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Bulletproof your startup growth
What we’ll talk about
• SaaS - the software licensing model and it’s implications
• SaaS Metrics as indicators of health
• Pull levers for growth – make your SaaS business bulletproof
What’s so different about SaaS
Key diff
• Revenue recognition – perpetual booking is realized as
revenue instantly. SaaS revenue is recognized over the time.
• For a 12-month contract, revenue is recognized each month
at 1/12 of the total contract value).

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The Key to CSM Success: User Adoption
The Key to CSM Success: User AdoptionThe Key to CSM Success: User Adoption
The Key to CSM Success: User Adoption

It’s true, the CSM Journey begins with User Adoption. Without strong adoption; retention and renewal become problematic. Up until now, User Adoption has meant many different things to many different people. Today, Cloud and SaaS companies have redefined what User Adoption is and how it’s attained. In this webinar, we've partnered with Tri Tuns Consulting to discuss: - The UA/CSM Journey - Who owns User Adoption? - User Adoption: Defining Success - User Adoption Planning - Delivering the Goal

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Investments, mergers and acquisition trends in the salesforce ecosystem by Tr...
Investments, mergers and acquisition trends in the salesforce ecosystem by Tr...Investments, mergers and acquisition trends in the salesforce ecosystem by Tr...
Investments, mergers and acquisition trends in the salesforce ecosystem by Tr... continues to be the largest and most vibrant CRM and Cloud / Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering. The attached Report prepared for Dreamforce '17 reviews the investment and merger and acquisitions trends within the ecosystem. It includes: - The 5 key investment trends in the Salesforce ecosystem - Detailed review of 4 blockbuster exits for based companies. - Review of the company positioned to be the next Veeva (...its private today) - How the investor community is getting comfortable with the reliance on - What the emerging concept of "Cloud Pools" is? - Analysis of the investments Venture Investment arm has made - Who are the leading VCs co-investing with - What are the key trends for Professional Services/System Integrators around - Rigorous analysis the 20+ acquisitions that has made in the last three years Plus, it also includes an analysis of the 4 key valuation drivers for SaaS based businesses and much more! About True Blue Partners True Blue Partners is a boutique M&A advisory firm that serves lower mid-market enterprise software, service and solutions companies. For more information please visit or email us at

mid market m&ait services m&
Building a sales & marketing machine
Building a sales & marketing machineBuilding a sales & marketing machine
Building a sales & marketing machine

Describes the steps required to build a Sales and Marketing Machine that is predictable, scalable, automated, well instrumented, and cost efficient. This was a presentation that I gave at the Lean Startup Circle in Boston on March 24th, 2011.

sales & marketing machinesaassaas sales
SaaS companies are simply too expensive. In
fact, we might even be in a bubble!
• conflates the lessons of the 1999-2000 tech bubble.
• Businesses that fail have one thing in common – metrics that
are poor indicators ( eyeballs anyone ?) and don’t align with
So what does this mean?
Company incurs acquisition cost first
and closes the deal only to recognize
revenue over-the-time.
SaaS Metrics - Bulletproof your SaaS Growth

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Sales Planning - Sales Strategy Template
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Sales Planning - Sales Strategy Template

Download the Sales Strategy Template Sales Strategy Template - The outline for s sales strategy plan should include an assessment of the customer’s business, opportunities that are prioritized, a summary of the team’s capabilities, an evaluation of relationships and a sales action plan. Strategic Market Planning - Assessing a customer’s business is a fundamental element of strategic market planning. Start with a basic SWOT and then drill down to develop value statements that specific to specific business initiatives. Sales Strategy Plan - The sales strategy plan should be centered around the opportunity area that provides high value to both the account and the vendor. Other opportunities may exist but win / win’s are the best possible outcome. Marketing & Sales Strategy - Document the sales strategies and capabilities required to penetrate and or expand into the account. Sales Tactics - The identification of key customer contacts required to advance the strategic and tactical aspects of the sales are key sales tactics. Formalize the collection of this information for the entire account team to leverage. Market Development Strategy - The market development strategy must document the tangible, objective, quantitative measures of success. These sales metrics are typically expressed as subscription, bookings or revenue. Download the Sales Strategy Template

sales planningstrategic market planningmarketing & sales strategy
WebSummit 2018 - The SaaS Business Model & Metrics
WebSummit 2018 - The SaaS Business Model & MetricsWebSummit 2018 - The SaaS Business Model & Metrics
WebSummit 2018 - The SaaS Business Model & Metrics

SaaS businesses are extremely sensitive to a small number of important variables. If you are running a SaaS company, understanding how these variables drive your business model is crucial to long-term success. In this talk, David Skok, author of the now famous SaaS Metrics 2.0 blog post will talk through those key metrics and their impact on the overall SaaS business model.

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SaaS.City 2017 Customer Success Bootcamp
SaaS.City 2017 Customer Success BootcampSaaS.City 2017 Customer Success Bootcamp
SaaS.City 2017 Customer Success Bootcamp

During the SaaS.City Customer Success bootcamp on Monday the 18th of September 2017, attendees at SaaStock 2017 found out how to manage customer risk, map customer health scores, justify the expense of Customer Success, and so much more. The Customer Success Bootcamp mentors include Dan Steinman, GM of Gainsight EMEA; David Apple, VP of Customer Success at Typeform; and Cristina Georgoulaki, Head of Customer Success at Typeform. This event was exclusively for SaaStock conference ticket holders.

customer success managementcustomer successclient success
SaaS Metrics - Bulletproof your SaaS Growth
As the company starts to acquire
more customers, the cash flow
becomes even more negative.
The faster the company acquires
customers, the better the curve looks
when it becomes cash flow positive.

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The Definitive Guide to Customer Success 2017
The Definitive Guide to Customer Success 2017The Definitive Guide to Customer Success 2017
The Definitive Guide to Customer Success 2017

The Customer Success movement has taken the SaaS industry by storm, even requiring an updated SaaS Business Model definition. But what exactly is Customer Success? Is it an organizational mindset? Is it a corporate strategy? Is it a set of tactics designed to produce happy, successful customers that in turn creates success for you, the SaaS vendor? The answer is... all of the above. In this guide I've enumerated 17 key elements of Customer Success for SaaS companies. I hope it helps you reach your goals.

saassoftware as a servicecustomer support
The SaaS business model and metrics
The SaaS business model and metricsThe SaaS business model and metrics
The SaaS business model and metrics

A detailed look at why SaaS business are so different from traditional software companies, and why traditional ways of looking at their finances fail to understand the business. Provides an alternative set of metrics that show the right way to look at a SaaS business. For more on the SaaS business model and Metrics, see this blog post:

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The Customer Success Maturity Model | ClientSuccess
The Customer Success Maturity Model | ClientSuccessThe Customer Success Maturity Model | ClientSuccess
The Customer Success Maturity Model | ClientSuccess

Join customer success leader, Dave Blake, CEO/Founder of ClientSuccess as he discusses a customer success maturity model that will help you build, scale, and optimize a high-impact team and culture of customer success. The webinar will help you determine your current customer success maturity and guide you through the next steps and best practices to strengthen your approach to customer success. We held this webinar on Thursday, June 22, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. MST. The webinar is called “The Customer Success Maturity Model”. You can request the recorded version by entering the following link into your browser:

customer successcustomer success best practiceshow to hire customer success reps
SaaS Metrics - Bulletproof your SaaS Growth
• Growth worsens cash flow in a young SaaS business.
• Faster a SaaS business grows, more upfront costs are
involved without incoming cash to negate that.
So why is SaaS so hot? Why do VCs
The why
• If CAC has been recognized, the customer base is usually
sticky by that point.
• SaaS businesses are very predictable to model and yield high
cash flow over the lifetime.
• Once CAC has been negated, all incoming recurring cash flow
can be harvested as profit.
• Legacy maintenance costs don’t apply - everyone is always
up-to-date. Better Research and development.

