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Accessibility (a11y)
A feature you can build
jQuery San Diego 2014
Monika Piotrowicz (@monsika)
Front End Web Developer
I’m just...
A regular Front End Developer...
So how’d I get here?
A short story, starring WCAG 2.0 AA

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Building Mobile Applications with Ionic
Building Mobile Applications with IonicBuilding Mobile Applications with Ionic
Building Mobile Applications with Ionic

The document provides an introduction and overview of the Ionic framework for building mobile apps. It discusses that Ionic builds on existing technologies like AngularJS, Cordova plugins, and a layout engine. It reviews Ionic's technology stack including AngularJS, UI Router for routing, and Ionic components. It demonstrates how to generate a starter app, and shows examples of lists, buttons, icons, and touch gestures in Ionic.

jQuery UI and Plugins
jQuery UI and PluginsjQuery UI and Plugins
jQuery UI and Plugins

This document discusses jQuery UI and plugins. It provides an overview of jQuery UI classes that can be used to style elements. It also demonstrates several common jQuery UI widgets like buttons, accordions, dialogs, and tabs. The document discusses jQuery UI effects for animations and transitions. It provides tips for identifying good plugins based on aspects like their API, documentation, support, and community. Overall, the document is an introduction to using jQuery UI and evaluating jQuery plugins.

pluginsthemerollercss framework
Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques
Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and TechniquesResponsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques
Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques

Responsive Web design challenges Web designers to adapt a new mindset to their design and coding processes. This talk provides an overview of various practical techniques, tips and tricks that you might want to be aware of when working on a new responsive design project.

cssweb design and developmentresponsive

• Introduction to accessibility
• Techniques you can implement today
• Introduction to screen readers & ARIA
• Testing tips
Web Accessibility

“When sites are correctly designed,
developed and edited, all users can have
equal access to information and
functionality” - Wikipedia


“Able to be easily obtained or used; easily
understood or appreciated” - Oxford Dictionary
Accessibility ~ Usability
All people can use an application, and it
should be easy to use for all people;

Accessibility by the #’s


Vision Problems1




Physical Functioning1


Cognitive Difficulty1


Hearing Difficulty


Assistive Tools


screen readers
screen magnifiers
braille display
bumped font size

1 - CDC Summary Health Statistics for U.S. Adults: National Health Interview Survey, 2011 (under 65/over 65)
2 - Range worldwide prevalence of red-green color deficiency among men, 2012
Me last year...

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Taking your Web App for a walk
Taking your Web App for a walkTaking your Web App for a walk
Taking your Web App for a walk

What strategies can you take to bring a web application to a mobile device? Six steps from pure HTML/CSS all the way to almost native applications.

titaniumjquery mobilesencha
The Art of AngularJS in 2015
The Art of AngularJS in 2015The Art of AngularJS in 2015
The Art of AngularJS in 2015

Presentation from Denver Open Source Users Group in February 2015. AngularJS is one of today's hottest JavaScript MVC Frameworks. In this session, we'll explore many concepts it brings to the world of client-side development: dependency injection, directives, filters, routing and two-way data binding. We'll also look at its recommended testing tools and build systems. Finally, you'll learn about my experience developing several real-world applications using AngularJS, HTML5 and Bootstrap.

Learning from the Best jQuery Plugins
Learning from the Best jQuery PluginsLearning from the Best jQuery Plugins
Learning from the Best jQuery Plugins

The document discusses lessons learned from examining popular jQuery plugins. It summarizes 30 top plugins, describing why each was created and how it grew. Key takeaways are that authors build plugins to make something better, for fun/exploration, or client needs. Managing features and user feedback is challenging. The best plugins have great demos, documentation, browser support testing, and are fun. The author is available for questions.

The standard

Understanding WCAG


Quick Reference

Accessibility - A feature you can build
just a checklist

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Progressive Enhancement 2.0 (Conference Agnostic)
Progressive Enhancement 2.0 (Conference Agnostic)Progressive Enhancement 2.0 (Conference Agnostic)
Progressive Enhancement 2.0 (Conference Agnostic)

In the beginning, progressive enhancement was simple: HTML layered with CSS layered with JavaScript. That worked fine when there were two browsers, but in today's world of multiple devices and multiple browsers, it's time for a progressive enhancement reboot. At the core is the understanding that the web is not print - the same rules don't apply. As developers and consumers we've been fooled into thinking about print paradigms for too long. In this talk, you'll learn just how different the web is and how the evolution of progressive enhancement can lead to better user experiences as well as happier developers and users. This deck is a conference-agnostic one, suitable to be shown anywhere without site-specific jokes!

htmlcssprogressive enhancement
Introduction to jQuery Mobile - Web Deliver for All
Introduction to jQuery Mobile - Web Deliver for AllIntroduction to jQuery Mobile - Web Deliver for All
Introduction to jQuery Mobile - Web Deliver for All

Mobile web development frameworks are targeting the builtin web browsers on iPhone and Android only; however, jQuery mobile has in a different vision, one that will reach the largest distribution of phones possible. Leveraging the ways of progressive enhancement, your website can be viewed in raw HTML on old mobile phones and then enhanced with nice CSS styles across mobile platforms that have a decent CSS and JavaScript support. In this session, Grabanski gives you his list of reasons to use jQuery mobile, an overview of the framework and will draw from his experiences building websites on top of jQuery Mobile.

responsive designjquery uihtml5
jQuery Conference Austin Sept 2013
jQuery Conference Austin Sept 2013jQuery Conference Austin Sept 2013
jQuery Conference Austin Sept 2013

The document summarizes information about the jQuery Foundation. It discusses that the Foundation coordinates work on the jQuery code, documentation, infrastructure and events. It is a non-profit organization funded through conferences, donations and memberships. The Foundation supports jQuery projects and web developers, and participates in standards processes. Upcoming releases of jQuery will be published on Bower and npm for dependency management, use AMD internally, defer feature detects, and aim to reduce forced layouts to improve performance. Developers are encouraged to understand how browsers work and avoid patterns that can cause layout thrashing.

