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What’s new in DWR v3

Joe Walker
DWR Lead Developer
SitePen UK
                                                  Since we last talked ...
                                                    Named Parameters
                                                        Binary Files
                                                JavaScript Extending Java
                                                    Better Reverse Ajax
                                               Data Sync: Dojo Data Store
                                               JSON / JSONP / JSON-RPC
                                            Varargs and Overloaded Methods
                                                        What’s Next

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© SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
© SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved

Recommended for you

Database storage engines
Database storage enginesDatabase storage engines
Database storage engines

A storage engine is a software module that a database management system uses to create, read, update and delete data from a database. MySQL supports several storage engines that act as handlers for different table types. Storage engines are categorized as transactional or non-transactional. Transactional tables can auto-recover from failures while non-transactional tables cannot. Common storage engines include MyISAM, InnoDB, MEMORY, ARCHIVE, BLACKHOLE, and CSV. Each engine has different features for speed, storage limits, transactions, and other factors. The appropriate engine depends on the specific database needs and requirements.


Jdbshehdhdhdjssksndkdbdhrbsjsjdbhddbhxbdjdjsisdjdjdndjdjndjsdjdhbdhddhdh dbdjdbhddhdhdbdjdbhdhdjdjdjdjdjdhdhdhbdhdbrhdhdhdbdhdhdhdhdhdhhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdbdbdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhh

3 - Integrity Constraints.pdf
3 - Integrity Constraints.pdf3 - Integrity Constraints.pdf
3 - Integrity Constraints.pdf

Integrity constraints are a set of rules used to maintain data quality and ensure data is not accidentally damaged during insertion, updating or other processes. There are several types of integrity constraints including domain constraints which define valid value sets for attributes, entity integrity constraints which require primary keys cannot be null, and referential integrity constraints which require foreign keys match primary keys in other tables. Key constraints uniquely identify entities and an entity set can have multiple keys but only one is designated the primary key.

Marshalling Types

        Primitive types, and their Object counterparts
                 int, boolean, long, float, double, etc
        Obvious classes
                 String, Date, BigDecimal, BigInteger, Enum, etc
        Arrays and Collections
                 Map, List, Set, Iterator, ...
        JavaBeans and Objects
        XML objects
                 DOM, XOM, JDom, Dom4J

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© SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
Since we last talked ...

        TIBCO General Interface

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Named Parameters

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Introduction to SQL Server Security
Introduction to SQL Server SecurityIntroduction to SQL Server Security
Introduction to SQL Server Security

This document discusses securing Microsoft SQL Server. It covers securing the SQL Server installation, controlling access to the server and databases, and validating security. Key points include using least privilege for service accounts, controlling access through logins, roles and permissions, auditing with SQL Server Audit and Policy Based Management, and services available from Pragmatic Works related to SQL Server security, training and products.


This document provides a summary of Oracle 9i and related database concepts. It covers relational database management systems (RDBMS) and what they are used for. It also discusses Oracle built-in data types, SQL and its uses, normalization, indexes, functions, grouping data, and other database objects like views and sequences. The document is intended as a presentation on key aspects of working with Oracle 9i databases.

oracle plsql
Displaying data from multiple tables
Displaying data from multiple tablesDisplaying data from multiple tables
Displaying data from multiple tables

The document discusses different types of joins in SQL for combining data from multiple tables, including inner joins, outer joins, natural joins, joins using the USING clause, and self-joins using the ON clause. It provides examples of SQL queries for left, right, full, and cross joins. Cross joins produce the cartesian product of all rows in two tables, while inner and outer joins match rows based on join conditions.

Named Parameters

        DWR will create client-side classes to look like
        server-side classes to make passing parameters

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Named Parameters


          public interface Person { ... }
          public class Employee implements Person { ... }
          public class Manager extends Employee { ... }

          public HumanResources {
            public void addPerson(Person p) { ... }


          Manager m = new Manager();

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Named Parameters

                 • Inheritance is useful in places
                 • It saves creating addEmployee() and addManager()

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Lightweight Named

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Recommended for you


This document discusses database concepts and architecture. It covers data models including conceptual, physical and implementation models. It discusses the history of relational, network and hierarchical data models. It also covers the three-level database architecture including the external, conceptual and internal schemas. The architecture supports logical and physical data independence. The document discusses database languages like DDL and DML and different database interfaces and systems.