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Customer Success Management ( CSM ) Org Structures by Gainsight
Customer Success Management ( CSM ) Org Structures by GainsightCustomer Success Management ( CSM ) Org Structures by Gainsight
Customer Success Management ( CSM ) Org Structures by Gainsight

Gainsight CEO, Nick Mehta, talks about the 5 organization models of Customer Success prevalent today. Which model does your business follow?

gainsightnick mehtacsm structure
Zeb Evans, ClickUp. From $0 to $20M ARR in 2 Years: Bootstrapping to Natural ...
Zeb Evans, ClickUp. From $0 to $20M ARR in 2 Years: Bootstrapping to Natural ...Zeb Evans, ClickUp. From $0 to $20M ARR in 2 Years: Bootstrapping to Natural ...
Zeb Evans, ClickUp. From $0 to $20M ARR in 2 Years: Bootstrapping to Natural ...

The document discusses the differences between natural product-market fit (NPMF) and artificial product-market fit (APMF). It notes that NPMF is achieved through bootstrapping, winning organic users, listening to feedback, and iterating quickly. In contrast, APMF is achieved through buying growth, which can lead to addiction and lack of long term viability. The document advises that after achieving NPMF through bootstrapping, companies should continue listening to feedback to further improve their product.

Building a Repeatable, Scalable & Profitable Growth Process
Building a Repeatable, Scalable & Profitable Growth ProcessBuilding a Repeatable, Scalable & Profitable Growth Process
Building a Repeatable, Scalable & Profitable Growth Process

The document discusses optimizing the sales funnel for SaaS startups. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the buyer's perspective and journey. The key points covered are: 1) The sales funnel should be designed around the buyer's process, not the vendor's solutions. It is important to understand buyer personas and map the funnel steps to their evaluation process. 2) Friction points in the funnel like long delays or steps requiring other people can drastically reduce conversion. These points should be identified and removed or simplified when possible. 3) The goal is to create a "wow moment" or motivation for the buyer to continue engaging as early as possible. This may require redesigning trial experiences to quickly

saassaas metricssaas sales & marketing
The why
• Decentralized budgets results in departmental SaaS adoption.
• More users = Higher switching costs
• Difficult to switch vendors once a SaaS app has embedded
into business workflow.
Wise Investments, often at the
expense of profitability result in true
free cash flow.
That’s what the investors and VC’s of
the world are looking for.
Metrics / Indicators of health

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Optimize Your Funnel By Getting Inside Your Buyer's Head
Optimize Your Funnel By Getting Inside Your Buyer's HeadOptimize Your Funnel By Getting Inside Your Buyer's Head
Optimize Your Funnel By Getting Inside Your Buyer's Head

Part of finding product/market fit is turning early wins into repeatable, scalable, and profitable sales. In this talk given as part of the Heavybit speaker series, I discuss how to shorten the time to customer conversion from trials, freemium and open source products.

Workshop Wednesdays: Rethinking Sales Compensation for a Consumption-Based GT...
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This document discusses consumption-based business models and compensation plans for sales representatives. It begins by explaining the differences between perpetual licensing, subscription-based SaaS, and usage-based "consumption" pricing models. It then discusses how consumption requires rethinking sales, customer success, and product roles. The document provides several examples of compensation plans that measure representatives based on units, gross usage, incremental ARR, and commitments. It emphasizes starting with the desired sales behaviors and measuring representatives on factors within their control.

Developing The Ultimate Customer Success Strategy
Developing The Ultimate Customer Success Strategy Developing The Ultimate Customer Success Strategy
Developing The Ultimate Customer Success Strategy

Want to adopt Customer Success but don't know where to start? A seasoned customer success manager looking to optimize your team, workflow and organization? Accurately defining your Desired Outcomes for each customer segment Outlining the roadmap to your customer's Desired Outcome Aligning your team, organization and workflow to optimize for meeting your customer's desired outcomes During the presentation, the audience will be invited to ask any questions about the content, customer success or Gainsight that come up.

customer successcustomer success management
Recurring Revenue
Metric Lowdown
Monthly Recurring
• Product revenue
• MRR is a calculation of your normalized (amortized) monthly subscription
• Doesn’t include one-time costs
Annual Recurring
• Recurring annual costs
ARR per customer • If you are upselling or cross-selling, a growing value is a positive indicator.
MRR Movements
Metrics Lowdown
New MRR • New Customers
• Should grow if you are focused on acquisition
Expansion MRR • Upgrades to recurring value of existing customers
• Should grow if you are focused on upselling/cross-selling
Contraction MRR • Downgrades from recurring value of existing customers
• Degrading Contraction MRR indicates a positive business
Cancellation MRR • MRR lost from cancellations
• Negative Churn is indicator of a healthy business
Reactivation MRR • Churned customer resumes subscription
• Growth indicates nurturing success
Quick Ratio
(New MRR + Expansion MRR + Reactivation MRR)
(Churned MRR + Contraction MRR)
• Shows ability to reliably grow recurring revenue in the face of
• Larger quick ratios are better. A startup without churn will
achieve an infinite quick ratio.
SaaS Metrics - Bulletproof your SaaS Growth

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Zero to 100 - Part 1: Intro + First Section
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Zero to 100 - Part 1: Intro + First Section

David Skok and Stephanie Friedman host the Zero to 100 podcast focused on helping B2B startups find predictable, repeatable, and profitable growth. The podcast covers topics like building a repeatable sales process, funnel design, sales operations, and turning theory into practice. The event agenda includes sessions on founder-led selling, building a sales organization, forecasting, and the role of the CEO in scaling a business. Attendees can ask questions using the question system.

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How to create playbooks that really work

This PPT is about a sales playbook. It is a systematic organization of all marketing and sales assets. Each asset is mapped to the buyer’s position in the sales cycle. It serves as a GPS for the channel partners.

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Decoding the KPI Kaleidoscope with Sandfox Advisors
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Decoding the KPI Kaleidoscope with Sandfox Advisors

Metrics are important to investors because they provide visibility into a SaaS company's revenue growth, sales efficiency, and customer retention. Key metrics include monthly recurring revenue/annual recurring revenue to measure topline growth, revenue churn to understand customer retention, and customer acquisition cost and lifetime value to assess the efficiency and profitability of the growth strategy. Maintaining high growth, strong sales efficiency through a favorable magic number ratio above 1, and low revenue churn are positive signs for investors.

