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© FIDO Alliance 2021
© FIDO Alliance 2021
© FIDO Alliance 2021
Today’s Speakers
Andrew Shikiar
Executive Director & CMO
FIDO Alliance
David Turner
Director of Standards Development
FIDO Alliance
© FIDO Alliance 2021

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Webinar: Considerations for Deploying FIDO in the Enterprise
Webinar: Considerations for Deploying FIDO in the EnterpriseWebinar: Considerations for Deploying FIDO in the Enterprise
Webinar: Considerations for Deploying FIDO in the Enterprise

Passwords are archaic, and a danger to enterprise security. Now the accepted standard for multi-factor authentication (MFA), FIDO Authentication can be deployed in the enterprise for easier and secure access to corporate networks, applications, and workstations. Organizations that adopt FIDO will experience profound improvements in security, helpdesk costs, user experience, and productivity. But where to start? Attend this webinar to learn about considerations for deploying FIDO in the enterprise, including how to gradually rollout FIDO authentication and select the right authenticators and the right server policies for the right user cases. This webinar will provide essential education for any organization that wants to get started on eliminating passwords and securing the simple act of logging on within their company.

Webinar: Securing IoT with FIDO Authentication
Webinar: Securing IoT with FIDO AuthenticationWebinar: Securing IoT with FIDO Authentication
Webinar: Securing IoT with FIDO Authentication

IDC estimates that there will be 41.6 billion connected IoT devices by 2025, opening up opportunities for increased efficiencies and innovation across industries. Yet, lack of IoT security standards and typical processes such as shipping with default password credentials and manual onboarding leave devices, and the networks they operate on, open to large-scale attack. Last summer, the FIDO Alliance announced a new standards initiative to tackle these security issues in IoT. The Alliance’s IoT Technical Working Group aims to provide a comprehensive authentication framework for IoT devices in keeping with the fundamental mission of the Alliance – passwordless authentication. These webinar slides provide an update on this new work area, including: --How FIDO Authentication and existing specifications fit into the IoT ecosystem today --The charter and goals of the IoT TWG, including development of specifications for IoT device attestation/authentication profiles to enable interoperability between service providers and IoT devices; automated onboarding, and binding of applications and/or users to IoT devices; and IoT device authentication and provisioning via smart routers and IoT hubs --The progress of the working group to date, including the use case and target architectures the IoT TWG is looking at as a foundation for its specifications and certification program

fido alliancefidofido authentication
The Industrial Immune System
The Industrial Immune SystemThe Industrial Immune System
The Industrial Immune System

Eleanor Weaver and Simon Fellows presented on Darktrace, an artificial intelligence cybersecurity company that provides self-learning cyber defense systems. Darktrace's systems can passively learn normal operations without maintenance and detect threats across OT, IT, and IoT networks. The systems are protocol and technology agnostic, providing full visibility without needing to understand individual network configurations or protocols. Traditional security approaches like baselining lack context to distinguish normal operations from attacks and cannot detect existing compromises. Darktrace uses case studies to demonstrate how its systems have detected complex ransomware infections and external reconnaissance efforts on critical infrastructure networks.

machine learningaicyberai
© FIDO Alliance 2021
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
© FIDO Alliance 2021
5 Months
© FIDO Alliance 2021
Phishing in 2020
2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2020
Source: Safe Browsing (Google Transparency Report)
© FIDO Alliance 2021
Orgs suffered a successful
phishing attack in 2020
(RiskBased Security)
57% 18 million
COVID-19 themed malware and
phishing emails blocked per day
by Google
Have increased adoption of
ID verification as result of
e-commerce sites’ attempted
log-ins are compromised by stuffing
(Shape Security)
Execs who say the up their digital
transformation plans have sped up
due to COVID019
Orgs breached as a result of
a user password
Of online users with 5 or
fewer passwords
(FIDO Alliance)
See remote work as #1 use
case for passwordless

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Using FIDO Authenticator for IoT Devices
Using FIDO Authenticator for IoT DevicesUsing FIDO Authenticator for IoT Devices
Using FIDO Authenticator for IoT Devices

