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Bridging Air-Gapped Networks
Primary Author: Mordechai Guri
Presenter co-author: Yisroel Mirsky
Supervisor: Prof. Yuval Elovici
What is an Air-Gapped Network?
The Typical Approach to Securing a Network
The Air-Gap Approach
An air-gap is a cyber security measure for
securing a computer network by physically
isolating it from other networks, such as the
public Internet or another unsecured local area

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The document discusses the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). It provides a history of CVSS and describes the development of CVSS version 2. It outlines the base, temporal, and environmental metrics used in CVSS scoring. It notes some caveats in CVSS scoring, including subjective interpretations by vendors and a lack of representation from some groups. It also discusses politics around CVSS scoring and challenges in initial adoption.

Application Threat Modeling
Application Threat ModelingApplication Threat Modeling
Application Threat Modeling

This document discusses application threat modeling (ATM) as a systematic approach to identifying security risks in software applications. It describes how ATM can be used at different stages of the software development lifecycle, from requirements to design to testing. The key steps of ATM include decomposing the application, identifying threats and vulnerabilities, analyzing attack vectors, and determining mitigation strategies. ATM helps prioritize risks and supports decision making around risk acceptance, avoidance, or mitigation.

penetration test using Kali linux ppt
penetration test using Kali linux pptpenetration test using Kali linux ppt
penetration test using Kali linux ppt

This document discusses penetration testing using Kali Linux. It introduces Kali Linux as a Debian-based Linux distribution for penetration testing and security auditing. It describes penetration testing as simulating attacks on systems to identify vulnerabilities. The document then outlines the methodology for penetration testing using Kali Linux, including information gathering, scanning, exploitation, and post-exploitation maintenance of access. It concludes that Kali Linux is a useful free tool for penetration testers to identify security issues.

kali linuxlinuxseminar
Air-Gapped Network The Internet
Air Gap
Examples of networks or systems
that may be air-gapped
• Military defense systems
• Financial Systems (stock exchange)
• Industrial control (SCADA…)
• Critical Infrastructure
• Power Plants
• Refineries
• Traffic Control – Airports
• Command and Control Centers
• Computerized medical equipment
• …etc
Air-Gapped Networks
…Not a perfect solution
The Adversarial Attack Model
Initial Infection Perform Action

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Sqrrl and IBM: Threat Hunting for QRadar Users
Sqrrl and IBM: Threat Hunting for QRadar UsersSqrrl and IBM: Threat Hunting for QRadar Users
Sqrrl and IBM: Threat Hunting for QRadar Users

This document discusses threat hunting using IBM QRadar and Sqrrl analytics. It introduces threat hunting, the threat hunting process, and the Sqrrl behavior graph for visualizing and exploring linked security data. Use cases for threat hunting with Sqrrl analytics on the QRadar platform are presented, along with a reference architecture showing how Sqrrl integrates with QRadar. A demonstration of the Sqrrl threat hunting platform concludes the document.

cybersecurityqradarcyber threat
Building an Analytics - Enabled SOC Breakout Session
Building an Analytics - Enabled SOC Breakout Session Building an Analytics - Enabled SOC Breakout Session
Building an Analytics - Enabled SOC Breakout Session

This document provides an overview of building an analytics-enabled security operations center (SOC). It discusses the three main components of a SOC - process, people, and technology. For process, it covers threat modeling, playbooks, tier structures, shift rotations, and other operational aspects. For people, it describes the different roles required in a SOC. For technology, it promotes Splunk Enterprise as a security intelligence platform that can power all functions of a SOC. It also provides examples of how Splunk can be used for various SOC use cases and processes.

Ch 4: Footprinting and Social Engineering
Ch 4: Footprinting and Social EngineeringCh 4: Footprinting and Social Engineering
Ch 4: Footprinting and Social Engineering

Slides for a college course at City College San Francisco. Based on "Hands-On Ethical Hacking and Network Defense, Third Edition" by Michael T. Simpson, Kent Backman, and James Corley -- ISBN: 9781285454610. Instructor: Sam Bowne Class website:

Initial Infection
Malicious / Deceived
Supply Chain Attack
Perform Action
• Steal Sensitive Data
• Manipulate Control
• Delete Records
• Deactivate Subsystem
• DDoS
• Self-Destruct
What to do about the air-gap after the initial infection?
Air-gapped Network The Internet
Air Gap
Usage of the In/Outbound Channels
• Send Commands
• Flexibility in controlling the attack
• “When” act
• Update Malware
• New Modules
• Fixes…
• Change encryption key
• Exfiltration
• Receive recorded information
• Reports
• Acks on commands
• Progress of lateral movement

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This presentation is about Ransomware. It tells you about how ransomware creates problem and how it can be removed. It also describes different types of Ransomware.

Purple Team Exercise Workshop December 2020
Purple Team Exercise Workshop December 2020Purple Team Exercise Workshop December 2020
Purple Team Exercise Workshop December 2020

In this three hour hands-on workshop you will play the role of Cyber Threat Intelligence, the red team, and the blue team. We have set up an isolated environment for each attendee to go through a Purple Team Exercise. Attendees will: - Consume Cyber Threat Intelligence from a known adversary - Extract adversary behaviors/TTPs - Play the Red Team by creating adversary emulation plans - Emulate the adversary in a small environment consisting of a domain controller and member server - Play the Blue Team and look for Indicators of Compromise - Use Wireshark to identify heartbeat and jitter - Enable Sysmon configurations to detect adversary behavior - All mapped to MITRE ATT&CK - Have FUN! What do you need? All you need is a web browser on a workstation/laptop (no iPads, sorry). If you want to come better prepared, download and read the free Purple Team Exercise Framework (PTEF): How will it work? We are using VMware learning platform to give everyone their own isolated environment. This means we need your real email upon registration so we can provision your environment before the start of the workshop.

Threat Modeling In 2021
Threat Modeling In 2021Threat Modeling In 2021
Threat Modeling In 2021

Threat modeling is a way of viewing the world, and so what's changing in threat modeling reflects that. There's a global pandemic. The ways we build software are changing. The threats are evolving, and attacks through systems are growing in importance.

threat modelingcybersecuritycovid
Methods of
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 
Introduction to HVACKer
• Modern PCs have embedded thermal sensors.
• These sensors can be used to detect temp. changes in
the environment.
• By manipulating the room temperature of the isolated
network, we can communicate with the PC.

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Cyber Kill Chain.pptx
Cyber Kill Chain.pptxCyber Kill Chain.pptx
Cyber Kill Chain.pptx

The Cyber Kill Chain describes the typical stages of a cyberattack: reconnaissance, weaponization, delivery, exploitation, installation, command and control, and actions on objective. Organizations can use this framework to understand attacks and develop defenses. They can also correlate security information and management (SIEM) data to detect attacks corresponding to each stage. Recommendations for prevention and detection include threat intelligence, malware analysis, email security, intrusion detection, access management, and incident response planning. The Cyber Kill Chain provides a high-level view, while the MITRE ATT&CK Framework details tactics and techniques, allowing comprehensive defenses.

