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All Change – why the economics of
Cloud will make you think differently
about Java
-Xmx: £100
Important Disclaimers
Your Guides for Today’s Journey
Steve Poole – IBM
Making Java Real Since Version 0.9
DevOps Practitioner (whatever that means!)
Chris Bailey- IBM
technical architect for runtime
monitoring and diagnostics
This talk is intended to make you
• Think about how you use compute resource today
• Think about how that use may need to change tomorrow
• Starting measuring your application profile now
• Try out cloud technologies and gather real experience
• Wonder where Java is going next

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CCCC Neustar Lenny Rachitsky
CCCC Neustar Lenny RachitskyCCCC Neustar Lenny Rachitsky
CCCC Neustar Lenny Rachitsky

The document discusses how to build trust in cloud computing. It recommends a four-layer approach: 1) Educate yourself on cloud terms and security measures; 2) Monitor cloud services and infrastructure for issues; 3) Establish processes for training, escalation, and documentation; 4) Practice failover procedures by backing up data and testing backup systems. Following these steps can help address common concerns about lack of control, visibility and reliability in cloud computing.

cloud computing
That's Web? Extreme Optimization for the Mobile Web (Oct 2012)
That's Web? Extreme Optimization for the Mobile Web (Oct 2012)That's Web? Extreme Optimization for the Mobile Web (Oct 2012)
That's Web? Extreme Optimization for the Mobile Web (Oct 2012)

The document discusses optimizing mobile web apps for performance and battery life. It outlines 5 tips: 1) Don't rely too heavily on network access due to high latency and battery drain. 2) Show content while loading to improve the user experience. 3) Leverage HTML5 features like localStorage, app caching, and web workers. 4) Offload animations and rendering to the GPU using CSS transforms where possible. 5) Keep the DOM simple and use event listeners carefully to improve efficiency. The document provides examples and recommendations for optimizing images, JavaScript, rendering, and the development process for better mobile web optimization.

html5cssmobile web
CCCEU14 - A Real World Outlook on Hybrid Cloud: Why and How
CCCEU14 - A Real World Outlook on Hybrid Cloud: Why and HowCCCEU14 - A Real World Outlook on Hybrid Cloud: Why and How
CCCEU14 - A Real World Outlook on Hybrid Cloud: Why and How

The document discusses strategies for successful implementation of hybrid cloud environments at both the organizational and application levels. At the organizational level, key strategies include defining the cloud model for the organization, enabling users to transition workloads between clouds, and providing incentives for users to place workloads where costs are lowest. At the application level, important strategies involve understanding infrastructure differences between clouds, being aware of limitations of abstraction layers, and avoiding vendor lock-in through use of open source software. The document provides examples and considerations for hybrid cloud adoption from various companies.

This talk is about how this sort of measurement:
Is already changing your life & the direction of the
Java ecosystem
The ‘Cloud’ has a lot to answer for
• Part 1 – The economics of Cloud provisioning
• Part 2 - How Java measures up
• Part 3 – The API economy and what that
aaaaaaameans for Java
• Part 4 – Our thoughts
Part 1 – The economics of Cloud provisioning
Why ‘Cloud’ ?
A local, hand-crafted, static
environment which requires in-house
specialist support, doesn’t scale well
and requires long term investment and

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How do organizations ensure that they maintain control over their costs when adopting Cloud? Ultimately, the key to controlling cost for cloud infrastructure is to ensure that the organization has visibility over resources that are being provisioned — a task that is easier said than done when developers can provision resources in a single API Call. This talk was presented at the 2014 OpenStack Summit in Atlanta.

it service managementcost controlcloud computing
Gomez Blazing Fast Cloud Best Practices
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Gomez Blazing Fast Cloud Best Practices

Are you planning to deploy Web applications in the cloud? Will their performance be acceptable? What will you do to make sure? There are a lot of good reasons to deploy applications in a cloud environment — but they are all forgotten if your application is slow or has poor availability. Poor performance results in unhappy, lost customers. Traditional data center techniques for monitoring, measuring, and optimizing Web application performance won’t work in the cloud. There are a new set of best practices that you need to learn to optimize the performance of your cloud-based Web applications.

website performancecloud applicationsgomez
Web Performance & You - HighEdWeb Arkansas Version
Web Performance & You - HighEdWeb Arkansas VersionWeb Performance & You - HighEdWeb Arkansas Version
Web Performance & You - HighEdWeb Arkansas Version

Today, a web page can be delivered to a desktop computer, a television, or a handheld device like a tablet or a phone. While a technique like responsive design helps ensure that our web sites look good across that spectrum of screen sizes we may forget our web sites should also be able to perform equally well across that same spectrum. While more and more of our users are shifting their Internet usage to these more varied platforms and connection speeds our development practices might not be keeping up.In this session we’ll review why optimizing web performance should be an important step in the development of responsive websites. We’ll look at the tools that can help you understand and measure the performance of those sites as well as discuss front-end and server-side techniques that can be used to help you improve their performance. Finally, since the best way to test your site is to have real devices in hand, we’ll share “lessons learned” so you can set-up your own device lab similar to what we have at West Virginia University.This presentation builds upon Dave’s “Optimization for Mobile” chapter in Smashing Magazine’s “The Mobile Book.”

