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Software Testing – Introduction Quality Principles Software Process SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) Project Management Contents
Requirement Management Configuration Management Software Testing Fundamentals Testing Policy Vs Quality Policy Testing Economics and Testing Cost Testing Levels Testing Techniques Contents
Test Maturity Criteria Verification Process Test Level Model Special Test Types Test Standards Testing Process Contents

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Software Testing - Part 1 (Techniques, Types, Levels, Methods, STLC, Bug Life...
Software Testing - Part 1 (Techniques, Types, Levels, Methods, STLC, Bug Life...Software Testing - Part 1 (Techniques, Types, Levels, Methods, STLC, Bug Life...
Software Testing - Part 1 (Techniques, Types, Levels, Methods, STLC, Bug Life...

Author : Mr. Ankit Prajapati (Sr. Software Analyst) Below topics are covered in this presentation !!!  Software Testing  Skills required for Software Testing  Methods of Software Testing  Levels of Software Testing  Types of Software Testing  SDLC vs STLC  Test Management (Defect Life Cycle)  Deliverables of Software Testing  Automation Testing  Difference (Manual vs Automation)  Automation Testing Tools  References YouTube Link:

software testing basicmanual testingquality assurance

The document discusses agile testing approaches and their benefits. Key points include: 1. Agile testing involves testing from the beginning of a project and continually throughout its lifecycle. This helps specify requirements in terms of tests and ensure 100% test coverage. 2. Keeping testers, developers, and customers in close communication helps eliminate errors caused by making incorrect assumptions. 3. Breaking projects into smaller iterations provides frequent feedback on the project's state. Many teams are successfully using agile testing to improve quality. 4. Adopting agile testing requires some training and workspace changes but yields advantages like collaborating to build in quality from the start.

Software testing.ppt
Software testing.pptSoftware testing.ppt
Software testing.ppt

Software testing is the process of evaluation a software item to detect differences between given input and expected output. Also to assess the feature of A software item. Testing assesses the quality of the product. Software testing is a process that should be done during the development process. In other words software testing is a verification and validation process. Software testing can also provide an objective, independent view of the software to allow the business to appreciate and understand the risks of software implementation. Test techniques include, but are not limited to the process of executing a program or application with the intent of finding software bugs (errors or other defects). Software testing can be stated as the process of validating and verifying that a computer program/application/product: • meets the requirements that guided its design and development, • works as expected, • can be implemented with the same characteristics, • and satisfies the needs of stakeholders. Software Development Process Cycle:-  PLAN (P): Device a plan. Define your objective and determine the strategy and supporting methods required to achieve that objective.  DO (D): Execute the plan. Create the conditions and perform the necessary training to execute the plan.  CHECK (C): Check the results. Check to determine whether work is progressing according to the plan and whether the results are obtained.  ACTION (A): Take the necessary and appropriate action if checkup reveals that the work is not being performed according to plan or not as anticipated.

Software Testing STATIC DYNAMIC Structural Testing (White Box testing) Functional Testing (Black Box testing) Logical Errors Nothing else but functioning
Testing A Process of evaluating a particular product to determine whether the product contain any defects Software Testing Software Testing is a process of evaluating a system by manual or automatic means and verify that it satisfies specified requirements or identify differences between expected and actual results.
Why Software Testing ? Error Free Efficient  Secured Flexible Software Testing is important as it may cause mission failure, impact on operational performance and reliable if not done properly.
QUALITY PRINCIPLES Quality is defined as meeting the Customer’s requirements in the First time and Every time. Quality is much more than the absence of defects, which allows us to meet customer’s expectations. There are five perspective of quality- they are…

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Software Testing Introduction
Software Testing IntroductionSoftware Testing Introduction
Software Testing Introduction

This document provides an introduction to software testing. It discusses software engineering and the software development life cycle (SDLC). The phases of the SDLC include problem definition, requirement analysis, planning, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance. Testing goals are to prevent and discover bugs. Different levels of testing include unit testing, integration testing, and system testing. The document also discusses testing concepts like the pesticide paradox, dichotomies between testing and debugging, and whether complete testing is possible.

software testing
Manual testing concepts course 1
Manual testing concepts course 1Manual testing concepts course 1
Manual testing concepts course 1

Testing software is conducted to ensure the system meets user needs and requirements. The primary objectives of testing are to verify that the right system was built according to specifications and that it was built correctly. Testing helps instill user confidence, ensures functionality and performance, and identifies any issues where the system does not meet specifications. Different types of testing include unit, integration, system, and user acceptance testing, which are done at various stages of the software development life cycle.

