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And Layered Architecture
        Kirill chEbba Chebunin
Rich Model. ???


                                                  © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. Who?

    Martin Fowler
      –   Anemic Domain Model
      –   Domain Model
      –   Transaction Script
    Eric Evans
      –   Domain-Driven Design
    Benjamin Eberlei
      –   Building an Object Model: No setters allowed

                                                         © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. What?

    About business objects – Entities
    Data + Logic instead of pure Data (Anemic Model)
    Real encapsulation
    Consistent state
    Business methods instead of Setters
    Low level validation

                                            © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. How?
class Project
    const STATUS_NEW     = 'new';
    const STATUS_ACTIVE = 'active';
    const STATUS_BLOCKED = 'blocked';

    private $name;
    private $status;

    public function setName($name)
        $this->name = $name;

    public function getName()
        return $this->name;

    public function setStatus($status)
        $this->status = $status;

    public function getStatus()
        return $this->status;

                                         © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. How?
class Project                         
    const STATUS_NEW     = 'new';
    const STATUS_ACTIVE = 'active';
    const STATUS_BLOCKED = 'blocked';

    private $name;
    private $status;

    public function setName($name)
        $this->name = $name;

    public function getName()
        return $this->name;

    public function setStatus($status)
        $this->status = $status;

    public function getStatus()
        return $this->status;

                                         FUCK YOU, SETTERS!

                                                 © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. How?
class Project                            class Project
{                                        {
    const STATUS_NEW     = 'new';            const STATUS_NEW     = 'new';
    const STATUS_ACTIVE = 'active';          const STATUS_ACTIVE = 'active';
    const STATUS_BLOCKED = 'blocked';        const STATUS_BLOCKED = 'blocked';

    private $name;                           private $name;
    private $status;                         private $status;

    public function setName($name)           public function __construct($name)
    {                                        {
        $this->name = $name;                     $this->name = trim($name);
    }                                            $this->status = self::STATUS_NEW;
    public function getName()
    {                                        public function getName()
        return $this->name;                  {
    }                                            return $this->name;
    public function setStatus($status)
    {                                        public function getStatus()
        $this->status = $status;             {
    }                                            return $this->status;
    public function getStatus()
    {                                        public function activate()
        return $this->status;                {
    }                                            if ($this->status === self::STATUS_BLOCKED) {
}                                                    throw new LogicException(
                                                         'Can not activate blocked project');

                                                 $this->status = self::STATUS_ACTIVE;

                                                                  © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. 3 Party?

                       © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. 3 Party?

      – Persistence Layer
      – Same as Serialization
    Symfony2 Form
      – Data Binder
      – Born to use Accessors
      – Data Transformers?
    Symfony2 Validation
      – External Validation
      – Heavyweight for Internal Validation

                                              © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. Doctrine Side Effects
   $entity = $this->em->find($className, $id);
   try {
       $this->update($entity, $data);
       // Failed, no update was executed
   } catch (ValidationException $e) {
       // Do stuff on fail

   // .................................

   // Old invalid updates will be executed

                                          © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. 3 Party?

                       © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. Solution.

    Isolated Persistence Layer
    Transactional Operations
    Rich + Anemic Objects (DTO)
    Service Layer (Facade)

                                  © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. DTO.
class ProjectData
     * @AssertNotBlank
     * @AssertRegex(pattern="/[a-z0-9_]+/i")
    private $name;

    public function setName($name)
        $this->name = $name;

        return $this;

    public function getName()
        return $this->name;

                                                © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. Domain Interface.
interface   Project
    const   STATUS_NEW     = 'new';
    const   STATUS_ACTIVE = 'active';
    const   STATUS_BLOCKED = 'blocked';

     * Get project name
     * @return string
    public function getName();

     * Get project status
     * @return string STATUS_* constant
    public function getStatus();

                                          © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. Service Layer.
interface ProjectService
     * Create new project
     * @param ProjectData $data
     * @return Project
     * @throws ValidationException
    public function createProject(ProjectData $data);

                                             © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. Example.
class ProjectManager implements ProjectService
    /* ... */

    public function createProject(ProjectData $data)
        $project = new EntityProject($data->getName());

        return $project;

                                             © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. Example.
class ProjectController extends Controller
    public function createAction(Request $request)
        $data = new ProjectData();
        $form = $this->createForm(new ProjectType(), $data);
        if ($form->isValid()) {
        return $form;

                                             © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. Solution.

                   Client Code
            Controller, Command, etc.



                   Service Interface

                   Persistence Layer

                                         © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. Profit?

                      © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. Profit?

                      © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. 3 Party Bundles.

    Anemic Model
    Direct ObjectManager Manipulation

                                        © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. FOSUser.

                       © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. FOSUser. Problems.

      – Property Setters
      – Unnecessary Functions
      – Low Level Methods

                                 © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. FOSUser. Solution.