hewebarweb performancewvu
What ‘Cloud’
a virtual, dynamic
environment which
maximizes use, is infinitely
scalable, always available
and needs minimal upfront
investment or commitment
Take your code – host it on someone
else's machine and pay only for the
resource you use for the time you use
AND be able to do that very quickly
and repeatedly in parallel
How quickly do you need to get good code into
• Would you believe < 1hr?
• Case Study: A fashion retailer can show measureable
increase in sales if a item similar to that seen in the
media can be placed on their on-line store landing page
within 1 hr of it appearing in public.
• Each product placement is different so they need a fast,
agile, approach that does not jeopardize their on-line
stores availability and quality.
• We know how to do this..
Cloud computing is real.
Major vendors are providing
substantial capacity and it’s
growing all the time
Businesses see the opportunities
Improved value for money,
decreased time-to-market, shorter
time to value
“I can now get my ideas into
production in hours,days or weeks.
I can get immediate feedback AND
then I can improve the idea and
70% of IT Leaders are pursuing a hybrid cloud
Hybrid Cloud is coming to a data centre near you

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AWS Summit 2013 | India - Running Lean with Optimized Architecture, Pieter Kemps
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AWS Summit 2013 | India - Running Lean with Optimized Architecture, Pieter Kemps

Once you are at scale, it is even more important to focus on costs and run lean on AWS. This talk with explain the various purchasing models available, and will then address how to size your application for AWS. We will take you through various architectural best practices, such as auto-scaling, caching etc. to save costs and run lean by making the best decisions.

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Quantifying The Mobile Difference
Quantifying The Mobile DifferenceQuantifying The Mobile Difference
Quantifying The Mobile Difference

We all know Mobile is different, but by how much? This presentation attempts to quantify the difference between mobile and non-mobile, focusing on CPU, network and browser differences.

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Performance Implications of Mobile Design
Performance Implications of Mobile DesignPerformance Implications of Mobile Design
Performance Implications of Mobile Design

Choosing your mobile design paradigm is hard, and performance is an often overlooked parameter in this decision process. This presentation discusses the top performance concerns for the top mobile design paradigms - Dedicated Sites (mdot) and Responsive Web Design (RWD). Presented at Breaking Dev (bdconf) in April, 2012.

responsive web designbdconfmobile
The ability to have ‘cloud
burst’ capacity is changing
the way software is being
designed, developed
and supported
We’re moving to a more
industrial scale
Why buy one computer for
a year when you can hire
365 computers for a day..
“Compute on demand” – it’s what we always wanted
Cloud Economics
We really are getting closer all the time to
‘Compute on Tap’
But with taps come meters…
Cloud Economics

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Leveraging the AWS Cloud can help you further lower your overall IT costs and avoid fixed, upfront IT investments. Learning how to right-size your environments can help you to go from capacity guessing to meeting QoE targets for your customers. The session will also cover best practices on how to Architect for Cost from real world customer use cases and ultimately how the AWS Cloud can help you increase revenue by focusing on Innovation and Return on Agility. Key takeaways - Replace up-front capital expenses with low variable costs - Outsource undifferentiated IT tasks to useful services - Evaluate the total Cost of (Non) Ownership - Build Cost-aware architectures - AWS features that help you reduce your spend - Different purchasing options available with AWS Who should attend - Technical Users: Developers, engineers, system administrators and architects - Decision Makers: IT Managers, directors and business leaders

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AWS Cloud Kata 2013 | Singapore - Welcome and Opening Remarks, Pieter Kemps
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AWS Cloud Kata 2013 | Singapore - Welcome and Opening Remarks, Pieter Kemps

This document discusses how cloud computing on Amazon Web Services (AWS) has impacted startups and venture capital. It notes that AWS allows startups to focus on innovation rather than infrastructure, developing faster at lower costs. This has led to more experimentation and new companies. It also discusses how AWS has changed the venture capital model by enabling startups to scale more quickly with lower costs. As a result, VCs now see more deals, faster growth, and higher valuations from portfolio companies using AWS.

AI on a PI
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AI on a PI

Talk @ CodeMotion Berlin, 12/10/2017 Amazon AI Amazon Polly Amazon Rekognition Apache MXNet Raspberry Pi robot

awsamazon web servicesdeep learning
Cloud computing: compute == money
Money changes everything
With a measureable and direct
relationship between $£€¥ and
CPU/RAM, disk etc the financial
success or failure of a project is
even easier to see
And that means…
Even more focus on value for
American Society of Civil Engineers
will be
looking at
your leaky
will be
looking at
your leaky
Part 2 - How Java measures up
Compute == money
Easier than ever
a business can buy a
Just for how long they
need it.
No long term capital
Just as much as they
$ == GB/hr
-Xmx: £100

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The Cloud Changing the Game
The Cloud Changing the GameThe Cloud Changing the Game
The Cloud Changing the Game

The document discusses how cloud computing has changed the game by allowing for innovation, scale, cost savings, and global reach. It outlines four key areas of change enabled by cloud computing: innovation through rapid experimentation, global scale through multiple regions and edge locations, cost optimization by paying for only what is used, and the ability to go global easily. Examples are given of companies innovating faster and scaling globally using AWS cloud services like EC2, S3, DynamoDB, and others.

