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Co-funded by the European Commission
Horizon 2020 - Grant #777154
Fogbow: a Middleware for the
Federation of IaaS Cloud
Francisco Brasileiro @AtmosphereEUBR
• IaaS deployment models
– Motivation for the federation of IaaS providers
• Key requirements for the implementation of
cloud federation
• Fogbow’s design
• Use cases
High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018 2
IaaS deployment models
• Public cloud providers
– Shared multi-site infrastructures
– Economy of scale leads to very efficient providers
– Provides higher elasticity to users
– Pay-as-you-go pricing scheme reduces upfront
investments to users
– Might raise security and privacy concerns
3High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
IaaS deployment models
• Private cloud providers
– Dedicated (typically) single-site infrastructures
– Brings no new security and privacy concerns
– Smaller than public providers, thus tend to be
less efficient
– Normally, less elastic than public providers
• More restrictive usage quotas
4High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018

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The IANA Stewardship Transition Overview & Background

The document discusses the IANA stewardship transition process. It provides background on the historical role of the US government in overseeing the IANA functions and ICANN. Currently, the NTIA contracts with ICANN to perform the IANA functions through the IANA functions contract, and also has an Affirmation of Commitments with ICANN. The RIRs have proposed different models for enhancing accountability of the IANA functions operator after the transition. Discussions are ongoing on proposals to develop a multistakeholder oversight mechanism.

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AFRINIC is responsible for managing internet number resources like IP addresses and autonomous system numbers in Africa. It allocates these resources to members according to policies developed by the AFRINIC community through an open policy development process. To become an AFRINIC member and obtain number resources, an organization must meet criteria like being legally incorporated in Africa and having infrastructure on the continent. The membership process involves applying online, having the application evaluated, signing a registration services agreement, and paying fees before resources are allocated.

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The document provides an agenda and overview of a newcomers session that discusses the internet ecosystem in Africa and the role of organizations like AFRINIC. It introduces AFRINIC's mission to manage internet number resources professionally and efficiently for the African community. It outlines AFRINIC's governance structure, membership types, activities and initiatives like IPv6 training, the government working group, and public mailing lists.

Enhanced deployment models
• Multi-clouds (brokers)
– Allow multiple public clouds to be used,
increasing the portfolio of services available to
– Allow resource allocation driven by some
objective function (eg. minimize cost)
– If implemented in-house, may mitigate vendor
lock-in issue of public clouds
5High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
Enhanced deployment models
• Hybrid clouds
– Typically, extends the infrastructure of a private cloud
by allowing some of the workload to be outsourced
to a public cloud
– Improves the efficiency of the private cloud
– Provides access to multiple geographically distributed
• Useful for fault tolerance and attend geo-sensitive
– Sensitive workload might need to run in the private
part of the infrastructure
– Business model defined by the public clouds
6High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
Enhanced deployment models
• Federated/community clouds
– Shared multi-site infrastructures
• Fine control on how sharing is performed at each
autonomous site (from the providers point of view)
– Depending on how members trust each other,
may not raise extra security and privacy concerns
– May allow for higher elasticity
– More flexibility in defining business models
7High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
Requirements for the federation of
IaaS cloud providers
• Key requirements for effective federation
– Single sign-on
– Single API
• Additional requirements
– Federation-wide services
• Membership
• Accounting
• Catalogue of available services
• Private networks spanning multiple providers
• …
8High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018

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The document discusses several proposed updates and clarifications to AFRINIC's internet number resource policies. Key proposals include establishing mechanisms for IPv4 and ASN transfers between regions, clarifying policies around IPv6 and temporary resource usage, and reviewing member's IPv4 resources to identify non-compliance. Community participation is encouraged by subscribing to mailing lists and attending biannual meetings to propose policies and voice opinions.

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Conceptual outcomes of the Project as presented at the final review meeting in February 2019.

