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Embedded Security in the
Land of the Rising Sun
Ben Schmidt (presenter) // @_supernothing
Lord Commander of Security Research @NarfIndustries
Paul Makowski (assistant to the presenter) // @myhndl
Director of World Domination @NarfIndustries
this talk: Japanese router hacking
●  motivation
●  0knowledge to 0day
●  landscape
●  attack surface
●  vulnerabilities
●  exploitation demos
●  remediation
why hack Japanese routers?
●  comparatively little public research
●  who doesn’t loves junk hacking?*
●  in seriousness, these routers matter a lot
o  there are many listening on WAN
o  they run notoriously insecure software
* the answer is Dave Aitel:
← top countries with hosts listening on
WAN port 1900 (UPnP default).
●  Japan is #4
●  more on UPnP later
0knowledge to 0day
* there’s still plenty we don’t know
●  when we started, we knew nothing about the
Japanese router landscape*
●  barriers: language, infrastructure, hardware
acquisition & testing
we hope we don’t set
ourselves on fire...

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Fuzzing underestimated method of finding hidden bugs
Fuzzing underestimated method of finding hidden bugsFuzzing underestimated method of finding hidden bugs
Fuzzing underestimated method of finding hidden bugs

Fuzzing is a method of discovering software faults by providing unexpected input and monitoring for exceptions. There are two main types of fuzzers: mutation-based fuzzers which mutate valid samples, and generation-based fuzzers which require samples to be defined. Fuzzing discovers bugs by providing invalid input to any software, so it should always be considered as a testing method. A fuzzer contains an input generator, history of generated inputs, and a process monitor.

#fuzzing #security #afl #radamsa #peachfuzzer
Hacking Windows 95 #33c3
Hacking Windows 95 #33c3Hacking Windows 95 #33c3
Hacking Windows 95 #33c3

This document outlines how to remotely hack Windows 95 without any user interaction or needing zero-day exploits. It lists the prerequisites as having a default installation of Windows 95 with a writable C: share and network connectivity configured. It then provides links to resources on hacking Windows 95, including a 158-page manual and blog posts walking through exploiting vulnerabilities. The goal is to achieve remote code execution on the target system using existing hacking tools.

Un) fucking forensics
Un) fucking forensicsUn) fucking forensics
Un) fucking forensics

DEFCON 25 presentation. An overview of the basis for needing memory integrity validation (secure hash) checks of a running VM. Edit memory through python scripting. Enhance timeline assurances that you have not missed events with multiple complementary event sources.

#dfir #forensics #anti-forensics #integrity
0knowledge to 0day
●  mostly cultural, few technical obstacles
mitigation enabled? good for us?
full ASLR (including PIE) no
NX / DEP? mostly no
stack or heap cookies mostly yes
Such security, many lulz, wow
●  a boatload of:
o  routers
o  modems
o  wifi hotspots
o  webcams
o  internet-connected picture frames
o  … much more
landscape, con’t
many manufacturers; this is a small sample
how to ID models protections good for
OKI distributed as .bin, is actually .tar.gz, contains
ROOTIMG.BIN which is several JFFS2 partitions
landscape, con’t
many manufacturers; this is a small sample
how to ID models protections good for
Buffalo binary blob, begins with “bgn” XXXXXXXXXXX
RC4 w/ static
key “Buffalo”
Watch for more complete list.

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The Postmodern Binary Analysis
The Postmodern Binary AnalysisThe Postmodern Binary Analysis
The Postmodern Binary Analysis

This document discusses dynamic binary instrumentation and taint analysis techniques. It describes how frameworks like Intel PIN, Valgrind, and DynamoRIO can be used to inject instrumentation code into running binaries. It also explains how taint tracking can identify which parts of code are affected by tainted user input. Symbolic execution and constraint solving with Z3 are presented as methods to perform taint analysis and concolic execution on binaries. Open source tools like Triton, Angr, and BitBlaze TEMU are referenced for dynamic binary analysis.

taintalldbi frameworksdynamic binary instrumentation
Reverse Engineering the TomTom Runner pt. 1
Reverse Engineering the TomTom Runner pt. 1 Reverse Engineering the TomTom Runner pt. 1
Reverse Engineering the TomTom Runner pt. 1