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ML Inference at the Edge
ML Inference at the EdgeML Inference at the Edge
ML Inference at the Edge

Machine Learning (ML) works by using powerful algorithms to discover patterns in data, and constructing complex mathematical models using these patterns. Once a model is built, you perform inference by applying data to the trained model to make predictions for your application. Building and training ML models requires massive computing resources so it is a natural fit for the cloud. But, inference takes a lot less computing power and is typically done in real-time when new data is available, so getting inference results with very low latency is important to making sure your applications can respond quickly to local events. AWS Greengrass ML inference gives you the best of both worlds. You use ML models that are built and trained in the cloud, and you deploy and run ML inference locally on connected devices. For example, autonomous cars need to identify road signs in real time; and drones need to recognize objects with or without network connectivity.

AWS Cloud Kata | Kuala Lumpur - Opening Keynote
AWS Cloud Kata | Kuala Lumpur - Opening KeynoteAWS Cloud Kata | Kuala Lumpur - Opening Keynote
AWS Cloud Kata | Kuala Lumpur - Opening Keynote

This document summarizes an opening presentation about startups using AWS cloud services. The summary includes: 1) The presentation discusses how AWS has enabled startups and companies like Dropbox, Instagram, and Pinterest to develop and scale their applications quickly and affordably. 2) Examples are given of how these companies leveraged AWS services like auto-scaling, reserved instances, and global infrastructure to lower costs and handle growth. 3) The presentation announces a new AWS Activate program that provides benefits and support packages to help startups get started and grow using AWS.

startupawscloud computing
Real costs – it’s confusing
Offering RAM Cost CPUs
IBM Bluemix (CF) $24.15 GB/Month 4vCPUs per instance
IBM Bluemix (Containers) $ 9.94 GB/Month 4vCPUs per GB $21.60 GB/Month 4vCPUs per instance
Heroku (Hobby) $14.00 GB/Month 1 "CPU share" per 512MB
in an instance
Heroku (Professional) $50.00 GB/Month 1 "CPU share" per 512MB
in an instance
Amazon EC2 (SLES) $16.56 GB/Month 1 vCPU per 4GB in an
Example costs
Bluemix (CF) Amazon (ECS)
Running a 512mb
container for a year
$289.80 for 4
198.72 for 1 cpu
Reducing memory
footprint by 10% saves
$28.98 $0
Running 10 containers
in parallel
2890.80 for 40
$1987.20 for 10
Reducing memory
footprint by 10% saves
289.80 $0
N-Body Memory Footprints (lower is better)
N-Body Completion Time (lower is

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AWS Summit 2013 | India - 0 to Production in 40 minutes, Pieter Kemps
AWS Summit 2013 | India - 0 to Production in 40 minutes, Pieter KempsAWS Summit 2013 | India - 0 to Production in 40 minutes, Pieter Kemps
AWS Summit 2013 | India - 0 to Production in 40 minutes, Pieter Kemps

In this session we will show the agility gained by developing on AWS, so you can focus on your app, not your infrastructure. It starts with some key concepts around automation and managed services, and will then go into a live demo that brings a concept into production in 40 minutes, on a highly available, scalable, secure architecture.

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Deskdoo is a cloud-based operating system that allows users to access applications and resources from any device without needing to install anything. It was founded in 2014 by Adam Adamczyk, Dawid Krawczykiewicz, and Robert Pasternak after an earlier startup failed in 2001 due to limitations of technology and experience. Deskdoo provides a unified interface for accessing tools like Google Apps, Adobe Photo Editor, and users' disk drives from any browser. It uses a freemium business model where basic services are free and premium applications and services can be paid for on a per-usage basis. The company aims to create a new ecosystem and revenue model for IT services hosted in the cloud.

cloud computingzero pccloud
All Change how the economics of Cloud will make you think differently about Java
All Change how the economics of Cloud will make you think differently about JavaAll Change how the economics of Cloud will make you think differently about Java
All Change how the economics of Cloud will make you think differently about Java

This document discusses how the economics of cloud computing will change how Java applications are developed. Cloud providers charge for computing resources on an hourly basis (e.g. $ per GB per hour), which means applications need to use resources efficiently. Java applications generally use more memory and have longer startup times than other languages. To be cost effective in the cloud, Java applications will need to reduce their memory footprint, decrease startup times, and be designed to fail and recover gracefully. The rise of APIs and microservices also requires changes to make Java more modular and efficient in constrained environments.

javaone javaone2015 con6441 java cloud economics
N-Body Completion Time, normalized for
100MB of memory (lower is better):
Unnecessary baggage
(you have loads)
Java applications have to get lighter.
Java 9 modularity will help but you
have to consider footprint across the
Choose your dependencies wisely
Your choice of OS & distribution is
The aim is ‘carry on only’
Your application isn’t going on a
long trip
Startup times
How long do you want to wait?
How long do you have to wait?
Do you need to preemptively start
instances ‘just in case’ due to start up time?
To bad – that costs
If the unit of deployment and scaling is an
instance of a service it needs to start FAST
BTW – think about this:
Everything that happens at startup –
happens every time, all the time.
Java & fast startup time – It’s known for it!
Application developers can reduce service
startup time by deferring optional costs to when
its needed.
Maybe even create services with different
behaviors rather than one with optional
But it’s not enough
The JVM needs to revisit all the places where
startup time was traded for throughput and turn
them around.
what about
“ Everything that happens at startup –
happens every time, all the time”

