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“ Physics Research in  an Era of Global Cyberinfrastructure " Physics Department Colloquium  UCSD  La Jolla, CA November 3, 2005 Dr. Larry Smarr Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology Harry E. Gruber Professor,  Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD
Abstract Twenty years after the NSFnet launched today's shared Internet, a new generation of optical networks dedicated to single investigators are arising, with the ability to deliver up to 100-fold increase in bandwidth to the end user.  The OptIPuter ( is one of the largest NSF-funded computer science research projects prototyping this new Cyberinfrastructure. Essentially, the OptIPuter is a “virtual metacomputer" in which the individual “processors” are widely distributed Linux clusters; the “backplane” is provided by Internet Protocol (IP) delivered over multiple dedicated lightpaths or "lambdas" (each 1-10 Gbps); and, the “mass storage systems” are large distributed scientific data repositories, fed by scientific instruments as OptIPuter peripheral devices, operated in near real-time. Furthermore, collaboration will be a defining OptIPuter characteristic; goals include implementing a next-generation Access Grid enabled with multiple HDTV and Super HD streams with photo realism. The OptIPuter extends the Grid program by making the underlying physical network elements discoveable and reservable, as well as the traditional computing and storage assets.  Thus, the Grid is transformed into a LambdaGrid.  A number of physics and astrophysics data-intensive  project are prime candidates to drive this  development.
Two New Calit2 Buildings Will Provide  Major New Laboratories to Their Campuses New Laboratory Facilities Nanotech, BioMEMS, Chips, Radio, Photonics, Grid, Data, Applications Virtual Reality, Digital Cinema, HDTV, Synthesis Over 1000 Researchers in Two Buildings Linked via Dedicated Optical Networks International Conferences and Testbeds UC Irvine UC San Diego Richard C. Atkinson Hall Dedication Oct. 28, 2005
Calit2@UCSD Creates a Dozen Shared Clean Rooms for Nanoscience, Nanoengineering, Nanomedicine Photo Courtesy of Bernd Fruhberger, Calit2

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High Performance Cyberinfrastructure is Needed to Enable Data-Intensive Scien...
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High Performance Cyberinfrastructure is Needed to Enable Data-Intensive Scien...

11.03.28 Remote Luncheon Presentation from Calit2@UCSD National Science Board Expert Panel Discussion on Data Policies National Science Foundation Title: High Performance Cyberinfrastructure is Needed to Enable Data-Intensive Science and Engineering Arlington, Virginia

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05.02.15 Invited Talk The Vice Chancellor of Research and Chief Information Officer Summit “Information Technology Enabling Research at the University of California” Title: Positioning University of California Information Technology for the Future: State, National, and International IT Infrastructure Trends and Directions Oakland, CA

smarrcalit2university of california
The OptIPuter and Its Applications
The OptIPuter and Its ApplicationsThe OptIPuter and Its Applications
The OptIPuter and Its Applications

06.07.26 Invited Talk Cyberinfrastructure for Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, A Summer Institute, SDSC Title: The OptIPuter and Its Applications La Jolla, CA

The Calit2@UCSD Building is Designed for Prototyping Extremely High Bandwidth Applications 1.8 Million Feet of Cat6 Ethernet Cabling 150 Fiber Strands to Building; Experimental Roof Radio Antenna Farm Ubiquitous WiFi Photo: Tim Beach, Calit2 Over 9,000 Individual  1 Gbps Drops in the Building ~10G per Person  UCSD is Only  UC Campus with 10G CENIC Connection for ~30,000 Users Speed From Here
Why Optical Networks Will Become the 21 st  Century Driver Scientific American, January 2001 Number of Years 0 1 2 3 4 5 Performance per Dollar Spent Data Storage (bits per square inch) (Doubling time 12 Months) Optical Fiber (bits per second) (Doubling time 9 Months) Silicon Computer Chips (Number of Transistors) (Doubling time 18 Months)
September 26-30, 2005 Calit2 @ University of California, San Diego California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology Calit2@UCSD Is Connected  to the World at 10Gbps T   H   E  G   L   O   B   A   L  L   A   M   B   D   A  I   N   T   E   G   R   A   T   E   D  F   A   C   I   L   I   T   Y   Maxine Brown, Tom DeFanti, Co-Chairs 50 Demonstrations, 20 Counties, 10 Gbps/Demo i Grid  2005
First Trans-Pacific Super High Definition Telepresence Meeting in New Calit2 Digital Cinema Auditorium Used  1Gbps Dedicated Sony  NTT  SGI Keio University  President Anzai UCSD  Chancellor Fox

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Why Researchers are Using Advanced Networks
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From the Shared Internet to Personal Lightwaves: How the OptIPuter is Transfo...
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The document summarizes how the OptIPuter project is transforming scientific research through user-controlled high-speed optical network connections. It provides examples of how 1-10Gbps connections through projects like National LambdaRail are enabling new forms of collaborative work and access to scientific instruments and global data repositories. The OptIPuter creates an environment where researchers can access remote resources through local "OptIPortals" connected to these high-speed optical networks.

Ceoa Nov 2005 Final Small
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05.11.21 Invited Talk to Symposium on Science and Technology in GEOSS Title: Cyberinfrastructure for Environmental Observations Seattle, WA

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First Remote Interactive High Definition Video  Exploration of Deep Sea Vents Source John Delaney & Deborah Kelley, UWash Canadian-U.S. Collaboration
iGrid2005 Data Flows Multiplied Normal Flows  by Five Fold! Data Flows Through the Seattle PacificWave International Switch
A National Cyberinfrastructure  is Emerging for Data Intensive Science Source: Guy Almes,  Office of Cyberinfrastructure, NSF Education & Training Data Tools & Services Collaboration & Communication Tools & Services High Performance Computing Tools & Services
Challenge: Average Throughput of NASA Data Products  to End User is < 50 Mbps  Tested October 2005 Internet2 Backbone is 10,000 Mbps! Throughput is < 0.5% to End User

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05.03.09 Invited Talk Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC2005) Title: The OptiPuter, Quartzite, and Starlight Projects: A Campus to Global-Scale Testbed for Optical Technologies Enabling LambdaGrid Computing Anaheim, CA

Toward A National Big Data Superhighway
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Topic of closing keynote at the Internet2 Global Summit in Washington DC on April 26, 2017:: "Toward a National Big Data Superhighway".

