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Bottom Up JavaScript

Bottom Up JavaScript

   Provide a JavaScript development foundation.

   The only 3 things you ever do with JavaScript:
        0.    Load Scripts
        1.    Attach Event Listener
        2.    Get or modify Data
        3.    Update the page

   Extra burdens:
        Unusual Language Features
        Multiple Environments and Languages
        Divergent and Competing Libraries
        Unusual Performance Considerations
        Scattered Resources and Development Tools

©Jupiter IT                                    JavaScriptMVC
Bottom Up JavaScript

What We Will Learn

   We will learn 'OF' just about everything:

   The JavaScript (JS) Language
   The Document Object Model (DOM)
   How JS and the DOM cooperate
   Development Tools

©Jupiter IT                                    JavaScriptMVC
Bottom Up JavaScript

What We Will Learn

   We will learn 'OF' just about everything:

   The JavaScript (JS) Language
   The Document Object Model (DOM)
   How JS and the DOM cooperate
   Development Tools

©Jupiter IT                                    JavaScriptMVC
Bottom Up JavaScript


   JavaScript is a dynamic, weakly typed, prototype-
   based language with first-class functions.

     JavaScript        !=   Java
     JavaScript        ==   A real programming language
     JavaScript        ==   ECMAScript == Jscript
     JavaScript        !=   Document Object Model

   JavaScript is typically used in browsers to power
   dynamic websites.

     JS code is loaded and ran with script tags:
      <script type='text/javascript'>alert('hi')</script>
      <script type='text/javascript' src='myjs.js'></script>

©Jupiter IT                                            JavaScriptMVC

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Dutch PHP Conference - PHPSpec 2 - The only Design Tool you needDutch PHP Conference - PHPSpec 2 - The only Design Tool you need
Dutch PHP Conference - PHPSpec 2 - The only Design Tool you need

Slides from my talk at Dutch PHP Conference in Amsterdam More Domain-Driven Design related content at:

Decoupling with Design Patterns and Symfony2 DIC
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Decoupling with Design Patterns and Symfony2 DIC

How do you create applications with an incredible level of extendability without losing readability in the process? What if there's a way to separate concerns not only on the code, but on the service definition level? This talk will explore structural and behavioural patterns and ways to enrich them through tricks of powerful dependency injection containers such as Symfony2 DIC component.

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Rich Model And Layered Architecture in SF2 Application
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Presentation for Symfony Camp UA 2012. * What are Rich Model, Service Layer & Layered Architecture * Layered architecture in Sf2 Application * Integration with 3rd party bundles

Bottom Up JavaScript

JavaScript: Dynamic

   Compilation and execution happen together.

   a = function(){ return 'a' };
   b = function(){ return 'b' };
   if(Math.random() < 0.5)
      c = a;
      c = b;
   a() -> 'a'
   b() -> 'b'
   c() -> ???

   Use these techniques to remove boilerplate

©Jupiter IT                                     JavaScriptMVC
Bottom Up JavaScript

JavaScript: Weakly Typed

   Type associated with value, not variable.

   var a = 1;
   a = “one”;
   a = [1];
   a = {one: 1};

   Use typeof, instanceof, or other duck typing
   techniques to determine type.

   typeof “abc” -> “string”
   typeof 1 -> “number”
   typeof [] -> “object”

©Jupiter IT                                    JavaScriptMVC
Bottom Up JavaScript

JavaScript: Prototype-based

   Prototype looks up inherited and shared properties.
              Animal = function(name) { = name }
              Animal.prototype.toString = function(){
                return" has multiple cells, diploid blastula."
              Chordate = function(name){ = name; }
              Chordate.prototype = new Animal();
              Chordate.prototype.has_spine = true;
              Mammal = function(name){ = name; }
              Mammal.prototype = new Chordate();
              Mammal.prototype.has_hair = true;

                             has_hair               has_spine
               Mmml                     Chrdate
                                        Animal                  Animal
                 p           proto      Object
                                           p            proto     p
                 prototype                  prototype              prototype

              Mmml                      Chrdate                 Animal

©Jupiter IT                                                                           JavaScriptMVC
Bottom Up JavaScript