Next generation firewall(ngfw)feature and benefits
Next generation firewall(ngfw)feature and benefitsNext generation firewall(ngfw)feature and benefits
Next generation firewall(ngfw)feature and benefits

Cyberoam NGFWs offer actionable intelligence and controls to enterprises that allow complete security controls over L2-L8 for their future-ready security. The next-generation security features in Cyberoam NGFWs protect networks against newly-evolving threats.

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

This document provides an overview of security information and event management (SIEM). It defines SIEM as software and services that combine security information management (SIM) and security event management (SEM). The key objectives of SIEM are to identify threats and breaches, collect audit logs for security and compliance, and conduct investigations. SIEM solutions centralize log collection, correlate events in real-time, generate reports, and provide log retention, forensics and compliance reporting capabilities. The document discusses typical SIEM features, architecture, deployment options, and reasons for SIEM implementation failures.

by k33a
Q: How do you remotely change the
room temperature?
A: Hack the HVAC!
• Insecure networks may overlap the same
space as an air-gapped network.
• One such network is the HVAC (heating
ventilation and Air Conditioning) system.
Many HVACs provide an internet
portal for remote management
E.g. Tridium Niagara AX platform
There are
• 36,287 Niagara
web portals
• Only 269 of
wuith HTTPS
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 
The Attack Model
Air Gap

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Stopping zero day threats
Stopping zero day threatsStopping zero day threats
Stopping zero day threats

Companies are struggling to deal with the unstoppable growth of cyber-attacks as hackers get faster, sneakier and more creative. The bad news is - no company is immune, no matter how big or small you are. Without a proper understanding of zero-day threats, companies have no way of exposing the gaps of overhyped security solutions. Zero-day exploit leaves NO opportunity for detection. This presentation will highlight critical insights combating zero-day threats.

zero day threatscybersecurityadvanced threats
Ethical Hacking n VAPT presentation by Suvrat jain
Ethical Hacking n VAPT presentation by Suvrat jainEthical Hacking n VAPT presentation by Suvrat jain
Ethical Hacking n VAPT presentation by Suvrat jain

a perfect example of your 6 weeks summer training ppt. Course-Ethical Hacking , its info and VAPT- Vulnerability Assessment n Penetration testing. about how vulnerability scanning , tools used , cracking password , etc.

reportvulnerability scanningethical hacking

DDoS attacks target companies and institutions that provide online services. They work by overloading servers with traffic from multiple compromised systems known as "bots" or "zombies". Common DDoS attack types include SMURF, TCP SYN/ACK, UDP flood, DNS amplification, and attacks using peer-to-peer networks. Defenses include configuring routers and firewalls to filter unauthorized traffic, limiting response messages, and tracking malicious activity on peer-to-peer networks. As attack methods evolve, continued development of detection and mitigation techniques is needed.

Communication Protocol L1/L2
Example High level Protocol
Experimental Results
• Small office
• 40 bits/hour
What about internal interference?
What about internal interference?

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Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing
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Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing **PenTesting AU Network ** By : Rishabh Upadhyay University of Allahbad

Cloud security
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Slide on Cloud Security. This defines the possible aspects on Cloud Security. Images are taken from different Websites which are mentioned on references section.

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IEEE Standard for Securing Legacy Scada Protocols (Sequi, Inc)
IEEE Standard for Securing Legacy Scada Protocols (Sequi, Inc)IEEE Standard for Securing Legacy Scada Protocols (Sequi, Inc)
IEEE Standard for Securing Legacy Scada Protocols (Sequi, Inc)

Presentation for Industrial Control Systems Joint Working Group (ICSJWG). This presentation will lend insight to IEEE 1711-2010, a standard for securing substation serial-based SCADA assets, and its applicability across industry sectors: electric, oil, gas, water, and chemical. Also addressed are the benefits of its implementation on legacy retrofits, SCADA link management, and integrating legacy systems and Ethernet IP SCADA networks.

industrial control systems securityscada security
HVACKER - Countermeasures
• Disable / Secure HVAC Web portals
• Monitor environmental temperature
• Malware signatures
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 
Introduction to Bitwhisper
• Computers emit heat into their environment
• Computers can detect changes in the env.’s temp
…let’s make a bidirectional channel
between neighboring computers!

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Data acquisition system
Data acquisition systemData acquisition system
Data acquisition system

One of my friend has given a best information regarding DAS (data acquisition system) through this slides/ presentation. This contains the information about various components of DAS. Enjoy it,like it.

Data Acquistation.pdf
Data Acquistation.pdfData Acquistation.pdf
Data Acquistation.pdf

This document provides an overview of data acquisition systems. It discusses: 1) What a data acquisition system consists of including transducers to measure physical variables, signal conditioning to prepare analog signals for processing, and data acquisition hardware and software to convert the signals to digital and analyze the data. 2) Key aspects of signal conditioning like amplification to boost low-level signals, filtering to remove noise, and isolation to prevent ground loops. 3) Components of data acquisition hardware including terminals to connect to sensors, DAQ devices to convert analog to digital, and functions like analog input/output and counter/timer capabilities.

data acquistation.pdf
SIGFOX Makers Tour - Lisboa
SIGFOX Makers Tour - LisboaSIGFOX Makers Tour - Lisboa
SIGFOX Makers Tour - Lisboa

This document provides an overview of Sigfox and how to communicate using Sigfox networks. It begins with an agenda and introductions. It then discusses Sigfox basics like the company, protocol, and advantages. Key concepts are explained like energy efficiency, outdoor/indoor coverage, security, and payload sizes. Demo examples are shown for sending a basic message and using an RFID reader. The cloud platform and callbacks are overviewed. Finally, instructions are provided for contributing projects and a workshop is held where attendees can send their first message using an Akeru board.

internet of thingssigfoxlpwan
But why?...
• In some cases, air-gapped machines are placed in close proximity
with connected ones
Example: leased computing space
• A thermal channel between two end-points would provide the
attacker the ability both send commands and receive information
• Can be achieved from within a VM
The Attack Model
Air Gap
The Heat Transfer Process
The Possible Setups We Examined

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SCADAPresentation.pptx information about scada
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This document provides an overview of SCADA systems, including their evolution, components, and security issues. It describes how SCADA was introduced to automate power grid monitoring and control as grids became more complex. The key components of SCADA systems are described including the master terminal unit, remote terminal units, intelligent electronic devices, and human-machine interfaces. Communication protocols and topologies used in SCADA are also outlined. The document discusses smart grid applications of SCADA and highlights security vulnerabilities that have arisen from SCADA's increased connectivity. It provides recommendations for improving SCADA security.

CyberSecurity Best Practices for the IIoT
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CyberSecurity Best Practices for the IIoT

In today’s connected world, cyber security is a topic that nobody can afford to ignore. In recent years the number and frequency of attacks on industrial devices and other critical infrastructure has risen dramatically. Recent news stories about hackers shutting down critical infrastructure have left many companies wondering if they are vulnerable to similar attacks. In this webinar we will discuss the most common security threats and unique challenges in securing industrial networks. We will introduce the current standards and share some useful resources and best practices for addressing industrial cyber security. Key Takeaways: 1. Gain perspective regarding common security threats facing industrial networks. 2. Learn about the relevant standards governing industrial cyber security. 3. Increase understanding of some best practices for securing industrial networks.

