and non-blocking channels. A Mule flow contains various components like endpoints, routers, transformers to receive, process and dispatch messages. Exception strategies define how errors are handled.

Mule esb and_relevant_components
Mule esb and_relevant_componentsMule esb and_relevant_components
Mule esb and_relevant_components

Mule ESB is a lightweight Java-based integration platform that allows developers to connect applications together through integration patterns like flow-based programming. It provides functionality for service creation and hosting, message routing, data transformation, and mediation between different technologies. Mule ESB uses a visual drag-and-drop interface called Mule Studio for low-code development of integration flows and assets. Key components include endpoints to connect to external systems, transformations to modify message formats, filters to route messages conditionally, and routers to control message flow. Mule applications are deployed to a Mule runtime server for execution.

Apache Camel interview Questions and Answers
Apache Camel interview Questions and AnswersApache Camel interview Questions and Answers
Apache Camel interview Questions and Answers

Apache Camel is an open source framework for integrating applications and systems. It uses an declarative domain-specific language to configure routing and mediation rules. Components in Camel act as endpoint factories to interact with external systems using different protocols. Routes define the application logic and flow using the Java DSL or XML definitions. Camel provides numerous components out of the box and also allows custom components to be created.

● Camel supports the
Competing Consumers
EIP pattern
● Some EIPs support concurrency
◾ Aggregate, Multicast, Recipient
list, Splitter, Thread, Wire Tap
● Consumers can be for example
jms or seda components
◾ Concurrent consumers normally expose
the concurrentConsumers option
● The broad categories offered are
◾ Route Security - Authentication and Authorization services to
proceed on a route or route segment
– Based on Apache Shiro : handles authentication, authorization, enterprise
session management and cryptography
◾ Payload Security - Data Formats that offer encryption/decryption
services at the payload level
– Based on XMLDataFormat and Crypto component
◾ Endpoint Security - Security offered by components that can be
utilized by endpointUri associated with the component
– Some componets offer the ability to secure their endopoints (e.g. Http, jetty,
CXF, netty, mina, JMS, ....)
◾ Configuration Security - Security offered by encrypting sensitive
information from configuration files
– Camel allows to crypt/decrypt configuration files containing sensitive
Management & Monitoring
● The Health of Camel applications can be checked at 3
◾ Network
◾ Application
● At JVM level Camel exposes its managed beans through
● Applications can be monitored by use of log files
● Logging is defined by EIP Log
◾ Camel supports custom logging, notification and Tracer
Management & Monitoring : example
From : “Camel in Action”, by Claus Ibsen

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Spring integration
Spring integrationSpring integration
Spring integration

This document discusses EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) patterns using Spring Integration. It provides an overview of messaging, pipes and filters, and common EAI patterns. It then demonstrates how Spring Integration implements these patterns through its API, with an emphasis on messaging channels. Examples are given for sending and receiving JMS, AMQP, HTTP, and email messages. Common patterns like filtering, routing, splitting, and aggregating messages are also explained.

Camel oneactivemq posta-final
Camel oneactivemq posta-finalCamel oneactivemq posta-final
Camel oneactivemq posta-final

This document provides an overview of a presentation given at CamelOne 2013 in Boston on June 10-11, 2013 about the internals of Apache ActiveMQ. The presentation covered the major subcomponents of ActiveMQ including transports, the broker core, persistence adapters, and networking brokers. It provided details on architecture, configuration, and implementation of these different aspects of ActiveMQ.