Oracle sql material
Oracle sql materialOracle sql material
Oracle sql material

SQL is a standard language used to manage data in relational database management systems. It can be used to create and modify database objects like tables and stored procedures, query and manipulate data, and set permissions. Common SQL statements include SELECT to query data, INSERT and UPDATE to modify data, CREATE and ALTER to define database structure, and DELETE to remove data. Transactions are managed using commands like COMMIT, ROLLBACK, and SAVEPOINT. Security is enforced using GRANT and REVOKE commands to manage user permissions on database objects.

History of database processing module 1 (2)
History of database processing module 1 (2)History of database processing module 1 (2)
History of database processing module 1 (2)

The document discusses the history and evolution of database management systems from the 1960s to present. It covers early stages like organizational databases in the 1960s, the introduction of the relational model in the 1970s, object-oriented databases in the 1980s, client-server applications in the 1990s, and internet-based databases in the 2000s. It also describes some common database components, models, and relationships.

Lightweight Named Parameters

        DWR also allows a lighter-weight method of
        declaring types

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Lightweight Named Parameters


          public interface Person { ... }
          public class Employee implements Person { ... }
          public class Manager extends Employee { ... }

          public HumanResources {
            public void addPerson(Person p) { ... }


          var m = { $dwrClassName:'Manager', firstname:'Joe', ...};

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Lightweight Named Parameters

                 • Everything as for Named Parameters
                 • But sometimes you get an object from somewhere

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Binary Files: File Upload

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EDB Failover Manager - Features and Demo
EDB Failover Manager - Features and DemoEDB Failover Manager - Features and Demo
EDB Failover Manager - Features and Demo

EnterpriseDB (EDB) delivers an open source database platform for new applications, cloud migration, modernization, and legacy migration. EDB Failover Manager 3.6 provides high availability and failover capabilities for PostgreSQL databases. It supports various Linux distributions and has prerequisites of Java, streaming replication, firewall configuration. The architecture includes a master, standby, witness, agent, VIP, and JGroups. New features and tunable properties are discussed for user requirements and different failover scenarios.

by EDB
Normalization in a Database
Normalization in a DatabaseNormalization in a Database
Normalization in a Database

Normalization is a process that organizes data to minimize redundancy and dependency. It divides tables to relate data without duplicating information. There are three common normal forms. The first normal form structures data into tables without repeating groups. The second normal form removes attributes not dependent on the primary key. The third normal form removes transitive dependencies so each non-key attribute depends directly on the primary key. Examples show how data can be normalized through multiple forms to eliminate anomalies and inconsistencies.

"normalizations in a database""database""normalization"
Intro to dbms
Intro to dbmsIntro to dbms
Intro to dbms

The document provides an introduction to database management systems (DBMS) presented by Mrs. Surkhab Shelly. It defines a database and DBMS, lists some examples of DBMS software, and discusses the advantages of using a DBMS including reducing data redundancy, sharing data, ensuring data integrity and security, and automating backup and recovery. It also outlines the components of a DBMS including software, hardware, procedures, data, and different types of users.

Binary Files: File Upload

        DWR has always had a long list of things that it will
        marshall including Dates, DOM trees, etc

        In addition, DWR will now marshall binary files just
        as if they were the text resources it handles now

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Binary Files: File Upload


          public Remoted {
            public void receiveBinaryFile(byte[] uploaded) { ... }


          <input id='fileId' type='file'/>


          var binary = dwr.util.getValue('fileId');

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Binary Files: File Upload

        Will marshall to:
                 • byte[]
                 • java.awt.BufferedImage
                   (gives access to filename and mime-type in
                   addition to the contents)

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Binary Files: File Upload

                 • This is a lot easier than using commons-fileupload
                   or similar
                 • We can provide integration with progress bar

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Data structure mind mapping
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Exercícios - Tutorial ETL com Pentaho Data Integration
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Exercícios - Tutorial ETL com Pentaho Data Integration

1. O documento descreve como criar uma transformação no Pentaho Data Integration (PDI) para gerar a mensagem "Hello World" utilizando dois steps: um para gerar linhas e outro vazio. 2. Também mostra como expandir essa transformação para ler dados de um arquivo texto, adicionar campos constantes, gerar sequências e gravar o resultado em um novo arquivo texto. 3. Por fim, explica como criar uma conexão com um banco de dados Apache Derby para armazenar dados no futuro.

data warehousingpentahoetl

Partitioning allows tables and indexes to be subdivided into smaller pieces called partitions. Tables can be partitioned using a partition key which determines which partition each row belongs to. Partitioning provides benefits like improved query performance for large tables, easier management of historical data, and increased high availability. Some disadvantages include additional licensing costs, storage space usage, and administrative overhead to manage partitions. Common partitioning strategies include range, list, hash and interval which divide tables in different ways based on column values.