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Mba admission in india

The document provides an overview of ad-hoc networking and wireless protocols. It discusses how ad-hoc networks are formed spontaneously without any centralized administration between wireless devices. Various wireless transmission standards for ad-hoc networking are described such as Bluetooth, IEEE 802.11, and IrDA. Example applications including sensor networks and mobile commerce are mentioned. Challenges with ad-hoc networking like security, scalability and power consumption are outlined. Specific ad-hoc routing protocols including AODV and DSR are explained and compared. admission in india
The Thermal Line Encodings Tested
BitWhisper - Countermeasures
• Physically distancing air-gapped
computers from other networks
• Strong AC
• Malware Signature (API calls…)
• Environment sensing
Video Demo
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 

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Embedded System
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Embedded System


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Wsn handbook
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Wsn handbook

The document discusses wireless sensor networks and their components. It describes how sensor nodes are small, low-power devices that can sense environmental conditions like temperature, sound or vibration. They communicate wirelessly over short distances. The document outlines the hardware of sensor nodes, including their limited memory and processing. It also discusses the TinyOS operating system used for sensor networks and its component-based architecture.

Data sniffing over Air Gap
Data sniffing over Air GapData sniffing over Air Gap
Data sniffing over Air Gap

Session presented in the Combined [nullDelhi + OWASPDelhi] webinar on 24th May. Watch the webinar here - An air gapped environment is described as “computer or network that has no network interfaces, either wired or wireless, connected to outside network.” In this case, side channels and proximity are leveraged to eavesdrop air gapped systems. A case study showing practical use case of sniffing is also discussed. Link to the Webinar -

Methods of
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 
Covert Acoustic Mesh Networks
Transmitter: speaker – ultra sonic
Receiver: microphone
(laptop, smartphone…)

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Data sniffing over air gaps 200524113012
Data sniffing over air gaps 200524113012Data sniffing over air gaps 200524113012
Data sniffing over air gaps 200524113012

This document discusses airgaps and various attack vectors that can be used to breach airgaps. It defines an airgap as physically isolating critical systems from external networks to protect them. It then describes several covert channels that have been used in case studies to exfiltrate data from airgapped systems, including acoustic, electromagnetic, light, thermal and magnetic channels. Two case studies are presented, one using RF signals from an HDMI cable and another using power analysis to determine cryptographic algorithms. The document concludes with recommendations for mitigation techniques like masking signals, Faraday cages, shielding and random clock cycles.

securityinformation securitysecurity news
Taking a closer look at level 0 and level 1 security
Taking a closer look at level 0 and level 1 securityTaking a closer look at level 0 and level 1 security
Taking a closer look at level 0 and level 1 security

Notwithstanding the importance of network monitoring in protecting industrial control systems, it is also important to understand the nuts and bolts of Level 0 and Level 1 devices to defend the system holistically. This presentation provides a brief introduction to process anomaly detection, which complements network anomaly detection.

Esd notes iae
Esd notes iaeEsd notes iae
Esd notes iae

This document provides lecture notes on embedded systems design. It covers various topics such as introduction to embedded systems including definitions, characteristics, applications and classifications. It also discusses typical embedded system components like processors, memory, sensors, communication interfaces. Additionally, it covers embedded firmware, RTOS based design, task communication and synchronization. The document provides detailed information on concepts related to embedded systems in a structured manner through different sections and units.

embedded notes
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 
Attack Model
Air Gap
Acoustic Mesh - Countermeasures
• Ultra sonic noise emitters
• Strict zoning policies

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Mini Project- Implementation & Evaluation of Wireless LANs
Mini Project- Implementation & Evaluation of Wireless LANsMini Project- Implementation & Evaluation of Wireless LANs
Mini Project- Implementation & Evaluation of Wireless LANs

This document provides an overview of implementing and evaluating wireless local area networks (WLANs). It discusses topics such as the wireless spectrum, physical impairments like noise and interference, medium access control, security, the IEEE 802.11 standard, and transport control protocols. The objectives are to demonstrate the implementation of a WLAN topology and evaluate its performance under various conditions using tools like Wireshark.


The document discusses wireless sensor networks and describes a project using MICAz motes. It covers: 1. The characteristics and applications of wireless sensor networks, including sensing data and forwarding it through multi-hop routing. 2. Security threats in sensor networks like eavesdropping and denial of service attacks, and solutions like frequency hopping and encryption. 3. The project uses MICAz motes running TinyOS to sense temperature data and forward it securely through the network to a base station. Skipjack encryption and Diffie-Hellman key exchange provide security.

Networking Fundamentals
Networking FundamentalsNetworking Fundamentals
Networking Fundamentals

A network connects two or more computers. The main types are local area networks (LANs), which span a small area like a building, and wide area networks (WANs), which connect computers over a large geographical area through multiple LANs. Networks can use physical cables like twisted pair or wireless connections. They are categorized based on their topology, protocols, and architecture. Key networking hardware and software allow computers to communicate and share resources over the network.

[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 
Fansmitter: Acoustic Data Exfiltration from
(Speakerless) Air-Gapped Computers
PC Cooling fan –
(power supply, CPU, chassis, …)
Microphone –
(laptop, smartphone…)
Why is Fansmitter Interesting?
Speakerless machines can now be
exploited as acoustic transmitters!
Attack Model
Air Gap

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This document discusses smart buildings and their various systems. It begins with an introduction to smart buildings and their benefits. It then discusses various building systems including HVAC, lighting control, electric power management, access control, video surveillance, fire alarm, data networks, audio visual, network integration, and sensors. It provides details on components, functions, and approaches for each system. The document also discusses case studies of smart buildings and concludes with recommendations for smart buildings to be more sustainable and adaptive.

Sensor net
Sensor netSensor net
Sensor net

The document discusses wireless sensor networks and their applications. It provides information on key aspects of wireless sensor networks including smart sensors, ad hoc network topology, wireless communication modalities, and applications such as environmental monitoring, civil structure monitoring, and health care. Distributed relaying is shown to decrease the power consumption per sensor node. Hierarchical data processing and communication architectures can improve energy efficiency in large sensor networks.

Networking Fundamentals
Networking  FundamentalsNetworking  Fundamentals
Networking Fundamentals

Network Fundamentals : 1) Transmission Media 2) How Network Categorized 3) Different type of Networks 4) OSI Model of Network 5) Ethernet Cabling.

terminologiesarchitectureosi model
15 bits per minute at
a distance of 8 meters
Carrier frequency is dependent on two factors:
1) Fan speed (rpm)
2) Blasé pass frequency (bpf)
RPM-BPF relationship for a standard 7-blade fan
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 
Programmatically Speaking…
• Bios level Rootkit
• Driver / OS API – (more plausible)
e.g., WMI – Windows management interface

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Networking fundamentals (1)
Networking fundamentals (1)Networking fundamentals (1)
Networking fundamentals (1)

A network is two or more computers connected together. The document discusses different types of networks including local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), intranets, and extranets. It also covers network topologies like bus, star, and ring as well as protocols like Ethernet and TCP/IP. Key networking hardware is described such as hubs, routers, bridges, and gateways. Communication media including twisted pair cable, coaxial cable, fiber optic cable, and wireless options are also summarized.