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05.06.14 Keynote to the 15th Federation of Earth Science Information Partners Assembly Meeting: Linking Data and Information to Decision Makers Title: The Jump to Light Speed - Data Intensive Earth Sciences are Leading the Way to the International LambdaGrid San Diego, CA

Data Intensive Science is Overwhelming  the Conventional Internet ESnet Monthly Accepted Traffic Feb., 1990 – May, 2005 ESnet is Currently Transporting About 20 Terabytes/Day  and This Volume is Increasing Exponentially 10 TB/Day ~ 1 Gbps Source: Bill Johnson, DOE
Dedicated Optical Channels Makes  High Performance Cyberinfrastructure Possible Parallel Lambdas are Driving Optical Networking  The Way Parallel Processors Drove 1990s Computing ( WDM) Source: Steve Wallach, Chiaro Networks “ Lambdas”
National LambdaRail (NLR) and TeraGrid Provides  Cyberinfrastructure Backbone for U.S. Researchers San Francisco Pittsburgh Cleveland San Diego Los Angeles Portland Seattle Pensacola Baton Rouge Houston San Antonio Las Cruces / El Paso Phoenix New York City Washington, DC Raleigh Jacksonville Dallas Tulsa Atlanta Kansas City Denver Ogden/ Salt Lake City Boise Albuquerque UC-TeraGrid UIC/NW-Starlight Chicago International  Collaborators NLR 4 x 10Gb Lambdas Initially Capable of 40 x 10Gb wavelengths at Buildout NSF’s TeraGrid Has 4 x 10Gb  Lambda Backbone  Links Two Dozen State and Regional Optical Networks DOE, NSF, & NASA Using NLR
Campus Infrastructure is the Obstacle “ Research is being stalled by ‘information overload,’” Mr. Bement said, because data from digital instruments are piling up far faster than researchers can study.  In particular, he said, campus networks need to be improved. High-speed data lines crossing the nation are the equivalent of six-lane superhighways, he said.  But networks at colleges and universities are not so capable .  “ Those massive conduits are reduced to two-lane roads at most college and university campuses,” he said.  Improving cyberinfrastructure, he said, “will transform the capabilities of campus-based scientists.” --Arden Bement, director National Science Foundation,  Chronicle of Higher Education 51 (36), May 2005.

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The document discusses the need for a new generation of cyberinfrastructure to support interactive global earth observation. It outlines several prototyping projects that are building examples of systems enabling real-time control of remote instruments, remote data access and analysis. These projects are driving the development of an emerging cyber-architecture using web and grid services to link distributed data repositories and simulations.

OptIPuter-A High Performance SOA LambdaGrid Enabling Scientific Applications
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OptIPuter-A High Performance SOA LambdaGrid Enabling Scientific Applications

07.03.21 IEEE Computer Society Tsutomu Kanai Award Keynote At the Joint Meeting of the: 8th International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems 2nd International Workshop on Ad Hoc, Sensor and P2P Networks 11th IEEE International Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems Title: OptIPuter-A High Performance SOA LambdaGrid Enabling Scientific Applications Sedona, AZ

Calit2 Projects in Cyberinfrastructure
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06.06.28 Welcome Talk Minority-Serving Institutions Cyberinfrastructure Institute Title: Calit2 Projects in Cyberinfrastructure La Jolla, CA

The OptIPuter Project –  Linking Global Scale Science Resources to User’s Linux Clusters NSF Large Information Technology Research Proposal Calit2 (UCSD, UCI) and UIC Lead Campuses—Larry Smarr PI Partnering Campuses: USC, SDSU, NW, TA&M, UvA, SARA, NASA Industrial Partners IBM, Sun, Telcordia, Chiaro, Calient, Glimmerglass, Lucent $13.5 Million Over Five Years—Entering 4 th  Year Creating a LambdaGrid “Web” for Gigabyte Data Objects NIH Biomedical Informatics NSF EarthScope and ORION Research Network
The UCSD OptIPuter Deployment SIO SDSC CRCA Phys. Sci -Keck SOM JSOE  Preuss 6 th   College SDSC Annex Node M Earth Sciences SDSC Medicine Engineering  High School To CENIC Collocation Source: Phil Papadopoulos, SDSC;  Greg Hidley, Calit2 UCSD is Prototyping  Campus-Scale   National LambdaRail “On-Ramps” SDSC Annex  Campus Provided Dedicated Fibers  Between Sites Linking  Linux Clusters UCSD Has ~ 50 Labs With Clusters ½ Mile Juniper T320 0.320 Tbps Backplane Bandwidth 20X Chiaro Estara 6.4 Tbps Backplane Bandwidth
Increasing Data Rate into Lab by 100x,  Requires High Resolution Portals to Global Science Data 650 Mpixel 2-Photon Microscopy  Montage of HeLa Cultured Cancer Cells Green: Actin Red: Microtubles Light Blue: DNA Source: Mark Ellisman, David Lee, Jason Leigh, Tom Deerinck
OptIPuter Scalable Displays Developed  for Multi-Scale Imaging Green: Purkinje Cells Red: Glial Cells Light Blue: Nuclear DNA Source: Mark Ellisman, David Lee, Jason Leigh Two-Photon Laser Confocal Microscope Montage of 40x36=1440 Images in 3 Channels of a Mid-Sagittal Section of Rat Cerebellum Acquired Over an 8-hour Period 300 MPixel Image!

