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‫الحديثة‬ ‫الويب‬ ‫تقنيات‬
Modern web technologies
</> {}
Oday Alqarra
Front-end JavaScript Framework
Angular 2

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Bringing swift to cloud
Bringing swift to cloudBringing swift to cloud
Bringing swift to cloud

Swift is now simpler than ever to use for end-to-end development. Developers wanting a local development environment can now leverage popular Swift@IBM technologies using IBM Cloud Tools for Swift (beta) on IBM Bluemix. In addition, Linux developers can take advantage of today's most popular language on the most powerful Linux platform for data-serving and systems of record, LinuxONE™.Start building end-to-end applications and quickly deploy them with Kitura on both OSX and Linux. Kitura is a modular, package-based web framework and HTTP server. Written in the Swift language, this open source framework lays the foundation for community collaboration, building off the latest technologies from the developer community including Libdispatch, Foundation, and the Swift Package Manager.

Micro frontends with react and redux dev day
Micro frontends with react and redux   dev dayMicro frontends with react and redux   dev day
Micro frontends with react and redux dev day

Alexandra, Matthias, and Prasanna have been working on a project with micro frontend architecture for the past year. This project involves 4 teams distributed over two countries - Germany and India, each of the teams delivering one or several micro frontends that are consolidated into one product in the browser. This talk is based on our practical insights into micro frontends using React and Redux. We will discuss the differences between this technique and micro-services, our approaches to solving the common issues, the advantages it offers and the challenges it brings.

SWIFTly, Go Cloud!! - Swift@IBM
SWIFTly, Go Cloud!! - Swift@IBMSWIFTly, Go Cloud!! - Swift@IBM
SWIFTly, Go Cloud!! - Swift@IBM

This document discusses Swift development on IBM Cloud. It summarizes Swift's performance and memory usage, introduces the Kitura web framework, and describes tools like the Swift Sandbox and Package Catalog for community enablement. An example photo sharing app called BluePic is presented to illustrate end-to-end Swift development, with the iOS client communicating with backend services hosted on IBM Cloud.

1.3 Million
Google products in Angular 1
Angular 1 Releases
Angular 1 vs Angular 2
Angular 1
Angular 2
0 300,000 600,000 900,000 1,200,000
October 20, 2015

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Browser and Cloud - The Future of IDEs?
Browser and Cloud - The Future of IDEs?Browser and Cloud - The Future of IDEs?
Browser and Cloud - The Future of IDEs?

- The future of IDEs may be in the browser and cloud rather than traditional desktop applications, as tools like Eclipse are slow to open and upgrade while the browser can search the entire web quickly. - Existing IDEs are difficult to install and upgrade, consume resources, and feel outdated, while the browser is a full-featured UI toolkit that allows tools to be accessible from anywhere without installation. - Cloud-based IDEs like Cloud 9 and Eclipse Orion aim to provide ready-to-use environments and infrastructure in the cloud without the need for local setup or updates, though connectivity and storing only files in the cloud present challenges.

Angular vs react vs vue
Angular vs react vs vueAngular vs react vs vue
Angular vs react vs vue

This document compares the Angular, React, and Vue frameworks. It discusses their origins, popularity, usage, features like data binding, state management, performance, and developer experience. Angular is supported by Google and is a full framework. React is supported by Facebook and is a library requiring additional dependencies. Vue falls between the two. All have similar performance. Angular has more out-of-the-box functionality while React and Vue offer more flexibility.

The future of webapp development
The future of webapp developmentThe future of webapp development
The future of webapp development

An overview of the future of web app development from 3 angles: IDE in the cloud, Challenge of collaboration and Innovating the browser platform, related to the stuff we do at

ajax collaborative ajaxorg ide cloud html5 gears c
Modern web technologies
Features & Benefits
Speed & Performance
Simple & Expressive

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Microsoft Azure Cloud Services
Microsoft Azure Cloud ServicesMicrosoft Azure Cloud Services
Microsoft Azure Cloud Services