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[cb22] Hayabusa Threat Hunting and Fast Forensics in Windows environments fo...

It started with computer hacking and Japanese linguistics as a kid. Zach Mathis has been based in Kobe, Japan, and has performed both red team services as well as blue team incident response and defense consultation for major Japanese global Japanese corporations since 2006. He is the founder of Yamato Security, one of the largest and most popular hands-on security communities in Japan, and has been providing free training since 2012 to help improve the local security community. Since 2016, he has been teaching security for the SANS institute and holds numerous GIAC certifications. Currently, he is working with other Yamato security members to provide free and open-source security tools to help security analysts with their work.

[cb22] Tales of 5G hacking by Karsten Nohl
[cb22] Tales of 5G hacking by Karsten Nohl[cb22] Tales of 5G hacking by Karsten Nohl
[cb22] Tales of 5G hacking by Karsten Nohl

An expert in mobile network security provided a summary of hacking 5G networks. Some key points include: 1) Standard IT security techniques uncovered issues when applied to upgraded legacy 4G networks, such as unpatched operating systems, weak configurations, and lack of encryption. 2) Future 5G networks introduce new security risks due to increased complexity from virtualization and automation layers, as well as a continuously evolving attack surface extending into cloud infrastructure. 3) Red team exercises show that hacking mobile networks has become a multi-step process, where initial access through one vulnerability can enable lateral movement and privilege escalation to compromise critical systems or customer data.

Fansmitter - Countermeasures
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 

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[cb22] Your Printer is not your Printer ! - Hacking Printers at Pwn2Own by A...
[cb22]  Your Printer is not your Printer ! - Hacking Printers at Pwn2Own by A...[cb22]  Your Printer is not your Printer ! - Hacking Printers at Pwn2Own by A...
[cb22] Your Printer is not your Printer ! - Hacking Printers at Pwn2Own by A...

Printer has become one of the essential devices in the corporate intranet for the past few years, and its functionalities have also increased significantly. Not only print or fax, cloud printing services like AirPrint are also being supported as well to make it easier to use. Direct printing from mobile devices is now a basic requirement in the IoT era. We also use it to print some internal business documents of the company, which makes it even more important to keep the printer safe. Nowadays, most of the printers on the market do not have to be connected with USB or traditional cable. As long as you are using a LAN cable connected to the intranet, the computer can find and use the printer immediately. Most of them are based on protocols such as SLP and LLMNR. But is it really safe when vendors adopt those protocols? Furthermore, many printers do not use traditional Linux systems, but use RTOS(Real-Time Operating System) instead, how will this affect the attacker? In this talk, we will use Canon ImageCLASS MF644Cdw and HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M283fdw as case study, showing how to analyze and gain control access to the printer. We will also demonstrate how to use the vulnerabilities to achieve RCE in RTOS in unauthenticated situations.

[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...
[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...
[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...

While hackers have known the importance of sharing research to improve security for years, the importance of coordinated vulnerability disclosure is increasingly recognized by governments around the world. The principals of disclosure an protecting security researchers are common across borders, but different countries have some key differences. This panel will present a global perspective that may in turn inform key public policy and company behavior. ENISA has published 'Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure policies in the EU' in April 2022 . This report not only provides an objective introduction to the current state of coordinated vulnerability disclosure policies in the Member States of the European Union, but also introduces the operation of vulnerability disclosure in China, Japan and the USA. Based on these findings, the desirable and good practice elements of a coordinated vulnerability disclosure process are examined, followed by a discussion of the challenges and issues. This session aims to share the contents of this report and clarify the challenges and future direction of operations in Japan, as well as national security and vulnerability handling issues in the US, in a panel discussion with representatives from various jurisdictions. The panelists are involved in the practice of early warning partnership notified bodies in Japan, the authors of the above report in Europe and the contributors to the above report in the US. In Japan, the issues of system awareness, incentives, increase in the number of outstanding cases in handling and so-called triage in handling vulnerabilities will be introduced. From the United States, the Vulnerabilities Equities Process for National Security and the publication of a non-prosecution policy for vulnerability research will be introduced, as well as a historical background on the issue. The aim is that the panel discussion will enable the audience to understand the international situation surrounding CVD, as well as future trends, in particular the important role of vulnerability in cybersecurity and the challenges faced by society around it.

[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション(4) by 板橋 博之
[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション(4) by 板橋 博之[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション(4) by 板橋 博之
[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション(4) by 板橋 博之

ハッカーたちの間では、セキュリティ向上のために研究を共有することの重要性が何年も前から知られていた。一方、協調して脆弱性を開示することの重要性も、世界中の政府によってますます認識されるようになってきた。情報開示とセキュリティ研究者の保護という原則は国境を越えて共通であるものの、国によって重要な違いがある。本パネルでは、重要な公共政策や企業の行動に影響を与える可能性のあるグローバルな視点を提示する。 ENISAは、2022年4月に「EUにおける脆弱性開示政策の調整」を発表した。本報告書では、EU加盟国における脆弱性開示の協調政策の現状を客観的に紹介するだけでなく、中国、日本、米国における脆弱性開示の運用を紹介している。それらを踏まえて、協調的な脆弱性開示プロセスに望ましい要素やベストプラクティスの要素を検討し、その後、課題や問題点について議論する予定。 本報告書の内容を共有し、日本における運用の課題と今後の方向性、米国における国家安全保障と脆弱性対応の課題を、各法域の代表者とのパネルディスカッションで明らかにすることを目的としています。 パネリストは、日本では早期警戒パートナーシップ通知機関の実務に携わる方々、欧州では上記報告書の執筆者、米国では上記報告書の寄稿者 日本では、脆弱性対応における体制意識、インセンティブ、未処理案件の増加、いわゆるトリアージなどの課題が紹介される予定 米国からは、国家安全保障のための脆弱性情報の開示方針(Vulnerabilities Equities Process)、脆弱性研究の不起訴方針の公表などを紹介するとともに、この問題の歴史的背景を紹介する。 パネルディスカッションを通じて、脆弱性開示政策を取り巻く国際情勢や今後の動向、特にサイバーセキュリティにおける脆弱性の重要な役割とそれを取り巻く社会が抱える課題について参加者に理解していただくことを目的とする。

Data Exfiltration from Speakerless Air-Gapped
Computers via Covert Hard Drive Noise
Transmitter: Hard Drive
Receiver: Microphone –
(laptop, smartphone… etc)
Attack Model
Air Gap
How is it Done?
Acoustic Sources
• Motor
• Actuator
The write and seek operations generate the best signal

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[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...
[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...
[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...

While hackers have known the importance of sharing research to improve security for years, the importance of coordinated vulnerability disclosure is increasingly recognized by governments around the world. The principals of disclosure an protecting security researchers are common across borders, but different countries have some key differences. This panel will present a global perspective that may in turn inform key public policy and company behavior. ENISA has published 'Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure policies in the EU' in April 2022 . This report not only provides an objective introduction to the current state of coordinated vulnerability disclosure policies in the Member States of the European Union, but also introduces the operation of vulnerability disclosure in China, Japan and the USA. Based on these findings, the desirable and good practice elements of a coordinated vulnerability disclosure process are examined, followed by a discussion of the challenges and issues. This session aims to share the contents of this report and clarify the challenges and future direction of operations in Japan, as well as national security and vulnerability handling issues in the US, in a panel discussion with representatives from various jurisdictions. The panelists are involved in the practice of early warning partnership notified bodies in Japan, the authors of the above report in Europe and the contributors to the above report in the US. In Japan, the issues of system awareness, incentives, increase in the number of outstanding cases in handling and so-called triage in handling vulnerabilities will be introduced. From the United States, the Vulnerabilities Equities Process for National Security and the publication of a non-prosecution policy for vulnerability research will be introduced, as well as a historical background on the issue.

