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@Wayarmy –
Topica Edumall SysAdmin
Migrate a fast scale system to AWS
Sep 22 2016
About me
• @wayarmy
• Interested: Cloud Computing, AWS, Docker,
IaaS, SaaS, PaaS, Apache Stack, Elastic Stack,
Hashi Stack, Ruby on Rails, Linux, Unix…
• Github:
• Sysadmin, SysOps, DevOps, HumanOps
1. Physical System – Virtualization – Cloud Computing
2. Topica Edumall System Design
3. Apply with DevOps
4. Q&A
Meetup Agenda
Physical System

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Sas 2015 event_driven
Sas 2015 event_drivenSas 2015 event_driven
Sas 2015 event_driven

This document summarizes an event-driven architecture presentation using Java. It discusses using Apache Kafka/Amazon Kinesis for messaging, Docker for containerization, Vert.x for reactive applications, Apache Camel/AWS Lambda for integration, and Google Protocol Buffers for data serialization. It covers infrastructure components, software frameworks, local and AWS deployment, and integration testing between Kinesis and Kafka. The presentation provides resources for code samples and Docker images discussed.

Project Sherpa: How RightScale Went All in on Docker
Project Sherpa: How RightScale Went All in on DockerProject Sherpa: How RightScale Went All in on Docker
Project Sherpa: How RightScale Went All in on Docker

We just finished a 7 week project at RightScale to migrate 48 services and 650+ cloud instances to Docker. As a result we’ve been able to accelerate our development processes and cut our cloud costs (a lot). Here we share lessons learned about our experience migrating to Docker and introduce our new Container Manager we added to the RightScale platform to help manage containerized environments.

containerscloud managementdevops
DevOpsCon Cloud Workshop
DevOpsCon Cloud Workshop DevOpsCon Cloud Workshop
DevOpsCon Cloud Workshop

Sascha Möllering gave a presentation on deploying applications to the AWS cloud. He began with an overview of AWS services like EC2, S3, RDS and explained how to initially create a simple cloud service with one instance each for a web application and database. He then described how to improve the architecture by separating components, adding redundancy and elasticity using services like ELB, autoscaling and read replicas. Sascha demonstrated deploying a sample application built with JHipster and Docker to AWS Elastic Beanstalk, which handles running the containers and mapping environment variables for the database connection.

• Easy to control local
• Not depend on hosting
• Do whatever if you
• …
• So hard to scale
• Security
• Depend on network,
energy power
• Expensive
• …
• Ops aren’t immutable, they’re not
available 99.99% nor 24/7 they’re not machines.
• The goal of HumanOps is to improve and maintain
the good health of your team:
easing communication reducing fatigue and
reducing stress
» David Mytton – CEO Server Density
Cloud Computing
• The simple definition: It’s a style of computing based
on shared, elastic resources delivered to users in a
self-service, metered manner using web
technologies. Yet, if you ask five people “what is
cloud computing?” you can expect five different
answers. Why? Because what matters to them is not
what cloud computing is, but what it does for them.
» Oracle Cloud.
Virtualization And Cloud Computing
• Easy to Scale
• Don’t care about insfrastructure design
• Don’t care about network design
• Don’t depend on everything, depend on only “your wallet”
• Cloud computing is the easiest way to deliver your
services over the Internet.

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Overcoming 5 Common Docker Challenges: How We Do It at RightScale
Overcoming 5 Common Docker Challenges: How We Do It at RightScaleOvercoming 5 Common Docker Challenges: How We Do It at RightScale
Overcoming 5 Common Docker Challenges: How We Do It at RightScale

We highlight solutions to common Docker challenges that you may encounter as you move from initial experiments toward full-fledged Docker adoption. At RightScale, we’ve been sharing our lessons learned as we move toward a fully containerized environment leveraging a “sea of containers.” We’re now in the middle stages of that journey and will share some of the challenges we’ve encountered and how we’ve overcome them.