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Cloud Economics
Cloud EconomicsCloud Economics
Cloud Economics

How far have you got with learning about Cloud? Got your head around Platform as a Service? Understand what IaaS means? Can spell Docker? Working in a DevOps mode? It’s easy to focus on learning new technology but it’s time to take a step back and look at what the technical implications are when an application is heading to the cloud. In the world of the cloud the benefits are high but the economics (financial and technical) can be radically different. Learn more about these new realities and how they can change application design, deployment and support. The introduction of Cloud technologies and its rapid adoption creates new opportunities and challenges. Whether designer, developer or tester, this talk will help you to start thinking differently about Java and the Cloud. Presented at JAX DE, 2016

JVM Support for Multitenant Applications - Steve Poole (IBM)
JVM Support for Multitenant Applications - Steve Poole (IBM)JVM Support for Multitenant Applications - Steve Poole (IBM)
JVM Support for Multitenant Applications - Steve Poole (IBM)

Presented at JAX London 2013 Per-tenant resource management can help ensure that collocated tenants peacefully share computational resources based on individual quotas. This session begins with a comparison of deployment models (shared: hardware, OS, middleware, everything) to motivate the multitenant approach. The main topic is an exploration of experimental data isolation and resource management primitives in IBM’s JDK that combine to help make multitenant applications smaller and more predictable.

JavaOne 2016 "Java, Microservices, Cloud and Containers"
JavaOne 2016 "Java, Microservices, Cloud and Containers"JavaOne 2016 "Java, Microservices, Cloud and Containers"
JavaOne 2016 "Java, Microservices, Cloud and Containers"

Everyone is talking about building “cloud native” Java applications—and taking advantage of microservice architecture, containers, and orchestration/PaaS platforms—but there is surprisingly little discussion of migrating existing legacy (moneymaking) applications. This session aims to address this, and, using lessons learned from several real-world examples, it covers topics such when to rewrite applications (if at all), modeling/extracting business domains, applying the “application strangler” pattern, common misconceptions with “12-factor” application design, and the benefits/drawbacks of container technology.

The rub
For container based services – all this
start up effort happens multiple times
during development and testing (let
along during production)
And it’s always the same result.
AND you will pay £ for it every time
We don’t have a good way to capture all
this effort or formalise starting a JVM
from a precanned image. (Shared
classes doesn’t hack it)
Other languages have better / faster
• Q: How much RAM does your
application use?
• A: Too much
Runtime costs
Most cloud providers will charge you for your RAM usage over time:
$GB/hr. (Sometimes the charge is $0)
Increasing –Xmx directly effects cost. Something businesses can
Net effect – you’ll be tuning your application
to fit into specific RAM sizes.
Smaller than you use today.
You need to measure where the storage goes.
You’ll be picking some components based on memory usage
increasing the amount of memory for 1 service
increases the bill by the number of concurrent
Multiple languages on the JVM.
What’s the benefit of running
them on the JVM vs having a
native service?
They can take more memory,
and take longer to execute.
Cloud applications are
increasingly heterogeneous.
Anyway they share data not
Nashorn JavaScript engine
delivered in JDK8
Utilizes new JVM level features
for performance
Avatar.js provides Node.js
support on Nashorn
Results of “Octane” JavaScript
benchmark using Java 8 pre-
Node.js is 4.8x faster
Avatar.js is >10x larger
Feb 12th
, 2015: Avatar is “put on hold”

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AWS Cloud Kata | Bangkok - Getting to Profitability

This document discusses how AWS services can help startups and developers achieve profitability. It provides an example of a company that was able to reduce costs and improve margins by 54% through optimizing its architecture on AWS. Key strategies discussed include leveraging reserved instances, spot pricing, cost-aware architecting techniques like caching with S3 and CloudFront, database optimizations, and rapid prototyping tools to reduce test/dev costs. The document emphasizes starting with understanding usage patterns, doing an apples-to-apples comparison of total costs, and continuously optimizing resources through pricing models and architectural improvements.

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JavaOne 2015 Devops and the Darkside CON6447

So you get DevOps. You like the idea and think it’s important. The trouble is that others in your team don’t. This session will help you understand how to convince your team of the benefits of DevOps. Packed with facts and figures, the presentation works through the common challenges Java teams face when moving to a DevOps model and outlines how to address them. It also shows you how to balance evangelism against pragmatism when championing DevOps in your organization. You’ll learn how others have made the transition to DevOps and understand what mistakes to avoid when doing so. Whether you need to know how to be a DevOps evangelist or simply want to understand why DevOps is important, this session is for you.

java javaone 2015 dev ops ibm dark side
2019 StartIT - Boosting your performance with Blackfire
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2019 StartIT - Boosting your performance with Blackfire

A workshop held in StartIT as part of Catena Media learning sessions. We aim to dispel the notion that large PHP applications tend to be sluggish, resource-intensive and slow compared to what the likes of Python, Erlang or even Node can do. The issue is not with optimising PHP internals - it's the lack of proper introspection tools and getting them into our every day workflow that counts! In this workshop we will talk about our struggles with whipping PHP Applications into shape, as well as work together on some of the more interesting examples of CPU or IO drain.

