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Building the
Billion Dollar
SaaS Unicorn
The CEO Guide of Key
Insights and Metrics for
B2B Software as a Service
By Kelly Schwedland
Rising Table Stakes
Christopher Janz, SaaS Investor
Why a $Billion? – It’s Investable
* Each investor has their own
investment thesis, certain
products, markets or business
models that they prefer. Look
for a good match to your
product offering and market
Typical Investor Interests:
• $1B+ Market
• Scalable Solution
• Recurring Revenue
• Past Successes
• Full team
• Traction
Growth Stage Key Points
I. Terms & Metrics
II. Roadmap
III. Sustaining Growth

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Slides David Shoenberger recently used in his discussion w/ mentees of The Product Mentor. The Product Mentor is a program designed to pair Product Mentors and Mentees from around the World, across all industries, from start-up to enterprise, guided by the fundamental goals…Better Decisions. Better Products. Better Product People. Throughout the program, each mentor leads a conversation in an area of their expertise that is live streamed and available to both mentee and the broader product community.

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A presentation about 9 mistakes that SaaS founders should avoid, with some practical advice on how (and why) to avoid them.

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I. Key Terms & Metrics for SaaS
1. Cash flow
3. CAC & LTV
4. ACV
5. Churn
6. Cohort analysis
7. LVR
8. TtV
If you only read one article on SaaS metrics this would be the one:
For Developing a KPI dashboard for a SaaS company:
Impact of Faster
Growth on P&L / Cash
1. Cashflow - Don’t run out of money
2. MRR & ARR
• The First $1M ARR Goal – 6 months
• Simple Math:
– $1M ARR = $83K MRR
– $83K/ $1000/mo. ACV = 83 customers
– 83/6 mo. = ~ 14 new customers per month
(or one new customer every 2 days, simple!)
MRR = Monthly Recurring Revenue
ARR = Annual Run Rate (MRR x 12)
LTV > 3x CAC
Months to recover CAC < 12 Months
3. CAC & LTV: Viability Test
Business model viability, in the majority of startups, will come down to balancing
two variables:
• CAC: Cost to Acquire Customers
• LTV: Lifetime Value of a Customer or The ability to monetize those customers

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In this slide deck, David Skok talks through his 9 step process for B2B startups to get through product/market fit, and to then find a repeatable, scalable, and profitable growth process. In David's experience some of the most fatal and expensive mistakes founders make is trying to skip steps. Understanding this roadmap will save you countless hours and potentially millions of wasted dollars.

The State of Enterprise Software
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Launching a startup isn't easy. At each stage of scaling - from founding to product-market fit, from product-market fit to hyper growth, and from hyper growth to maturity - entrepreneurs face unique challenges. Greylock Partners hosted an event, called Greyscale, focused on these challenges at each stage. In the opening keynote, Jerry Chen of Greylock Partners discusses the state of enterprise software after the first quarter of 2016. He summarizes the private and public markets, M&A activity, and explains how this climate affects the startup environment.

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Deep dive into Pricing Strategy. Learn the axes available to pull pricing lever for SaaS growth in subscription economy. Understand the influence ASP has on the options available and how to align it strategically across the 3 key SaaS sales model.

4. Matching CAC, LTV & ACV
• Product Pricing, Sales Strategy and Product
are all interconnected.
Average SaaS Companies Well marketed, easy to use
and easy to implement
ACV= Average Contract Value
5. Churn = # MRR this month /
# MRR lost from last month
Big impact on
value over
What’s good, what’s bad
‣ What you want
‣ Get to $1M ARR
~12 months after launch
‣ Net New MRR keeps
increasing quarter over quarter
‣ Maintain a Churn Ratio > 4
‣ What to watch out for
‣ A Churn Ratio < 2 – churn is
too high /new sales aren’t
‣ Net New MRR is flat or down
quarter over quarter
‣ As a result takes 18+ months
to get to $1M ARR
6. Cohort Analysis
• With a SaaS business there is a simple way to
understand Customer Retention/ Churn through
multiple product iterations.
7. LVR - Lead Velocity Rate
• Qualified Lead Velocity Rate (LVR), your
growth in qualified leads, measured month-
over-month, every month.
• Grow your LVR about 10-20% greater than
your desired MRR growth — you’ll hit your
revenue goals.
• You’ll see the future of your business 12-18
months out, clear as can be.