Operationalizing Machine Learning: Serving ML Models
Operationalizing Machine Learning: Serving ML ModelsOperationalizing Machine Learning: Serving ML Models
Operationalizing Machine Learning: Serving ML Models

Join O’Reilly author and Lightbend Principal Architect, Boris Lublinsky, as he discusses one of the hottest topics in software engineering today: serving machine learning models. Typically with machine learning, different groups are responsible for model training and model serving. Data scientists often introduce their own machine-learning tools, causing software engineers to create complementary model-serving frameworks to keep pace. It’s not a very efficient system. In this webinar, Boris demonstrates a more standardized approach to model serving and model scoring: * How to develop an architecture for serving models in real time as part of input stream processing * How this approach enables data science teams to update models without restarting existing applications * Different ways to build this model-scoring solution, using several popular stream processing engines and frameworks

machine learningmlscala

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Red Hat Open Day JBoss Fuse

  • 3. 3 Keywords ● Apache Camel ● Enterprise Integration Patterns ● Components, Routes, Endpoints, Messages, Processors
  • 4. 4 Apache Camel • Powerful Integration Framework – Based on known Enterprise Integration Patterns – Framework do the heavy lifting – You can focus on business problem – Not "reinventing the wheel" • Use Case : a really simple way to do integration – Started as a Sub-project of ActiveMQ in March 2007 – 36 committers (15 work for Red Hat) – 80-100k artifact downloads a month – 120k website views a month – 1000 user mailing list posts per month – 130 + Components and growing – Most widely used integration framework on the planet
  • 6. 6 Camel implements most EIP Patterns • Messaging systems • Messaging Channels • Message Routing • Message transformation • Message Endpoints Message router Message translator Dead Letter Channel Message Bus Recipient List Splitter Aggregator Content Enricher Content Filter Event Driven Consumer Polling Consumer
  • 7. 7 Example : complex deployment Source : JBoss Fuse success story – Major Retail Pharmacy Chain
  • 8. 8 JBoss Fuse Architecture : routes, components, endpoints From : “Camel in Action”, by Claus Ibsen
  • 9. 9 Camel Context • CamelContext is the container of many Camel Services • Instance of the Camel runtime From : “Camel in Action”, by Claus Ibsen
  • 10. 10 What is a Camel Component? • Components are the main extension point in Camel • Components are used to manage everything in Camel : ◾ Data Transport ◾ Data Formatting ◾ ... customized behaviour • From a programming point of view they : ◾ Have a name ◾ Act as a Factory of endpoints
  • 11. 11 What is a Camel Processor? • Core Camel concept : node capable of using, creating, or modifying an incoming exchange • During routing exchanges flow from one processor to another public interface Processor {   /**    * Processes the message exchange    *     * @param exchange the message exchange    * @throws Exception if an internal processing error has occurred.    */   void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception; }
  • 12. 12 EIP Patterns and Processors • Implement the actions of the EIP between the endpoints • Perform actions on the message in the Route (e.g modify, use, create, enrich ...) • Processors can be linked in a pipeline flow • Processor examples : Splitter Message Filter Aggregator Message Router Content Enricher
  • 13. 13 What is a Camel route? • A Route is the step-by-step movement of a message: ◾ From a “listening” endpoint in the role of consumer ◾ Through a processing component - enterprise integration pattern, processor, interceptor, etc. (optional) ◾ To a target endpoint in the role of producer • May involve any number of processing components that modify the original message and/or redirect it ◾ Use expressions and predicates • An application developer specifies routes using: ◾ Spring configuration files ◾ Java Domain Specific Language (DSL)
  • 14. 14 Routes .... • By decoupling clients from servers, and producers from consumers, routes can ◾ Decide dynamically what server a client will invoke ◾ Provide a flexible way to add extra processing ◾ Allow for clients and servers to be developed independently ◾ Allow for clients of servers to be stubbed out (using mocks) for testing purposes ◾ Foster better design practices by connecting disparate systems that do one thing well ◾ Enhance features and functionality of some systems (such as message brokers and ESBs) • Each route in Camel has a unique identifier that’s used for logging, debugging, monitoring, and starting and stopping routes.
