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Azure App Services
Optimize Your .Net
Brian McKeiver
Favorite Thanksgiving food:
Green Bean Casserole, and I
love most foods (except yams).
Brian McKeiver
Co-Owner, BizStream
Today’s Agenda
1 Basics, Setup, and Scenario
2 Azure App Service Settings Deep Dive
3 .Net Core Code Matters
4 More Tools of the Trade
The Basics, Setup,
and Scenario

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AMP - Accelerated Mobile Pages
AMP - Accelerated Mobile PagesAMP - Accelerated Mobile Pages
AMP - Accelerated Mobile Pages

AMP is coming to improve the mobile web. Big time. There are many aspect to a great user experience on sites. In order to improve the speed of the media websites on mobile and the monetization, we needed few things: 1. Fast pages. Fast to load, fast to display, saving bandwidth when possible. 2. Easy for the developers and companies to create. Only based on known and widely used technologies. 3. Mobile Friendly: they should respect a standard and thanks to this standard, pages would be automatically optimized for mobile devices 4. Embrace the open web: non-proprietary technology, open source, available to anyone to use and improve. It should not only help for search engines, but for everyone. In these slides, we will cover AMP and what it can do for you.

ampweb developmentmobile
Google AMP - What is it and is it right for your website? SLCSEM, Oct 2016
Google AMP - What is it and is it right for your website? SLCSEM, Oct 2016Google AMP - What is it and is it right for your website? SLCSEM, Oct 2016
Google AMP - What is it and is it right for your website? SLCSEM, Oct 2016

Is it too early to begin thinking about Google AMP outside of the Google news carousel? I’ll take you through the commons pitfalls of AMP and some of the results publishers are seeing.

google newspublishingamp
Amp it UP! Using Google Accelerated Mobile Pages with WordPress - WordCamp An...
Amp it UP! Using Google Accelerated Mobile Pages with WordPress - WordCamp An...Amp it UP! Using Google Accelerated Mobile Pages with WordPress - WordCamp An...
Amp it UP! Using Google Accelerated Mobile Pages with WordPress - WordCamp An...

Google is pushing Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) in a big way. AMP pages restrict what you can do all for the sake of performance on mobile devices. In this talk we’ll cover the basics of AMP, how it’s different than mobile-ready and responsive design, and the plugins you’ll need to take advantage of AMP on your WordPress site.

How Many Ways Are There
to Host Websites in Azure?
Pop Quiz
6 ways
Azure App Service (for hosting your site)
Azure App Service Plan
Azure App Service 1
Azure App Service 2
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Google's AMP project for web users
Google's AMP project for web usersGoogle's AMP project for web users
Google's AMP project for web users

A brief guide to how Google's new Accelerated Mobile Pages (aka AMP) are displayed and navigated. Includes details on the fundamental change to how Google AMP pages differ to ‘normal’ search results.

googleseomobile marketing

The document discusses different ways that AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) content can be used within progressive web apps. It describes AMP as a progressive web app by itself through the use of features like the service worker registration. It also explores using AMP pages within progressive web apps by rendering AMP content in a shadow DOM to avoid performance issues. The document provides examples of how AMP content could be fetched and displayed within a progressive web app for navigation. It emphasizes that AMP aims to provide ultra-portable, embeddable content units that can enhance progressive web apps.

AMP up Your WordPress Site
AMP up Your WordPress SiteAMP up Your WordPress Site
AMP up Your WordPress Site

1. What is AMP 2. Why should you care about AMP 3. The AMP way of doing things 4. How to get started with AMP 5. Additional resources

Great Lakes Area .Net UG: Optimize .Net Azure App Services
App Service
Deployment Slots
Slot 2
Slot 3
Production Slot
Great Lakes Area .Net UG: Optimize .Net Azure App Services
Great Lakes Area .Net UG: Optimize .Net Azure App Services