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Latest Lean Analytics workshop from the Lean Startup Week in San Francisco. Focusing on what metrics matter to both startups and big corporations. Incorporates elements of corporate innovation into the Lean Analytics framework to help bigger companies think through the data that really matters.

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David Skok and Stephanie Friedman host the Zero to 100 podcast focused on helping B2B startups find predictable, repeatable, and profitable growth. The podcast covers topics like building a repeatable sales process, funnel design, sales operations, and turning theory into practice. The event agenda includes sessions on founder-led selling, building a sales organization, forecasting, and the role of the CEO in scaling a business. Attendees can ask questions using the question system.

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The document provides an overview of key metrics, terms, and growth strategies for building a billion dollar SaaS unicorn company. It discusses 11 important SaaS metrics including MRR, ARR, CAC, LTV, NPS, churn, cohort analysis, and revenue per employee. It also outlines typical growth phases like the "T2D3" model of tripling revenue twice and doubling revenue three times to hit benchmarks like $2M, $6M, $18M, and $72M in ARR. Finally, the document emphasizes the importance of product-market fit and conducting customer interviews in the early "lean startup" phase.

b2bdavid skokgrowth
8. TtV- Time to Value
• How fast can a customer derive value from
your product?
• Ways to Improve:
– Simplicity wins…
be feature-complete, not feature-rich
– Hack the onboarding flow
– Document, Document, Document
– Quantify, Set goals and Benchmark
II. Roadmap
5 ways to build a $B business
In SaaS to get a Billion Dollar valuation you
need somewhere over $100M in Annual
You essentially need:
~ 1,000 enterprise customers at $100k+ /Yr or
~ 10,000 medium-sized at $10k+ /yr or
~ 100,000 small businesses at $1k/yr or
~ 1 million consumers at $100+ /yr each or
~ 10 million active consumers who you
monetize at $10+ per year each by selling ads
Examples: 2014 Rev Valuation*
HUBS $115M $1.3B
ZEN $127M $1.9B
MKTO $149M $1.1B
*Also dependent on growth rate and Cost of Revenue. Avg 5-10 x Rev multiples
“T2D3” Growth Phases*
*Triple twice, double three times

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The document discusses the three phases of a SaaS startup's lifecycle: searching for product-market fit, scaling the business, and searching for a repeatable and profitable growth model. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing what phase a startup is in and taking the appropriate actions, such as not jumping ahead or expanding sales too quickly before completing the current phase. Cash conservation is also stressed until reaching the scaling phase. Aligning sales, marketing, and other functions is highlighted as important for predictable growth. The phases and lessons provided serve as a guide for SaaS founders to strategically navigate their company's development.

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How Startups Can Build a Recruiting Machine
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Something important has changed in the recruiting process: the best people are almost never on the market, and you have to develop recruiting processes to find and sell passive candidates. In many cases, it will take months or years of relationship building with these candidates to find the right moment when they are open to considering a change. Closing them takes greater selling efforts than in the past due to the intense competition over the good candidates. This leads me to believe that there is now a third crucial startup skill that needs to be developed: recruiting.

T2D3 Cont’d
• Phase 1: Establish a great product-market fit
• Phase 2: Get to $2 million in ARR (annual
recurring revenue)
• Phase 3: Triple to $6 million in ARR
• Phase 4: Triple to $18 million
• Phase 5: Double to $36 million in ARR
• Phase 6: Double to $72 million
• Phase 7: Double to $144 million
Phase 0: Lean Startup Process
Also: The 20 Interview rule
Note: If you are still starting out, then you need this presentation:
Phase 1: Product/Market/ (Team) Fit
• The Simple definition – When your problems
shift to keeping up with demand rather than
finding more customers.
• The only thing that matters: Market
• Warning signs you aren’t there:
• Product Market Fit Myths
Building a replicable model*
*Documenting the
systems throughout the
business so that they can
be replicated by the next
Example of a system strategy flow chart

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Focus: Marketing, Sales, Revenue
“30 Answers that Every SaaS Revenue Leader Needs to Know”
III. Sustaining Growth
Median GP Ratio by year
for Public SaaS companies
How fast?
• Rule of thumb – Growth Rate +Profit Margin
should equal 40%... for a $50M business
• Early on it should
probably be
Accelerating Customer Acquisition and
• Remove Buyer Roadblocks:
– Increase Awareness
– Facilitate Evaluation
– Streamline Purchase
– Simplify Onboarding
• Improve Retention
– Remind Customers of Value they are getting
– Triggered up-selling and cross-selling that
expanded usage of your service (and revenue)