Starting out
Early accessibility considerations
First Steps
• functional keyboard-only
• fallbacks for visual information
• well-functioning forms
Accessibility - A feature you can build
Keyboard Strategy

obvious focus states (keep those outlines!)

Recommended for you

Web Development for UX Designers
Web Development for UX DesignersWeb Development for UX Designers
Web Development for UX Designers

An overview of web development essentials that will help you as a user experience designer to not only understand how to integrate designs with development components, but also to learn some tips on interacting effectively with developers.

user experience designhtml5web development
Game Development Using HTML 5
Game Development Using HTML 5Game Development Using HTML 5
Game Development Using HTML 5

The document discusses HTML5 game development. It covers various topics like game concepts, HTML5 components for games, developing a game step-by-step and advanced topics. It focuses on HTML5 canvas for graphics, local storage for data, and describes functions for animations, interactions, controls and other elements needed for game development. The document provides examples for drawing, colors, images and text on the canvas.

game development using html 5
Real World Web Standards
Real World Web StandardsReal World Web Standards
Real World Web Standards

Scott Gledhill presents at Web Directions South Government 2008 in Canberra. You have sold the concepts of web standards to your company or boss, so what next? How do you make this work in the real workplace and what problems are you likely to encounter?

wdsgov08web standardshtml
a:focus {
outline: none;
outline: 0;
Keyboard Strategy
✓ obvious focus states (keep those outlines!)

fallbacks for :hover & click()
↳ :focus & keydown()
Keyboard Strategy
✓ obvious focus states (keep those outlines!)
✓ fallbacks for :hover & click()
↳ :focus & keydown()


add tabIndex=0 & key events to non-focusable
Keyboard Strategy
✓ obvious focus states (keep those outlines!)
✓ fallbacks for :hover & click()
↳ :focus & keydown()

✓ add tabIndex=0 & key events to non-focusable


avoid keyboard traps & wasting time

Recommended for you

Progressive Enhancement 2.0 (jQuery Conference SF Bay Area 2011)
Progressive Enhancement 2.0 (jQuery Conference SF Bay Area 2011)Progressive Enhancement 2.0 (jQuery Conference SF Bay Area 2011)
Progressive Enhancement 2.0 (jQuery Conference SF Bay Area 2011)

In the beginning, progressive enhancement was simple: HTML layered with CSS layered with JavaScript. That worked fine when there were two browsers, but in today's world of multiple devices and multiple browsers, it's time for a progressive enhancement reboot. At the core is the understanding that the web is not print - the same rules don't apply. As developers and consumers we've been fooled into thinking about print paradigms for too long. In this talk, you'll learn just how different the web is and how the evolution of progressive enhancement can lead to better user experiences as well as happier developers and users.

htmlcssprogressive enhancement
New Perspectives on Performance
New Perspectives on PerformanceNew Perspectives on Performance
New Perspectives on Performance

This document discusses improving website performance. It outlines three pillars of performance: visibility, interactivity, and responsiveness. For each pillar, it recommends books and techniques. Tips include using tools like Firebug and YSlow, delaying initialization, throttling and debouncing events, and profiling code. While optimizations can improve performance, they also increase costs. The document emphasizes establishing a baseline and focusing first on low-hanging fruit before more complex optimizations. It concludes by thanking the sponsors and providing contact information.

CSS Lessons Learned the Hard Way (Generate Conf)
CSS Lessons Learned the Hard Way (Generate Conf)CSS Lessons Learned the Hard Way (Generate Conf)
CSS Lessons Learned the Hard Way (Generate Conf)

Zoe Mickley Gillenwater gave a talk at Generate Conference in London where she shared several mistakes she made while learning CSS flexbox and other techniques. These included misunderstanding how flex-basis works, incorrectly using CSS transforms like rotateX, and making assumptions about screen reader support that caused accessibility issues. She emphasized that vulnerability and sharing mistakes openly can help both oneself and others learn. Making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process, and perfection should not be expected or feared.

Keyboard Strategy
✓ obvious focus states (keep those outlines!)
✓ fallbacks for :hover & click()
↳ :focus & keydown()

✓ add tabIndex=0 & key events to non-focusable

✓ avoid keyboard traps & wasting time
• HTML can get you there, FREE!
Keyboard Events
Wanted: Free Events!

<span class="btn-style toggle-trigger">Click to Toggle</span>
<a href="#" class="btn-style toggle-trigger">Click to Toggle</a>
<button type="button" class="toggle-trigger">Click to Toggle</

Use the button element
Links aren’t buttons
Accessibility - A feature you can build
Visual Considerations
• start with a good font size & high contrast

WCAG Contrast Checker (FF)
Contrast Checker - (by a fellow Shopify-er)
NoCoffee (Chrome)

Recommended for you

Thinking in Components
Thinking in ComponentsThinking in Components
Thinking in Components

