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Rolf Lindemann, Nok Nok Labs
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 2019
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 2019
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20193
Attacks require physical action → not scalable
Things are never 100% secure, so focus on adequate security.
Focus on the scalable attacks first.
Scalable Attacks
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20194
DeviceSomething Authentication
Risk Analytics

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Technical Principles of FIDO Authentication
Technical Principles of FIDO AuthenticationTechnical Principles of FIDO Authentication
Technical Principles of FIDO Authentication

An overview of the technical principles of the FIDO Authentication specifications for online authentication.

developerweb developmentfido alliance
The Value of FIDO Certification
The Value of FIDO CertificationThe Value of FIDO Certification
The Value of FIDO Certification

This presentation details the FIDO Alliance Certification Program - including an overview of the programs, process and the value of certification for both vendors and relying parties.

fido alliancefidofido authentication
FIDO Support for the GDPR
FIDO Support for the GDPRFIDO Support for the GDPR
FIDO Support for the GDPR

Presented at FIDO Authentication Seminar – Tokyo By: Alain Martin, VP, Strategic Partnerships, Gemalto; Secretary, FIDO Alliance Board of Directors; Co-Chair, FIDO Europe Working Group

gdprfido alliancefido
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All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20196
DeviceUser verification FIDO Authentication
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20197
AuthenticatorUser verification FIDO Authentication
Require user gesture before
private key can be used
(Signed) Response
Private key
dedicated to one
app Public key
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20198
AuthenticatorUser verification FIDO Authentication
… …SE

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Going Passwordless with Microsoft
Going Passwordless with MicrosoftGoing Passwordless with Microsoft
Going Passwordless with Microsoft

The document discusses Microsoft's strategy for going passwordless. It begins by outlining the problems with passwords, such as increased security incidents and support costs due to forgotten passwords. It then presents Microsoft's four step strategy to achieve the end-user and security promises of being passwordless: 1) deploy password replacement offerings, 2) reduce visible password surface area, 3) transition to passwordless methods, and 4) eliminate passwords from identity directories. Specific passwordless methods discussed include Windows Hello, Microsoft Authenticator, and FIDO2 security keys. The document demonstrates how these work across platforms and provides resources for learning more.

seoul seminar 2019
FIDO Authentication in the Shifting Regulatory Landscape
FIDO Authentication in the Shifting Regulatory LandscapeFIDO Authentication in the Shifting Regulatory Landscape
FIDO Authentication in the Shifting Regulatory Landscape

This document summarizes a presentation about FIDO authentication in shifting European regulatory landscapes. It discusses how FIDO helps with strong customer authentication requirements under PSD2 and GDPR regulations. FIDO simplifies the customer journey for authentication by using a single step instead of multiple steps like OTP. It also addresses privacy and data protection by design principles through storing credentials on devices instead of servers and preventing data leakage. The presentation argues that in light of security breaches and fines under regulations, service providers should replace passwords with stronger authentication like FIDO.

fido alliancefidofido authentication
FIDO Authentication Technical Overview
FIDO Authentication Technical OverviewFIDO Authentication Technical Overview
FIDO Authentication Technical Overview

A detailed look at FIDO Authentication, how FIDO works, FIDO & federation, attestation and meta data, and more.

fido alliancefidofido authentication
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20199
AuthenticatorUser verification FIDO Authentication
… …SE
How is the key protected
(TPM, SE, TEE, …)?
Which user verification
method is used?
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201910
attestation key
Signed Attestation Object
Understand Authenticator
security characteristic by
looking into Metadata from
FIDO Registration
Verify using trust anchor
included in Metadata
Relying parties can store
this for auditing purposes
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201911
We see “Bound” Authenticators,
i.e. authenticators that are an
integral part of a smartphone or laptop.
We see “Roaming” Authenticators,
i.e. authenticators that can be connected to
different smartphones or laptops using
In both categories you find support for different modalities
Verify User
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201912
AuthenticatorUser verification FIDO Authentication
Same Authenticator
as registered before?
Same User as
enrolled before?
Can recognize the user (i.e.
user verification), but doesn’t
know its identity attributes.