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The EGI Federated Cloud
The EGI Federated CloudThe EGI Federated Cloud
The EGI Federated Cloud

The document describes the EGI Federated Cloud, which federates public and private clouds across Europe and the world to provide cloud services for research communities at scale through open standards and an open marketplace of computing and storage resources from multiple providers. The EGI Federated Cloud aims to enable resilience, prevent vendor lock-in, and scale to user needs through the federation of heterogeneous cloud resources that are integrated into a common platform.

• Single IaaS Cloud Orchestrator that supports federation
– Offers common (and extensive) API by construction
– Relies on a federation-wide Identity Provider (IdP)
• Multiple IaaS Cloud Orchestrators
– Enhance the different cloud orchestrators to support:
• A chosen common (and normally narrow) API (eg. OCCI)
• Federation-wide IdP
• Federation-wide auxiliary services (eg. image management, membership, etc.)
– Relies on standards for conciliating different cloud orchestrators peculiarities
• IaaS Cloud Federation middleware
– Decouples federation functionalities from the orchestrator functionalities
– Offers common (more easily extensible) API by construction
– Uses adaptors (plug-ins) to provide interoperation with different
– Relies on standards for conciliating different orchestrators peculiarities
9High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
Using Fogbow to federate IaaS clouds
• Fogbow is a suite of microservices to provide effective
federation of IaaS cloud providers
– An allocation management service that provides a
standard API to manage resources anywhere in the
– A membership service to control which providers belong
to the federation
– Several auxiliary services to provide local and federated
services atop the above two basic services
• Open source project managed by the Federal
University of Campina Grande
– More details at and
10High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
Fogbow’s architecture
11High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
Plugin-based approach
• Fogbow fully supports the OCCI
API, and extends it to support:
– Membership operations
– Resource instantiation at remote
• Interoperability plugins make it
simple to support different cloud
• Behavioural plugins allow cloud
administrators to customize the
federation functionalities that
they deploy in their local cloud
High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018

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Presentation given by Fakrul Alam, APNIC Senior Training Officer, at the Indonesian Network Information Centre’s Open Policy Meeting (IDNIC OPM) held in Batam, Indonesia from 30 to 31 May 2016

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1. The SIP Parity Activity Group focuses on enabling migration from H.323 to SIP by providing a video profile for SIP that matches H.323 capabilities and developing best practice documents. 2. A recent interoperability testing event discovered an issue with RTCP feedback interoperability that will require updating the SIP Video Best Practice document. 3. Participation and successful testing results increased in the most recent testing event, though pass rates decreased, and interoperability of newer features like role-based video and security need continued improvement.

Multi-level A&A
• A&A is performed at multiple
– A local request carries a federation
access token that is A&A by
customized A&A federation services
– The allocation manager performs
A&A of remote requests considering
both the federation access token and
the identity of the requesting
allocation manager
– A&A federation tokens are mapped
to local access tokens that are used
to access the local cloud
– Mapping is autonomously defined by
each cloud administrator
High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
Implemented plugins
• Interoperability
– OpenStack, OpenNebula, CloudStack, Amazon EC2,
Microsoft Azure, VMWare (under development)
• Behavioural
– Authentication of federation users
• LDAP, X.509, Shibboleth
– Authorization at the federation level
• Allow-all, VOMS, OAuth
– Federation to local cloud user mapping
• All-to-one, VOMS-based, OAuth-based
14High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
Internet-friendly communication
• A messaging service
allows membership and
allocation managers to
communicate with each
other locally and
remotely, without
requiring them to have
their endpoints publicly
• A reverse tunnelling
service provides public
IP access to all virtual
machines created in the
private clouds, even if
the local cloud offers
only private IPs to these
virtual machines
High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
Auxiliary services
Local microservices
- Cloudbursting to other federation members
- Barter-based business model for the opportunistic execution of Bag-of-Tasks
- Accounting and billing
Federated microservices
- Federated private networks (vanilla version available, more sophisticated
SDN-based versions under development)
- Service catalogue (under development)
High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018

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This document discusses how companies of all sizes can leverage OpenStack-based private clouds. It provides an overview of IBM's private cloud offerings, including managed hosted private clouds, managed dedicated private clouds hosted in the IBM cloud data center, and Bluemix private clouds both with community edition cloud infrastructure and locally hosted in the customer's data center. It also discusses the division of responsibilities between IBM and customers and why IBM is well-positioned to provide private cloud solutions. The document then shares two customer examples that leveraged IBM's private cloud offerings to meet their needs. Finally, it discusses how Cloudsoft has used IBM's Bluemix private cloud globally to test their application management platform.

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Cybersecurity Opportunities Challenges APNIC
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Discussion of cybersecurity opportunities and challenges and how APNIC can assist with RPKI, DNSSEC, and BCP 38 implementation to help secure the Internet's infrastructure.

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JPNIC Update, by Izumi Okutani, Taiji Kimura [APNIC 38 / NIR SIG]
JPNIC Update, by Izumi Okutani, Taiji Kimura [APNIC 38 / NIR SIG]JPNIC Update, by Izumi Okutani, Taiji Kimura [APNIC 38 / NIR SIG]
JPNIC Update, by Izumi Okutani, Taiji Kimura [APNIC 38 / NIR SIG]

The document discusses updates from JPNIC, Japan's NIR organization. It provides an overview of JPNIC's activities, including number resource services, internet development activities, and its role as Japan's NIR. It also summarizes JPNIC's involvement in internet governance domestically and globally. This includes establishing the Internet Governance Conference Japan to discuss internet governance issues and keeping the Japanese technical community informed of major updates. Additionally, the document discusses JPNIC's progress developing an RPKI system to accommodate LIR RPKI hosting and CAs, with a planned release in February 2015.

Success stories so far
• Fogbow has been used to federate private clouds in a research
project that involved Brazilian and European institutions
– VOMS was used to implement the federation level A&A
– This federation had OpenStack and OpenNebula clouds
• The Brazilian NREN (RNP) is currently experimenting the use of
Fogbow to federate its private clouds and those of some of its
– RNP’s federation of identity providers – CAFe – (Shibboleth-based) is
used to implement authentication at the federation level
– This federation has OpenStack, OpenNebula and CloudStack clouds
• The ATMOSPHERE project (co-funded by RNP/Brazil and the EC) is
enhancing Fogbow to support the creation of private networks
spanning multiple sites in a federation of IaaS cloud providers
17High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
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High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018

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ATMOSPHERE at HPC2018 – Fogbow: Middleware for the Federation of IaaS Cloud Providers

  • 1. Co-funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 - Grant #777154 Fogbow: a Middleware for the Federation of IaaS Cloud Providers Francisco Brasileiro @AtmosphereEUBR
  • 2. Agenda • IaaS deployment models – Motivation for the federation of IaaS providers • Key requirements for the implementation of cloud federation • Fogbow’s design • Use cases High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018 2
  • 3. IaaS deployment models • Public cloud providers – Shared multi-site infrastructures – Economy of scale leads to very efficient providers – Provides higher elasticity to users – Pay-as-you-go pricing scheme reduces upfront investments to users – Might raise security and privacy concerns 3High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
  • 4. IaaS deployment models • Private cloud providers – Dedicated (typically) single-site infrastructures – Brings no new security and privacy concerns – Smaller than public providers, thus tend to be less efficient – Normally, less elastic than public providers • More restrictive usage quotas 4High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
  • 5. Enhanced deployment models • Multi-clouds (brokers) – Allow multiple public clouds to be used, increasing the portfolio of services available to users – Allow resource allocation driven by some objective function (eg. minimize cost) – If implemented in-house, may mitigate vendor lock-in issue of public clouds 5High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
  • 6. Enhanced deployment models • Hybrid clouds – Typically, extends the infrastructure of a private cloud by allowing some of the workload to be outsourced to a public cloud – Improves the efficiency of the private cloud – Provides access to multiple geographically distributed sites • Useful for fault tolerance and attend geo-sensitive workloads – Sensitive workload might need to run in the private part of the infrastructure – Business model defined by the public clouds 6High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
  • 7. Enhanced deployment models • Federated/community clouds – Shared multi-site infrastructures • Fine control on how sharing is performed at each autonomous site (from the providers point of view) – Depending on how members trust each other, may not raise extra security and privacy concerns – May allow for higher elasticity – More flexibility in defining business models 7High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
  • 8. Requirements for the federation of IaaS cloud providers • Key requirements for effective federation – Single sign-on – Single API • Additional requirements – Federation-wide services • Membership • Accounting • Catalogue of available services • Private networks spanning multiple providers • … 8High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
  • 9. Approaches • Single IaaS Cloud Orchestrator that supports federation – Offers common (and extensive) API by construction – Relies on a federation-wide Identity Provider (IdP) • Multiple IaaS Cloud Orchestrators – Enhance the different cloud orchestrators to support: • A chosen common (and normally narrow) API (eg. OCCI) • Federation-wide IdP • Federation-wide auxiliary services (eg. image management, membership, etc.) – Relies on standards for conciliating different cloud orchestrators peculiarities • IaaS Cloud Federation middleware – Decouples federation functionalities from the orchestrator functionalities – Offers common (more easily extensible) API by construction – Uses adaptors (plug-ins) to provide interoperation with different orchestrators – Relies on standards for conciliating different orchestrators peculiarities 9High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
  • 10. Using Fogbow to federate IaaS clouds • Fogbow is a suite of microservices to provide effective federation of IaaS cloud providers – An allocation management service that provides a standard API to manage resources anywhere in the infrastructure – A membership service to control which providers belong to the federation – Several auxiliary services to provide local and federated services atop the above two basic services • Open source project managed by the Federal University of Campina Grande – More details at and 10High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
  • 11. Fogbow’s architecture 11High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
  • 12. Plugin-based approach 12 • Fogbow fully supports the OCCI API, and extends it to support: – Membership operations – Resource instantiation at remote locations • Interoperability plugins make it simple to support different cloud orchestrators • Behavioural plugins allow cloud administrators to customize the federation functionalities that they deploy in their local cloud High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
  • 13. Multi-level A&A 13 • A&A is performed at multiple levels – A local request carries a federation access token that is A&A by customized A&A federation services – The allocation manager performs A&A of remote requests considering both the federation access token and the identity of the requesting allocation manager – A&A federation tokens are mapped to local access tokens that are used to access the local cloud – Mapping is autonomously defined by each cloud administrator High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
  • 14. Implemented plugins • Interoperability – OpenStack, OpenNebula, CloudStack, Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure, VMWare (under development) • Behavioural – Authentication of federation users • LDAP, X.509, Shibboleth – Authorization at the federation level • Allow-all, VOMS, OAuth – Federation to local cloud user mapping • All-to-one, VOMS-based, OAuth-based 14High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
  • 15. Internet-friendly communication 15 • A messaging service allows membership and allocation managers to communicate with each other locally and remotely, without requiring them to have their endpoints publicly accessible • A reverse tunnelling service provides public IP access to all virtual machines created in the private clouds, even if the local cloud offers only private IPs to these virtual machines High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
  • 16. Auxiliary services 16 Local microservices - Cloudbursting to other federation members - Barter-based business model for the opportunistic execution of Bag-of-Tasks applications - Accounting and billing Federated microservices - Federated private networks (vanilla version available, more sophisticated SDN-based versions under development) - Service catalogue (under development) High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
  • 17. Success stories so far • Fogbow has been used to federate private clouds in a research project that involved Brazilian and European institutions ( – VOMS was used to implement the federation level A&A – This federation had OpenStack and OpenNebula clouds • The Brazilian NREN (RNP) is currently experimenting the use of Fogbow to federate its private clouds and those of some of its clients – RNP’s federation of identity providers – CAFe – (Shibboleth-based) is used to implement authentication at the federation level – This federation has OpenStack, OpenNebula and CloudStack clouds • The ATMOSPHERE project (co-funded by RNP/Brazil and the EC) is enhancing Fogbow to support the creation of private networks spanning multiple sites in a federation of IaaS cloud providers 17High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018
  • 18. Thanks for your attention! 18 Check it out here! Get on board! Download and use it! High Performance Computing Workshop, Cetraro, July 5th, 2018