Netflix Cloud Platform and Open Source
Netflix Cloud Platform and Open SourceNetflix Cloud Platform and Open Source
Netflix Cloud Platform and Open Source

Andrew Spyker presented on Netflix's cloud platform and open source projects. Some key points included: - Netflix has migrated from monolithic architectures to microservices and continuous delivery enabled by their open source libraries and services. - Their platform focuses on elasticity, high availability through automation, and operational visibility. - Netflix uses technologies like Eureka, Ribbon, Hystrix, and Servo to enable scalability, resilience, and monitoring across their distributed systems. - They contribute over 50 open source projects to help others adopt their cloud-native approaches and are working on data and UI related projects.

cloud computingnetflixosscloud
Container Management with Amazon ECS
Container Management with Amazon ECSContainer Management with Amazon ECS
Container Management with Amazon ECS

Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) allows users to easily run and manage containerized applications at scale. It supports running containers on a cluster of EC2 instances, provides scheduling and health monitoring, and integrates with other AWS services. The Amazon EC2 Container Registry (ECR) is a fully managed Docker container registry that allows users to store and deploy container images. Common patterns for ECS include using it to run services/microservices and batch jobs by sharing resource pools across containers.

1. Physical System – Virtualization – Cloud Computing
2. Topica Edumall System Design
3. Apply with DevOps
4. Q&A
Topica Edumall hybrid system design
• 3 important element of system design
– Security
– High Availability
– Scalable
• => need a system with HA, Scalable, Security
Meetup #3: Migrate a fast scale system to AWS
Element of Edumall Insfrastructure
• VPS < DigitalOcean > (~40%)
• Physical Server and Network (Viettel, VDC, FPT)
• Cloud Computing ( AWS ) ( ~60%)
• Core system: Video Streaming

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Docker in the Cloud
Docker in the CloudDocker in the Cloud
Docker in the Cloud

Shows how to abstract Cloud specific infrastructure in AWS, Azure and own DC using a demo application written in Vertx.

AWS ELB Tips & Best Practices
AWS ELB Tips & Best PracticesAWS ELB Tips & Best Practices
AWS ELB Tips & Best Practices

This document provides tips and best practices for using AWS Elastic Load Balancers (ELBs). It covers topics like load testing ELBs, using SSL with ELBs, CNAME records, balancing traffic both within and across availability zones, L4 load balancing support, internal ELBs, ELB logging, stickiness, blue/green deployments using ELBs, connection draining, using the ELB CLI for continuous integration/continuous delivery, auto scaling with ELB metrics, using CloudFront in front of ELBs, and some limitations around microservices support. The overall message is that ELBs are generally easy to use but have some limitations, so it's important to understand how to configure them properly

awschinanetcloudload balancing
Containerization: The DevOps Revolution
Containerization: The DevOps Revolution Containerization: The DevOps Revolution
Containerization: The DevOps Revolution

We are now witnessing a new wave of IT revolution and its effect is very similar to the Cloud and Virtualization revolutions that started in the last decade. This new wave, called Containerization, is related to technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes, which now fuel large scale solutions including Big Data and IoT. Learn about: - Typical DevOps challenges and modern solutions - Using Docker as Amazon EC2 Container Service Evolution of Enterprise Architecture (Containers, IoT, Machine Learning and technologies of tomorrow) - Business value of using advances DevOps technologies with real-life case study

containersdockersoftware development
Edumall – Microservices on AWS
• IaaS
– VPC – Network – Firewall
– Compute – EC2
– Storage: S3, Glacier ( EFS - Future)
• SaaS
– DBMS: DynamoDB
– Caching
– Datanalyst Service (Near Future)
– Message Bus Application
– API Gateway
– WorkSpaces
• ServerLess Architecture (Near Future)
Auto scale system
Meetup #3: Migrate a fast scale system to AWS
Meetup #3: Migrate a fast scale system to AWS

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Serverless data processing with Data Pipeline
Serverless data processing with Data PipelineServerless data processing with Data Pipeline
Serverless data processing with Data Pipeline

How to combine different AWS services to process big amounts of data without worrying about resources.