Usando os Cloud Service pode-se rapidamente implementar e gerenciar aplicativos poderosos. Basta enviar o seu pedido e o Microsoft Azure lida com os detalhes de implementação, de provisionamento e balanceamento de carga para monitoramento de saúde para a disponibilidade contínua. A sua candidatura é apoiada por uma indústria líder 99,95% SLA mensal. Você se concentra apenas sobre a sua aplicação e não na infraestrutura. Nesta sessão, usando o VS 2013 e o mais recente do Windows Azure SDK, você vai aprender sobre os benefícios do Cloud Service e como você pode usá-lo em suas aplicações.

cloudcloud servicescloud computing
Developing ASP.NET MVC Applications Quicker With Kendo UI
Developing ASP.NET MVC Applications Quicker With Kendo UIDeveloping ASP.NET MVC Applications Quicker With Kendo UI
Developing ASP.NET MVC Applications Quicker With Kendo UI

My webinar as part of .NET Ninja Series. This time we take a look at developing ASp.NET MVC apps quicker with Kendo UI ASP.NET MVC Wrappers,

webinarkendo uikendo ui web
Building SPA with Kendo UI
Building SPA with Kendo UIBuilding SPA with Kendo UI
Building SPA with Kendo UI

This document discusses building single page applications (SPAs) using Kendo UI. It introduces Kendo UI, which is a JavaScript library for building SPAs that provides UI widgets, data binding, and mobile app capabilities. It explains that SPAs load all necessary code on a single page load for a fluid user experience. The document then outlines the basic building blocks for an SPA using Kendo UI, including a router to manage navigation between views, views to represent screens, and a layout to render views. It previews an example Northwind catalog SPA that will be demonstrated.

html5kendo uispa
Cross Platform
Seamless upgrade from angular 1
Flexible Development
Legacy Browser Support

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MicroserviceArchitecture in detail over Monolith.
MicroserviceArchitecture in detail over Monolith.MicroserviceArchitecture in detail over Monolith.
MicroserviceArchitecture in detail over Monolith.

This document discusses microservices architecture as an alternative to monolithic architecture. It defines microservices as independently deployable services that communicate through lightweight mechanisms like HTTP APIs. The document outlines benefits of microservices like independent scalability, easier upgrades, and improved developer productivity. It also discusses prerequisites for microservices like rapid provisioning, monitoring, and continuous deployment. Examples of microservices frameworks and a demo application using Spring Boot are provided.

software architecturemicroservicesserviceorientation
Few Tips for developers 2014 and beyond
Few Tips for developers 2014 and beyondFew Tips for developers 2014 and beyond
Few Tips for developers 2014 and beyond

Ramp-up skills on UI : Time for .NET developers to ramp-up skills on UI Development. Be a generalist. No more, I don’t know CSS, JS and HTML Remember the User-base and their devices Look for light-weight alternatives. REST, WebAPI, JSON Understand the Domain and Business – Programming is just one part! Understand Product Vision, Sponsors, Customers, End-users, importance of User experience Cloud Compute aware coding – Know when Cloud Footprint is high Keep Cloud Footprint low using Stateless, Light-weight, Non Compute heavy, Less memory usage code Understand Performance, Security, SEO and other non-functional expectations Build for Change and be Agile! Keep patterns like Dependency Injection in your arsenal. Develop With Passion : It makes all the difference

tips for developersagile software developmentcloud computing
App Engine Overview @ Google Hackathon SXSW 2010
App Engine Overview @ Google Hackathon SXSW 2010App Engine Overview @ Google Hackathon SXSW 2010
App Engine Overview @ Google Hackathon SXSW 2010

This is an overview presentation on Google App Engine. This was given at the Google hackathon @ SXSW Interactive, 2010.

sxsw hackathon appengine google python java
Compile to JavaScript
JavaScript is everywhere
Modern web technologies

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Node.js BFFs: our way to better/micro frontends
Node.js BFFs: our way to better/micro frontendsNode.js BFFs: our way to better/micro frontends
Node.js BFFs: our way to better/micro frontends

About 2 years ago started to build a new platform. We migrated from huge Java-based frontends towards smaller Node.js BFFs (backend-for-frontends). We are close to the next step and adapt a micro-frontends approach. Here I would like to share the outcomes of this quest: what architecture solutions are made, how does run and scale so many BFFs in production, how we grew as a team, educated frontend-developers to write backend code and what were our biggest challenges.