Binary Files: Download

© SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
Binary Files: Download

        Binary file handling is 2 way. It’s good for:
                 • Images
                 • PDF files
                 • Word, Excel documents
                 • etc.

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Binary Files: Download

          public Remoted {
            public void getPDF(String contents) {
                        ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                        Document doc = new Document();
                        PdfWriter.getInstance(doc, buf);
                        doc.add(new Paragraph(contents));
                        return new FileTransfer(quot;ex.pdfquot;, quot;application/pdfquot;, buf.toByteArray());

          Remoted.getPDF('Joe', function(data) {

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Binary Files: Download

                 • This is a lot easier than creating a special PDF/
                   image/etc serving servlet

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今日から始める XPages アプリケーション開発!(オープンセミナー 2016 ハンズオン XPagesDay 出張セッション)
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今日から始める XPages アプリケーション開発

notes domino xpages
introduction to database
 introduction to database introduction to database
introduction to database

This document provides an introduction to databases including: - It defines what a database is and how data is organized into tables with rows and columns. - It discusses some common database management systems like Microsoft Access, MySQL, and SQL Server. - It outlines some key components of a database management system environment including hardware, software, data, procedures, and people. - It also briefly mentions some potential disadvantages of database management systems like complexity, size, costs, and performance issues.

SBML: What Is It About?
SBML: What Is It About?SBML: What Is It About?
SBML: What Is It About?

SBML (Systems Biology Markup Language) is a format for representing computational models of biological processes. It defines data structures and serialization to XML for representing models in a neutral, machine-readable way. Development of SBML started in 2000 with the goal of facilitating exchange of models between software tools and databases. SBML provides syntax but limited semantics, so standard annotation schemes have been developed to link models to external data resources and provide additional meaning. The scope of SBML encompasses many types of biological models and is expanding through new packages to support additional model types.

sbmlsystems biologysemantic web
Javascript extending Java

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Javascript extending Java

        DWR will allow you to implement Java interfaces
        using JavaScript

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Javascript extending Java
          public interface BazListener {
            void somethingChanged(String msg);
          public class Remote {
            public void addBazListener(BazListener bl) { ... }

                public void calledLater() {
                  for (BazListener bl : listeners)
                    bl.somethingChanged(quot;JS objects can implement Java interfacesquot;);

          function BazListener() {this.$dwrByRef;}
          BazListener.prototype.somethingChanged = function(msg){alert(msg);};

          var bl = new BazListener();

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Javascript extending Java

                 • Intuitive way to interact
                 • Easy Pub-sub
                 • Allows interaction with existing APIs

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The Role of Standards in BPM
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Scalable Reverse Ajax

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Scalable Reverse Ajax

        Previously there were some scalability limitations
        with the 2.0 reverse ajax API.
        3.0 deprecates the problem areas.

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Scalable Reverse Ajax

        Reverse Ajax proxies no longer take a list of
        ScriptSessions in the constructor, they just write to
        the current ‘destination’

        The Browser API allows you to change the current

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Scalable Reverse Ajax

          // The default destination is the browser
          // that caused the current action to happen.

          // Non DWR thread have no default destination
          Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable()) {
            public void run() {
              // Error

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Halkin Dusmanlari
Halkin DusmanlariHalkin Dusmanlari
Halkin Dusmanlari
Scalable Reverse Ajax

          // Set the destination to be all browsers that
          // are looking at the current page
          Browser.withCurrentPage(new Runnable()) {
            public void run() {

          // Set the destination to be all browsers that
          // are looking at the current page
          Browser.withCurrentPage(quot;index.htmlquot;, new Runnable()) {
            public void run() {

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Scalable Reverse Ajax

          // Broadcast to everyone

          // Broadcast to subsets
          Browser.with*Filtered(scriptSesssionFilter, ...);

          // To a known individual
          Browser.withSession(sessionId, ...);

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Scalable Reverse Ajax

                 • It’s generally easier to use
                 • It decouples generation from routing
                 • It scales

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Reverse Ajax APIs

© SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved

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Jim Parker discusses streamlining Novell's quota setting process. Novell is a global infrastructure software company with $1 billion in annual revenue. Previously, Novell's quota setting process was inefficient, inflexible, and inconsistent, involving 50 people over 4-5 months. Novell implemented a new centralized process using the TrueQuota software system. This standardized the methodology, provided automated linkages between quotas, and reduced the Americas process to under a week. The new process and system improved accuracy, flexibility, and management visibility into quotas.