A hacker likes computers for the same reason that a child likes legos: both allow the creation of something new. However the growing trend has been to 'close up' general purpose computing into devices that serve a narrow purpose. It's been happening with games consoles, routers, smartphones, smart TV's and more recently, smartwatches. A hacker will face this trend as an additional challenge and will be even more motivated to gain control over the device. This talk is a journey to the world of 'reverse engineering' of a device of the "Internet of Things", in this case a Tomtom Runner sports watch. The author has little previous experience in reverse engineering of embedded systems, so the talk aims to serve as an introduction to this topic, what motivations and what kind of approaches may be tried. Presented in September 2015 at "Confraria de Segurança da Informação" in Lisbon

internet of thingsreverse engineeringhacking
[ENG] OHM2013 - The Quest for the Client-Side Elixir Against Zombie Browsers -
[ENG] OHM2013 - The Quest for the Client-Side Elixir Against Zombie Browsers - [ENG] OHM2013 - The Quest for the Client-Side Elixir Against Zombie Browsers -
[ENG] OHM2013 - The Quest for the Client-Side Elixir Against Zombie Browsers -

The document discusses the challenges of protecting against malware on web browsers through client-side solutions alone. It describes how the author was able to bypass protections in various internet security suites and anti-malware products by creating malicious browser extensions. While some vendors were able to address the issues, the document argues that client-side only solutions are fundamentally limited. It suggests focusing on server-side protections instead of seeking a "client-side elixir" for fully preventing malware.

attack surface
o  frequently LAN-facing
●  FTP
●  …
●  UPnP
o  frequently WAN-facing
speaking of UPnP...
Security Flaws in UPnP:
Unplug, Don’t Play, Rapid7
Security Flaws in UPnP:
Unplug, Don’t Play, Rapid7
speaking of UPnP...
we looked here
●  Shodan
o  3mil hosts in Japan
o  almost none anywhere else
●  our research
o  ~200,000 hosts in Japan at
any single time
●  What would you do with a
200,000+ botnet?
our favorite UPnP daemon: XXXXXX

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Violent python
Violent pythonViolent python
Violent python

This document discusses how Python can be used for both ethical and unethical hacking purposes. It provides examples of how Python allows for easy learning, is cross-platform, and has many built-in tools and libraries that enable activities like dictionary attacks, brute force cracking, analyzing Skype databases, and using APIs to interact with systems like sockets in a similar way to C. The document also lists several Python security tools and frameworks like Scapy and recommends resources like books and tutorials that provide inspiration for writing hacking tools with Python.

Yunusov babin 7 sins pres atm v2
Yunusov babin 7 sins pres atm v2Yunusov babin 7 sins pres atm v2
Yunusov babin 7 sins pres atm v2

This document discusses 7 common security sins for ATM protection against logical attacks. It summarizes techniques for bypassing kiosk mode, escalating privileges, bypassing application control software, exploiting vulnerabilities in the network layer, device management, booting process, and exploiting logical vulnerabilities in the operating system. Specific techniques discussed include using safe mode and hotkeys to bypass kiosk mode restrictions, exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities to escalate privileges and bypass application controls, manipulating firewall settings and disabling VPNs and TLS to exploit network vulnerabilities, and accessing devices through physical means or exploiting race conditions in security software.

Python for pentesters
Python for pentestersPython for pentesters
Python for pentesters

This document discusses using Python for penetration testing and security tasks. It notes that Python has a simple learning curve, extensive libraries, and is multiplatform, making it useful for quick prototyping and easier automation. Python can be used for exploit development, networking, debugging, encryption/decryption, reverse engineering, fuzzing, web applications, forensics, and malware analysis. Popular Python security tools include TMSET, TMCore Impact, TMW3AF, TMSqlmap, TMImmunityDebugger, TMImpacket, and TMIronWASP. The document provides examples of using Python for port scanning, creating a one-line web server, and exploit development. It also lists useful Python

our favorite UPnP daemon: XXXXXX
●  case study: CompSci security 101
●  every vulnerability you can imagine,
everywhere feasible
o  stack & heap buffer overflows
!  memcpy, strcpy, sprintf, oh my!
o  path traversal
!  download passwords in config files
o  command injection
our favorite UPnP daemon: XXXXXX
attacker controlled
attacker controlled
our favorite UPnP daemon: XXXXXX
buffer is overflown...
attacker controlled
attacker controlled
our favorite UPnP daemon: XXXXXX
buffer is overflown...
attacker controlled
attacker controlled

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This is a guide on how setup DarkComet RAT the free and popular Remote Administration Tool. This software is an efficient type of software, especially created to remote control any Microsoft Windows machine.