The document discusses using FIDO authenticators for IoT devices. It presents eWBM's biometric external FIDO authenticator and its security features. Potential applications of FIDO authentication for IoT are then described, including for device authentication over LoRa networks, drone control, and public WiFi access. The use of a BLE FIDO authenticator for personalized smart speaker services is also proposed. The conclusion recommends slimming down the FIDO client for embedded systems and achieving at least Security Level 2 certification for IoT authenticators.

fido alliancefido authenticationfido specifications
FIDO Authentication Technical Overview
FIDO Authentication Technical OverviewFIDO Authentication Technical Overview
FIDO Authentication Technical Overview

A detailed, technical look at the FIDO specifications including the use cases, registration, authentication and fundamentals of FIDO.

fido alliancefidofido authentication
2019 FIDO Tokyo Seminar - LINE PayへのFIDO2実装
2019 FIDO Tokyo Seminar - LINE PayへのFIDO2実装2019 FIDO Tokyo Seminar - LINE PayへのFIDO2実装
2019 FIDO Tokyo Seminar - LINE PayへのFIDO2実装

This document summarizes LINE's deployment of FIDO2 authentication for its LINE Pay service. It discusses how passwords are insecure and the root of many breaches. FIDO2 provides a stronger alternative using public/private key attestation and is designed to be privacy-preserving. LINE joined the FIDO Alliance in 2017 and certified its universal server in 2018. It has implemented FIDO2 authentication flows for iOS using Touch ID/Face ID and for Android. Future plans include expanding FIDO2 to more financial services and LINE applications to encourage password-less authentication.

line corporationlinefido2
© FIDO Alliance 2021
© FIDO Alliance 2021
Poor Easy
• Single Gesture
• Possession-based
• Phishing-resistant
Open standards for simpler,
stronger authentication using
public key cryptography
© FIDO Alliance 2021
+ Sponsor members + Associate members + Liaison members
Backed by global tech leaders
© FIDO Alliance 2021
User verification
Require user gesture before
private key can be used
Private key dedicated
to one app
Public key

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Deploying FIDO Authentication - Business Considerations
Deploying FIDO Authentication  - Business ConsiderationsDeploying FIDO Authentication  - Business Considerations
Deploying FIDO Authentication - Business Considerations

The document discusses modern authentication and Nok Nok Labs' role in pioneering this area. It notes that Nok Nok Labs invented modern authentication, founded and led the FIDO Alliance, and has deployed authentication solutions for major markets. The document promotes the benefits of leveraging modern authentication, such as improved customer experience, higher retention and satisfaction, and reduced fraud and costs. It argues that authentication, security, and privacy will be vital for society with the rise of cloud services, IoT, and other technologies.

fido alliancefidofido authentication
FIDO Authentication Technical Overview
FIDO Authentication Technical OverviewFIDO Authentication Technical Overview
FIDO Authentication Technical Overview

A detailed look at FIDO Authentication, how FIDO works, FIDO & federation, attestation and meta data, and more.

fido alliancefidofido authentication
FIDO in Action: Real World Development Case Studies
FIDO in Action: Real World Development Case StudiesFIDO in Action: Real World Development Case Studies
FIDO in Action: Real World Development Case Studies

This document summarizes case studies of two companies, Intuit and T-Mobile, deploying passwordless authentication using Nok Nok's FIDO solution. Intuit wanted to improve security while providing a seamless customer experience on mobile and web. Their implementation of Nok Nok's FIDO reduced authentication failures from 20-15% to under 1% and cut authentication time by 20%. T-Mobile aimed to reduce password pains and increase confidence in the right user accessing accounts. Their rollout of Nok Nok's FIDO cut password resets by 65% and saw 50% adoption in the first 5 months. Both companies were able to successfully deploy modern, standards-based passwordless authentication improving the customer experience

seoul seminar 2019
© FIDO Alliance 2021
Regulatory Trends Government Members
NGO Engagement
Government Deployments
Taiwan Ministry of Finance
© FIDO Alliance 2021
© FIDO Alliance 2021
2020 Highlights:
© FIDO Alliance 2021
Implemented / Stable In Development Not Supported / No ETA
2020 Highlights:
FIDO Platform / Browser Support