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The document discusses two projects, OptIPuter and LOOKING, that aim to analyze large earth data sets using optical networking and grid technologies. OptIPuter extends grid middleware to dedicated optical circuits for earth and medical sciences. LOOKING builds on OptIPuter to provide real-time control of ocean observatories through web and grid services integrated over optical networks. Both projects represent efforts to develop cyberinfrastructure for interactive analysis of remote earth science data and instruments.

The Pacific Research Platform
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Briefing to The Quilt Visit to Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute University of California, San Diego February 10, 2016

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Opening Keynote Lecture 15th Annual ON*VECTOR International Photonics Workshop Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute University of California, San Diego February 29, 2016

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Scalable Displays Allow Both  Global Content and Fine Detail Source: Mark Ellisman, David Lee, Jason Leigh 30 MPixel SunScreen Display Driven by a 20-node Sun Opteron Visualization Cluster
Allows for Interactive Zooming  from Cerebellum to Individual Neurons Source: Mark Ellisman, David Lee, Jason Leigh
Campuses Must Provide Fiber Infrastructure  to End-User Laboratories & Large Rotating Data Stores SIO Ocean Supercomputer IBM Storage Cluster 2 Ten Gbps Campus Lambda Raceway Streaming Microscope Source: Phil Papadopoulos, SDSC, Calit2 UCSD Campus  LambdaStore  Architecture Global  LambdaGrid
Exercising the OptIPuter  LambdaGrid Middleware Software “Stack” Optical Network Configuration Novel Transport Protocols Distributed Virtual Computer  (Coordinated Network and Resource Configuration) Visualization Applications (Neuroscience, Geophysics) Source-Andrew Chien, UCSD- OptIPuter Software System Architect 3-Layer Demo 5-Layer Demo 2-Layer Demo

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05.08.13 Invited Talk Telluride Tech Festival Title: How Fiber Optics are Transforming our World Telluride, CO

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This document provides a summary of proposed innovations to a roller coaster design presented by Physics Anonymous to the NTU Science Symposium. The innovations are aimed at making roller coasters more thrilling yet also more efficient and safe. Some key points include: 1) Improving aerodynamics to reduce air drag on the coaster and passengers to conserve velocity. 2) Applying principles of downward force from race cars to help the coaster grip turns at high speeds. 3) Utilizing a more efficient hydraulic launch system compared to traditional chain lifts. 4) Incorporating wings and jet engines to help the coaster climb hills and maintain momentum. Safety features like block braking

First Two-Layer OptIPuter Terabit Juggling on  10G WANs Netherlands United States PNWGP Seattle StarLight Chicago CENIC  Los Angeles CENIC San Diego 10 GE UI at Chicago 10 GE 10 GE 10 GE 10 GE 10 GE 10 GE NIKHEF 2 GE 2 GE UCI ISI/USC NetherLight Amsterdam UCSD/SDSC SC2004 Pittsburgh U of Amsterdam CSE SIO SDSC JSOE 10 GE 10 GE 10 GE 2 GE 1 GE Trans-Atlantic Link SC2004: 17.8Gbps, a TeraBIT in < 1 minute! SC2005: 5-Layer Juggle--Terabytes per Minute Source-Andrew Chien, UCSD
UCSD Physics Department Research That Requires a LambdaGrid — The Universe’s Dark Energy Equation of State Principal Goal of NASA-DOE  Joint Dark Energy Mission (JDEM) Approach : Precision Measurements of Expansion History of the Universe Using Type Ia Supernovae  Standardizable Candles Complimentary Approach :  Measure Redshift Distribution of Galaxy Clusters Must Have Detailed Simulations  of How Cluster Observables Depend  on Cluster Mass  On The Lightcone   for Different Cosmological Models Cluster abundance vs. z Source: Mike Norman, UCSD SNAP satellite
Cosmic Simulator  with a Billion Zone and Gigaparticle Resolution Source: Mike Norman, UCSD SDSC Blue Horizon Problem with Uniform Grid--Gravitation Causes Continuous Increase in Density Until There is a Large Mass in a Single Grid Zone
Background Image Shows Grid Hierarchy Used Key to Resolving Physics is More Sophisticated Software Evolution is from 10Myr to Present Epoch  Every Galaxy > 10 11  M solar  in 100 Mpc/H Volume Adaptively Refined With AMR 256 3  Base Grid Over 32,000 Grids At 7 Levels Of Refinement Spatial Resolution of 4 kpc at Finest 150,000 CPU-hr On 128-Node IBM SP  512 3  AMR or 1024 3  Unigrid Now Feasible  8-64 Times The Mass Resolution Can Simulate First Galaxies One Million CPU-Hr Request to LLNL Bottleneck--Network Throughput from LLNL to UCSD AMR Allows Digital Exploration of  Early Galaxy and Cluster Core Formation  Source: Mike Norman, UCSD

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Lightcone Simulation--Computing the Statistics of Galaxy Clustering versus Redshift Evrard et al. (2003) Single, 1024 3  P 3 M L/  =10 4 Dark matter only Norman/LLNL Project Multiple, 512 3  AMR Optimal Tiling of Lightcone L/  =10 5 Dark Matter + Gas ct (Gyr) Link to lc_lcdm.gif Researchers hope to distinguish between the possibilities by measuring simply how the density of dark energy changed as the universe expanded.  -- Science  Sept. 2, 2005 Vol 309, 1482-1483.  redshift Note Image is 9200x1360 Pixels 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5
AMR Cosmological Simulations Generate 4kx4k Images  and Needs Interactive Zooming Capability Source: Michael Norman, UCSD
Why Does the Cosmic Simulator Need LambdaGrid Cyberinfrastructure? One Gigazone Uniform Grid or 512 3  AMR Run: Generates ~10 TeraByte of Output A “Snapshot” is 100s of GB Need to Visually Analyze as We Create SpaceTimes Visual Analysis Daunting  Single Frame is About 8GB A Smooth Animation of 1000 Frames is 1000 x 8 GB=8TB Stage on Rotating Storage to High Res Displays Can Run Evolutions Faster than We can Archive Them File Transport Over Shared Internet ~50 Mbit/s 4 Hours to Move ONE Snapshot! AMR Runs Require Interactive Visualization Zooming Over 16,000x! Source: Mike Norman, UCSD
Furthermore, Lambdas are Needed to Distribute the AMR Cosmology Simulations Uses ENZO Computational Cosmology Code Grid-Based Adaptive Mesh Refinement Simulation Code Developed by Mike Norman, UCSD Can One Distribute the Computing? iGrid2005 to Chicago to Amsterdam Distributing Code Using Layer 3 Routers Fails Instead Using Layer 2, Essentially Same Performance as Running on Single Supercomputer Using Dynamic Lightpath Provisioning Source: Joe Mambretti, Northwestern U