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presented at the TrueConnection 2008 Sales Performance Management Conference, hosted by Callidus Software

Reverse Ajax APIs

                                            Reverse Ajax != Comet

                   Reverse Ajax == Comet + Polling + Piggyback

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Reverse Ajax APIs: JS Level

          // Low level: Use server-side W3C DOM methods
          Element ele = doc.createElement(quot;pquot;);


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Reverse Ajax APIs: JS Level

          // Low level: Any arbitrary JavaScript
          String s = quot;if (document.all) window.alert('IE');quot;;


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Reverse Ajax APIs: DOM Level

          // Some methods from Window and Document
          import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
          import org.directwebremoting.ui.browser.Document;

          Cookie c = new Cookie(quot;namequot;, quot;valuequot;);

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APMP Knowledge Sharing Tools 11 Oct07
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(1) Current knowledge sharing tools have evolved from traditional top-down Web 1.0 sites to more collaborative Web 2.0 sites where information is shared bidirectionally and content is continually updated by users. (2) Popular collaboration tools include wikis, blogs, social networks, and enterprise platforms like SharePoint that facilitate team communication and knowledge sharing. (3) To solve information problems, organizations should identify information-sharing roles, investigate social software solutions, and encourage hands-on use of collaborative tools.

01 Paolo Lessio, Processo civile telematico
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01 Paolo Lessio, Processo civile telematico

Il seminario di Paolo Lessio sul PCT

Reverse Ajax APIs: dwr.util

          // dwr.util in Java
          import org.directwebremoting.ui.dwr.Util;

          String[] opts = new String[] {quot;onequot;,quot;twoquot;,...};
          Util.addOptions(quot;liquot;, opts);

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Reverse Ajax APIs: Scriptaculous

          // Scriptaculous Effects in Java
          import org.directwebremoting.ui.scriptaculous.Effect;


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Reverse Ajax APIs: TIBCO GI

          // TIBCO General Interface in Java
          import jsx3.GI;
          import jsx3.gui.*;

          Server server = GI.getServer(quot;servernamequot;);
          TextBox phoneNum = server.getJSXByName(quot;phoneNumquot;,


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Reverse Ajax APIs: Dojo

          // Dojo in Java
          import org.dojotoolkit.dijit.Dijit;
          import org.dojotoolkit.dijit.Editor;

          Editor e = Dijit.byId(quot;pricequot;, Editor.class);

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Scalable Reverse Ajax

                 • A full range of APIs for dynamically updating client
                 • DWR doesn’t do widgets, but it does talk to the
                   people that do

        Drapgen can be used to create and maintain large

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Dojo Data Store

© SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
Dojo Data Store

        DWR now implements all 4 interfaces to allow Dojo
        to sync data with Java code on the server

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Dojo Data Store


          // Load the data somehow
          Map<String, Person> ppl = ...;

          // Create an implementation of StoreProvider to hold the data
          MapStoreProvider provider = new MapStoreProvider(ppl, Person.class);

          // Tell DWR to expose the data to the internet
          Directory.register(quot;testServerDataquot;, provider);

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Decisions and Time in the Information Society
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The document discusses how the accelerated pace of change in the information society challenges traditional linear policy-making models. It argues that policies need to shift from simply implementing decisions to also shaping emerging systems and behaviors over multiple time periods. Rather than directly controlling outcomes, policymakers should aim to stimulate collective creativity by formulating compelling images of future rules/systems and monitoring how actual systems evolve in response.

Dojo Data Store

          <table id=quot;gridquot; dojoType=quot;dojox.grid.DataGridquot; ><tr>
            <th field=quot;namequot; width=quot;120pxquot; editable=quot;truequot;>Name</th>

          dojo.registerModulePath(quot;dwrquot;, quot;path/from/dojo/to/dwrquot;);

          dwrStore = new;testServerDataquot;, { subscribe:true });

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Dojo Data Store


          // The StoreProvider from earlier
          MapStoreProvider provider = ...

          // Get a representation of the internal data
          Map<String, Person> data = provider.asMap();

          // Mutate it
          data.addPerson(new Person(...));

          // The browsers viewing the data automagically update

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Dojo Data Store

                 • Data-Sync APIs are hard to get right, but are really
                   simple to use
                 • There is lots of potential for network level

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© SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved

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6 Takes
6 Takes6 Takes
6 Takes

This short document suggests living life freely by dancing to your own rhythm, taking risks for fun, thinking outside the box, dreaming of adventures, exploring the world by bike, and having spontaneous experiences.