Software Testing Fundamentals
Software Testing FundamentalsSoftware Testing Fundamentals
Software Testing Fundamentals

This document provides an overview of software testing concepts and processes. It discusses the importance of testing in the software development lifecycle and defines key terms like errors, bugs, faults, and failures. It also describes different types of testing like unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing. Finally, it covers quality assurance and quality control processes and how bugs are managed throughout their lifecycle.

ibm trainingsdlc
Software Quality Critical Quality Attributes Maintainability Dependability Efficiency Usability Other Attributes Completeness Compatibility Portability Internationalization Understandability Scalability Robustness Testability Reusability Customizability
Five perspective of quality 1.  Transcendent-I know when I see it. 2.  Product based- possesses desired features 3. User based – Fitness for use. 4. Development and manufacturing based – Confirms to requirements. 5. Value based – At an acceptable cost.
Why Quality? Quality is the most important factor affecting an organization's long-term performance.  Quality is the way to achieve improved productivity and competitiveness in any organization.
Cost of Quality The three categories of costs associated with producing quality products are Prevention cost : Money required to prevent errors and to do the job right the first time. Appraisal costs : Money Spent to review completed product against requirement. Failure costs : This cost associated with defective products that have been delivered to the user or moved into production.

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Bug life cycle
Bug life cycleBug life cycle
Bug life cycle

The document discusses the bug life cycle and defect reporting process. It defines what a bug is and outlines the typical stages a defect goes through from initial reporting as "New" to being ultimately "Closed" after being addressed. Key stages include assignment to a developer, the developer fixing and testing the fix, reopening if needed, and closing once resolved. Defects can also be rejected, deferred, or marked as duplicates. Reporting is typically done through a standardized defect report form that captures details to help reproduce and resolve the issue. Project management tools can also be used to log and track defects.

bug life cycledefect life cyclesoftware testing
Software testing
Software testing   Software testing
Software testing

This document provides an overview of software testing. It discusses different types of testing like black-box testing and white-box testing. Black-box testing treats the software as a black box without any knowledge of internal implementation, while white-box testing has access to internal data structures and algorithms. The document also covers topics like functional vs non-functional testing, defects and failures, compatibility, and the roles of different teams involved in software testing.

software testingtesting
Software Testing - Defect/Bug Life Cycle - Complete Flow Chart of Defect States
Software Testing - Defect/Bug Life Cycle - Complete Flow Chart of Defect StatesSoftware Testing - Defect/Bug Life Cycle - Complete Flow Chart of Defect States
Software Testing - Defect/Bug Life Cycle - Complete Flow Chart of Defect States

The document discusses the bug life cycle in software development. It defines a bug as abnormal software behavior and explains that bugs go through various states as part of a standardized life cycle process. The states are new, open, assign, test, verified, deferred, reopened, duplicate, rejected, and closed. Each state is described in terms of when a bug attains that label and what it means for the bug resolution process.

defect workflowsoftware testingbug life cycle
Quality Assurance  Vs  Quality Control Quality Assurance  - process oriented        (Software development) - Defect prevention    (Identify & Rectify)  Quality Control Product Oriented (quality of the entire product is checked or tested) Defect detection
Software Process A particular method of doing some thing, generally involving a number of steps or operations is a process. The process that deals with the technical and management issues of software development is called Software Process.
Software Process Process – Projects – Products  A software process specifies a method of developing software. A software project, on the other hand, is a development project in which a software process is used. A Software product is the outcome of a software project.
ACT DO CHECK PLAN Planning & Designing Coding & Production Testing & Evaluating Necessary Actions