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This document summarizes the work of Dr. Gil Nonato C. Santos and his research laboratory in fabricating and characterizing various nanomaterials using a horizontal vapor phase growth technique. Some key points: - The technique involves loading a semiconducting oxide powder into a quartz tube, sealing it under vacuum, and heating it to grow nanowires, nanobelts, and other nanostructures. - Various metal oxide nanomaterials have been synthesized including tin oxide, zinc oxide, cadmium oxide, and more. - The nanomaterials exhibit size and shape dependencies on growth temperature and have been characterized using techniques like SEM, EDX, photoluminescence. - Applications include

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The document discusses the solid waste management practices of Barangay 159 in Pasay City. It aims to determine how the barangay complies with the goals of the local Solid Waste Management Office. The researchers conducted surveys to assess the barangay's proper waste disposal, garbage collection, cleaning maintenance consistency, people's participation in waste disposal, garbage recycling, and people's satisfaction. Based on the survey results, most respondents rated the barangay's performance in these areas as good, with 38% rating cleaning maintenance and people's participation as excellent. The document provides background information on solid waste management laws and strategies to analyze the barangay's compliance.

Lambdas Enable Real-Time  Very Long Baseline Interferometry From Tapes to Real-Time Data Flows Three Telescopes (US, Sweden) Each Generating 0.5 Gbps Data Flow Data Feeds Correlation Computer at MIT Haystack Observatory Transmitted Live to iGrid2005 At SC05 will Add in Japan and Netherlands Telescopes In Future, e-VLBI Will Allow for Greater Sensitivity by Using 10 Gbps Flows Source: MIT Haystack Observatory Global VLBI Network Used for Demonstration
Large Hadron Collider (LHC)  e-Science Driving Global Cyberinfrastructure First Beams:  April 2007 Physics Runs:  from Summer 2007 TOTEM LHCb: B-physics ALICE : HI pp   s =14 TeV  L=10 34  cm -2  s -1 27 km Tunnel in Switzerland & France ATLAS Source: Harvey Newman, Caltech CMS
High Energy and Nuclear Physics   A Terabit/s WAN by 2010! Continuing the Trend: ~1000 Times Bandwidth Growth Per Decade; We are Rapidly Learning to Use Multi-Gbps Networks Dynamically Source: Harvey Newman, Caltech
The Optical Core of the UCSD Campus-Scale Testbed -- Evaluating Packet Routing versus Lambda Switching Goals by 2007: >= 50 endpoints at 10 GigE >= 32 Packet switched >= 32 Switched wavelengths >= 300 Connected endpoints Approximately 0.5 TBit/s Arrive at the “Optical” Center of Campus Switching will be a Hybrid Combination of:  Packet, Lambda, Circuit -- OOO and Packet Switches Already in Place Source: Phil Papadopoulos,  SDSC, Calit2 Funded by NSF MRI Grant Lucent Glimmerglass Chiaro Networks

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This proposal discusses solid waste management in three key areas: 1) It defines solid waste and discusses its sources and impacts. Improper management poses risks like bacterial contamination, toxic contamination, and air pollution. 2) It outlines objectives to improve solid waste management including achieving 90% waste collection efficiency within 30 months through monitoring, coordination, and facilitating improved practices. 3) It discusses several solid waste management methods like recycling, composting, and sanitary landfilling and their environmental benefits compared to open dumping and burning. The proposal is presented to a professor and seeks to improve local solid waste management over three years.

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This document provides a 10 step guide for writing a research paper with ease. The steps include: thinking of a topic and questions, finding sources, reading sources and taking notes, brainstorming the structure, writing a thesis statement, drafting an introduction, writing the body in paragraphs with cited sources, drafting a conclusion, compiling a works cited page, and proofreading for spelling and grammar. Following these steps will help the writer organize their ideas and research into a well-written paper.

Google Ppt
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As a part of the Strategy Assignment during MBA. We tried to create a Strategic Landscape of Google Inc. This is one of the best presentations we ever made. I made it with my friends Abhishesh Kumar Sharma and Virindersingh Villkhoo

Multiple HD Streams Over Lambdas  Will Radically Transform Global Collaboration U. Washington JGN II Workshop Osaka, Japan Jan 2005 Prof.  Osaka Prof. Aoyama Prof. Smarr Source: U Washington Research Channel Telepresence Using Uncompressed  1.5 Gbps HDTV Streaming Over IP on Fiber Optics-- 75x Home Cable “HDTV” Bandwidth!
Largest Tiled Wall in the World Enables Integration of Streaming High Resolution Video Calit2@UCI Apple Tiled Display Wall Driven by 25 Dual-Processor G5s 50 Apple 30” Cinema Displays 200 Million Pixels of Viewing Real Estate! Source: Falko Kuester, Calit2@UCI NSF Infrastructure Grant Data—One Foot Resolution  USGS Images of La Jolla, CA HDTV Digital Cameras Digital Cinema
OptIPuter Software Enables HD Collaborative Tiled Walls  In Use on the UCSD NCMIR OptIPuter Display Wall  LambdaCam Used to Capture the Tiled Display on a Web Browser HD Video from BIRN Trailer Macro View of Montage Data Micro View of Montage Data Live Streaming Video of the RTS-2000 Microscope HD Video from the RTS Microscope Room Source: David Lee,  NCMIR, UCSD
The OptIPuter Enabled Collaboratory: Remote Researchers Jointly Exploring Complex Data OptIPuter will Connect The Calit2@UCI  200M-Pixel Wall  to  The Calit2@UCSD 100M-Pixel Display With Shared Fast Deep Storage “ SunScreen” Run by Sun Opteron Cluster UCI UCSD

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This presentation is not mine so all credits go to Zubair Junjunia. I am sharing as this as it covers the whole content of paper 6 - Alternative to practical for CIE IGCSE Physics but can be useful for paper 5 or other boards.

