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The basics of mobile usability
The real secrets of mobile
The basics of mobile usability
PC   Mobile

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State of Drupal keynote, DrupalCon Austin
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Talk about the future of the web and how Drupal fits in. A video recording is available at

Overcome your fear of implementing offline mode in your apps
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Overcome your fear of implementing offline mode in your apps

Way too many apps on the App Store totally break when you loose connectivity. Have a look at some study cases and hopefully by the end you will figure out that implementing offline mode in your app is not that difficult at all.

Tales of Suckage and Awesomeness (Full Frontal 2012)
Tales of Suckage and Awesomeness (Full Frontal 2012)Tales of Suckage and Awesomeness (Full Frontal 2012)
Tales of Suckage and Awesomeness (Full Frontal 2012)

This document discusses Chris Wilson's experiences in the development of web technologies and browsers over several decades. It provides lessons learned from working on NCSA Mosaic in the early days of the web, joining Microsoft to work on Internet Explorer, the rise of dynamic web technologies like DHTML and XMLHttpRequest, and the mobile revolution. Key lessons include the importance of structure, securing networks, letting serendipity guide innovation, optimizing for user experience, integration across platforms, and making magic happen on the web.

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   PC     Mobile
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   PC     Mobile
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10 golden Rules?

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Software that eats the world! - PerformDay Brussels

This document summarizes a presentation about software moving to the cloud and lessons learned. It discusses how cloud computing provides cost savings and flexibility but also complexities. It recommends constantly testing APIs and responses (lesson 1), knowing that virtual CPUs don't equal physical CPUs and to test sizing (lesson 2), and that hybrid deployments are complex and to work with providers (lessons 3-4). It also discusses performance monitoring and metrics around response times on desktop and mobile and improving page weights by reducing styles and JavaScript.

digital strategyweb performancemobile web
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web performancemobilehtml5
The basics of mobile usability
The basics of mobile usability
„Mobile usability is hard!“
         - Jakob Nielsen
„Mobile usability is hard!“
         - Jakob Nielsen

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This document summarizes a presentation about using the Jenkins XML API for mobile applications. It discusses: 1. The presenters who created a mobile app called JenkinsMobi to access Jenkins builds from mobile devices using the XML API. 2. The challenges of mobile development like limited resources and the need to minimize data usage. 3. How JenkinsMobi was developed using the XML API and XPath to reduce data transfer by only retrieving essential build information. 4. Tips for using the XML API securely and efficiently in mobile apps for iOS and Android like asynchronous connections and XML parsing.

jenkins ci mobile ios iphone android xml api
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Practical Deep Learning
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programmingsciencedeep learning
1 Ecosystem   4 Designing

2 Context     5 Testing

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3 Content

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Join us to see how Public-sector organizations and AWS Partners are combining Smart Devices and Artificial Intelligence to create flexible, secure and cost-effective solutions. Applying machine learning models to live video/audio, cameras can be transformed into flexible IoT devices that perform critical functions around public safety, security, property management, smart parking & environmental management. Learn how these solutions are architected using AWS services such as AWS IoT Core, AWS GreenGrass, AWS DeepLens, Amazon SageMaker and Amazon Alexa.

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codemotion berlin 2013
redpill Mobile Case Study (Salvation Army)
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Case study that summarizes key findings by Red Pill Development as they built a mobile interface for Notes applications at Salvation Army. Using asymmetric modernization a mobile interface can be delivered for an entire portfolio of applications in a few days.

Don't forget the user

            Quick Information
1 Ecosystem   4 Designing

2 Context     5 Testing

3 Content
The same as PC-Web

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Implementing the Genetic Algorithm in XSLT: PoC

The document discusses using a genetic algorithm to automatically compose SOA applications by evolving XSLT programs. It describes setting up an initial population of random XSLT documents, transforming source XML with each XSLT to get result XML, comparing result XML to target XML via XML diff to calculate fitness, selecting individuals for reproduction and crossover to create new offspring, and repeating over generations to evolve higher fitness XSLT programs. The goal is to evolve an XSLT that can transform source XML into target XML.

xslt genetic algorithm
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Developers love Linux containers, which neatly package up an application and its dependencies and are easy to create and share. However, this unbeatable developer experience hides some deployment challenges for real applications: how do you wire together pieces of a multi-container application? Where do you store your persistent data if your containers are ephemeral? Do containers really contain and isolate your application, or are they merely hiding potential security vulnerabilities? Are your containers scheduled across your compute resources efficiently, or are they trampling on one another? Container application platforms like Kubernetes provide the answers to some of these questions. We’ll draw on expertise in Linux security, distributed scheduling, and the Java Virtual Machine to dig deep on the performance and security implications of running in containers. This talk will provide a deep dive into tuning and orchestrating containerized Spark applications. You’ll leave this talk with an understanding of the relevant issues, best practices for containerizing data-processing workloads, and tips for taking advantage of the latest features and fixes in Linux Containers, the JDK, and Kubernetes. You’ll leave inspired and enabled to deploy high-performance Spark applications without giving up the security you need or the developer-friendly workflow you want.