JavaScript: First Class Functions

   Functions are just like objects, except you
   can put a () after them.
   square1 = new Function(“x”,”return x*x”);
   square2 = function(x){ return x*x};

   mult = function(f1, f2){
     return function(n){                //return
        return f1(n) * f2(n)
   bigF = mult(square1, square2)        //pass
   bigF(2) -> 16;

©Jupiter IT                                  JavaScriptMVC

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Developer and team leader focused on improving performance and usability in Odoo. Key changes included optimizing computed fields, caches, and recomputations to reduce queries and batch operations. Multi-company support was also enhanced through new context and environment attributes to control record visibility and target company.

by Odoo
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The document discusses Magento's rendering system and how it generates output for the customer. The main goals of rendering are to generate headers and response body. It describes how controllers dispatch requests and set the response body. Layout, blocks and templates are loaded to generate the final HTML output. Key aspects covered include loading and building the layout, finding template files, and directly including templates to render block output.

Bottom Up JavaScript

JavaScript: First Class Functions

   Functions are just like objects, except you
   can put a () after them.
   square1 = new Function(“x”,”return x*x”);
   square2 = function(x){ return x*x};

   mult = function(f1, f2){
     return function(n){                //return
        return f1(n) * f2(n)
   bigF = mult(square1, square2)        //pass
   bigF(2) -> 16;

©Jupiter IT                                  JavaScriptMVC
Bottom Up JavaScript

JavaScript: Data Types

   Basic data types:
   ●   Undefined       ->   undefined
   ●   Null            ->   null
   ●   Boolean         ->   true, false
   ●   String          ->   “hello”
   ●   Number          ->   2, 0.2
   ●   Object          ->   {name: “value”}
   ●   Function        ->   function(){}
   ●   Array           ->   [1,2,3]
   ●   Date            ->   new Date()
   ●   RegExp          ->   /.*/g, new RegExp(“.*”,”g”)

©Jupiter IT                                        JavaScriptMVC
Bottom Up JavaScript

Document Object Model

   JS Representation of HTML and browser.

   document = {
     documentElement: {
        nodeName: “HTML”
        childNodes: [
          {nodeName: “HEAD”, childNodes: []},
            nodeName : “BODY”
            childNodes: [{nodeName: 'h1', innerHTML: "hi"}]
     getElementById : function(id){ ... }

©Jupiter IT                                                   JavaScriptMVC
Bottom Up JavaScript

Document Object Model

   JS Representation of HTML and browser.
        var el=document.getElementById('eid')
       new XMLHttpRequest()
   Elements = “blue”         Source: Wikipedia

©Jupiter IT                                           JavaScriptMVC

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All projects start with a lot of enthusiasm. As many projects grow the technical debt gets bigger and the enthusiasm gets less. Almost any developer can develop a great project, but the key is maintaining an ever evolving application with minimal technical debt without loosing enthusiasm. During this talk you will be taken on the journey of application design. The starting point is an application that looks fine but contains lots of potential pitfalls. We will address the problems and solve them with beautiful design. We end up with testable, nicely separated software with a clear intention.

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Slides from my talk presented during SymfonyLive London - 18 September 2015. More Domain-Driven Design related content at:

Bottom Up JavaScript

Three Things

   1. Respond to an event
   Find Element -> Document / Element
   Attach Event Listener -> Element
   2. Get or Modify Data
   From Server -> XMLHttpRequest / Ajax
   From HTML -> Document / Element
   From Location -> Location
   3. Update the Page
   Change Element -> Element
   Change Location -> Location

©Jupiter IT                               JavaScriptMVC
Bottom Up JavaScript

Three Things
   Use the DOM for each part, stitch it together with JS.

