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Accelerated Mobile Pages
Accelerated Mobile PagesAccelerated Mobile Pages
Accelerated Mobile Pages

A presentation I gave at the Fort Collins WordPress meetup about the benefits of adding AMP to your WordPress site.

accelerated mobile pagesampwordpress
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

A basic overview of Accelerated Mobile Pages, Instant Articles and Apple News technologies - along with the steps on enabling and configuring AMP on a WordPress website. This talk was initially presented at the Melbourne SEO Meetup on the 1st of March 2016.

accelerated mobile pagesamp projectamp
Accelerated Mobile Pages - WordCamp Kansas City
Accelerated Mobile Pages - WordCamp Kansas CityAccelerated Mobile Pages - WordCamp Kansas City
Accelerated Mobile Pages - WordCamp Kansas City

AMP is an open spec for lightweight, mobile-friendly pages. You can use it as the mobile view on your site, and having it enabled actually allows the AMP version of your page to be used by Google for search previews and in other places on their platform. In addition, many SEO experts recommend adopting AMP as Google is likely to reward those who do in terms of rankings. You will learn why AMP is important, how to easily add it to your WordPress site, and different techniques you can use to customize it to your specific needs.

google ampkansas citygoogle
Comic Sans Times
Stories never meant for print
Penguins are adorable
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Nulla sodales tellus eget auctor ullamcorper. Aenean
pretium faucibus tellus id interdum. Donec vitae suscipit
nisl. Praesent vel turpis velit. Donec fringilla, sem non
congue condimentum, eros arcu aliquam massa, sit amet
efficitur ligula tellus at libero. Mauris quis risus et erat
fermentum commodo. Morbi ut augue erat. Proin non ipsum
mattis, ultrices diam ut, elementum est. Vestibulum
malesuada ligula vel massa malesuada semper. Nam vitae
quam fermentum, pharetra urna non, fermentum erat.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et
malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In ornare, leo in
Comic Sans Times
Stories never meant for print
Penguins are adorable
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Nulla sodales tellus eget auctor ullamcorper. Aenean
pretium faucibus tellus id interdum. Donec vitae suscipit
nisl. Praesent vel turpis velit. Donec fringilla, sem non
congue condimentum, eros arcu aliquam massa, sit amet
efficitur ligula tellus at libero. Mauris quis risus et erat
fermentum commodo. Morbi ut augue erat. Proin non ipsum
mattis, ultrices diam ut, elementum est. Vestibulum
malesuada ligula vel massa malesuada semper. Nam vitae
quam fermentum, pharetra urna non, fermentum erat.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et
malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In ornare, leo in
Comic Sans Times
Get the app
or continue to the mobile site…
Comic Sans Times
Stories never meant for print
Penguins are adorable
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Nulla sodales tellus eget auctor ullamcorper. Aenean
pretium faucibus tellus id interdum. Donec vitae suscipit
nisl. Praesent vel turpis velit. Donec fringilla, sem non
congue condimentum, eros arcu aliquam massa, sit amet
efficitur ligula tellus at libero. Mauris quis risus et erat
fermentum commodo. Morbi ut augue erat. Proin non ipsum
mattis, ultrices diam ut, elementum est. Vestibulum
malesuada ligula vel massa malesuada semper. Nam vitae
quam fermentum, pharetra urna non, fermentum erat.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et
Comic Sans Times
Stories never meant for print
Penguins are adorable
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Magic Sun Screen
SPF 1,000,000+
Jake Approved

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Amp up your Site with Accelerated Mobile Pages
Amp up your Site with Accelerated Mobile PagesAmp up your Site with Accelerated Mobile Pages
Amp up your Site with Accelerated Mobile Pages

My presentation from South Florida Code Camp 2016 on Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). SFLCC was in lovely Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Google started AMP as an initiative to dramatically improve the performance of the mobile web. The main approach that AMP employs is placing HTML on a diet, in an attempt to gain breakneck speeds, for loading content on our mobile devices. This new open-source based framework throws out the standard approach to loading bloated CSS and JavaScript libraries and instead becomes a lean, mean superfast machine. Join me to find out what exactly are Accelerated Mobile Pages, what do they mean for search, and how can you prepare for it on your website?

kentico 9ampkentico
Great Lakes Area .Net UG: Optimize .Net Azure App Services
Great Lakes Area .Net UG: Optimize .Net Azure App ServicesGreat Lakes Area .Net UG: Optimize .Net Azure App Services
Great Lakes Area .Net UG: Optimize .Net Azure App Services

Check out more on my blog at: Azure App Services are basically the de facto standard as the best possible way to deploy and host a .Net Framework or .Net Core application, period. You can argue with me until you are blue in the face about other hosting methods or platforms, but you would still be wrong. However, utilizing an Azure App Service as your hosting method is not the same as utilizing standard IIS, especially when it comes to optimization. During the session we will deploy a .Net Core MVC application to Azure, determine an initial baseline for performance, and then walk through how to configure various properties and server-side configurations that make that site blazing fast.

E-commerce Berlin Expo 2018 - From AMP to PWA: A Modern Web User Journey
E-commerce Berlin Expo 2018 - From AMP to PWA: A Modern Web User JourneyE-commerce Berlin Expo 2018 - From AMP to PWA: A Modern Web User Journey
E-commerce Berlin Expo 2018 - From AMP to PWA: A Modern Web User Journey

Rowan Merewood Developer Advocate Google Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) HTML delivers outstanding page-load performance for users browsing content on the mobile web, which is hugely important on limited or flaky networks. Progressive Web Apps deliver reliable performance for re-visits to sites thanks to Service Workers and allows unprecedented engagement via push notifications and Add To Homescreen. AMP gets content in front of users fast – PWAs enable rich experiences and engagement. What if I told you there’s a way to utilize the unique power of both? To build a web experience that loads in an instant and upgrades you to maximum interactivity and engagement? We’re making it happen. Come to learn how.

ampaccelerated mobile pagespwa
Start fast,
Stay fast!
의 사용자는 로딩에 3초 이상이 걸리면
해당 페이지를 닫아버립니다53%
Response Times: The 3 Important Limits, Jakob Nielsen, January 1, 1993
lost user’s
Response Times: The 3 Important Limits, Jakob Nielsen, January 1, 1993

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Get AMP'ed for Accelerated Mobile Pages - SEO Grail Philadelphia 1/20/16
Get AMP'ed for Accelerated Mobile Pages - SEO Grail Philadelphia 1/20/16Get AMP'ed for Accelerated Mobile Pages - SEO Grail Philadelphia 1/20/16
Get AMP'ed for Accelerated Mobile Pages - SEO Grail Philadelphia 1/20/16

All about AMP, Google's Accelerated Mobile Pages project - at SEO Grail Philadelphia on January 20th, 2016.

digital marketingsearch engine marketingsearch engine optimization
Amp Overview #YGLF 2016
Amp Overview #YGLF 2016Amp Overview #YGLF 2016
Amp Overview #YGLF 2016

An overview of Accelerated Mobile Pages Project. See how you can leverage this important open source project today in production and improve your sites' performance and the happiness of your users.

mobile webweb developmentamp
AMP and the instant web - WebPerformance NYC MeetUp group
AMP and the instant web - WebPerformance NYC MeetUp groupAMP and the instant web - WebPerformance NYC MeetUp group
AMP and the instant web - WebPerformance NYC MeetUp group

This talk was designed to give the developer the basics of the AMP technology. The talk offers the pros and cons of the technology as well as a technical overview of the structure of an AMP pages. The information covers several tools and integration with popular CMS and how to implement AMP in the development testing and build process.

ampjavascriptweb performance
server requests per
mobile web page
19 sec
average mobile page
loading time
requests that are ad
mobile sites that take
10+ seconds to load
Focus on
user experience?
Focus on monetization
& user acquisition?
Start fast,
stay fast!