OpenStack in the Enterprise
OpenStack in the EnterpriseOpenStack in the Enterprise
OpenStack in the Enterprise

This document discusses Comcast's use of OpenStack for cloud computing. It notes that Comcast has 34 regions, over 700 tenants, and 20,000 instances running on OpenStack. It details Comcast's history with OpenStack, including starting in 2012 with three regions on Essex and upgrading to newer versions over time. Currently, Comcast runs IceHouse across 34 regions, with over 960,000 cores, 20,000 VMs, and plans to deploy Mitaka this year across multiple regions.

openstackopenstack days eastcomcast
(APP309) Running and Monitoring Docker Containers at Scale | AWS re:Invent 2014
(APP309) Running and Monitoring Docker Containers at Scale | AWS re:Invent 2014(APP309) Running and Monitoring Docker Containers at Scale | AWS re:Invent 2014
(APP309) Running and Monitoring Docker Containers at Scale | AWS re:Invent 2014

If you have tried Docker but are unsure about how to run it at scale, you will benefit from this session. Like virtualization before, containerization (à; la Docker) is increasing the elastic nature of cloud infrastructure by an order of magnitude. But maybe you still have questions: How many containers can you run on a given Amazon EC2 instance type? Which metric should you look at to measure contention? How do you manage fleets of containers at scale? Datadog is a monitoring service for IT, operations, and development teams who write and run applications at scale. In this session, the cofounder of Datadog presents the challenges and benefits of running containers at scale and how to use quantitative performance patterns to monitor your infrastructure at this magnitude and complexity. Sponsored by Datadog.

Meetup #3: Migrate a fast scale system to AWS
Meetup #3: Migrate a fast scale system to AWS
Meetup #3: Migrate a fast scale system to AWS
Meetup #3: Migrate a fast scale system to AWS

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AWS re:Invent 2016 Fast Forward
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AWS re:Invent 2016 Fast Forward

We, as KKStream / KKTV / KKBOX, just kicked off the 1st sharing session inside our organization, introducing the event, the new services and potentially some of our insights and opinions. Let's keep fingers crossed for the following deeper sessions.

AWS Customer Presentation - How TubeMogul uses AWS
AWS Customer Presentation - How TubeMogul uses AWSAWS Customer Presentation - How TubeMogul uses AWS
AWS Customer Presentation - How TubeMogul uses AWS

TubeMogul is a company that provides video syndication and analytics services. They were facing challenges of scaling their systems to meet growing demand. They evaluated Amazon Web Services (AWS) to address these challenges. AWS provided solutions such as elastic compute and storage, which allowed TubeMogul to dynamically scale their infrastructure as needed and reduce management overhead. TubeMogul deployed their systems on AWS and found it helped them address their requirements for scalability, high availability, and reducing costs.

Learn about AWS Certifications - Andrew May, Columbus
Learn about AWS Certifications - Andrew May, ColumbusLearn about AWS Certifications - Andrew May, Columbus
Learn about AWS Certifications - Andrew May, Columbus

This document provides information about AWS certifications from a presentation given by Andrew May, a Senior Solutions Architect. The key points are: - There are several certification levels from introductory Cloud Practitioner to professional-level certifications like Solutions Architect Professional. - The exams cover technical topics like specific AWS services as well as architectural design questions. - To prepare, the presenter recommends hands-on experience with AWS, reading documentation, taking online courses, practicing with sample exams, and ensuring a strong understanding of exam domains through focused study. - Benefits of certification include credentials that can help career advancement, access to the AWS Certified store, and requirements for AWS Partner Network levels for consulting

awsawscommunityaws columbus
Meetup #3: Migrate a fast scale system to AWS
Meetup #3: Migrate a fast scale system to AWS
Meetup #3: Migrate a fast scale system to AWS
Meetup #3: Migrate a fast scale system to AWS