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Accelerated Mobile Pages - WordCamp Kansas City
Accelerated Mobile Pages - WordCamp Kansas CityAccelerated Mobile Pages - WordCamp Kansas City
Accelerated Mobile Pages - WordCamp Kansas City

AMP is an open spec for lightweight, mobile-friendly pages. You can use it as the mobile view on your site, and having it enabled actually allows the AMP version of your page to be used by Google for search previews and in other places on their platform. In addition, many SEO experts recommend adopting AMP as Google is likely to reward those who do in terms of rankings. You will learn why AMP is important, how to easily add it to your WordPress site, and different techniques you can use to customize it to your specific needs.

google ampkansas citygoogle
google amp pages
google amp pagesgoogle amp pages
google amp pages

Creating Google AMP Pages allows websites to load faster on mobile and desktop. AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) requires rewriting pages in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to meet speed requirements. Websites create AMP versions of pages that are validated and cached by Google. When users search on mobile, AMP versions may load up to 10x faster than regular pages. AMP works best for static content like news articles and blogs but may not be needed if pages already load quickly. Websites must maintain original and AMP versions of pages and add metadata to link between them.

google ampamp pages
Performance-driven websites with AMP - NeosCon May 2019
Performance-driven websites with AMP - NeosCon May 2019Performance-driven websites with AMP - NeosCon May 2019
Performance-driven websites with AMP - NeosCon May 2019

Principles of AMPhtml within TYPO3 CMS built by an example of From NeosCon 2019 on May 11th, 2019 by @bennimack

Great Lakes Area .Net UG: Optimize .Net Azure App Services
Great Lakes Area .Net UG: Optimize .Net Azure App Services
Great Lakes Area .Net UG: Optimize .Net Azure App Services

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AMPifying your Drupal 8 Site : higher performance and higher engagement - Par...
AMPifying your Drupal 8 Site : higher performance and higher engagement - Par...AMPifying your Drupal 8 Site : higher performance and higher engagement - Par...
AMPifying your Drupal 8 Site : higher performance and higher engagement - Par...

The document discusses Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), which is a framework for building mobile-optimized content that loads instantly. It describes the key components of AMP including AMP HTML, AMP JS, and the Google AMP Cache. It also outlines how to integrate AMP into a Drupal 8 site using various AMP modules and libraries. The benefits of AMP include faster load times and improved mobile search rankings, while drawbacks include limited functionality and the need to implement AMP-compatible code.

drupaldrupal8drupal camp mumbai 2018
AMP in WordPress, the WordPress Way
AMP in WordPress, the WordPress WayAMP in WordPress, the WordPress Way
AMP in WordPress, the WordPress Way

What is AMP? Why should I learn what it offers? And how can I take advantage of it in WordPress? This deck was used to guide a discussion about these topics at the awesome PDX WP Meetup on August 5th, 2019.


The document discusses Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), an open-source initiative started by Google and Twitter to improve the mobile web experience. It provides an overview of AMP, including its origins, how AMP HTML pages are structured, how site speeds are improved, potential search engine results page impacts, client usage scenarios, supported advertisements, and limitations. A live demo of an AMP page is also included.

Demo Time
Azure App Service
Settings Deep Dive
Great Lakes Area .Net UG: Optimize .Net Azure App Services
General Settings

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Integrating Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) In Drupal Websites
Integrating Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) In Drupal WebsitesIntegrating Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) In Drupal Websites
Integrating Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) In Drupal Websites

Quick Fact: Google gives the higher ranking to the websites that meet the AMP requirement. As it provides better mobile experience to the users.

drupal specialistdedicated drupal developersdrupal websites
AMP with WordPress by Pradeep Sonawane @ Google AMP Roadshow Mumbai 2018
AMP with WordPress by Pradeep Sonawane @ Google AMP Roadshow Mumbai 2018AMP with WordPress by Pradeep Sonawane @ Google AMP Roadshow Mumbai 2018
AMP with WordPress by Pradeep Sonawane @ Google AMP Roadshow Mumbai 2018

AMP WordPress plugin is heading towards v1.0 release. It has many new features, including something called the “Native AMP” mode. Native AMP enables a WordPress site to be served entirely as a valid AMP without any coding efforts. Pradeep Sonawane, VP Engineering @rtCamp covered AMP Native and other aspects of AMP which benefits WordPress users in this talk.