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The OptIPuter Project: From the Grid to the LambdaGrid
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The OptIPuter Project: From the Grid to the LambdaGrid

05.10.24 Invited Talk IEEE Orange County Computer Society Title: The OptIPuter Project: From the Grid to the LambdaGrid Irvine, CA

The Future of the Internet and its Impact on Digitally Enabled Genomic Medicine
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The Future of the Internet and its Impact on Digitally Enabled Genomic Medicine

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Combining Telepresence with  Remote Interactive Analysis of Data Over NLR HDTV Over  Lambda OptIPuter  Visualized  Data SIO/UCSD NASA  Goddard August 8, 2005
Optical Network Infrastructure Framework Needs to Start with the User and Work Outward   Tom West, NLR
California’s CENIC/CalREN  Has Three Tiers of Service
Calit2/SDSC Proposal to Create a UC Cyberinfrastructure  of OptIPuter “On-Ramps” to TeraGrid Resources UC San Francisco  UC San Diego  UC Riverside  UC Irvine  UC Davis  UC Berkeley UC Santa Cruz UC Santa Barbara  UC Los Angeles  UC Merced OptIPuter + CalREN-XD + TeraGrid = “OptiGrid” Source: Fran Berman, SDSC Creating a Critical Mass of End Users on a Secure LambdaGrid

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05.04.21 Banquet Talk Motorola SABA Meeting 2005 Title: A Mobile Internet Powered by a Planetary Computer San Diego, CA

Living in the Future
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Living in the Future

Calit2 is an experiment in multi-disciplinary collaboration between UC San Diego and UC Irvine. It brings together over 350 faculty to conduct research at the intersection of telecommunications, information technology, and their applications. Calit2 has built extensive infrastructure including dedicated optical networks and wireless testbeds to enable new forms of collaboration and applications like telepresence and large-scale visualization. Its goal is to help invent new models for collaborative research and education that can transform the university and society in the future.

How Global-Scale Personal Lighwaves are Transforming Scientific Research
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How Global-Scale Personal Lighwaves are Transforming Scientific Research

The document discusses how global-scale optical networks called "lambdas" are enabling new forms of data-intensive scientific collaboration. Lambdas provide dedicated high-bandwidth connections between research institutions for applications like streaming high-definition video, interactive visualization of large datasets, and remote access to scientific instruments and supercomputers. Examples are given of how lambdas are used for projects in fields like oceanography, climate science, and microbial genomics. The OptIPuter project aims to further develop lambda-enabled cyberinfrastructure through dedicated optical connections between partner institutions.


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Larry Smarr
Genomic Research: The Jump to Light Speed
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Genomic Research: The Jump to Light Speed
Larry Smarr
High Performance Cyberinfrastructure is Needed to Enable Data-Intensive Scien...
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Larry Smarr
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Positioning University of California Information Technology for the Future: S...Positioning University of California Information Technology for the Future: S...
Positioning University of California Information Technology for the Future: S...
Larry Smarr
The OptIPuter and Its Applications
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The OptIPuter and Its Applications
Larry Smarr
Why Researchers are Using Advanced Networks
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Larry Smarr
From the Shared Internet to Personal Lightwaves: How the OptIPuter is Transfo...
From the Shared Internet to Personal Lightwaves: How the OptIPuter is Transfo...From the Shared Internet to Personal Lightwaves: How the OptIPuter is Transfo...
From the Shared Internet to Personal Lightwaves: How the OptIPuter is Transfo...
Larry Smarr
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Larry Smarr
The OptiPuter, Quartzite, and Starlight Projects: A Campus to Global-Scale Te...
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Larry Smarr
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Larry Smarr
The Jump to Light Speed - Data Intensive Earth Sciences are Leading the Way t...
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Toward a Global Interactive Earth Observing Cyberinfrastructure
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Larry Smarr
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From the Shared Internet to Personal Lightwaves: How the OptIPuter is Transfo...
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The Jump to Light Speed - Data Intensive Earth Sciences are Leading the Way t...
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Toward a Global Interactive Earth Observing Cyberinfrastructure
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OptIPuter-A High Performance SOA LambdaGrid Enabling Scientific Applications
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Physics Research in an Era of Global Cyberinfrastructure