Delegation                                                        instead of               Inheritance      

                                                                                                 © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. FOSUser. Delegation.
class UserWrapper implements FOSUserInterface
    private $user;
    private $email;
    private $enabled = false;

    public function __construct(DomainUser $user = null)
        if ($user) {

    public function setUser(DomainUser $user)
        $this->user = $user;
            ->setEnabled($user->getStatus() == DomainUser::STATUS_ACTIVE)

    // Other UserInterface methods

                                                     © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. FOSUser. Delegation.
class FOSUserManager implements FOSUserManagerInterface
    public function updateUser(UserInterface $wrapper)
        $user = $wrapper->getUser();
        $userService = $this->userService;

        // User registration
        if (!$user) {
            $user = $userService->registerUser($wrapper->getRegistrationData());
        // Update simple fields
        } else {
            $user = $userService->updateUser($id, $wrapper->getUserData());


    // Other UserManagerInterface methods

                                                          © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. SonataAdmin.

                                                                  © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. Admin Architecture.

      – Base CRUD View Functions
      – Dashboard, Menu, etc.
      – Interfaces for Storage Implementations
    ORM/ODM/... Bundles
      – Storage Implementations registered in Admin
      – Direct Object Manager Manipulation

                                                      © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. Admin Interfaces.

We have interfaces! Implement them!
class CustomModelManager implements ModelManagerInterface
    /* ... */

      * {@inheritDoc}
    public function modelTransform($class, $instance)
         // Method is not used in Admin

      * {@inheritDoc}
    public function getParentFieldDescription($parentAssociationMapping, $class)
         // Method is not used in Admin

                                                            © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. Admin Interfaces.

                                © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. Admin.Custom Model.
interface Model
     * Create mew object instance
     * @return mixed
    public function createInstance();

     * Save new object
     * @param object $object
     * @throws RuntimeException
    public function create($object);

     * Update existing object
     * @param $object
     * @throws RuntimeException
    public function update($object);

    // Some other methods

                                        © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. Admin.Custom Model.
class UserModel implements Model

    public function createInstance()
        return new UserWrapper();

    public function create($wrapper)
        $user = $this->userService->registerUser(

    public function update($wrapper)
        $user = $this->userService->updateUser(

    // Some other methods

                                                    © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. PROFIT!

                      © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. Summary.

    Object Logic in Object Class
    Separate Domain Objects from View Object
    Isolated Business Layer (Service Layer)
    Delegation instead of Inheritance
    Read 3rd Party Code

                                              © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. Pros & Cons.

    OOPed (KISS, DRY, Patterns, blah, blah, blah)
      – Less side effects
      – Less code duplication
      – Less chances to shoot your leg
      – Easy serialization
      – Easy API creation
      – Etc, etc, etc.
      – More code
      – Codebase required
      – Hi shit sort out level

                                            © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
Rich Model. Questions?

                         © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012

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Rich Model And Layered Architecture in SF2 Application