AMP and the instant web - WebPerformance NYC MeetUp group
AMP and the instant web - WebPerformance NYC MeetUp groupAMP and the instant web - WebPerformance NYC MeetUp group
AMP and the instant web - WebPerformance NYC MeetUp group

This talk was designed to give the developer the basics of the AMP technology. The talk offers the pros and cons of the technology as well as a technical overview of the structure of an AMP pages. The information covers several tools and integration with popular CMS and how to implement AMP in the development testing and build process.

ampjavascriptweb performance
Platform Settings
32-bit vs. 64-bit
64 Bit vs 32 Bit (not what you might think)
HTTP/2 is Fast

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10 things to do to speed up your site10 things to do to speed up your site
10 things to do to speed up your site

Louise gave a ten minute lightening talk at the WordPress London WPLDN meetup on 28th June, on ways to improve website speed. So here are our top tips and slides.

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Mvp skill saturday ep 02

1. Microsoft Azure สอนการใช้งาน Microsoft Azure Web Apps ของจริงโดย อ.ตุล 2. Office 365 สอนการใช้งาน Azure AD ในรูปแบบต่างๆ เช่น SSO เป็นต้นโดย อ.เบิร์ด

Move to azure
Move to azureMove to azure
Move to azure

This document summarizes an informational session about moving applications to Microsoft Azure. It discusses the benefits of Azure, such as pay-per-use billing and scalability. It then walks through steps to migrate an application to Azure, including moving a SQL database to Azure SQL Database, deploying an ASP.NET application to Azure Cloud Services, handling session state with caching, enabling OAuth authentication with Azure Access Control Service, storing images in Azure Blob storage, and using the Azure CDN for static content.
HTTP/2 Safer, Faster, Stronger than HTTP 1.1
Fun with Application Warm-ups

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Design and Configure Azure App Service Web Apps
Design and Configure Azure App Service Web AppsDesign and Configure Azure App Service Web Apps
Design and Configure Azure App Service Web Apps

Roy Kim presented on designing and configuring Azure Web Apps. He discussed key features like multiple languages/frameworks, global scaling, and integrations. Key design elements include app service plans for scaling, network security settings, and deployment options. He demonstrated the Azure portal and configuration of a sample web app. Roy encouraged the audience to get started with Azure trials and tutorials to learn best practices for designing production-ready apps in Azure App Service.

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Applying Advanced Techniques to Azure Web Apps
Applying Advanced Techniques to Azure Web AppsApplying Advanced Techniques to Azure Web Apps
Applying Advanced Techniques to Azure Web Apps

A lap around 4 advanced techniques or services to complement an Azure Web App solution. Application Gateway with Web Application Firewall Azure SQL VNet Integration with (ASE v2) Azure CDN Auto Scale & Visual Studio Load Testing

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Implementing SharePoint on Azure, Lessons Learnt from a Real World Project
Implementing SharePoint on Azure, Lessons Learnt from a Real World ProjectImplementing SharePoint on Azure, Lessons Learnt from a Real World Project
Implementing SharePoint on Azure, Lessons Learnt from a Real World Project

This document discusses lessons learned from implementing SharePoint on Azure. It covers Azure architecture concepts like virtual networks, cloud services, availability sets, and load balancing. It provides an example reference architecture for a hybrid on-premises and Azure environment. It also discusses topics like database planning, disk performance, server topology with multiple tiers, and reserving IP addresses. The presentation aims to share best practices for deploying SharePoint on Azure based on a real-world project.