  • 1. “ Physics Research in an Era of Global Cyberinfrastructure &quot; Physics Department Colloquium UCSD La Jolla, CA November 3, 2005 Dr. Larry Smarr Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology Harry E. Gruber Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD
  • 2. Abstract Twenty years after the NSFnet launched today's shared Internet, a new generation of optical networks dedicated to single investigators are arising, with the ability to deliver up to 100-fold increase in bandwidth to the end user. The OptIPuter ( is one of the largest NSF-funded computer science research projects prototyping this new Cyberinfrastructure. Essentially, the OptIPuter is a “virtual metacomputer&quot; in which the individual “processors” are widely distributed Linux clusters; the “backplane” is provided by Internet Protocol (IP) delivered over multiple dedicated lightpaths or &quot;lambdas&quot; (each 1-10 Gbps); and, the “mass storage systems” are large distributed scientific data repositories, fed by scientific instruments as OptIPuter peripheral devices, operated in near real-time. Furthermore, collaboration will be a defining OptIPuter characteristic; goals include implementing a next-generation Access Grid enabled with multiple HDTV and Super HD streams with photo realism. The OptIPuter extends the Grid program by making the underlying physical network elements discoveable and reservable, as well as the traditional computing and storage assets. Thus, the Grid is transformed into a LambdaGrid. A number of physics and astrophysics data-intensive project are prime candidates to drive this development.
  • 3. Two New Calit2 Buildings Will Provide Major New Laboratories to Their Campuses New Laboratory Facilities Nanotech, BioMEMS, Chips, Radio, Photonics, Grid, Data, Applications Virtual Reality, Digital Cinema, HDTV, Synthesis Over 1000 Researchers in Two Buildings Linked via Dedicated Optical Networks International Conferences and Testbeds UC Irvine UC San Diego Richard C. Atkinson Hall Dedication Oct. 28, 2005
  • 4. Calit2@UCSD Creates a Dozen Shared Clean Rooms for Nanoscience, Nanoengineering, Nanomedicine Photo Courtesy of Bernd Fruhberger, Calit2
  • 5. The Calit2@UCSD Building is Designed for Prototyping Extremely High Bandwidth Applications 1.8 Million Feet of Cat6 Ethernet Cabling 150 Fiber Strands to Building; Experimental Roof Radio Antenna Farm Ubiquitous WiFi Photo: Tim Beach, Calit2 Over 9,000 Individual 1 Gbps Drops in the Building ~10G per Person UCSD is Only UC Campus with 10G CENIC Connection for ~30,000 Users Speed From Here
  • 6. Why Optical Networks Will Become the 21 st Century Driver Scientific American, January 2001 Number of Years 0 1 2 3 4 5 Performance per Dollar Spent Data Storage (bits per square inch) (Doubling time 12 Months) Optical Fiber (bits per second) (Doubling time 9 Months) Silicon Computer Chips (Number of Transistors) (Doubling time 18 Months)
  • 7. September 26-30, 2005 Calit2 @ University of California, San Diego California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology Calit2@UCSD Is Connected to the World at 10Gbps T H E G L O B A L L A M B D A I N T E G R A T E D F A C I L I T Y Maxine Brown, Tom DeFanti, Co-Chairs 50 Demonstrations, 20 Counties, 10 Gbps/Demo i Grid 2005
  • 8. First Trans-Pacific Super High Definition Telepresence Meeting in New Calit2 Digital Cinema Auditorium Used 1Gbps Dedicated Sony NTT SGI Keio University President Anzai UCSD Chancellor Fox
  • 9. First Remote Interactive High Definition Video Exploration of Deep Sea Vents Source John Delaney & Deborah Kelley, UWash Canadian-U.S. Collaboration
  • 10. iGrid2005 Data Flows Multiplied Normal Flows by Five Fold! Data Flows Through the Seattle PacificWave International Switch
  • 11. A National Cyberinfrastructure is Emerging for Data Intensive Science Source: Guy Almes, Office of Cyberinfrastructure, NSF Education & Training Data Tools & Services Collaboration & Communication Tools & Services High Performance Computing Tools & Services
  • 12. Challenge: Average Throughput of NASA Data Products to End User is < 50 Mbps Tested October 2005 Internet2 Backbone is 10,000 Mbps! Throughput is < 0.5% to End User
  • 13. Data Intensive Science is Overwhelming the Conventional Internet ESnet Monthly Accepted Traffic Feb., 1990 – May, 2005 ESnet is Currently Transporting About 20 Terabytes/Day and This Volume is Increasing Exponentially 10 TB/Day ~ 1 Gbps Source: Bill Johnson, DOE
  • 14. Dedicated Optical Channels Makes High Performance Cyberinfrastructure Possible Parallel Lambdas are Driving Optical Networking The Way Parallel Processors Drove 1990s Computing ( WDM) Source: Steve Wallach, Chiaro Networks “ Lambdas”
  • 15. National LambdaRail (NLR) and TeraGrid Provides Cyberinfrastructure Backbone for U.S. Researchers San Francisco Pittsburgh Cleveland San Diego Los Angeles Portland Seattle Pensacola Baton Rouge Houston San Antonio Las Cruces / El Paso Phoenix New York City Washington, DC Raleigh Jacksonville Dallas Tulsa Atlanta Kansas City Denver Ogden/ Salt Lake City Boise Albuquerque UC-TeraGrid UIC/NW-Starlight Chicago International Collaborators NLR 4 x 10Gb Lambdas Initially Capable of 40 x 10Gb wavelengths at Buildout NSF’s TeraGrid Has 4 x 10Gb Lambda Backbone Links Two Dozen State and Regional Optical Networks DOE, NSF, & NASA Using NLR