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Presentation given to NashJS ( on 6/14/2018 about serverless architecture in AWS using the Serverless framework (

Sebastien goasguen cloud stack and docker
Sebastien goasguen   cloud stack and dockerSebastien goasguen   cloud stack and docker
Sebastien goasguen cloud stack and docker

This document discusses how Docker can be used with CloudStack. It provides several options: 1) Running Docker in VMs on CloudStack templates that include Docker, 2) Using Docker-optimized OS templates, 3) Launching containers through a container service API, 4) Using CloudStack plugins within the Docker ecosystem like Docker Machine. The document concludes that CloudStack should not try to write a Docker hypervisor plugin, but instead focus on Docker-optimized OS templates and deploying application frameworks to orchestrate Docker.

Migrating to aws
Migrating to awsMigrating to aws
Migrating to aws

Đây là sự kiện mà ITEC hợp tác cùng cộng đồng AWS Việt Nam tổ chức: Diễn giả: Bùi Kiên Cường và Quân Phương trình bày. Thời gian: 22-09-2016, tại Hatch!Nest Hà Nội.

iaasamazon web servicesaws
Meetup #3: Migrate a fast scale system to AWS
• High availability system
• Easy with scale and everything will be automated
• Auto healing
• Save much money ( save about 40% with 100%
running application on AWS )
Edumall auto-scale system with Docker and
Kubernestes on AWS
• Docker containers wrap a piece of software in a
complete filesystem that contains everything needed
to run: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries
– anything that can be installed on a server. This
guarantees that the software will always run the
same, regardless of its environment.
• Build – Ship – Run
• Build once, run any where

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What is Cloud computing?
What is Cloud computing?What is Cloud computing?
What is Cloud computing?

Cloud computing provides on-demand access to computing resources like storage, networking, and servers that can be rapidly provisioned without long wait times. There are public clouds run by third parties and private clouds within a company's own data center. Public clouds offer elastic resources without large upfront costs but less control, while private clouds offer more control within existing infrastructure limitations. Major cloud providers like Amazon Web Services offer infrastructure as a service (IaaS) like computing and storage, and platform as a service (PaaS) that automates services like databases.

cloud computingaws
Cloud Native Camel Riding
Cloud Native Camel RidingCloud Native Camel Riding
Cloud Native Camel Riding

Using apache camel for microservices and integration then deploying and managing on Docker and Kubernetes. When we need to make changes to our app, we can use Fabric8 continuous delivery built on top of Kubernetes and OpenShift.

camelfabric8distributed systems
Moving Viadeo to AWS (2015)
Moving Viadeo to AWS (2015)Moving Viadeo to AWS (2015)
Moving Viadeo to AWS (2015)

This document discusses Viadeo's plans to move its entire infrastructure to AWS. It provides background on Viadeo's current infrastructure and use of AWS services. Key reasons for fully migrating to AWS include improving agility, optimizing costs by avoiding hardware refreshes, implementing stronger disaster recovery, and efficiently handling unpredictable workloads. The migration will be gradual rather than a "big bang." Challenges include some initial performance/cost trade-offs and cleaning up technical debt. Automation, scalability, and safety will be top objectives.

awscloud computingamazon
• Kubernetes is an open-source system for
automating deployment, scaling, and
management of containerized applications.
• “Write once, run forever”
• Build Auto-scale and self-healing system
• Easy to use
• Fast to scale
• Auto scale infrastructure and auto scale apps
• Auto create ELB
• Auto healing, warm-up
Meetup #3: Migrate a fast scale system to AWS
Some Number? (6 months ago)
• Video content transfer: 90GB (/1 day)
• Static Content (image, js, html, css): 1GB
• Total Request: ~ 32k
• Total Ram: ~ 128GB
• Total CPU: ~32vCpus
• Unique Visitor: ~4k6
• Total User: ~500k
• Maximum Unique Visitors: ~300

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Migrating enterprise workloads to AWS
Migrating enterprise workloads to AWSMigrating enterprise workloads to AWS
Migrating enterprise workloads to AWS

This document provides an overview of migrating applications and workloads to AWS. It discusses key considerations for different migration approaches including "forklift", "embrace", and "optimize". It also covers important AWS services and best practices for architecture design, high availability, disaster recovery, security, storage, databases, auto-scaling, and cost optimization. Real-world customer examples of migration lessons and benefits are also presented.

