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All Change!
why the economics of Cloud will
make you think differently about Java
CON6441 – JavaOne 2015
Important Disclaimers
Steve Poole – IBM
Making Java Real Since Version 0.9
DevOps Practitioner (whatever that means!)
This talk is about how this sort of measurement:
Is already changing your life & the direction of the Java
The ‘Cloud’ has a lot to answer for

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When Developers Operate and Operators Develop
When Developers Operate and Operators DevelopWhen Developers Operate and Operators Develop
When Developers Operate and Operators Develop

Businesses are speeding up development and automating operations to remain competitive and to get large organizations to scale. Project based monolithic application updates are replaced by product teams owning containerized microservices. This puts developers on call, responsible for pushing code to production, fixing it when it breaks, and managing the cost and security aspects of running their microservices. In this world operations skill-sets are either embedded in the microservices development teams, or  building and operating API driven platforms. The platform automates stress testing, canary based deployment, penetration testing and enforces availability and security requirements.  There are no meetings or tickets to file in the delivery process for updating a containerized microservice, which can happen many times a day, and takes seconds to complete. The role of site reliability engineering moves from firefighting and fixing outages to buiding tools for finding problems and routing those problems to the right developers. SREs manage the incident lifecycle for customer visible problems, and measure and publish availability metrics. This may sound futuristic but Werner Vogels described this as “You build it, you run it” in 2006.

Measure and Increase Developer Productivity with Help of Serverless AWS Commu...
Measure and Increase Developer Productivity with Help of Serverless AWS Commu...Measure and Increase Developer Productivity with Help of Serverless AWS Commu...
Measure and Increase Developer Productivity with Help of Serverless AWS Commu...

This document discusses increasing developer productivity through serverless computing. It begins by outlining various types of cognitive load on developers and how serverless can help minimize extraneous load. It then discusses how technical debt and inability to evolve can reduce productivity. Serverless is presented as helping reduce technical debt through writing less code and fewer dependencies. The total cost of ownership advantages of serverless are covered, including no infrastructure maintenance, built-in auto-scaling, ability to do more with fewer resources, lower technical debt, and faster time to market. Best practices like evolutionary architecture, DevOps, and chaos engineering are discussed for effectively leveraging serverless. Recent improvements to serverless offerings from AWS are summarized.

5 Essential Techniques for Building Fault-tolerant Systems
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5 Essential Techniques for Building Fault-tolerant Systems

Building add-ons for Atlassian products today means building a Connect add-on and running it as a service in your own infrastructure, or a PaaS provider’s infrastructure, or (more commonly) a set of microservices. While this has many benefits, the transition from monolithic to distributed systems brings with it additional failure modes that simply do not manifest in the world of local function calls. Join Atlassian developer Diego Berrueta for a walk-through of 5 resilience techniques that will help keep your services rock-solid in the face of unreliable, slow, or faulty systems. Diego Berrueta, Engineering Principal, Atlassian

atlassianatlassian summit europe 2017atlascamp 2017
• Part 1 – The economics of Cloud provisioning
• Part 2 - How Java measures up
• Part 3 – The API economy and Java
• Part 4 – wrap up
Part 1 – The economics of Cloud provisioning
Why ‘Cloud’ ?
A local, hand-crafted, static environment which
requires in-house specialist support, doesn’t scale
well and requires long term investment and
What ‘Cloud’
a virtual, dynamic environment
which maximizes use, is infinitely
scalable, always available and
needs minimal upfront
investment or commitment
Take your code – host it on someone else's
machine and pay only for the resource you use
for the time you use it
AND be able to do that very quickly and
repeatedly in parallel

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Fast Delivery DevOps Israel
Fast Delivery DevOps IsraelFast Delivery DevOps Israel
Fast Delivery DevOps Israel

The document summarizes Adrian Cockcroft's experience giving talks about Netflix's approach to technology over time. It notes that initially people reacted skeptically, saying Netflix's approach was crazy and wouldn't work (2009-2010). Later, people said it could only work for large companies like Netflix (2011). By 2012, people said they wanted to adopt a similar approach but couldn't. The document outlines key lessons learned from Cockcroft's time at Netflix, including that speed wins in the marketplace and removing friction from product development helps enable faster innovation.

Devops: A History
Devops: A HistoryDevops: A History
Devops: A History

DevOps originated from the Toyota Production System which pioneered lean manufacturing practices like just-in-time production and continuous improvement. These concepts influenced early software development methodologies like agile, Scrum, and extreme programming. As software development aimed to deliver value faster, operations struggled to keep up, highlighting the need for closer collaboration between development and operations teams. In 2008, Patrick Debois coined the term "DevOps" to describe this integration. Since then, DevOps adoption has grown significantly, though its core goals of empowering employees, delivering value, and embracing change remain the same.

Openstack Silicon Valley - Vendor Lock In
Openstack Silicon Valley - Vendor Lock InOpenstack Silicon Valley - Vendor Lock In
Openstack Silicon Valley - Vendor Lock In

Web Services and microservices, the effect on vendor lock-in, and a taxonomy of several kinds of lock-in.