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Improving Lead to Conversion Ratio
• Measure and optimize each conversion
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Overcoming the Growth Challenge
Polynomial Growth: The Additive Value of new Sales Channels
Median revenue per Employee by
year since founding
Two development tracks one goal
• Efficiency and Product Value always seem to
be competing for internal talent.
• But they are flip
sides to the same
productivity coin.
Note: Best in class companies
like Salesforce and
FinancialEngines are able to
achieve more than $300k in
revenue per employee per year
• How Does your SaaS business stack up?
– Pacific Crest SaaS survey data (2014)
– Sales Reps
– Customer success

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“Make no small plans for they have no power to stir the
soul.” ~ Niccolò Machiavelli.
• Kelly Schwedland
• 219-405-5723
Have questions?
See something I missed?
Let me know.
More SaaS Resources
• Pitching a VC

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The document discusses key metrics and strategies for Software as a Service (SaaS) businesses. It outlines important metrics to track such as acquisition, activation, retention, churn rate, customer lifetime value, and cost of customer acquisition. Pricing strategies like freemium models are examined through case studies. Valuation approaches change from qualitative factors like team quality in early stages to quantitative metrics like revenue multiples in later stages. The presentation emphasizes the importance of measuring business performance, focusing on a single customer benefit, engaging with users, and providing excellent customer service.

Valuations: What is happening and does it matter?
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This document analyzes valuation multiples and growth trends across different technology sectors including software as a service, marketplaces, consumer internet, and e-commerce from 1999-2015. It finds that while consumer internet multiples have remained steady in the past 5-10 years, SaaS valuations have increased 30-100% making it harder to generate high returns. Marketplace models command higher multiples than traditional e-commerce. Growth rates below 30% often lead to multiple compression. The document concludes that while valuations have increased, the sectors are not in a bubble and remain attractive compared to legacy sectors.

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This document provides guidance on selecting target customer segments and generating qualified leads for B2B SaaS companies. It emphasizes that most founders initially think their product can appeal to everyone, but targeting a specific segment is important. Selecting the right segment determines strategic choices. Generating leads requires inbound and outbound marketing to find potential customers experiencing problems the product solves. Qualifying leads confirms a fit between the product and customers' needs. The document offers tips on segmentation, marketing, sales approaches, and qualifying leads for the target segment.

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Building the Billion Dollar SaaS Unicorn: CEO Guide