  • 15. 15 Expressions and Predicates • Expressions return a selection of nodes for processing ◾ XPath is used for parsing XML payloads • Predicates are conditional expressions ◾ Used to add logical branching to routes • Camel supports other expression languages ◾ XQuery, Simple, Bean, OGNL, JavaScript, Groovy, Ruby ...
  • 16. 16 What is a Camel Endpoint? • An endpoint is something that can create or receive messages, for example, an FTP server, a Web Service, or a JMS broker • Camel allows you to specifiy endpoints using simple URIs ◾ ftp://john@localhost/ftp?password=nhoj ◾ activemq:queue:MyQueue ◾ timer://myTimer?period=2000 • Consumer Endpoint, source at beginning of Route, 'from' • Producer Endpoint, sink at end of Route, 'to'
  • 17. 17 Endpoint Syntax • Endpoint URI format: scheme:remainingURI[?options] • Where: • scheme identifies the component – Scheme is the registered service name for activating a component in Camel – Triggers dynamic loading of the component – Maps to a specific instance of org.apache.camel.Component • options is a list of name/value pairs option1=value1&option2=value2&option3=value3 from("ftp://john@localhost/ftp?password=nhoj") .to("xslt:MyTransform.xslt") .to("activemq:queue:MyQueue") Consumer endpoint Producer endpoint Parameters
  • 18. 18 Endpoint Functionality • Endpoints are either message source or message sink • Two roles : ◾ Consumer – Appears at the beginning of a routing rule (for example, in a from() command or in a <from ...> element, depending on the DSL used) – Receives messages from an external source and creates a message exchange object, which the routing rule processes. ◾ Producer – Appears at the end of a routing rule (for example, in a to() command or in a <to ...> element, depending on the DSL used) – Sends the current message wrapped in the message exchange object to an external target destination.
  • 19. 19 Camel Components in practice Use Case : Receive orders from ActiveMQ queue and based on the type of message forward to appropriate queue (ActiveMQ or Websphere MQ)
  • 20. 20 Example 1 of 3 from newOrder choice when isWidget to widget otherwise to gadget
  • 21. 21 Example 2 of 3 from(newOrder) .choice() .when(isWidget).to(widget)
  • 22. 22 Example 3 of 3 Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder"); Predicate isWidget = xpath("/order/product = 'widget'"); Endpoint widget = endpoint("activemq:queue:widget"); Endpoint gadget = endpoint("wmq:queue:gadget"); from(newOrder) .choice() .when(isWidget).to(widget)
  • 23. 23 Example : Java DSL import org.apache.camel.Endpoint; import org.apache.camel.Predicate; import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder; public class MyRoute extends RouteBuilder { public void configure() throws Exception { Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder"); Predicate isWidget = xpath("/order/product = 'widget'"); Endpoint widget = endpoint("activemq:queue:widget"); Endpoint gadget = endpoint("activemq:queue:gadget"); from(newOrder) .choice() .when(isWidget).to(widget) .otherwise().to(gadget) .end(); } }
  • 24. 24 Example : XML DSL <route> <from uri="activemq:queue:newOrder"/> <choice> <when> <xpath>/order/product = 'widget'</xpath> <to uri="activemq:queue:widget"/> </when> <otherwise> <to uri="wmq:queue:gadget"/> </otherwise> </choice> </route>
  • 25. 25 Example : change the endpoint <route> <from uri="file:inbox/orders?delete=true"/> <choice> <when> <xpath>/order/product = 'widget'</xpath> <to uri="activemq:queue:widget"/> </when> <otherwise> <to uri="wmq:queue:gadget"/> </otherwise> </choice> </route> parameters use file instead
  • 26. 26 DSL : Java or XML ? ● Java + More options for custom development, embedded solutions in legacy applications/frameworks – Developer needs to take control of instantiation and route lifecycles ● XML + Configuration over coding, which is simple, and means you can see your route and its resources / configuration, all in one place – More coarse-grained and verbose
  • 27. 27 Consumers and Producers • Message consumers and producers are created from endpoints ◾ Some endpoint technologies can create producers and consumers, others support the creation of either a producer or a consumer ◾ Examples : from("timer://myTimer?period=2000") .setBody().simple("Current time is ${header.firedTime}") .to("stream:out"); from("ftp://john@localhost/ftp?password=nhoj") .to("xslt:MyTransform.xslt") .to("activemq:queue:MyQueue")
  • 28. 28 ESB and routes • ESB creates a pipeline of processors ◾ Passes incoming message to processor ◾ Sends output from one processor to the next in the chain
  • 29. 29 ESB and messages • ESB sends a Message Exchange along the pipeline ◾ Passes incoming message to processor ◾ Must be explicitly transformed, if needed
