SlideShare a Scribd company logo
   How I got my mashup
      groove back.

Christian Heilmann, BarCamp 4, London, May 2008
The once enticing and
 amazing world of mashups
and ethical hacking started to
          bore me.
I’ve seen a lot and a lot of
Random data on maps.

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How We Used To, How We Will
How We Used To, How We WillHow We Used To, How We Will
How We Used To, How We Will

How We Used To, How We Will with Eric Socolofsky Presented live at FITC Toronto 2015 More info at OVERVIEW The photo-sharing website Flickr has a ten-year history of trying out new things. From its origin as a feature spun off of a massively-multiplayer game, through the dark days of neglect, to its current reincarnation, many different people have advanced new ideas via many different paths. Which roads are the smoothest and which are full of potholes? Which lead to the most interesting discoveries and which to the staid and expected? Are new ideas the sole province of product teams, or should engineers and designers participate in the process? In his talk, Eric explores a brief history of Flickr’s long tenure on the Web, and provides a platform from which to examine these questions. OBJECTIVE Examine the sources of inspiration and innovation, and the paths from idea to execution. TARGET AUDIENCE People who make things, people who use web services, people with ideas for new products. ASSUMED AUDIENCE KNOWLEDGE Familiarity with web products and user experiences. FIVE THINGS AUDIENCE MEMBERS WILL LEARN How to make things with a team. How to avoid, and avoid being consumed by, office politics. How to be an engineer with design and product skills. How to be a designer with engineering and product skills. How to be a product person with design and engineering skills.

Are museums a dial that only goes to 5?
Are museums a dial that only goes to 5? Are museums a dial that only goes to 5?
Are museums a dial that only goes to 5?

1. The document discusses scale and how organizations can achieve greater scale through open communities, being web-centric, and having a global reach from the start. 2. It provides examples of highly scaled online communities and platforms like Wikipedia, Kickstarter, and Google Books to show what is possible with the right approach. 3. Museums are encouraged to think bigger about how to accomplish their missions and engage more people worldwide through embracing new digital approaches and tools that enable widespread participation and collaboration at a large scale.

Tell 2010 final pp
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Tell 2010 final pp

This document provides an overview of virtual worlds and introduces Second Life. It discusses what virtual worlds are, common activities and demographics of users. The document then guides the reader through creating an account and avatar in Second Life, exploring the virtual world, and considers applications of virtual worlds in education, business, healthcare and for people with disabilities. Questions are provided throughout to help readers reflect on their experience and how virtual worlds could be used.

Seemingly useful data from
other sources next to the one
  I was really interested in.
My music with my photos.
... and so on.
It was all a bit like déja vu.

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The document discusses strategies for newspapers to grow their online presence through video, audio, rich media, and social networking. It emphasizes that video captures moments in a way photos cannot, and provides tips for creating watchable, timely, and easily digestible video content. It also stresses that social media is about communities of 15 people rather than mass audiences, and argues that newspapers should embrace new technologies like blogging and video even if they are not yet mainstream, as the future is changing rapidly.

social mediavideoadvertising
Brighton University: Managing reputation online
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Brighton University: Managing reputation online

This document discusses managing one's online reputation through social media. It provides tips on using social networks like LinkedIn and Twitter to be found online, understand your online networks, choose what information to share publicly versus privately, and use tools to manage your online presence. The document recommends completing profiles, joining groups, sharing useful content, and maintaining an online presence across multiple networks and platforms to effectively manage your personal online reputation.

personalreputationsocial media

Steve Gilbert's Fundamental Questions revised and adapted for POD/HBCUFDN Conf 20111027 for copyright/licensing, see

It was all a bit like déja vu.
The problem?
None of this made any
 difference to the world
around me or actually my
        own life.
Then something cool

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Slides for a 1-day workshop on "Future Technologies and Their Applications" facilitated by Brian Kelly and Tony Hirst at the ILI 2013 conference on Monday 14 October 2013. See See

Georgia Tech hacking Accessibility
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Georgia Tech hacking Accessibility

This document discusses accessibility and how bringing people together to focus on removing barriers can help move accessibility forward in a meaningful way. It provides examples of how APIs, extensions, and hackathons that focus on understanding different barriers and building solutions can make the web more accessible and improve the experience for all users. The key is finding consensus to push accessibility efforts in the same direction rather than working against each other.