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The Value of FIDO Certification
The Value of FIDO CertificationThe Value of FIDO Certification
The Value of FIDO Certification

This presentation details the FIDO Alliance Certification Program - including an overview of the programs, process and the value of certification for both vendors and relying parties.

fido alliancefidofido authentication
FIDO: The Value of Certification
FIDO: The Value of CertificationFIDO: The Value of Certification
FIDO: The Value of Certification

This document discusses FIDO certification programs which provide standardized testing to validate that products meet specifications and are interoperable. It outlines different certification programs for authenticators, IoT devices, and digital identity. Functional certification tests conformance to specifications while interoperability testing validates implementability. Authenticator certification has three security levels which add increased security requirements and assurances. Certification provides benefits like regulatory compliance, consumer protection, and confidence in product quality.

Fido U2F Protocol by Ather Ali
Fido U2F Protocol by Ather Ali Fido U2F Protocol by Ather Ali
Fido U2F Protocol by Ather Ali

The document discusses U2F (Universal 2nd Factor) authentication. It describes the FIDO Alliance, an organization that aims to develop open authentication standards to replace passwords. The FIDO Alliance has two specifications, UAF and U2F, that allow websites to interface with a variety of security devices. U2F provides a simple and secure authentication method where the user inserts and presses a button on their security key device for authentication across multiple services. This method is resistant to phishing and man-in-the-middle attacks since each device has unique cryptographic keys.

© FIDO Alliance 2021
Over 4 Billion Devices can now
support FIDO Authentication
© FIDO Alliance 2021
© FIDO Alliance 2021
© FIDO Alliance 2021
FIDO is Becoming Part of the Web’s DNA

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FIDO Privacy Principles and Approach
FIDO Privacy Principles and ApproachFIDO Privacy Principles and Approach
FIDO Privacy Principles and Approach

This document discusses the FIDO Alliance's approach to privacy in authentication. It outlines the history of privacy by design principles and how FIDO implemented them. Key points include that FIDO aims to keep user verification and biometric data local to the authenticator, prevents linkability between accounts, and allows de-registration at any time in accordance with privacy principles. The document also maps FIDO's approach to relevant regulatory requirements around privacy.

information securitypresentationfido alliance
FIDO Certified Program: The Value of Certification
FIDO Certified Program: The Value of Certification FIDO Certified Program: The Value of Certification
FIDO Certified Program: The Value of Certification

A look at FIDO Certification program, including functional, authenticator and biometric; the value of certification for relaying parties and vendors, and how to get started.

fido alliancefidofido certified
The FIDO Alliance Today: Status and News
The FIDO Alliance Today: Status and NewsThe FIDO Alliance Today: Status and News
The FIDO Alliance Today: Status and News

The FIDO Alliance invites you to learn how simplify strong authentication for web services. This presentation was part of our FIDO Alliance Seminar in Tokyo, Japan, in November, 2015.