  • 30. 30 Camel Message Exchange • Message Container during routing • Two Properties: • InOnly (fire & forget - e.g. JMS message) • InOut (request-response - e.g. HTTP requests) Exchange InMessage Headers Attachments Body Exchange ID MEP Exception Properties OutMessage Headers Attachments Body
  • 31. 31 Camel Message • Basic structure for moving data over a Route Sender ReceiverMessage Message Headers Attachments Body (payload)
  • 33. 33 Camel Message Lifecycle • In messages are modified by each processor in the route ◾ If a processor sets the Out message, Camel automatically copies the Out message into the In message and resets the Out message to be null
  • 34. 34 End of Pipeline • When processing is finished Camel returns the ME to the consumer • The consumer can : ◾ Send a response message ◾ Commit a transaction ◾ Handle and error ◾ Free any resource in use
  • 37. 37 Data Formats Serialization String JSon Castor JAXB XStream XmlBeans SOAP XmlJson CSV EDI Flatpack DataFormat HL7 DataFormat Gzip Zip PGP Crypto XMLSecurity RSS Syslog TidyMarkup Custom • Transform format (e.g. CSV to XML) • Transform data type (e.g. Java.lang.String to javax.jms.TextMessage) • Use built-in components (e.g. XSLT), use components (e.g. Enricher), built-in Data formats, templates, custom
  • 38. 38 Extending Camel ● Using Components From : “Camel in Action”, by Claus Ibsen
  • 39. 39 Extending Camel : create custom components • Use Maven to create a skeleton component • Define endpoint name • Implement endpoint class to create Consumer or Producer or both • Implement Consumer and Producer classes
  • 40. JBoss Fuse Camel : advanced topics
  • 41. 41 Data transformation overview ● Data Format & Data Type ◾ Data format example : message body from .csv to .xml ◾ Data type example : message body from java.lang.String to javax.jms.TextMessage ◾ Data transformations can be combined From : “Camel in Action”, by Claus Ibsen
  • 42. 42 Data Transformation Data transformation in routes Explicitly enforce transformation in the route using the Message Translator or the Content Enricher EIPs. This gives you the power to do data mapping using regular Java code. Data transformation using components Camel provides a range of components for transformation, such as the XSLT component for XML transformation. Data transformation using data formats Data formats are Camel transformers that come in pairs to transform data back and forth between well-known formats Data transformation using templates Camel provides a range of components for transforming using templates, such as Apache Velocity. Data type transformation using Camel’s type-converter mechanism Camel has an elaborate type-converter mechanism that activates on demand. This is convenient when you need to convert from common types such as java.lang.Integer to java.lang.String or even from to java.lang.String. Message transformation in component adapters Extend Data transformation capability via custom transformers
  • 43. 43 Message Translator & Content Enricher From : “Camel in Action”, by Claus Ibsen
  • 44. 44 Message Translator ● 3 methods supported ◾ Using Processor ◾ Using beans ◾ Using <transform> Route from("quartz://report?cron=0+0+6+*+*+?") .to("") .bean(new OrderToCsvBean()) .to("file://riders/orders?fileName=report­${header.Date}.csv"); From : “Camel in Action”, by Claus Ibsen
  • 47. 47 Using Beans ● Camel does not mandate to learn a specific component model ● Camel uses the Service Activator EIP to invoke POJOs inside a route, implemented by the Bean Component ● A sample route would look like: from("quartz://report?cron=0+0+6+*+*+?") .to("") .bean(new OrderToCsvBean()) .to("file://riders/orders?fileName=report­${header.Date}.csv"); Bean component POJO From : “Camel in Action”, by Claus Ibsen
  • 48. 48 Bean invocation ● Camel works as a Service Activator, Camel resolves the bean to call at runtime From : “Camel in Action”, by Claus Ibsen
  • 49. 49 Error handlers ● Camel support two concepts of error : ◾ Irrecoverable error (e.g. SQLException) ◾ Recoverable error ● In Camel a Recoverable error is represented by a Java Throwable or Exception, accessible from org.apache.camel.Exchange ● An Irrecoverable error is represented by a message with a fault flag that can be set or accessed from org.apache.camel.Exchange ● These definitions allow Camel to decide what to do with an error
  • 50. 50 Testing ● Developers can perform full unit testing of integration flows without having to deploy and listen on physical transports: ◾ Configure the route to listen on in-memory endpoints such as direct or seda and write to mock, test, or dataset endpoints ◾ Write unit tests using JUnit or TestNG, which... – Set expectations on each producer endpoint – Send messages to the consumer endpoint using ProducerTemplate – Assert expectations