#saastr #saastrannual2023
Churn / The leaky bucket of SaaS
SaaS Metrics - Bulletproof your SaaS Growth
Metric Lowdown
Dollar Churn • Recurring revenue lost due to cancellations and contractions
Customer Churn • Number of customers lost in a given period
Gross Churn • MRR lost in a given month/MRR at the beginning of the month
Net Churn • (MRR lost minus MRR from upsells) in a given month / MRR at the beginning of
the month.
• Low churn equals happy customers; high churn means head for
the exits.
• Gross churn estimates the actual loss to the business, while net
revenue churn understates the losses (as it blends upsells with
absolute churn).
• Customer churn is a good measure to understand a company’s
ability to satisfy and retain its customers.
• Dollar churn indicates the revenue loss better as the % of revenue
lost from total recurring revenue due to churned customers.
• If total churn equals the acquisition rate, then the amount of
customers joining equals exactly the amount of customers leaving.

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5 metrics to strengthen your multichannel sales strategy
5 metrics to strengthen your multichannel sales strategy5 metrics to strengthen your multichannel sales strategy
5 metrics to strengthen your multichannel sales strategy

For many eCommerce companies, measuring multichannel sales performance is a challenge. And as your organisation expands to new sales channels like marketplaces, your own brand web stores, and social commerce channels, the complexity for measuring their performance increases. So, you may end up being confused on which KPIs to track, or end up tracking every known KPI out there. To avoid this, we have listed some of the most prominent KPIs that can help you critically analyse your multichannel sales strategy:

multichannel sales strategy
SaaStr 2021 - Session summaries
SaaStr 2021 - Session summariesSaaStr 2021 - Session summaries
SaaStr 2021 - Session summaries

Here you will find our summary of the sessions we found particularly interesting at SaaStr Annual 2021, which we recommend checking out.

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How to Optimize Your Market Value Potential
How to Optimize Your Market Value PotentialHow to Optimize Your Market Value Potential
How to Optimize Your Market Value Potential

1. Wall Street highly values subscription businesses and places a premium on those with high growth and efficient growth, as measured by metrics like growth efficiency index (GEI). 2. The two main levers companies can optimize to improve their market potential are efficient growth and net retention rate. Efficient growth focuses on aligning teams and processes around maximizing annual recurring revenue, while net retention rate measures how well a company retains and expands revenue from existing customers. 3. Companies should optimize these levers by executing strategies to land new customers and expand revenue from existing ones through upsells and add-ons, while minimizing churn, ensuring successful implementations, and engaging customers.

subscription financewall streetgrowth efficiency
The impact of churn compounds..
SaaS Metrics - Bulletproof your SaaS Growth
If your Net Revenue Churn is high
(above 2% per month) it is an
indicator that there is something
wrong in your business. At 3%
monthly churn, you are losing about
20% of your revenue every year.
• The product doesn’t provide enough value.
• Your product is not sticky.
• You have not successfully got the customer’s users to adopt
the product.

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The Key Drivers for SaaS Success
The Key Drivers for SaaS SuccessThe Key Drivers for SaaS Success
The Key Drivers for SaaS Success

SaaS/subscription businesses are much more complex than traditional businesses, and SaaS performance cannot be measured in the same way as traditional businesses are measured. Based on a talk given at the SaaStr Annual Conference in San Francisco, this slide deck offers a comprehensive and detailed look at the key metrics that are needed to understand and optimize a SaaS business, and how these can be used to drive SaaS success. This presentation includes information on: - An intro to SaaS metrics - Unit economics - LTV and churn: An in-depth look - Variable pricing axes - Months to recover CAC - The primary unit of growth: Sales - Understanding public SaaS companies

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Budgets, Bids and Winning New Business in 2019: How to Allocate Ad Spend Like...
Budgets, Bids and Winning New Business in 2019: How to Allocate Ad Spend Like...Budgets, Bids and Winning New Business in 2019: How to Allocate Ad Spend Like...
Budgets, Bids and Winning New Business in 2019: How to Allocate Ad Spend Like...

When it comes to online advertising, it isn't about how much you spend, it's about how you spend it. Should you be spending more on Facebook or Google? What is the best budget for your industry? When should you stop putting money behind a poor-performing campaign? For these answers and more, join our live webinar with our in-house pay-per-click expert. You'll learn: - How to use 2018's results to set the best budget for your business in 2019 - What processes you can set up now to keep wasted spend in check all year long - How to quickly determine which ad types are actually worth putting your budget behind - What signs you should be looking for when managing your bids

Subscription Business Model
Subscription Business ModelSubscription Business Model
Subscription Business Model

The subscription business model is a business model in which a customer incurs a recurring cost at regular interims for access to a product. The model was spearheaded by distributors of books and periodicals in the seventeenth century and is presently utilised by numerous businesses and websites. The slides give a basic understanding of the Subscription Business Model, and the key metrics which are involved with it. It also contains a case study of Netflix, which uses this Business Model, and it's related metrics.

business modelsubscriptionmetrics
More signals
• Your sales force may have oversold the product, or sold it to a
customer that is not well suited to get the benefits.
• SMBs going out of business. Don’t spread yourself too thin.
If you are a founder, get on the call
with customer and get a first-hand
It’s a net sum game. But it can be
Negative Churn FTW

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Budgets, Bids and Winning New Business in 2019: How to Allocate Ad Spend Like...
Budgets, Bids and Winning New Business in 2019: How to Allocate Ad Spend Like...Budgets, Bids and Winning New Business in 2019: How to Allocate Ad Spend Like...
Budgets, Bids and Winning New Business in 2019: How to Allocate Ad Spend Like...

When it comes to online advertising, it isn't about how much you spend, it's about how you spend it. Should you be spending more on Facebook or Google? What is the best budget for your industry? When should you stop putting money behind a poor-performing campaign? For these answers and more, join our live webinar with our in-house pay-per-click expert. You'll learn: - How to use 2018's results to set the best budget for your business in 2019 - What processes you can set up now to keep wasted spend in check all year long - How to quickly determine which ad types are actually worth putting your budget behind - What signs you should be looking for when managing your bids

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Customer lifetime value ppttt
Customer lifetime value pptttCustomer lifetime value ppttt
Customer lifetime value ppttt

1) Customer relationship management (CRM) is a strategy that places customers at the center of a business to foster mutually beneficial relationships. It requires understanding key CRM concepts and best practices. 2) Calculating a customer's lifetime value allows businesses to segment customers, focus on the most profitable, and tailor offerings. However, each customer desires unique relationship styles so one approach does not fit all. 3) Businesses can increase customer lifetime value by reducing defection rates through personalized service, strengthening relationships, and cross-selling/up-selling additional products. The goal is satisfying customers so they remain loyal and generate future profits.