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Complete guide to manual  testing@umaComplete guide to manual  testing@uma
Complete guide to manual testing@uma

The document provides information about manual testing processes and concepts. It discusses various phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC) like requirements gathering, analysis, design, coding, testing, and deployment. It also describes different testing methodologies like black box testing, white box testing, different levels of testing from unit to user acceptance. Key terms discussed include environments, stubs, drivers, and software development process models like waterfall.

manual testingmanual testing conceptsmanual testing complete material
Software testing
Software testingSoftware testing
Software testing

This document provides an overview of software testing methods and automation testing. It discusses what software testing is, why it is necessary, and different types of testing like smoke testing, regression testing, and formal testing. It also covers the software development life cycle. The document compares manual and automation testing and discusses advantages and disadvantages of each. It provides details on Selenium, a popular tool for automation testing, including features of Selenium IDE, WebDriver, and Grid. The overall purpose is to introduce various software testing concepts and an automation testing tool.

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Testing concepts [3] - Software Testing Techniques (CIS640)Testing concepts [3] - Software Testing Techniques (CIS640)
Testing concepts [3] - Software Testing Techniques (CIS640)

Slides from Software Testing Techniques course offered at Kansas State University in Spring'16 and Spring'17. Entire course material can be found at

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Plan : Device a plan.  Define your objective and determine and strategy and supporting methods required to achieve that objective. Do : executive the plan.  Create the conditions and perform the necessary training to execute the plan. Check : Check the results.  Check to determine whether work is progressing according to the plan and whether the results are obtained.
SDLC (SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE) Overview of Software Development Activities Introduction to Various Lifecycles
Agenda Team Organization Deliverable Turn-in Project Assignments to be posted on the web-site Introduction to Software Development Activities Survey of Lifecycle Models
Software Engineering Layered Technology Key Process Areas Tools Methods Process Quality

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Bug life cycle
Bug life cycleBug life cycle
Bug life cycle

BugRaptors provide Software testing is entirely about finding defects in applications, right? Apparently, this can be considered as the principal goal of all the QA practices. However, all the defects diverge from each other. It cannot be stated if some are more important than others, yet it’s possible to locate and fix them all.

the severity of bugstage of bug life cyclethe priority of bug
Sanity testing and smoke testing
Sanity testing and smoke testingSanity testing and smoke testing
Sanity testing and smoke testing

Students are struggling in Software Testing so i have decided to make a presentation on Testing here is the general topic from testing. I hope it will help you in your learning about testing please rate it

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Software Testing Life Cycle – A Beginner’s Guide
Software Testing Life Cycle – A Beginner’s GuideSoftware Testing Life Cycle – A Beginner’s Guide
Software Testing Life Cycle – A Beginner’s Guide

Software Testing Life Cycle refers to 6 phases of the software testing process. Learn about each phase of STLC in-depth in our article. (Source:

software testing life cyclesoftware testing
Capability Maturity Model Developed by SEI(Software Engineering Integration) Five Process Maturity Levels Level 0:  Chaos Level 1:  Initial Level 2:  Repeatable Level 3:  Defined Level 4:  Managed Level 5:  Optimizing
Process Principles Prescribes all major activities Uses resources, within a set of constraints, to produce intermediate and final products May be composed of sub-processes Each activity has entry and exit criteria Activities are organized in a sequence Has a set of guiding principles to explain goals Constraints may apply to activity, resource or product
The six Stages of SDLC process are Requirement Analysis Design Development Testing Implementation Maintenance
Requirement Analysis Study done by organization against customer’s requirement is documented as SRAS( software requirement analysis specification) The main objective of the requirements analysis is to produce a document that properly specifies all requirements of the customer.  SRS(Software Requirement Specification) is the primary output of this phase.

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Testing fundamentals
Testing fundamentalsTesting fundamentals
Testing fundamentals

Testing is the process of validating and verifying software to ensure it meets specifications and functions as intended. There are different levels of testing including unit, integration, system, and acceptance testing. An important part of testing is having a test plan that outlines the test strategy, cases, and process to be followed. Testing helps find defects so the product can be improved.