nodejsmicro frontendreact
Serverless is FaaS-tastic - All Things Open Meet-up
Serverless is FaaS-tastic - All Things Open Meet-upServerless is FaaS-tastic - All Things Open Meet-up
Serverless is FaaS-tastic - All Things Open Meet-up

Serverless can be misleading as a descriptor. Serverless infrastructure actually runs on servers. However, the “server-less” reference comes from the fact that serverless abstracts the complexity of running servers away from the software developer which enables them to develop software without having to worry about the scaling, redundancy and overall infrastructure design. This is called Function-as-a-Service or Faas for short. For the purposes of this talk, we’ll discuss serverless technologies where someone else is providing serverless infrastructure. Popular serverless platforms include Amazon Web Services Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, and Microsoft Azure Functions. The presentation will also discuss the software that can be used to deliver Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS) that enables serverless, including serverless frameworks like Knative, Kubeless, OpenFaaS, and Oracle’s fn. Finally, we’ll cover what a cloud-native application might look like including the use cases and design patterns that serverless is geared towards providing.

Native Touches to your Hybrid Mobile Apps
Native Touches to your Hybrid Mobile AppsNative Touches to your Hybrid Mobile Apps
Native Touches to your Hybrid Mobile Apps

This document discusses adding native functionality to hybrid mobile apps. It begins with an introduction to hybrid apps, explaining that they are built with web technologies but run within a native container on devices. It then covers the Kendo UI Mobile framework for developing hybrid apps and emphasizes its cross-platform capabilities. The document focuses on using Cordova plugins to access native device features like notifications, action sheets, social sharing, and toasts from within a hybrid app. It concludes with an announcement that a demo of these concepts will be shown.

hybridappbuilderkendo ui
Mobile Frameworks
Modern web technologies

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MVVM & Validation with Kendo UI
MVVM & Validation with Kendo UIMVVM & Validation with Kendo UI
MVVM & Validation with Kendo UI

Kendo UI provides a single package solution for building web applications with JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3. It includes UI widgets, frameworks, and tools for data binding, visualization and building mobile apps. Kendo UI uses the MVVM pattern to separate data models from views through ViewModels. It includes ObservableObject and ObservableArray classes to enable two-way data binding between UI elements and data. Validation capabilities are also provided to augment HTML5 form validation and make it work consistently across browsers.

WinJS at NYC Code Camp 2012
WinJS at NYC Code Camp 2012WinJS at NYC Code Camp 2012
WinJS at NYC Code Camp 2012

This document provides an introduction and overview of WinJS, including: - What WinJS is and what's under the hood technically - How WinJS fits into app development and what's new - Examples of patterns like MVVM and regions when using WinJS - Considerations for managing WinJS apps in an enterprise setting - The process for testing WinJS apps for submission to the Windows Store The presentation covers the basics of WinJS while not discussing more advanced topics like tiles, sensors, or background tasks.

Latest Trends in Web Technologies
Latest Trends in Web TechnologiesLatest Trends in Web Technologies
Latest Trends in Web Technologies

This document summarizes several latest trends in web technologies, including cloud computing, HTML5, programming languages like JavaScript and LISP, NoSQL databases, and functional and concurrent languages. Cloud computing allows minimal hardware purchasing through services like AWS while HTML5 expands web capabilities beyond Flash. Programming languages like JavaScript and LISP are being rediscovered for their power and conciseness. NoSQL databases provide an alternative to relational databases for high performance needs.