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A First Step to a World without Passwords
A First Step to a World without PasswordsA First Step to a World without Passwords
A First Step to a World without Passwords

1) LINE is replacing existing biometric authentication with FIDO2 authentication in their mobile payment app LINE Pay to enhance security following payment fraud incidents. 2) They plan to expand FIDO integration to more LINE platforms and countries starting with the iOS version of LINE Pay in Japan. 3) LINE has developed their own FIDO authenticator called LINE iOS FIDO2 Combo which leverages the iPhone's Touch ID/Face ID and provides attestation through a trusted security module and whitebox abstraction layer.

seoul seminar 2019
Introduction to FIDO Biometric Authentication
Introduction to FIDO Biometric AuthenticationIntroduction to FIDO Biometric Authentication
Introduction to FIDO Biometric Authentication

The model of password authentication is broken. FIDO is a new approach to authentication, including a modality for biometric authentication. Learn about the specification and the clear benefits of adding FIDO Authentication to Device APIs.

fido alliancefidobiometric authentication
FIDO2 & Microsoft
FIDO2 & MicrosoftFIDO2 & Microsoft
FIDO2 & Microsoft

Presented at FIDO Authentication Seminar – Tokyo By: Anthony Nadalin, Chief Security Architect, Microsoft; Co-Chair, FIDO2 Technology Working Group

All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201913
AuthenticatorUser verification FIDO Authentication
Same Authenticator
as registered before?
Same User as
enrolled before?
Can recognize the user (i.e.
user verification), but doesn’t
know its identity attributes.
Identity binding to be
done outside FIDO:
This this “John Doe
with customer ID X”.
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201914
FIDO Client
RP App FIDO Authentication
RP App
FIDO Server
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201915
User Device
RP App FIDO Authentication
RP App
FIDO Server
Service Provider
Knows details about the
Authentication strength
Knows details about the
Identity and its
verification strength.
First Mile Second Mile
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 2019

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FIDO & Mobile Connect
FIDO & Mobile ConnectFIDO & Mobile Connect
FIDO & Mobile Connect

Presented at GSMA Mobile Connect + FIDO Alliance: The Future of Strong Authentication By: David Pollington, Head of Service Access, GSMA

mobilemobile connectauthentication
Overview of FIDO Security Requirements and Certifications
Overview of FIDO Security Requirements and CertificationsOverview of FIDO Security Requirements and Certifications
Overview of FIDO Security Requirements and Certifications

1) The FIDO Alliance authentication certification program evaluates and certifies authenticators at different security levels to create trust between relying parties and authenticators. 2) Higher certification levels provide defenses against more sophisticated attacks, with Level 3+ providing the highest security against physical attacks on authenticator devices. 3) The certification process involves security reviews and penetration testing conducted by accredited laboratories. Companion certification programs can reduce the cost and time of certification for vendors.

fido alliancefido authenticationfido certification
FIDO Certified Program: The Value of Certification
FIDO Certified Program: The Value of Certification FIDO Certified Program: The Value of Certification
FIDO Certified Program: The Value of Certification

A look at FIDO Certification program, including functional, authenticator and biometric; the value of certification for relaying parties and vendors, and how to get started.

fido alliancefidofido certified
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201917
Supported In:
JavaScript API that enables
FIDO Authentication directly in web browsers
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201918
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201919
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201920
Password + OTP

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FIDO Authentication in Hong Kong
FIDO Authentication in Hong KongFIDO Authentication in Hong Kong
FIDO Authentication in Hong Kong

This document discusses authentication methods used in Hong Kong, including two-factor authentication (2FA). It summarizes how the FIDO standard fits well with Hong Kong's requirements, having been adopted by several banks and other organizations. The document also outlines some lessons learned from implementing FIDO in Hong Kong, including the need for broad handset support. It explores how FIDO could be expanded to other uses beyond authentication.

seoul seminar 2019
Beyond Passwords: FIDO & the Future of Consumer Authentication
Beyond Passwords: FIDO & the Future of Consumer AuthenticationBeyond Passwords: FIDO & the Future of Consumer Authentication
Beyond Passwords: FIDO & the Future of Consumer Authentication

An in-depth look at FIDO as high-assurance strong authentication, including the ecosystem, early adopters and how FIDO works.

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FIDO Alliance Vision and Status
FIDO Alliance Vision and StatusFIDO Alliance Vision and Status
FIDO Alliance Vision and Status

FIDO Alliance Vision and Status by Brett McDowell, FIDO Alliance - Presented at FIDO Seoul Public Seminar on December 5th, 2018

fido alliancefido authenticationfido specifications
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201921
Password + OTP
• Same user verification method
for all servers
In FIDO: Arbitrary user verification
methods are supported
(+ they are interoperable)
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201922
Password + OTP
In FIDO: Scalable security
depending on Authenticator
• Only public keys on server
• Not phishable
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201923
• Different authentication use-cases lead to different
authentication requirements
• FIDO separates user verification from authentication and
hence supports all user verification methods
• FIDO supports scalable convenience & security
• User verification data is known to Authenticator only
• FIDO complements federation
Rolf Lindemann, Nok Nok Labs
Thank You
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 2019

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FIDO Authentication Technical Overview
FIDO Authentication Technical OverviewFIDO Authentication Technical Overview
FIDO Authentication Technical Overview

A detailed, technical look at the FIDO specifications including the use cases, registration, authentication and fundamentals of FIDO.