Java applications are going to be
running in a remote, constrained and
metered environment
There will be precise limits on how
much disk, CPU, RAM, Bandwidth an
application can use and for how long
Whether your application is large or
small, granular or monolithic. Someone
will be paying for each unit used
That person will want to get the most
out of that investment
Part 3 – The API economy
And what that means for Java
The API economy
If your company has data it will
eventually be shared and monetised
Cloud APIs are one of the fastest growing areas in our industry.
Sharing data and services though APIs is enabling new
opportunities and solutions
Everyone is getting into the game.
What makes a good cloud api ?
• roughly in selection order.
vailability 100% of course with performance SLAs
elievability – Are those published 100% metrics true?
ost – how much and what’s the unit of measure?
iagnosability – can users debug problems without you?
xcitement – is there a vibrant community using the API?
unctionality – what else can the API do?

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How to Reduce your Spend on AWS
How to Reduce your Spend on AWSHow to Reduce your Spend on AWS
How to Reduce your Spend on AWS

This document discusses how to reduce spending on AWS through various techniques: 1. Paying for cloud resources only when they are used through the pay-as-you-go model avoids upfront costs and allows turning off unused capacity. 2. Using reserved instances when capacity needs are predictable provides significant discounts compared to on-demand pricing. 3. Architecting applications in a "cost aware" manner, such as leveraging caching, auto-scaling, managed services, and right-sizing instances can optimize costs. 4. Taking advantage of AWS's economies of scale through consolidated billing and free services helps lower overall spend. Planning workload usage of spot instances can achieve up to 85% savings.

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AWS APAC Webinar Series: How to Reduce Your Spend on AWS
AWS APAC Webinar Series: How to Reduce Your Spend on AWSAWS APAC Webinar Series: How to Reduce Your Spend on AWS
AWS APAC Webinar Series: How to Reduce Your Spend on AWS

AWS has different pricing models to match your needs. One example is the different instance types available such as On-Demand, Reserved and Spot Instances. Customers can develop cost-saving strategies based upon their usage patterns, models and growth expectations. In some cases, a set of larger instances can be cheaper than multiple small instances. Learn how to size your AWS applications to maximize your use and minimize your spend. Companies such as Pinterest take very active roles to constantly reduce their spend; learn how they do it and develop your own cost-saving approaches.

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How My Website Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cloud
How My Website Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the CloudHow My Website Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cloud
How My Website Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cloud

This document discusses how integrating cloud services can help solve technology issues and reduce costs compared to building infrastructure from scratch. It provides 10 ways to utilize the cloud, including content delivery, CMS asset hosting, forms, backups, media streaming, development sandboxes, and encoding/processing large amounts of data. Examples are given of colleges that saved money by using cloud services for video hosting, CMS testing, and project development. Potential cloud providers like Amazon, Rackspace, and Mechanical Turk are also mentioned.

wordpresshigher educationaws
Where you code runs day-to-day and moment-to-
moment will be driven by economics, legal
requirements and how much risk your business
wants to take.
Your code has to scale better, be more efficient,
resilient, secure and work in constrained
You will have to design, code, deliver, support and
debug code in new ways
It’s going to be scary
How scary?
design, coding, deployment ,
startup, execution, scaling
debugging, security, resilience …
everything about
your application
is effected
Resilient applications
Design for short term failure: something fails all the time. Expect data and
service outages regularly
Fail and recover: don’t diagnose problems in running systems. Kill it and
move on
Every IO operation you perform may fail – do as few as possible
Every IO operation may stall – costing you GB/hrs and resources– timeout
everything quickly
Every piece of data you receive may be badly formed – check everything
Retry, compensation, backout strategies– these are your new friends
“Everything in the cloud fails
all the time” : Werner Vogels
Remote support for your family?
Fancy having to do that for your own
You have to assume:
You will never be able to log into a
remote server.
You will never be able to attach a
remote debugger to a failing app
All problems must be resolved by local
reproduction or logs and dumps

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Enterprise Testing in The Cloud
Enterprise Testing in The CloudEnterprise Testing in The Cloud
Enterprise Testing in The Cloud

This slide contains a brief presentation of how Organizations can leverage Cloud to virtualize functional/performance testing and cost benefit from investing in hardware.

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Crunch Your Data in the Cloud with Elastic Map Reduce - Amazon EMR Hadoop
Crunch Your Data in the Cloud with Elastic Map Reduce - Amazon EMR HadoopCrunch Your Data in the Cloud with Elastic Map Reduce - Amazon EMR Hadoop
Crunch Your Data in the Cloud with Elastic Map Reduce - Amazon EMR Hadoop

A introductory discussion of cloud computing and capacity planning implications is followed by a step by step guide to running a Hadoop job in EMR, and finally a discussion of how to write your own Hadoop queries.

mapreducehadoopcapacity planning
Designing virtual infrastructure
Designing virtual infrastructureDesigning virtual infrastructure
Designing virtual infrastructure

This document provides an overview and summary of key points from a presentation on designing virtual infrastructures and hypervisors. It discusses pre-requisites, assessing which servers are good candidates for virtualization, measuring server performance, determining the right amount of RAM for virtual machines, different types of virtualization technologies, high availability options, and live migration capabilities.