Presented at Web Unleashed 2017. More info at Presented by Ksenija Gogic, TWG Overview What are components? How can designers apply a component-minded approach to their workflow? How can we leverage components to improve the design handoff? Ultimately – how can designers and developers work together even better? Using React as a framework, Ksenija will discuss how to design for a component-based web application to make for a more efficient workflow, an easier design handoff, and a better understanding between roles. Objective To create a common language and understanding when working with component-based web frameworks between designers and developers. Target Audience Designers and developers looking to make their collaborative workflow even better. Five Things Audience Members Will Learn How to take a component-minded approach to building a design system How to design and create components using Sketch symbols How to assemble (compose) collections of components using Sketch symbols How to work with modifiers (props) to customize components How to ensure everyone is speaking the same language

web designweb developmentweb unleashed 2017
jQuery For Beginners - jQuery Conference 2009
jQuery For Beginners - jQuery Conference 2009jQuery For Beginners - jQuery Conference 2009
jQuery For Beginners - jQuery Conference 2009

This document outlines a presentation on beginning jQuery. It introduces jQuery, its history and core team. It also covers how to set up jQuery and explains its core functionality, including selecting elements, manipulating the DOM, AJAX, and events.

Mash y amma
Mash y ammaMash y amma
Mash y amma

Se denomina software libre a aquel programa de computadora que se distribuye junto con su código fuente, dando al usuario la libertad de modificarlo, estudiarlo, copiarlo, adecuarlo y distribuirlo...

Visual Considerations
✓ start with a good font size & high contrast

WCAG Contrast Checker (FF)
Contrast Checker - (by a fellow Shopify-er)
NoCoffee (Chrome)

• don’t rely on color alone

add legends and texture or symbols
Red-Green Colorblind
Visual Considerations
✓ start with a good font size & high contrast

WCAG Contrast Checker (FF)
Contrast Checker - (by a fellow Shopify-er)
NoCoffee (Chrome)

✓ don’t rely on color alone


add legends and texture or symbols

all images have a meaningful alt attribute
• W3C How to write Alt Text
• More from A List Apart
Accessibility - A feature you can build

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How to give your executive summary a High Reader Impact
How to give your executive summary a High Reader ImpactHow to give your executive summary a High Reader Impact
How to give your executive summary a High Reader Impact

During the past eighteen months, the Systems Products laboratory developed a way for companies with large fleets of trucks to communicate directly with their drivers through a satellite link at any time. More than 94% of data and voice transmissions from tests with eight trucks over twenty states using a prototype satellite phone succeeded, though transmissions were sometimes limited by trucks moving outside the satellite's coverage area or obstructions blocking the signal. Overall, testing clearly proved the prototype's effectiveness, and further work on developing new antennas and satellite configurations to expand coverage was recommended.

business and economyproject managementonline teaching and learning
BC Resume
BC ResumeBC Resume
BC Resume

Barbara Crystal is a strategic marketing communications consultant with over 30 years of experience developing messaging, content, and marketing strategies across various industries including healthcare, insurance, and financial services. She has expertise in integrating messaging across multiple channels and audiences. Her professional experience includes leading product marketing communications at Blue Cross Blue Shield and communications roles at Aetna, JCAHO, and other organizations.

Images of the Flowers of West Dean Gardens
Images of the Flowers of West Dean GardensImages of the Flowers of West Dean Gardens
Images of the Flowers of West Dean Gardens

The document is a collection of photographs taken by Gary Marlowe of flowers in the walled gardens of West Dean Gardens in October 2011. It includes photos of vibrant dahlias, including Apache, Kenora Sunset, Moor Place, and Doris Day varieties. The photos were taken without additional color enhancement or a tripod. Marlowe hopes people enjoy the images capturing the riot of color in the gardens out of the ordinary.


Every form field includes a real label
<label for="[INPUT ID]">
✓ Every form field includes a real label
<label for="[INPUT ID]">


Labels can include help, required, error text
✓ Every form field includes a real label
<label for="[INPUT ID]">

✓ Labels can include help, required, error text
• Provide meaningful message on form error

WebAIM Forms
WebAIM Validation
Accessible Form Labeling
Accessibility - A feature you can build

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Images Of Mannequins March 2010
Images Of Mannequins March 2010Images Of Mannequins March 2010
Images Of Mannequins March 2010

Gary Marlowe began photographing mannequins in shopping centers in February 2010 which sparked a fascination. The document presents a collection of Marlowe's photos focusing on mannequins modeling fashions in London's Covent Garden. It notes that the images are Marlowe's intellectual property though viewable on SlideShare.

Social Business Basics Clinic
Social Business Basics Clinic Social Business Basics Clinic
Social Business Basics Clinic

Clinic introducing SMBs to Social and Content strategy, tools, basic analytics, and tips for managing daily social processes and updates.

marketing strategystrategytutorial
Dan Korb Resume
Dan Korb ResumeDan Korb Resume
Dan Korb Resume

Daniel Korb is an experienced principal committed to student success. He has improved a previously poor-performing school, ensuring high compliance and earning top ratings. As principal, he maintains strong community relations through an open-door policy and low teacher turnover. He also developed programs providing industry certifications and supporting all students.

boldly go...


How else can you expect to build for one?


How do they work?

• announce generated HTML in source
Screen reader 101

Use keyboard to navigate and find content

98.6% of screen reader users have JS

• Highly customizable

1 - WebAIM Survey

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Using chop and change checking for more efficient reading.
Using chop and change checking for more efficient reading.Using chop and change checking for more efficient reading.
Using chop and change checking for more efficient reading.

How would you modernise this 1932 Harvard business letter? Chopping and changing punctuation, paragraphing, vocabulary and font, would make the reading more efficient for a modern audience.

business intelligencewriting styleeducation
Dr Richard Russell
Dr Richard RussellDr Richard Russell
Dr Richard Russell

Through his 'sea-water cure' Dr Richard Russell is widely regarded as being responsible for turning Brighton from a small fishing village to Britain's favourite seaside resort. He died 250 years ago this year, but his anniversary has been completely overlooked. This is his story.