fido alliancefidofido authentication
Technical Principles of FIDO Authentication
Technical Principles of FIDO AuthenticationTechnical Principles of FIDO Authentication
Technical Principles of FIDO Authentication

The document provides an overview of FIDO authentication including: 1. How FIDO authentication works by using an authenticator to verify the user and perform the authentication without revealing identity attributes. 2. The FIDO ecosystem involves authenticators, clients, servers, and metadata to understand authenticator security characteristics. 3. FIDO supports a range of authenticators from platform-based to roaming and different user verification methods while keeping user verification data private.

seoul seminar 2019
Getting to Know the FIDO Specifications - Technical Tutorial
Getting to Know the FIDO Specifications - Technical TutorialGetting to Know the FIDO Specifications - Technical Tutorial
Getting to Know the FIDO Specifications - Technical Tutorial

What if we could replace passwords with authentication that is stronger and simpler? Web service providers and enterprises worldwide are looking for a solution to move beyond the frustrating user experience and less-than-stellar security of single-factor password authentication systems. Today FIDO is that solution, providing a rich set of specifications and certifications for an emerging and interoperable ecosystem of hardware, mobile and biometrics-based devices. This ecosystem enables enterprises and web service providers to easily deploy strong authentication solutions that reduce password dependencies and provide a superior, simpler and trusted user experience. - Learn the ins and outs of FIDO’s specifications, including their applicability to both passwordless (UAF) and second factor (U2F) authentication use cases. - Learn how FIDO separates user verification from authentication along with other details on the FIDO registration and login process. - Learn how FIDO authentication protects user privacy and prevents phishing and man-in-the-middle attacks.

two-factor authenticationonline privacyfido alliance
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201925
accountInfo, challenge, [cOpts]
rpId, ai, hash(clientData), cryptoP, [exts]
verify user
key kpub
key kpriv
credential c
c,kpub,clientData,ac,tbs, s
key kpub
select Authenticator according to cOpts;
determine rpId, get tlsData;
clientData := {challenge, origin, rpId, hAlg, tlsData}
cOpts: crypto params, credential black list,
ac: attestation certificate chain
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201926
Authenticator Relying Party
rpId, [c,] hash(clientData)
select Authenticator according to policy;
check rpId, get tlsData (i.e. channel id, etc.);
lookup key handle h;
clientData := {challenge, rpId, tlsData}
clientData, cntr, exts, s
lookup kpub
from DB
exts +
key kpub
challenge, [aOpts]
verify user
key kpriv
process exts

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FIDO Alliance
FIDO Alliance Osaka Seminar: Overview.pdf
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FIDO Alliance
FIDO Alliance Osaka Seminar: Welcome Slides.pdf
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FIDO Alliance
FDO for Camera, Sensor and Networking Device – Commercial Solutions from VinC...
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FIDO Alliance
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FIDO Alliance
How Red Hat Uses FDO in Device Lifecycle _ Costin and Vitaliy at Red Hat.pdf
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FIDO Alliance
Secure Zero Touch enabled Edge compute with Dell NativeEdge via FDO _ Brad at...
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FIDO Alliance
Where to Learn More About FDO _ Richard at FIDO Alliance.pdf
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FIDO Alliance
Choosing the Right FDO Deployment Model for Your Application _ Geoffrey at In...
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FIDO Alliance
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Simplified FDO Manufacturing Flow with TPMs _ Liam at Infineon.pdf
FIDO Alliance
Linux Foundation Edge _ Overview of FDO Software Components _ Randy at Intel.pdf
Linux Foundation Edge _ Overview of FDO Software Components _ Randy at Intel.pdfLinux Foundation Edge _ Overview of FDO Software Components _ Randy at Intel.pdf
Linux Foundation Edge _ Overview of FDO Software Components _ Randy at Intel.pdf
FIDO Alliance
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The Value of Certifying Products for FDO _ Paul at FIDO Alliance.pdf
FIDO Alliance
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Introduction to FDO and How It works Applications _ Richard at FIDO Alliance.pdfIntroduction to FDO and How It works Applications _ Richard at FIDO Alliance.pdf
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Technical Principles of FIDO Authentication