OpenStack Block Storage 101
OpenStack Block Storage 101OpenStack Block Storage 101
OpenStack Block Storage 101

This document provides an overview of OpenStack Block Storage (Cinder) and how it addresses challenges of scaling virtual environments. It discusses how virtualization led to cloud computing with goals of abstraction, automation, and scale. OpenStack was created as open source software to build and manage clouds with common APIs. Cinder provides block storage volumes to OpenStack instances, managing creation and attachment. SolidFire's storage system offers comprehensive Cinder support with guaranteed performance, high availability, and scale for production use.

Current State of Affairs – Cloud Computing - Indicthreads Cloud Computing Con...
Current State of Affairs – Cloud Computing - Indicthreads Cloud Computing Con...Current State of Affairs – Cloud Computing - Indicthreads Cloud Computing Con...
Current State of Affairs – Cloud Computing - Indicthreads Cloud Computing Con...

Session presented at the 2nd Conference on Cloud Computing held in Pune, India on 3-4 June 2011. Abstract: Cloud Computing has had phenomenal growth over the past year and continues to entrench itself in all facets of IT. Cloud Computing is definitely more than just a buzz word or a passing trend. Now the heavy weights like IBM, HP and SAP are ready lock horns with existing players like Amazon, Salesforce and Microsoft whose offerings have matured over a period of time. Besides these big players, a lot of start ups are coming up with innovative offerings in this space. The talk is about the current state of affairs in the cloud computing. It will cover the products, services and offerings that have been making a lot of noise in the cloud computing space. Following are the main points that will be covered in the talk: 1. New Players: A lot of enterprise market giants are now coming to the cloud party offering infrastructure and platform services. IBM has come out with its SmartCloud for private as well as public clouds. Oracle has released its Cloud-in-a-box solution. The talk will cover all the new offerings by these enterprise giants. 2. Old Players, New offerings – Amazon being the leader in the Cloud Infrastructure space has rolled out a lot of new products and services, strengthening its hold in the market and expanding into the PaaS segment. Amazon Beanstalk, Amazon CloudFormation and EC2 Dedicated instances most notably have the power to be game changers. SalesForce the leader in the Cloud SaaS space released, enterprise cloud database and its “PaaS” offering similar to GAE – This section will cover the new offerings by the players. 3 .Interesting Players in the cloud ecosystem: There have been a lot of new players who are leveraging the cloud to build some exciting products like Scalable API platforms, Cloud-based logging, Java in the Cloud. etc eg. Apigee, PiCloud, Loggly,Cumulogic, Cloudbees being some of them. This section will cover most of the exciting platforms and technologies these companies are working on. 4. Current Trends and Future: This section will cover the current trends(where a lot of startups are investing in) and how the future will look like in the cloud space. Finally, the talk plans to “arm” developers and architects with the latest and cutting edge platforms, products and technologies in the cloud that have been developed and made available over the last year, helping them to leverage the cloud and make better choices leading to higher ROI and lesser TCO. Speaker: Chirag Jog, is the CTO at Clogeny Technologies where the main focus is on Innovation in the Cloud Computing, Scalable Applications and Storage space. He is the chief geek at Clogeny who talks “Cloud” and works on architecting exciting ideas in the cloud space. He has previously spoken at IndicThreads, CloudCamp and other cloud related events.