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Predicting and Abusing WPA2/802.11 Group Keys
Predicting and Abusing WPA2/802.11 Group KeysPredicting and Abusing WPA2/802.11 Group Keys
Predicting and Abusing WPA2/802.11 Group Keys

We analyze the generation and management of WPA2 group keys. These keys protect broadcast and multicast Wi-Fi traffic. We discovered several issues and illustrate their importance by decrypting all group (and unicast) traffic of a typical Wi-Fi network. First we show that the 802.11 random number generator is flawed by design, and provides an insufficient amount of entropy. This is confirmed by predicting randomly generated group keys on several platforms. We then examine whether group keys are securely transmitted to clients. Here we discover a downgrade attack that forces usage of RC4 to encrypt the group key when transmitted in the 4-way handshake. The per-message RC4 key is the concatenation of a public 16-byte initialization vector with a secret 16-byte key, and the first 256 keystream bytes are dropped. We study this peculiar usage of RC4, and find that capturing 2 billion handshakes can be sufficient to recover (i.e., decrypt) a 128-bit group key. We also examine whether group traffic is properly isolated from unicast traffic. We find that this is not the case, and show that the group key can be used to inject and decrypt unicast traffic. Finally, we propose and study a new random number generator tailored for 802.11 platforms.

wpa2 wifi 802.11 security wireless group key
Blue Hat IL 2019 - Hardening Secure Boot on Embedded Devices for Hostile Envi...
Blue Hat IL 2019 - Hardening Secure Boot on Embedded Devices for Hostile Envi...Blue Hat IL 2019 - Hardening Secure Boot on Embedded Devices for Hostile Envi...
Blue Hat IL 2019 - Hardening Secure Boot on Embedded Devices for Hostile Envi...

This talk has been presented at Microsoft BlueHat IL 2019 security conference, by Niek Timmers, Albert Spruyt and Cristofaro Mune. Secure boot is the fundamental building block of the security implemented in a large variety of devices. From mobile phones, to Internet of Things (IoT) or Electronic Control Units (ECUs) found in modern cars. In this talk we focus on software and hardware attacks that may be carried on against Secure Boot implementations. We leverage our decade long experience in reviewing and attacking secure boot on embedded devices from different industries After a brief introduction, an overview of common attack patterns is provided, by discussing real vulnerabilities, exploits and attacks as case studies. We then discuss two new attacks, not discussed or demonstrated before, with the purpose of bringing new insights. The first one, takes place before CPU is even started, showing that a larger attack surface than usually explored is available. This also shows that FI can affect pure HW implementations, with no SW involved. The second one is an Encrypted Secure Boot bypass, yielding direct code execution. It is performed by using Fault Injection only and with a single glitch. Contrary to common beliefs, we show that FI-only attacks are possible against an Encrypted Secure Boot implementation, without requiring any encryption key. This shows that the need of reconsidering FI attacks impact and that encrypting boot stages alone is not a sufficient FI countermeasure. We also discuss countermeasures and possible mitigations throughout the whole presentation. With this talk, we hope to bring innovative and fresh material to a topic, which is a cornerstone of modern Product Security. The presentation at BlueHat IL 2019 featured the live demo of an Encrypted Secure Boot bypass attack.

our favorite UPnP daemon: XXXXXX
...herebut why try
root command
buffer is overflown...
attacker controlled
attacker controlled
our favorite UPnP daemon: XXXXXX
but why try
root command
buffer is overflown...
attacker controlled
attacker controlled
our favorite UPnP daemon: XXXXXX
in other words…
●  4 lines
●  4 remotely
demo: UPnP command injection

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Top 10 secure boot mistakesTop 10 secure boot mistakes
Top 10 secure boot mistakes