[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション(3) by Lorenzo Pupillo
[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション(3) by Lorenzo Pupillo[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション(3) by Lorenzo Pupillo
[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション(3) by Lorenzo Pupillo

ハッカーたちの間では、セキュリティ向上のために研究を共有することの重要性が何年も前から知られていた。一方、協調して脆弱性を開示することの重要性も、世界中の政府によってますます認識されるようになってきた。情報開示とセキュリティ研究者の保護という原則は国境を越えて共通であるものの、国によって重要な違いがある。本パネルでは、重要な公共政策や企業の行動に影響を与える可能性のあるグローバルな視点を提示する。 ENISAは、2022年4月に「EUにおける脆弱性開示政策の調整」を発表した。本報告書では、EU加盟国における脆弱性開示の協調政策の現状を客観的に紹介するだけでなく、中国、日本、米国における脆弱性開示の運用を紹介している。それらを踏まえて、協調的な脆弱性開示プロセスに望ましい要素やベストプラクティスの要素を検討し、その後、課題や問題点について議論する予定。 本報告書の内容を共有し、日本における運用の課題と今後の方向性、米国における国家安全保障と脆弱性対応の課題を、各法域の代表者とのパネルディスカッションで明らかにすることを目的としています。 パネリストは、日本では早期警戒パートナーシップ通知機関の実務に携わる方々、欧州では上記報告書の執筆者、米国では上記報告書の寄稿者 日本では、脆弱性対応における体制意識、インセンティブ、未処理案件の増加、いわゆるトリアージなどの課題が紹介される予定 米国からは、国家安全保障のための脆弱性情報の開示方針(Vulnerabilities Equities Process)、脆弱性研究の不起訴方針の公表などを紹介するとともに、この問題の歴史的背景を紹介する。 パネルディスカッションを通じて、脆弱性開示政策を取り巻く国際情勢や今後の動向、特にサイバーセキュリティにおける脆弱性の重要な役割とそれを取り巻く社会が抱える課題について参加者に理解していただくことを目的とする。

[cb22] ”The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure” Inte...
[cb22]  ”The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure” Inte...[cb22]  ”The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure” Inte...
[cb22] ”The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure” Inte...

While hackers have known the importance of sharing research to improve security for years, the importance of coordinated vulnerability disclosure is increasingly recognized by governments around the world. The principals of disclosure an protecting security researchers are common across borders, but different countries have some key differences. This panel will present a global perspective that may in turn inform key public policy and company behavior. ENISA has published 'Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure policies in the EU' in April 2022 . This report not only provides an objective introduction to the current state of coordinated vulnerability disclosure policies in the Member States of the European Union, but also introduces the operation of vulnerability disclosure in China, Japan and the USA. Based on these findings, the desirable and good practice elements of a coordinated vulnerability disclosure process are examined, followed by a discussion of the challenges and issues. This session aims to share the contents of this report and clarify the challenges and future direction of operations in Japan, as well as national security and vulnerability handling issues in the US, in a panel discussion with representatives from various jurisdictions. The panelists are involved in the practice of early warning partnership notified bodies in Japan, the authors of the above report in Europe and the contributors to the above report in the US. In Japan, the issues of system awareness, incentives, increase in the number of outstanding cases in handling and so-called triage in handling vulnerabilities will be introduced. From the United States, the Vulnerabilities Equities Process for National Security and the publication of a non-prosecution policy for vulnerability research will be introduced, as well as a historical background on the issue. The aim is that the panel discussion will enable the audience to understand the international situation surrounding CVD, as well as future trends, in particular the important role of vulnerability in cybersecurity and the challenges faced by society around it.

Rate: 180 bits/min
Distance: 2 meters
Diskfiltrator - Countermeasures
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 

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[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション(2)by Allan Friedman
[cb22]  「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション(2)by Allan Friedman [cb22]  「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション(2)by Allan Friedman
[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション(2)by Allan Friedman

ハッカーたちの間では、セキュリティ向上のために研究を共有することの重要性が何年も前から知られていた。一方、協調して脆弱性を開示することの重要性も、世界中の政府によってますます認識されるようになってきた。情報開示とセキュリティ研究者の保護という原則は国境を越えて共通であるものの、国によって重要な違いがある。本パネルでは、重要な公共政策や企業の行動に影響を与える可能性のあるグローバルな視点を提示する。 ENISAは、2022年4月に「EUにおける脆弱性開示政策の調整」を発表した。本報告書では、EU加盟国における脆弱性開示の協調政策の現状を客観的に紹介するだけでなく、中国、日本、米国における脆弱性開示の運用を紹介している。それらを踏まえて、協調的な脆弱性開示プロセスに望ましい要素やベストプラクティスの要素を検討し、その後、課題や問題点について議論する予定。 本報告書の内容を共有し、日本における運用の課題と今後の方向性、米国における国家安全保障と脆弱性対応の課題を、各法域の代表者とのパネルディスカッションで明らかにすることを目的としています。 パネリストは、日本では早期警戒パートナーシップ通知機関の実務に携わる方々、欧州では上記報告書の執筆者、米国では上記報告書の寄稿者 日本では、脆弱性対応における体制意識、インセンティブ、未処理案件の増加、いわゆるトリアージなどの課題が紹介される予定 米国からは、国家安全保障のための脆弱性情報の開示方針(Vulnerabilities Equities Process)、脆弱性研究の不起訴方針の公表などを紹介するとともに、この問題の歴史的背景を紹介する。 パネルディスカッションを通じて、脆弱性開示政策を取り巻く国際情勢や今後の動向、特にサイバーセキュリティにおける脆弱性の重要な役割とそれを取り巻く社会が抱える課題について参加者に理解していただくことを目的とする。

[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...
[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...
[cb22] "The Present and Future of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure" Inter...

While hackers have known the importance of sharing research to improve security for years, the importance of coordinated vulnerability disclosure is increasingly recognized by governments around the world. The principals of disclosure an protecting security researchers are common across borders, but different countries have some key differences. This panel will present a global perspective that may in turn inform key public policy and company behavior. ENISA has published 'Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure policies in the EU' in April 2022 . This report not only provides an objective introduction to the current state of coordinated vulnerability disclosure policies in the Member States of the European Union, but also introduces the operation of vulnerability disclosure in China, Japan and the USA. Based on these findings, the desirable and good practice elements of a coordinated vulnerability disclosure process are examined, followed by a discussion of the challenges and issues. This session aims to share the contents of this report and clarify the challenges and future direction of operations in Japan, as well as national security and vulnerability handling issues in the US, in a panel discussion with representatives from various jurisdictions. The panelists are involved in the practice of early warning partnership notified bodies in Japan, the authors of the above report in Europe and the contributors to the above report in the US. In Japan, the issues of system awareness, incentives, increase in the number of outstanding cases in handling and so-called triage in handling vulnerabilities will be introduced. From the United States, the Vulnerabilities Equities Process for National Security and the publication of a non-prosecution policy for vulnerability research will be introduced, as well as a historical background on the issue. The aim is that the panel discussion will enable the audience to understand the international situation surrounding CVD, as well as future trends, in particular the important role of vulnerability in cybersecurity and the challenges faced by society around it.