7 aftel- customer success development strategy
7 aftel- customer success development strategy7 aftel- customer success development strategy
7 aftel- customer success development strategy

1. The document outlines key performance indicators (KPIs) that AFTEL can use to measure customer success, including churn rate, recurring monthly income, customer satisfaction index, positive customer experience, renewal rates, cost of retaining customers, and customer lifetime value. 2. It describes how to calculate each KPI, such as calculating churn rate by the number of customers lost in a period of time. 3. The KPIs will help AFTEL gain a detailed understanding of customers and identify areas for improvement in order to better satisfy customers and increase customer success.

Unit economics, anyone?
It starts off as a simple question…
Can I make more profit from
customers than it takes to acquire
Unit Economics
Cost to acquire a customer Lifetime Value of a customer

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Subscription Business Model
Subscription Business ModelSubscription Business Model
Subscription Business Model

The subscription business model is a business model in which a customer incurs a recurring cost at regular interims for access to a product. The model was spearheaded by distributors of books and periodicals in the seventeenth century and is presently utilised by numerous businesses and websites. The slides give a basic understanding of the Subscription Business Model, and the key metrics which are involved with it. It also contains a case study of Netflix, which uses this Business Model, and it's related metrics.

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SaaS Metrics for Startups
SaaS Metrics for StartupsSaaS Metrics for Startups
SaaS Metrics for Startups

Understanding what metrics are relevant to your startup, and why, can be a daunting task. In this meetup we will discuss what metrics matter for a SaaS company or project. What investors are looking for in the metrics you track and why do they think they are important. What is CAC and LTC, why is CHURN critical? We will also review how to calculate these important metrics, what equations will give you the right answer, and what tools make sense to use for your business. Presenter: Lecole Cole, Founder & CEO, Skydera

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How to make Marketing Return on Investment Report - Newscred
How to make Marketing Return on Investment Report - NewscredHow to make Marketing Return on Investment Report - Newscred
How to make Marketing Return on Investment Report - Newscred

Here is the Pdf Document for Management Professional for how to measure and present Marketing report for multiple campaign at the same time.

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Is it viable?
Yes, if LTV is three times CAC or
Cost to acquire a customer Lifetime Value of a customer
So what does it cost to acquire?
But first things first…

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How customer retention makes your business invincible.pdf
How customer retention makes your business invincible.pdfHow customer retention makes your business invincible.pdf
How customer retention makes your business invincible.pdf

Are you looking for a way to make your business invincible? Start focusing on #customerretention! Customer retention is key. Keeping your customers engaged and happy is the best way to ensure your business stays strong. Learn how to create a #customerretentionplan today and make your business unstoppable! Get started with WebMaxy for free today: #CustomerRetention #BusinessGrowth #Invincible #meaningofcustomerretention #customerretentionmetric #customerretentionstrategies #retainmeaning #customerretaining #customerretentionservices #customerretentionexamples #importanceofcustomerretention

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Introducing Smart Targets - SMX London 2020
Introducing Smart Targets - SMX London 2020Introducing Smart Targets - SMX London 2020
Introducing Smart Targets - SMX London 2020

This document provides an overview of setting smart targets for paid search campaigns to maximize profitability. It discusses moving from fixed budget mindsets to focusing on return on ad spend (ROAS) or cost per acquisition (CPA) targets based on relevant business inputs. These inputs include profit margin, percentage of margin willing to invest in acquisition, and lead-to-sale conversion rates. The document also provides guidance on calculating smart targets, health checking targets and CPCs, integrating advertising data with CRM systems, and using smart bidding to explore efficiency and volume tradeoffs. The goal is to set targets grounded in an understanding of actual business metrics and profitability.

ppcsemgoogle ads
Digital Businesses Need New KPIs
Digital Businesses Need New KPIsDigital Businesses Need New KPIs
Digital Businesses Need New KPIs

For many organizations, key performance indicators (KPIs) are "basic" in name only and are tracked to meet compliance regulations or provide retrospective analysis. There is a need for smarter KPIs, says Michael Schrage, a visiting researcher at the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy (IDE).

CAC is the cost of convincing a
potential customer to buy a product or
The signals it gives
• Investors determine profitability by looking at the difference
between how much money can be extracted from customers
and the costs of extracting it.
• Marketing uses it to optimize the return on advertising
If the costs to extract money from
customers can be reduced, the
company’s profit margin improves and
it makes a larger profit.
Quarter 1 2 3 4
Marketing Costs $2,010.00 $1,843.00 $1,607.00 $2,179.00
Sales Costs $5,061.00 $4,186.00 $4,387.00 $4,496.00
Customers added 164 181 156 163
MRR Addition $8,558.00 $10,515.00 $9,114.00 $8,817.00
Average CAC $44.63 $35.52 $39.46 $42.78
Total CAC $7,071.00 $6,029.00 $5,994.00 $6,675.00

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Dgr sps16 act-on-final-deck

Watch This Free Webinar On-Demand: - Maximize Customer Lifetime Value In 2017 by Leveraging Your 2016 Wins Learn why Customer Lifetime Value is a critical metric that can improve your ABM plan & shape your 2017 budget You worked hard in 2016 to target and convert the accounts and prospects with the highest propensity to buy. Now you need to keep those new customers happy while continuing to expand those relationships. Join Matt Zelen, SVP of Customer Success at Act-On Software, and learn how you can maximize your customer lifetime value in 2017, including: • Why customer lifetime value is a vital strategic metric for your business; • How both customer lifetime value and customer acquisition can help determine marketing budget in 2017; • Tips and tricks to creating a long-term, strategic approach to defining customer lifetime value; and • How CLV positively impacts account-based marketing initiatives.

If You Fail to Plan Will Your Plan Fail? by Jaroslav Trojan
If You Fail to Plan Will Your Plan Fail? by Jaroslav TrojanIf You Fail to Plan Will Your Plan Fail? by Jaroslav Trojan
If You Fail to Plan Will Your Plan Fail? by Jaroslav Trojan

The document discusses what success means and provides advice on business planning and financial management for startups. It notes that success is not a straight line and will likely involve setbacks and challenges. It also emphasizes the importance of having milestones, securing early sales, and focusing on marketing from the beginning. Additionally, it provides guidance on creating financial plans, forecasts, and managing cash flow. The key takeaways are that success is non-linear, having milestones is critical, and properly managing finances and cash flow is important for startup success.

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SaaStock NYC 2018
SaaStock NYC 2018SaaStock NYC 2018
SaaStock NYC 2018

A high growth SaaS playbook. 12 metrics to drive success. 2 goals, present a simple model to understand SaaS business and show what levers a CEO can pull to get the most impact

saas metricsgrowthstartup
• Failing to include all the costs incurred in user acquisition
such as referral fees, credits, or discounts.
• Calculating CAC as a “blended” cost (including users
acquired organically) rather than isolating users acquired
through “paid” marketing.
CAC in itself isn’t much unless…
We know Customer lifetime value
ARPA x Gross Margin %
Customer Churn Rate
• Lifetime value is the present value of the future net profit from
the customer over the duration of the relationship.
• Gross margin is a company’s total sales revenue minus cost
of goods sold

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ROI for Optimal Lead Quality for B2B Demand Gen

This document discusses the importance of measuring lead quality using ROI metrics for B2B marketers. It recommends tracking contact rates, quote rates, and monthly ROI to evaluate lead performance. Calculating customer lifetime value is also important to consider long-term profit from customers over years. Not all leads are equal - high quality leads from reputable sources will be actively seeking services, verified and targeted prospects. Measuring leads helps optimize budgets and improve sales conversion.