  • 51. 51 Components ● Camel's strength lies in the concept of Component ● All components are accessible via the URI syntax : e.g. <scheme name> : <hierarchical part> [ ? <query> ]  [ # <fragment> ] ● Components are listed here : ● Some components are defined as External, since they do not belong to the standard Apache Camel distribution and are available under different licenses
  • 52. 52 Asynchronous messaging ● JMS is a powerful integration technology ● Camel does not ship with a JMS provider, you need to configure it with a specific ConnectionFactory instance Message channel Publish Subscribe channel From : “Camel in Action”, by Claus Ibsen
  • 53. 53 Web Services ● Camel uses Apache CXF to access and publish Web Services ( ● Camel supports both WSDL first and Code First approach ● CXF can be configured via URI cxf://anAddress[?options] ● CXF can be configured via endpoint bean cxf:bean:beanName
  • 54. 54 Databases ● Camel provides multiple ways to integrate with Databases ◾ JDBC Component ◾ SQL component ◾ JPA Component ◾ Hibernate Component (Extra component, must be downloaded from ◾ iBatis component
  • 55. 55 Virtual endpoints ● In-memory messaging is a synchronous or asynchronous messaging model which happens inside or across a CamelContext ● 3 components ◾ Direct – Synchronous model ◾ Seda/VM – Asynchronous – Same parameters – No persistence – No JMS – VM can be used to send messages across CamelContexts
  • 56. 56 Automating tasks ● Timer and Quartz components ◾ Support only consuming components ● Timer is Camel Core component ◾ Very simple ● Quartz is based on the project ◾ Allows much finer grained control
  • 57. 57 Aggregator ● Aggregator combines messages incoming to a single outbound message ● Aggregator identifies messages that are related ● Messages are sent to the outbound channel when completion conditions occur ● Aggregator requires the developer to define ◾ Correlation identifier: an Expression ◾ Completion condition: a Predicate ◾ Aggregation strategy: an AggregationStrategy
  • 58. 58 Splitter ● Splitter allows to read a message and split it into separate messages so that they can be processed separately ● To use Splitter, the developer will need to configure an Expression, which will be evaluated when a message arrives ● Splitter will decorate the message with information that is passed to the Exchange (e.g. Number of pieces the original message has been split into, current message index ....)
  • 59. 59 Load Balancer ● The Camel Load Balancer component is a Processor that implements org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer.LoadBalancer interface ● Load Balancer allows to balance anything is defined in Camel routes ● Load Balancer offers multiple load balancing strategies from("direct:start") .loadBalance().roundRobin() .to("seda:a").to("seda:b") .end(); from("seda:a") .log("A received: ${body}") .to("mock:a"); from("seda:b") .log("B received: ${body}") .to("mock:b"); From : “Camel in Action”, by Claus Ibsen
  • 60. 60 Transactions ● Camel routes can create and enlist in transactional contexts ● Use JMS transactions for reliable retry of message delivery ● Use JDBC transactions to make processors transactional ● Use the transactional error handler provided with Camel ● Use an idempotent consumer to avoid unwanted retries
  • 61. 61 Concurrency ● Camel supports the Competing Consumers EIP pattern ● Some EIPs support concurrency ◾ Aggregate, Multicast, Recipient list, Splitter, Thread, Wire Tap ● Consumers can be for example jms or seda components ◾ Concurrent consumers normally expose the concurrentConsumers option
  • 62. 62 Security ● The broad categories offered are ◾ Route Security - Authentication and Authorization services to proceed on a route or route segment – Based on Apache Shiro : handles authentication, authorization, enterprise session management and cryptography ◾ Payload Security - Data Formats that offer encryption/decryption services at the payload level – Based on XMLDataFormat and Crypto component ◾ Endpoint Security - Security offered by components that can be utilized by endpointUri associated with the component – Some componets offer the ability to secure their endopoints (e.g. Http, jetty, CXF, netty, mina, JMS, ....) ◾ Configuration Security - Security offered by encrypting sensitive information from configuration files – Camel allows to crypt/decrypt configuration files containing sensitive information
  • 63. 63 Management & Monitoring ● The Health of Camel applications can be checked at 3 levels ◾ Network ◾ JVM ◾ Application ● At JVM level Camel exposes its managed beans through JMX ● Applications can be monitored by use of log files ● Logging is defined by EIP Log ◾ Camel supports custom logging, notification and Tracer
  • 64. 64 Management & Monitoring : example From : “Camel in Action”, by Claus Ibsen