[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション (1)by 高橋 郁夫
[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション (1)by  高橋 郁夫[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション (1)by  高橋 郁夫
[cb22] 「協調された脆弱性開示の現在と未来」国際的なパネルディスカッション (1)by 高橋 郁夫

ハッカーたちの間では、セキュリティ向上のために研究を共有することの重要性が何年も前から知られていた。一方、協調して脆弱性を開示することの重要性も、世界中の政府によってますます認識されるようになってきた。情報開示とセキュリティ研究者の保護という原則は国境を越えて共通であるものの、国によって重要な違いがある。本パネルでは、重要な公共政策や企業の行動に影響を与える可能性のあるグローバルな視点を提示する。 ENISAは、2022年4月に「EUにおける脆弱性開示政策の調整」を発表した。本報告書では、EU加盟国における脆弱性開示の協調政策の現状を客観的に紹介するだけでなく、中国、日本、米国における脆弱性開示の運用を紹介している。それらを踏まえて、協調的な脆弱性開示プロセスに望ましい要素やベストプラクティスの要素を検討し、その後、課題や問題点について議論する予定。 本報告書の内容を共有し、日本における運用の課題と今後の方向性、米国における国家安全保障と脆弱性対応の課題を、各法域の代表者とのパネルディスカッションで明らかにすることを目的としています。 パネリストは、日本では早期警戒パートナーシップ通知機関の実務に携わる方々、欧州では上記報告書の執筆者、米国では上記報告書の寄稿者 日本では、脆弱性対応における体制意識、インセンティブ、未処理案件の増加、いわゆるトリアージなどの課題が紹介される予定 米国からは、国家安全保障のための脆弱性情報の開示方針(Vulnerabilities Equities Process)、脆弱性研究の不起訴方針の公表などを紹介するとともに、この問題の歴史的背景を紹介する。 パネルディスカッションを通じて、脆弱性開示政策を取り巻く国際情勢や今後の動向、特にサイバーセキュリティにおける脆弱性の重要な役割とそれを取り巻く社会が抱える課題について参加者に理解していただくことを目的とする。

Methods of
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 
Indicator lights leak information!
Transmitter: Device LED
Receiver: Camera, sensor,…
Information Leakage from Optical Emanations
What if these
LEDs where
used to actively
exfiltrate data?

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[cb22] Are Embedded Devices Ready for ROP Attacks? -ROP verification for low-...

Yuuma Taki is enrolled in the Hokkaido Information University Information Media Faculty of Information Media (4th year). At university he is focusing on learning about security for lower-level components, such OS and CPU. In his third year of undergraduate school, he worked on trying to implement the OS security mechanism "KASLR", at Sechack365. Currently, he is learning about ROP derivative technology and embedded equipment security.

[cb22] Wslinkのマルチレイヤーな仮想環境について by Vladislav Hrčka
[cb22] Wslinkのマルチレイヤーな仮想環境について by Vladislav Hrčka [cb22] Wslinkのマルチレイヤーな仮想環境について by Vladislav Hrčka
[cb22] Wslinkのマルチレイヤーな仮想環境について by Vladislav Hrčka

2021年10月、Lazarusグループに関連する可能性が高いユニークなローダーであるWSLinkの最初の分析を公開。ほとんどのサンプルは難読化され、高度な仮想マシン(VM)難読化機能で保護されている。サンプルには明確なアーティファクトが含まれておらず、当初は難読化を公的に知られているVMと関連付けなかったが、後にそれをCodevirtualizerに接続することに成功。このVMは、ジャンクコードの挿入、仮想オペランドの暗号化、仮想オペコードの重複、難読化手法仮想命令のマージ、ネストされたVMなど、いくつかの追加の難読化技術を導入する。 本発表では、VMの内部を分析し、合理的な時間で難読化技術を「見抜く」ための半自動化されたアプローチについて説明する。また、難読化されたバイトコードと難読化されていないバイトコードを比較し、本手法の有効性を紹介する。われわれの手法は、仮想オペコードのセマンティクスを抽出する既知の難読化解除手法に基づいており、単純化規則によるシンボリック実行を使用。さらに、バイトコードチャンクとVMの内部構成を記号ではなく、具体的な値として扱い、既知の難読化手法で追加の難読化技術を自動的に処理できるようにする。

[cb22] Under the hood of Wslink’s multilayered virtual machine en by Vladisla...
[cb22] Under the hood of Wslink’s multilayered virtual machine en by Vladisla...[cb22] Under the hood of Wslink’s multilayered virtual machine en by Vladisla...
[cb22] Under the hood of Wslink’s multilayered virtual machine en by Vladisla...

In October 2021, we published the first analysis of Wslink – a unique loader likely linked to the Lazarus group. Most samples are packed and protected with an advanced virtual machine (VM) obfuscator; the samples contain no clear artifacts and we initially did not associate the obfuscation with a publicly known VM, but we later managed to connect it to CodeVirtualizer. This VM introduces several additional obfuscation techniques such as insertion of junk code, encoding of virtual operands, duplication of virtual opcodes, opaque predicates, merging of virtual instructions, and a nested VM. Our presentation analyzes the internals of the VM and describes our semi automated approach to “see through” the obfuscation techniques in reasonable time. We demonstrate the approach on some bytecode from a protected sample and compare the results with a non-obfuscated sample, found subsequent to starting our analysis, confirming the method’s validity. Our solution is based on a known deobfuscation method that extracts the semantics of the virtual opcodes, using symbolic execution with simplifying rules. We further treat the bytecode chunks and some internal constructs of the VM as concrete values instead of as symbolic ones, enabling the known deobfuscation method to deal with the additional obfuscation techniques automatically.

Attack Model
Air Gap
Open CV for
image tracking
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 

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[cb22] CloudDragon’s Credential Factory is Powering Up Its Espionage Activiti...
[cb22] CloudDragon’s Credential Factory is Powering Up Its Espionage Activiti...[cb22] CloudDragon’s Credential Factory is Powering Up Its Espionage Activiti...
[cb22] CloudDragon’s Credential Factory is Powering Up Its Espionage Activiti...