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Unlocking the Potential of AI and XR -  A Step-by-Step Guide to Strategic Int...Unlocking the Potential of AI and XR -  A Step-by-Step Guide to Strategic Int...
Unlocking the Potential of AI and XR - A Step-by-Step Guide to Strategic Int...

Join us for an inspiring session where we delve into the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Extended Reality (XR) in digital marketing. In today's rapidly evolving landscape, staying ahead requires more than just awareness—it demands proactive engagement and strategic implementation. Leslie Marshall, CMO, Mesmerise Group, will share insights into how emerging technologies like AI and spatial computing are fueling the next generation of marketing. Leslie's journey exemplifies how embracing new technologies can empower marketers to better understand and attract the right customers, ultimately supporting exceptional experiences. In this session, Leslie will highlight how marketers can adopt an explorer's mindset, encouraging them to ask probing questions and navigate through the intricacies of new tech fearlessly. Leslie believes that curiosity is not only a tool for understanding emerging technologies but also a driver for long-term success and innovation in any marketing career. Attendees will leave the session with a 5-step plan for marketers to leverage new technologies to revolutionize their marketing strategies. Looking ahead, let's ask the right questions, define precise metrics, and embrace a forward-thinking approach that aligns with the evolving needs of both the market and the customer. The future of digital marketing awaits—are you ready to seize it? Key Takeaways: Attendees will leave the session with a 5-step plan for marketers to leverage new technologies to revolutionize their marketing strategies. Looking ahead, let's ask the right questions, define precise metrics, and embrace a forward-thinking approach that aligns with the evolving needs of both the market and the customer.

digital marketingmarketingsales
Content Optimization Master Class - Matt Raven
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Content Optimization Master Class - Matt Raven

Foundations in Content Optimization: How to Optimize Your Content to Fuel Organic Traffic Growth A highly tactical introduction to best practices in optimizing your owned content to drive sustainable (and converting) organic traffic. In this Master Class, we'll cover everything from identifying the right keywords to use to how to strategically apply them to your content strategy to generate ROI. Key Takeaways: - A breakdown of key content-related factors Google and other Search Engines use when ranking content. - Understand the basics of keyword research and where to begin. - Learn how to apply those keyword learnings to optimize your content strategy and owned assets to maximize their organic visibility. - Learn what to measure to articulate ROI and feed back into your strategy.

digital marketingmarketingsales
Months to recover
Customer Acquisition Cost
Average Selling Price
• Recovery within 5-7 months is gold.
• Time to profitability and cash flow.
Profitability is distant if the time to
recover CAC extends beyond 12
SaaS Metrics - Bulletproof your SaaS Growth
• Helps determine the long-term value of the customer and how
much net value you generate per customer after accounting
for customer acquisition costs.
• A growing LTV attributed as a multiple value of CAC by 3 or
more indicates a healthy SaaS pushing for hyper growth.
• If the LTV is close to or less than CAC, it suggests that the
company is spending more money to acquire the customer
than it expects to generate in profits over the customer’s

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Create Content in Half the Time with Generative AI - Nick Mattar
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Nick will present his "best of" findings from reviewing and testing more than 200 generative AI platforms over the last three years. While some programs will save you more than half the time, you can bet to save at least 50% of your time creating content if you begin using these tools. Key Takeaways: Attendees will walk away with a comprehensive list of generative AI programs that will make their lives easier. From blogging to video production and even AI marketing assistants, you will learn about nearly 20 AI platforms that are guaranteed to make your life easier in some way.

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Paid Media Targeting in a Cookieless Future - Kevin Lee
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The continued disappearance of the third party cookie has both targeting and tracking implications for open-web advertising and marketing. We'll discuss where context, identity graphs and first party data are being used to substitute for third-party cookies. We'll also discuss where CTV and other newer media channels are maturing to allow for household or personal targeting. Key Takeaways: Learn how to effectively target prospects and consumers at various stages using a combinations of targeting types across channels.

digital marketingmarketingsales
More Signals
• Deciding when to hit the accelerator pedal.
• Understanding if some of the more expensive lead generation
sources (e.g. Google AdWords, Billboard, TV etc.) make
financial sense.
• Working backwards, we can use average selling price and
months to recover to figure the ideal spend on customer
acquisition. If we’re spending less or more, you can afford to
be more aggressive or adjust.
HubSpot example
• If you have only few months of data, the conservative way to
measure LTV is to look at historical value to date. Rather than
predicting average life span and estimating how the retention
curves might look, we prefer to measure 12 month and 24
month LTV.
• A common mistake is to estimate the LTV as a present value
of revenue or even gross margin of the customer instead of
calculating it as net profit of the customer over the life of the
• LTV model is confused and misused. It is used to rationalize
Marketing Spending
Product Metrics

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Training devistation provides quality training in digital marketing. ChatGPT Digital marketing encompasses a wide range of online strategies and tactics designed to connect businesses with their target audiences, increase brand awareness, drive traffic, and ultimately generate leads and sales. Here’s a comprehensive description: Digital marketing leverages various online channels and platforms such as search engines (Google, Bing), social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn), email, websites, and mobile apps to reach consumers. Unlike traditional marketing, which often relies on print ads, billboards, or TV commercials, digital marketing allows for precise targeting and measurement of campaigns in real time. also know about benefits of digital marketing click here - address - industrial area, phase 8, F7, MOHALI, PUNJAB

digital marketingseoppc
Active Users
• Number of users with an activity within a current period.
• Activity is indication of product engagement, and can mean
different things in different product.
• Gives an indication of the total user base actively engaged
with product.
• Product Activation status indicates the adoption pattern and if
mined can result in benchmark for moving a user through
• Recurring usage patterns by sections and buckets help
manage product better.
• Key value extracted by consumers helps with setting up
pricing to offer the right solution for the right price.
Make it bulletproof
A. Acquire customers
B. Retain customers
C. Monetize customers

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Much like Odysseus's fabled journey, the venture of an organization into creating compelling websites, easy-to-use digital solutions, and flawless user experience is laden with trials and triumphs. This session explores a BizStream customer case study that demonstrates how crafting composable digital solutions with headless CMS and headless commerce is possible. The result now serves as a modern-day Athena, navigating the customer through the stormy seas of digital transformation. Attendees can expect to learn how to embrace modern composable solutions, understand the benefits they bring, and identify which of Odysseus's conflicts to avoid. Key Takeaways: What makes up a composable digital solution. Why content is still king in a composable world. How Headless CMS and Headless Commerce are different.

digital marketingmarketingsales
Acquire customers
% conversions
% conversions
Funnel Performance
• Increase the number of leads at TOFU
• Identify profitable lead sources and double down. Conversely
• Enhance lead lifecycle to enhance conversion
• Optimize trial conversion from visitors. Target 15% at least
• Win/Loss ratio should be good for opportunities
• Sales conversion for qualified leads should be good.