An overview of all things that can go wrong when developers attempt to implement a Chain of Trust also called "secure boot". Starting from design mistakes, we look at crypto problems, logical and debug problems and move towards Side Channel Attacks and Fault Injection. Focused on Automotive, Pay-TV, Gaming and mobile devices.

securitysecure bootautomotive
Reverse Engineering the TomTom Runner pt. 2
Reverse Engineering the TomTom Runner pt. 2Reverse Engineering the TomTom Runner pt. 2
Reverse Engineering the TomTom Runner pt. 2

Second presentation of my research into reverse engineering a TomTom Runner GPS watch. In this I explain how I got running code inside an unfamiliar device and proceeded to bypass its security measures and extract firmware keys and code from the device. More details on my personal blog, at Presented in October 2015 at "Confraria de Segurança da Informação" in Lisbon

information securityhackinginternet of things
44CON 2014 - Breaking AV Software
44CON 2014 - Breaking AV Software44CON 2014 - Breaking AV Software
44CON 2014 - Breaking AV Software

The document discusses breaking and attacking antivirus software. It begins by introducing common features of antivirus engines like being written in C/C++ and supporting various file formats. It then discusses how installing antivirus software increases a system's attack surface and how antivirus engines can contain vulnerabilities. Specific examples of vulnerabilities found in antivirus products from Panda, ClamAV, and others are then presented, including multiple local privilege escalation issues found in Panda Global Protection 2013. Exploitation techniques for antivirus engines are also covered.

44con44con 2014
CODE BLUE 2014 : Embedded Security in The Land of the Rising Sun by BEN SCHMIDT & PAUL MAKOWSKI
HTTP: signedness confusion
1.  specify a negative Content-Length
2.  sanity check does a signed comparison
o  the check passes
3. scanf() promotes int to unsigned, copies length
4.  overflow heap buffer
5.  ???
6.  profit
demo: HTTP signedness confusion
import socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((“”, 2869))
s.send('GET AAAArnContent-Length: -34rnrn')
HTTP: path traversal
2. ???
3. profit

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DerbyCon 2014 - Making BadUSB Work For You
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DerbyCon 2014 - Making BadUSB Work For You

The document discusses techniques for modifying USB flash drive firmware to add custom functionality or bypass security features. It describes the boot process and firmware update process for USB drives. The authors demonstrate creating custom firmware that implements a hidden storage partition and bypasses password protection. They provide source code and tools to allow others to modify USB drive firmware for research purposes.

American Fuzzy Lop
American Fuzzy LopAmerican Fuzzy Lop
American Fuzzy Lop

American Fuzzy Lop (AFL) is a security-oriented fuzz testing tool. In this talk, I demonstrate how dead-simple AFL is to use. I show how I used it to fuzz a Python library, discovering a subtle bug in the process.

toolssoftware testingafl
The internet of $h1t
The internet of $h1tThe internet of $h1t
The internet of $h1t

I was asked to talk in front of Computer science students at the Bar-Ilan university about "what happens" when you don't care about writing "secured" or "safe" code. A perfect example for that, in my opinion, was the world of embedded computing AKA the IoT. I talked about the history of consumer embedded devices and showed a live demo of an 0day I found in one of the most popular routers in the country.

internet of thingsiotsecurity
demo: HTTP path traversal
import requests
print requests.get('').text
why this matters
●  what to do with 200,000 home routers?
o  violate privacy, capture all traffic
o  impersonate victims
o  man-in-the-middle, exploit end hosts
o  use as basis for covert infrastructure, misattributing
further attacks
o  cripple national infrastructure through DDoS attacks
more Japanese statistics
●  200,000+: number of routers / modems running the
discussed vulnerable UPnP service on WAN
●  500,000+: number of devices running a UPnP daemon
and listening on WAN on the default port
o  can be used to map internal ports, expose additional vulns
●  1,700,000+: number of devices running an HTTP
daemon and listening on WAN on the default port
o  93,000+ of these are not running either Apache or IIS
●  patching vulns is a non-starter
o  there’s too many, no one cares to find them all
●  what we’ve demonstrated is only the
o  seriously, we ctrl-f’ed for system()... profit
●  need to start over

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Reverse Engineering Presentation.pdf
Reverse Engineering Presentation.pdfReverse Engineering Presentation.pdf
Reverse Engineering Presentation.pdf

This document provides an overview of reverse engineering through analyzing the Stuxnet computer worm. It describes how Stuxnet spread using Windows vulnerabilities and infected systems running Siemens industrial software. It then manipulated programmable logic controllers to potentially sabotage nuclear centrifuges in Iran. However, the document notes that while theories point to state-sponsored attacks, its true target and author remain unknown due to lack of evidence. Speculation about Stuxnet's origins and purpose are presented to demonstrate how its analysis generated many unproven narratives.