Some number? (present)
• Video content transfer: 1,5 TB (/1 day)
• Static Content (image, js, html, css): 100GB
• Total Request: ~ 5 mil
• Total Ram: ~ 2TB
• Total CPU: ~400vCpus
• Unique Visitor: ~50k
• Total User: ~20m
• Maximum Unique Visitors: ~5k
• EC2 Start: ~ 5 (M4 2xLarge)
1. Physical System – Virtualization – Cloud Computing
2. Topica Edumall System Design
3. Apply with DevOps
4. Q&A
With Dev
• Easy to use with SaaS
• Easy with authentication
• Easy with test environment
• Easy with code, change writing apps to reading
docs of AWS SaaS, and apply AWS SaaS to Our
Microservice System
• Document as Code
• Save 40% code-time with SaaS
With Ops
• Don’t need think about the insfrastructure, about
physical servers, ISP, Network, …
• Easy with Deployment
• Don’t need a monitoring system, Cloudwatch will
take care all of them.
• Less time for build, deploy a new insfrastructure,

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AWS Webcast - Website Hosting in the Cloud
AWS Webcast - Website Hosting in the CloudAWS Webcast - Website Hosting in the Cloud
AWS Webcast - Website Hosting in the Cloud

Amazon Web Services (AWS) can make hosting scalable, highly-available websites and web applications easier and less expensive for the Enterprise Education customers. Join us for an informative webinar on tools AWS provides to elastically scale your architecture to avoid underutilized resources while reducing complexity with templates, partners, and tools to do much of the heavy lifting of creating and running a website for you.

awsamazon web servicesaws cloud
AWS 101 - An Introduction to the Amazon Cloud
AWS 101  - An Introduction to the Amazon CloudAWS 101  - An Introduction to the Amazon Cloud
AWS 101 - An Introduction to the Amazon Cloud

This document provides an introduction to Amazon Web Services (AWS) presented by Patrick Hannah, VP of Engineering at CloudHesive. It begins with an overview of cloud computing benefits like cost savings, scalability, availability and security. It then discusses where to start with AWS, including documentation, concepts of regions/availability zones and categories of services. The document outlines AWS' global infrastructure and breadth of services across computing, storage, databases, networking, developer tools and more. It concludes with best practices like leveraging different storage options and architectures for AWS like lift-and-shift or cloud-native.

Managing Your Cloud Assets
Managing Your Cloud AssetsManaging Your Cloud Assets
Managing Your Cloud Assets

Cost is often the conversation starter when customers think about moving to the cloud. AWS helps lower costs for customers through its “pay only for what you use” pricing model, frequent price drops, and pricing model choice to support variable & stable workloads. In this session, you will learn about the financial considerations of owning and operating a traditional data center or managed hosting provider versus utilizing AWS. We will detail our TCO methodology and showcase cost comparisons for some common customer use-cases. We’ll also cover a few AWS cost optimization areas, including Spot and Reserved Instances, EC2 Auto Scaling, and consolidated billing. Presenter: Amit Sharma, Solution Architect, Amazon Internet Services Krishnenjit Roy, Director IT Operations, Freshdesk

amazon web servicesawsexecutivesummit2014india
CI-CD workflow
Developer push a new commit to gitlab
Gitlab Trigger Gitlab Runner fetch and pull repo
Gitlab-runner build
Docker image
from Dockerfile
Excute test on all target
With all environment
Delivery images to Docker hub
Or Private registry
Deploy to K8s Cluster
- While moving system on AWS, need to keep
alive two system ( Old and New ). So that, need
much money.
- So hard to motivate all team to use AWS.
Someone can’t change their mind.
- High latency from Vietnam to AWS when AAG is
on maintainance.
• Data analyst Tool on AWS
• Serverless Architecture
• Mobile Hub
• System Design with High Availability, Security
and Scalabililty
• Easy Operations -> HumanOps
• Save much money, and more benefit .