Editor's Notes

  1. &amp;lt;number&amp;gt;
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  7. &amp;lt;number&amp;gt;
  8. Encapsulates the entire communication: • Placeholders for two messages: IN and OUT • Message exchange pattern (MEP) is set to InOnly or InOut • Properties describe the communication – Apply to both messages • IN messages get modified repeatedly as they travel the route • OUT messages are set only when the exchange is type InOut • Booleans – isFailed indicates whether an error has occurred – isTransacted and isRollbackOnly plus a UnitOfWork object are used to describe the current transaction (if any)
  9. Encapsulates the entire communication: • Placeholders for two messages: IN and OUT • Message exchange pattern (MEP) is set to InOnly or InOut • Properties describe the communication – Apply to both messages • IN messages get modified repeatedly as they travel the route • OUT messages are set only when the exchange is type InOut • Booleans – isFailed indicates whether an error has occurred – isTransacted and isRollbackOnly plus a UnitOfWork object are used to describe the current transaction (if any)
  10. Encapsulates the entire communication: • Placeholders for two messages: IN and OUT • Message exchange pattern (MEP) is set to InOnly or InOut • Properties describe the communication – Apply to both messages • IN messages get modified repeatedly as they travel the route • OUT messages are set only when the exchange is type InOut • Booleans – isFailed indicates whether an error has occurred – isTransacted and isRollbackOnly plus a UnitOfWork object are used to describe the current transaction (if any)
  11. Encapsulates the entire communication: • Placeholders for two messages: IN and OUT • Message exchange pattern (MEP) is set to InOnly or InOut • Properties describe the communication – Apply to both messages • IN messages get modified repeatedly as they travel the route • OUT messages are set only when the exchange is type InOut • Booleans – isFailed indicates whether an error has occurred – isTransacted and isRollbackOnly plus a UnitOfWork object are used to describe the current transaction (if any)