It gets more challenging.
Failures during deployment
or initial startup can be difficult or
impossible to diagnose.
If your service instance didn’t start
there is is little chance of logs being
Learn to love logs, dumps and traces.
Remote log stores and tools are
going to be your best friend
BTW: they’ll cost too
• Q: Why can’t you just keep the failed
instance around?
• A: You can – if you accept the £££
Hard metrics and
keeping a failed app around
or having apps on standby
can be costly in multiple ways
Runtime costs and taking up
vital resource allocation
Part 5 – our thoughts

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Building a full-stack app with Golang and Google Cloud Platform in one week
Building a full-stack app with Golang and Google Cloud Platform in one weekBuilding a full-stack app with Golang and Google Cloud Platform in one week
Building a full-stack app with Golang and Google Cloud Platform in one week

This document discusses building a full-stack application called MemeMail using Golang and Google Cloud Platform within one week. It describes choosing Google Cloud over other cloud providers for its ease of use. It then discusses the frontend implementation using Vue.js with a simple state mutation approach. The backend is built with Golang on App Engine using Cloud services like Datastore and Cloud Build for CI/CD. It emphasizes keeping the architecture simple rather than over-engineering for an MVP within a tight deadline.

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AWS Cloud Kata | Manila - Getting to Profitability on AWSAWS Cloud Kata | Manila - Getting to Profitability on AWS
AWS Cloud Kata | Manila - Getting to Profitability on AWS

The document discusses how Lenddo, a financial technology company, has used AWS to scale its operations in a cost-effective manner. It provides details on: 1) How Lenddo started in 2011 in the Philippines and has since expanded to other countries, processing over 50k loan applications for 400k members. 2) How Lenddo's usage of AWS grew significantly from 2011 to 2013 as the company expanded. 3) The various AWS services Lenddo utilizes, including EC2, S3, DynamoDB, RDS, and others, to build its infrastructure in a flexible and scalable way. 4) How using AWS has helped Lenddo focus on coding and

cloudkatamanila2013awsamazon web services
Azul yandexjune010
Azul yandexjune010Azul yandexjune010
Azul yandexjune010

The document discusses issues with memory and garbage collection in Java applications. It notes that the practical heap size for most Java applications has stagnated at around 2GB for the past decade, due to garbage collection pauses above this size. The document introduces Azul Systems and their Zing virtualization platform, which aims to eliminate garbage collection as a limiting factor through techniques like concurrent and parallel garbage collection that can support heaps up to 100GB without long pauses. It discusses various performance aspects of concurrent garbage collection like sensitivity to workload, heap population, and mutation rate.

It’s all change
How you design, code, deploy, debug,
support etc will be effected by the
metrics and limits imposed on you.
Financial metrics and limits always
change behavior. It also creates
The JVM and Java applications have
to get leaner and meaner
You have to learn new techniques and
More thoughts
• Do we need a JVM anymore? If your container has code that will
ONLY run on one OS/arch do we need hardware abstraction like
class files and bytecode?
• Linker coming in Java 9 helps reduce footprint and some startup
• We need more AOT to convert Java into executable code once only
• Individual service lifetimes are short so dynamic recompliation is not
useful unless the generated code is shared. How do we share
compiled code cheaper than it costs to generate the code?
• Remember – you’ll be paying for all the ‘wasted’ CPU / RAM etc.
Has this talk made you
Think about how you use compute resource today?
Think about how that use may need to change tomorrow?
Want to measure your application profile now?
Want to try out cloud technologies and gather real
Made you wonder where Java is going next?
The story ends – you wake up and
Java is what’s it’s always been
The story ends – you wake up and
Java is what’s it’s always been
You stay in wonderland and see
how deep the Java goes

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Cloud computingCloud computing
Cloud computing

This document provides information about cloud computing and Drupal cloud hosting providers. It discusses traditional hosting limitations like high costs, difficulty maintaining servers, and downtime issues. Cloud computing evolved to address these through virtualization, pay-as-you-go models, and automatic scaling. The document then compares top Drupal cloud providers Acquia, Pantheon, and based on their base cloud provider, uptime SLAs, pricing, support offerings, development environments, and other features. It concludes that while each provider has pros and cons, budget and client requirements should determine the best choice for a given project.

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FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...
FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...
FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...

When we talk about prices, we often only talk about Lambda costs. In our applications, however, we rarely use only Lambda. Usually we have other building blocks like API Gateway, data sources like SNS, SQS or Kinesis. We also store our data either in S3 or in serverless databases like DynamoDB or recently in Aurora Serverless. All of these AWS services have their own pricing models to look out for. In this talk, we will draw a complete picture of the total cost of ownership in serverless applications and present a decision-making list for determining if and whether to rely on serverless paradigm in your project. In doing so, we look at the cost aspects as well as other aspects such as understanding application lifecycle, software architecture, platform limitations, organizational knowledge and plattform and tooling maturity. We will also discuss current challenges adopting serverless such as lack of high latency ephemeral storage, unsufficient network performance and missing security features.