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Developing Distributed Internet of Things Applications Made Easy with Concier...
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This document summarizes a presentation about the Concierge OSGi framework. Concierge is optimized for embedded devices and Internet of Things applications by having a small footprint and simple codebase. Benchmark tests show it has faster startup times and service registry performance than other OSGi frameworks. It also supports features like remote management via REST and being used as a gateway framework. The presenters encourage using Concierge for developing complex, distributed IoT applications in a simple way.

eclipseconosgieclipse con europe 2015
The basics of mobile usability
Keep it simple !
1 Ecosystem   4 Designing

2 Context     5 Testing

3 Content
Mobile is different

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Presented at Lean Day West - Portland, OR. Sept. 17, 2013 How do you take a gigantic organization like PayPal and begin to transform the experiences? Engineering is often the key blocker in being able to achieve a high rate of innovation. In this talk, Bill Scott will give specific examples on implemented Lean UX in a 13,000 person company, re-factored the technology stack and changed the way engineers work with design & product partners. In addition, Bill will provide additional examples that go back to his early days writing one of the first Macintosh games to his more recent work at Netflix and the power of treating the user interface layer as the experimentation layer.

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Presentation by Felix Hassert about HTTP/2 at the #CGNWebPerf Meetup in Cologne at Sevenval. Date: 12.06.2018

Form Factor

                  Joy of use
The basics of mobile usability
~ 10.000 devices worldwide
~ 10.000 devices worldwide
 ~ 170 features per device

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Sevenval Technologies is a frontend development company with 18 years of experience and over 170 employees across two locations in Cologne and Berlin. They provide a full range of services including UX design, digital strategy, development, hosting, and quality assurance. Their solution involves customizing the frontend and intelligently using existing backend systems for improved usability while maintaining flexibility. They aim to optimize speed, usability, and security for customers.

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SEVENVAL TECHNOLOGIES GMBH Frontend Experten seit 1999

2015 sevenval mobile-trends_september
2015 sevenval mobile-trends_september2015 sevenval mobile-trends_september
2015 sevenval mobile-trends_september

The document summarizes mobile device trends from Sevenval's monthly web traffic analysis for September 2015. It shows that the top 10 mobile devices are all Samsung phones, led by the Galaxy SII. It also shows that the top operating systems are Android and iOS, and that over 6,000 different devices access mobile websites globally each month, with the top 5 devices making up 38.9% of traffic but the long tail of other devices accounting for 61.1% of traffic. It concludes that for responsive web design, one must consider all possible combinations of unique client devices, browsers, and operating systems, of which there are over 100,000 in the current market.

~ 10.000 devices worldwide
 ~ 170 features per device
 Lots of problems!
The basics of mobile usability
The basics of mobile usability helps you to
solve the fragmentation

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2015 sevenval mobile-trends_september
2015 sevenval mobile-trends_september2015 sevenval mobile-trends_september
2015 sevenval mobile-trends_september

The document analyzes mobile device trends from September 2015, including the top 10 mobile devices by web traffic, changes in traffic from August to September 2015, top mobile browsers and operating systems, statistics on iOS and Android versions, and the large number of unique client combinations from different devices, browsers and operating systems that websites must account for in design. It also briefly describes some products from Sevenval for responsive design, performance optimization and rapid development.

browsergoogle chromesafari
2015 sevenval device-trends_august
2015 sevenval device-trends_august2015 sevenval device-trends_august
2015 sevenval device-trends_august

This document summarizes mobile device and browser trends based on data from Sevenval in August 2015. The top mobile devices were various iPhone and Samsung Galaxy models, with the iPhone 6 and 5 as the most popular. The top mobile browsers were Google Chrome for Android, Apple Mobile Safari, and Google Android Browser. Google Android accounted for 61% of mobile web traffic, followed by Apple iOS at 35%. The document also provides statistics on operating system and browser versions in use.

2015 sevenval device-trends-july
2015 sevenval device-trends-july2015 sevenval device-trends-july
2015 sevenval device-trends-july

The document summarizes mobile device trend data from July 2015. It finds that the top mobile devices by traffic are various iPhone and Samsung Galaxy models, with the iPhone 6 and 5 being the highest. The most used mobile browsers are Google Chrome for Android and Apple Mobile Safari. The dominant operating systems are Android and iOS, making up over 95% of the market. It concludes that there are over 100,000 combinations of devices, browsers, and operating systems that must be accounted for in mobile web design.

safariinternettop 10
How it works

          FITML            FIT


              any API

                           Local Files

© 2011 Sevenval GmbH
The basics of mobile usability
It’s free!
1 Ecosystem   4 Designing

2 Context     5 Testing

3 Content

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2015 sevenval device-trends-june
2015 sevenval device-trends-june2015 sevenval device-trends-june
2015 sevenval device-trends-june