How quickly do you need to get good code into
• Would you believe < 1hr?
• Case Study: A fashion retailer can show measureable
increase in sales if a item similar to that seen in the media can
be placed on their on-line store landing page within 1 hr of it
appearing in public.
• Each product placement is different so they need a fast, agile,
approach that does not jeopardize their on-line stores
availability and quality.
• We know how to do this..
Cloud computing is real.
Major vendors are providing
substantial capacity and it’s
growing all the time
Businesses see the opportunities
Improved value for money,
decreased time-to-market, shorter
time to value
“I can now get my ideas into
production in hours,days or weeks.
I can get immediate feedback AND
then I can improve the idea and
70% of IT Leaders are pursuing a hybrid cloud
Hybrid Cloud is coming to a data centre near you
The ability to have ‘cloud burst’
capacity is changing the way software
is being designed, developed and

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WinOps Conf 2016 - Gael Colas - Configuration Management Theory: Why Idempote...
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We'll discover the reasons why it is a risky bet to not *aim* to manage infrastructure and its configuration with idempotence and immutability at heart. Sharing real world experience, we'll see why configurations should not be done by humans (it's like playing Djenga), and why what may work at the beginning does not work over a long period of time or scale (pet vs cattle problem).

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Do it like the "DevOps Unicorns" Etsy, Facebook and Co: Deploy more frequently. But how and why? Challenges? Deploying Software Faster without Failing Faster is possible through Metrics driven Engineering. Identify problems early on using a "Shift-Left in Quality". This requires a Level-Up of Dev, Test, Ops, Biz See some of the metrics that I think you need to look at and how to upgrade your engineering team to produce better quality right from the start

application performance managementcontinuous integrationuser experience
Building for DevOps Success
Building for DevOps SuccessBuilding for DevOps Success
Building for DevOps Success

You might have heard about this DevOps thing, but what's it all about? This talk gives you a fast paced insight into real world horror stories from companies that didn't think DevOps practices mattered, and outlines 8 lessons we've learnt from helping people get DevOps initiatives successfully started.

devopscontinuous deliveryagile
We’re moving to a more industrial scale
v1v1 v2v2 v3v3
v1v1 v2v2
We’re moving to a more industrial scale
• Why buy one computer for a year when you
can hire 365 computers for a day..
(Or a hour or a minute or a millisecond)
“Compute on demand” – it’s what we always wanted

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Measure and increase developer productivity with help of Severless by Kazulki...
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Measure and increase developer productivity with help of Severless by Kazulki...

The goal of Serverless is to focus on writing the code that delivers business value and offload everything else to your trusted partners (like Cloud providers or SaaS vendors). You want to iterate quickly and today’s code quickly becomes tomorrow’s technical debt. In this talk we will show why Serverless adoption increases the developer productivity and how to measure it. We will also go through AWS Serverless architectures where you only glue together different Serverless managed services relying solely on configuration, minimizing the amount of the code written.

Modern Operations at Scale within Viasat – How to Structure Teams and Build A...
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Modern Operations at Scale within Viasat – How to Structure Teams and Build A...

1. ViaSat implemented a DevOps model and tools like Splunk, xMatters, Jira and HipChat to improve incident response times and enable automated collaboration across teams. 2. Use cases described how full closed loop incidents could be managed from initial alert to resolution. CI/CD pipelines allowed for automated deployments and documentation updates. 3. Benefits included reducing response times from 10 minutes to 30 seconds on average, empowering on-call staff to focus on fixing issues rather than administrative tasks, and enabling seamless escalation to ChatOps teams.

atlassianatlassian summit europe 2017
The Four Principles of Atlassian Performance Tuning
The Four Principles of Atlassian Performance TuningThe Four Principles of Atlassian Performance Tuning
The Four Principles of Atlassian Performance Tuning

There are typically four primary variables that influence the performance of an Atlassian application: users, application admins, add-on developers, and system administrators. Each plays a different role and its impact on performance can be profound at scale. Dan Hardiker, Chief Technical Officer at Adaptavist who's advised Fortune 500 companies on their Atlassian implementations, will share best practices and demonstrate how to use the process of "monitor, measure, mitigate" to identify key performance bottlenecks and provide data that your organization can use to optimize performance. Dan Hardiker, CTO, Adaptavist

atlassian summit europe 2017atlassian
Cloud Economics
We really are getting closer all the time to
‘Compute on Tap’
But with taps come meters…
Cloud Economics
Cloud computing: compute == money
Money changes everything
With a measureable and direct relationship
between $£€¥ and CPU/RAM, disk etc the
financial success or failure of a project is even
easier to see
And that means…
Even more focus on value for money.
American Society of Civil Engineers
will be
looking at
your leaky
will be
looking at
your leaky

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Performance Testing : Cloud Deployments
Performance Testing : Cloud DeploymentsPerformance Testing : Cloud Deployments
Performance Testing : Cloud Deployments

Delivered talk on Performance Testing : Cloud Deployments by Shreyas Chaudhari and Manish Hemnani at ThoughtWorks, Pune on 16th March, 2019 in VodQA Pune 2019.

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Cloud-Native Workshop - Santa Monica
Cloud-Native Workshop - Santa Monica Cloud-Native Workshop - Santa Monica
Cloud-Native Workshop - Santa Monica

The document discusses cloud native platforms and Pivotal Cloud Foundry. It describes Cloud Foundry as an opinionated and structured platform that defines strict contracts between the infrastructure layer, applications, and services. It also discusses how Cloud Foundry uses BOSH to automate infrastructure provisioning and orchestration, and how applications are deployed as containers through Diego cells.

