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© FIDO Alliance 2021
© FIDO Alliance 2021
© FIDO Alliance 2021
Today’s Speakers
Dr. Rae Rivera
Director of Certification
FIDO Alliance
Megan Shamas
Director of Marketing &
Chief Question Asker
FIDO Alliance
© FIDO Alliance 2021

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FIDO and Adaptive Authentication
FIDO and Adaptive AuthenticationFIDO and Adaptive Authentication
FIDO and Adaptive Authentication

A look at trends in consumer authentication, including the growth of FIDO Authentication and how it complements adaptive authentication.

fido alliancefidofido authentication
Authenticate 2021: Welcome Address
Authenticate 2021: Welcome AddressAuthenticate 2021: Welcome Address
Authenticate 2021: Welcome Address

The document provides an overview and introduction to the Authenticate 2021 conference. It discusses the growing need for strong user authentication given increased cyberattacks. It summarizes the FIDO Alliance's work in developing open authentication standards like WebAuthn and U2F to enable simpler and more secure authentication using public key cryptography and moving away from password-based systems. The document outlines the growing adoption of FIDO standards by companies and devices. It previews sessions and speakers at the conference and next steps for the FIDO Alliance to further authentication security and adoption.

FIDO & PSD2 – Achieving Strong Customer Authentication Compliance
FIDO & PSD2 – Achieving Strong Customer Authentication ComplianceFIDO & PSD2 – Achieving Strong Customer Authentication Compliance
FIDO & PSD2 – Achieving Strong Customer Authentication Compliance

The Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) and the associated Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on strong customer authentication and secure communication impose stringent requirements on multi-factor authentication and on the security of implementations. Payment Service Providers will want to know whether the authentication solutions they put in place conform to the RTS both in terms of functionality and security. The FIDO Alliance standards are based on multi-factor authentication and are a strong fit for PSD2 compliance. The FIDO Alliance’s certification program provides an independent evaluation of functional compliance to the standards as well as of the achieved level of security of FIDO authenticators. Featuring industry experts, this presentation explores how FIDO can resolve key issues, including: • How the FIDO standards conform to the RTS • How FIDO’s certification program guarantees this conformity • How FIDO’s certification program provides for the mandatory security evaluation imposed by the RTS

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© FIDO Alliance 2021
Standardization for
© FIDO Alliance 2021
FIDO’s Perspective
© FIDO Alliance 2021
© FIDO Alliance 2021
Stand out against competition
Increased product rigor
Competitive edge

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The State of FIDO
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The State of FIDO

Executive Director and Chief Marketing Officer of FIDO Alliance, Andrew Shikiar updates viewers on the State of FIDO.

fido alliancefidoidentiverse
The Value of FIDO Certification
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The Value of FIDO Certification

This presentation details the FIDO Alliance Certification Program - including an overview of the programs, process and the value of certification for both vendors and relying parties.

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FIDO2 & Microsoft
FIDO2 & MicrosoftFIDO2 & Microsoft
FIDO2 & Microsoft

Presented at FIDO Authentication Seminar – Tokyo By: Anthony Nadalin, Chief Security Architect, Microsoft; Co-Chair, FIDO2 Technology Working Group

© FIDO Alliance 2021
© FIDO Alliance 2021
Confidence in
product quality
Security and
Product rigor
© FIDO Alliance 2021
© FIDO Alliance 2021

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Market Study on Mobile Authentication
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Market Study on Mobile Authentication

The document discusses mobile authentication and the growing market for connected devices. It summarizes Nok Nok Labs' solutions for securely authenticating users and devices using biometrics on mobile phones. Nok Nok Labs has provided mobile authentication solutions for major companies in financial services, IoT security, and mobile carriers to replace passwords with stronger authentication methods. The document highlights case studies of deployments and strategic partnerships with companies seeking more secure authentication for their customers and devices.

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Normalization of Security Key User Experience
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Normalization of Security Key User Experience

This document discusses passwordless authentication using FIDO implementations. It provides a baseline study examining FIDO U2F deployments across different platforms and products. The study found a lack of consistent terminology, authentication methods, and browser support across services. Consistent user experiences are important for consumer adoption of passwordless authentication. The solution needs to be more convenient than passwords while providing security that consumers understand and value.

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U2F Tutorial - Authentication Tokens for Enterprise and Consumers
U2F Tutorial - Authentication Tokens for Enterprise and ConsumersU2F Tutorial - Authentication Tokens for Enterprise and Consumers
U2F Tutorial - Authentication Tokens for Enterprise and Consumers

A technical tutorial on deploying FIDO U2F specifications for security tokens for enterprise and consumer authentication.