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KGC 2013 AWS session
KGC 2013 AWS session KGC 2013 AWS session
KGC 2013 AWS session

This document discusses analyzing and optimizing costs when using AWS. It begins by addressing common misconceptions about AWS costs, such as that hardware costs are always cheaper than AWS or that cloud is not cost-effective for steady workloads. It then examines the total cost of ownership for on-premises infrastructure versus AWS, considering various fixed costs like hardware, software, facilities, administration, etc. The document provides examples of how tools like reserved instances, spot instances, and Trusted Advisor can help optimize costs over time. It emphasizes that AWS allows customers to scale resources up and down as needed to match actual demand.

kgcawsjung jin
Thank you

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All change! How the new Economics of Cloud will make you think differently about Java - Chris Bailey, Steve Poole

  • 1. All Change – why the economics of Cloud will make you think differently about Java OR -Xmx: £100
  • 3. Your Guides for Today’s Journey Steve Poole – IBM Making Java Real Since Version 0.9 DevOps Practitioner (whatever that means!) @spoole167 Chris Bailey- IBM technical architect for runtime monitoring and diagnostics @chris__bailey
  • 4. This talk is intended to make you • Think about how you use compute resource today • Think about how that use may need to change tomorrow • Starting measuring your application profile now • Try out cloud technologies and gather real experience • Wonder where Java is going next
  • 5. This talk is about how this sort of measurement: GB/hr Is already changing your life & the direction of the Java ecosystem The ‘Cloud’ has a lot to answer for
  • 6. Outline • Part 1 – The economics of Cloud provisioning • Part 2 - How Java measures up • Part 3 – The API economy and what that aaaaaaameans for Java • Part 4 – Our thoughts
  • 7. Part 1 – The economics of Cloud provisioning
  • 8. Why ‘Cloud’ ? A local, hand-crafted, static environment which requires in-house specialist support, doesn’t scale well and requires long term investment and commitment
  • 9. What ‘Cloud’ promises a virtual, dynamic environment which maximizes use, is infinitely scalable, always available and needs minimal upfront investment or commitment Take your code – host it on someone else's machine and pay only for the resource you use for the time you use it AND be able to do that very quickly and repeatedly in parallel
  • 10. How quickly do you need to get good code into production? • Would you believe < 1hr? • Case Study: A fashion retailer can show measureable increase in sales if a item similar to that seen in the media can be placed on their on-line store landing page within 1 hr of it appearing in public. • Each product placement is different so they need a fast, agile, approach that does not jeopardize their on-line stores availability and quality. • We know how to do this..
  • 11. Cloud computing is real. Major vendors are providing substantial capacity and it’s growing all the time Businesses see the opportunities Improved value for money, decreased time-to-market, shorter time to value “I can now get my ideas into production in hours,days or weeks. I can get immediate feedback AND then I can improve the idea and repeat”
  • 12. 70% of IT Leaders are pursuing a hybrid cloud strategy Hybrid Cloud is coming to a data centre near you
  • 13. The ability to have ‘cloud burst’ capacity is changing the way software is being designed, developed and supported We’re moving to a more industrial scale Why buy one computer for a year when you can hire 365 computers for a day..
  • 15. Cloud Economics We really are getting closer all the time to ‘Compute on Tap’
  • 16. But with taps come meters… Cloud Economics
  • 17. Cloud computing: compute == money Money changes everything With a measureable and direct relationship between $£€¥ and CPU/RAM, disk etc the financial success or failure of a project is even easier to see And that means… Even more focus on value for money.
  • 18. American Society of Civil Engineers Someone will be looking at your leaky app Someone will be looking at your leaky app
  • 19. Part 2 - How Java measures up
  • 20. Compute == money Easier than ever before a business can buy a CPU Just for how long they need it. No long term capital investment. Just as much as they need $ == GB/hr -Xmx: £100
  • 21. Real costs – it’s confusing Offering RAM Cost CPUs IBM Bluemix (CF) $24.15 GB/Month 4vCPUs per instance IBM Bluemix (Containers) $ 9.94 GB/Month 4vCPUs per GB $21.60 GB/Month 4vCPUs per instance Heroku (Hobby) $14.00 GB/Month 1 "CPU share" per 512MB in an instance Heroku (Professional) $50.00 GB/Month 1 "CPU share" per 512MB in an instance Amazon EC2 (SLES) $16.56 GB/Month 1 vCPU per 4GB in an instance.
  • 22. Example costs Bluemix (CF) Amazon (ECS) Running a 512mb container for a year $289.80 for 4 cpus 198.72 for 1 cpu Reducing memory footprint by 10% saves $28.98 $0 Running 10 containers in parallel 2890.80 for 40 cpus $1987.20 for 10 cpus Reducing memory footprint by 10% saves 289.80 $0
  • 23. N-Body Memory Footprints (lower is better)
  • 24. N-Body Completion Time (lower is better):
  • 25. N-Body Completion Time, normalized for 100MB of memory (lower is better):
  • 26. Unnecessary baggage (you have loads) Java applications have to get lighter. Java 9 modularity will help but you have to consider footprint across the board. Choose your dependencies wisely Your choice of OS & distribution is important. The aim is ‘carry on only’ Your application isn’t going on a long trip
  • 27. Startup times How long do you want to wait? How long do you have to wait? Do you need to preemptively start instances ‘just in case’ due to start up time? To bad – that costs If the unit of deployment and scaling is an instance of a service it needs to start FAST BTW – think about this: Everything that happens at startup – happens every time, all the time.
  • 28. Java & fast startup time – It’s known for it! Application developers can reduce service startup time by deferring optional costs to when its needed. Maybe even create services with different behaviors rather than one with optional behavior But it’s not enough The JVM needs to revisit all the places where startup time was traded for throughput and turn them around. what about “ Everything that happens at startup – happens every time, all the time”