This power point presentation provides an overview of advance Java topics including servlets, session handling, database handling, JSP, Struts, MVC, and Hibernate. It begins with a brief introduction of Java and its history. It then discusses advance Java topics like J2EE, servlets, session handling using different techniques. It also covers database handling using JDBC and topics like JSP, Struts framework, MVC pattern, Tiles framework, and Hibernate for object-relational mapping.

Apache Wicket Web Framework
Apache Wicket Web FrameworkApache Wicket Web Framework
Apache Wicket Web Framework

Apache Wicket is a Java web application framework that uses a component-based programming model to build web UIs, allowing developers to treat page elements like buttons and labels as objects and handle events like clicks. It aims to bridge the gap between desktop and web development by enabling an event-driven programming style and component hierarchy similar to Swing. Wicket pages are composed of reusable Java components that correspond to HTML elements, avoiding the impedance mismatch between Java and HTTP programming models.

Dojo Data Store

        DWR now supports:
                 • plain JSON
                 • JSONP
                 • JSON-RPC

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          public class Demo {
            public sayHello(String name) {
              return quot;Hello, quot; + name;


          $ wget ↩

          -> callback(quot;Hello, Joequot;);

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          }).addCallback(function() { ... });


            success:function () { ... },

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                 • To allow DWR to remote functions to things other
                   than a DWR client
                 • ‘DWRP’ is designed to be something we can change
                   without a long deprecation process

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The curious Life of JavaScript - Talk at SI-SE 2015
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The curious Life of JavaScript - Talk at SI-SE 2015

My talk about the life of JavaScript, from birth to today. I went trough the demos and code examples very quickly, rather as a teaser to show how modern JavaScript development might look. If you are interested in a deep dive into the topic of modern JavaScript development, HTML5, ES6, AngularJS, React, Gulp, Grunt etc, please consider my courses:

Rapid java backend and api development for mobile devices
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Rapid java backend and api development for mobile devices

This document discusses best practices for developing RESTful APIs and backend services for mobile applications. It recommends using Java, Maven, Spring, Jersey, and Protocol Buffers. Protocol Buffers provide a compact data interchange format that is faster than JSON and more widely supported than other protocols. The document provides an example of implementing authentication, API throttling, caching, testing, and error handling in a RESTful service using these technologies.

Json generation
Json generationJson generation
Json generation

The document discusses using Java objects to generate JSON. It provides an overview of the steps involved, including setting response headers, getting the Java object result, converting it to a JSONObject using the org.json utilities, and outputting the JSONObject. Code samples are given for a servlet that performs these steps. Specifically, it shows calling a business logic method to get a Java result, converting it to a JSONObject, and printing the JSONObject to the response.


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        You can now call methods with a vararg parameter

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          public Remoted {
            public void method(String... arg) { ... }


          Remoted.method(quot;Onequot;, quot;Twoquot;, quot;Threequot;);

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                 • It saves the hassle of wrapping options in an array
                   or collection before a method is called

                 • It could break some corner cases when mixing
                   servlet parameters with normal parameters

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Java EE 7 (Hamed Hatami)Java EE 7 (Hamed Hatami)
Java EE 7 (Hamed Hatami)

The document provides an overview of Java EE 7 including: - Major themes like ease of development, lightweight, and HTML5 support - New and updated specifications including JSF 2.2, JAX-RS 2.0, JPA 2.1, JMS 2.0, CDI 1.1, and more - Enhancements to the web profile, messaging, RESTful web services, persistence, and other APIs - New capabilities like support for JSON, WebSocket, schema generation, and batch processing

Intro to JavaScript
Intro to JavaScriptIntro to JavaScript
Intro to JavaScript

This document provides an overview of JavaScript concepts including: - Where JavaScript can run including web browsers and JavaScript engines. - Key differences from Java like JavaScript arriving as text with no compiler and need to work across runtime environments. - Tools for debugging and developing JavaScript like Firefox's Firebug and Chrome Developer Tools. - Variables, functions, objects, and inheritance in JavaScript compared to other languages like Java. Functions can be treated as first-class objects and assigned to properties or passed as callbacks.