Managing personal Reputation Online
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Managing personal Reputation Online

This document discusses managing one's online reputation and presence across various social networks and platforms. It provides tips on using networks like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram effectively. It emphasizes the importance of completing profiles, endorsing others, maintaining an online presence, and curating what you share. Tools like Diigo and Evernote are recommended for organizing content. The document stresses understanding how information spreads online and balancing open and closed sharing based on context.

reputationsocial media
Find real world problems and
      mix those with the
    enthusiasm of ethical
Instead of struggling to find
problems to solve, geeks got
  them delivered to them.
One entry especially got me
     very interested.

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Web 2.0 and You : Government and the web
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Web 2.0 and You : Government and the web

The document discusses the rise of online participation and web 2.0 technologies. It notes that over 60% of households in the UK now have internet access, though certain groups remain underrepresented. Web 2.0 allows for more participatory and collaborative forms of interaction online through blogging, social networking, wikis and other user-generated content. Examples like Facebook and Twitter are given to illustrate popular social networks for engagement. The document encourages the use of these tools to involve people and share knowledge online.

Alice Casey, Involve: Web 2.0 and You: Local Government Conference
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Alice Casey, Involve: Web 2.0 and You: Local Government Conference

Public engagement and local government conference : empowering citizens to shape communities. A bit about what Web 2.0 offers to local government in the UK.

Googlen of Gegoogled worden
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Googlen of Gegoogled worden

The document discusses how technology is changing education and how students today, called "millennials", interact with and use technology differently than previous generations. It provides tips for teachers on how to engage millennials, including using technology in meaningful ways and exposing students to the wider world through tools like TED talks. The overall message is that the world is changing rapidly and both students and education must adapt.

I was especially fascinated by
     enabled by design.
Enabled by design takes
 something people are very
 fascinated about – product
design – and marries it with a
    need of real people.
That made me wonder about
other things that can be done
          that way.
Luckily there is a whole new
 market flourishing – social

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If Social Learning is the Answer, What's the Question?
If Social Learning is the Answer, What's the Question?If Social Learning is the Answer, What's the Question?
If Social Learning is the Answer, What's the Question?

For a ON24 Virtual Learning Live session, I facilitated a conversation about social learning and how it can benefit organizations. See the full website here>

social businesscollaborationsocial learning
Web 2.0 Is the Future of Education
Web 2.0 Is the Future of EducationWeb 2.0 Is the Future of Education
Web 2.0 Is the Future of Education

I believe that the read/write Web, or what we are calling Web 2.0, will culturally, socially, intellectually, and politically have a greater impact than the advent of the printing press. I believe that we cannot even begin to imagine the changes that are going to take place as the two-way nature of the Internet begins to flower, and that even those of us who have spent time imagining this future will be astounded by what happens. I’m going to identify ten trends in this regard that I think have particular importance for education and learning, and then discuss seven steps I think educators can take to make a difference during this time.

web 2.0interneteducation
Web 2.0 in PowerPoint
Web 2.0 in PowerPointWeb 2.0 in PowerPoint
Web 2.0 in PowerPoint

This document introduces Web 2.0 tools that support 21st century skills like communication, collaboration, problem solving, creativity and innovation. It lists popular Web 2.0 sites for creating, publishing, sharing and collaborating like Wikipedia, YouTube, Flickr and Facebook. It then provides examples of Web 2.0 tools that can be used for problem solving, decision making, and creativity including Webspiration, Delicious, and VoiceThread. Finally, it includes resources and references for using Web 2.0 tools in education.

• The catalyst awards
It is time not to “scratch the
    developer’s itch” but to
tackle real problems with our
    hacking kung-foo skills.
So what am I doing?
Reading a lot of emails,
attending conferences and
seeing demands made me
 bored of the accessibility
  movement in our area.

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Choose Your Own WIki Adventure - V2
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Choose Your Own WIki Adventure - V2

This document discusses using wikis in K-12 education. Wikis allow students to easily edit web pages online and trace the history of edits. Wikis are a natural technology for students who already use blogs and social media. While informal social interactions differ from formal academic work, wikis provide a way for students to formally collaborate online. The document provides examples of history and Holocaust-related projects where students used wikis to research topics and create narrative timelines. It also discusses design patterns, project processes, and student reflections on how the projects increased their understanding and perspective on decision-making.

