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Social Web Technologies Dr. Harry Chen CMSC 491S/691S January 28, 2008
Web 1.0 vs. Web 2.0 Source :
Idea: Web 2.0 Tim O’Reilly coined the term “Web 2.0” to describe a new generation of web sites that appear after the .com bubble burst. Web as a platform Harnessing collective intelligence Data is the next Intel Inside End of software release cycle Lightweight programming model Software above the level of a single device Rich user experience Reading :
Social in Web 2.0 Be able to social with other users and produce user-created content are key characteristics of Web 2.0 Web 2.0 encouraged many innovations RSS, tagging, Ajax, JSON, web maps, blogs and micro-blogs, wiki, RDF, mashup, REST, social network platform and more…

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web 2.0 at Williams
web 2.0 at Williamsweb 2.0 at Williams
web 2.0 at Williams

1) Web 2.0 technologies are being used in limited ways at Williams College, primarily through wikis for documentation and collaboration, blogs, and social networking. 2) Students widely use social networking, messaging, and video sharing, while administrative uses include wikis, blogs, and podcasting. 3) The document discusses specific Web 2.0 technologies of interest like Google Docs, Flickr, and SlideShare, and obstacles to greater adoption like support, culture, and reliability questions.

Web 3.0
Web 3.0Web 3.0
Web 3.0

This document outlines the evolution of the World Wide Web from Web 1.0 to Web 3.0. Web 1.0 focused on static, one-way information sharing. Web 2.0 emphasized user-generated content and social interaction. Experts envision Web 3.0 as being driven by machine intelligence through technologies like the Semantic Web, which adds metadata to allow machines to understand web content. Other potential aspects of Web 3.0 include interactive video, 3D environments, and ubiquitous access through various devices. The document discusses how these technologies could lead to more personalized experiences and intelligent systems capable of complex tasks like planning vacations.

Web 2.0 tools
Web 2.0 toolsWeb 2.0 tools
Web 2.0 tools

Web 2.0 tools allow for two-way interaction on websites, including communicating, sharing, collaborating and creating content. Some key advantages are that many tools are free or paid, require no installation, and are easy to use. However, some disadvantages include needing an internet connection and registration for some sites. Popular social networking tools include Facebook and Twitter, while sharing tools include Slideshare and YouTube. Collaboration, communication, presentation, content creation and survey tools are also discussed.

What will we study in this class? How social web technologies can improve people’s productivity How to develop social web application How to think about the Social Web from a cultural and business perspective How to create the next Facebook, YouTube, and Flickr!  
Circles of Technologies Social Web Folksonomy & Tagging Mashups Geospatial Web The Semantic Web Blogs
Topic 1: Social Web Trace the Social Web history… How do people participate on the Web? What’s the value of user-created content? What’re the implications of building a sociable Web?
Topic 2: Folksonomy & Tagging What’s tagging? Why people hate and love tagging Can people find consensus while working in chaos? Tagging beyond keywords

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21st Century Research Profiles Handout

The document provides instructions for a workshop on using technology to enhance research. It outlines 7 tasks for participants which include identifying their current use of technology, exploring tools for collaboration and dissemination, examining their digital identity online, creating a blog post, uploading a presentation to SlideShare and embedding it in a blog, using CiteULike for social referencing, and finding RSS feeds. The workshop is facilitated by two individuals and aims to help researchers use technologies to enhance their profile and research activities.

profilesdigital identity
Web 1.0, 2.0 & 3.0
Web 1.0, 2.0 & 3.0Web 1.0, 2.0 & 3.0
Web 1.0, 2.0 & 3.0

This document provides an overview of Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0 as well as how Google tools like Google Docs, Sites, Groups, and Earth can enhance engagement in courses. It discusses the benefits of collaboration using Google Apps and provides examples of how tools like Docs, Sites, and VoiceThread have been used. Real-world teaching examples and pros and cons of using Web 2.0 tools are also presented.

google docs
Web 1 2 3
Web 1 2 3Web 1 2 3
Web 1 2 3

Web 1.0 sites are static and do not allow user interaction or contribution. Web 2.0 introduced social media sites that empower users to share and interact with each other. Proposed features of Web 3.0 include browsers that learn user preferences to provide personalized search results and recommendations. However, the concept of Web 3.0 is still developing and experts disagree on its precise definition and technologies.

Topic 3: Mashups Why mashups are better than your grandfather’s Web application Learn mashup Ajax RSS, GeoRSS OpenSearch REST Google Maps API …
Topic 4: Geospatial Web Why location information is hot How Google Maps changed the way we view information Tools for programming geospatial web applications
Topic 5: the Semantic Web Why people are crazy about Tim Berners-Lee’s big idea Why XML is not good enough for describing Web information Beyond SQL, I want to query the Web!
Topic 6: Blogs Got blog? Why do people blog? How can you profit from blogging? How can you build mashups using free blogging API

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Twenty tech training tips
Twenty tech training tipsTwenty tech training tips
Twenty tech training tips

The document provides training tips from two trainers, Rob Coers and Michael Stephens, on effectively training staff on new technologies. They discuss focusing training on the 70% of staff that are open to guidance, emphasizing the professional, necessity, and personal benefits of new technologies. They also suggest using Web 2.0 tools like blogs and Flickr in training, being flexible and playing with new tools, and creating an Emerging Technology Group to plan for innovation.

Office 2.0 social life of office documents
Office 2.0 social life of office documentsOffice 2.0 social life of office documents
Office 2.0 social life of office documents

Office 2.0 refers to the social aspects of sharing and collaborating on office documents online. Early office software focused on individual productivity but lacked natural collaboration features. Newer social networks and services place objects like photos and videos at the center, allowing people to connect through sharing and interacting with these objects. Services like SlideShare allow people to share presentations socially online, treating slides as microcontent that can be embedded and commented on. SlideShare demonstrates how documents can become social objects that facilitate interactions beyond just communication.

office 2.0 social life of office documents
Advantages & disadvantages of web 1.0 vs web 2.0
Advantages & disadvantages of web 1.0  vs web 2.0Advantages & disadvantages of web 1.0  vs web 2.0
Advantages & disadvantages of web 1.0 vs web 2.0

Web 2.0 emerged after 1999 and features more interactivity and user-generated content than earlier versions of the web. It includes social media sites, user-created websites, self-publishing platforms, tagging, and social bookmarking. While Web 2.0 provides greater accessibility, mobility, and opportunities for creativity, it also poses security and privacy risks if personal information is exposed, and content quality cannot always be verified.

disadvantage of web 1.0advantage of web 2.0web 2.0
Circles of Technologies Social Web Folksonomy & Tagging Mashups Geospatial Web The Semantic Web Blogs
Homework due next class Go to Join the class’s blog Join the class’s discussion group Join the class’s gnizr network Post 1+ blog related to Social Web Save 1+ bookmarks in gnizr
Reading Material Find suggested reading Go to gnizr and login Click “Community” Find user “hchen1” Find required reading Go hchen1’s folder “Required Reading” For the reading of a particular class, look for bookmarks tagged: “forClass:[class-date]”

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Social Web Technologies

  • 1. Social Web Technologies Dr. Harry Chen CMSC 491S/691S January 28, 2008
  • 2. Web 1.0 vs. Web 2.0 Source :
  • 3. Idea: Web 2.0 Tim O’Reilly coined the term “Web 2.0” to describe a new generation of web sites that appear after the .com bubble burst. Web as a platform Harnessing collective intelligence Data is the next Intel Inside End of software release cycle Lightweight programming model Software above the level of a single device Rich user experience Reading :
  • 4. Social in Web 2.0 Be able to social with other users and produce user-created content are key characteristics of Web 2.0 Web 2.0 encouraged many innovations RSS, tagging, Ajax, JSON, web maps, blogs and micro-blogs, wiki, RDF, mashup, REST, social network platform and more…
  • 5. What will we study in this class? How social web technologies can improve people’s productivity How to develop social web application How to think about the Social Web from a cultural and business perspective How to create the next Facebook, YouTube, and Flickr! 
  • 6. Circles of Technologies Social Web Folksonomy & Tagging Mashups Geospatial Web The Semantic Web Blogs
  • 7. Topic 1: Social Web Trace the Social Web history… How do people participate on the Web? What’s the value of user-created content? What’re the implications of building a sociable Web?
  • 8. Topic 2: Folksonomy & Tagging What’s tagging? Why people hate and love tagging Can people find consensus while working in chaos? Tagging beyond keywords
  • 9. Topic 3: Mashups Why mashups are better than your grandfather’s Web application Learn mashup Ajax RSS, GeoRSS OpenSearch REST Google Maps API …
  • 10. Topic 4: Geospatial Web Why location information is hot How Google Maps changed the way we view information Tools for programming geospatial web applications
  • 11. Topic 5: the Semantic Web Why people are crazy about Tim Berners-Lee’s big idea Why XML is not good enough for describing Web information Beyond SQL, I want to query the Web!
  • 12. Topic 6: Blogs Got blog? Why do people blog? How can you profit from blogging? How can you build mashups using free blogging API
  • 13. Circles of Technologies Social Web Folksonomy & Tagging Mashups Geospatial Web The Semantic Web Blogs
  • 14. Homework due next class Go to Join the class’s blog Join the class’s discussion group Join the class’s gnizr network Post 1+ blog related to Social Web Save 1+ bookmarks in gnizr
  • 15. Reading Material Find suggested reading Go to gnizr and login Click “Community” Find user “hchen1” Find required reading Go hchen1’s folder “Required Reading” For the reading of a particular class, look for bookmarks tagged: “forClass:[class-date]”