Why Nodejs Guilin Shanghai
Why Nodejs Guilin ShanghaiWhy Nodejs Guilin Shanghai
Why Nodejs Guilin Shanghai

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, especially for real-time web applications with many concurrent connections. The document discusses why Node.js uses an asynchronous and non-blocking model, why JavaScript was chosen as the language, and why the V8 engine is fast. It also explains why Node.js is threadless and memory efficient. Finally, it notes that the Node.js community is very active and creative.

Overloaded Methods

© SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
Overloaded Methods

        Previously DWR prevented you from reliably calling
        overloaded methods

© SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
Overloaded Methods

          public Remoted {
            public void method(int num) {
                         log.debug(quot;int method called with quot; + num);
                 public void method(String str) {
                         log.debug(quot;String method called with quot; + str);

          Remoted.method(quot;String Paramquot;);

© SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
Overloaded Methods

                 • It saves you from creating multiple proxy methods
                   to existing APIs

© SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved

Recommended for you

Why Node.js
Why Node.jsWhy Node.js
Why Node.js

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, especially for real-time web applications with many concurrent connections. The document discusses why Node.js uses an asynchronous and non-blocking model, why JavaScript was chosen as the language, and why the V8 engine is fast. It also explains why Node.js is threadless and memory efficient. Finally, it notes that the Node.js community is very active and creative.

IE 8 et les standards du Web - Chris Wilson - Paris Web 2008
IE 8 et les standards du Web - Chris Wilson - Paris Web 2008IE 8 et les standards du Web - Chris Wilson - Paris Web 2008
IE 8 et les standards du Web - Chris Wilson - Paris Web 2008

Dans cette session, Chris Wilson parlera d’Internet Explorer 8 et de ses avancées en termes de conformité aux standards et de prise en charge d’AJAX. Il illustrera aussi les nouvelles possibilités qui s’offrent aux responsables de sites Web.

Google Back To Front: From Gears to App Engine and Beyond
Google Back To Front: From Gears to App Engine and BeyondGoogle Back To Front: From Gears to App Engine and Beyond
Google Back To Front: From Gears to App Engine and Beyond

I had the privilege of giving a Yahoo! Tech Talk at their HQ in Sunnyvale. I spoke on Gears, App Engine, and other technologies such as the Ajax Libraries API and Doctype.

by dion
What’s Next

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Top Directions for DWR 3.1

        Shorter release cycle
                 • Reverse Ajax API support
                 • Auto-build

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Any Questions?


© SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved

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What's new in DWR version 3

  • 1. What’s new in DWR v3 Joe Walker DWR Lead Developer SitePen UK
  • 2. Recap Since we last talked ... Named Parameters Binary Files JavaScript Extending Java Better Reverse Ajax Data Sync: Dojo Data Store JSON / JSONP / JSON-RPC Varargs and Overloaded Methods What’s Next © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 3. Recap © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 4. © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 5. Marshalling Types Primitive types, and their Object counterparts int, boolean, long, float, double, etc Obvious classes String, Date, BigDecimal, BigInteger, Enum, etc Arrays and Collections Map, List, Set, Iterator, ... JavaBeans and Objects XML objects DOM, XOM, JDom, Dom4J © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 6. © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 7. Since we last talked ... TIBCO General Interface SitePen © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 8. Named Parameters © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 9. Named Parameters DWR will create client-side classes to look like server-side classes to make passing parameters easy © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 10. Named Parameters Java: public interface Person { ... } public class Employee implements Person { ... } public class Manager extends Employee { ... } public HumanResources { public void addPerson(Person p) { ... } } JavaScript: Manager m = new Manager(); HumanResources.addPerson(m); © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 11. Named Parameters Why? • Inheritance is useful in places • It saves creating addEmployee() and addManager() methods © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 12. Lightweight Named Parameters © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 13. Lightweight Named Parameters DWR also allows a lighter-weight method of declaring types © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 14. Lightweight Named Parameters Java: public interface Person { ... } public class Employee implements Person { ... } public class Manager extends Employee { ... } public HumanResources { public void addPerson(Person p) { ... } } JavaScript: var m = { $dwrClassName:'Manager', firstname:'Joe', ...}; HumanResources.addPerson(m); © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 15. Lightweight Named Parameters Why? • Everything as for Named Parameters • But sometimes you get an object from somewhere else © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 16. Binary Files: File Upload © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 17. Binary Files: File Upload DWR has always had a long list of things that it will marshall including Dates, DOM trees, etc In addition, DWR will now marshall binary files just as if they were the text resources it handles now © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 18. Binary Files: File Upload Java: public Remoted { public void receiveBinaryFile(byte[] uploaded) { ... } } HTML: <input id='fileId' type='file'/> JavaScript: var binary = dwr.util.getValue('fileId'); Remoted.receiveBinaryFile(binary); © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 19. Binary Files: File Upload Will marshall to: • byte[] • java.awt.BufferedImage • • (gives access to filename and mime-type in addition to the contents) © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 20. Binary Files: File Upload Why? • This is a lot easier than using commons-fileupload or similar • We can provide integration with progress bar widgets © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 21. Binary Files: Download © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 22. Binary Files: Download Binary file handling is 2 way. It’s good for: • Images • PDF files • Word, Excel documents • etc. © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 23. Binary Files: Download Java: public Remoted { public void getPDF(String contents) { ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Document doc = new Document(); PdfWriter.getInstance(doc, buf);; doc.add(new Paragraph(contents)); doc.close(); return new FileTransfer(quot;ex.pdfquot;, quot;application/pdfquot;, buf.toByteArray()); } JavaScript: Remoted.getPDF('Joe', function(data) { dwr.engine.openInDownload(data); }); © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 24. Binary Files: Download Why? • This is a lot easier than creating a special PDF/ image/etc serving servlet © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 25. Javascript extending Java © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 26. Javascript extending Java DWR will allow you to implement Java interfaces using JavaScript © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 27. Javascript extending Java Java: public interface BazListener { void somethingChanged(String msg); } public class Remote { public void addBazListener(BazListener bl) { ... } public void calledLater() { for (BazListener bl : listeners) bl.somethingChanged(quot;JS objects can implement Java interfacesquot;); } ... } JavaScript: function BazListener() {this.$dwrByRef;} BazListener.prototype.somethingChanged = function(msg){alert(msg);}; var bl = new BazListener(); Remote.addBazListener(bl); © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 28. Javascript extending Java Why? • Intuitive way to interact • Easy Pub-sub • Allows interaction with existing APIs © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 29. Scalable Reverse Ajax © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 30. Scalable Reverse Ajax Previously there were some scalability limitations with the 2.0 reverse ajax API. 3.0 deprecates the problem areas. © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 31. Scalable Reverse Ajax Reverse Ajax proxies no longer take a list of ScriptSessions in the constructor, they just write to the current ‘destination’ The Browser API allows you to change the current ‘destination’ © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 32. Scalable Reverse Ajax // The default destination is the browser // that caused the current action to happen. Window.alert(quot;Helloquot;); // Non DWR thread have no default destination Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable()) { public void run() { // Error Window.alert(quot;Helloquot;); } }); © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 33. Scalable Reverse Ajax // Set the destination to be all browsers that // are looking at the current page Browser.withCurrentPage(new Runnable()) { public void run() { Window.alert(quot;Helloquot;); } }); // Set the destination to be all browsers that // are looking at the current page Browser.withCurrentPage(quot;index.htmlquot;, new Runnable()) { public void run() { Window.alert(quot;Helloquot;); } }); © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 