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Manual testing interview questions and answers
Manual testing interview questions and answersManual testing interview questions and answers
Manual testing interview questions and answers

The document discusses several key aspects of manual testing, including: - What makes a good test engineer, including having a "test to break" attitude and strong communication skills. - The qualities of a good QA engineer, such as understanding the software development process. - The traits of a good test manager, like maintaining team enthusiasm and communicating with different stakeholders. - The importance of documentation in QA and having repeatable practices. - The significance of requirements and ensuring they are clear, testable, and involve all relevant customers.

Software testing ppt
Software testing pptSoftware testing ppt
Software testing ppt

Testing is the process of identifying bugs and ensuring software meets requirements. It involves executing programs under different conditions to check specification, functionality, and performance. The objectives of testing are to uncover errors, demonstrate requirements are met, and validate quality with minimal cost. Testing follows a life cycle including planning, design, execution, and reporting. Different methodologies like black box and white box testing are used at various levels from unit to system. The overall goal is to perform effective testing to deliver high quality software.

Design Process Decompose entire project into units / modules and prepare dataflow diagram and communication. CDD(Comprehensive Design Document)  = HCL + LLD Design Process HCD LLD High Level Design Low Level Design
HLD High-Level Design (system Design) High-level design is the phase of the life cycle when a logical view of the computer implementation of the solution to the customer requirements is developed.
LLD Low Level Design (Detailed Design) During the detailed design phase, the view of the application developed during the high level design is broken down into modules and programs.  Logic design is done for every program.
Coding and unit testing During the build phase, the detailed design is used to produce the required programs in a programming language.  This stage produces the source code, executable, and databases applicable.

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Software Testing Basics
Software Testing BasicsSoftware Testing Basics
Software Testing Basics

The document outlines topics related to quality control engineering and software testing. It discusses key concepts like the software development lifecycle (SDLC), common SDLC models, software quality control, verification and validation, software bugs, and qualifications for testers. It also covers the quality control lifecycle, test planning, requirements verification techniques, and test design techniques like equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis.

Software testing methods, levels and types
Software testing methods, levels and typesSoftware testing methods, levels and types
Software testing methods, levels and types

This document provides an overview of software testing concepts and definitions. It discusses key topics such as software quality, testing methods like static and dynamic testing, testing levels from unit to acceptance testing, and testing types including functional, non-functional, regression and security testing. The document is intended as an introduction to software testing principles and terminology.

Software testing basic concepts
Software testing basic conceptsSoftware testing basic concepts
Software testing basic concepts

The document discusses software testing concepts and processes. It covers definitions of testing, objectives of testing, types of defects and their costs. It also describes the typical software testing process which includes test planning, preparation, execution, reporting and defect tracking. Additionally, it discusses test strategies such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing and acceptance testing. The overall purpose is to provide an introduction and overview of basic software testing concepts.

Testing Unit testing Integration testing System testing STATIC(Reviewing) DYNAMIC (Execution)
Integration testing Integration is a systematic approach to building the complete software structure specified in the design from unit-tested modules. Integration plan must specify the order in which the modules are integrated.
System Testing System testing is an activity to validate the software product against the requirement specification. This stage is intended to find defects that can be exposed only by testing the entire system.
Acceptance and Installation Acceptance and installation is the phase in the software life cycle during which a software product is integrated into its operational environment and tested in this environment to ensure that it performs as required. The two basic tasks- getting the software accepted and installing the software at the customer site.

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software testing
 software testing software testing
software testing

This document provides an overview of software testing, including definitions, types of testing, and the software testing lifecycle. It defines software testing as a method to assess software functionality. The key points covered are: - Software testing ensures software does what it's intended to do and remains functional after changes. - Types of testing include unit, integration, system, and regression testing. - The software testing lifecycle includes planning, developing test cases, executing tests, and closing test cycles. - Cloud testing can reduce regression testing time by using virtualized hardware and software services.