Modern web technologies
Modern web technologies
Modern web technologies

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Web Development Trends 2016
Web Development Trends 2016Web Development Trends 2016
Web Development Trends 2016

Tarot decks, tea leaves, scrying, or your crazy uncle's trick knee; all popular ways to predict the future. When it comes to the every-changing realm of UI and UX on the web, the best way to know the future is to keep up-to-date with the latest technologies and techniques. Instead of having to read about it, you will be creating the new trends and standards. MivaCon 2016, Thursday session 3.

by Miva
introduction to web technology
introduction to web technologyintroduction to web technology
introduction to web technology

This document provides an introduction to various web technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. It discusses the basic structures and components of HTML documents, how CSS can be used to style HTML content, and how JavaScript and PHP can add interactivity and run server-side code. The document also gives examples of common tags and syntax used in these languages. It concludes by noting that most web pages combine these core technologies and that learning them now provides a foundation for newer technologies.

introduction to web technologyweb conceptsjava web
حل المتباينات بالضرب أو بالقسمة
حل المتباينات بالضرب أو بالقسمةحل المتباينات بالضرب أو بالقسمة
حل المتباينات بالضرب أو بالقسمة
Modern web technologies
Cross platform desktop apps
Web Tech Open Source Cross Platform
Use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript GitHub and an active community Run on Mac, Windows, and Linux.

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Front-End Frameworks: a quick overview
Front-End Frameworks: a quick overviewFront-End Frameworks: a quick overview
Front-End Frameworks: a quick overview

This document provides an overview of various front-end frameworks and tools. It discusses HTML templating languages like HAML and templating engines like Handlebars. It also covers CSS preprocessors like SASS and LESS. JavaScript libraries and frameworks covered include jQuery, Backbone, Spine and CoffeeScript. Boilerplates like HTML5 Boilerplate and frameworks like Twitter Bootstrap and Zurb Foundation are also summarized. The document encourages trying new tools but not feeling overwhelmed by the many options and focusing on those most helpful.

front-endhtml5web development
Social Networking Sites
Social Networking SitesSocial Networking Sites
Social Networking Sites

The document compares several popular social networking sites and provides statistics about their users. It discusses how social networking sites allow users to stay connected by sharing photos, videos, posts and comments. Usage statistics are presented for sites like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others. Interviews are cited that discuss teenagers' opinions on using these social media platforms.

social networking sites
How to use glogster
How to use glogsterHow to use glogster
How to use glogster

Glogs are virtual posters that integrate text, audio, video, images and hyperlinks. To create a glog, users sign up for a Glogster account and choose a template. They can then add multimedia content like text, graphics, videos and audio. Users can customize the size, style and layout of the added content. After adding all content, users preview and save their glog, name it, add tags and set the privacy settings before sharing it.

glogsterweb 2.0 tooltutorial
Built on Electron
Game Frameworks
Task Runner

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Web technologies: recap on TCP-IP
Web technologies: recap on TCP-IPWeb technologies: recap on TCP-IP
Web technologies: recap on TCP-IP

TCP/IP is the standard communication protocol on the internet. It is comprised of several layers including application, transport, internet, and link layers. The transport layer includes TCP and UDP which provide connection-oriented and connectionless data transmission respectively. TCP ensures reliable data delivery through features like connections, acknowledgments, and flow control. IPv6 is the latest version of the Internet Protocol which addresses the shortcomings of IPv4 like limited address space. IPv6 features include a larger 128-bit address space, simplified header format, built-in security, and autoconfiguration capabilities.

internet protocolweb design and development
Glogster poster tutorial
Glogster poster tutorialGlogster poster tutorial
Glogster poster tutorial

This document provides a 14 step process for creating a Glogster poster: 1. Log into Glogster and start a new glog 2. Use the magnet tool to layout the glog 3. Add a background using the wall tab 4. Add text elements like titles and stickers using the text tab 5. Enhance the glog using graphics, images, videos, and sounds from the respective tabs 6. Save or publish the completed glog

Web Application Frameworks - Web Technologies (1019888BNR)
Web Application Frameworks - Web Technologies (1019888BNR)Web Application Frameworks - Web Technologies (1019888BNR)
Web Application Frameworks - Web Technologies (1019888BNR)

A web application framework is software designed to support development of dynamic websites and web applications. Frameworks aim to reduce overhead of common web development tasks like database access and templating. Many frameworks follow the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern to separate application logic from views. Popular frameworks include Struts, Spring, Ruby on Rails, Django, and ASP.NET MVC, each providing libraries and tools for web application development in languages like Java, PHP, Python, and .NET.

Why use a task runner?
Package Manager

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Architecture & Workflow of Modern Web Apps
Architecture & Workflow of Modern Web AppsArchitecture & Workflow of Modern Web Apps
Architecture & Workflow of Modern Web Apps

Here is the blog: In the IT industry the biggest problem we regularly face is the abundance of choice. We have tons of frameworks, languages, tools, platforms, etc. Although for competition purposes; multiple choices are ultimately very good but we usually find ourselves in paralysis when we have to choose among them for our next project. People usually still consider that (frontend) of web applications are created by mixing together HTML, CSS & JavaScript without giving any thoughts about the frontend architecture, workflow and testing; but things have definitely changed now since last couple of years and in this presentation I try to explain that how JavaScript and it’s related stuff has become first class citizen and how the new workflow looks like. And I will also explain that how the architecture of modern web applications is migrating from thick server-side applications to smart clients and services on their journey North to pure Microservices. Here is the list of different tools and frameworks that have been discussed in this presentation: * Yeoman: ( Yeoman is the web’s scaffolding tool for modern webapps. Yeoman helps you to kickstart new projects, prescribing best practices and tools to help you stay productive. * Bower: ( Bower is used for dependency management, so that you no longer have to manually download and manage your scripts. Web sites are made of lots of things — frameworks, libraries, assets, utilities, and rainbows. Bower manages all these things for you. * Grunt: ( Grunt is a task-based command line build tool for JavaScript projects. When you work on large projects you have couple of things that you do regularly and you would like them to be automated; Grunt is the tool to solve that problem! * HTML5 Boilerplate: ( HTML5 Boilerplate is a professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites. * Twitter Bootstrap: ( Sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development. * Jasmine: ( Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code. It does not depend on any other JavaScript frameworks. It does not require a DOM. And it has a clean, obvious syntax so that you can easily write tests. * Karma: ( A simple tool that allows you to execute JavaScript code in multiple real browsers. * PhantomJS: ( PhantomJS is a headless WebKit scriptable with JavaScript. * Protractor: ( Protractor is an end-to-end test framework for AngularJS applications.

Web technologies course, an introduction
Web technologies course, an introductionWeb technologies course, an introduction
Web technologies course, an introduction

This document provides an introduction to web technologies courses. It defines key terms like the Internet and the World Wide Web. It outlines the history and growth of the web from 1995 to present day. It also describes the focus of the course which is web development technologies including protocols, architectures, languages, and methods/tools. The document lists prerequisites and provides an overview of course contents, exams, and references.

web design and development
The Social Intranet
The Social IntranetThe Social Intranet
The Social Intranet

Presentation for an Acando seminar about social intranets explaining how the traditional corporate intranet will need to be transformed into a platform that provides the opportunity for wide participation by most or all employees in order to deal with the business challenges most organizations are facing.

social intranets enterprise 20 social media web 20
Generation Framework

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 اللغة العربية للسادس الابتدائى ترم ثانى 2016 Arabic grade 6 t2 for 2016  omn... اللغة العربية للسادس الابتدائى ترم ثانى 2016 Arabic grade 6 t2 for 2016  omn...
اللغة العربية للسادس الابتدائى ترم ثانى 2016 Arabic grade 6 t2 for 2016 omn...

للصف السادس الابتدائى ترم ثانى 2016 البوكلت اللغة العربية

Web Tech
Web TechWeb Tech
Web Tech

Web technologies allow access to resources on the World Wide Web and facilitate communication and information sharing. Core web technologies include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and standards for document identification and display that enable linking and sharing of documents. Emerging technologies like AJAX, Ruby on Rails, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0 have led to advances in web development, online communities, and business.

Social Web Technologies
Social Web TechnologiesSocial Web Technologies
Social Web Technologies

The document discusses the history and key concepts of Web 2.0 and social web technologies. It introduces the differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0, noting that Web 2.0 focuses on user-generated content and harnessing collective intelligence. The class will cover how social web technologies can improve productivity and develop social applications, and will discuss topics like folksonomy, tagging, mashups, geospatial web, semantic web, and blogs. Homework includes engaging with social media sites and resources related to the class topics.

Modern web technologies
Back End
Modern web technologies

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Seminar presentation on embedded web technology
Seminar presentation on embedded web technologySeminar presentation on embedded web technology
Seminar presentation on embedded web technology

embedded web technology is the marriage of embedded system and world wide web. it may be considered as starting point of internet of things

Web technologies lesson 1
Web technologies   lesson 1Web technologies   lesson 1
Web technologies lesson 1

The document provides an overview of key web technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, databases, servers, and browsers. It discusses common technology stacks like LAMP and explains concepts like compiled vs scripting languages. Open source software is also defined and compared to proprietary software.

Web technology
Web technologyWeb technology
Web technology

Here is an example Java script program that uses equality and relational operators in an if statement: <script> var x = 5; var y = 10; if (x < y) { document.write("x is less than y"); } if (x != y) { document.write("x is not equal to y"); } if (x <= 5) { document.write("x is less than or equal to 5"); } </script> This program defines two variables, x and y, and assigns them values. It then uses relational (<) and equality (!=) operators in if conditions to check relationships between x and

Firebase Realtime Database
Firebase Authentication

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Modern web technologies
Modern web technologiesModern web technologies
Modern web technologies

The document discusses modern web technologies including Composer, Laravel, Sass, Compass, Node.js, Bower, Gulp and SemanticUI. It provides overviews of each tool, why they are useful, how to install them and includes demos. Key topics covered are dependency management with Composer, PHP framework Laravel, CSS preprocessor Sass and framework Compass, front-end package manager Bower, task runner Gulp and theming framework SemanticUI.

educationweb design and developmentprogramming

This document provides an overview of Angular 2.0 including motivations for its development, key features and performance improvements. Some of the main points covered include: - Angular 2.0 is being built for future browsers and aims to be 5-10x faster than Angular 1.x through optimizations like unidirectional data flow. - It focuses on improved productivity with simpler concepts and syntax using TypeScript. - It supports new standards like ECMAScript 6 and is cross-platform for web, mobile and native apps. - Preparing for Angular 2.0 involves learning TypeScript and tools like Visual Studio Code. - Components are a fundamental building block with directives, templates and data

Web development at Live: Frontend Software Intro + Trade-offs, React, Angular
Web development at Live: Frontend Software Intro + Trade-offs, React, AngularWeb development at Live: Frontend Software Intro + Trade-offs, React, Angular
Web development at Live: Frontend Software Intro + Trade-offs, React, Angular

A beginner-friendly engineering talk I gave at my startup Live (Calendre) to help non-frontend developers get familiar with frontend software development: What does frontend software development involve? What engineering trade-offs do we face? What is React? What is Angular? What are the strengths and weaknesses of using React (over Angular)?

Modern Web Layout
‫كذلك‬ ‫كانت‬.
HTML Tables
‫كذلك‬ ‫إنها‬.
HTML Tables

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Big Improvement_ New AngularJS Tools Changing How We Develop.pptx
Big Improvement_ New AngularJS Tools Changing How We Develop.pptxBig Improvement_ New AngularJS Tools Changing How We Develop.pptx
Big Improvement_ New AngularJS Tools Changing How We Develop.pptx

AngularJS has proven to be an invaluable tool in the development of a dynamic web page. As we all know, writing code barefoot is a difficult chore. AngularJS Developer is aided with an effective set of tools to assist every developer in working more efficiently in less time.

Angular JS 2_0 BCS CTO_in_Res V3
Angular JS 2_0 BCS CTO_in_Res V3Angular JS 2_0 BCS CTO_in_Res V3
Angular JS 2_0 BCS CTO_in_Res V3

Angular 2.0 aims to build a complete platform for web applications by improving performance, developer productivity, and versatility compared to AngularJS 1.x. Key goals include making the framework faster, simpler, and more modular. It focuses on improved change detection, lazy loading of code, and support for features like universal rendering. Major companies like Capital One, The Weather Channel, and LucidChart adopted Angular 2.0 to build applications with better performance, collaboration, and maintenance. The framework saw contributions from an active open source community and remains one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks.

angular bcs google opensource community set square
Big Improvement_ New AngularJS Tools Changing How We Develop.pdf
Big Improvement_ New AngularJS Tools Changing How We Develop.pdfBig Improvement_ New AngularJS Tools Changing How We Develop.pdf
Big Improvement_ New AngularJS Tools Changing How We Develop.pdf

AngularJS has proven to be an invaluable tool in the development of a dynamic web page. As we all know, writing code barefoot is a difficult chore. AngularJS Developer is aided with an effective set of tools to assist every developer in working more efficiently in less time.