  • 1. 1 TECHNICAL PRINCIPLES OF FIDO AUTHENTICATION Rolf Lindemann, Nok Nok Labs All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 2019
  • 2. 2 HOW SECURE IS AUTHENTICATION? All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 2019
  • 3. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20193 HOW SECURE IS AUTHENTICATION? Attacks require physical action → not scalable Things are never 100% secure, so focus on adequate security. Focus on the scalable attacks first. Scalable Attacks
  • 4. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20194 CLOUD AUTHENTICATION DeviceSomething Authentication Risk Analytics Internet
  • 5. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20195 HOW DOES FIDO WORK?
  • 6. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20196 HOW DOES FIDO WORK? DeviceUser verification FIDO Authentication Authenticator
  • 7. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20197 HOW DOES FIDO WORK? AuthenticatorUser verification FIDO Authentication Require user gesture before private key can be used Challenge (Signed) Response Private key dedicated to one app Public key
  • 8. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20198 FIDO ECOSYSTEM AuthenticatorUser verification FIDO Authentication … …SE
  • 9. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20199 FIDO ECOSYSTEM AuthenticatorUser verification FIDO Authentication … …SE How is the key protected (TPM, SE, TEE, …)? Which user verification method is used?
  • 10. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201910 ATTESTATION + METADATA Private attestation key Signed Attestation Object Metadata Understand Authenticator security characteristic by looking into Metadata from FIDO Registration Verify using trust anchor included in Metadata Relying parties can store this for auditing purposes
  • 11. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201911 FIDO AUTHENTICATORS We see “Bound” Authenticators, i.e. authenticators that are an integral part of a smartphone or laptop. We see “Roaming” Authenticators, i.e. authenticators that can be connected to different smartphones or laptops using CTAP. In both categories you find support for different modalities Verify User Verify User Presence
  • 12. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201912 HOW DOES FIDO WORK? AuthenticatorUser verification FIDO Authentication Same Authenticator as registered before? Same User as enrolled before? Can recognize the user (i.e. user verification), but doesn’t know its identity attributes.
  • 13. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201913 HOW DOES FIDO WORK? AuthenticatorUser verification FIDO Authentication Same Authenticator as registered before? Same User as enrolled before? Can recognize the user (i.e. user verification), but doesn’t know its identity attributes. Identity binding to be done outside FIDO: This this “John Doe with customer ID X”.
  • 14. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201914 FIDO BUILDING BLOCKS (Roaming) Authenticator USER DEVICE FIDO Client (Bound) Authenticator ASM RP App FIDO Authentication RP App Server FIDO Server Metadata
  • 15. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201915 FIDO BUILDING BLOCKS (Roaming) Authenticator User Device Browser (Bound) Authenticator Platform RP App FIDO Authentication RP App Server FIDO Server Metadata Web Authentication JS API CTAP
  • 16. FIDO USER DEVICE FIDO CLIENT IdP FIDO SERVER FIDO AUTHENTICATOR FEDERATION SERVERBROWSER / APP FIDO Protocol Service Provider Federation Id DB Knows details about the Authentication strength Knows details about the Identity and its verification strength. First Mile Second Mile 16 FIDO & FEDERATION All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 2019
  • 17. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201917 WEB AUTHENTICATION Supported In: JavaScript API that enables FIDO Authentication directly in web browsers
  • 18. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201918 FIDO AUTHENTICATION: SECURITY & CONVENIENCE
  • 19. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201919 CONVENIENCE & SECURITY Security Convenience Password
  • 20. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201920 CONVENIENCE & SECURITY Security Convenience Password + OTP Password
  • 21. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201921 CONVENIENCE & SECURITY Security Convenience Password + OTP Password FIDO In FIDO • Same user verification method for all servers In FIDO: Arbitrary user verification methods are supported (+ they are interoperable)
  • 22. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201922 CONVENIENCE & SECURITY Security Convenience Password + OTP Password FIDO In FIDO: Scalable security depending on Authenticator implementation In FIDO: • Only public keys on server • Not phishable
  • 23. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201923 CONCLUSION • Different authentication use-cases lead to different authentication requirements • FIDO separates user verification from authentication and hence supports all user verification methods • FIDO supports scalable convenience & security • User verification data is known to Authenticator only • FIDO complements federation
  • 24. 24 FIDO TECHNICAL OVERVIEW Rolf Lindemann, Nok Nok Labs Thank You All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 2019
  • 25. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201925 FIDO REGISTRATION accountInfo, challenge, [cOpts] rpId, ai, hash(clientData), cryptoP, [exts] verify user generate: key kpub key kpriv credential c c,kpub,clientData,ac,cdh,rpId,cntr,AAGUID[,exts], signature(tbs) c,kpub,clientData,ac,tbs, s store: key kpub c s Authenticator select Authenticator according to cOpts; determine rpId, get tlsData; clientData := {challenge, origin, rpId, hAlg, tlsData} cOpts: crypto params, credential black list, extensions cdh ai tbs ac: attestation certificate chain
  • 26. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201926 FIDO AUTHENTICATION Authenticator Relying Party rpId, [c,] hash(clientData) select Authenticator according to policy; check rpId, get tlsData (i.e. channel id, etc.); lookup key handle h; clientData := {challenge, rpId, tlsData} clientData,cntr,[exts],signature(cdh,cntr,exts) clientData, cntr, exts, s lookup kpub from DB check: exts + signature using key kpub s cdh challenge, [aOpts] verify user find key kpriv cntr++; process exts