Carsen Nachreiner Graphic Resume 2016
Carsen Nachreiner Graphic Resume 2016Carsen Nachreiner Graphic Resume 2016
Carsen Nachreiner Graphic Resume 2016

This document summarizes the professional experience and education of an architect named Carsen Nachreiner. It lists positions they held at architecture firms where they worked on projects from concept to construction documentation. It also outlines their education including graduating with honors from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a B.LandArch. and the Boston Architectural College with a M.Arch. The document demonstrates extensive experience in architecture and landscape architecture as well as proficiency with design software.

• Shortcuts drill down toetc
landmarks, lists, links,

Main way screen reader users navigate
Do your main content areas have headings?
Are they descriptive?
Do they follow a hierarchy? (h1 >> h6)
H1 Blog
H2 Recent Articles
H3 Article Title
H3 Article Title
H3 Article Title
H2 About Me
H3 Contact Me
H3 Footer Title

Document Outline
The Section Element
Accessible Headings Using Sections
SR’s ignore...
• img with empty alt attribute alt=""
• display: none;
• visibility: hidden;
• :before content, :after content* (sort of)

keep in mind for icons and icon fonts!
.icon-star:before {
content: “★”;

* in most cases, so assume it won’t be announced
Accessible Icon Fonts
SR’s won’t ignore

content “hidden” with opacity, z-index, height
off-screen positioning (text-indent, top, left)
CSS clipping*

.visuallyhidden {
border: 0;
clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
height: 1px;
margin: -1px;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 0;
position: absolute;
width: 1px;
* as seen in HTML5 BP, Twitter Bootstrap, etc.
WebAIM Invisible Content

Recommended for you

How to help a time-poor reader.
How to help a time-poor reader.How to help a time-poor reader.
How to help a time-poor reader.

Treat time-poor readers to High Reader Impact templates for a faster, more efficient read and quicker decision-making.

trainingbusiness intelligencegovernment
Post eventstory
Post eventstoryPost eventstory
Post eventstory

Colin Jost, head writer and host of Weekend Update on Saturday Night Live, performed a comedy show at the Lied Center of Kansas. The Special Events Committee brought Jost to campus where he performed an hour-long comedic set that had the entire crowd laughing from start to finish. Both students and adults alike were excited to see the show, which was appealing to the university as a whole. A crowd started to build an hour before the show began in hopes of getting the best seats to see Jost live, who some watch every week on SNL.

Ewrt1b class14
Ewrt1b class14Ewrt1b class14
Ewrt1b class14

This document contains an agenda, terms list, and guidance for writing an essay on the book Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg. The agenda outlines the class activities, which include a presentation on terms, discussing essay #3, in-class writing, and learning about directed summaries, counterarguments, and conclusions. The terms list defines 13 terms related to gender and sexuality such as androgyny, bisexual, cross-dresser, cultural humility, and heterosexual privilege. The essay writing guidance provides tips on how to write a directed summary that introduces the literary work, hooks the reader, assumes familiarity, uses transitions, and includes a clear thesis statement. It also explains

Beyond the basics
There’s gotta be more to screen readers than just
that, right?
Accessibility - A feature you can build
• Semantic information and better
interactions for screen readers
• Applied directly to HTML

Part of HTML5 spec


Roles, states & properties

Does not affect styles or
non-SR behavior

HTML5 Spec (W3C)
ARIA Spec (W3C)
• Create new semantic meaning for
elements via “role-” attribute
• Once set, they don’t change
<nav role="navigation">
<article role="article">
<div role="tablist">
<div role="combobox">

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Top 30 world business Manglish
Top 30 world business ManglishTop 30 world business Manglish
Top 30 world business Manglish

The document contains summaries of 19 different paragraphs about various topics like trade shows, exhibitions, conferences, and businesses. The paragraphs discuss objectives, strategies, services, and details of different companies and events in industries like agriculture, mining, transportation, manufacturing, and more.

educationonline writingbusiness and economy
Beware of business memo hype!
Beware of business memo hype!Beware of business memo hype!
Beware of business memo hype!

I'd love to hear from anyone who can find a realistic goal in this memo. I think there is only one.

business intelligencebusiness modelonline writing
Micro overview
Micro overviewMicro overview
Micro overview

This document provides information about the 8085 and 8086 microprocessors. It begins with definitions of a microprocessor and details about the 8085 such as its power supply, clock frequency, and functions of the accumulator. It then discusses the 8085's registers, allowed register pairs, purpose of SID and SOD lines, and function of the IO/M signal. The document lists the categories of 8085 instructions and examples. It explains the differences between JMP and CALL instructions and shift and rotate instructions. Other topics covered include wait states, 8085 interrupts, its signal classification, operations performed on data, and the steps to fetch a byte. The document concludes with questions about the 8086's software aspects, multiprocessor

Landmark Roles
Define top-level page sections for easy navigation
Using Landmarks
WebAIM Landmarks








<form> (search form)




wrapper elements with

Include all content
in a landmark
Widget Roles
Semantic meaning to your custom components
• tooltip
• slider
• dialog
• tab
• progressbar
• combobox
• menu
• alert

.. and many more!
<ul class="tab-controls">
<a href="#first-tab" class="current-item">Panel 1</a>
<a href="#second-tab" class="current-item">Panel 2</a>
<a href="#third-tab" class="current-item">Panel 3</a>
<div id="tab-container">
<div class="tab-panel" id="first-tab">
<ul class="tab-controls" role="tablist">
<div class="tab-contents">
<p>Tab Contents</p>
<a href="#first-tab" class="current</div>
item" role="tab">Panel 1</a>
<div class="tab-panel" id="second-tab">
<div class="tab-contents">
<div id="tab-container">
<p>Tab Contents</p>
<div class="tab-panel" id="first-tab"
<div class="tab-panel" id="third-tab">
<div class="tab-contents">
<p>Tab Contents</p>


Recommended for you

We need strong business writing.
We need strong business writing.We need strong business writing.
We need strong business writing.