Software Testing Process
Software Testing ProcessSoftware Testing Process
Software Testing Process

Based on V-Model (Extention of Waterfall model). It describes Test Process. Including Test process,strategy,R&R,Testing model and techniques.

Software testing overview subbu
Software testing overview subbuSoftware testing overview subbu
Software testing overview subbu

Software testing is a process used to identify issues and ensure quality in developed software. It involves techniques like unit testing of individual code components, integration testing of interface between components, and system testing of the full application. While exhaustive testing of all possible inputs is not feasible due to time constraints, techniques like equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, and error guessing help prioritize test cases. The goal is to thoroughly test the most important and error-prone areas with the time available.

software testing
Project Management Project Management is nothing but organising, Planning,ans scheduling software projects. Project staffing Project planning Project scheduling Project monitoring
Risk Management Software Risks  1. Risk identification : Identify project, product and business risks. 2. Risk analysis : Assess the likelihood and consequences of these risks. 3. Risk planning : Draw up plans to avoid or minimize the effects of the risk. 4. Risk monitoring : Monitor the risks throughout the project
Requirements Management Requirements management is managing changes in the evolving software in a cost effective manner.  Changes may come externally or internally. External changes may be due to problem,customer, environment. Internal changes may be due to requirements, design, implementation, testing, maintenance
Configuration Management Standards and procedures for managing changes in an evolving software product is configuration management.  New versions of software systems are created as they change for different machines/OS, offering different functionality. Software systems are sometimes called baselines as they are a starting point for further development.

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Seminar on Software Testing

(1) The document discusses software testing and provides an introduction to various testing techniques. (2) It discusses the challenges of software testing including the large input space, different execution paths, and coincidental correctness. Testing aims to find bugs early and is part of quality assurance. (3) The document then provides short glossaries defining key testing terms like test case, test suite, oracle, and fault model. It also discusses the V-Model and different testing levels from unit to system testing.

software testing
Chapter 2 software_development_life_cycle_models
Chapter 2 software_development_life_cycle_modelsChapter 2 software_development_life_cycle_models
Chapter 2 software_development_life_cycle_models

This document discusses various software development life cycle models. It begins by defining the software life cycle as the period from when a software product is conceived to when it is no longer available for use, typically including requirements, design, implementation, testing, installation, operation and maintenance, and retirement phases. It then examines the "build and fix" model, waterfall model, iterative enhancement model, rapid application development model, evolutionary process model, prototyping model, spiral model, and unified process. For each model, it provides a brief overview and discusses their advantages and disadvantages. It concludes by noting that the selection of a life cycle model depends on the requirements, development team, users, and project type and associated risks.

Test Process
Test ProcessTest Process
Test Process

The document discusses various aspects of the software testing process including verification and validation strategies, test phases, metrics, configuration management, test development, and defect tracking. It provides details on unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and other test phases. Metrics covered include functional coverage, software maturity, and reliability. Configuration management and defect tracking processes are also summarized.

Verification and release management Invent identification scheme for system versions plan when new system version is to be produced.  Ensure that version management procedures and tools and properly applied.  Plan and distribute new system releases.
version/variants/releases Version : An instance of a system, which is functionally distinct in some way from other system instances. Variant: An instance of a system, which is functionally identical but non-functionally distinct from other instances of a system. Release : An instance of a system, which is distributed to users outside of the development team.
Version derivation structure V 1.1 V 1.2 V 1.1a V 1.1b V 1.1.1 V 2.0 V 1.0 V 2.1 V 2.2
Software Testing Fundamentals Primary role of software testing? determine whether the system meets specification (producer view) determine whether the system meets business and user needs (customer view).

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Software Testing Process, Testing Automation and Software Testing Trends

This is the slide deck that KMS Technology's experts shared useful information about latest and greatest achievements of software testing field with lecturers of HCMC University of Industry.