34. Scalable Reverse Ajax // Broadcast to everyone Browser.withAllSessions(...); // Broadcast to subsets Browser.with*Filtered(scriptSesssionFilter, ...); // To a known individual Browser.withSession(sessionId, ...); © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 35. Scalable Reverse Ajax Why? • It’s generally easier to use • It decouples generation from routing • It scales © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 36. Reverse Ajax APIs © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 37. Reverse Ajax APIs Reverse Ajax != Comet Reverse Ajax == Comet + Polling + Piggyback © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 38. Reverse Ajax APIs: JS Level // Low level: Use server-side W3C DOM methods Element ele = doc.createElement(quot;pquot;); ScriptSessions.addFunctionCall( quot;document.body.appendChildquot;, ele); © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 39. Reverse Ajax APIs: JS Level // Low level: Any arbitrary JavaScript String s = quot;if (document.all) window.alert('IE');quot;; ScriptSessions.addScript(s); © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 40. Reverse Ajax APIs: DOM Level // Some methods from Window and Document import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; import org.directwebremoting.ui.browser.Document; Cookie c = new Cookie(quot;namequot;, quot;valuequot;); Document.setCookie(c); © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 41. Reverse Ajax APIs: dwr.util // dwr.util in Java import org.directwebremoting.ui.dwr.Util; String[] opts = new String[] {quot;onequot;,quot;twoquot;,...}; Util.addOptions(quot;liquot;, opts); © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 42. Reverse Ajax APIs: Scriptaculous // Scriptaculous Effects in Java import org.directwebremoting.ui.scriptaculous.Effect; Effect.fade(quot;someIdquot;); © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 43. Reverse Ajax APIs: TIBCO GI // TIBCO General Interface in Java import jsx3.GI; import*; import jsx3.gui.*; Server server = GI.getServer(quot;servernamequot;); TextBox phoneNum = server.getJSXByName(quot;phoneNumquot;, TextBox.class); phoneNum.setValue(quot;servernamequot;); © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 44. Reverse Ajax APIs: Dojo // Dojo in Java import org.dojotoolkit.dijit.Dijit; import org.dojotoolkit.dijit.Editor; Editor e = Dijit.byId(quot;pricequot;, Editor.class); e.setValue(42); © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 45. Scalable Reverse Ajax Why? • A full range of APIs for dynamically updating client data • DWR doesn’t do widgets, but it does talk to the people that do Drapgen can be used to create and maintain large APIs © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 46. Dojo Data Store © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 47. Dojo Data Store DWR now implements all 4 interfaces to allow Dojo to sync data with Java code on the server © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 48. Dojo Data Store Java: // Load the data somehow Map<String, Person> ppl = ...; // Create an implementation of StoreProvider to hold the data MapStoreProvider provider = new MapStoreProvider(ppl, Person.class); // Tell DWR to expose the data to the internet Directory.register(quot;testServerDataquot;, provider); © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 49. Dojo Data Store HTML: <table id=quot;gridquot; dojoType=quot;dojox.grid.DataGridquot; ><tr> <th field=quot;namequot; width=quot;120pxquot; editable=quot;truequot;>Name</th> ... </tr></table> JavaScript: dojo.registerModulePath(quot;dwrquot;, quot;path/from/dojo/to/dwrquot;); dojo.require(quot;;); dwrStore = new;testServerDataquot;, { subscribe:true }); dijit.byId(quot;gridquot;).setStore(dwrStore); © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 50. Dojo Data Store Java: // The StoreProvider from earlier MapStoreProvider provider = ... // Get a representation of the internal data Map<String, Person> data = provider.asMap(); // Mutate it data.addPerson(new Person(...)); // The browsers viewing the data automagically update © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 51. Dojo Data Store Why? • Data-Sync APIs are hard to get right, but are really simple to use • There is lots of potential for network level optimization © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 52. JSON / JSONP / JSON-RPC © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 53. Dojo Data Store DWR now supports: • plain JSON • JSONP • JSON-RPC © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 54. JSONP Java: public class Demo { public sayHello(String name) { return quot;Hello, quot; + name; } } Shell: $ wget ↩ callback=callback&param0=quot;Joequot; -> callback(quot;Hello, Joequot;); © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 55. JSONP Dojo:{ url:'', content:{param:'Joe'} }).addCallback(function() { ... }); JQuery: $.ajax({ dataType:'jsonp', data:'param=Joe', url:'', success:function () { ... }, }); © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 56. JSON / JSONP / JSON-RPC Why? • To allow DWR to remote functions to things other than a DWR client • ‘DWRP’ is designed to be something we can change without a long deprecation process © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 57. Varargs © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 58. Varargs You can now call methods with a vararg parameter © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 59. Varargs Java: public Remoted { public void method(String... arg) { ... } } JavaScript: Remoted.method(quot;Onequot;, quot;Twoquot;, quot;Threequot;); © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 60. Varargs Why? • It saves the hassle of wrapping options in an array or collection before a method is called Alert: • It could break some corner cases when mixing servlet parameters with normal parameters © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 61. Overloaded Methods © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 62. Overloaded Methods Previously DWR prevented you from reliably calling overloaded methods © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 63. Overloaded Methods Java: public Remoted { public void method(int num) { log.debug(quot;int method called with quot; + num); } public void method(String str) { log.debug(quot;String method called with quot; + str); } } JavaScript: Remoted.method(quot;String Paramquot;); Remoted.method(42); © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 64. Overloaded Methods Why? • It saves you from creating multiple proxy methods to existing APIs © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 65. What’s Next © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 66. Top Directions for DWR 3.1 Shorter release cycle Gears SMD Dojo: • Reverse Ajax API support • Auto-build Rest © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 67. Any Questions? • • © SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved