SlideShare a Scribd company logo
How To Build a
That Converts
There Are
No Prizes
For Coming
Your website will fail if you:
• Build the site first and then think about the content
• Do not know your target personas
• Do not know what they are interested in
• Do not know your Unique Selling Propositions
• Do not have website goals
• Fail to plan first
Its about Marketing Strategy first
Website design and build second
Website Do Not's
The Process
1 - Marketing Strategy
2 - Website Design and Build
3- Send Traffic

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Redesign Proposal: Novaspaceart.comRedesign Proposal:
Redesign Proposal:

An evaluation of based on user interviews, personas, diary studies, card sorts, and usability studies, complete with recommendations for improvement.

web designusabilityuser experience
How To Use Online Search To Build Your Brand
How To Use Online Search To Build Your BrandHow To Use Online Search To Build Your Brand
How To Use Online Search To Build Your Brand

This document summarizes a presentation by Dr. Debra Zahay on digital marketing strategies. It discusses how digital marketing uses technology to facilitate customer engagement and interaction. The presentation covers how search and branding are intertwined, and provides tips on developing keyword strategies aligned with marketing objectives to optimize search engine results. It emphasizes defining a company's point of difference and unique value to customers in order to succeed in search marketing and branding.

online marketingseosearch engine marketing
AdWords for B&Bs
AdWords for B&BsAdWords for B&Bs
AdWords for B&Bs

Ed Tankersley, principal of Eight Trails LLC online marketing and a Google AdWords Qualified Individual, shows how to set up your AdWords account the right way the first time, and how to get the most out of AdWords. The special focus for this presentation is on Bed and Breakfasts, but the information is applicable to all businesses.

google adwordsppcsetting up adwords
The Process
Because its about THINKING about
your customers.
Get this right and your website will
convert traffic.
How To Build a Website That Converts Traffic into Qualified Leads
Local Authority Social Housing Industrial Petro Chemical Paper Commercial
Building ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Civil ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Electrical ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Instruments ✔ ✔ ✔
Cladding ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Insulation ✔ ✔
Reach 9 6 7 7 8 6
Profit 5 7 8 9 9 7
Life Time Value 5 8 8 8 8 5
Score 225 336 448 504 576 210
Which ones do you focus on?
Which ones do you drop?
Marketing Matrix
Marketing Strategy
Market Sectors
Products and Services
Score each sector for
Local Authority Education Social
Industrial Petro
Paper Commercial
Architect ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Engineer ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Buyer ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
6 4 4 2 4 2 2
Communication Persona’s
Marketing Strategy
Who do you need to communicate to?
Do you need case studies – How many?
Personas working
within your sectors

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Planning Your 2014 Digital Marketing Strategy
Planning Your 2014 Digital Marketing StrategyPlanning Your 2014 Digital Marketing Strategy
Planning Your 2014 Digital Marketing Strategy

With a few short months left in the year, it’s time to tackle the challenging task of planning and budgeting for your 2014 digital marketing activities. eMarketer estimates that B2C and B2B companies will see a 9.9% and 11.1% growth in digital advertising budgets in 2014, respectively. How is your company planning on establishing online marketing goals and budgets for your business and mapping both strategy and tactics to these objectives and resources? In this seminar, Formic Media will cover digital marketing planning and budgeting best practices, trends for 2014 and how to incorporate your key decision makers and digital agency into the process of creating an effective digital marketing strategy.

digital marketingformic media seminarsdigital strategy
Core Concepts of Paid Search Marketing
Core Concepts of Paid Search MarketingCore Concepts of Paid Search Marketing
Core Concepts of Paid Search Marketing

This document discusses key concepts for paid search marketing. It includes: - An overview of the anatomy of a search results page and importance of ranking highly. - Examples of calculating break-even cost per click for different products based on conversion rates and costs. - The importance of testing different ad copy messages and landing pages to increase click-through and conversion rates. - How to structure search marketing campaigns around ad groups organized by keyword themes and products to build a solid foundation. - A framework for testing ad copy by focusing on elements like value proposition, incentives, friction and anxiety to increase conversion probability.