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© FIDO Alliance 2021
Functional Certification
Conformance Test Validation
• Validates product against
• Validates implementability of
product in the marketplace
© FIDO Alliance 2021
© FIDO Alliance 2021
© FIDO Alliance 2021
Secretariat or

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FIDO Authentication in a Mobile Network
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FIDO Authentication in a Mobile Network

This document discusses using FIDO authentication in mobile networks. It addresses why multi-factor authentication is important for security and usability. It develops a digital identity ecosystem centered around mobility, leveraging mobile network operator assets. It proposes implementing FIDO authentication to support use cases across various industries, making authentication more universal across devices. FIDO provides a complimentary, standards-based secure authentication solution for mobile network operators.

fido alliancefidofido authentication
Lifecycle Consideration for Security Key Deployments
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Lifecycle Consideration for Security Key Deployments

This document discusses lifecycle considerations for security key deployments. It covers account registration, device registration, and account recovery. For account recovery, it recommends using multiple security keys to allow for self-recovery. It also recommends expanding existing identity proofing mechanisms used during initial registration to be used during account recovery. The document discusses both self-service and assisted account recovery options.

fido alliancefidofido authentication
Javelin Research 2017 State of Authentication Report
Javelin Research 2017 State of Authentication ReportJavelin Research 2017 State of Authentication Report
Javelin Research 2017 State of Authentication Report

This presentation includes an introduction to the FIDO Alliance along with analysis on the state of consumer and enterprise authentication among U.S. businesses based upon the findings in the 2017 State of Authentication Report by Javelin Strategy & Research. It also includes recommendations on when companies should strongly consider high-assurance strong authentication.

fido alliancefidofido authentication
© FIDO Alliance 2021
Level 1
• Basic authenticator security
• Software based solutions
Level 2
• Adds Allowed Restricted Operating Requirement (AROE)
• Increased assurances based on the AROE
Level 3
• All requirements of level 1 and 2, with added assurances
related to hardware protections
• Companion Program required
© FIDO Alliance 2021
© FIDO Alliance 2021
© FIDO Alliance 2021
What is tested?
• False Accept Rate (FAR)
• False Reject Rate (FRR)
• Presentation Attack Detection (PAD)
• Program includes Self-attestation (validated based on vendor test data)
Using a Certified Biometric Subcomponent:
• Optional for Authenticators using a Biometric at L1-L2.
• The Security Requirements enforce Biometric Certification of the
biometric at L3 and higher when a biometric is used in the authenticator.
• Once L2+ is finalized Biometric Certification will also be required
• Results in a “FIDO Certified” Authenticator

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FIDO Authentication Technical Overview
FIDO Authentication Technical OverviewFIDO Authentication Technical Overview
FIDO Authentication Technical Overview

A detailed, technical look at the FIDO specifications including the use cases, registration, authentication and fundamentals of FIDO.

fido alliancefidofido authentication
FIDO and the Future of User Authentication
FIDO and the Future of User AuthenticationFIDO and the Future of User Authentication
FIDO and the Future of User Authentication

The document discusses the problems with password-based authentication and introduces FIDO authentication as a solution. It summarizes that FIDO authentication uses public key cryptography to allow users to authenticate with a single gesture on their device, without needing shared secrets or passwords. FIDO authentication is being adopted by major companies and specifications are standardized, with over 500 authenticators certified for compatibility and security. The presentation promotes FIDO as the future of secure, usable authentication.

fido alliancefidofido authentication
Technical Principles of FIDO Authentication
Technical Principles of FIDO AuthenticationTechnical Principles of FIDO Authentication
Technical Principles of FIDO Authentication

The document discusses technical principles of FIDO authentication. It provides an overview of how FIDO works, including the FIDO ecosystem with authenticators, clients, servers and relying parties. It also summarizes the FIDO registration and authentication processes, which separate user verification from authentication through the use of public and private keys.

technical specificationsauthenticationfido authentication
© FIDO Alliance 2021
© FIDO Alliance 2021
© FIDO Alliance 2021
Thank you
© FIDO Alliance 2021
Ask FIDO Anything
Dr. Rae Rivera
Director of Certification
FIDO Alliance
Megan Shamas
Director of Marketing &
Chief Question Asker
FIDO Alliance

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Using FIDO Authenticator for IoT Devices
Using FIDO Authenticator for IoT DevicesUsing FIDO Authenticator for IoT Devices
Using FIDO Authenticator for IoT Devices

The document discusses using FIDO authenticators for IoT devices. It presents eWBM's biometric external FIDO authenticator and its security features. Potential applications of FIDO authentication for IoT are then described, including for device authentication over LoRa networks, drone control, and public WiFi access. The use of a BLE FIDO authenticator for personalized smart speaker services is also proposed. The conclusion recommends slimming down the FIDO client for embedded systems and achieving at least Security Level 2 certification for IoT authenticators.