  • 16. Campus Infrastructure is the Obstacle “ Research is being stalled by ‘information overload,’” Mr. Bement said, because data from digital instruments are piling up far faster than researchers can study. In particular, he said, campus networks need to be improved. High-speed data lines crossing the nation are the equivalent of six-lane superhighways, he said. But networks at colleges and universities are not so capable . “ Those massive conduits are reduced to two-lane roads at most college and university campuses,” he said. Improving cyberinfrastructure, he said, “will transform the capabilities of campus-based scientists.” --Arden Bement, director National Science Foundation, Chronicle of Higher Education 51 (36), May 2005.
  • 17. The OptIPuter Project – Linking Global Scale Science Resources to User’s Linux Clusters NSF Large Information Technology Research Proposal Calit2 (UCSD, UCI) and UIC Lead Campuses—Larry Smarr PI Partnering Campuses: USC, SDSU, NW, TA&M, UvA, SARA, NASA Industrial Partners IBM, Sun, Telcordia, Chiaro, Calient, Glimmerglass, Lucent $13.5 Million Over Five Years—Entering 4 th Year Creating a LambdaGrid “Web” for Gigabyte Data Objects NIH Biomedical Informatics NSF EarthScope and ORION Research Network
  • 18. The UCSD OptIPuter Deployment SIO SDSC CRCA Phys. Sci -Keck SOM JSOE Preuss 6 th College SDSC Annex Node M Earth Sciences SDSC Medicine Engineering High School To CENIC Collocation Source: Phil Papadopoulos, SDSC; Greg Hidley, Calit2 UCSD is Prototyping Campus-Scale National LambdaRail “On-Ramps” SDSC Annex Campus Provided Dedicated Fibers Between Sites Linking Linux Clusters UCSD Has ~ 50 Labs With Clusters ½ Mile Juniper T320 0.320 Tbps Backplane Bandwidth 20X Chiaro Estara 6.4 Tbps Backplane Bandwidth
  • 19. Increasing Data Rate into Lab by 100x, Requires High Resolution Portals to Global Science Data 650 Mpixel 2-Photon Microscopy Montage of HeLa Cultured Cancer Cells Green: Actin Red: Microtubles Light Blue: DNA Source: Mark Ellisman, David Lee, Jason Leigh, Tom Deerinck
  • 20. OptIPuter Scalable Displays Developed for Multi-Scale Imaging Green: Purkinje Cells Red: Glial Cells Light Blue: Nuclear DNA Source: Mark Ellisman, David Lee, Jason Leigh Two-Photon Laser Confocal Microscope Montage of 40x36=1440 Images in 3 Channels of a Mid-Sagittal Section of Rat Cerebellum Acquired Over an 8-hour Period 300 MPixel Image!
  • 21. Scalable Displays Allow Both Global Content and Fine Detail Source: Mark Ellisman, David Lee, Jason Leigh 30 MPixel SunScreen Display Driven by a 20-node Sun Opteron Visualization Cluster
  • 22. Allows for Interactive Zooming from Cerebellum to Individual Neurons Source: Mark Ellisman, David Lee, Jason Leigh
  • 23. Campuses Must Provide Fiber Infrastructure to End-User Laboratories & Large Rotating Data Stores SIO Ocean Supercomputer IBM Storage Cluster 2 Ten Gbps Campus Lambda Raceway Streaming Microscope Source: Phil Papadopoulos, SDSC, Calit2 UCSD Campus LambdaStore Architecture Global LambdaGrid
  • 24. Exercising the OptIPuter LambdaGrid Middleware Software “Stack” Optical Network Configuration Novel Transport Protocols Distributed Virtual Computer (Coordinated Network and Resource Configuration) Visualization Applications (Neuroscience, Geophysics) Source-Andrew Chien, UCSD- OptIPuter Software System Architect 3-Layer Demo 5-Layer Demo 2-Layer Demo
  • 25. First Two-Layer OptIPuter Terabit Juggling on 10G WANs Netherlands United States PNWGP Seattle StarLight Chicago CENIC Los Angeles CENIC San Diego 10 GE UI at Chicago 10 GE 10 GE 10 GE 10 GE 10 GE 10 GE NIKHEF 2 GE 2 GE UCI ISI/USC NetherLight Amsterdam UCSD/SDSC SC2004 Pittsburgh U of Amsterdam CSE SIO SDSC JSOE 10 GE 10 GE 10 GE 2 GE 1 GE Trans-Atlantic Link SC2004: 17.8Gbps, a TeraBIT in < 1 minute! SC2005: 5-Layer Juggle--Terabytes per Minute Source-Andrew Chien, UCSD
  • 26. UCSD Physics Department Research That Requires a LambdaGrid — The Universe’s Dark Energy Equation of State Principal Goal of NASA-DOE Joint Dark Energy Mission (JDEM) Approach : Precision Measurements of Expansion History of the Universe Using Type Ia Supernovae Standardizable Candles Complimentary Approach : Measure Redshift Distribution of Galaxy Clusters Must Have Detailed Simulations of How Cluster Observables Depend on Cluster Mass On The Lightcone for Different Cosmological Models Cluster abundance vs. z Source: Mike Norman, UCSD SNAP satellite
  • 27. Cosmic Simulator with a Billion Zone and Gigaparticle Resolution Source: Mike Norman, UCSD SDSC Blue Horizon Problem with Uniform Grid--Gravitation Causes Continuous Increase in Density Until There is a Large Mass in a Single Grid Zone
  • 28. Background Image Shows Grid Hierarchy Used Key to Resolving Physics is More Sophisticated Software Evolution is from 10Myr to Present Epoch Every Galaxy > 10 11 M solar in 100 Mpc/H Volume Adaptively Refined With AMR 256 3 Base Grid Over 32,000 Grids At 7 Levels Of Refinement Spatial Resolution of 4 kpc at Finest 150,000 CPU-hr On 128-Node IBM SP 512 3 AMR or 1024 3 Unigrid Now Feasible 8-64 Times The Mass Resolution Can Simulate First Galaxies One Million CPU-Hr Request to LLNL Bottleneck--Network Throughput from LLNL to UCSD AMR Allows Digital Exploration of Early Galaxy and Cluster Core Formation Source: Mike Norman, UCSD