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Introduction of AWS Cloud Computing and its future for Biometric Department
Introduction of AWS Cloud Computing and its future for Biometric DepartmentIntroduction of AWS Cloud Computing and its future for Biometric Department
Introduction of AWS Cloud Computing and its future for Biometric Department

When statistical programmers or statisticians starts in open-source programming, we usually begin with installing Python and/or R on our local computer and writing codes in a local IDE such as Jupyter notebook or RStudio, but as biometric team grow, and advanced analytics become more prevalent, collaborative solutions and environments are needed. Traditional solutions have been SAS® servers, but nowadays, there is a growing need and interest for Cloud Computing. The paper is written for those who want to know about the Cloud Computing environment (e.g., AWS) and its possible implementation for the Biometric Department. The paper will start with the main components of Cloud computing – databases, servers, applications, data analytics, reports, visualization, dashboards etc., and its benefits - Elasticity, Control, Flexibility, Integration, Reliability, Security, Inexpensive and Easy to Start. Most popular Cloud computing platforms are AWS, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure, and this paper will introduce AWS Cloud Computing Environment. The paper will also introduce the core technologies of AWS Cloud Computing – computing (EC2), Storage ( EBS, EFS, S3), Database ( Redshift, RDS, DynamoDB ), Security (IAM) and Networking (VPC ), and how they could be integrated to support modern-day data analytics. Finally, the paper will introduce the department-driven Cloud computing transition project that the whole SAS programming department has moved from SAS Window Server into AWS Cloud Computing. It will also discuss the challenges, and the lessons learn and its future in the Biometric department

Cloud Computing - Challenges & Opportunities
Cloud Computing - Challenges & OpportunitiesCloud Computing - Challenges & Opportunities
Cloud Computing - Challenges & Opportunities

Slides for a discussion about Cloud Computing organised by the Isle of Man Branch of the BCS in September 2012. These slides introduce Cloud Computing, delve into some detail on Mcirosoft Azue and Amazon Web Services and pose some questions as to suitability, consideration and risks to be discussed. This talk was presented by Arron Clague from Synapse Consulting and Owen Cutajar from Intelligence Ltd

microsoft azureenterprise computingamazon web services
Windows Azure introduction
Windows Azure introductionWindows Azure introduction
Windows Azure introduction

The document introduces Microsoft's Windows Azure cloud platform. It summarizes that Windows Azure provides an operating system for the cloud that abstracts away hardware and provides services for automated management, scalable computing and storage. It allows developers to build applications and services that can easily scale across large, connected data centers. The talk demonstrates how Windows Azure allows building complex service architectures from simple components like web and worker roles that interact through a durable storage system. It emphasizes that the platform aims to provide a familiar development experience while handling all the complexities of highly scalable cloud services.

microsoft icelandbest of teched og convergence
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Meetup #3: Migrate a fast scale system to AWS