ppcpaid advertisinginternet marketing
Top 3 SEO Strategies for 2013 Revealed
Top 3 SEO Strategies for 2013 RevealedTop 3 SEO Strategies for 2013 Revealed
Top 3 SEO Strategies for 2013 Revealed

Webinar presentation by Ajax Union experts David Gscheidle and Sarah Mogin on April 10, 2013 at noon EDT. Produced by Small Business Expo and hosted by Gary Jesch of WebinarsOnFire - covers lots of ground in Search Optimization - get on webinar via

seosearch engine optimizationwebinars on fire
Marketing Strategy
What are they interested in?
What are their business constraints – How can you help them?
What do they read – Where do they go?
What are the best channels to communicate with them?
Persona Mapping
Marketing Strategy
Persona Mapping Workshop – For Best Results
Digital Experience
• Multi device – mobile
• Speed – page by page
• How fast can I find answers…
• Page behaviour
• Don’t confuse me
Conversion Triggers
• Telephone numbers
• Data capture
• Live chat
• Email to myself (mobile)
• Take away info, downloads
• Social icons and shares
Case Studies
• Relevant to me and my sector
• Not just written, video, client
• Validation of your people credentials
• Speak to me in a language I understand!
• Be genuine and sincere – authentic
• Answer my questions and objections
• Scanability – ‘F’ factor
• Content assets – videos, surveys,
• Demonstrate thought leadership
• Rendering on multi device
• Things that interest and help me
Person name: Steve Smith
Occupation: C-Level, HRD
Age: 35 - 50
Marketing Strategy
Persona Profiling
Digital Habits
• Uses technology
• Smartphones, tablets
• LinkedIn, Twitter
• Reads online, industry news
(sectors specific = opportunity)
Solutions I Appreciate
• Delivery, ROI
• Speed – find it fast
• On going relationship
• No bullshit
• Decision maker, controls budget
• Confident, driven, demanding
• Time poor (very busy)
• Has team around them (influencers
– who could be researching for him)
What's Important to me
• Help me achieve my business goals
• Bring talent into my business
• World class service
• Innovation
• Value, cost per hire, time to hire
Person name: Steve Smith
Occupation: C-Level, HRD
Age: 35 - 50
Marketing Strategy
An Example
From these you can work out what to communicate and how

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Learn more about how to launch a new SEO program (and what's not needed), plus, a framework/process for improving SEO results in an agile fashion.

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This document summarizes an SEO training session. It introduces the speakers and outlines the session agenda which includes discussions of SEO strategic components, building the right architecture, tactical and technical components, and caring for SEO after consultants leave. Key topics covered are identifying SEO goals, understanding how search engines and users search, keyword research, site architecture, on-page and off-page optimization factors, redirects, speed, and metrics. The document provides tips and examples for each area.

Online marketing workshop april13
Online marketing workshop april13Online marketing workshop april13
Online marketing workshop april13

This document provides an agenda and overview for an online marketing workshop presented by Sam Shetty in April 2013. The workshop covers various topics related to online marketing including search engine optimization (SEO), Google Analytics, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, mobile websites, and conversion rate optimization. It also discusses trends in online spending in Australia, the changing consumer purchase journey, and how to focus online marketing efforts on consumer needs and goals rather than just promoting the business.

Marketing Strategy
What is good and what is poor?
How do the user journeys work?
What do you like?
What key words do they use?
Which ones do your customers like and why?
Competitor Analysis
Competitor Analysis
Marketing Strategy
Do they compete on natural ranking or pay per click?
How successful are they compared to you in terms of generating traffic?
Competitor Analysis
Marketing Strategy
What keywords do they use in natural ranking?
What keywords do they use in pay per click?
What can we learn from this?
Marketing Strategy
What will make your site a
World Class site?
 Look & Feel
 High Quality Content
 Great User Experience
 Good Functionality

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Online marketing workshop   melbourne nov 13Online marketing workshop   melbourne nov 13
Online marketing workshop melbourne nov 13

Netregistry is Australia's largest domain name and web hosting provider. They offer a range of online solutions to help businesses get and grow online, including domain names, web hosting, email, web design, website security, and online marketing. Sam Shetty has worked with Netregistry for 8 years advising and helping clients with their online strategies. The presentation discusses search engine optimization, search engine advertising, social media marketing, and conversion rate optimization as strategies to help businesses succeed online.

semseoonline marketing
Ready, Set, Go Mobile!
Ready, Set, Go Mobile!Ready, Set, Go Mobile!
Ready, Set, Go Mobile!

This document provides a checklist for getting started with mobile marketing. It discusses the importance of mobile, best practices for mobile design such as simplicity and thumb friendliness, optimization tactics like speed and redirects, and tips for testing and analyzing mobile performance. The document encourages businesses to understand differing mobile and desktop user needs and goals to provide the best experience.

mobile webmobile websitemobile marketing
Online Marketing workshop : Feb 2013
Online Marketing workshop : Feb 2013Online Marketing workshop : Feb 2013
Online Marketing workshop : Feb 2013

This document provides an agenda and overview for an online marketing workshop presented by Sam Shetty in February 2013. The workshop covers various online marketing topics including the online landscape, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media, and mobile websites. Specific areas discussed within SEO include the SEO process, myths, keyword research, link building, and Google algorithm updates. The benefits and process of PPC advertising on platforms like Google AdWords is also summarized.

User Experience
Don’t make it tough
What works on your existing site?
How do visitors journey through it?
How can it be improved?
User Experience
Google Analytics
User Experience
Google Analytics
How many steps does it take to convert a visitor?
How can this be improved?
Existing Page Analysis
Marketing Strategy
What pages have good bounce rates and why?
Which pages do visitors stay to read and why?

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Attracting the Right Customer with Google Adwords: An Overview of Search, Dis...

Take advantage of the Google Adwords ecosystem to promote your business and increase exposure to your target customer. An overview of Google Adwords, Google My Business, Google Display Ad Network (GDN), Google Retargeting and More.

google adwords managementgoogle partnergoogle analytics
Conversion Rate Opimisation (CRO) introduction and how to guide
Conversion Rate Opimisation (CRO) introduction and how to guideConversion Rate Opimisation (CRO) introduction and how to guide
Conversion Rate Opimisation (CRO) introduction and how to guide

This document summarizes a presentation about optimizing websites to improve customer experience and increase conversions. It discusses analyzing traffic sources and user behavior metrics to better understand customers. First impressions are very important, and the presentation emphasizes optimizing page load speeds and adding calls to action, social proof, trust signals, and collecting user feedback and testing changes. The overarching message is that small improvements across many areas can significantly impact outcomes.

croconversion rate optimisationconversion rate
Web Marketing Career Presentation
Web Marketing Career PresentationWeb Marketing Career Presentation
Web Marketing Career Presentation

The document provides an overview of web marketing, including definitions, examples of different tools and roles, statistics, and best practices. It defines web marketing as utilizing online tools and strategies to accomplish marketing goals. It describes key elements like search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, content marketing, and analytics. It also outlines typical job requirements, skills, and educational backgrounds for web marketing professionals.

ppcweb marketingsem
User Experience
Heat Mapping
What do visitors click on?
What did you think worked but gets no clicks?
This heat map shows you
where most people click
in Google – Top Natural
Rank gets the most clicks
User Experience
Top Tip
Plan your content flow and
user journeys
Top Tip
Plan you site map with the
user experience in mind
User Experience
Site Map
User Experience
A Home page wire frame
with functionality
This allows you to plan the
site before its built and
saves a lot of time and
expense from making
changes once completed.
Top Tip
Plan your site with wire
Wire Frames

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Gateway STEM Branding Presentation
Gateway STEM Branding PresentationGateway STEM Branding Presentation
Gateway STEM Branding Presentation

This document provides an overview of branding and careers in branding. It defines branding as identifying the features that distinguish a company's goods and services from competitors. Examples of branding elements discussed include logos, packaging, websites and content. Careers in branding mentioned include graphic designer, social media marketer, copywriter and marketing roles. Requirements for graphic designers include creative skills, software knowledge and a design portfolio. Marketing professionals require communication skills, computer skills, and experience with programs like Microsoft Office. The document also shows examples of how branding can positively or negatively impact a company's image through "before and after" case studies.

website brandingonline brandingbranding
The Basics of Digital Marketing - Learn online marketing today!
The Basics of Digital Marketing - Learn online marketing today!The Basics of Digital Marketing - Learn online marketing today!
The Basics of Digital Marketing - Learn online marketing today!

This presentation will enlighten you on the basics of digital and online marketing including seo, social media, content marketing, affiliate marketing, mobile marketing and much more. It's a fairly broad overview of the digital and social media marketing landscape today. Do you want to increase traffic and sales to your website or company? Get in touch with me or visit my website at

social media marketingcontent marketingonline marketing
Discover Your Searchability factor
Discover Your Searchability factorDiscover Your Searchability factor
Discover Your Searchability factor

This document provides information about Eugene Macarius and his expertise in search engine optimization (SEO). It discusses his background working in digital marketing roles and his current work managing digital marketing campaigns and mentoring students. It also outlines the importance of searchability and being found online through search engines. Key factors in SEO like on-page, off-page, technical, local, content and video optimization are defined. The document provides tips for immediately improving a business's SEO through domain registration, website optimization, content and keyword strategies, local listings, video and social media.

Build The Site
Once you have your marketing
strategy worked out you can now
build your site with confidence
Top Tip
Write up your brief using your marketing strategy and research. You can give this to your
website developer.
Rubbish brief = Rubbish website v Great brief = Great website
Before Going Live
Keyword Research
Page Titles & Descriptions
Measure Ranking
Set your site up for search
On Page SEO
On Page SEO
Top Tip
Create a spread sheet with
the following fields:
• Google search result
• Search volume
• Competition
Your aim is to find
keywords with high
volumes and low
Use the Google keyword
tool for your research
Keyword Research
On Page SEO
Top Tip
Create a spread sheet with the following fields:
• Type of page
• Page title
• Page Description
This will make it easier to see the bigger picture
On Page Titles and Descriptions
Use your keywords in
your page title. Make
the title useful to
your prospect

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Effective seo hacks to bring leads for your business - SWA 2020

This document discusses Eugene, known as "The SEO King", and his expertise in digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO). It provides an overview of Eugene's background and experiences in digital strategy, SEO consulting, and managing digital marketing campaigns. The document also promotes an upcoming talk by Eugene titled "Effective SEO Hacks to bring Leads For Your Business", where he will share tips on using SEO to generate leads for businesses.

Workshop june
Workshop juneWorkshop june
Workshop june

This document summarizes a presentation by Sam Shetty on running a successful website. The presentation covers online marketing strategies including SEO, pay per click advertising, conversion rate optimization, email marketing and social media marketing. It provides tips on setting up analytics and tracking tools, content creation, mobile optimization, and ensuring website security. The goal is to understand online customer behavior and drive qualified traffic and conversions through an integrated online marketing approach.

Online Marketing presentation
Online Marketing presentation Online Marketing presentation
Online Marketing presentation

This document provides an overview of various online marketing strategies including SEO, PPC, social media marketing and mobile marketing. It discusses how to implement SEO by setting up analytics, keyword research and on-page optimization. It also covers how PPC works, how to calculate ROI and improve quality score. Additionally, it summarizes how to setup social media profiles, engage audiences and measure success. Lastly, it touches on optimizing websites for mobile, trends in mobile usage and improving the mobile user experience.

seaseosocial media
On Page SEO
Page title
Page description – Write
a compelling message to
attract a click
What it looks like
in Google
Set up your page titles and page descriptions in your content management
system (CMS) – This example is word press
Re-Engineer using your CMS
On Page SEO
Construction marketing lessons
Position 1 and 2
in natural ranking
A Google Search Example
On Page SEO
Keyword Ranking
Construction marketing lessons
What Gets Measured Improves
Competitor Analysis
It Can Be Tough
But We Can Make It Easy

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FREE LANCER BOOTCAMP Searchability Factor.pptxFREE LANCER BOOTCAMP Searchability Factor.pptx
FREE LANCER BOOTCAMP Searchability Factor.pptx

This document provides information about Eugene Macarius, an expert in search engine optimization (SEO). It outlines his professional background and experience in digital marketing, including previous roles at Standard Chartered Bank and the Catholic Church in Singapore. It also describes his certifications and mentoring work. The document discusses the importance of searchability and being found online. It presents different ways people search for information and defines what searchability means. It provides an overview of how to analyze markets, audiences, competitors and develop branding and content strategies to improve a business's searchability.