information technologyauthenticationfido alliance
© FIDO Alliance 2021
© FIDO Alliance 2021
Promoting Experiences, Best Practices
UX Guidance
Case Studies
Powered by FIDO
5/4/2020 Login with F
IDO -SayGoodbye to P
. c
om 1/5
FIDO GivesYoua
“Fast Identity Online”
FIDO iswhat’scalled a“standard.
” LikeWiFi,or Bluetooth.It workson any web browser and on
all of your devices,includingour smartphone,desktop or laptop computer,tablet,or smartwatch.
FIDO makesloggingin to your onlineaccountsmuch easier,whilekeepingyour info safefrom
hackersand trackers.
How FIDO Works
Onceawebsitehasturned on FIDO,
you'll beableto login with threeeasy steps
Login HasNever
Been Easier-Or
Remembering a different password for all of your
web accountsisa pain! And if you use the same one
all the time,cybercriminalsmay be able to take over
your account.FIDO isnew technology that letsyou
sign in to any website securely ...without relying on a
 Seehow it works
© FIDO Alliance 2021
Device & User Verification
and Onboarding
Strengthen identity verification assurance to
support better account recovery
Automate secure device onboarding to remove
password use from IoT.
Device & User Verification
and Onboarding
• The FIDO Alliance has chosen to enter the IOT space (announced 26th June 2019)
o IOT WG members include leading Cloud Service Providers, semiconductor manufacturers, security
specialists and OEMs.
• The IoT TWG has been established to develop use cases, target architectures, and specifications
covering the following topics: IoT Device Attestation/Authentication profiles to enable interoperability
between relying parties and IoT devices, automated onboarding, and binding of applications and/or
users to IoT devices, IoT device authentication and provisioning via smart routers and IoT hubs, and gap
analysis and extensions/modifications (where necessary) of existing FIDO specifications related to IoT
authentication, platforms and protocols.
• Intel has contributed the SDO specification to the FIDO Alliance
• Draft version of FIDO specification available
Creating an Industrial IoT Standard
© FIDO Alliance 2021

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FIDO, Federation and the Internet of Things
 FIDO, Federation and the Internet of Things FIDO, Federation and the Internet of Things
FIDO, Federation and the Internet of Things

Learn how FIDO-based authentication can complement federated authentication - and why they are better together. The FIDO Alliance invites you to learn how simplify strong authentication for web services. FIDO specifications can help all organizations, especially service providers who want to scale these features for consumer services over the web. Essentially, FIDO offers a simple, low-cost way to improve security and the online experience.

federationstandardsonline security
FIDO Authentication: Unphishable MFA for All
FIDO Authentication: Unphishable MFA for AllFIDO Authentication: Unphishable MFA for All
FIDO Authentication: Unphishable MFA for All

This document discusses the growing adoption of FIDO authentication standards for passwordless, phishing-resistant multi-factor authentication. It predicts that in 2022, enterprise passwordless deployments will grow rapidly as mobile platforms provide consumer-ready solutions at scale. The document outlines how FIDO specifications offer simpler and stronger authentication using public key cryptography backed by major technology companies. It notes that over 5 billion devices now support FIDO and more than 150 million people are using passwordless methods each month. Government policies are evolving to recognize FIDO authentication as the preferred choice and gold standard for phishing-resistant multi-factor authentication.

fido alliancefido authentication
FIDO Masterclass
FIDO MasterclassFIDO Masterclass
FIDO Masterclass

The document discusses FIDO Alliance's efforts to create simpler and stronger authentication standards to replace passwords. It provides an overview of FIDO authentication, including how it works, adoption rates, and certification programs. It also summarizes the Alliance's work in identity verification, binding, and FIDO Device Onboarding to fill gaps and further the passwordless vision.

© FIDO Alliance 2021
Starting now
Define acceptance
criteria for identity
document verification.
Create test program
to support adoption of
these criteria.
Define acceptance
criteria for facial
similarity: Matching the
biometric from the Govt
ID to a selfie and/or
live video.
Binding verification
results to FIDO
Work underway
© FIDO Alliance 2021
© FIDO Alliance 2021
The Future of User Authentication
FIDO Authentication is the industry’s answer to the password problem
FIDO represents the
efforts of the world’s
largest companies
Leading service
providers are using FIDO
Native app and web
support allows scalable
Built-in support on
leading browsers and
Phishing resistance
prevents account
Reduces sign in times
and increases login
success rates
Credentials and
biometrics never leave
Leverages technologies
built into everyday
consumer devices
© FIDO Alliance 2021
Ask Us

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FIDO Alliance: Welcome and FIDO Update.pptx
FIDO Alliance: Welcome and FIDO Update.pptxFIDO Alliance: Welcome and FIDO Update.pptx
FIDO Alliance: Welcome and FIDO Update.pptx