   <a id='find_price'>Find Price</a>
   <div id='price'></div>

   1. Attach Event Listener
   var el = FindElement('find_price')

   2. Get or Modify Data
   function getAndSetPrice(){
      price = GetDataFrom('/getPrice')
   3. Update the Page
       var pel = FindElement('price')

©Jupiter IT                                           JavaScriptMVC
Bottom Up JavaScript

Three Things
   <a id='find_price'>Find Price</a>
   <div id='price'></div>

   1. Attach Event Listener
   var el=document.getElementById('find_price')       //FindElement
   el.attachEventListener('click', getAndSetPrice, false); //attach

   2. Get or Modify Data
   getAndSetPrice = function(event){
      var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()       //GetDataFrom"GET", "/getPrice", false); //don't do this!
      var price = xhr.responseText;
   3. Update the Page
       document.getElementById('price').innerHTML = price;

©Jupiter IT                                            JavaScriptMVC
Bottom Up JavaScript


   Exist to make things easier:
   Browser inconsistencies
       attachEvent vs addEventListener
       XMLHttpRequest vs ActiveXObject

   DOM API weaknesses
       $('#sidebar .ul').height()

   Common tasks
       Drag/drop, AutoComplete, Slider, Sortable Tables

   Language improvements
       [].each(), “isRed”.startsWith(“is”)

   Do you need a library -> YES!!!
©Jupiter IT                                               JavaScriptMVC

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Bottom Up JavaScript

Library Selection

©Jupiter IT            JavaScriptMVC
Bottom Up JavaScript


       Firebug (FF)
       MS Visual Web Developer (IE)
       DragonFly (Opera)
       Drosera / Web Inspector (Safari)

       Dojo Shrink Safe
       Dean Edwards Packer / Compress.js

        Chrome's development tools

©Jupiter IT                                JavaScriptMVC
Bottom Up JavaScript

Tools Continued ...

       In browser (easy) - JSUnit
       Browser Control (comprehensive) - Selenium
       Simulated (fast) – Env.js

      JSDoc – Understands JavaScript, hard to document complex
      Natural Docs – Can document anything
      MVCDoc – Can document anything, understands some JS.

©Jupiter IT                                           JavaScriptMVC
Bottom Up JavaScript


       Mozilla Development Center
       MSDN Internet Explorer Development Center

       JavaScript - the Definitive Guide. David Flanagan
       JavaScript – the Good Parts. Douglas Crockford


©Jupiter IT                                            JavaScriptMVC

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Bottom Up JavaScript

Three Things Revisited

   0.         Load Script
   <script type='text/javascript' src='production.js'></script>

   1. Respond to an event
   //Attach event handlers when you know the document is ready
   2. Get or Modify Data
   3. Update the Page

©Jupiter IT                                           JavaScriptMVC
Bottom Up JavaScript

Three Things Revisited Cont...
   MyCo.updatePrice = function(price){
   MyCo.getAndUpdatePrice = function(){
   OR Maybe ...
     click : function(){
     updatePrice : function(price){
       $(“#price).html({view: 'price',data: {price: price});
   Your price is <span class='highlight'><%= price %></span>

©Jupiter IT                                            JavaScriptMVC
Bottom Up JavaScript

What we've learned

   The JavaScript (JS) Language
   The Document Object Model (DOM)
   How JS and the DOM cooperate
   Development Tools