This document summarizes mobile device and browser trends from a June 2015 report by Sevenval. The top three mobile devices were the iPhone 6, iPhone 5, and iPhone 4(S). The iPhone 6 saw significantly higher traffic than the Samsung Galaxy S6 since its 2014 release. Apple's Safari and Google's Android Chrome were the most used mobile browsers. The majority of mobile traffic was from Android and Apple operating systems. There were over 7,000 unique device models and nearly 100,000 combinations of devices, browsers and operating systems that web content needs to support.

mobile internetbrowseros
sevenval device Trends may 2015
sevenval device Trends may 2015 sevenval device Trends may 2015
sevenval device Trends may 2015

Unsere Webtraffic-Zahlen für den Monat Mai 2015 sind veröffentlicht. Wie im Vormonat dominiert wieder das iPhone. Zuletzt konnte vor allem das iPhone 6 an Anteilen gewinnen.

Mobile Monday Austria 20150601 mobilegeddon
Mobile Monday Austria 20150601 mobilegeddonMobile Monday Austria 20150601 mobilegeddon
Mobile Monday Austria 20150601 mobilegeddon

Unter dem Motto: Safety First, Mobile First fand am 1. Juni 2015 in Wien der 26. Mobile statt. Markus Dejmek (Country Manager Sevenval Österreich) sprach u.a. über Mobilgeddon – warum die Versicherungsbranche die Mobilisierung beschleunigen muss

"mobilegeddon" "mobile first" "mobile"
The basics of mobile usability
„Mobile usability is hard!“
         - Jakob Nielsen
But that doesn‘t mean
   good mobile usability
„Mobile usability is…
       is impossible
           - Jakob Nielsen
The basics of mobile usability

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2015 sevenval device-trends-april
2015 sevenval device-trends-april2015 sevenval device-trends-april
2015 sevenval device-trends-april

The document summarizes mobile device trends from Sevenval's April 2015 database. It finds that the top mobile devices by traffic are Samsung Galaxy phones, with Google Chrome the most used mobile browser. The dominant operating systems are Android at 61% and Apple at 35%. It also provides statistics on iOS and Android version usage and notes there are over 92,000 possible unique client combinations of device, browser and operating system that developers need to consider for responsive web design.

2015 sevenval device-trends-march
2015 sevenval device-trends-march2015 sevenval device-trends-march
2015 sevenval device-trends-march

The document summarizes mobile device and browser trends from Sevenval's March 2015 database. It finds that the Samsung Galaxy S5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 5 were the top mobile devices by web traffic. Google Chrome and Apple Mobile Safari were the most used mobile browsers. The majority of mobile traffic came from Android and Apple operating systems. It also notes there are over 88,000 combinations of unique clients defined by device, browser, and operating system.

2015 sevenval device-trends-feb
2015 sevenval device-trends-feb2015 sevenval device-trends-feb
2015 sevenval device-trends-feb

The document summarizes trends in mobile devices and browsers based on data from Sevenval's database in January 2015. It finds that the top mobile devices are various iPhone and Samsung Galaxy models, with the iPhone 5 and iPhone 6 being the most popular individually. The most used mobile browsers are Google Chrome for Android and Apple Mobile Safari. The majority of mobile traffic comes from Android and iOS operating systems. It also notes there are over 84,000 combinations of unique clients defined by device, browser, and operating system.

browserdevice trendstop 10
… it means the key of
good mobile usability is
The basics of mobile usability
… e.g. me on
Build your
testing sled.

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This document summarizes mobile device trends from Sevenval's January 2015 database. The top 10 mobile devices by web traffic are listed, with the iPhone 5 in first place at 29%. When comparing December 2014 to January 2015 traffic, iPhone models saw an increase while Samsung models decreased slightly. The most popular mobile browsers and operating systems are also shown, with Android at 62% and Google Chrome the top browser. The document notes there are over 6,956 different devices accessing mobile websites.

google chromesafarifirefox

The document discusses trends in mobile devices and browsers based on data from Sevenval's database from January 2015. It shows that the top mobile devices by traffic are various Samsung Galaxy and iPhone models, with the iPhone 5 and iPhone 4(S) being the top two. The most popular mobile browsers are Google Chrome for Android and Apple Mobile Safari. The majority of mobile traffic comes from Android and Apple operating systems. It also discusses trends in iOS and Android version adoption and notes there are over 81,000 combinations of unique clients based on device, browser and operating system.

mobiledevice trendsinternet
20152601 sevenval_device_trends_dezc
20152601  sevenval_device_trends_dezc20152601  sevenval_device_trends_dezc
20152601 sevenval_device_trends_dezc

The document discusses mobile device trends based on data from Sevenval's database in November 2014. It finds that Samsung devices like the Galaxy SIII and SIV accounted for 36% of mobile web traffic, while Apple devices accounted for 36%. The top mobile operating systems were Android at 61% and iOS at 35%. It also notes that there are over 6,800 different devices accessing mobile websites worldwide and that mobile fragmentation is significant.

The basics of mobile usability

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Avenga Germany GmbH
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Avenga Germany GmbH
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Avenga Germany GmbH
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