  • 1. RichModel And Layered Architecture Kirill chEbba Chebunin (
  • 2. Rich Model. ??? © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 3. Rich Model. Who?  Martin Fowler – Anemic Domain Model – Domain Model – Transaction Script  Eric Evans – Domain-Driven Design  Benjamin Eberlei – Building an Object Model: No setters allowed © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 4. Rich Model. What?  About business objects – Entities  Data + Logic instead of pure Data (Anemic Model)  Real encapsulation  Consistent state  Business methods instead of Setters  Low level validation © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 5. Rich Model. How? class Project { const STATUS_NEW = 'new'; const STATUS_ACTIVE = 'active'; const STATUS_BLOCKED = 'blocked'; private $name; private $status; public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function setStatus($status) { $this->status = $status; } public function getStatus() { return $this->status; } } © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 6. Rich Model. How? class Project { const STATUS_NEW = 'new'; const STATUS_ACTIVE = 'active'; const STATUS_BLOCKED = 'blocked'; private $name; private $status; public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function setStatus($status) { $this->status = $status; } public function getStatus() { return $this->status; } } FUCK YOU, SETTERS! © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 7. Rich Model. How? class Project class Project { { const STATUS_NEW = 'new'; const STATUS_NEW = 'new'; const STATUS_ACTIVE = 'active'; const STATUS_ACTIVE = 'active'; const STATUS_BLOCKED = 'blocked'; const STATUS_BLOCKED = 'blocked'; private $name; private $name; private $status; private $status; public function setName($name) public function __construct($name) { { $this->name = $name; $this->name = trim($name); } $this->status = self::STATUS_NEW; } public function getName() { public function getName() return $this->name; { } return $this->name; } public function setStatus($status) { public function getStatus() $this->status = $status; { } return $this->status; } public function getStatus() { public function activate() return $this->status; { } if ($this->status === self::STATUS_BLOCKED) { } throw new LogicException( 'Can not activate blocked project'); } $this->status = self::STATUS_ACTIVE; } } © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 8. rd Rich Model. 3 Party? © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 9. rd Rich Model. 3 Party?  Doctrine2 – Persistence Layer – Same as Serialization  Symfony2 Form – Data Binder – Born to use Accessors – Data Transformers?  Symfony2 Validation – External Validation – Heavyweight for Internal Validation © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 10. Rich Model. Doctrine Side Effects $entity = $this->em->find($className, $id); try { $this->update($entity, $data); // Failed, no update was executed } catch (ValidationException $e) { // Do stuff on fail } // ................................. $entity->link($anotherEntity); $this->em->flush(); // Old invalid updates will be executed © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 11. rd Rich Model. 3 Party? © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 12. Rich Model. Solution.  Isolated Persistence Layer  Transactional Operations  Rich + Anemic Objects (DTO)  Service Layer (Facade) © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 13. Rich Model. DTO. class ProjectData { /** * @AssertNotBlank * @AssertRegex(pattern="/[a-z0-9_]+/i") */ private $name; public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; return $this; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } } © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 14. Rich Model. Domain Interface. interface Project { const STATUS_NEW = 'new'; const STATUS_ACTIVE = 'active'; const STATUS_BLOCKED = 'blocked'; /** * Get project name * * @return string */ public function getName(); /** * Get project status * * @return string STATUS_* constant */ public function getStatus(); } © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 15. Rich Model. Service Layer. interface ProjectService { /** * Create new project * * @param ProjectData $data * * @return Project * @throws ValidationException */ public function createProject(ProjectData $data); } © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 16. Rich Model. Example. class ProjectManager implements ProjectService { /* ... */ public function createProject(ProjectData $data) { $this->validate($data); $project = new EntityProject($data->getName()); $this->em->persist($project); $this->em->flush(); return $project; } } © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 17. Rich Model. Example. class ProjectController extends Controller { public function createAction(Request $request) { $data = new ProjectData(); $form = $this->createForm(new ProjectType(), $data); $form->bind($request); if ($form->isValid()) { return $this->projectService->createProject($data); } return $form; } } © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 18. Rich Model. Solution. Client Code Controller, Command, etc. DTO Domain Interface Service Interface Persistence Layer © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 19. Rich Model. Profit? © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 20. Rich Model. Profit? © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 21. rd Rich Model. 3 Party Bundles.  Anemic Model  Managers  Direct ObjectManager Manipulation © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 22. Rich Model. FOSUser. © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 23. Rich Model. FOSUser. Problems.  User – Property Setters – Unnecessary Functions  Manager – Low Level Methods © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 24. Rich Model. FOSUser. Solution. Delegation instead of Inheritance © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 25. Rich Model. FOSUser. Delegation. class UserWrapper implements FOSUserInterface { private $user; private $email; private $enabled = false; public function __construct(DomainUser $user = null) { if ($user) { $this->setUser($user); } } public function setUser(DomainUser $user) { $this->user = $user; $this ->setEmail($user->getEmail()) ->setEnabled($user->getStatus() == DomainUser::STATUS_ACTIVE) ; } // Other UserInterface methods } © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 26. Rich Model. FOSUser. Delegation. class FOSUserManager implements FOSUserManagerInterface { public function updateUser(UserInterface $wrapper) { $user = $wrapper->getUser(); $userService = $this->userService; // User registration if (!$user) { $user = $userService->registerUser($wrapper->getRegistrationData()); // Update simple fields } else { $user = $userService->updateUser($id, $wrapper->getUserData()); } $wrapper->setUser($user); } // Other UserManagerInterface methods } © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 28. Rich Model. Admin Architecture.  SonataAdminBundle – Base CRUD View Functions – Dashboard, Menu, etc. – Interfaces for Storage Implementations  ORM/ODM/... Bundles – Storage Implementations registered in Admin – Direct Object Manager Manipulation © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 29. Rich Model. Admin Interfaces. We have interfaces! Implement them! class CustomModelManager implements ModelManagerInterface { /* ... */ /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function modelTransform($class, $instance) { // Method is not used in Admin } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getParentFieldDescription($parentAssociationMapping, $class) { // Method is not used in Admin } } © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 30. Rich Model. Admin Interfaces. © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 31. Rich Model. Admin.Custom Model. interface Model { /** * Create mew object instance * * @return mixed */ public function createInstance(); /** * Save new object * * @param object $object * * @throws RuntimeException */ public function create($object); /** * Update existing object * * @param $object * @throws RuntimeException */ public function update($object); // Some other methods } © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 32. Rich Model. Admin.Custom Model. class UserModel implements Model { public function createInstance() { return new UserWrapper(); } public function create($wrapper) { $user = $this->userService->registerUser( $wrapper->getRegistrationData() ); $wrapper->setUser($user); } public function update($wrapper) { $user = $this->userService->updateUser( $wrapper->getUserData() ); $wrapper->setUser($user); } // Some other methods } © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 33. Rich Model. PROFIT! © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 34. Rich Model. Summary.  Object Logic in Object Class  Separate Domain Objects from View Object  Isolated Business Layer (Service Layer)  Delegation instead of Inheritance  Read 3rd Party Code © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 35. Rich Model. Pros & Cons.  OOPed (KISS, DRY, Patterns, blah, blah, blah)  Pros: – Less side effects – Less code duplication – Less chances to shoot your leg – Easy serialization – Easy API creation – Etc, etc, etc.  Cons: – More code – Codebase required – Hi shit sort out level © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012
  • 36. Rich Model. Questions? © Kirill chEbba Chebunin. Creara 2012