High-Performance Networking Using eBPF, XDP, and io_uring
High-Performance Networking Using eBPF, XDP, and io_uringHigh-Performance Networking Using eBPF, XDP, and io_uring
High-Performance Networking Using eBPF, XDP, and io_uring

Bryan McCoid discusses using eBPF, XDP, and io_uring for high performance networking. XDP allows programs to process packets in the kernel without loading modules. AF_XDP sockets use eBPF to route packets between kernel and userspace via ring buffers. McCoid is building a Rust runtime called Glommio to interface with these techniques. The runtime integrates with io_uring and allows multiple design patterns for receiving packets from AF_XDP sockets.

p99 latencyp99 confio_uring
Security & ethical hacking p2
Security & ethical hacking p2Security & ethical hacking p2
Security & ethical hacking p2

The document provides an overview of ethical hacking techniques such as advanced scanning with NMAP to identify open ports and operating systems on remote systems. It discusses how tools like Nmap and Angry IP Scanner can be used to scan locally and remotely, and how information gathered can be used to potentially exploit systems. Example exploits discussed include using Netcat to create remote shells and payloads embedded in files like JPEG and MP3 files. The document emphasizes that while the information is presented, actually hacking systems without permission would be illegal.

remediation: manufacturers (1/3)
●  use modern exploit mitigations
o  userspace: NX / DEP, ASLR*, stack / heap
o  kernelspace: grsecurity
●  fail closed: default settings matter
o  don’t listen to anything on WAN by default
o  if remote admin is required by the customer, require
key-based authentication
(e.g. SSH, CWMP/TR-069 or similar)
* This means PIE. Binaries that are not PIE are not full ASLR.
Anything less than full ASLR is mostly pointless.
remediation: manufacturers (2/3)
●  privilege separation
o  there is no reason to run everything as root*
●  sandbox everything: seccomp_bpf()
o  Why is your UPnP daemon able to install kernel
modules or read / write outside of its home?
●  don’t implement your own HTTP / FTP /
UPnP/ Gopher / whatever service
o  obscurity < audited code* Laziness doesn’t count.
It’s 2014; attackers have a lot to gain, you have a lot to lose and embedded devices are often the lowest hanging fruit.
remediation: manufacturers (3/3)
●  deter physical access
o  cut unnecessary debug ports, no JTAG, no serial
o  limited effect on determined attackers
●  make analysis difficult
o  firmware encryption & signing
●  scope the set of possible vulnerabilities
o  if you must write your own software, why not write it
in Python or Ruby?
things that don’t work
●  security through obscurity
o  yes, someone* has figured out how to extract
●  outmoded threat models / thinking your
software isn’t interesting
o  attackers target more than end hosts
o  there is plenty (sometimes more) value in pwning
* The contributors and projects behind binwalk ( to be specific.

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Security & ethical hacking
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Security & ethical hacking

This document provides an overview of advanced scanning and exploitation techniques for security testing. It discusses using Nmap to scan for open ports and operating systems. The importance of local IP sweeping to find vulnerable systems on a local network is explained. Netcat is demonstrated as a simple way to create a remote shell on another system. Brief examples of shellcode and exploits that can be delivered through media files like JPGs and MP3s are also provided. The conclusion emphasizes that while this information is shown for educational purposes, actually exploiting systems without permission would be illegal.

Security Issues in Android Custom ROM
Security Issues in Android Custom ROMSecurity Issues in Android Custom ROM
Security Issues in Android Custom ROM

This paper attempts to look behind the wheels of android and keeping special focus on custom rom’s and basically check for security misconfiguration’s which could yield to device compromise, which may result in malware infection or data theft.