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Chapter 8 software testing
Chapter 8 software testingChapter 8 software testing
Chapter 8 software testing

The document discusses software testing and provides definitions, purposes, and types of software testing. Some key points: - Testing is defined as "the process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors." This is a more appropriate definition than ones focusing on demonstrating the absence of errors. - Testing should be done because launching software without testing may lead to higher costs from bugs, especially for systems involving human safety. Earlier bug discovery and removal reduces costs. - Testing requires developers to find errors in their own work, so many organizations separate development and testing roles. - Complete testing of all possible inputs and paths is not possible due to their vast number. Techniques like boundary value analysis and worst-case

Quality Assurance in Software Ind.
Quality Assurance in Software Ind.Quality Assurance in Software Ind.
Quality Assurance in Software Ind.

This document provides an overview of quality assurance frameworks for software development. It discusses key concepts like quality, software quality assurance, and its components including software testing, quality control, and software configuration management. It also describes a software quality assurance plan and quality standards like ISO9000, CMM, PCMM, and CMMI. The document is presented by Ketan Mehta from Heritage Institute of Technology in Kolkata and covers an agenda including definitions of quality and SQA, their components, SQA plans, and quality standards.

quality assurance
STF What is Defects ? The purpose of testing is to find defects.  A defect is a variance from a desired product attribute.  Two categories of defects are Variance from product specifications. Variance from customer/user expectation.
Defects 1. Wrong : The specifications have been implemented incorrectly.  This defect is a variance from customer / user specification. (correctly mentioned in specification but wrongly implemented) 2. Missing : A specified or wanted requirement is not in the built product.  This can be a variance from specification, an indication that the specification was not implemented.  ( given in specification but missed out in application) 3. Extra : A requirement incorporated into the product that was not specified.  This is always a variance from specifications, but may the user of the product desire an attribute. (any thing that dissatisfies)
Test case Set of procedures written by a tester which execute in our system to find defect. Positive test case negative test case A test case is said to be effective only when both positive and negative cases are prepared.
Testing Economics & Cost Traditional Testing   Continuous Testing    Accumulated Accumulated Test cost Error  Error Test cost   Remaining Remaining   0     20   10   $ 10   0   40   15   $ 25   0   60   18   $ 42 $ 480   12   4   $ 182 $1690    0   0   $ 582 Requirement Design Code Testing Production

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Software Testing
Software TestingSoftware Testing
Software Testing

The document discusses various topics related to software testing including: 1. Software testing helps improve software quality by testing conformance to requirements and is important to uncover errors before delivery to customers. 2. Testing involves specialists at different stages from early development through delivery and includes unit testing of individual components, integration testing of combined components, and system testing of the full system. 3. Proper testing methods include black box testing of inputs/outputs, white box testing of code structures, and testing at different levels from units to full system as well as by independent third parties.

An Introduction to Software Testing
An Introduction to Software TestingAn Introduction to Software Testing
An Introduction to Software Testing

Slides for the according talk at WordCamp Berlin, 2015

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Manual testing ppt
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Manual testing ppt

This document discusses software engineering and software testing. Software engineering is concerned with developing large software through applying engineering principles. The challenge is to produce high quality software within budget and schedule constraints. Software testing is the process of finding errors in software and involves both manual and automated testing. Different types of testing include unit, integration, system, and acceptance testing. The goal of testing is to uncover defects early and reduce costs.

TESTING LEVELS Unit Testing Integration Testing System Testing Acceptance Testing
Unit Testing Unit testing is a testing in which the individual unit of the software are tested in isolation from other parts of a program. Advantage  : To catch the defects that occurs at the early stage of software development. To minimize the ration of defects before moving to next level
Integration Testing Integration testing refers to the testing in which  software units of an application combined and tested for a communication interfaces between them. Big Bang Testing Bottom Up Testing Top Down Testing
Big Bang Testing Module - 1 System Module - 4 Module - 2 Module - 3 Module - 5 Module - 6

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Types of Software Testing
Types of Software TestingTypes of Software Testing
Types of Software Testing

This document discusses various types of software testing techniques used in the software development lifecycle (SDLC). It begins by describing different SDLC models like waterfall, prototyping, RAD, spiral and V-models. It then discusses the importance of testing at different stages of SDLC and different types of testing like static vs dynamic, black box vs white box, unit vs integration etc. The rest of the document elaborates on specific black box and white box testing techniques like equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, cause-effect graphing, statement coverage and basis path testing.