  • 1. Building the Billion Dollar SaaS Unicorn The CEO Guide of Key Insights and Metrics for B2B Software as a Service Companies By Kelly Schwedland
  • 2. Rising Table Stakes Christopher Janz, SaaS Investor
  • 3. Why a $Billion? – It’s Investable * Each investor has their own investment thesis, certain products, markets or business models that they prefer. Look for a good match to your product offering and market validation Typical Investor Interests: • $1B+ Market • Scalable Solution • Recurring Revenue • Past Successes • Full team • Traction
  • 4. Growth Stage Key Points I. Terms & Metrics II. Roadmap III. Sustaining Growth
  • 5. I. Key Terms & Metrics for SaaS 1. Cash flow 2. MRR/ARR 3. CAC & LTV 4. ACV 5. Churn 6. Cohort analysis 7. LVR 8. TtV If you only read one article on SaaS metrics this would be the one: For Developing a KPI dashboard for a SaaS company:
  • 6. Impact of Faster Growth on P&L / Cash Flow 1. Cashflow - Don’t run out of money
  • 7. 2. MRR & ARR • The First $1M ARR Goal – 6 months • Simple Math: – $1M ARR = $83K MRR – $83K/ $1000/mo. ACV = 83 customers – 83/6 mo. = ~ 14 new customers per month (or one new customer every 2 days, simple!) MRR = Monthly Recurring Revenue ARR = Annual Run Rate (MRR x 12)
  • 8. LTV > 3x CAC Months to recover CAC < 12 Months 3. CAC & LTV: Viability Test Business model viability, in the majority of startups, will come down to balancing two variables: • CAC: Cost to Acquire Customers • LTV: Lifetime Value of a Customer or The ability to monetize those customers
  • 9. 4. Matching CAC, LTV & ACV • Product Pricing, Sales Strategy and Product are all interconnected. Average SaaS Companies Well marketed, easy to use and easy to implement ACV= Average Contract Value VS.
  • 10. 5. Churn = # MRR this month / # MRR lost from last month Big impact on value over time What’s good, what’s bad ‣ What you want ‣ Get to $1M ARR ~12 months after launch ‣ Net New MRR keeps increasing quarter over quarter ‣ Maintain a Churn Ratio > 4 ‣ What to watch out for ‣ A Churn Ratio < 2 – churn is too high /new sales aren’t working ‣ Net New MRR is flat or down quarter over quarter ‣ As a result takes 18+ months to get to $1M ARR
  • 11. 6. Cohort Analysis • With a SaaS business there is a simple way to understand Customer Retention/ Churn through multiple product iterations.
  • 12. 7. LVR - Lead Velocity Rate • Qualified Lead Velocity Rate (LVR), your growth in qualified leads, measured month- over-month, every month. • Grow your LVR about 10-20% greater than your desired MRR growth — you’ll hit your revenue goals. • You’ll see the future of your business 12-18 months out, clear as can be.
  • 13. 8. TtV- Time to Value • How fast can a customer derive value from your product? • Ways to Improve: – Simplicity wins… be feature-complete, not feature-rich – Hack the onboarding flow – Document, Document, Document – Quantify, Set goals and Benchmark
  • 15. 5 ways to build a $B business In SaaS to get a Billion Dollar valuation you need somewhere over $100M in Annual Revenue. You essentially need: ~ 1,000 enterprise customers at $100k+ /Yr or ~ 10,000 medium-sized at $10k+ /yr or ~ 100,000 small businesses at $1k/yr or ~ 1 million consumers at $100+ /yr each or ~ 10 million active consumers who you monetize at $10+ per year each by selling ads Examples: 2014 Rev Valuation* HUBS $115M $1.3B ZEN $127M $1.9B MKTO $149M $1.1B *Also dependent on growth rate and Cost of Revenue. Avg 5-10 x Rev multiples
  • 16. “T2D3” Growth Phases* *Triple twice, double three times
  • 17. T2D3 Cont’d • Phase 1: Establish a great product-market fit • Phase 2: Get to $2 million in ARR (annual recurring revenue) • Phase 3: Triple to $6 million in ARR • Phase 4: Triple to $18 million • Phase 5: Double to $36 million in ARR • Phase 6: Double to $72 million • Phase 7: Double to $144 million
  • 18. Phase 0: Lean Startup Process Also: The 20 Interview rule Note: If you are still starting out, then you need this presentation:
  • 19. Phase 1: Product/Market/ (Team) Fit • The Simple definition – When your problems shift to keeping up with demand rather than finding more customers. • The only thing that matters: Market • Warning signs you aren’t there: • Product Market Fit Myths
  • 20. Building a replicable model* *Documenting the systems throughout the business so that they can be replicated by the next hire. Example of a system strategy flow chart
  • 21. Focus: Marketing, Sales, Revenue “30 Answers that Every SaaS Revenue Leader Needs to Know”
  • 23. Median GP Ratio by year for Public SaaS companies How fast? • Rule of thumb – Growth Rate +Profit Margin should equal 40%... for a $50M business • Early on it should probably be higher.
  • 24. Accelerating Customer Acquisition and Retention • Remove Buyer Roadblocks: – Increase Awareness – Facilitate Evaluation – Streamline Purchase – Simplify Onboarding • Improve Retention – Remind Customers of Value they are getting – Triggered up-selling and cross-selling that expanded usage of your service (and revenue)
  • 25. Improving Lead to Conversion Ratio • Measure and optimize each conversion channel. B2B Sales Benchmark Research by Implisit using Salesforce data
  • 26. Polynomial Growth By Alex Moor, CEO of Baydin Overcoming the Growth Challenge Polynomial Growth: The Additive Value of new Sales Channels
  • 27. Median revenue per Employee by year since founding Two development tracks one goal • Efficiency and Product Value always seem to be competing for internal talent. • But they are flip sides to the same productivity coin. Note: Best in class companies like Salesforce and FinancialEngines are able to achieve more than $300k in revenue per employee per year
  • 28. Benchmarking • How Does your SaaS business stack up? – Pacific Crest SaaS survey data (2014) 1/ – Sales Reps development-metrics – Customer success success-salary-survey-report-and-infographic/
  • 30. “Make no small plans for they have no power to stir the soul.” ~ Niccolò Machiavelli.
  • 31. Thanks • Kelly Schwedland • 219-405-5723 • Have questions? See something I missed? Let me know.
  • 32. More SaaS Resources • • • • • Pitching a VC • • pitch-a-vc-or-angel-and-get-funded