fido alliancefido authenticationfido specifications
Global Regulatory Landscape for Strong Authentication
Global Regulatory Landscape for Strong AuthenticationGlobal Regulatory Landscape for Strong Authentication
Global Regulatory Landscape for Strong Authentication

The document discusses how governments are increasingly prioritizing strong authentication and looking to standards like FIDO to provide more secure, usable and privacy-preserving authentication. It notes that the UK and US governments have highlighted FIDO and endorsed its ability to deliver improved security without passwords. The document also discusses how authentication is an area of regulatory focus due to compliance needs around privacy, security and access across domains like digital government, healthcare, payments and financial services. It argues that FIDO specifications address regulatory needs by providing nimble, configurable and cost-effective strong authentication.

fido alliancefidofido authentication
FIDO Certified Program: Status & Futures
FIDO Certified Program: Status & FuturesFIDO Certified Program: Status & Futures
FIDO Certified Program: Status & Futures

An update for FIDO's Technical Director, Adam Powers, on the current status and upcoming changes to the FIDO Certified Program.

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Ask FIDO About Anything: Certification

  • 1. © FIDO Alliance 2021 1 WEBINAR
  • 3. © FIDO Alliance 2021 Today’s Speakers Dr. Rae Rivera Director of Certification FIDO Alliance Megan Shamas Director of Marketing & Chief Question Asker FIDO Alliance
  • 5. © FIDO Alliance 2021 Standardization for industry Market differentiation Regulatory requirement Consumer protection
  • 6. © FIDO Alliance 2021 FIDO’s Perspective
  • 8. © FIDO Alliance 2021 Stand out against competition Increased product rigor Competitive edge
  • 10. © FIDO Alliance 2021 Confidence in product quality Security and trust Informed purchases Product rigor
  • 11. © FIDO Alliance 2021 FIDOCertificationProgram
  • 12. © FIDO Alliance 2021 12
  • 13. © FIDO Alliance 2021 Functional Certification Conformance Test Validation • Validates product against specification Interoperability • Validates implementability of product in the marketplace
  • 14. © FIDO Alliance 2021 • • • 14
  • 15. © FIDO Alliance 2021 15 Functional Certification Security Evaluation Authenticator Certification
  • 16. © FIDO Alliance 2021 Vendor Questionnaire Test Procedures Secretariat or Lab Evaluation
  • 17. © FIDO Alliance 2021 17 AUTHENTICATOR SECURITY LEVELS Level 1 • Basic authenticator security • Software based solutions Level 2 • Adds Allowed Restricted Operating Requirement (AROE) • Increased assurances based on the AROE Level 3 • All requirements of level 1 and 2, with added assurances related to hardware protections • Companion Program required
  • 18. © FIDO Alliance 2021 18
  • 19. © FIDO Alliance 2021 19
  • 20. © FIDO Alliance 2021 20 What is tested? • False Accept Rate (FAR) • False Reject Rate (FRR) • Presentation Attack Detection (PAD) • Program includes Self-attestation (validated based on vendor test data) Using a Certified Biometric Subcomponent: • Optional for Authenticators using a Biometric at L1-L2. • The Security Requirements enforce Biometric Certification of the biometric at L3 and higher when a biometric is used in the authenticator. • Once L2+ is finalized Biometric Certification will also be required • Results in a “FIDO Certified” Authenticator
  • 21. © FIDO Alliance 2021 21
  • 22. © FIDO Alliance 2021 22
  • 23. © FIDO Alliance 2021 Thank you
  • 24. © FIDO Alliance 2021 Ask FIDO Anything Dr. Rae Rivera Director of Certification FIDO Alliance Megan Shamas Director of Marketing & Chief Question Asker FIDO Alliance

Editor's Notes

  1. Let me introduce today’s speakers… me, and Andrew Shikiar who is the FIDO Alliance executive director and chief marketing officer
  2. Functional Testing –compliant and conformant Interoperability testing
  3. We are seeing an increase in relying parties requesting products to be FIDO Certified, including specific level requirements to meet RP needs.
  4. Government agencies continue to recognize FIDO Certified products in the market. This is seen internationally within the authentication and identity space.
  5. This is a growing area for FIDO Alliance as we have seen with the Login with FIDO gain interest and increase awareness of FIDO products n the marketplace.
  6. Available to members and non-members; servers and SDKs
  7. The FIDO Certification Program is intended to certify FIDO authenticators (e.g. UAF, U2F) against FIDO specifications and some additional security requirements. Level 1 ensures implementations are conformant to the specifications, are interoperable, and meet basic security and privacy considerations. Level 1 is tested by FIDO. Level 2 and above require evaluation and/or testing by a FIDO Accredited Security Laboratory.
  8. Let me introduce today’s speakers… me, and Andrew Shikiar who is the FIDO Alliance executive director and chief marketing officer