©Jupiter IT                          JavaScriptMVC

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Bottom Up

  • 1. Bottom Up JavaScript Bottom Up JavaScript Provide a JavaScript development foundation. The only 3 things you ever do with JavaScript: 0. Load Scripts 1. Attach Event Listener 2. Get or modify Data 3. Update the page Extra burdens: Unusual Language Features Multiple Environments and Languages Divergent and Competing Libraries Unusual Performance Considerations Scattered Resources and Development Tools ©Jupiter IT JavaScriptMVC
  • 2. Bottom Up JavaScript What We Will Learn We will learn 'OF' just about everything: The JavaScript (JS) Language The Document Object Model (DOM) How JS and the DOM cooperate Libraries Development Tools Resources ©Jupiter IT JavaScriptMVC
  • 3. Bottom Up JavaScript What We Will Learn We will learn 'OF' just about everything: The JavaScript (JS) Language The Document Object Model (DOM) How JS and the DOM cooperate Libraries Development Tools Resources ©Jupiter IT JavaScriptMVC
  • 4. Bottom Up JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript is a dynamic, weakly typed, prototype- based language with first-class functions. JavaScript != Java JavaScript == A real programming language JavaScript == ECMAScript == Jscript JavaScript != Document Object Model JavaScript is typically used in browsers to power dynamic websites. JS code is loaded and ran with script tags: <script type='text/javascript'>alert('hi')</script> <script type='text/javascript' src='myjs.js'></script> ©Jupiter IT JavaScriptMVC
  • 5. Bottom Up JavaScript JavaScript: Dynamic Compilation and execution happen together. a = function(){ return 'a' }; b = function(){ return 'b' }; if(Math.random() < 0.5) c = a; else c = b; a() -> 'a' b() -> 'b' c() -> ??? Use these techniques to remove boilerplate code. ©Jupiter IT JavaScriptMVC
  • 6. Bottom Up JavaScript JavaScript: Weakly Typed Type associated with value, not variable. var a = 1; a = “one”; a = [1]; a = {one: 1}; Use typeof, instanceof, or other duck typing techniques to determine type. typeof “abc” -> “string” typeof 1 -> “number” typeof [] -> “object” ©Jupiter IT JavaScriptMVC
  • 7. Bottom Up JavaScript JavaScript: Prototype-based Prototype looks up inherited and shared properties. Animal = function(name) { = name } Animal.prototype.toString = function(){ return" has multiple cells, diploid blastula." } Chordate = function(name){ = name; } Chordate.prototype = new Animal(); Chordate.prototype.has_spine = true; Mammal = function(name){ = name; } Mammal.prototype = new Chordate(); Mammal.prototype.has_hair = true; has_hair has_spine Chrdate Mmml Chrdate Animal Animal toString Object p proto Object p proto p prototype prototype prototype Mmml Chrdate Animal ©Jupiter IT JavaScriptMVC
  • 8. Bottom Up JavaScript JavaScript: First Class Functions Functions are just like objects, except you can put a () after them. //create square1 = new Function(“x”,”return x*x”); square2 = function(x){ return x*x}; mult = function(f1, f2){ return function(n){ //return return f1(n) * f2(n) } } bigF = mult(square1, square2) //pass bigF(2) -> 16; ©Jupiter IT JavaScriptMVC
  • 9. Bottom Up JavaScript JavaScript: First Class Functions Functions are just like objects, except you can put a () after them. //create square1 = new Function(“x”,”return x*x”); square2 = function(x){ return x*x}; mult = function(f1, f2){ return function(n){ //return return f1(n) * f2(n) } } bigF = mult(square1, square2) //pass bigF(2) -> 16; ©Jupiter IT JavaScriptMVC
  • 10. Bottom Up JavaScript JavaScript: Data Types Basic data types: ● Undefined -> undefined ● Null -> null ● Boolean -> true, false ● String -> “hello” ● Number -> 2, 0.2 ● Object -> {name: “value”} ● Function -> function(){} ● Array -> [1,2,3] ● Date -> new Date() ● RegExp -> /.*/g, new RegExp(“.*”,”g”) ©Jupiter IT JavaScriptMVC
  • 11. Bottom Up JavaScript Document Object Model JS Representation of HTML and browser. <html> <head></head> <body> <h1>hi</h1> </body> </html> document = { documentElement: { nodeName: “HTML” childNodes: [ {nodeName: “HEAD”, childNodes: []}, { nodeName : “BODY” childNodes: [{nodeName: 'h1', innerHTML: "hi"}] } ] }, getElementById : function(id){ ... } } ©Jupiter IT JavaScriptMVC