Editor's Notes

  1. Tom Tunguz noted Blogger and VC With firm Redpoint noted in a recent vLog that copying a business model is typically not a good idea since they have diminishing value over time as more folks copy. That said it is increasingly important to understand what the business models of successful companies look like as a sanity check for the numbers that you are seeing and projecting.
  2. One of the top Questions asked by Investors. What problem do you solve and how big an opportunity (market) is that? Generally investors are interested in opportunities that have a $B+ market potential and growing. Since SaaS companies are recurring revenue generally with high operating margins a Billion Dollar valuation requires $100M+ in annual recurring revenues (Whether your product or team can get there are two other biggies.)
  3. For those that are on there first time building a SaaS business with institutional investor backing here are some of the key terms you are going to need to learn and track.
  4. While this seems the most obvious. Running out of money is the end of any startup or scale up. So needless to say this is the the most import number to keep track of. Understanding the rate of your growth and being able to predict the cash burn effectively is of paramount importance while scaling.
  5. Understanding which segment of the market you are going after is helpful vital in determining your strategy for building the company (Ie if you are going after a Million consumers at $100/yr then you probably can’t afford a direct sales approach. In fact, You probably can’t even afford an advertising approach as Dropbox found in tests advertising cost them $287 per paid $100 user. So the incentivized/ viral strategy became necessary.)
  6. Neeraj Agrawal at Battery Ventures was nice enough to share some insights from several of their SaaS investments. Starting from the $2M ARR several seemed to follow a very similar path. While it is possible to arrive at $100M ARR from a variety of paths having guideposts to shoot for is a very helpful tool.
  7. A Quick look at how the path breaks down.
  8. Without taking up too much time, use a lean Launchpad approach combined with Agile development to get to viable product ( There is an entire other deck on that process) At a minimum use the 20 interview Rule before writing the first line of code.
  9. Product market fit is the hardest thing to capture since there doesn’t seem to be any consensus on what it will truly mean for your company. From my experience, in hindsight, it was probably when our focus shifted to internal scaling issues rather than the question of how how do we find customers. Certainly there are a myriad of issues that need to be hashed out but this seems to be a relatively easy identification point. Mark Andreesen has a very simple approach that the only thing that matters is the Market In a great market -- a market with lots of real potential customers -- the market pulls product out of the startup. ~Rachleff’s Corollary of Startup Success, named after Andy Rachleff formerly of Benchmark Capital And you can always feel product/market fit when it's happening. The customers are buying the product just as fast as you can make it -- or usage is growing just as fast as you can add more servers. Money from customers is piling up in your company checking account. You're hiring sales and customer support staff as fast as you can…. Warning signs you aren’t there: You have ten to twenty customers… …and have for a while Founders sold the product but the sales people you’ve hired can’t figure it out Services are > 25% of your revenue You can’t get access to senior deciders Your first round of renewals goes horribly wrong Myth’s on Product Market Fit Myth #1: Product market fit is always a discrete, big bang event Myth #2: It’s patently obvious when you have product market fit Myth #3: Once you achieve product market fit, you can’t lose it. Myth #4: Once you have product-market fit, you don’t have to sweat the competition.
  10. Working with growing companies years ago I found that the first inhibiter to growth was that the founder/ owners had everything in their head. Replication requires that it be transferable to other individuals. The diagram is designed to be a thought exercise in thinking through the processes inside the company and then documenting and releasing to others to use and then build on/ modify. I’ve found that focusing on the results/ metrics of the process helps allow for improvements to the process.
  11. While having an overall system strategy is important, In order to scale sales and customer success becomes one of the critical processes. Fortunately Bessemer was nice enough to give us 30 key questions that we need to be able to answer to own growth.
  12. Investors aren’t at all excited about linear growth companies and everyone want to see the exponential hockey stick growth. In reality very few B2B companies scale exponentially. Which is why it’s important to understand that during the growth process there are several levers that may need to be added to sustain growth. Alex Moore, CEO of Baydin, lays out the case that most true scaling companies that are investor darlings actually have a series of additive elements. That as they are applied create a Pseudo exponential growth curve that he calls Polynomial.