This document provides a summary of a presentation on passwordless authentication and the role of the FIDO Alliance. It begins with statistics showing the increasing costs and impacts of cyberattacks targeting financial services. The presentation then discusses predictions that phishing attacks and MFA bypass attacks will continue to grow. However, it also predicts that enterprise passwordless deployments and consumer-ready solutions will increase rapidly. The rest of the presentation focuses on the FIDO Alliance's work to develop open standards for simpler and stronger authentication using public key cryptography and possession-based credentials like "passkeys." It discusses growing browser, platform and government support for FIDO and the Alliance's initiatives to further improve usability while maintaining security, such as new guidelines

Welcome and FIDO Update.pptx
Welcome and FIDO Update.pptxWelcome and FIDO Update.pptx
Welcome and FIDO Update.pptx

This document provides a summary of a presentation on passwordless authentication and the role of the FIDO Alliance. It begins with statistics showing the high costs of cyberattacks for financial institutions and the importance of security for consumer trust. The presentation then discusses predictions that phishing attacks and MFA bypass attacks will rise in 2022-2023. It outlines how FIDO authentication works using public key cryptography during a single user gesture to securely authenticate users. The presentation notes growing support from browsers, operating systems, governments, and global companies and outlines the FIDO Alliance's focus on improving usability while maintaining security, such as through new multi-device credential standards. It predicts these solutions will help address credential-based attacks and enable

Consumer Attitudes Toward Strong Authentication &
Consumer Attitudes Toward Strong Authentication & LoginWithFIDO.comConsumer Attitudes Toward Strong Authentication &
Consumer Attitudes Toward Strong Authentication &

The FIDO Alliance has launched a new microsite,, for high level, non-technical information about FIDO for consumers and service providers. As part of this project, we wanted to learn more about consumer attitudes and habits around authentication. What are their password habits? What do they think about the FIDO approach? Do they want to see FIDO at login? To find out, we conducted a survey of 1,000 U.S. consumers – the results of which were shared on this webinar. These slides include the findings from our research and how you may be able to utilize the data for your own FIDO offerings and/or deployments. This webinar includes: --How many different passwords consumers really use for their online accounts --What tactics they use for password management and how often they are resetting passwords and --Their familiarity with various types of authentication technologies including SMS OTPs, biometrics and others --The types of apps and services where consumers most want to use FIDO --How consumers want to be communicated with about FIDO at enrollment and login We also gave the audience a detailed look at and how you can consider using it for your own educational initiatives around FIDO. You’ll learn: --How to navigate through the microsite and its two landing pages --How you can reference the site and its materials for your own offerings and deployments --Added insights into how to utilize FIDO’s consumer-facing marks

fido alliancefidofido authentication

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Webinar: Catch Up with FIDO Plus AMA Session