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Security Issues in Android Custom Rom
Security Issues in Android Custom RomSecurity Issues in Android Custom Rom
Security Issues in Android Custom Rom

This document discusses security issues with custom Android ROMs. It begins by introducing custom ROMs and why they warrant security reviews. It then analyzes several practices in custom ROMs that could compromise security, such as enabling USB debugging, running ADB in root mode, loose permissions on the system partition, and allowing installation from unknown sources. The document demonstrates a proof-of-concept data theft tool and recommends users be wary of development processes and ask questions when using custom ROMs. It concludes with contact information for the author.

remediation: end users
●  firewall everything
o  only sane approach is to assume compromise on
seldom-updated embedded devices such as
modems and routers
o  the catch: many of these embedded devices are
between you and the Internet
●  whenever possible, run custom firmware
o  let someone else be the easiest target
●  there needs to be more (public) research interest in
Japanese infrastructure
●  cultural barriers are surmountable even by curious
people in their spare time
o  we conducted this research from the US, without direct access
to Japanese infrastructure or devices
o  determined attackers will hardly be slowed
●  the fixes are not simple
o  vulnerabilities are numerous
o  problems run deep
●  Google translate
●  Yahoo! auctions
●  Icons licensed under CC BY 3.0:
o  router, modem, wifi, webcam, question mark, flame
by user Freepik
o  picture frame by user Icomoon
o  thumb’s up by user Amit Jakhu
o  video camera by user
?Want to learn more?
Narf offers custom embedded device security training classes in Japanese &
English. Material is licensed & translated from TacNetSol’s world-renowned
EDE course.
For more information, visit our website:

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Web application security and why you should review yours, is a whole stack look skydive without a parachute, let's try not to die as we explore what is an attack surface, Arcronym hell, Vulnerability naming, Detection or provention is there a place for both or none, emerging oss technologies which can help you, a firehose review of compromises 2014 through 2018, and finally a live compromise demo covering everything we've discussed as being 'bad' ... or as often happens the backup video.

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Tim Noise - Ruxmon 31/07/15 calyptech fixed wirelress terminal exploit source code:

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Securing a Raspberry Pi and other DIY IoT devices
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Securing a Raspberry Pi and other DIY IoT devices

These are the slides from the presentation by Ian Kluft at the ISC² Silicon Valley Chapter meeting on February 11, 2020 in Santa Clara, California on "Securing a Raspberry Pi and other DIY IoT devices". It introduces the Raspberry Pi computer and security issues relevant to projects on similar Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Also, for hobby projects there's advice how to prioritize security issues to avoid being overwhelmed. It covers analysis of the project's attack surface and online security resources. The presentation was made for a group who have or are working on cybersecurity certifications. But the slides should also be understandable by a wider technical audience.

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CODE BLUE 2014 : Embedded Security in The Land of the Rising Sun by BEN SCHMIDT & PAUL MAKOWSKI