  • 1. @Wayarmy – Topica Edumall SysAdmin Migrate a fast scale system to AWS Sep 22 2016
  • 2. About me • @wayarmy • Interested: Cloud Computing, AWS, Docker, IaaS, SaaS, PaaS, Apache Stack, Elastic Stack, Hashi Stack, Ruby on Rails, Linux, Unix… • Github: • Sysadmin, SysOps, DevOps, HumanOps
  • 3. 1. Physical System – Virtualization – Cloud Computing 2. Topica Edumall System Design 3. Apply with DevOps 4. Q&A Meetup Agenda
  • 5. Advantage • Easy to control local system • Not depend on hosting provider • Do whatever if you want • … Disadvantage • So hard to scale • Security • Depend on network, energy power • Expensive • …
  • 6. • Ops aren’t immutable, they’re not available 99.99% nor 24/7 they’re not machines. • The goal of HumanOps is to improve and maintain the good health of your team: easing communication reducing fatigue and reducing stress » David Mytton – CEO Server Density
  • 7. Cloud Computing • The simple definition: It’s a style of computing based on shared, elastic resources delivered to users in a self-service, metered manner using web technologies. Yet, if you ask five people “what is cloud computing?” you can expect five different answers. Why? Because what matters to them is not what cloud computing is, but what it does for them. » Oracle Cloud.
  • 8. Virtualization And Cloud Computing • Easy to Scale • Don’t care about insfrastructure design • Don’t care about network design • Don’t depend on everything, depend on only “your wallet” • Cloud computing is the easiest way to deliver your services over the Internet.
  • 9. 1. Physical System – Virtualization – Cloud Computing 2. Topica Edumall System Design 3. Apply with DevOps 4. Q&A
  • 10. Topica Edumall hybrid system design • 3 important element of system design – Security – High Availability – Scalable • => need a system with HA, Scalable, Security
  • 12. Element of Edumall Insfrastructure • VPS < DigitalOcean > (~40%) • Physical Server and Network (Viettel, VDC, FPT) • Cloud Computing ( AWS ) ( ~60%) • Core system: Video Streaming
  • 13. Edumall – Microservices on AWS • IaaS – VPC – Network – Firewall – Compute – EC2 – Storage: S3, Glacier ( EFS - Future) • SaaS – DBMS: DynamoDB – Caching – CDN – WAF – Datanalyst Service (Near Future) – Message Bus Application – API Gateway – ETS – WorkSpaces • ServerLess Architecture (Near Future)
  • 26. Benefit • High availability system • Easy with scale and everything will be automated • Auto healing • Save much money ( save about 40% with 100% running application on AWS )
  • 27. Edumall auto-scale system with Docker and Kubernestes on AWS
  • 28. Docker • Docker containers wrap a piece of software in a complete filesystem that contains everything needed to run: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries – anything that can be installed on a server. This guarantees that the software will always run the same, regardless of its environment. • Build – Ship – Run • Build once, run any where
  • 29. Kubernetes • Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. • “Write once, run forever” • Build Auto-scale and self-healing system
  • 30. Why? • Easy to use • Fast to scale • Auto scale infrastructure and auto scale apps • Auto create ELB • Auto healing, warm-up
  • 32. Some Number? (6 months ago) • Video content transfer: 90GB (/1 day) • Static Content (image, js, html, css): 1GB • Total Request: ~ 32k • Total Ram: ~ 128GB • Total CPU: ~32vCpus • Unique Visitor: ~4k6 • Total User: ~500k • Maximum Unique Visitors: ~300
  • 33. Some number? (present) • Video content transfer: 1,5 TB (/1 day) • Static Content (image, js, html, css): 100GB • Total Request: ~ 5 mil • Total Ram: ~ 2TB • Total CPU: ~400vCpus • Unique Visitor: ~50k • Total User: ~20m • Maximum Unique Visitors: ~5k • EC2 Start: ~ 5 (M4 2xLarge)
  • 34. 1. Physical System – Virtualization – Cloud Computing 2. Topica Edumall System Design 3. Apply with DevOps 4. Q&A
  • 35. With Dev • Easy to use with SaaS • Easy with authentication • Easy with test environment • Easy with code, change writing apps to reading docs of AWS SaaS, and apply AWS SaaS to Our Microservice System • Document as Code • Save 40% code-time with SaaS
  • 36. With Ops • Don’t need think about the insfrastructure, about physical servers, ISP, Network, … • Easy with Deployment • Don’t need a monitoring system, Cloudwatch will take care all of them. • Less time for build, deploy a new insfrastructure, platform
  • 37. CI-CD workflow Developer push a new commit to gitlab Gitlab Trigger Gitlab Runner fetch and pull repo Gitlab-runner build Docker image from Dockerfile Excute test on all target With all environment Delivery images to Docker hub Or Private registry Deploy to K8s Cluster
  • 38. Disadvantages - While moving system on AWS, need to keep alive two system ( Old and New ). So that, need much money. - So hard to motivate all team to use AWS. Someone can’t change their mind. - High latency from Vietnam to AWS when AAG is on maintainance.
  • 39. Future • Data analyst Tool on AWS • Serverless Architecture • IOT • Mobile Hub
  • 40. Goals • System Design with High Availability, Security and Scalabililty • Easy Operations -> HumanOps • Save much money, and more benefit .
  • 41. Q&A