Back to HTML Tables
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Fixed Width vs. Fluid
‫كذلك‬ ‫إنها‬.
Fixed Width vs. Fluid

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Embark on a journey into the world of Angular with our insightful presentation. Discover the fundamentals of this powerful JavaScript framework that's changing the way web applications are developed. From the basics to advanced concepts, our presentation provides a comprehensive introduction to Angular, equipping you with the knowledge to kickstart your web development journey.

What's new in Visual Studio for Mac for .NET Developers
What's new in Visual Studio for Mac for .NET DevelopersWhat's new in Visual Studio for Mac for .NET Developers
What's new in Visual Studio for Mac for .NET Developers

The document summarizes new features in recent and upcoming versions of Visual Studio for Mac. It describes improvements to performance, reliability, and the developer experience for building .NET and .NET Core apps. Key features highlighted include enhanced tooling for C#, ASP.NET Core, Blazor, Xamarin, Unity, containers, and Azure development. Preview features mentioned are gRPC/OpenAPI support, Blazor WebAssembly, an integrated terminal, and updated tools for Android development.

dotnetvisual studio for macxamarin
Netbeans65 Osum Slides
Netbeans65 Osum SlidesNetbeans65 Osum Slides
Netbeans65 Osum Slides

- NetBeans is a comprehensive, modular, multi-lingual integrated development environment (IDE) for Java, with out-of-box support for Java SE, Java EE, Java ME, and many third party plugins. - It provides an intuitive drag-and-drop development environment with features like debugging, profiling, and refactoring tools. It can also be used as a platform for building rich client applications. - The NetBeans community is large and thriving, with over 20 million downloads and contributions from many open source developers and partner companies.

‫كذلك‬ ‫إنها‬.
Fixed Width vs. Fluid
‫كذلك‬ ‫إنها‬.
Float Based
nav {
float: left;
width: 200px;
section {
margin-left: 200px;
Faux Columns
‫كذلك‬ ‫إنها‬.
Devices & Resolutions !
480P 1080P 1440P720P 4K 8K

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Let's talk about the future: state-of-the-art mobile web & hybrid apps
Let's talk about the future: state-of-the-art mobile web & hybrid appsLet's talk about the future: state-of-the-art mobile web & hybrid apps
Let's talk about the future: state-of-the-art mobile web & hybrid apps

Ever since Google and Apple became the major players in mobile phones, mobile browser and its capability have been drastically improved. However, the performance and development toolings were always a headache for developers. But they never are! This session will describe all the goodies from the latest practices to make mobile app development more enjoyable.

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DevOps on AWS: Deep Dive on Continuous Delivery and the AWS Developer Tools
DevOps on AWS: Deep Dive on Continuous Delivery and the AWS Developer ToolsDevOps on AWS: Deep Dive on Continuous Delivery and the AWS Developer Tools
DevOps on AWS: Deep Dive on Continuous Delivery and the AWS Developer Tools

Today’s cutting-edge companies have software release cycles measured in days instead of months. This agility is enabled by the DevOps practice of continuous delivery, which automates building, testing, and deploying all code changes. This automation helps you catch bugs sooner and accelerates developer productivity. In this session, we’ll share the processes that Amazon’s engineers use to practice DevOps and discuss how you can bring these processes to your company by using a new set of AWS tools (AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodePipeline, and AWS CodeDeploy). These services were inspired by Amazon's own internal developer tools and DevOps culture.

Serverless Computing with Azure
Serverless Computing with AzureServerless Computing with Azure
Serverless Computing with Azure

Slides from my Global Azure Bootcamp (21st April 2018) talk on Azure Serverless Computing with main focus on azure functions.