Jim was able to hold a staff meeting in January to share data on earnings, as he backs up his words with actions. The company used to be known for fabrication and gambling, but Jim was hired to identify and remove that culture. A new business leader created a name for himself and aims to raise salaries with a tactical vision through a pact with employees, while any vacancy will only occur if mediocre performance is addressed.

writingbusinesswriting style
Client sample using high reader impact and style stamp
Client sample using high reader impact and style stamp sample using high reader impact and style stamp
Client sample using high reader impact and style stamp

Our client sample shows how to capture readers' attention with a High Reader Impact and make the language more efficient with Style Stamp.

business and economybusinessbusiness services
R0boCamp2016 Любомир Демків: Розумний будинок своїми руками
R0boCamp2016 Любомир Демків: Розумний будинок своїми рукамиR0boCamp2016 Любомир Демків: Розумний будинок своїми руками
R0boCamp2016 Любомир Демків: Розумний будинок своїми руками

Любомир Демків: Розумний будинок своїми руками

r0bocamp2016lviv r0bocamp 2016
States & Properties
• Describe relationships - between content
& between user interactions
• updated via JS on UI changes
• attribute starts with “aria-” prefix
<section aria-labelledby="MainHeading">
<input aria-label="first 3 digits" ariadescribed="PhoneHelpText" aria-invalid="true">
<div aria-expanded="true">
<button aria-controls="ToggledContent">
Content Relationships
• Semantically link labels to content or add
them when missing

aria-labelledby, aria-label

<section aria-labelledby="HeadingAbout">
<h1 id="HeadingAbout">About Potato Chips</h1>

Make the most of landmarks
Content Relationships
• Semantically link labels to content or add
them when missing

aria-labelledby, aria-label

<nav role="navigation" aria-label="Chip Section Navigation">
<a href="/types">Flavors</a>
The more you know
It's just HTML!
.elem[aria-hidden = "false"] {
display: block;
.elem[aria-invalid ="false"] {
background: #999;
.elem[aria-expanded = "true"] {
height: 100%;
background-image: url("sprite/down-arrows.jpg");

Recommended for you

Nice New Wheels ...
Nice New Wheels ...Nice New Wheels ...
Nice New Wheels ...

Do you have a nice new car and need some protection for your wheels. This is for you RimPro-Tec System that offers Style and Protection .

car accessoriesauto detailautomotive
a11yTO - Web Accessibility for Developers
a11yTO - Web Accessibility for Developersa11yTO - Web Accessibility for Developers
a11yTO - Web Accessibility for Developers

This document provides a summary of a presentation on web accessibility for developers. It discusses: 1) An introduction to key concepts of accessibility including standards like WCAG 2.0 and how accessibility improves usability for all users. 2) Techniques developers can implement to make their sites more accessible, such as following keyboard navigation best practices, ensuring visual elements have adequate color contrast, and properly labeling form fields. 3) An introduction to screen readers and how they interact with web content, emphasizing the importance of semantic HTML and best practices like ARIA roles, states and properties for custom interactive elements.

Web Accessibility - A feature you can build
Web Accessibility - A feature you can buildWeb Accessibility - A feature you can build
Web Accessibility - A feature you can build

My talk on web accessibility for web developers. I cover basic techniques, introduce screen readers and ARIA, and go over testing. I also include extended examples around keyboard behavior and focus management as well as ARIA labels. The goal is to demystify accessibility so we can weave it in to applications today.

color contrastfocuskeyboard
Accessibility - A feature you can build
Putting it all together

Practical ARIA Examples
HTML5 & ARIA Design Patterns
Accessible Forms with ARIA
Bootstrap Accessibility Plugin (PayPal)
Using ARIA Wisely

ARIA is a bridge, not a replacement.


USE plain HTML if you can

Not magic and makes no promises


Events, focus management, keyboard support, and
meaningful structure is still up to you

Only way to know for sure... TEST
ARIA Resources
W3C Intro

W3C How-to with design patterns

W3C Supporting Info for developers

WEBAIM Introduction

Warnings and Perspectives

General Information

ARIA Validation

Recommended for you

Accessibility - A feature you can build
Accessibility - A feature you can buildAccessibility - A feature you can build
Accessibility - A feature you can build

Presented at Midwest JS, August 14 2014. My talk on web accessibility for web developers. I cover basic techniques, introduce screen readers and ARIA, and go over testing. I also include extended examples around keyboard behavior and focus management as well as ARIA labels. The goal is to demystify accessibility so we can weave it in to applications today.

midwest jsariaaccessibility
Touch the web
Touch the webTouch the web
Touch the web

Touch is now everywhere. It is almost impossible to find a personal computing device without a touch screen. This means developers and designers need to reconsider how to design client interfaces to successfully enable successful touch interactions. Touch involves layout choices, new CSS properties and new touch APIs. This session covers design concepts and how to apply new coding techniques

Making your jQuery Plugins More Accessible
Making your jQuery Plugins More AccessibleMaking your jQuery Plugins More Accessible
Making your jQuery Plugins More Accessible

An accessibility primer for jQuery developers. This presentation covered teaches how to make widgets and plugins navigable with the keyboard, as well as support for assistive technologies with ARIA. Presented at the 2009 jQuery Conference in Boston.