Goto Berlin - Migrating to Microservices (Fast Delivery)
Goto Berlin - Migrating to Microservices (Fast Delivery)Goto Berlin - Migrating to Microservices (Fast Delivery)
Goto Berlin - Migrating to Microservices (Fast Delivery)

Combination of Fast Delivery slides with Migrating to Microservices presented at GOTO Berlin in November 2014

Part 2 - How Java measures up
Compute == money Easier than ever
a business can buy a
Just for how long they
need it.
No long term capital
Just as much as they
$ == GB/hr
-Xmx: $100
So what do I get for the money?
Real costs – it’s confusing
Offering RAM Cost CPUs
IBM Bluemix (CF) $24.15 GB/Month 4vCPUs per instance
IBM Bluemix (Containers) $ 9.94 GB/Month 4vCPUs per GB $21.60 GB/Month 4vCPUs per instance
Heroku (Hobby) $14.00 GB/Month 1 "CPU share" per 512MB in an
Heroku (Professional) $50.00 GB/Month 1 "CPU share" per 512MB in an
Amazon EC2 (SLES) $16.56 GB/Month 1 vCPU per 4GB in an instance.

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Fixing security by fixing software development
Fixing security by fixing software developmentFixing security by fixing software development
Fixing security by fixing software development

Fixing Security by Fixing Software Development Using Continuous Deployment Do you have an effective release cycle? Is your process long and archaic? Long release cycle are typically based on assumptions we haven't seen since the 1980s and require very mature organizations to implement successfully. They can also disenfranchise developers from caring or even knowing about security or operational issues. Attend this session to learn more about an alternative approach to managing deployments through Continuous Deployment, otherwise known as Continuous Delivery. Find out how small, but frequent changes to the production environment can transform an organization’s development process to truly integrate security. Learn how to get started with continuous deployment and what tools and process are needed to make implementation within your organization a (security) success.

securitycontinuous deploymentmicrosoft
Microservices Workshop - Craft Conference
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Microservices Workshop - Craft Conference

Full slide deck for day long discussion of microservices topics. Why use microservices, what options exist and how to migrate to them and address common problems.

All change! How the new Economics of Cloud will make you think differently ab...
All change! How the new Economics of Cloud will make you think differently ab...All change! How the new Economics of Cloud will make you think differently ab...
All change! How the new Economics of Cloud will make you think differently ab...

The document discusses how the economics of cloud computing will change how Java applications are developed and deployed. Cloud providers charge for computing resources on an hourly basis, incentivizing lighter, more efficient applications. Java applications will need to reduce their memory footprints and startup times to lower costs. Developers will also need to design applications to be resilient to failures and easier to debug remotely without access to instances. The rise of APIs and metering of resources will require Java and the JVM to become leaner and more flexible to run optimally in cloud environments.

Example costs
Bluemix (CF) Amazon (ECS)
Running a 512mb container
for a year
$289.80 for 4 cpus 198.72 for 1 cpu
Reducing memory footprint
by 10% saves
$28.98 $0
Running 10 containers in
2890.80 for 40
$1987.20 for 10 cpus
Reducing memory footprint
by 10% saves
289.80 $0
Unnecessary baggage
(you have loads)
Java applications have to get lighter.
Java 9 modularity will help but you have to
consider footprint across the board.
Choose your dependencies wisely
Your choice of OS & distribution is
The aim is ‘carry on only’
Your application isn’t going on a long
Startup times
How long do you want to wait?
How long do you have to wait?
Do you need to preemptively start instances ‘just
in case’ due to start up time?
To bad – that costs
BTW – think about this:
Everything that happens at startup – happens
every time, all the time.
Java & fast startup time – It’s known for it!
Application developers can reduce service startup
time by deferring optional costs to when its needed.
Maybe even create services with different behaviors
rather than one with optional behavior
But it’s not enough
The JVM needs to revisit all the places where
startup time was traded for throughput and turn them
what about
“ Everything that happens at startup – happens
every time, all the time”

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Cloud Economics
Cloud EconomicsCloud Economics
Cloud Economics

How far have you got with learning about Cloud? Got your head around Platform as a Service? Understand what IaaS means? Can spell Docker? Working in a DevOps mode? It’s easy to focus on learning new technology but it’s time to take a step back and look at what the technical implications are when an application is heading to the cloud. In the world of the cloud the benefits are high but the economics (financial and technical) can be radically different. Learn more about these new realities and how they can change application design, deployment and support. The introduction of Cloud technologies and its rapid adoption creates new opportunities and challenges. Whether designer, developer or tester, this talk will help you to start thinking differently about Java and the Cloud. Presented at JAX DE, 2016

Cloud Economics for Java at Java2Days
Cloud Economics for Java at Java2DaysCloud Economics for Java at Java2Days
Cloud Economics for Java at Java2Days

The document discusses how the economics of cloud computing will change how Java applications are developed and deployed. Specifically: 1. In cloud computing, customers pay for computing resources like CPU and RAM on an hourly basis, creating a direct link between cost and resource usage. This will drive Java applications to use fewer resources to reduce costs. 2. Java applications will need to have faster startup times, smaller footprints, and be designed to fail and recover quickly to work well in cloud environments. 3. The growth of APIs and sharing data/services means Java developers will need to focus on building reliable, performant, and well-documented APIs to monetize data and services. 4. Significant changes

cloud java java2days economics
JVM Support for Multitenant Applications - Steve Poole (IBM)
JVM Support for Multitenant Applications - Steve Poole (IBM)JVM Support for Multitenant Applications - Steve Poole (IBM)
JVM Support for Multitenant Applications - Steve Poole (IBM)

Presented at JAX London 2013 Per-tenant resource management can help ensure that collocated tenants peacefully share computational resources based on individual quotas. This session begins with a comparison of deployment models (shared: hardware, OS, middleware, everything) to motivate the multitenant approach. The main topic is an exploration of experimental data isolation and resource management primitives in IBM’s JDK that combine to help make multitenant applications smaller and more predictable.

For container based services start up effort
happens multiple times during development
and production
And it’s always the same result.
AND you will pay $ for it every time
We don’t have a good way to capture all this
effort or formalise starting a JVM from a
precanned image. (Shared classes doesn’t hack
Other languages have better / faster startup!
N-Body Memory Footprints (lower is better)
N-Body Completion Time (lower is
N-Body Completion Time, normalized for
100MB of memory (lower is better):

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2019 StartIT - Boosting your performance with Blackfire
2019 StartIT - Boosting your performance with Blackfire2019 StartIT - Boosting your performance with Blackfire
2019 StartIT - Boosting your performance with Blackfire

A workshop held in StartIT as part of Catena Media learning sessions. We aim to dispel the notion that large PHP applications tend to be sluggish, resource-intensive and slow compared to what the likes of Python, Erlang or even Node can do. The issue is not with optimising PHP internals - it's the lack of proper introspection tools and getting them into our every day workflow that counts! In this workshop we will talk about our struggles with whipping PHP Applications into shape, as well as work together on some of the more interesting examples of CPU or IO drain.

JavaOne 2016 "Java, Microservices, Cloud and Containers"
JavaOne 2016 "Java, Microservices, Cloud and Containers"JavaOne 2016 "Java, Microservices, Cloud and Containers"
JavaOne 2016 "Java, Microservices, Cloud and Containers"

Everyone is talking about building “cloud native” Java applications—and taking advantage of microservice architecture, containers, and orchestration/PaaS platforms—but there is surprisingly little discussion of migrating existing legacy (moneymaking) applications. This session aims to address this, and, using lessons learned from several real-world examples, it covers topics such when to rewrite applications (if at all), modeling/extracting business domains, applying the “application strangler” pattern, common misconceptions with “12-factor” application design, and the benefits/drawbacks of container technology.

Building a full-stack app with Golang and Google Cloud Platform in one week
Building a full-stack app with Golang and Google Cloud Platform in one weekBuilding a full-stack app with Golang and Google Cloud Platform in one week
Building a full-stack app with Golang and Google Cloud Platform in one week

This document discusses building a full-stack application called MemeMail using Golang and Google Cloud Platform within one week. It describes choosing Google Cloud over other cloud providers for its ease of use. It then discusses the frontend implementation using Vue.js with a simple state mutation approach. The backend is built with Golang on App Engine using Cloud services like Datastore and Cloud Build for CI/CD. It emphasizes keeping the architecture simple rather than over-engineering for an MVP within a tight deadline.

golangcloudgoogle cloud platform
• Q: How much RAM does your
application use?
• A: Too much
Runtime costs
Most cloud providers will charge you for your RAM usage over time:
$GB/hr. (Sometimes the charge is $0)
Increasing –Xmx directly effects cost. Something businesses can understand
Net effect – you’ll be tuning your application
to fit into specific RAM sizes.
Smaller than you use today.
You need to measure where the storage goes.
You’ll be picking some components based on
memory usage
increasing the amount of memory for 1 service
increases the bill by the number of concurrent
Java applications are going to be running in a remote,
constrained and metered environment
There will be precise limits on how much disk, CPU,
RAM, Bandwidth an application can use and for how
Whether your application is large or small, granular or
monolithic. Someone will be paying for each unit used
That person will want to get the most out of that
Your application is going on a diet
The JVM needs to change
Part 3 – The API economy
And what that means for Java

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Enterprise Testing in The Cloud
Enterprise Testing in The CloudEnterprise Testing in The Cloud
Enterprise Testing in The Cloud

This slide contains a brief presentation of how Organizations can leverage Cloud to virtualize functional/performance testing and cost benefit from investing in hardware.

perfornamce testingenterprise testingcloud computing
Securing a Cloud Migration
Securing a Cloud MigrationSecuring a Cloud Migration
Securing a Cloud Migration

Erik Costlow, Product Evangelist at Contrast Security, was Oracle's principal product manager for Java 8 and 9, focused on security and performance. His security expertise involves threat modeling, code analysis, and instrumentation of security sensors. He is working to broaden this approach to security with Contrast Security. Before becoming involved in technology, Erik was a circus performer who juggled fire on a three-wheel vertical unicycle.

Securing a Cloud Migration
Securing a Cloud MigrationSecuring a Cloud Migration
Securing a Cloud Migration

Presented by Erik Costlow, Contrast Security, at DevSecOps 101: Containers, Clouds, and Apps in Boston on May 16th, 2019.

contrast securitycloud migrationcloud native software
The API economy
If your company has data it will eventually
be shared and monetized
Cloud APIs are one of the fastest growing areas in our industry.
Sharing data and services though APIs is enabling new
opportunities and solutions
Everyone is getting into the game.
What makes a good cloud api ?
• roughly in selection order.
vailability 100% of course with performance SLAs
elievability – Are those published 100% metrics true?
ost – how much and what’s the unit of measure?
iagnosability – can users debug problems without you?
xcitement – is there a vibrant community using the API?
unctionality – what else can the API do?
Where you code runs day-to-day and moment-to-
moment will be driven by economics, legal
requirements and how much risk your business
wants to take.
Your code has to scale better, be more efficient,
resilient, secure and work in constrained
You will have to design, code, deliver, support and
debug code in new ways
It’s going to be scary
How scary?
design, coding, deployment ,
startup, execution, scaling
debugging, security, resilience …
everything about
your application
is effected

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How My Website Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cloud
How My Website Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the CloudHow My Website Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cloud
How My Website Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cloud

This document discusses how integrating cloud services can help solve technology issues and reduce costs compared to building infrastructure from scratch. It provides 10 ways to utilize the cloud, including content delivery, CMS asset hosting, forms, backups, media streaming, development sandboxes, and encoding/processing large amounts of data. Examples are given of colleges that saved money by using cloud services for video hosting, CMS testing, and project development. Potential cloud providers like Amazon, Rackspace, and Mechanical Turk are also mentioned.

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Cloud computing
Cloud computingCloud computing
Cloud computing

This document provides information about cloud computing and Drupal cloud hosting providers. It discusses traditional hosting limitations like high costs, difficulty maintaining servers, and downtime issues. Cloud computing evolved to address these through virtualization, pay-as-you-go models, and automatic scaling. The document then compares top Drupal cloud providers Acquia, Pantheon, and based on their base cloud provider, uptime SLAs, pricing, support offerings, development environments, and other features. It concludes that while each provider has pros and cons, budget and client requirements should determine the best choice for a given project.

cloud computingclouddrupal
FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...
FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...
FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...

When we talk about prices, we often only talk about Lambda costs. In our applications, however, we rarely use only Lambda. Usually we have other building blocks like API Gateway, data sources like SNS, SQS or Kinesis. We also store our data either in S3 or in serverless databases like DynamoDB or recently in Aurora Serverless. All of these AWS services have their own pricing models to look out for. In this talk, we will draw a complete picture of the total cost of ownership in serverless applications and present a decision-making list for determining if and whether to rely on serverless paradigm in your project. In doing so, we look at the cost aspects as well as other aspects such as understanding application lifecycle, software architecture, platform limitations, organizational knowledge and plattform and tooling maturity. We will also discuss current challenges adopting serverless such as lack of high latency ephemeral storage, unsufficient network performance and missing security features.

Resilient applications
Design for short term failure: something fails all the time. Expect data and
service outages regularly
Fail and recover: don’t diagnose problems in running systems. Kill it and
move on
Every IO operation you perform may fail – do as few as possible
Every IO operation may stall – costing you GB/hrs and resources– timeout
everything quickly
Every piece of data you receive may be badly formed – check everything
“Everything in the cloud fails
all the time” : Werner Vogels
Remote support for your family?
Fancy having to do that for your own
You have to assume:
You will never be able to log into a
remote server.
You will never be able to attach a
remote debugger to a failing app
All problems must be resolved by local
reproduction or logs and dumps
It gets more challenging.
Failures during deployment or initial startup can
be difficult or impossible to diagnose.
If your service instance didn’t start there is is little
chance of logs being kept!
Learn to love logs, dumps and traces.
Remote log stores and tools are going to be
your best friend
BTW: they’ll cost too
• Q: Why can’t you just keep the failed
instance around?
• A: You can – if you accept the $$$

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FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...
FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...
FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...

When we talk about prices, we often only talk about Lambda costs. In our applications, however, we rarely use only Lambda. Usually we have other building blocks like API Gateway, data sources like SNS, SQS or Kinesis. We also store our data either in S3 or in serverless databases like DynamoDB or recently in Aurora Serverless. All of these AWS services have their own pricing models to look out for. In this talk, we will draw a complete picture of the total cost of ownership in serverless applications and present a decision-making list for determining if and whether to rely on serverless paradigm in your project. In doing so, we look at the cost aspects as well as other aspects such as understanding application lifecycle, software architecture, platform limitations, organizational knowledge and plattform and tooling maturity. We will also discuss current challenges adopting serverless such as lack of high latency ephemeral storage, unsufficient network performance and missing security features.

WSO2Con EU 2015: Keynote - Cloud Native Apps… from a user point of view
WSO2Con EU 2015: Keynote - Cloud Native Apps… from a user point of viewWSO2Con EU 2015: Keynote - Cloud Native Apps… from a user point of view
WSO2Con EU 2015: Keynote - Cloud Native Apps… from a user point of view

WSO2Con EU 2015: Keynote - Cloud Native Apps… from a user point of view Presenter: Alexis Richardson Co-founder and CEO, Weaveworks

by WSO2
Migrating to cloud-native_app_architectures_pivotal
Migrating to cloud-native_app_architectures_pivotalMigrating to cloud-native_app_architectures_pivotal
Migrating to cloud-native_app_architectures_pivotal

The document discusses migrating application architectures to cloud-native designs. It begins by explaining the rise of cloud-native architectures, noting their ability to enable speed of innovation, always-available services, web scale, and mobile-centric experiences. Key motivations for adopting cloud-native architectures include enabling speed, safety, scale, and supporting mobile and client diversity. The document then defines characteristics of cloud-native architectures, highlighting twelve-factor applications and their emphasis on horizontal scaling, loose deployment coupling, and configuration via environment variables.

Hard metrics and
keeping a failed app around
or having apps on standby
can be costly in multiple ways
Runtime costs and taking up
vital resource allocation
Part 4 – wrap-up
It’s all change
How you design, code, deploy, debug,
support etc will be effected by the
metrics and limits imposed on you.
Financial metrics and limits always
change behavior. It also creates
You will have to learn new techniques
and tools
The JVM and Java applications have
to get leaner and meaner
Multiple languages on the JVM.
What’s the benefit of running
them on the JVM vs having a
native service?
They can take more memory,
and take longer to execute.
Cloud applications are
increasingly heterogeneous.
Anyway they share data not
Nashorn JavaScript engine delivered in
Utilizes new JVM level features for
Avatar.js provides Node.js support on
Results of “Octane” JavaScript
benchmark using Java 8 pre-u20
Node.js is 4.8x faster
Avatar.js is >10x larger
Feb 12th
, 2015: Avatar is “put on hold”

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Migrating_to_Cloud-Native_App_Architectures_Pivotal (2)

This document discusses the benefits of migrating to cloud-native application architectures. It provides speed, safety, and scale. Cloud-native architectures allow for rapid provisioning of resources and deployment of code changes. They promote safety through visibility into failures, isolation of failures to individual components, fault tolerance to prevent cascading failures, and automated recovery from failures. This enables developing and releasing code quickly while maintaining system stability.


This document discusses the benefits of migrating to cloud-native application architectures. It provides speed, safety, and scale. Cloud-native architectures allow for rapid provisioning of resources and deployment of code changes. They promote safety through visibility into failures, isolation of failures to individual components, fault tolerance to prevent cascading failures, and automated recovery from failures. This enables developing and releasing code quickly while maintaining system stability.

Migrating_to_Cloud-Native_App_Architectures_Pivotal (2)
Migrating_to_Cloud-Native_App_Architectures_Pivotal (2)Migrating_to_Cloud-Native_App_Architectures_Pivotal (2)
Migrating_to_Cloud-Native_App_Architectures_Pivotal (2)

This document discusses the benefits of migrating to cloud-native application architectures. It provides speed, safety, and scale. Cloud-native architectures allow for rapid provisioning of resources and deployment of code changes. They promote safety through visibility into failures, isolation of failures to individual components, fault tolerance to prevent cascading failures, and automated recovery from failures. This enables developing and releasing code quickly while maintaining system stability.

More thoughts
• Do we need a JVM anymore? If your container has code that will ONLY run
on one OS/arch do we need hardware abstraction like class files and
• Modularity etc coming in Java 9 helps reduce footprint and some startup
• We need more AOT to convert Java into executable code once only
• Individual service lifetimes are short so dynamic recompilation is not useful
unless the generated code is shared. How do we share compiled code
cheaper than it costs to generate the code?
• Remember – you’ll be paying for all the ‘wasted’ CPU / RAM etc.
1. Your business will need to adapt to ‘cloud’
2. Your developers will need to adapt to ‘cloud’
3. Your application will need to adapt to ‘cloud’
4. Your competitors are already adapting
We don’t know all the answers (or even the questions) yet.
We do know the next and largest ever pain point for Java is ‘cloud’
Big changes are needed to keep Java successful and competitive
Your world is changing dramatically and all
because of …

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Blue Shield of CA Revolutionizes its Portal Environment on IBM PureApplicatio...Blue Shield of CA Revolutionizes its Portal Environment on IBM PureApplicatio...
Blue Shield of CA Revolutionizes its Portal Environment on IBM PureApplicatio...

Blue Shield of California revolutionized its portal environment by implementing IBM's PureApplication System. The new portal needed to be ready by October 1st for open enrollment under the Affordable Care Act. Blue Shield's previous infrastructure was non-converged and standalone, making application provisioning take up to 4 months. The PureApplication System provided pre-defined application patterns that allowed Blue Shield to deploy new environments in hours instead of weeks. This helped Blue Shield prepare for the higher website activity expected from the healthcare exchange.

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Key Takeaways for Java Developers from the State of the Software Supply Chain...
Key Takeaways for Java Developers from the State of the Software Supply Chain...Key Takeaways for Java Developers from the State of the Software Supply Chain...
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Maven Central hits 1 Trillion downloads, Cyber bad guys make $6 Trillion, Governments respond and of course AI. What happened this year and what does it mean for 2024? A look at what Sonatype discovered in preparing the 9th State of the Software Supply Chain Report and what it could mean for developers in the future. 2024 is going to be difficult for all of us: find out how, why and just what you need to do next!

securitysoftwaresoftware supply chain

The document discusses how AI will transform software development and some of the challenges that come with increased use of AI, such as ensuring appropriate content from AI models and securing data used to train models. It notes cybercrime has a GDP comparable to major countries and there are concerns about the origins of data used in open source AI models. The document advocates for using AI tools but also calls for measures like a software bill of materials to help address security and integrity issues.

The story ends – you wake up and
Java is what’s it’s always been
The story ends – you wake up and
Java is what’s it’s always been
You stay in wonderland and see
how deep the Java goes
Thank you

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All Change how the economics of Cloud will make you think differently about Java

  • 1. All Change! why the economics of Cloud will make you think differently about Java CON6441 – JavaOne 2015
  • 3. Steve Poole – IBM Making Java Real Since Version 0.9 DevOps Practitioner (whatever that means!) @spoole167
  • 4. This talk is about how this sort of measurement: GB/hr Is already changing your life & the direction of the Java ecosystem The ‘Cloud’ has a lot to answer for
  • 5. Outline • Part 1 – The economics of Cloud provisioning • Part 2 - How Java measures up • Part 3 – The API economy and Java • Part 4 – wrap up
  • 6. Part 1 – The economics of Cloud provisioning
  • 7. Why ‘Cloud’ ? A local, hand-crafted, static environment which requires in-house specialist support, doesn’t scale well and requires long term investment and commitment tps://
  • 8. What ‘Cloud’ promises a virtual, dynamic environment which maximizes use, is infinitely scalable, always available and needs minimal upfront investment or commitment Take your code – host it on someone else's machine and pay only for the resource you use for the time you use it AND be able to do that very quickly and repeatedly in parallel
  • 9. How quickly do you need to get good code into production? • Would you believe < 1hr? • Case Study: A fashion retailer can show measureable increase in sales if a item similar to that seen in the media can be placed on their on-line store landing page within 1 hr of it appearing in public. • Each product placement is different so they need a fast, agile, approach that does not jeopardize their on-line stores availability and quality. • We know how to do this..
  • 10. Cloud computing is real. Major vendors are providing substantial capacity and it’s growing all the time Businesses see the opportunities Improved value for money, decreased time-to-market, shorter time to value “I can now get my ideas into production in hours,days or weeks. I can get immediate feedback AND then I can improve the idea and repeat”
  • 11. 70% of IT Leaders are pursuing a hybrid cloud strategy Hybrid Cloud is coming to a data centre near you
  • 12. ps:// The ability to have ‘cloud burst’ capacity is changing the way software is being designed, developed and supported
  • 13. We’re moving to a more industrial scale v1v1 v2v2 v3v3 time compute capacity
  • 15. • Why buy one computer for a year when you can hire 365 computers for a day.. (Or a hour or a minute or a millisecond)
  • 17. Cloud Economics We really are getting closer all the time to ‘Compute on Tap’
  • 18. But with taps come meters… Cloud Economics
  • 19. Cloud computing: compute == money Money changes everything With a measureable and direct relationship between $£€¥ and CPU/RAM, disk etc the financial success or failure of a project is even easier to see And that means… Even more focus on value for money.
  • 20. American Society of Civil Engineers Someone will be looking at your leaky app Someone will be looking at your leaky app
  • 21. Part 2 - How Java measures up
  • 22. Compute == money Easier than ever before a business can buy a CPU Just for how long they need it. No long term capital investment. Just as much as they need $ == GB/hr -Xmx: $100
  • 23. So what do I get for the money?
  • 24. Real costs – it’s confusing Offering RAM Cost CPUs IBM Bluemix (CF) $24.15 GB/Month 4vCPUs per instance IBM Bluemix (Containers) $ 9.94 GB/Month 4vCPUs per GB $21.60 GB/Month 4vCPUs per instance Heroku (Hobby) $14.00 GB/Month 1 "CPU share" per 512MB in an instance Heroku (Professional) $50.00 GB/Month 1 "CPU share" per 512MB in an instance Amazon EC2 (SLES) $16.56 GB/Month 1 vCPU per 4GB in an instance.
  • 25. Example costs Bluemix (CF) Amazon (ECS) Running a 512mb container for a year $289.80 for 4 cpus 198.72 for 1 cpu Reducing memory footprint by 10% saves $28.98 $0 Running 10 containers in parallel 2890.80 for 40 cpus $1987.20 for 10 cpus Reducing memory footprint by 10% saves 289.80 $0
  • 26. Unnecessary baggage (you have loads) Java applications have to get lighter. Java 9 modularity will help but you have to consider footprint across the board. Choose your dependencies wisely Your choice of OS & distribution is important. The aim is ‘carry on only’ Your application isn’t going on a long trip
  • 27. Startup times How long do you want to wait? How long do you have to wait? Do you need to preemptively start instances ‘just in case’ due to start up time? To bad – that costs BTW – think about this: Everything that happens at startup – happens every time, all the time.
  • 28. Java & fast startup time – It’s known for it! Application developers can reduce service startup time by deferring optional costs to when its needed. Maybe even create services with different behaviors rather than one with optional behavior But it’s not enough The JVM needs to revisit all the places where startup time was traded for throughput and turn them around. what about “ Everything that happens at startup – happens every time, all the time”
  • 29. Consequences For container based services start up effort happens multiple times during development and production And it’s always the same result. AND you will pay $ for it every time We don’t have a good way to capture all this effort or formalise starting a JVM from a precanned image. (Shared classes doesn’t hack it) Other languages have better / faster startup!
  • 30. N-Body Memory Footprints (lower is better)
  • 31. N-Body Completion Time (lower is better):
  • 32. N-Body Completion Time, normalized for 100MB of memory (lower is better):
  • 33. • Q: How much RAM does your application use? • A: Too much
  • 34. Runtime costs Most cloud providers will charge you for your RAM usage over time: $GB/hr. (Sometimes the charge is $0) Increasing –Xmx directly effects cost. Something businesses can understand Net effect – you’ll be tuning your application to fit into specific RAM sizes. Smaller than you use today. You need to measure where the storage goes. You’ll be picking some components based on memory usage increasing the amount of memory for 1 service increases the bill by the number of concurrent instances
  • 35. Simply Java applications are going to be running in a remote, constrained and metered environment There will be precise limits on how much disk, CPU, RAM, Bandwidth an application can use and for how long Whether your application is large or small, granular or monolithic. Someone will be paying for each unit used That person will want to get the most out of that investment Your application is going on a diet The JVM needs to change
  • 36. Part 3 – The API economy And what that means for Java
  • 37. The API economy If your company has data it will eventually be shared and monetized Really. Cloud APIs are one of the fastest growing areas in our industry. Sharing data and services though APIs is enabling new opportunities and solutions Everyone is getting into the game.
  • 38. What makes a good cloud api ? • roughly in selection order. vailability 100% of course with performance SLAs elievability – Are those published 100% metrics true? ost – how much and what’s the unit of measure? iagnosability – can users debug problems without you? xcitement – is there a vibrant community using the API? unctionality – what else can the API do?
  • 39. Where you code runs day-to-day and moment-to- moment will be driven by economics, legal requirements and how much risk your business wants to take. Your code has to scale better, be more efficient, resilient, secure and work in constrained environments You will have to design, code, deliver, support and debug code in new ways It’s going to be scary
  • 40. How scary? design, coding, deployment , startup, execution, scaling debugging, security, resilience … Almost everything about your application is effected
  • 41. Resilient applications Design for short term failure: something fails all the time. Expect data and service outages regularly Fail and recover: don’t diagnose problems in running systems. Kill it and move on Every IO operation you perform may fail – do as few as possible Every IO operation may stall – costing you GB/hrs and resources– timeout everything quickly Every piece of data you receive may be badly formed – check everything “Everything in the cloud fails all the time” : Werner Vogels
  • 42. Debugging Remote support for your family? Fancy having to do that for your own apps? You have to assume: You will never be able to log into a remote server. You will never be able to attach a remote debugger to a failing app Ever. All problems must be resolved by local reproduction or logs and dumps
  • 43. Debugging It gets more challenging. Failures during deployment or initial startup can be difficult or impossible to diagnose. If your service instance didn’t start there is is little chance of logs being kept! Learn to love logs, dumps and traces. Remote log stores and tools are going to be your best friend BTW: they’ll cost too
  • 44. Debugging • Q: Why can’t you just keep the failed instance around? • A: You can – if you accept the $$$ consequences…
  • 45. Hard metrics and limits keeping a failed app around or having apps on standby can be costly in multiple ways Runtime costs and taking up vital resource allocation
  • 46. Part 4 – wrap-up
  • 47. It’s all change How you design, code, deploy, debug, support etc will be effected by the metrics and limits imposed on you. Financial metrics and limits always change behavior. It also creates opportunity You will have to learn new techniques and tools The JVM and Java applications have to get leaner and meaner
  • 48. Multiple languages on the JVM. What’s the benefit of running them on the JVM vs having a native service? They can take more memory, and take longer to execute. Cloud applications are increasingly heterogeneous. Anyway they share data not objects Nashorn JavaScript engine delivered in JDK8 Utilizes new JVM level features for performance Avatar.js provides Node.js support on Nashorn Results of “Octane” JavaScript benchmark using Java 8 pre-u20 Node.js is 4.8x faster Avatar.js is >10x larger Feb 12th , 2015: Avatar is “put on hold”
  • 49. More thoughts • Do we need a JVM anymore? If your container has code that will ONLY run on one OS/arch do we need hardware abstraction like class files and bytecode? • Modularity etc coming in Java 9 helps reduce footprint and some startup time. • We need more AOT to convert Java into executable code once only • Individual service lifetimes are short so dynamic recompilation is not useful unless the generated code is shared. How do we share compiled code cheaper than it costs to generate the code? • Remember – you’ll be paying for all the ‘wasted’ CPU / RAM etc.
  • 50. Summary 1. Your business will need to adapt to ‘cloud’ 2. Your developers will need to adapt to ‘cloud’ 3. Your application will need to adapt to ‘cloud’ 4. Your competitors are already adapting We don’t know all the answers (or even the questions) yet. We do know the next and largest ever pain point for Java is ‘cloud’ Big changes are needed to keep Java successful and competitive
  • 51. Your world is changing dramatically and all because of …
  • 52. GB/hr
  • 53. The story ends – you wake up and Java is what’s it’s always been The story ends – you wake up and Java is what’s it’s always been You stay in wonderland and see how deep the Java goes

Editor's Notes

  1. You today
  2. What your competion is doing
  3. How much memory used to run the benchmark
  4. How long to run the benchmark
  5. Normalised for 100 MB of memory
  6. Lets pick two
  7. The biggest ever pain point
  8. Your choice – keep your head down and hope someone else solves the problem Or get involved – rent some cloud capacity and start learning..