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Canape de ricota com uva passas
WEF Travel Tourism Competitiveness 2011
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Tourism competitiveness is an important economic indicator. It is a major element in economic stimulation packages. Tourism is among the largest employers in most countries and also a fast-lane vehicle into the workforce for young people and women. Encouraging travel boosts consumer and business confidence, it strengthens two-way trade and promotes export income.

People that really needed our
 help never got to voice their
Instead we concentrated on
  technical details, following
best practices that never got
 tested in the real world and
generally stalled, waiting for
the law to make accessibility
            a must.
It is about people.
Not about technology.
We will never build perfect
solutions without input from
people who we want to help.

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Jones Et Al Gisruk 2008
Jones Et Al  Gisruk 2008Jones Et Al  Gisruk 2008
Jones Et Al Gisruk 2008

The document describes a project that developed an interactive online profiler tool to analyze and compare suburban town centres in London. The profiler compiles socio-economic, spatial, and transportation data into interactive maps to help users visualize relationships between the built environment, economic activity, and commuting patterns in different suburban town centres. It was designed to test hypotheses about what contributes to the economic success of suburban areas and inform policy around suburban town centre design.

Five Tips to Thrive in an Unpredictable Market
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This document provides five tips for thriving in today's unpredictable economy: 1) Mind your ethos by reframing negative thoughts, managing your environment, and taking care of yourself. 2) Refine and share your "factor," which makes you stand out from others. 3) Connect and contribute to your network by adding value, showing appreciation, and leveraging online connections. 4) Adopt an entrepreneurial spirit by identifying opportunities, acquiring needed skills and information, and pursuing opportunities that motivate you. 5) Continually learn and adapt to change by taking classes, reading, and exposing yourself to new ideas and industries. The overall message is that times of economic uncertainty also provide opportunities for growth, and positive mindset, strong

Flex Day Workshop 2011
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Flex Day Workshop 2011

The document summarizes a presentation given by librarians Sarah Bosler and Lanette Granger at Citrus College. It discusses the library's goals of collaboration, information competency, green processes, and collection development. It provides an overview of the library's print and ebook collections, databases, and technologies to watch like electronic books, augmented reality and gesture-based learning. It also discusses services like reference, instruction, interlibrary loans and reserves. Faculty are encouraged to collaborate with librarians on collection development and recommending resources to students.

The biggest problem in
accessibility these days is
      online video.
Which is ironic, as it is also an
   amazing accessibility
Yahoo live showing hard of
hearing people chatting with
  another in sign language.
At the accessibility 2.0
 conference earlier this year
Antonia Hyde showed what a
video player for people with
  learning disabilities might
           look like.

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Scripting Enabled at Georgia Tech
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An introductory explanation of scripting enabled and accessibility hacking i've given at Georgia Tech this morning

OSDC - Open and Accessible
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OSDC - Open and Accessible

My presentation at the open source developer conference in Taipei, Taiwan about the opportunities of accessibility

This was a challenge I loved.
a more
                     youtube player
This is being tested and
ammended after feedback
         right now.
The fascinating thing is that I
  am getting feedback from
schools that they use it, and
 from blind people thanking
      me for making it.

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My presentation at the A-Tag in Vienna about lack of communication between the development and the accessibility world.

Interactive Documentary: 10 Things I have Learned
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Interactive Documentary: 10 Things I have Learned

Presentation I gave at X Media Lab in Lausanne, Switzerland on September 27th, 2013. Trying to sum up all the lessons I've learned working on the TFI New Media Fund and Tribeca Hacks in 10 points and 20 minutes. There were videos too. They were awesome.

Hacking For Innovation
Hacking For InnovationHacking For Innovation
Hacking For Innovation

Christian Heilmann gave a talk on hacking and innovation at a university hack challenge. He defines hacking as altering systems to do what you want using available resources, and sees it as a way to have fun and drive unrestrained innovation. He encourages attendees to find something annoying with current systems and build workarounds. To hack effectively, one needs access to data sources, the data itself, and ways to reach users. He provides examples of his own hacks that make systems more accessible or filter data for specific uses. The talk aims to show attendees their potential and get feedback on explanations of development resources.

I never planned it to be
screen-reader compatible!
I used JavaScript, the
 YouTube JS API and some
HTML to hack this system in a
 way the developers never
There were YouTube JS
 players before, but they
mimicked the interface with
 HTML and CSS instead of
        altering it.
Other things I tried to tackle

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ID&eA CoPs presentation
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The document discusses challenges with community engagement and provides suggestions to address them. It notes issues with getting community members involved and confused use of technology like blogs and wikis. It recommends facilitating engagement by understanding community members' needs and perspectives, providing value and support, championing the community, and experimenting with social models and enabling technology.