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Digital marketing metrics every one must know in 2024
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The "Digital Marketing Metrics" PDF by Digital Scape provides a detailed guide to essential metrics used in digital marketing. It explains the importance of metrics in tracking and optimizing marketing efforts, offering definitions, formulas, and examples for each metric. The document covers metrics such as Return on Ad Spend (ROAS), Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), Cost of Acquisition (COA), Click Through Rate (CTR), Conversion Rate (CVR), Cost Per Sale (CPS), Bounce Rate, and Lead Conversion Rate (LCR). The aim is to equip marketers with the knowledge needed to make data-driven decisions and enhance campaign performance. Learn what is metrics, difference in metrics, different types of metrics and calculation.

digitdigital marketingdigital strategy
Forward planning
Fix a goal - $4 million in the next quarter.
• Go backwards to figure out:
1. Number of leads
2. Number of deals / average selling price
3. Velocity
4. Sales team
5. PPC costs
Monetize customers
Pricing levers
• Multi-axis pricing - focus on 3 part tariffs
• Introduce freemium if your product can add better value at
paid level and freemium helps you land grab
• Charge for the value delivered – not the number of users
using it
• Fixed ASP deals coupled with usage to drive up ASP
Retain customers

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webs jyoti php training in gurgaon

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open-source scripting language that is particularly suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. It is primarily used for server-side scripting but can also be used as a general-purpose programming language. PHP is renowned for its simplicity, flexibility, and ease of integration with various databases and web servers, making it one of the most popular languages for building dynamic websites and web applications.led by Mr. Hirdesh Bharadwaj, is an ideal choice for summer training in PHP in Delhi. With Mr. Bharadwaj's extensive 15 years of experience in the field, Webs Jyoti offers top-notch training in PHP development. One notable aspect of Webs Jyoti is its unique approach. It's not just a training institute but also functions as a development agency. This means that students not only receive theoretical knowledge but also gain practical experience by working on real-world projects.Ducat offers comprehensive PHP training with a strong focus on practical implementation and live projects. Their course covers the latest industry standards and trends, ensuring that students are well-prepared for job placements​ ​. Webs Jyoti: This institute provides 100% practical classes, study materials written by the founder, and training on 2-3 live projects. They also offer job placement assistance and grooming sessions for job seekers​​.Voice Search Optimization ACIL Computer Education: Known for its industry-standard training, ACIL offers various PHP courses ranging from basic to advanced levels. They emphasize hands-on training with real-world simulations and provide job assistance and placement guarantees for certain courses​. APTRON Gurgaon: APTRON offers a well-structured PHP course with modules on basic to advanced PHP concepts, webs jyoti, and CodeIgniter. They also provide live project experience and job placement assistance. ​​SLA Consultants India: SLA offers an advanced PHP training program designed by experienced professionals. Their course includes live projects, instructor-led classroom sessions, and extensive practical exposure to ensure students are industry-ready​ ​. Each of these institutes has its own strengths, so you might choose one based on specific criteria such as course content, faculty experience, or placement records.Webs Jyoti: This institute provides 100% practical classes, study materials written by the founder, and training on 2-3 live projects. They also offer job placement assistance and grooming sessions for job seekers​​.Webs Jyoti ensures that students receive top-notch education and support to kickstart their careers in coding and software development.One notable aspect of Webs Jyoti is its unique approach. It's not just a training institute but also functions as a development agency. This means that students not only receive theoretical knowledge but also gain practical experience by working on real-world projects. Mr. Bharadwaj's extensive 15 years experien

#keyword research#social media marketing#affiliate marketing
Importance of Digital Marketing in 2024
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Importance of Digital Marketing in 2024

In 2024, digital marketing is not just an optional strategy for businesses; it's a fundamental component of any successful marketing plan. The rapid evolution of technology and changing consumer behaviors have made digital marketing more critical than ever. Here’s why digital marketing is indispensable in 2024 and how digital marketing agency can propel your business to new heights. EyekooTech is committed to helping businesses navigate the complexities of digital marketing. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, our innovative strategies and data-driven approach can elevate your brand and connect you with your target audience.

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Control churn to fix leaky bucket.
Monitor churn in monthly cohorts to
measure your progress.
SaaS Metrics - Bulletproof your SaaS Growth
Cohort Analysis tells us
• Are we losing most of the customers in the first couple of
• Does Churn stabilize after some period of time?
• Are we making progress? How much improvement have we
made to retaining revenue ?

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Develop a category & retail vision to drive business impact today Join Arnoud from Danone and Tris from Ipsos Strategy3 as they guide you on a journey through the art of leveraging trends and foresights to craft a category and retail vision. Discover the crucial need of future readiness, and understand how the future can lead to new opportunities, here and now. Be prepared to unlock the future potential of your enterprise!

nmd24nima marketing day
• Study your customer behavior to understand the usage,
behavior and patterns
• Talk to your customers about their preferences and where
they find value with your product. Map it with usage and find
• Price sensitivity surveys
• Know your product usage metrics and your value metric
• Don’t leave money on the table – find right billing fit for your
Don’t look at metrics in isolation
False positives
• Your ARR grew from $1M a year ago to $4M today, but you
raised a big Series A and you’re burning more than $1M/month.
• You can recover CAC in 2-3 months, but your customers all
churn after 12 months.
• You have 0% churn and great cash flow, but it’s only because
you require a 5 year contract paid up front and now your sales
cycle is super long.
Let’s take an activity break..

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Target Lowdown
Consumer • Low ARPA
• Low CAC
• Low LTV
• Max Churn Rate < 30%
• Immediate Sales
SMB • Medium ARPA
• Medium CAC
• Medium LTV
• Max Churn Rate < 20%
• Medium Sales Cycle
Enterprise • HighARPA
• High CAC
• High LTV
• Max Churn Rate < 10%
• Long Sales Cycle
Three ways to grow
Lever Strategy
ARPA • Upselling and cross-selling
• Increase price – evaluate elasticity
• Pricing segmentation – bundle better
Increase customers • Optimizing funnel conversion rates – more evaluators and more qualified leads
• Content marketing to increase inflow of subscribers and leads
Churn • Identify at-risk score – control
• Improve the product – make it more sticky
• Reactivation campaign
• Andreessen Horowitz – 16 Startup metrics
• Andreessen Horowitz – 16 more metrics
• David Skok – SaaS metrics 2.0
Follow me on Twitter @anadirajtiwari

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SaaS Metrics - Bulletproof your SaaS Growth