azuremicrosoftsharepoint 2013
Don’t Overdo It
Slot 2 (No)
Slot (No)
Production (Yes)
Always On Cut warm up time out
A Few More…

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Monthly news roundup as delivered to the Brisbane Azure User Group by Dan Toomey (content compiled by Damien Berry)

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Sitecore Azure to Solr.pptx
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Sitecore Azure to Solr.pptx

The document discusses migrating Sitecore search from Azure Cognitive Search to Solr. It covers the supported search engines, comparisons between Azure and Solr, limitations of Azure, Solr architecture and monitoring, the migration process, challenges faced, and go-live process. The migration involved creating a new branch, switching to Solr, testing, and deploying in stages to environments. Benefits included faster rebuilds and more reliable replication compared to Azure. Future plans include moving to Solr Cloud.

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Microsoft azure architect design (az 304) practice tests 2022

• For a full set of 900+ questions. Go to • SkillCertPro offers detailed explanations to each question which helps to understand the concepts better. • It is recommended to score above 85% in SkillCertPro exams before attempting a real exam. • SkillCertPro updates exam questions every 2 weeks. • You will get life time access and life time free updates • SkillCertPro assures 100% pass guarantee in first attempt.

microsoft azure architect design (az-304) latest
Environment Vars
.Net Core Code Matters
Static File Serving in .Net Core
Think About Optimization!

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Microsoft Azure News - June 2021

The document provides information about upcoming presentations for the Brisbane Azure User Group (BAUG) from February 2021 to December 2021. It also includes announcements about new Azure services and capabilities like Azure Static Web Apps going generally available, NVIDIA A100 GPU clusters on Azure, and Azure Cosmos DB features. Opportunities with Deloitte related to cloud integration skills are mentioned. Links to blog posts about new Azure capabilities like Bicep and Azure application services running on Azure Arc are provided.

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Microsoft AZ-204 Exam Dumps
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Microsoft AZ-204 Exam Dumps

The most major benefit of having a renowned certification on your resume is that your employers welcome you with warm hearts. But as these certifications are getting famous, they are getting very hard to pass. We have a perfect solution for you if you are willing to get a certification such as Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate. Dumpspedia is offering 100% guaranteed Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Practice Exam Dumps to pass Microsoft exam in flying colors. Our experts have made sure to include all key concepts and topics to AZ-204 Practice Exam Questions. Also, we keep track of any new update on the exam, so we can bring you up-to-date AZ-204 PDF Questions. Join us now on our website to know more.

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Blue Green Sitecore Deployments on Azure
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The sildes of my presentation on the Sitecore User Group Jordan meetup on April 24th 2017 and the Sitecore User Group Belarus meetup on April 27th, presenting and demoing the blue green provisioning of Sitecore into Azure using Azure Web Apps. Note that these slides do not contain the demo itself. For the demo, view the recording of the presentation or read my blog post, both accessable via

continuous deliveryblue greencontinuous deployment
What About Compression?
Demo Time
Bundle to Reduce
Great Lakes Area .Net UG: Optimize .Net Azure App Services

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Microsoft Azure News - 2018 December
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Microsoft Azure News - 2018 December

The document provides information about upcoming presentations at the Brisbane Azure User Group (BAUG) meetings from January to December 2018. Various Microsoft technologies will be covered including containers, Azure deployment slots, cognitive services, bot services, serverless integration, Kubernetes, Azure SQL data warehouse, Cosmos DB, Azure pipelines, IoT Edge, and API management. Information is also provided about the BAUG YouTube channel, on-demand training resources, and the upcoming BAUG Unconvention 2018 conference with topics on Microsoft Learn, machine learning with Azure notebooks, messaging patterns, and migrating to Azure using Dynatrace.