  • 12. Bottom Up JavaScript Document Object Model JS Representation of HTML and browser. Browser navigator.userAgent Page location Document var el=document.getElementById('eid') Ajax new XMLHttpRequest() Events el.attachEventListener('click',f,false) Elements = “blue” Source: Wikipedia ©Jupiter IT JavaScriptMVC
  • 13. Bottom Up JavaScript Three Things 1. Respond to an event Find Element -> Document / Element Attach Event Listener -> Element ... 2. Get or Modify Data ... From Server -> XMLHttpRequest / Ajax From HTML -> Document / Element From Location -> Location ... 3. Update the Page ... Change Element -> Element Change Location -> Location ©Jupiter IT JavaScriptMVC
  • 14. Bottom Up JavaScript Three Things Use the DOM for each part, stitch it together with JS. <a id='find_price'>Find Price</a> <div id='price'></div> 1. Attach Event Listener var el = FindElement('find_price') el.AttachFunctionToRunOn('click',getAndSetPrice) 2. Get or Modify Data function getAndSetPrice(){ price = GetDataFrom('/getPrice') ... 3. Update the Page ... var pel = FindElement('price') pel.InsertText(price) } ©Jupiter IT JavaScriptMVC
  • 15. Bottom Up JavaScript Three Things <a id='find_price'>Find Price</a> <div id='price'></div> 1. Attach Event Listener var el=document.getElementById('find_price') //FindElement el.attachEventListener('click', getAndSetPrice, false); //attach 2. Get or Modify Data getAndSetPrice = function(event){ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest() //GetDataFrom"GET", "/getPrice", false); //don't do this! xhr.send(); var price = xhr.responseText; ... 3. Update the Page ... document.getElementById('price').innerHTML = price; } ©Jupiter IT JavaScriptMVC
  • 16. Bottom Up JavaScript Libraries Exist to make things easier: Browser inconsistencies attachEvent vs addEventListener XMLHttpRequest vs ActiveXObject DOM API weaknesses $('#sidebar .ul').height() document.getElementById('sidebar'). childNodes[2].offsetHeight Common tasks Drag/drop, AutoComplete, Slider, Sortable Tables Language improvements [].each(), “isRed”.startsWith(“is”) Do you need a library -> YES!!! ©Jupiter IT JavaScriptMVC
  • 17. Bottom Up JavaScript Library Selection ©Jupiter IT JavaScriptMVC
  • 18. Bottom Up JavaScript Tools Debugging Firebug (FF) MS Visual Web Developer (IE) DragonFly (Opera) Chrome Drosera / Web Inspector (Safari) Compression Dojo Shrink Safe YUI Dean Edwards Packer / Compress.js Performance Yslow Firebug Chrome's development tools ©Jupiter IT JavaScriptMVC
  • 19. Bottom Up JavaScript Tools Continued ... Testing In browser (easy) - JSUnit Browser Control (comprehensive) - Selenium Simulated (fast) – Env.js Documentation JSDoc – Understands JavaScript, hard to document complex features Natural Docs – Can document anything MVCDoc – Can document anything, understands some JS. ©Jupiter IT JavaScriptMVC
  • 20. Bottom Up JavaScript Resources Documentation Mozilla Development Center MSDN Internet Explorer Development Center Quirksmode Books JavaScript - the Definitive Guide. David Flanagan JavaScript – the Good Parts. Douglas Crockford News Ajaxian ©Jupiter IT JavaScriptMVC
  • 21. Bottom Up JavaScript Three Things Revisited 0. Load Script <!-- Use a compressor to load a single script. --> <script type='text/javascript' src='production.js'></script> 1. Respond to an event //Attach event handlers when you know the document is ready $(function(){ $(“#find_price”).click(function(event){ ... 2. Get or Modify Data ... $.get('/getPrice',function(price){ ... 3. Update the Page ... $(“#price”).text(price); }); }) ©Jupiter IT JavaScriptMVC
  • 22. Bottom Up JavaScript Three Things Revisited Cont... MyCo.updatePrice = function(price){ $(“#price”).text(price); } MyCo.getAndUpdatePrice = function(){ $.get('/getPrice',MyCo.updatePrice) } $(function(){ $(“#find_price”).click(MyCo.getAndUpdatePrice) }) OR Maybe ... $.Controller.extend('MyCo.Controllers.FindPrice',{ click : function(){ MyCo.Price.get(this.callback('updatePrice')) }, updatePrice : function(price){ $(“#price).html({view: 'price',data: {price: price}); } }) <!-- in views/find_price/price.ejs --> Your price is <span class='highlight'><%= price %></span> ©Jupiter IT JavaScriptMVC
  • 23. Bottom Up JavaScript What we've learned The JavaScript (JS) Language The Document Object Model (DOM) How JS and the DOM cooperate Libraries Development Tools Resources ©Jupiter IT JavaScriptMVC