Automated Tools

Accessibility Developer Tools (Chrome)
Web Developer Toolbar (Chrome & FF)
Quail Project
Accessibility - A feature you can build
Manual Testing
• disable all images
• test with just a keyboard
• load it in a screen reader
• load it in another screen reader
Does your page make sense?
Is it usable ?
10 Tips anyone can use
6 Tests anyone can do

Recommended for you

Selfish Accessibility — Harbour Front HK
Selfish Accessibility — Harbour Front HKSelfish Accessibility — Harbour Front HK
Selfish Accessibility — Harbour Front HK

We can pretend that we’re helping others by making websites and software accessible, but we are really making them better for our future selves. Learn some fundamentals of accessibility and how it can benefit you (whether future you from ageing or you after something else limits your abilities). We’ll review simple testing techniques, basic features and enhancements, coming trends, and where to get help. This is an overall primer for those who aren’t sure where to start nor how it helps them.

Win j svsphonegap-damyan-petev-mihail-mateev
Win j svsphonegap-damyan-petev-mihail-mateevWin j svsphonegap-damyan-petev-mihail-mateev
Win j svsphonegap-damyan-petev-mihail-mateev

This document provides an overview and comparison of WinJS and PhoneGap for developing Windows Store apps. It discusses the key components of WinJS like controls, layouts, animations and styling. It also explains how PhoneGap allows developing Windows Store apps using web technologies by providing access to native device APIs via a native web view. While WinJS and PhoneGap differ in their APIs, the document emphasizes they can both be used to create valid Windows Store apps and developers should choose based on preference and code portability needs. It encourages mixing frameworks freely as long as platform guidelines are followed.

Fringe Accessibility — Portland UX
Fringe Accessibility — Portland UXFringe Accessibility — Portland UX
Fringe Accessibility — Portland UX

The document summarizes a presentation given by Adrian Roselli on fringe accessibility techniques that should be avoided. It discusses common techniques like clicking on labels and checking color contrast. It then covers more fringe techniques such as avoiding default focus styles, using <h1> headings wisely, and setting the lang attribute. The document warns against disabling zoom, using tabindex greater than 0, and avoiding infinite scroll. It emphasizes that accessibility is an ongoing process rather than a checklist.

Unsolicited Advice
• Start small, there’s still a big impact
• Prioritize areas/pages

main navigation?
contact us form?

• Document as you go
Final Thoughts
What I’ve learned
• Bake it in, don’t tack it on
• Awesome and helpful community
• You may find it hard to stop...
Behind all these checklists, rules, and
regulations, there are people just trying
to use your site.
So make it useable, for everybody.

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Developing an Accessible Web
Developing an Accessible WebDeveloping an Accessible Web
Developing an Accessible Web

The WAI-ARIA specification has been a shot in the arm for accessibility on the web. In this talk, I'll cover the basics of building accessible web applications without ARIA, and then how to add ARIA for some extra accessibility magic.

Selfish Accessibility — CodeDaze
Selfish Accessibility — CodeDazeSelfish Accessibility — CodeDaze
Selfish Accessibility — CodeDaze

We can all pretend that we’re helping others by making web sites and software accessible, but we are really making them better for our future selves. Learn some fundamentals of accessibility and how it can benefit you (whether future you from aging or you after something else limits your abilities). We’ll review simple testing techniques, basic features and enhancements, coming trends, and where to get help. This isn’t intended to be a deep dive, but more of an overall primer for those who aren’t sure where to start nor how it helps them.

HTML5 Report Card
HTML5 Report CardHTML5 Report Card
HTML5 Report Card

- HTML5 ancillary materials like tutorials and books provide helpful supplements to the official specification and receive a grade of B. - New HTML5 elements like <video> and <canvas> aim to bring rich media and scripting capabilities to the web in a native way, but browser support varies. - The talk evaluated progress on HTML5 features, tools support, and accessibility, generally finding syntax improvements and new APIs promising but implementation lagging in places.

web directionshtml5w3c
More Resources
HTML5 Accessibility
Accessibility Evaluation Quick Reference
Mozilla Dev Network ARIA
Apple Accessibility Resources

Screen Readers
WebAIM Screen Reader Testing
Videos of Screen Readers In Use
How browsers interact with screen readers

NVDA resources
WebAIM NVDA Shortcuts
Using NVDA and FF to test pages
Installing NVDA in a VM

VoiceOver resources
WebAIM VoiceOver
Apple VoiceOver User Guide
Apple Developer Accessibility Guide

JAWS resources
WebAIM JAWS Shortcuts
Community & Blogs
an `a11y` meetup near you!

Recommended for you

How to engineer accessible websites
How to engineer accessible websitesHow to engineer accessible websites
How to engineer accessible websites

Web accessibility refers to the inclusive practice of removing barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to, websites by people with disabilities. When your website is inaccessible, research shows you could be excluding up to 20 percent of your visitors from interacting with your content and functionality. If your university website is inaccessible, you could be preventing access to education, student services, and more. When your website is accessible, everyone can consume your information freely. Visually-impaired users can visit your website using a screen reader. Those who can’t use a mouse can navigate your site using a keyboard or other input device. While creating accessible websites involves every step, including design and content, the foundation for good accessibility starts with good markup. Join my workshop to learn more about accessibility and how to program a high-quality user experience that is inclusive and beneficial to all.