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Microsoft Azure News - April 2022
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Microsoft Azure News - April 2022

The document discusses an upcoming presentation at the Brisbane Azure User Group meeting in April 2022. The presentation will be by David Connors and Dan van Eck of Codify on app modernization and moving .NET applications to Azure. It notes that Codify has a cloud readiness assessment process to determine if applications are suitable for cloud migration. The presentation and accompanying whitepaper aim to distill Codify's criteria for a "no-BS" look at app modernization challenges and how to get applications cloud-ready to take advantage of PaaS offerings. The document also lists other upcoming presentations for the user group in 2022 and information about open topic slots and contacting the organizers.

azurewindows azuremicrosoft
A Better Way…
One Thing about Code in the FileSystem
The Azure Filesystem is notoriously slow
Any kind of interaction with Files on the
Filesystem is a big performance hit
Additional Tools of
the Trade
Long Running Requests to Azure Apps

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You need to recommend a solution to ensure availability if an Azure data center goes offline. An availability set should be included in the recommendation. An availability set is a logical grouping of virtual machines that helps ensure availability during datacenter outages by placing VMs across fault and update domains.

20201015 Azure PaaS Update at Microsoft Ignite 2020
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2020/10/15 20min Azureを活用したSaaS開発のポイント これから始めるSaaS開発者のためのAzure実践開発ウェビナー ※本内容は 2020年9月末時点での情報です。 # Agenda アジェンダ - App Service - Spring Cloud - Logic Apps - Azure Communication Services

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The document provides an introduction to new features in SharePoint 2013 for IT professionals, covering improvements to infrastructure, services, user interface and developer story. It highlights key changes such as distributed database and cache services, shredded storage, workflow and social collaboration updates, and the new apps model. Hardware and software requirements are also outlined.

introductionsharepoint intersectionssharepoint 2013
HangFire To The Rescue
.Net Core 3.0 – Improved IHostedService
Source: Andrew Lock’s
Diagnostics as a Service (DaaS)
When you can’t figure
out why things are
Great Lakes Area .Net UG: Optimize .Net Azure App Services

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Moving from SBS to Azure

This document outlines a plan to migrate a small business server (SBS) environment to Office 365 and Azure. The plan involves: 1) evaluating the current SBS environment; 2) enabling Office 365 and Azure subscriptions; 3) implementing Azure file and application backups; 4) migrating email, files, and company data to Office 365 and Azure services in stages; and 5) extending the environment using additional Azure and Office 365 capabilities once the migration is complete. Resources and best practices are provided to help successfully execute the plan.

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Azure functions: Build apps faster with serverless architecture (March 2018)

Azure Functions is a serverless compute service that enables you to run code-on-demand without having to explicitly provision or manage infrastructure. You can use Azure Functions to run a script or piece of code in response to a variety of events.

azure functionsazure app serviceazure logic apps
Azure functions
Azure functionsAzure functions
Azure functions

This document provides an overview of serverless computing using Azure Functions. It discusses the benefits of serverless such as increased server utilization, instant scaling, and reduced time to market. Serverless allows developers to focus on business logic rather than managing servers. Azure Functions is introduced as a way to develop serverless applications using triggers and bindings in languages like C#, Node.js, Python and more. Common serverless patterns are also presented.

serverlessfunctionasaserviceazure functions
Application Insights / Monitoring
Great Lakes Area .Net UG: Optimize .Net Azure App Services
Azure CDN
What if I take all of these
steps and it is still slow?
Pop Quiz

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My presentation at Horizons 2022. The talk was all about the promise of AI changing the world that we have been hearing about for the last 5 years. Maybe now in 2022 it's actually closer to happening. I also show a cool new AI image generation custom element for Check out more on my blog at

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Prairie Code 2019: How to Win Friends and Influence Better Developer Estimates
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Let's face it, creating estimates for tasks is not an exact science. Whether it is points, hours, level of effort, or whatever else the next fad is, it all mostly boils down to what feels like a shot in the dark. Join my session to find out a few lessons learned, tips, tricks, and strategies for creating accurate and timely estimates on your developer tasks. I'll share my experiences for creating the majority of estimates at my company for the past 17 years. I'd estimate that the amount of estimates I have created is more than 500 or so ...see what I did there? At the end of the day, if you can create better estimates, than maybe your project managers will end up becoming another one of your long time friends.

software developmentkenticokentico cloud
PaaS: the Ultimate Performance Modifier
Scale Up Scale Out
Be Aware!
Scale Out and
Session State, use:
Azure Redis Cache
Great Lakes Area .Net UG: Optimize .Net Azure App Services
The first 80% of
performance increases
are typically easy.