Seo conference-microsoft 2013 short
Seo conference-microsoft 2013 shortSeo conference-microsoft 2013 short
Seo conference-microsoft 2013 short

This document advertises an Internet Marketing Workshop provided by that offers various services to help companies increase online profitability. The workshop covers topics like website design, search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and more. It lists clients the company has helped and implementation options for outsourcing marketing services or handling them in-house. It promotes a half-off special of $1,000 worth of services for $500 to try out their workshop.


The document discusses various topics related to running a successful website including search engine optimization (SEO), search engine advertising (PPC), and social media marketing. It provides an overview of each topic, highlighting key aspects like the importance of keyword research for SEO, how paid advertising can help drive traffic, and how social media allows businesses to engage with customers online. The presentation also emphasizes the importance of understanding customer needs and providing valuable content across online channels.

About The Author
Bob Evans is a business consultant who works with business owners
and directors with the aim of protecting them from making expensive
mistakes in website design.
Bob grew his own successful construction company from 1990 to 2005.
It began with an idea and finished being a multi million pound business.
He invested in property and now shares his knowledge with like minded directors and
business owners. Bob has been a business consultant for the past eight years.
Bob has just spent the last 12 months as the operations director for a major digital enterprise
implementing process and systems. He has a great understanding of the process of website
development and knows how to build a high converting website.
Bob’s company is called ‘Your Ideal Business Partner’ feel free to visit. You will find lots of
business and marketing support including more website tutors.

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How To Build a Website That Converts Traffic into Qualified Leads