  • 2. What we’ll talk about • SaaS - the software licensing model and it’s implications • SaaS Metrics as indicators of health • Pull levers for growth – make your SaaS business bulletproof
  • 4. Key diff • Revenue recognition – perpetual booking is realized as revenue instantly. SaaS revenue is recognized over the time. • For a 12-month contract, revenue is recognized each month at 1/12 of the total contract value).
  • 5. Myth SaaS companies are simply too expensive. In fact, we might even be in a bubble! • conflates the lessons of the 1999-2000 tech bubble. • Businesses that fail have one thing in common – metrics that are poor indicators ( eyeballs anyone ?) and don’t align with GAAP
  • 6. So what does this mean?
  • 7. Company incurs acquisition cost first and closes the deal only to recognize revenue over-the-time.
  • 10. As the company starts to acquire more customers, the cash flow becomes even more negative.
  • 12. The faster the company acquires customers, the better the curve looks when it becomes cash flow positive.
  • 14. Takeaway • Growth worsens cash flow in a young SaaS business. • Faster a SaaS business grows, more upfront costs are involved without incoming cash to negate that.
  • 15. So why is SaaS so hot? Why do VCs invest?
  • 16. The why • If CAC has been recognized, the customer base is usually sticky by that point. • SaaS businesses are very predictable to model and yield high cash flow over the lifetime. • Once CAC has been negated, all incoming recurring cash flow can be harvested as profit. • Legacy maintenance costs don’t apply - everyone is always up-to-date. Better Research and development.
  • 17. The why • Decentralized budgets results in departmental SaaS adoption. • More users = Higher switching costs • Difficult to switch vendors once a SaaS app has embedded into business workflow.
  • 18. Wise Investments, often at the expense of profitability result in true free cash flow.
  • 19. That’s what the investors and VC’s of the world are looking for.
  • 20. Metrics / Indicators of health
  • 21. Recurring Revenue Metric Lowdown Monthly Recurring Revenue • Product revenue • MRR is a calculation of your normalized (amortized) monthly subscription revenue. • Doesn’t include one-time costs Annual Recurring Revenue • Recurring annual costs ARR per customer • If you are upselling or cross-selling, a growing value is a positive indicator.
  • 22. MRR Movements Metrics Lowdown New MRR • New Customers • Should grow if you are focused on acquisition Expansion MRR • Upgrades to recurring value of existing customers • Should grow if you are focused on upselling/cross-selling Contraction MRR • Downgrades from recurring value of existing customers • Degrading Contraction MRR indicates a positive business Cancellation MRR • MRR lost from cancellations • Negative Churn is indicator of a healthy business Reactivation MRR • Churned customer resumes subscription • Growth indicates nurturing success
  • 23. Quick Ratio (New MRR + Expansion MRR + Reactivation MRR) (Churned MRR + Contraction MRR) • Shows ability to reliably grow recurring revenue in the face of churn. • Larger quick ratios are better. A startup without churn will achieve an infinite quick ratio.
  • 25. Churn / The leaky bucket of SaaS
  • 27. Churn Metric Lowdown Dollar Churn • Recurring revenue lost due to cancellations and contractions Customer Churn • Number of customers lost in a given period Gross Churn • MRR lost in a given month/MRR at the beginning of the month Net Churn • (MRR lost minus MRR from upsells) in a given month / MRR at the beginning of the month.
  • 28. Signals • Low churn equals happy customers; high churn means head for the exits. • Gross churn estimates the actual loss to the business, while net revenue churn understates the losses (as it blends upsells with absolute churn). • Customer churn is a good measure to understand a company’s ability to satisfy and retain its customers. • Dollar churn indicates the revenue loss better as the % of revenue lost from total recurring revenue due to churned customers. • If total churn equals the acquisition rate, then the amount of customers joining equals exactly the amount of customers leaving.
  • 29. The impact of churn compounds..
  • 31. If your Net Revenue Churn is high (above 2% per month) it is an indicator that there is something wrong in your business. At 3% monthly churn, you are losing about 20% of your revenue every year.
  • 32. Signals • The product doesn’t provide enough value. • Your product is not sticky. • You have not successfully got the customer’s users to adopt the product.
  • 33. More signals • Your sales force may have oversold the product, or sold it to a customer that is not well suited to get the benefits. • SMBs going out of business. Don’t spread yourself too thin.
  • 34. If you are a founder, get on the call with customer and get a first-hand account.
  • 35. It’s a net sum game. But it can be leveraged..
  • 38. It starts off as a simple question…
  • 39. Can I make more profit from customers than it takes to acquire them?
  • 40. Unit Economics LTVCAC Cost to acquire a customer Lifetime Value of a customer
  • 42. Yes, if LTV is three times CAC or greater LTV CAC Cost to acquire a customer Lifetime Value of a customer 3x+
  • 43. So what does it cost to acquire?
  • 44. But first things first…
  • 45. CAC is the cost of convincing a potential customer to buy a product or service.
  • 46. The signals it gives • Investors determine profitability by looking at the difference between how much money can be extracted from customers and the costs of extracting it. • Marketing uses it to optimize the return on advertising investments.
  • 47. If the costs to extract money from customers can be reduced, the company’s profit margin improves and it makes a larger profit.
  • 48. Sample Quarter 1 2 3 4 Marketing Costs $2,010.00 $1,843.00 $1,607.00 $2,179.00 Sales Costs $5,061.00 $4,186.00 $4,387.00 $4,496.00 Customers added 164 181 156 163 MRR Addition $8,558.00 $10,515.00 $9,114.00 $8,817.00 Average CAC $44.63 $35.52 $39.46 $42.78 Total CAC $7,071.00 $6,029.00 $5,994.00 $6,675.00
  • 49. Caveats • Failing to include all the costs incurred in user acquisition such as referral fees, credits, or discounts. • Calculating CAC as a “blended” cost (including users acquired organically) rather than isolating users acquired through “paid” marketing.
  • 50. CAC in itself isn’t much unless…
  • 51. We know Customer lifetime value (LTV)
  • 52. LTV ARPA x Gross Margin % Customer Churn Rate • Lifetime value is the present value of the future net profit from the customer over the duration of the relationship. • Gross margin is a company’s total sales revenue minus cost of goods sold
  • 53. Months to recover Customer Acquisition Cost Average Selling Price • Recovery within 5-7 months is gold. • Time to profitability and cash flow.
  • 54. Profitability is distant if the time to recover CAC extends beyond 12 months.
  • 56. Signals • Helps determine the long-term value of the customer and how much net value you generate per customer after accounting for customer acquisition costs. • A growing LTV attributed as a multiple value of CAC by 3 or more indicates a healthy SaaS pushing for hyper growth. • If the LTV is close to or less than CAC, it suggests that the company is spending more money to acquire the customer than it expects to generate in profits over the customer’s lifetime.
  • 57. More Signals • Deciding when to hit the accelerator pedal. • Understanding if some of the more expensive lead generation sources (e.g. Google AdWords, Billboard, TV etc.) make financial sense. • Working backwards, we can use average selling price and months to recover to figure the ideal spend on customer acquisition. If we’re spending less or more, you can afford to be more aggressive or adjust.
  • 59. Caveats • If you have only few months of data, the conservative way to measure LTV is to look at historical value to date. Rather than predicting average life span and estimating how the retention curves might look, we prefer to measure 12 month and 24 month LTV. • A common mistake is to estimate the LTV as a present value of revenue or even gross margin of the customer instead of calculating it as net profit of the customer over the life of the relationship. • LTV model is confused and misused. It is used to rationalize Marketing Spending
  • 61. Active Users • Number of users with an activity within a current period. • Activity is indication of product engagement, and can mean different things in different product. • Gives an indication of the total user base actively engaged with product.
  • 62. Signals • Product Activation status indicates the adoption pattern and if mined can result in benchmark for moving a user through lifecycle. • Recurring usage patterns by sections and buckets help manage product better. • Key value extracted by consumers helps with setting up pricing to offer the right solution for the right price.
  • 64. A. Acquire customers B. Retain customers C. Monetize customers
  • 67. Funnel Performance • Increase the number of leads at TOFU • Identify profitable lead sources and double down. Conversely stop. • Enhance lead lifecycle to enhance conversion
  • 68. Conversion • Optimize trial conversion from visitors. Target 15% at least • Win/Loss ratio should be good for opportunities • Sales conversion for qualified leads should be good.
  • 69. Forward planning Fix a goal - $4 million in the next quarter. • Go backwards to figure out: 1. Number of leads 2. Number of deals / average selling price 3. Velocity 4. Sales team 5. PPC costs
  • 71. Pricing levers • Multi-axis pricing - focus on 3 part tariffs • Introduce freemium if your product can add better value at paid level and freemium helps you land grab • Charge for the value delivered – not the number of users using it • Fixed ASP deals coupled with usage to drive up ASP
  • 73. Control churn to fix leaky bucket.
  • 74. Monitor churn in monthly cohorts to measure your progress.
  • 76. Cohort Analysis tells us • Are we losing most of the customers in the first couple of months? • Does Churn stabilize after some period of time? • Are we making progress? How much improvement have we made to retaining revenue ?
  • 77. Checklist • Study your customer behavior to understand the usage, behavior and patterns • Talk to your customers about their preferences and where they find value with your product. Map it with usage and find benchmarks. • Price sensitivity surveys • Know your product usage metrics and your value metric • Don’t leave money on the table – find right billing fit for your customers.
  • 78. Don’t look at metrics in isolation
  • 79. False positives • Your ARR grew from $1M a year ago to $4M today, but you raised a big Series A and you’re burning more than $1M/month. • You can recover CAC in 2-3 months, but your customers all churn after 12 months. • You have 0% churn and great cash flow, but it’s only because you require a 5 year contract paid up front and now your sales cycle is super long.
  • 80. Let’s take an activity break..
  • 81. Stage Target Lowdown Consumer • Low ARPA • Low CAC • Low LTV • Max Churn Rate < 30% • Immediate Sales SMB • Medium ARPA • Medium CAC • Medium LTV • Max Churn Rate < 20% • Medium Sales Cycle Enterprise • HighARPA • High CAC • High LTV • Max Churn Rate < 10% • Long Sales Cycle
  • 82. Three ways to grow Lever Strategy ARPA • Upselling and cross-selling • Increase price – evaluate elasticity • Pricing segmentation – bundle better Increase customers • Optimizing funnel conversion rates – more evaluators and more qualified leads • PPC • Content marketing to increase inflow of subscribers and leads Churn • Identify at-risk score – control • Improve the product – make it more sticky • Reactivation campaign
  • 83. Reference • Andreessen Horowitz – 16 Startup metrics • Andreessen Horowitz – 16 more metrics • David Skok – SaaS metrics 2.0
  • 84. Follow me on Twitter @anadirajtiwari