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Code on the Beach 2019 - Let's Take a Tour of .Net Core: CLI

The .NET Core command-line interface (CLI) allows developers to easily automate and script many tasks in the .NET world. From create new projects in seconds, to automating builds, to setting up better CI with automated testing, and making working with containers possible, this new CLI can almost do it all (especially if you are coming from the full framework world). Join my session to see the .NET Core CLI in action and put it through its paces. This really is a must have tool for any .NET Core developer out there.

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Code on the Beach 2018: Build an E-Commerce Chatbot on Azure Bot Framework v4
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Code on the Beach 2018: Build an E-Commerce Chatbot on Azure Bot Framework v4

Updated presentation for Code on the Beach 2018, August 10th, 2018. All of the samples and code were updated for botframework v4 which came out in early June of 2018. The presentation runs through how to use Azure Bot Framework and LUIS.AI using version 4 of the SDK. The example solution uses Kentico EMS for an e-commerce site that that Bot connects to for its data.

azure bot frameworkazurekentico
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Learn how to create an ASP.Net MVC application that communicates with government based Big Data, or Open Data as it is commonly referred to. In 30 mins we will create a .Net solution that will utilize open source libraries to connect to publicly available API endpoints. With the returned datasets we will generate a quick user interface that includes how to filter, query, map, and aggregate the data.

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The last 20% of
performance increases
will crush your soul
(just like the Lions).
Brian McKeiver
Contact Me

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Kentico Cloud - Our First Impressions

Dave Valko and Brian McKeiver's presentation at the 2017 Kentico Roadshow event that was hosted in Chicago and Boston May 1st and May 5th 2017. Dave and Brian presented BizStream's first ever Kentico Cloud project on the implementation of In the first half of the presentation Dave illustrated how Kentico Cloud allows for a content first approach to website development. After that Brian gave his impressions on what it means for .Net developers to leverage Kentico Cloud, Azure App services, and an API First approach to building mvckenticokentico cloud
Content Last: A Strategy for Success or Failure?
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Content Last: A Strategy for Success or Failure?

The document discusses how content is often an afterthought in website development projects, with the site being built first and content added later. However, this approach usually leads to problems like design bugs, incorrect content structure, and delays. Instead, the document argues for a content-first approach where content creation is scheduled from the beginning of projects and sample content is developed during design phases. Developing real content throughout the process helps ensure the design and development work considers actual usage scenarios and avoids rework.

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How to Wield Kentico 9 in the Real World
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How to Wield Kentico 9 in the Real World

This document provides an overview of new features and important considerations for upgrading to Kentico 9. It discusses improvements to the MVC framework, modules, NuGet support, and handling module data and upgrades from Kentico 8. The document also notes specific considerations for e-commerce, content staging, and handling object version history during the upgrade. It demonstrates using a macro rule translator class to improve performance for rules evaluating large numbers of contacts and provides a conclusion and contact information. mvckentico 9cms

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Great Lakes Area .Net UG: Optimize .Net Azure App Services

Editor's Notes

  1. Azure App Service Virtual Machine Blob Storage Static Files Container Services / Docker Service Fabric Application Azure Functions (yes they can return html)
  2. One set of Compute Resources! Each App Service is an app pool
  3. Too many!
  4. The Azure Filesystem is notoriously slow Any kind of interaction with Files on the Filesystem is a big performance hit
  5. AutoScaling Be aware of dependencies to AutoScaling like SessionState Provider