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WordPress & Front-end performance
WordPress & Front-end performanceWordPress & Front-end performance
WordPress & Front-end performance

In this presentation I’ll show how WordPress themes (and sites) can be built to achieve 100/100 Google pagespeed. You’ll learn about my process of using Gulp to concatenate and minify resources, along with intentional enqueues and dequeues. Bonus: some ways to configure cache plugins to achieve a similar effect. Take aways: How front-end performance effects mobile users on slower speeds. Tips on improving front-end performance. Gulp basics and how to use with WordPress.

How to Win at Search Engine Marketing (SEM) by Michael Collins
How to Win at Search Engine Marketing (SEM) by Michael CollinsHow to Win at Search Engine Marketing (SEM) by Michael Collins
How to Win at Search Engine Marketing (SEM) by Michael Collins

This document provides tips on how to win at search engine marketing (SEM). It emphasizes focusing on search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing over pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Some key points covered include keeping technical elements like site speed, security, and metadata optimized; focusing on unique, keyword-rich content; understanding search intent; and staying up-to-date on trends like mobile-first indexing and site speed penalties. Ongoing optimization, social sharing, and monitoring analytics and search console are important for success with SEM.

From AMP to PWA
From AMP to PWAFrom AMP to PWA
From AMP to PWA

Let's focus on the Mobile Web and talk about the keys to a building a great mobile experience. From AMP (=Accelerated Mobile Pages) as a starting point up to PWA (=Progressive Web Apps). I will cover the steps through some of the key features we see as core to the modern web experience. As a bonus, we will close with new APIs that expending the web even farther.

web developmentamppwa
Start fast,
stay fast!






Three Core Components
<html> <script>

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Performance-driven websites with AMP - NeosCon May 2019
Performance-driven websites with AMP - NeosCon May 2019Performance-driven websites with AMP - NeosCon May 2019
Performance-driven websites with AMP - NeosCon May 2019

Principles of AMPhtml within TYPO3 CMS built by an example of From NeosCon 2019 on May 11th, 2019 by @bennimack


The document discusses Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), an open-source initiative started by Google and Twitter to improve the mobile web experience. It provides an overview of AMP, including its origins, how AMP HTML pages are structured, how site speeds are improved, potential search engine results page impacts, client usage scenarios, supported advertisements, and limitations. A live demo of an AMP page is also included.

AMP up Your WordPress Site
AMP up Your WordPress SiteAMP up Your WordPress Site
AMP up Your WordPress Site

1. What is AMP 2. Why should you care about AMP 3. The AMP way of doing things 4. How to get started with AMP 5. Additional resources

Three Core Components
<html> <script>
Hello, world!
<!doctype html>
<html ⚡>
<link rel="canonical" href="hello-world.html">
<style amp-boilerplate>...</style>
<script async src="">
<div>Hello World!</div>
<amp-img src="hello.jpg" height="400" width="800"></amp-img>
Three Core Components
<html> <script>
content loading
● Responsive hero image
● Headline
●Article text ●

in article
● Some more text
● Ad
“Above the Fold”
“Below the Fold”
Not Prerendered

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Digital marketing companies
Digital marketing companiesDigital marketing companies
Digital marketing companies

Accelerated mobile pages, aka AMP, is the new buzzword in the industry. Almost everyone is talking about it at one time or another. But if you are one of those who is yet to figure out what AMP is and why all this buzz around it – then you are at the right place, reading the right thing!

digital media marketing
Pc mockups
Pc mockupsPc mockups
Pc mockups

Professional and Clean PowerPoint slides. Fully editable, perfect to impress your audience on your next presentation. 1. FULL HD Aspect Ratio: 16:9 (1900×1080) 2. Fully animated 3. Quickly, Easy and Fully Editable in PowerPoint (All Graphic Resizable and Editable) 4. Drag and Drop Images 5. Print Version Included (A4 Handouts Ready) 6. Retina Ready 7. Data charts (Editable via Excel) 8. Sync in SharePoint 9. Based on Master Slide 10. Pictures Placeholder Ready 11. PPTX and PPT Files 12. Vector icons as Shape Note: Not need Photoshop – All Photos not included

slidesharemainslide.comdesktop mockup
Wordcamp 2017-toronto-sam lalonde
Wordcamp 2017-toronto-sam lalondeWordcamp 2017-toronto-sam lalonde
Wordcamp 2017-toronto-sam lalonde

The document discusses the importance of mobile-friendly websites from an advertiser's perspective. It provides statistics showing the rise of mobile internet usage and decreasing attention spans. Slow page load times can significantly reduce conversion rates and increase bounce rates. The document recommends using plugins like AMP and caching, as well as content delivery networks, minification, and performance testing tools to optimize websites for speed on mobile.

Three Core Components
<html> <script>
Web server
Edge server
Edge server
Edge server
Edge server
Edge server
Edge server
Edge server
For illustrative purposes only.
that feels instant
● Responsive hero image
● Headline
●Article text ●

in article
● Some more text
● Ad
Start fast,
Stay fast*
* Some conditions apply, including no JavaScript, or other PWA
features like offline, add to home screen or push notifications.

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Tran Thi My Nhon - Masterslide
Tran Thi My Nhon - MasterslideTran Thi My Nhon - Masterslide
Tran Thi My Nhon - Masterslide

The document appears to be a template for presentations with multiple pages or sections on various topics. Each section includes placeholder text and instructions for customization. The sections cover topics like welcome messages, information, portfolios, and feature content. The template provides a framework to organize content and customize sections for specific presentation needs.

Master x slide 16x9-white1
Master x slide 16x9-white1Master x slide 16x9-white1
Master x slide 16x9-white1

The document appears to be a template for presentations containing multiple pages or slides with mostly placeholder text. Each page or slide is titled (e.g. "Welcome Message!", "Information", "Company Message!") and contains introductory text, descriptions, or content sections with calls to "write here" or "description here". The overall template provides a framework to create a customized presentation on various topics with standardized section headings and formatting.

Sample Presentation
Sample PresentationSample Presentation
Sample Presentation

This document is a presentation by a company that provides various creative services such as web design, graphic design, and user interface creation. It consists of multiple slides that introduce the company and its team members, showcase examples of their work, describe the types of services offered, and provide contact information. The presentation aims to promote the company's creative services and expertise.

Start fast,
Stay fast!
AMP and Progressive Web Apps
★ AMP as Progressive Web App
★ AMP to Progressive Web App
★ AMP in Progressive Web App

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Pitch Deck Premium Classic
Pitch Deck Premium ClassicPitch Deck Premium Classic
Pitch Deck Premium Classic

You asked for it! We build a new, complete template based on top of the success of our free template. The bundle consists of Powerpoint & Keynote versions with three different color themes (classic, red, blue) with master slides included. You will find all the details here:

ProBusiness Free Powerpoint Template
ProBusiness Free Powerpoint TemplateProBusiness Free Powerpoint Template
ProBusiness Free Powerpoint Template

Free Download Here: This Free Powerpoint template is perfect for your company overview presentation. It is a really professionally crafted, using wide 16:9. So with this size it is perfect for wide screen. The layout and design style is flat, modern and minimalist with outline iconic style. Perfect for a technology or a creative company. It consists of 10 slides : Cover, Introduction, Our Philosophy, Our Company Values, 2 Pages Portfolio Sample, 1 Project Detail, Comparative Diagram, 2 Pages Editable Chart. Yes it is cool :) , the chart can be edited, you just edit the data source, and the chart will be automatically updated. To edit data, Right Click > Edit Data … And of course you can edit, the picture, and text with your company information.

Pitch deck premium
Pitch deck premiumPitch deck premium
Pitch deck premium

The document provides tips for using a premium pitch deck template, including that it uses free fonts that can be downloaded and installed, and contains creative commons photos and icons that can be replaced. It also lists some of the fonts included in the template.

★ AMP as Progressive Web App
★ AMP to Progressive Web App
★ AMP in Progressive Web App
AMP as
Progressive Web
AMP as
Progressive Web
AMP as
Progressive Web

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What is AMP and do I care?
What is AMP and do I care?What is AMP and do I care?
What is AMP and do I care?

An introduction to AMP. Three main takeaways 1. What is it? 2. Should you implement AMP? 3. How hard will it be to implement AMP I presented it at SMX Munich in March and then again at BrightonSEO in April. The slides shown here are the most updated version from BrightonSEO. I realised also it doesn't say who I am in the slides. I'm currently a consultant working at Distilled. -


The document provides an overview of a digital agency called The New Agency. It describes how the agency was created using lean startup methodology, focusing only on essential services for startups. This allowed the agency to be lean, agile, profitable and responsive. Traditional agency trappings like offices and meeting rooms were avoided. Instead, the agency works with independent experts in the startup community on an as-needed basis through the cloud. The goal is to best service startup customers with minimal costs.

CUE CONFERENCE SESSION 2013 - iBooks - Create Your Own for the Classroom
CUE CONFERENCE  SESSION 2013 - iBooks - Create Your Own for the Classroom CUE CONFERENCE  SESSION 2013 - iBooks - Create Your Own for the Classroom
CUE CONFERENCE SESSION 2013 - iBooks - Create Your Own for the Classroom

This presentation was given at the annual CUE Conference in March 2013, Palm Springs, CA. Presented by the founders of Teach to Learn Publishing, Amy & Michael Reule. We created this organization to assist fellow educators in bringing technology into the classroom. Visit our website:

ibook authoribookclassroom
AMP as
Progressive Web
★ AMP as Progressive Web App
★ AMP to Progressive Web App
★ AMP in Progressive Web App
AMP to
Progressive Web
AMP to
Progressive Web

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170424 isaca lux slides
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The document discusses platform-based security assessments and identifies some good, bad, and ugly aspects. The good aspects include conducting in-depth security assessments of entire operating systems to identify intrinsic security flaws. However, some platforms like mainframes are often overlooked (the bad). Hackers are actively targeting platforms like mainframes (the ugly) using tools adapted for these platforms and exploiting vulnerabilities. It is important to include all platforms and not make assumptions when conducting security assessments.

The Internet Is Slowing Down, Fast
The Internet Is Slowing Down, FastThe Internet Is Slowing Down, Fast
The Internet Is Slowing Down, Fast

Levatas Engineer Manage Santiago Valdarrama explains why the internet is slowing down really fast, and no one seems to be doing anything about it.


The document appears to be a presentation about a company and its services. It discusses the company's services across multiple slides, including web design, UI design, UX design, and others. Each slide provides brief descriptions of the services in 1-2 sentences. The presentation provides high-level overviews of the company and what it offers to customers.

AMP to
Progressive Web
AMP Experience PWA Experience
★ AMP as Progressive Web App
★ AMP to Progressive Web App
★ AMP in Progressive Web App
AMP pages aren’t just webpages, they’re

ultra-portable, embeddable, content units

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Mobile mockups
Mobile mockupsMobile mockups
Mobile mockups

The document appears to be a series of mockup slides for mobile projects, apps, and websites. It includes pages with stock images, headings, and lorem ipsum placeholder text describing various aspects of mobile and web design such as screens, features, and development progress. The slides are copyrighted and confidential.

Mobile mockups
Mobile mockupsMobile mockups
Mobile mockups

Professional and Clean PowerPoint slides. Fully editable, perfect to impress your audience on your next presentation. 1. FULL HD Aspect Ratio: 16:9 (1900×1080) 2. Fully animated 3. Quickly, Easy and Fully Editable in PowerPoint (All Graphic Resizable and Editable) 4. Drag and Drop Images 5. Print Version Included (A4 Handouts Ready) 6. Retina Ready 7. Data charts (Editable via Excel) 8. Sync in SharePoint 9. Based on Master Slide 10. Pictures Placeholder Ready 11. PPTX and PPT Files 12. Vector icons as Shape Note: Not need Photoshop – All Photos not included

Nate koechley the yui css foundation
Nate koechley the yui css foundationNate koechley the yui css foundation
Nate koechley the yui css foundation

The document discusses the CSS foundation provided by Yahoo! User Interface (YUI). It describes YUI CSS components including Reset, Fonts, and Grids which provide a clean foundation, typographical control, and layout capabilities. It provides examples of how to include the YUI CSS files and use the Grids component to control page width and create multi-column layouts.

AMP Experience PWA Experience
AMP Experience PWA Experience
but it’s slow…

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YUI Grids slides by Nate Koechley
YUI Grids slides by Nate KoechleyYUI Grids slides by Nate Koechley
YUI Grids slides by Nate Koechley

The document discusses the CSS foundation provided by Yahoo! User Interface (YUI). It describes YUI CSS components including Reset, Fonts, and Grids which provide a clean foundation, typographical control, and layout capabilities. It provides examples of how to include the YUI CSS files and use the Grids component to control page width and create multi-column layouts.

Android Network Performance
Android Network PerformanceAndroid Network Performance
Android Network Performance

A deck on how to improve performance of mobile apps and websites. Presented at DGD DevFest, Glasgow, March 17, 2018

O365Con19 - UI:UX 101 Learn How to Design Custom Experiences for SharePoint -...
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O365Con19 - UI:UX 101 Learn How to Design Custom Experiences for SharePoint -...

The document provides an overview of a presentation on UI/UX design for SharePoint. It includes sections on understanding design principles, the pillars of design including wireframes, visual design and development phases, and examples of SharePoint design assets. The presentation encourages attendees that they can customize and extend SharePoint experiences through various approaches like theming, lists/libraries, Microsoft forms, hub sites, and using tools like PowerApps, Flow and PnP.

azuremicrosoft teamso365
Without Shadow DOM
1 1 1
Window AMP Library
Without Shadow DOM
1 1 1
Window AMP Library
2 23 34 4n n
Shadow DOM
to the rescue
With Shadow DOM
1 1
Window AMP Library
1 1∞∞∞

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Slide of the tutorial entitled "Paradigm Shifts in User Modeling: A Journey from Historical Foundations to Emerging Trends" held at UMAP'24: 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (July 1, 2024 | Cagliari, Italy)

user modelinguser profilinguser model
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What’s New in Teams Calling, Meetings and Devices May 2024

This is a powerpoint that features Microsoft Teams Devices and everything that is new including updates to its software and devices for May 2024

microsoft teamsmicrosoft
Cookies program to display the information though cookie creation
Cookies program to display the information though cookie creationCookies program to display the information though cookie creation
Cookies program to display the information though cookie creation

Java Servlet programs

In Practice
1. PWA hijacks navigation clicks
2. Fetch the requested AMP page
3. Put content into Shadow Root
4. Call attachShadowDoc
In Practice
1. PWA hijacks navigation clicks
2. Fetch the requested AMP page
3. Put content into Shadow Root
4. Call attachShadowDoc
★ AMP as Progressive Web App
★ AMP to Progressive Web App
★ AMP in Progressive Web App
Start fast,
Stay fast!

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Details of description part II: Describing images in practice - Tech Forum 2024
Details of description part II: Describing images in practice - Tech Forum 2024Details of description part II: Describing images in practice - Tech Forum 2024
Details of description part II: Describing images in practice - Tech Forum 2024

This presentation explores the practical application of image description techniques. Familiar guidelines will be demonstrated in practice, and descriptions will be developed “live”! If you have learned a lot about the theory of image description techniques but want to feel more confident putting them into practice, this is the presentation for you. There will be useful, actionable information for everyone, whether you are working with authors, colleagues, alone, or leveraging AI as a collaborator. Link to presentation recording and transcript: Presented by BookNet Canada on June 25, 2024, with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.

a11yaccessibilityalt text
How Social Media Hackers Help You to See Your Wife's Message.pdf
How Social Media Hackers Help You to See Your Wife's Message.pdfHow Social Media Hackers Help You to See Your Wife's Message.pdf
How Social Media Hackers Help You to See Your Wife's Message.pdf

In the modern digital era, social media platforms have become integral to our daily lives. These platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Snapchat, offer countless ways to connect, share, and communicate.

social media hackerfacebook hackerhire a instagram hacker
Manual | Product | Research Presentation
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Manual Method of Product Research | Helium10 | MBS RETRIEVER

product researchhelium10 | mbs retriever
★ AMP Project
★ AMP By Example

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