How to create accessible websites - Web Accessibility Summit
How to create accessible websites - Web Accessibility SummitHow to create accessible websites - Web Accessibility Summit
How to create accessible websites - Web Accessibility Summit

This workshop was presented on May 30, 2018 at the Web Accessibility Summit on the University of Missouri campus in Columbia, Missouri.

accessibilityhigher educationweb design and development
Are you accessible
Are you accessibleAre you accessible
Are you accessible

The document discusses why accessibility is important from humanitarian, legal, market, and technical perspectives. It provides examples of individuals with disabilities and how accessibility features would help them. It notes growing disability populations and legal requirements in various jurisdictions. Technical principles of perceivability, operability, understandability and robustness are introduced. Specific accessibility guidelines are then covered for page structure, images, keyboard, links, tables, forms, and testing.


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Accessibility - A feature you can build

  • 1. Accessibility (a11y) A feature you can build jQuery San Diego 2014 Monika Piotrowicz (@monsika)
  • 2. Monika Piotrowicz Front End Web Developer Shopify @monsika @shopify
  • 3. I’m just... A regular Front End Developer...
  • 4. So how’d I get here? A short story, starring WCAG 2.0 AA
  • 5. Today • Introduction to accessibility • Techniques you can implement today • Introduction to screen readers & ARIA • Testing tips
  • 6. Web Accessibility • “When sites are correctly designed, developed and edited, all users can have equal access to information and functionality” - Wikipedia • • • “Able to be easily obtained or used; easily understood or appreciated” - Oxford Dictionary Accessibility ~ Usability All people can use an application, and it should be easy to use for all people;
  • 7. rough Accessibility by the #’s Group Population Vision Problems1 3-10% Colorblindness2 4-8% Physical Functioning1 8% Cognitive Difficulty1 6% Hearing Difficulty 3-11% Assistive Tools • • • • • screen readers screen magnifiers keyboard-only braille display bumped font size 1 - CDC Summary Health Statistics for U.S. Adults: National Health Interview Survey, 2011 (under 65/over 65) 2 - Range worldwide prevalence of red-green color deficiency among men, 2012
  • 9. Go!
  • 14. First Steps • functional keyboard-only • fallbacks for visual information • well-functioning forms
  • 16. Keyboard Strategy • obvious focus states (keep those outlines!)
  • 18. Keyboard Strategy ✓ obvious focus states (keep those outlines!) • fallbacks for :hover & click() ↳ :focus & keydown()
  • 19. Keyboard Strategy ✓ obvious focus states (keep those outlines!) ✓ fallbacks for :hover & click() ↳ :focus & keydown() • add tabIndex=0 & key events to non-focusable elements
  • 20. Keyboard Strategy ��� obvious focus states (keep those outlines!) ✓ fallbacks for :hover & click() ↳ :focus & keydown() ✓ add tabIndex=0 & key events to non-focusable elements • avoid keyboard traps & wasting time
  • 21. Keyboard Strategy ✓ obvious focus states (keep those outlines!) ✓ fallbacks for :hover & click() ↳ :focus & keydown() ✓ add tabIndex=0 & key events to non-focusable elements ✓ avoid keyboard traps & wasting time • HTML can get you there, FREE! WebAIM Keyboard Events
  • 22. Wanted: Free Events! <span class="btn-style toggle-trigger">Click to Toggle</span> <a href="#" class="btn-style toggle-trigger">Click to Toggle</a> <button type="button" class="toggle-trigger">Click to Toggle</ button> Use the button element Links aren’t buttons
  • 24. Visual Considerations • start with a good font size & high contrast • • • WCAG Contrast Checker (FF) Contrast Checker - (by a fellow Shopify-er) NoCoffee (Chrome)
  • 25. Visual Considerations ✓ start with a good font size & high contrast • • • WCAG Contrast Checker (FF) Contrast Checker - (by a fellow Shopify-er) NoCoffee (Chrome) • don’t rely on color alone • add legends and texture or symbols
  • 27. Visual Considerations ✓ start with a good font size & high contrast • • • WCAG Contrast Checker (FF) Contrast Checker - (by a fellow Shopify-er) NoCoffee (Chrome) ✓ don’t rely on color alone • • add legends and texture or symbols all images have a meaningful alt attribute • W3C How to write Alt Text • More from A List Apart
  • 29. Forms • Every form field includes a real label <label for="[INPUT ID]">
  • 30. Forms ✓ Every form field includes a real label <label for="[INPUT ID]"> • Labels can include help, required, error text
  • 31. Forms ✓ Every form field includes a real label <label for="[INPUT ID]"> ✓ Labels can include help, required, error text • Provide meaningful message on form error WebAIM Forms WebAIM Validation Accessible Form Labeling
  • 34. VoiceOver TalkBack TRY ONE!! How else can you expect to build for one? NVDA JAWS
  • 35. How do they work? • announce generated HTML in source order
  • 36. Screen reader 101 • • Use keyboard to navigate and find content 98.6% of screen reader users have JS enabled!1 • Highly customizable 1 - WebAIM Survey
  • 37. HTML COUNTS! headings, • Shortcuts drill down toetc landmarks, lists, links,
  • 38. Headings • • • • Main way screen reader users navigate Do your main content areas have headings? Are they descriptive? Do they follow a hierarchy? (h1 >> h6) H1 Blog H2 Recent Articles H3 Article Title H3 Article Title H3 Article Title H2 About Me H3 Contact Me H3 Footer Title Document Outline The Section Element Accessible Headings Using Sections