  • 1. How To Build a Website That Converts
  • 2. There Are No Prizes For Coming Second Winning
  • 3. Your website will fail if you: • Build the site first and then think about the content • Do not know your target personas • Do not know what they are interested in • Do not know your Unique Selling Propositions • Do not have website goals • Fail to plan first Its about Marketing Strategy first Website design and build second Website Do Not's
  • 4. The Process 1 - Marketing Strategy 2 - Website Design and Build 3- Send Traffic
  • 5. WHY? The Process Because its about THINKING about your customers. Get this right and your website will convert traffic.
  • 7. Local Authority Social Housing Industrial Petro Chemical Paper Commercial Building ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Civil ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Electrical ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Instruments ✔ ✔ ✔ Cladding ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Insulation ✔ ✔ Reach 9 6 7 7 8 6 Profit 5 7 8 9 9 7 Life Time Value 5 8 8 8 8 5 Score 225 336 448 504 576 210 Which ones do you focus on? Which ones do you drop? Marketing Matrix Marketing Strategy Market Sectors Products and Services Score each sector for FOCUS
  • 8. Local Authority Education Social Housing Industrial Petro Chemical Paper Commercial Architect ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineer ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Estate Manager ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Project Manager ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Buyer ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Works Engineer ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Mechanical Engineer ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Process Engineer ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Electrical Engineer ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Case Studies 6 4 4 2 4 2 2 Communication Persona’s Marketing Strategy Who do you need to communicate to? Do you need case studies – How many? Personas working within your sectors
  • 9. Marketing Strategy What are they interested in? What are their business constraints – How can you help them? What do they read – Where do they go? What are the best channels to communicate with them? Persona Mapping
  • 10. Marketing Strategy Persona Mapping Workshop – For Best Results
  • 11. Digital Experience • Multi device – mobile responsive • Speed – page by page • How fast can I find answers… • Page behaviour • Don’t confuse me Conversion Triggers • Telephone numbers • Data capture • Live chat • Email to myself (mobile) • Take away info, downloads • Social icons and shares Case Studies • Relevant to me and my sector • Not just written, video, client features • Validation of your people credentials Content • Speak to me in a language I understand! • Be genuine and sincere – authentic • Answer my questions and objections • Scanability – ‘F’ factor • Content assets – videos, surveys, downloads • Demonstrate thought leadership • Rendering on multi device • Things that interest and help me Person name: Steve Smith Occupation: C-Level, HRD Age: 35 - 50 Marketing Strategy Persona Profiling
  • 12. Digital Habits • Uses technology • Smartphones, tablets • LinkedIn, Twitter • Reads online, industry news (sectors specific = opportunity) Solutions I Appreciate • Delivery, ROI • Speed – find it fast • On going relationship • No bullshit Characteristics • Decision maker, controls budget • Confident, driven, demanding • Time poor (very busy) • Has team around them (influencers – who could be researching for him) What's Important to me • Help me achieve my business goals • Bring talent into my business • World class service • Innovation • Value, cost per hire, time to hire Person name: Steve Smith Occupation: C-Level, HRD Age: 35 - 50 Marketing Strategy An Example From these you can work out what to communicate and how
  • 13. Marketing Strategy What is good and what is poor? How do the user journeys work? What do you like? What key words do they use? Which ones do your customers like and why? Competitor Analysis
  • 14. Competitor Analysis Marketing Strategy Do they compete on natural ranking or pay per click? How successful are they compared to you in terms of generating traffic?
  • 15. Competitor Analysis Marketing Strategy What keywords do they use in natural ranking? What keywords do they use in pay per click? What can we learn from this?
  • 16. Marketing Strategy What will make your site a World Class site?  Look & Feel  High Quality Content  Great User Experience  Good Functionality
  • 18. What works on your existing site? How do visitors journey through it? How can it be improved? User Experience Google Analytics
  • 19. User Experience Google Analytics How many steps does it take to convert a visitor? How can this be improved?
  • 20. Existing Page Analysis Marketing Strategy What pages have good bounce rates and why? Which pages do visitors stay to read and why?
  • 21. User Experience Heat Mapping What do visitors click on? What did you think worked but gets no clicks? This heat map shows you where most people click in Google – Top Natural Rank gets the most clicks
  • 22. User Experience Top Tip Plan your content flow and user journeys
  • 23. Top Tip Plan you site map with the user experience in mind User Experience Site Map
  • 24. User Experience A Home page wire frame with functionality descriptions. This allows you to plan the site before its built and saves a lot of time and expense from making changes once completed. Top Tip Plan your site with wire frames Wire Frames
  • 25. Build The Site Once you have your marketing strategy worked out you can now build your site with confidence Top Tip Write up your brief using your marketing strategy and research. You can give this to your website developer. Rubbish brief = Rubbish website v Great brief = Great website
  • 26. Before Going Live Keyword Research Page Titles & Descriptions Measure Ranking Set your site up for search On Page SEO
  • 27. On Page SEO Top Tip Create a spread sheet with the following fields: • Google search result • Search volume • Competition Your aim is to find keywords with high volumes and low competition Use the Google keyword tool for your research Keyword Research
  • 28. On Page SEO Top Tip Create a spread sheet with the following fields: • Type of page • URL • Page title • Page Description This will make it easier to see the bigger picture On Page Titles and Descriptions Use your keywords in your page title. Make the title useful to your prospect
  • 29. On Page SEO Page title Page description – Write a compelling message to attract a click What it looks like in Google Set up your page titles and page descriptions in your content management system (CMS) – This example is word press Re-Engineer using your CMS
  • 30. On Page SEO Keyword Construction marketing lessons Position 1 and 2 in natural ranking A Google Search Example
  • 31. On Page SEO Keyword Ranking Keyword Construction marketing lessons What Gets Measured Improves Competitor Analysis
  • 32. It Can Be Tough But We Can Make It Easy
  • 33. About The Author Bob Evans is a business consultant who works with business owners and directors with the aim of protecting them from making expensive mistakes in website design. Bob grew his own successful construction company from 1990 to 2005. It began with an idea and finished being a multi million pound business. He invested in property and now shares his knowledge with like minded directors and business owners. Bob has been a business consultant for the past eight years. Bob has just spent the last 12 months as the operations director for a major digital enterprise implementing process and systems. He has a great understanding of the process of website development and knows how to build a high converting website. Bob’s company is called ‘Your Ideal Business Partner’ feel free to visit. You will find lots of business and marketing support including more website tutors.