Kimsuky is a North Korean APT possibly controlled by North Korea's Reconnaissance General Bureau. Based on reports from the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) and other vendors, TeamT5 identified that Kimsuky's most active group, CloudDragon, built a workflow functioning as a "Credential Factory," collecting and exploiting these massive credentials. The credential factory powers CloudDragon to start its espionage campaigns. CloudDragon's campaigns have aligned with DPRK's interests, targeting the organizations and key figures playing a role in the DPRK relationship. Our database suggested that CloudDragon has possibly infiltrated targets in South Korea, Japan, and the United States. Victims include think tanks, NGOs, media agencies, educational institutes, and many individuals. CloudDragon's "Credential Factory" can be divided into three small cycles, "Daily Cycle," "Campaign Cycle," and "Post-exploit Cycle." The"Daily Cycle" can collect massive credentials and use the stolen credentials to accelerate its APT life cycle. In the "Campaign Cycle," CloudDragon develops many new malware. While we responded to CloudDragon's incidents, we found that the actor still relied on BabyShark malware. CloudDragon once used BabyShark to deploy a new browser extension malware targeting victims' browsers. Moreover, CloudDragon is also developing a shellcode-based malware, Dust. In the "Post-exploit Cycle," the actor relied on hacking tools rather than malicious backdoors. We also identified that the actor used remote desktop software to prevent detection. In this presentation, we will go through some of the most significant operations conducted by CloudDragon, and more importantly, we will provide possible scenarios of future invasions for defense and detection.

[cb22] From Parroting to Echoing: The Evolution of China’s Bots-Driven Info...
[cb22]  From Parroting to Echoing:  The Evolution of China’s Bots-Driven Info...[cb22]  From Parroting to Echoing:  The Evolution of China’s Bots-Driven Info...
[cb22] From Parroting to Echoing: The Evolution of China’s Bots-Driven Info...

Social media is no doubt a critical battlefield for threat actors to launch InfoOps, especially in a critical moment such as wartime or the election season. We have seen Bot-Driven Information Operations (InfoOps, aka influence campaign) have attempted to spread disinformation, incite protests in the physical world, and doxxing against journalists. China's Bots-Driven InfoOps, despite operating on a massive scale, are often considered to have low impact and very little organic engagement. In this talk, we will share our observations on these persistent Bots-Driven InfoOps and dissect their harmful disinformation campaigns circulated in cyberspace. In the past, most bots-driven operations simply parroted narratives of the Chinese propaganda machine, mechanically disseminating the same propaganda and disinformation artifacts made by Chinese state media. However, recently, we saw the newly created bots turn to post artifacts in a livelier manner. They utilized various tactics, including reposting screenshots of forum posts and disguised as members of “Milk Tea Alliance,” to create a false appearance that such content is being echoed across cyberspace. We particularly focus on an ongoing China's bots-driven InfoOps targeting Taiwan, which we dub "Operation ChinaRoot." Starting in mid-2021, the bots have been disseminating manipulated information about Taiwan's local politics and Covid-19 measures. Our further investigation has also identified the linkage between Operation ChinaRoot and other Chinese state-linked networks such as DRAGONBRIDGE and Spamouflage.

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[cb22]  Who is the Mal-Gopher? - Implementation and Evaluation of “gimpfuzzy”...[cb22]  Who is the Mal-Gopher? - Implementation and Evaluation of “gimpfuzzy”...
[cb22] Who is the Mal-Gopher? - Implementation and Evaluation of “gimpfuzzy”...

Malwares written in Go is increasing every year. Go's cross-platform nature makes it an opportune language for attackers who wish to target multiple platforms. On the other hand, the statically linked libraries make it difficult to distinguish between user functions and libraries, making it difficult for analysts to analyze. This situation has increased the demand for Go malware classification and exploration. In this talk, we will demonstrate the feasibility of computing similarity and classification of Go malware using a newly proposed method called gimpfuzzy. We have implemented "gimpfuzzy", which incorporates Fuzzy Hashing into the existing gimphash method. In this talk, we will verify the discrimination rate of the classification using the proposed method and confirm the validity of the proposed method by discussing some examples from the classified results. We will also discuss issues in Go-malware classification.

Tempest - Countermeasures
• Zoning policies
• Malware signature (if via OS API)
• A piece of tape!
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 
Bridging the Airgap with a scanner
Office scanners can receive and transmit light…
…how can we exploit that?

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[cb22] Mal-gopherとは?Go系マルウェアの分類のためのgimpfuzzy実装と評価 by 澤部 祐太, 甘粕 伸幸, 野村 和也
[cb22] Mal-gopherとは?Go系マルウェアの分類のためのgimpfuzzy実装と評価 by 澤部 祐太, 甘粕 伸幸, 野村 和也[cb22] Mal-gopherとは?Go系マルウェアの分類のためのgimpfuzzy実装と評価 by 澤部 祐太, 甘粕 伸幸, 野村 和也
[cb22] Mal-gopherとは?Go系マルウェアの分類のためのgimpfuzzy実装と評価 by 澤部 祐太, 甘粕 伸幸, 野村 和也

Goで書かれたマルウェアは年々増加している。Goはクロスプラットフォームの性質を持っており、複数のプラットフォームを標的にしたい攻撃者にとって好都合な言語である。その一方で、ライブラリが静的にリンクされていることからユーザ関数とライブラリの区別が難しく、アナリストにとって解析が困難である。そうした状況で、Goマルウェアの分類や探索の需要が高まっている。 本講演ではgimpfuzzyという新たな提案手法を用いてGoマルウェアに対し類似性の計算や分類が可能であることを検証する。われわれは既存手法であるgimphashにFuzzy Hashingを組み込んだ「gimpfuzzy」を新たに実装した。講演では提案手法を利用した分類の判別率を検証し、分類された結果の中からいくつかの事例を取り上げその妥当性について確認する。また、Goマルウェアの分類における課題についても検討を行う予定である。

[cb22] Tracking the Entire Iceberg - Long-term APT Malware C2 Protocol Emulat...
[cb22] Tracking the Entire Iceberg - Long-term APT Malware C2 Protocol Emulat...[cb22] Tracking the Entire Iceberg - Long-term APT Malware C2 Protocol Emulat...
[cb22] Tracking the Entire Iceberg - Long-term APT Malware C2 Protocol Emulat...

This document discusses the results of long-term scanning and analysis of Winnti 4.0 and ShadowPad malware command and control (C2) protocols. It finds that Winnti 4.0 C2s primarily use TLS, HTTPS, and HTTP, while ShadowPad variants primarily use TCP, HTTPS, and HTTP. Analysis of the protocols reveals encryption methods, packet structures, and server-side functionality. Over time, the number and distribution of active C2s changed, likely in response to research publications and incident response actions. The document advocates for anonymization techniques and merits and risks of future research publications.

[cb22] Fight Against Malware Development Life Cycle by Shusei Tomonaga and Yu...
[cb22] Fight Against Malware Development Life Cycle by Shusei Tomonaga and Yu...[cb22] Fight Against Malware Development Life Cycle by Shusei Tomonaga and Yu...
[cb22] Fight Against Malware Development Life Cycle by Shusei Tomonaga and Yu...

We are swamped with new types of malware every day. The goal of malware analysis is not to reveal every single detail of the malware. It is more important to develop tools for efficiency or introduce automation to avoid repeating the same analysis process. Therefore, malware analysts usually actively develop tools and build analysis systems. On the other hand, it costs a lot for such tool developments and system maintenance. Incident trends change daily, and malware keeps evolving. However, it is not easy to keep up with new threats. Malware analysts spend a long time maintaining their analysis systems, and it results in reducing their time for necessary analysis of new types of malware. To solve these problems, we incorporate DevOps practices into malware analysis to reduce the cost of system maintenance by using CI/CD and Serverless. This presentation shares our experience on how CI/CD, Serverless, and other cloud technologies can be used to streamline malware analysis. Specifically, the following case studies are discussed. * Malware C2 Monitoring * Malware Hunting using Cloud * YARA CI/CD system * Malware Analysis System on Cloud * Memory Forensic on Cloud Through the above case studies, we will share the benefits and tips of using the cloud and show how to build a similar system using Infrastructure as Code (IaC). The audience will learn how to improve the efficiency of malware analysis and build a malware analysis system using Cloud infrastructure.

Attack Model
Air Gap
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 
An Optical Covert-Channel to
Leak Data through an Air-Gap
Transmitter: LCD/LED Screen
Receiver: Video Recorder: Phone,
Google Glass…

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UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference
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UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference

We are honored to launch and host this event for our UiPath Polish Community, with the help of our partners - Proservartner! We certainly hope we have managed to spike your interest in the subjects to be presented and the incredible networking opportunities at hand, too! Check out our proposed agenda below 👇👇 08:30 ☕ Welcome coffee (30') 09:00 Opening note/ Intro to UiPath Community (10') Cristina Vidu, Global Manager, Marketing Community @UiPath Dawid Kot, Digital Transformation Lead @Proservartner 09:10 Cloud migration - Proservartner & DOVISTA case study (30') Marcin Drozdowski, Automation CoE Manager @DOVISTA Pawel Kamiński, RPA developer @DOVISTA Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 09:40 From bottlenecks to breakthroughs: Citizen Development in action (25') Pawel Poplawski, Director, Improvement and Automation @McCormick & Company Michał Cieślak, Senior Manager, Automation Programs @McCormick & Company 10:05 Next-level bots: API integration in UiPath Studio (30') Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 10:35 ☕ Coffee Break (15') 10:50 Document Understanding with my RPA Companion (45') Ewa Gruszka, Enterprise Sales Specialist, AI & ML @UiPath 11:35 Power up your Robots: GenAI and GPT in REFramework (45') Krzysztof Karaszewski, Global RPA Product Manager 12:20 🍕 Lunch Break (1hr) 13:20 From Concept to Quality: UiPath Test Suite for AI-powered Knowledge Bots (30') Kamil Miśko, UiPath MVP, Senior RPA Developer @Zurich Insurance 13:50 Communications Mining - focus on AI capabilities (30') Thomasz Wierzbicki, Business Analyst @Office Samurai 14:20 Polish MVP panel: Insights on MVP award achievements and career profiling

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Attack Scenarios
Air Gap
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 
Experimental Results
40 Volunteers found the
“invisibility threshold”
Video Devices:
Simple DSLR
Google Glass
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 

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VisiSploit - Countermeasures
• Zoning Policies (who and what devices can go where)
• Malware signatures (detect that DLL!)
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 
Methods of

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[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 
AirHopper - Introduction
• Many workplaces have a BYOD policy
• Smartphones can be used to receive radio signals
• If we can get ordinary PCs to emit radio signals,
then we have an outbound channel
The Attack Model
Air Gap
The Big Question

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How do antennas work?
• Antennas emit radio waves (EMR) by oscillating
current through their Terminals
• Radio waves are characterized by their frequency
(oscillation in Hz) and amplitude (strength in dBm)
One way to emit EMR…
…is to get the display to
send specific signals
over the cable
The Modulation of Binary Data
over Analog FM
Experimental Results

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AirHopper - Countermeasures
• Strict zoning: No smartphones within a proximity of
20 meters of an air gapped computer with a screen.
• Insulation: Shield the display cables better.
• Jamming: Emit noise in the 87.5-108 MHz band
• Signature: Scan for related graphics manipulations
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 

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GSMem - Introduction
• Feature phones (mobiles with no wifi, Bluetooth…) are
allowed into restricted zones.
• Feature phones can be used to receive other
transmissions broadcasted over cellular frequencies.
• The CPU-Memory BUS of an ordinary computer can be
exploited to transmit signals over cellular frequencies.
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 
How GSMem Works
Transmitter Receiver
Emitting a Signal
• Observation 1: A large CPU-RAM
transfer builds up oscillating current in
the configuration. – bypass the cache
• Observation 2: The BUS transfers bits
at the FSB speed, emitting the energy
around that frequency (e.g. 800 MHz)

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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetryObservability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry

Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

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Sending a Bit (modulation)
To send a bit,
We use a variant of B-ASK:
Do nothing for T seconds
Raise amplitude for T seconds
We then place all the bits into frames…
Transmitter Properties
• Only has a 4KB memory footprint
• No root/admin required
• No APIs are used
• Affects Intel and AMD architectures…
• Works on Windows/Linux…
Receiving the Signal
To read the raw signals (our modulation), one
must modify the firmware of the baseband chip.
This will not deter highly motivated, and resourceful threats
…as we’ve seen in the past.
In our tests we used an open source baseband
software (OsmocomBB) and a compatible
Motorola C123 GSM phone.
We also used a Universal Software Radio
Peripheral (USRP B210) for a higher quality analysis
Receiving a bit, and some more…
A Very Simplistic Approach:
1. Listen on “best” frequency
2. Search for the ‘1010’ preamble (each bit T seconds long)
• Threshold based (dynamically changed)
3. Extract 12 bit payload if preamble found

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Experimental Results
• More channels = more power!
• Orientation effects results
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 
GSMem - Countermeasures
• Interference
• Shielding
• Stricter zoning
• Signatures
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 

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[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 
Air-Gap Covert-Chanel via
Electromagnetic Emissions from USB
2014: Edward Snowden leaks the NSA’s
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 

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USBee: Covert USB transmissions
without additional hardware
The Attack Model
Air Gap
A sequence of ‘0’ bits to a USB device generates a
detectable emission between 240MHz and 480MHz
(The USB 2.0 clock speed)
USBee uses B-FSK
encoding to
modulate data:
Binary w.r.t. the
NRZI encoding is
written to the
USB device
The malware on the Host does not require any
special permissions to write to the USB!
Experimental Results
with cable – 9m
without cable – 4m
Data rate: 80 Bytes/second

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USBee - Countermeasures
• EMR Shielding
• Distancing Policies
• Jamming
• Malware detection : /
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 
[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 
Methods of

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[CB16] Air-Gap security: State-of-the-art Attacks, Analysis, and Mitigation by Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky & Yuval Elovici 
Who should be worries about
these “CREATIVE” attacks?
“Desperate times call for desperate measures”
If your air-gapped network is…
• A plausible target for an APT
• Limited with regards to “insider” activity
• Part of a restricted zone that allows visitors
The Most Plausible Attacks
Exfiltration by EMR: GSMem, AirHopper, USBee
Stealthy, while being easy and practical for an
attacker to implement and execute.
• We reviewed the 4 types of channels that can bridge air-gaps.
• Reminder: the assumption is that the target network has been
infected prior!
• Air-gapping a network does not provide a guaranteed
• Not everybody is a target!
• If you are a target, consider precautions (e.g. zoning)
depending on the sensitivity of your network

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Thank you for listening!

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