Responsive Web Design
‫كذلك‬ ‫ليست‬ ‫إنها‬.
! ‫قادم‬ ‫التغيير‬ ‫من‬ ‫المزيد‬
Flexbox CSS Grid Layout
1 2 3 4

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Creating dynamic and responsive web applications with AngularJS development. It features significant front-end capability and is supported by numerous AngularJS frameworks, allowing for faster development. Hire AngularJS developers who can deliver high-quality front-end solutions that improve user experiences and expand the functionality of your application.

Guides To Analyzing WebKit Performance
Guides To Analyzing WebKit PerformanceGuides To Analyzing WebKit Performance
Guides To Analyzing WebKit Performance

This talk will be about approaching WebKit. Goals: (1) Show ways to approach the codebase. (2) Establish ''do not guess but measure'' attitude.

AngularJS Vs NodeJs
AngularJS Vs NodeJsAngularJS Vs NodeJs
AngularJS Vs NodeJs

There is increasing demand for more robust web applications due to the rise of internet and mobile usage. This has led to the creation of many new development tools and frameworks. Two popular options are Angular and Node.js, which both have their advantages. Angular is a front-end JavaScript framework well suited for single page apps, while Node.js is a back-end runtime for building scalable servers using JavaScript. Key differences are that Angular supports two-way data binding and MVC architecture, while Node.js enables database queries and non-blocking asynchronous I/O. Developers must consider the needs of their specific project to determine whether Angular or Node.js is the best solution.

angularjs vs nodejsdifferences between nodejs and angularjs
4 3 2 1

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In real- life scripts, web technology enables you to reach numerous people at formerly and give advanced and faster communication, thereby bringing optimal robotization. The true description of a web technology is a medium by which computers communicate with each other and with the web waiters with the aid of luxury languages and multimedia packages. With the help of web technology, you can make a communication platform with different functionalities and serviceability using programming languages.

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Top 12 Backend Frameworks for Web Development in 2023.pdf
Top 12 Backend Frameworks for Web Development in 2023.pdfTop 12 Backend Frameworks for Web Development in 2023.pdf
Top 12 Backend Frameworks for Web Development in 2023.pdf

Explore the list of the top 12 backend frameworks for your next web development project in 2023 and select the best one after a detailed comparision. Developers are constantly looking for web development frameworks that can simplify the process of web application development. If you also want to know about some of the top web frameworks, this blog is for you.

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Top 10 Angular Development Tools For Developers
Top 10 Angular Development Tools For DevelopersTop 10 Angular Development Tools For Developers
Top 10 Angular Development Tools For Developers

Albiorix Technology has listed out top angular development tools for AngularJS developers that will help them to create responsive web applications using the AngularJS framework. For More Information:

angularangular developmentangular development tools
Flexbox CSS Grid Layout
Flexbox VS. Grid
One Dimension Two Dimensions
Flexbox CSS Grid Layout
Flexbox VS. Grid
Lets content size itself Relies on defined gridlines
Hosted Web App

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This document summarizes a keynote presentation about Angular 2.0.0. It discusses the growth of the Angular community from 1.5 million users in October 2015 to 1.2 million users in September 2016 for Angular 1 and 623k users for Angular 2 in September 2016. It also outlines Angular's major release cycle and provides an overview of the core features and extensions of the Angular framework.

2011 08-24 mobile web app
2011 08-24  mobile web app2011 08-24  mobile web app
2011 08-24 mobile web app

This document discusses developing a mobile web application to access data from the Hydstra software database on web-enabled mobile phones. It compares the advantages and disadvantages of developing native applications versus a cross-platform web application. It recommends using the jQuery Mobile framework to build a cross-platform mobile web app that can be accessed on any mobile device with a web browser. The document also discusses tools for developing the app, such as Google Chrome and Eclipse, as well as hosting and administration requirements.

Where and Why Use Angular for Web Development?
Where and Why Use Angular for Web Development?Where and Why Use Angular for Web Development?
Where and Why Use Angular for Web Development?

In this post, we explain you why use Angular for web development in 2022, the benefits of Angular, the best Angular use cases, and many more things.

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‫وتجارب‬ ‫نصائح‬.
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Oday Alqarra
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