  • 1. Embedded Security in the Land of the Rising Sun Ben Schmidt (presenter) // @_supernothing Lord Commander of Security Research @NarfIndustries Paul Makowski (assistant to the presenter) // @myhndl Director of World Domination @NarfIndustries
  • 2. this talk: Japanese router hacking ●  motivation ●  0knowledge to 0day ●  landscape ●  attack surface ●  vulnerabilities ●  exploitation demos ●  remediation
  • 3. why hack Japanese routers? ●  comparatively little public research ●  who doesn’t loves junk hacking?* ●  in seriousness, these routers matter a lot o  there are many listening on WAN o  they run notoriously insecure software * the answer is Dave Aitel: ← top countries with hosts listening on WAN port 1900 (UPnP default). ●  Japan is #4 ●  more on UPnP later
  • 4. 0knowledge to 0day * there’s still plenty we don’t know ●  when we started, we knew nothing about the Japanese router landscape* ●  barriers: language, infrastructure, hardware acquisition & testing we hope we don’t set ourselves on fire...
  • 5. 0knowledge to 0day ●  mostly cultural, few technical obstacles mitigation enabled? good for us? full ASLR (including PIE) no NX / DEP? mostly no stack or heap cookies mostly yes Such security, many lulz, wow
  • 6. landscape ●  a boatload of: o  routers o  modems o  wifi hotspots o  webcams o  internet-connected picture frames o  … much more
  • 7. landscape, con’t many manufacturers; this is a small sample (likely) corp how to ID models protections good for us? OKI distributed as .bin, is actually .tar.gz, contains ROOTIMG.BIN which is several JFFS2 partitions XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX ... none
  • 8. landscape, con’t many manufacturers; this is a small sample (likely) corp how to ID models protections good for us? Buffalo binary blob, begins with “bgn” XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX ... encrypted, (slightly) modified RC4 w/ static key “Buffalo” Watch for more complete list.
  • 9. attack surface ●  HTTP o  frequently LAN-facing ●  FTP ●  … ●  UPnP o  frequently WAN-facing
  • 10. speaking of UPnP... Security Flaws in UPnP: Unplug, Don’t Play, Rapid7
  • 11. Security Flaws in UPnP: Unplug, Don’t Play, Rapid7 speaking of UPnP... we looked here
  • 12. ●  Shodan o  3mil hosts in Japan o  almost none anywhere else ●  our research o  ~200,000 hosts in Japan at any single time ●  What would you do with a 200,000+ botnet? our favorite UPnP daemon: XXXXXX
  • 13. our favorite UPnP daemon: XXXXXX ●  case study: CompSci security 101 ●  every vulnerability you can imagine, everywhere feasible o  stack & heap buffer overflows !  memcpy, strcpy, sprintf, oh my! o  path traversal !  download passwords in config files o  command injection
  • 14. spot-the-vuln(s) our favorite UPnP daemon: XXXXXX attacker controlled attacker controlled
  • 15. spot-the-vuln(s) our favorite UPnP daemon: XXXXXX buffer is overflown... attacker controlled attacker controlled
  • 16. spot-the-vuln(s) our favorite UPnP daemon: XXXXXX oh yeah and here too buffer is overflown... attacker controlled attacker controlled
  • 17. spot-the-vuln(s) our favorite UPnP daemon: XXXXXX ...herebut why try harder? root command injection... oh yeah and here too buffer is overflown... attacker controlled attacker controlled
  • 18. spot-the-vuln(s) our favorite UPnP daemon: XXXXXX oh yeah and here too but why try harder? root command injection... also here buffer is overflown... attacker controlled attacker controlled
  • 19. our favorite UPnP daemon: XXXXXX in other words… ●  4 lines ●  4 remotely exploitable vulnerabilities
  • 20. demo: UPnP command injection
  • 22. HTTP: signedness confusion 1.  specify a negative Content-Length 2.  sanity check does a signed comparison o  the check passes 3. scanf() promotes int to unsigned, copies length specified 4.  overflow heap buffer 5.  ??? 6.  profit
  • 23. demo: HTTP signedness confusion import socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((“”, 2869)) s.send('GET AAAArnContent-Length: -34rnrn') s.close()
  • 25. demo: HTTP path traversal import requests print requests.get('').text
  • 26. why this matters ●  what to do with 200,000 home routers? o  violate privacy, capture all traffic o  impersonate victims o  man-in-the-middle, exploit end hosts o  use as basis for covert infrastructure, misattributing further attacks o  cripple national infrastructure through DDoS attacks
  • 27. more Japanese statistics ●  200,000+: number of routers / modems running the discussed vulnerable UPnP service on WAN ●  500,000+: number of devices running a UPnP daemon and listening on WAN on the default port o  can be used to map internal ports, expose additional vulns ●  1,700,000+: number of devices running an HTTP daemon and listening on WAN on the default port o  93,000+ of these are not running either Apache or IIS
  • 28. remediation ●  patching vulns is a non-starter o  there’s too many, no one cares to find them all ●  what we’ve demonstrated is only the beginning o  seriously, we ctrl-f’ed for system()... profit ●  need to start over
  • 29. remediation: manufacturers (1/3) ●  use modern exploit mitigations o  userspace: NX / DEP, ASLR*, stack / heap hardening o  kernelspace: grsecurity ●  fail closed: default settings matter o  don’t listen to anything on WAN by default o  if remote admin is required by the customer, require key-based authentication (e.g. SSH, CWMP/TR-069 or similar) * This means PIE. Binaries that are not PIE are not full ASLR. Anything less than full ASLR is mostly pointless.
  • 30. remediation: manufacturers (2/3) ●  privilege separation o  there is no reason to run everything as root* ●  sandbox everything: seccomp_bpf() o  Why is your UPnP daemon able to install kernel modules or read / write outside of its home? ●  don’t implement your own HTTP / FTP / UPnP/ Gopher / whatever service o  obscurity < audited code* Laziness doesn’t count. It’s 2014; attackers have a lot to gain, you have a lot to lose and embedded devices are often the lowest hanging fruit.
  • 31. remediation: manufacturers (3/3) ●  deter physical access o  cut unnecessary debug ports, no JTAG, no serial o  limited effect on determined attackers ●  make analysis difficult o  firmware encryption & signing ●  scope the set of possible vulnerabilities o  if you must write your own software, why not write it in Python or Ruby?
  • 32. things that don’t work ●  security through obscurity o  yes, someone* has figured out how to extract YetAnotherObscureFileSystem ●  outmoded threat models / thinking your software isn’t interesting o  attackers target more than end hosts o  there is plenty (sometimes more) value in pwning infrastructure * The contributors and projects behind binwalk ( to be specific.
  • 33. remediation: end users ●  firewall everything o  only sane approach is to assume compromise on seldom-updated embedded devices such as modems and routers o  the catch: many of these embedded devices are between you and the Internet ●  whenever possible, run custom firmware o  let someone else be the easiest target
  • 34. conclusions ●  there needs to be more (public) research interest in Japanese infrastructure ●  cultural barriers are surmountable even by curious people in their spare time o  we conducted this research from the US, without direct access to Japanese infrastructure or devices o  determined attackers will hardly be slowed ●  the fixes are not simple o  vulnerabilities are numerous o  problems run deep
  • 35. thanks ●  Google translate ●  Yahoo! auctions ●  Icons licensed under CC BY 3.0: o  router, modem, wifi, webcam, question mark, flame by user Freepik o  picture frame by user Icomoon o  thumb’s up by user Amit Jakhu o  video camera by user
  • 36. questions? ?Want to learn more? Narf offers custom embedded device security training classes in Japanese & English. Material is licensed & translated from TacNetSol’s world-renowned EDE course. For more information, visit our website:

Editor's Notes

  1. We conducted this research for fun in our spare time and was done in the US, without direct access to Japanese infrastructure or devices. We wanted to better understand the devices that we come into contact with in Japan.
  2. Comment on how it’s Yahoo Auctions, not eBay in Japan.
  3. hacking like it’s 1999 Stack hardening is due to using a semi-recent GCC. Heap hardening is due to linking against a semi-recent glibc. In neither case, do we expect these mitigations to have been purposefully added.
  4. We decided to look at devices running on a particular major Japanese telecom company.
  5. We went with the lowest hanging fruit. A determined attacker with more malicious intent would not be deterred by obfuscation. Only true solution is firmware encryption + signing coupled with physical access hardening.
  6. We went with the lowest hanging fruit. A determined attacker with more malicious intent would not be deterred by obfuscation. Only true solution is firmware encryption + signing coupled with physical access hardening.
  7. The Rapid7 report is based on data from IPv4-wide scanning conducted in the 2nd half of 2012. The report’s takeaway was that UPnP is universally poorly implemented, recommended to firewall off UPnP requests from WAN.
  8. The report did not identify several indigenous Japanese implementations, possibly because the banners are difficult to identify and/or the daemons run on non-standard ports (not 1900). If Rapid7’s research did hit the Japanese routers we studied, they would fall into “other”, but the report did not dive into any vulnerabilities against these devices.
  9. We actually ran into bug-collision scenarios attempting to write proof of concepts for some of the vulns discussed. Multiple vulnerabilities in series in the same code path prevented us from gain code execution in at least one case. Don’t try to fix this UPnP daemon. Burn it with fire.
  10. High ROI... but the fun doesn’t stop there
  11. We don’t want to only pick on the UPnP daemon...
  12. show video
  13. show video
  14. Vulnerability types discussed: command injection vanilla buffer overflow signedness confusion path traversal