  • 29. The rub For container based services – all this start up effort happens multiple times during development and testing (let along during production) And it’s always the same result. AND you will pay £ for it every time We don’t have a good way to capture all this effort or formalise starting a JVM from a precanned image. (Shared classes doesn’t hack it) Other languages have better / faster startup!
  • 30. Runtime costs • Q: How much RAM does your application use? • A: Too much
  • 31. Runtime costs Most cloud providers will charge you for your RAM usage over time: $GB/hr. (Sometimes the charge is $0) Increasing –Xmx directly effects cost. Something businesses can understand Net effect – you’ll be tuning your application to fit into specific RAM sizes. Smaller than you use today. You need to measure where the storage goes. You’ll be picking some components based on memory usage increasing the amount of memory for 1 service increases the bill by the number of concurrent instances
  • 32. Multiple languages on the JVM. What’s the benefit of running them on the JVM vs having a native service? They can take more memory, and take longer to execute. Cloud applications are increasingly heterogeneous. Anyway they share data not objects Nashorn JavaScript engine delivered in JDK8 Utilizes new JVM level features for performance Avatar.js provides Node.js support on Nashorn Results of “Octane” JavaScript benchmark using Java 8 pre- u20 Node.js is 4.8x faster Avatar.js is >10x larger Feb 12th , 2015: Avatar is “put on hold”
  • 33. Simply Java applications are going to be running in a remote, constrained and metered environment There will be precise limits on how much disk, CPU, RAM, Bandwidth an application can use and for how long Whether your application is large or small, granular or monolithic. Someone will be paying for each unit used That person will want to get the most out of that investment
  • 34. Part 3 – The API economy And what that means for Java
  • 35. The API economy If your company has data it will eventually be shared and monetised Really. Cloud APIs are one of the fastest growing areas in our industry. Sharing data and services though APIs is enabling new opportunities and solutions Everyone is getting into the game.
  • 36. What makes a good cloud api ? • roughly in selection order. vailability 100% of course with performance SLAs elievability – Are those published 100% metrics true? ost – how much and what’s the unit of measure? iagnosability – can users debug problems without you? xcitement – is there a vibrant community using the API? unctionality – what else can the API do?
  • 37. Where you code runs day-to-day and moment-to- moment will be driven by economics, legal requirements and how much risk your business wants to take. Your code has to scale better, be more efficient, resilient, secure and work in constrained environments You will have to design, code, deliver, support and debug code in new ways It’s going to be scary
  • 38. How scary? design, coding, deployment , startup, execution, scaling debugging, security, resilience … Almost everything about your application is effected
  • 39. Resilient applications Design for short term failure: something fails all the time. Expect data and service outages regularly Fail and recover: don’t diagnose problems in running systems. Kill it and move on Every IO operation you perform may fail – do as few as possible Every IO operation may stall – costing you GB/hrs and resources– timeout everything quickly Every piece of data you receive may be badly formed – check everything Retry, compensation, backout strategies– these are your new friends “Everything in the cloud fails all the time” : Werner Vogels
  • 40. Debugging Remote support for your family? Fancy having to do that for your own apps? You have to assume: You will never be able to log into a remote server. You will never be able to attach a remote debugger to a failing app Ever. All problems must be resolved by local reproduction or logs and dumps
  • 41. Debugging It gets more challenging. Failures during deployment or initial startup can be difficult or impossible to diagnose. If your service instance didn’t start there is is little chance of logs being kept! Learn to love logs, dumps and traces. Remote log stores and tools are going to be your best friend BTW: they’ll cost too
  • 42. Debugging • Q: Why can’t you just keep the failed instance around? • A: You can – if you accept the £££ consequences…
  • 43. Hard metrics and limits keeping a failed app around or having apps on standby can be costly in multiple ways Runtime costs and taking up vital resource allocation
  • 44. Part 5 – our thoughts
  • 45. It’s all change How you design, code, deploy, debug, support etc will be effected by the metrics and limits imposed on you. Financial metrics and limits always change behavior. It also creates opportunity The JVM and Java applications have to get leaner and meaner You have to learn new techniques and tools
  • 46. More thoughts • Do we need a JVM anymore? If your container has code that will ONLY run on one OS/arch do we need hardware abstraction like class files and bytecode? • Linker coming in Java 9 helps reduce footprint and some startup time. • We need more AOT to convert Java into executable code once only • Individual service lifetimes are short so dynamic recompliation is not useful unless the generated code is shared. How do we share compiled code cheaper than it costs to generate the code? • Remember – you’ll be paying for all the ‘wasted’ CPU / RAM etc.
  • 47. Has this talk made you Think about how you use compute resource today? Think about how that use may need to change tomorrow? Want to measure your application profile now? Want to try out cloud technologies and gather real experience? Made you wonder where Java is going next?
  • 48. The story ends – you wake up and Java is what’s it’s always been The story ends – you wake up and Java is what’s it’s always been You stay in wonderland and see how deep the Java goes