  • 29. Lightcone Simulation--Computing the Statistics of Galaxy Clustering versus Redshift Evrard et al. (2003) Single, 1024 3 P 3 M L/  =10 4 Dark matter only Norman/LLNL Project Multiple, 512 3 AMR Optimal Tiling of Lightcone L/  =10 5 Dark Matter + Gas ct (Gyr) Link to lc_lcdm.gif Researchers hope to distinguish between the possibilities by measuring simply how the density of dark energy changed as the universe expanded. -- Science Sept. 2, 2005 Vol 309, 1482-1483. redshift Note Image is 9200x1360 Pixels 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5
  • 30. AMR Cosmological Simulations Generate 4kx4k Images and Needs Interactive Zooming Capability Source: Michael Norman, UCSD
  • 31. Why Does the Cosmic Simulator Need LambdaGrid Cyberinfrastructure? One Gigazone Uniform Grid or 512 3 AMR Run: Generates ~10 TeraByte of Output A “Snapshot” is 100s of GB Need to Visually Analyze as We Create SpaceTimes Visual Analysis Daunting Single Frame is About 8GB A Smooth Animation of 1000 Frames is 1000 x 8 GB=8TB Stage on Rotating Storage to High Res Displays Can Run Evolutions Faster than We can Archive Them File Transport Over Shared Internet ~50 Mbit/s 4 Hours to Move ONE Snapshot! AMR Runs Require Interactive Visualization Zooming Over 16,000x! Source: Mike Norman, UCSD
  • 32. Furthermore, Lambdas are Needed to Distribute the AMR Cosmology Simulations Uses ENZO Computational Cosmology Code Grid-Based Adaptive Mesh Refinement Simulation Code Developed by Mike Norman, UCSD Can One Distribute the Computing? iGrid2005 to Chicago to Amsterdam Distributing Code Using Layer 3 Routers Fails Instead Using Layer 2, Essentially Same Performance as Running on Single Supercomputer Using Dynamic Lightpath Provisioning Source: Joe Mambretti, Northwestern U
  • 33. Lambdas Enable Real-Time Very Long Baseline Interferometry From Tapes to Real-Time Data Flows Three Telescopes (US, Sweden) Each Generating 0.5 Gbps Data Flow Data Feeds Correlation Computer at MIT Haystack Observatory Transmitted Live to iGrid2005 At SC05 will Add in Japan and Netherlands Telescopes In Future, e-VLBI Will Allow for Greater Sensitivity by Using 10 Gbps Flows Source: MIT Haystack Observatory Global VLBI Network Used for Demonstration
  • 34. Large Hadron Collider (LHC) e-Science Driving Global Cyberinfrastructure First Beams: April 2007 Physics Runs: from Summer 2007 TOTEM LHCb: B-physics ALICE : HI pp  s =14 TeV L=10 34 cm -2 s -1 27 km Tunnel in Switzerland & France ATLAS Source: Harvey Newman, Caltech CMS
  • 35. High Energy and Nuclear Physics A Terabit/s WAN by 2010! Continuing the Trend: ~1000 Times Bandwidth Growth Per Decade; We are Rapidly Learning to Use Multi-Gbps Networks Dynamically Source: Harvey Newman, Caltech
  • 36. The Optical Core of the UCSD Campus-Scale Testbed -- Evaluating Packet Routing versus Lambda Switching Goals by 2007: >= 50 endpoints at 10 GigE >= 32 Packet switched >= 32 Switched wavelengths >= 300 Connected endpoints Approximately 0.5 TBit/s Arrive at the “Optical” Center of Campus Switching will be a Hybrid Combination of: Packet, Lambda, Circuit -- OOO and Packet Switches Already in Place Source: Phil Papadopoulos, SDSC, Calit2 Funded by NSF MRI Grant Lucent Glimmerglass Chiaro Networks
  • 37. Multiple HD Streams Over Lambdas Will Radically Transform Global Collaboration U. Washington JGN II Workshop Osaka, Japan Jan 2005 Prof. Osaka Prof. Aoyama Prof. Smarr Source: U Washington Research Channel Telepresence Using Uncompressed 1.5 Gbps HDTV Streaming Over IP on Fiber Optics-- 75x Home Cable “HDTV” Bandwidth!
  • 38. Largest Tiled Wall in the World Enables Integration of Streaming High Resolution Video Calit2@UCI Apple Tiled Display Wall Driven by 25 Dual-Processor G5s 50 Apple 30” Cinema Displays 200 Million Pixels of Viewing Real Estate! Source: Falko Kuester, Calit2@UCI NSF Infrastructure Grant Data—One Foot Resolution USGS Images of La Jolla, CA HDTV Digital Cameras Digital Cinema
  • 39. OptIPuter Software Enables HD Collaborative Tiled Walls In Use on the UCSD NCMIR OptIPuter Display Wall LambdaCam Used to Capture the Tiled Display on a Web Browser HD Video from BIRN Trailer Macro View of Montage Data Micro View of Montage Data Live Streaming Video of the RTS-2000 Microscope HD Video from the RTS Microscope Room Source: David Lee, NCMIR, UCSD
  • 40. The OptIPuter Enabled Collaboratory: Remote Researchers Jointly Exploring Complex Data OptIPuter will Connect The Calit2@UCI 200M-Pixel Wall to The Calit2@UCSD 100M-Pixel Display With Shared Fast Deep Storage “ SunScreen” Run by Sun Opteron Cluster UCI UCSD
  • 41. Combining Telepresence with Remote Interactive Analysis of Data Over NLR HDTV Over Lambda OptIPuter Visualized Data SIO/UCSD NASA Goddard August 8, 2005
  • 42. Optical Network Infrastructure Framework Needs to Start with the User and Work Outward Tom West, NLR
  • 43. California’s CENIC/CalREN Has Three Tiers of Service
  • 44. Calit2/SDSC Proposal to Create a UC Cyberinfrastructure of OptIPuter “On-Ramps” to TeraGrid Resources UC San Francisco UC San Diego UC Riverside UC Irvine UC Davis UC Berkeley UC Santa Cruz UC Santa Barbara UC Los Angeles UC Merced OptIPuter + CalREN-XD + TeraGrid = “OptiGrid” Source: Fran Berman, SDSC Creating a Critical Mass of End Users on a Secure LambdaGrid

Editor's Notes

  1. Logo overlaps SIO text (fix)
  2. There are a number of efforts across the globe and at every level of networking—from individual institutions to international and trans-oceanic--to develop and deploy optical networking infrastructure that is controlled and managed by and for the Research and Education community. [The graphic looks fuzzy to me, so I’m guessing this is where we’ll drop in the rings graphic the designer is developing.]