  • 39. SR’s ignore... • img with empty alt attribute alt="" • display: none; • visibility: hidden; • :before content, :after content* (sort of) • keep in mind for icons and icon fonts! .icon-star:before { content: “★”; } * in most cases, so assume it won’t be announced Accessible Icon Fonts
  • 40. SR’s won’t ignore • • • content “hidden” with opacity, z-index, height off-screen positioning (text-indent, top, left) CSS clipping* .sr-only, .visuallyhidden { border: 0; clip: rect(0 0 0 0); height: 1px; margin: -1px; overflow: hidden; padding: 0; position: absolute; width: 1px; } * as seen in HTML5 BP, Twitter Bootstrap, etc. WebAIM Invisible Content
  • 41. Beyond the basics There’s gotta be more to screen readers than just that, right?
  • 43. ARIA • Semantic information and better interactions for screen readers • Applied directly to HTML • • Part of HTML5 spec • Roles, states & properties Does not affect styles or non-SR behavior HTML5 Spec (W3C) ARIA Spec (W3C)
  • 44. Roles • Create new semantic meaning for elements via “role-” attribute • Once set, they don’t change <nav role="navigation"> <article role="article"> <div role="tablist"> <div role="combobox">
  • 45. Landmark Roles Define top-level page sections for easy navigation Role •main •banner •navigation •search •complimentary •contentinfo •form Using Landmarks WebAIM Landmarks HTML 5 ........ <main> ........ <header> ........ <nav> ........ <form> (search form) ........ <aside> ........ <footer>
  • 47. Widget Roles Semantic meaning to your custom components • tooltip • slider • dialog • tab • progressbar • combobox • menu • alert .. and many more!
  • 48. <ul class="tab-controls"> <li> <a href="#first-tab" class="current-item">Panel 1</a> </li> <li> <a href="#second-tab" class="current-item">Panel 2</a> </li> <li> <a href="#third-tab" class="current-item">Panel 3</a> </li> </ul> <div id="tab-container"> <div class="tab-panel" id="first-tab"> <ul class="tab-controls" role="tablist"> <div class="tab-contents"> <li> <p>Tab Contents</p> </div> <a href="#first-tab" class="current</div> item" role="tab">Panel 1</a> <div class="tab-panel" id="second-tab"> <div class="tab-contents"> <div id="tab-container"> <p>Tab Contents</p> </div> <div class="tab-panel" id="first-tab" </div> role="tab-panel"> <div class="tab-panel" id="third-tab"> <div class="tab-contents"> <p>Tab Contents</p> </div> </div> </div> ???
  • 49. States & Properties • Describe relationships - between content & between user interactions • updated via JS on UI changes • attribute starts with “aria-” prefix <section aria-labelledby="MainHeading"> <input aria-label="first 3 digits" ariadescribed="PhoneHelpText" aria-invalid="true"> <div aria-expanded="true"> <button aria-controls="ToggledContent">
  • 50. Content Relationships • Semantically link labels to content or add them when missing • aria-labelledby, aria-label <section aria-labelledby="HeadingAbout"> <h1 id="HeadingAbout">About Potato Chips</h1> <p>.... Make the most of landmarks
  • 51. Content Relationships • Semantically link labels to content or add them when missing • aria-labelledby, aria-label <nav role="navigation" aria-label="Chip Section Navigation"> <ul> <li> <a href="/types">Flavors</a> </li>
  • 52. The more you know It's just HTML! .elem[aria-hidden = "false"] { display: block; } .elem[aria-invalid ="false"] { background: #999; } .elem[aria-expanded = "true"] { height: 100%; background-image: url("sprite/down-arrows.jpg"); }
  • 54. Putting it all together • • • • • jQueryUI Practical ARIA Examples HTML5 & ARIA Design Patterns Accessible Forms with ARIA Bootstrap Accessibility Plugin (PayPal)
  • 55. Using ARIA Wisely • • • ARIA is a bridge, not a replacement. • USE plain HTML if you can Not magic and makes no promises • Events, focus management, keyboard support, and meaningful structure is still up to you Only way to know for sure... TEST
  • 56. ARIA Resources W3C Intro W3C How-to with design patterns W3C Supporting Info for developers WEBAIM Introduction Warnings and Perspectives General Information ARIA Validation
  • 58. Automated Tools • • • • WebAIM WAVE (FF) Accessibility Developer Tools (Chrome) Web Developer Toolbar (Chrome & FF) Quail Project
  • 60. Manual Testing • disable all images • test with just a keyboard • load it in a screen reader • load it in another screen reader Does your page make sense? Is it usable ? 10 Tips anyone can use 6 Tests anyone can do
  • 61. Unsolicited Advice • Start small, there’s still a big impact • Prioritize areas/pages • • • main navigation? contact us form? homepage? • Document as you go
  • 63. What I’ve learned • Bake it in, don’t tack it on • Awesome and helpful community • You may find it hard to stop...
  • 64. Behind all these checklists, rules, and regulations, there are people just trying to use your site. So make it useable, for everybody.
  • 67. General HTML5 Accessibility Accessibility Evaluation Quick Reference Mozilla Dev Network ARIA Apple Accessibility Resources Screen Readers WebAIM Screen Reader Testing Videos of Screen Readers In Use How browsers interact with screen readers NVDA resources WebAIM NVDA WebAIM NVDA Shortcuts Using NVDA and FF to test pages Installing NVDA in a VM VoiceOver resources WebAIM VoiceOver Apple VoiceOver User Guide Apple Developer Accessibility Guide JAWS resources WebAIM JAWS WebAIM JAWS Shortcuts