Editor's Notes

  1. In the traditional software world, companies like Oracle and SAP do most of their business by selling a “perpetual” license to their software and then later selling upgrades. In this model, customers pay for the software license up front and then typically pay a recurring annual maintenance fee (about 15-20% of the original license fee).  This is great for old-line software companies and it’s great for traditional income statement accounting. Why? Because the timing of revenue and expenses are perfectly aligned. All of the license fee costs go directly to the revenue line and all of the associated costs get reflected as well, so a $1M license fee sold in the quarter shows up as $1M in revenue in the quarter. That’s how traditional software companies can get to profitability on the income statement early on in their lifecycles.
  2. SaaS companies can be properly valued based on metrics that are both good indicators of financial health and that can be tied directly to the company’s GAAP filings. We have trained the world to judge company performance based on revenue and earnings per share. (which does hold for publicly traded companies to be fair)
  3. CAC = $5000 MRR = $500
  4. Company A, which is spending $5,000 to acquire the customer and billing them at a rate of $500 per month, doesn’t break even on the customer until 11th month.
  5. Company A, which is spending $5,000 to acquire the customer and billing them at a rate of $500 per month, doesn’t break even on the customer until 11th month.
  6. This is why many SaaS companies today invest aggressively in sales and marketing when adoption is high, even though it puts pressure on current profitability. That early growth is key: In winner-take-all technology markets, it’s a land grab.
  7. Bedrock Introduce Quick Ratio
  8. Bedrock Introduce Quick Ratio
  9. It depends but 4+ is indicator of a heal
  10. Should I invest
  11. Simple rule - it costs less to maintain and grow an existing customer than to acquire a new one.
  12. As long as the hole (churn) is small, you can keep the bucket full by adding more water (customers) than is draining out.
  13. Bedrock Introduce Quick Ratio
  14. $ 30 ADS / ASP New Customers range from 50 to 100 every month
  15. Can be unstable or buggy. To make your product sticky, try making it a key part of their monthly workflow, and/or have them store data in your product that is highly valuable to them, where the value would be lost of they cancelled.
  16. It isn’t enough that what you’re selling is sticky. Who you’re selling it to must also be sticky.
  17. Can I make more profit from customers than it takes to acquire them?
  18. Can I make more profit from customers than it takes to acquire them?
  19. For example, in terms of the upstream oil market, if an oil supply is in an area requiring heavy infrastructure investments, the amount applied to extract the oil may be greater than its market price per barrel.
  20. While blended CAC [total acquisition cost / total new customers acquired across all channels] isn’t wrong, it doesn’t inform how well your paid campaigns are working and whether they’re profitable. This is why investors consider paid CAC [total acquisition cost/ new customers acquired through paid marketing] to be more important than blended CAC in evaluating the viability of a business — it informs whether a company can scale up its user acquisition budget profitably.
  21. Key job of the CEO. The health of business helps you understand what you should do.
  22. Dramatic improvement to LTV:CAC ratio over the five quarters shown. Primary lever – lowering the churn rate from 3.5% to 1.5%  Secondary lever - Drove up their AVG MRR per customer.
  24. Can I make more profit from customers than it takes to acquire them?
  25. If this isn’t right, your value proposition isn’t resonating, or you may have a market where there is not enough pain to get people to buy.
  26. If we take some actions to try to fix churn in early months, (i.e. with better product features, easier on-boarding, better training, etc.) we would want to know if those changes had been successful.
  27. If we take some actions to try to fix churn in early months, (i.e. with better product features, easier on-boarding, better training, etc.) we would want to know if those changes had been successful.
  28. a cohort is simply a fancy name for a group for customers that joined in a particular month. So we will have a January cohort, a February cohort, etc.
  29. Bedrock Introduce Quick Ratio
  30. Bedrock Introduce Quick Ratio