  • 3. © FIDO Alliance 2021 Today’s Speakers Andrew Shikiar Executive Director & CMO FIDO Alliance David Turner Director of Standards Development FIDO Alliance
  • 5. © FIDO Alliance 2021 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 5
  • 6. © FIDO Alliance 2021 2021 2022 2023 5 MONTHS 6 5 Months
  • 7. © FIDO Alliance 2021 Meanwhile… Phishing in 2020 7 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2020 Source: Safe Browsing (Google Transparency Report)
  • 8. © FIDO Alliance 2021 8 Orgs suffered a successful phishing attack in 2020 (RiskBased Security) 57% 18 million COVID-19 themed malware and phishing emails blocked per day by Google 73% Have increased adoption of ID verification as result of COVID-19 (Trulioo) e-commerce sites’ attempted log-ins are compromised by stuffing (Shape Security) 80-90% Execs who say the up their digital transformation plans have sped up due to COVID019 (Trulioo) 97% Orgs breached as a result of a user password compromise (MobileIron) 42% Of online users with 5 or fewer passwords (FIDO Alliance) 52% See remote work as #1 use case for passwordless authentication (HYPR) 86%
  • 10. © FIDO Alliance 2021 10 Security Usability Poor Easy Weak Strong = • Single Gesture • Possession-based • Phishing-resistant Open standards for simpler, stronger authentication using public key cryptography
  • 11. © FIDO Alliance 2021 + Sponsor members + Associate members + Liaison members Backed by global tech leaders 11
  • 12. © FIDO Alliance 2021 User verification Require user gesture before private key can be used Authenticator FIDO Authentication Private key dedicated to one app Public key
  • 13. © FIDO Alliance 2021 13 Regulatory Trends Government Members NGO Engagement Government Deployments Taiwan Ministry of Finance GDPR PSD2 13
  • 14. © FIDO Alliance 2021 15
  • 15. © FIDO Alliance 2021 2020 Highlights: 16
  • 16. © FIDO Alliance 2021 Implemented / Stable In Development Not Supported / No ETA 2020 Highlights: FIDO Platform / Browser Support 17
  • 17. © FIDO Alliance 2021 Over 4 Billion Devices can now support FIDO Authentication 18
  • 18. © FIDO Alliance 2021 19
  • 19. © FIDO Alliance 2021 20
  • 20. © FIDO Alliance 2021 21 FIDO is Becoming Part of the Web’s DNA
  • 21. © FIDO Alliance 2021 22
  • 22. © FIDO Alliance 2021 ACCELERATING ADOPTION: Promoting Experiences, Best Practices 23 UX Guidance Case Studies Powered by FIDO 5/4/2020 Login with F IDO -SayGoodbye to P as s wor ds https ://l oginwithf id o . c om 1/5 IT'SFAST, RELIABLE& SECURE FIDO GivesYoua “Fast Identity Online” FIDO iswhat’scalled a“standard. ” LikeWiFi,or Bluetooth.It workson any web browser and on all of your devices,includingour smartphone,desktop or laptop computer,tablet,or smartwatch. FIDO makesloggingin to your onlineaccountsmuch easier,whilekeepingyour info safefrom hackersand trackers. 3 EASY STEPS How FIDO Works Onceawebsitehasturned on FIDO, you'll beableto login with threeeasy steps Login HasNever Been Easier-Or Safer! Remembering a different password for all of your web accountsisa pain! And if you use the same one all the time,cybercriminalsmay be able to take over your account.FIDO isnew technology that letsyou sign in to any website securely ...without relying on a password!  Seehow it works Login
  • 23. © FIDO Alliance 2021 Device & User Verification and Onboarding Authentication Federation Single Sign-On Strengthen identity verification assurance to support better account recovery Automate secure device onboarding to remove password use from IoT. Device & User Verification and Onboarding 24
  • 24. • The FIDO Alliance has chosen to enter the IOT space (announced 26th June 2019) o IOT WG members include leading Cloud Service Providers, semiconductor manufacturers, security specialists and OEMs. • The IoT TWG has been established to develop use cases, target architectures, and specifications covering the following topics: IoT Device Attestation/Authentication profiles to enable interoperability between relying parties and IoT devices, automated onboarding, and binding of applications and/or users to IoT devices, IoT device authentication and provisioning via smart routers and IoT hubs, and gap analysis and extensions/modifications (where necessary) of existing FIDO specifications related to IoT authentication, platforms and protocols. • Intel has contributed the SDO specification to the FIDO Alliance • Draft version of FIDO specification available Creating an Industrial IoT Standard © FIDO Alliance 2021 25
  • 25. © FIDO Alliance 2021 26 Starting now Define acceptance criteria for identity document verification. Create test program to support adoption of these criteria. Define acceptance criteria for facial similarity: Matching the biometric from the Govt ID to a selfie and/or live video. Binding verification results to FIDO authenticators. Work underway
  • 26. © FIDO Alliance 2021 27
  • 27. © FIDO Alliance 2021 The Future of User Authentication FIDO Authentication is the industry’s answer to the password problem INDUSTRY BACKED FIDO represents the efforts of the world’s largest companies IN MARKET Leading service providers are using FIDO today FITS ALL USE CASES Native app and web support allows scalable deployments SUPPORTED Built-in support on leading browsers and platforms STRONGER Phishing resistance prevents account takeover FASTER Reduces sign in times and increases login success rates PRIVATE Credentials and biometrics never leave device CONVENIENT Leverages technologies built into everyday consumer devices 28
  • 28. © FIDO Alliance 2021 Ask Us Anything! 29