Communities Not Clients
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Communities Not Clients

Presentation on how Web 2.0 and change management are interrelated. A view on the future of change facilitation. Presentation held at the International Association of Facilitators conference in Atlanta. April 12, 2008 by Holger Nauheimer. There is (at least) one error in the slide show. Peter did of course his forst YouTube video not in 1996, but in 2006.

Georgia Tech Hack Day
Georgia Tech Hack DayGeorgia Tech Hack Day
Georgia Tech Hack Day

Christian Heilmann is a hacker and geek who is passionate about sharing his passions. He is in Atlanta to help with a Hack Day at Georgia Tech. He discusses the process of hack days - focusing first on an idea, using available data sources and APIs, and creating functional interfaces. He provides examples of past hacks using Twitter and earthquake data. The goal is for participants to work in teams on new hack projects using available Yahoo and other resources over the 24 hour period.

Timed captioning
Twitter in natural language.

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23 Things
23 Things23 Things
23 Things

This document introduces the Frisco Public Library's "23 Things" program which aims to familiarize library staff with various emerging technologies and social media tools. It provides an overview of key concepts like Web 2.0, social media, and Library 2.0. Staff are instructed to spend 2 hours exploring each new tool, writing blog posts about their experiences, and that participating in the program's initial focus on social media is required for all. The goal is for staff to learn how these tools can be useful for the library in serving its community.

web 20
The digital revolution and the future 2012
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The digital revolution and the future 2012

The document discusses the impact of digital technologies and social media on communication, information sharing, and social practices. It notes how the printing press first enabled widespread access to text and ideas. Similarly, mobile phones and the internet have transformed how people connect and access information globally. While technologies create new opportunities, they also introduce new constraints and can change social behaviors. The future may bring augmented reality, integrated devices as part of the "Internet of Things," and new forms of broadcast and social ministry online. Overall, the document reflects on both the fears and possibilities associated with digital transformation.

st john's#medialit12digital revolution
"If you love your content, set it free" ?
"If you love your content, set it free" ?"If you love your content, set it free" ?
"If you love your content, set it free" ?

Traditional business models have scarcity at their core: when something is scarce, it becomes valuable. Online, this notion is challenged: in a world where every one of us can copy and distribute content at the click of a mouse, notions of ‘scarcity’ become more and more distant from reality. Several commentators have suggested that scale – i.e. providing more access to ‘valuable’ content rather than less – is actually a more scalable business model for the online economy. This session will look at ways in which content can be freed, and will also examine some of the issues which follow around control and authority.

My question to you now is:
Am I just being a tree-
hugging freak again or do we
  have something cool and
    worth pursuing here?
In other words:
Should I organize a hackday
that marries bleeding edge
 APIs and technologies and
 targets accessibility issues
         with them?

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Designing Technologies
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Designing Technologies

The document discusses how information and communication technologies (ICT) and digital innovation can support young people's mental health. It outlines that access to affordable hardware, software, applications, and online communities allows for creativity and skills-sharing. It also mentions some specific digital tools and platforms that aim to support youth mental health, such as info aggregation sites, anti-bullying apps, coding education programs, and digital skills training for adults working with youth. The document advocates for using technology and innovation to create opportunities for play, learning, and addressing challenges.

Law Libraries Reaching for the Sky: Practical Applications of Web 2.0 Technology
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Law Libraries Reaching for the Sky: Practical Applications of Web 2.0 Technology

In the blink of the eye, the information landscape that we work in has changed profoundly from information scarcity to information abundance, from mediated services to self service, from print to digital, from serving baby boomers to millennials. We all know change is happening and have taken time to explore online sites like YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, Flickr and others, but what does this mean for info pros? What is just hype or entertainment value and what is actually transforming the way legal professionals work or want to work if they could? What should we be doing as information professionals to provide services today and tomorrow? If the sky is the limit, what should we pay attention to and be doing now? Plenary Session at: The Canadian Association of Law Libraries/L'Association canadienne des bibliothèques de droit (CALL/ACBD) Conference, May 25-28, 2008 Saskatoon, SK

Social Media: Less Hype, More Help
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Blogs, microblogs, podcasts, wikis, virtual worlds, social networks … and what they mean for your business

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Would you be up for that?

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