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

The document discusses several software development life cycle (SDLC) models including waterfall, V-shaped, prototyping, incremental, spiral, rapid application development (RAD), dynamic systems development method (DSDM), adaptive software development, and agile methods. It provides an overview of the key characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and types of projects that each model is best suited for. Tailored SDLC models are recommended to customize processes based on specific project needs and risks.

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Quality Assurance and Software Testing
Quality Assurance and Software TestingQuality Assurance and Software Testing
Quality Assurance and Software Testing

The document provides an overview of quality assurance and software testing processes. It describes key concepts like requirements gathering, test planning, test case development, defect reporting, retesting and sign off. It also covers quality standards, software development life cycles, testing methodologies, documentation artifacts, and project management structures.

Big Bang Testing A type of integration in which software components of an application are combined all at once into a overall system according to this approach Advantage :   To check the data flow from one module to another Communication between various modules is checked
Integration Bottom-up Integration testing : In bottom up integration, all modules are added or combined from lower level hierarchy to higher level hierarchy I.e., the lower level model is tested in isolation first, then the next set of higher level modules are tested with the previously tested lower modules. Worker modules are grouped into builds and integrated.

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16103271 software-testing-ppt

  • 2. Software Testing – Introduction Quality Principles Software Process SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) Project Management Contents
  • 3. Requirement Management Configuration Management Software Testing Fundamentals Testing Policy Vs Quality Policy Testing Economics and Testing Cost Testing Levels Testing Techniques Contents
  • 4. Test Maturity Criteria Verification Process Test Level Model Special Test Types Test Standards Testing Process Contents
  • 5. Software Testing STATIC DYNAMIC Structural Testing (White Box testing) Functional Testing (Black Box testing) Logical Errors Nothing else but functioning
  • 6. Testing A Process of evaluating a particular product to determine whether the product contain any defects Software Testing Software Testing is a process of evaluating a system by manual or automatic means and verify that it satisfies specified requirements or identify differences between expected and actual results.
  • 7. Why Software Testing ? Error Free Efficient Secured Flexible Software Testing is important as it may cause mission failure, impact on operational performance and reliable if not done properly.
  • 8. QUALITY PRINCIPLES Quality is defined as meeting the Customer’s requirements in the First time and Every time. Quality is much more than the absence of defects, which allows us to meet customer’s expectations. There are five perspective of quality- they are…
  • 9. Software Quality Critical Quality Attributes Maintainability Dependability Efficiency Usability Other Attributes Completeness Compatibility Portability Internationalization Understandability Scalability Robustness Testability Reusability Customizability
  • 10. Five perspective of quality 1. Transcendent-I know when I see it. 2. Product based- possesses desired features 3. User based – Fitness for use. 4. Development and manufacturing based – Confirms to requirements. 5. Value based – At an acceptable cost.
  • 11. Why Quality? Quality is the most important factor affecting an organization's long-term performance. Quality is the way to achieve improved productivity and competitiveness in any organization.
  • 12. Cost of Quality The three categories of costs associated with producing quality products are Prevention cost : Money required to prevent errors and to do the job right the first time. Appraisal costs : Money Spent to review completed product against requirement. Failure costs : This cost associated with defective products that have been delivered to the user or moved into production.
  • 13. Quality Assurance Vs Quality Control Quality Assurance - process oriented (Software development) - Defect prevention (Identify & Rectify) Quality Control Product Oriented (quality of the entire product is checked or tested) Defect detection
  • 14. Software Process A particular method of doing some thing, generally involving a number of steps or operations is a process. The process that deals with the technical and management issues of software development is called Software Process.
  • 15. Software Process Process – Projects – Products A software process specifies a method of developing software. A software project, on the other hand, is a development project in which a software process is used. A Software product is the outcome of a software project.
  • 16. ACT DO CHECK PLAN Planning & Designing Coding & Production Testing & Evaluating Necessary Actions
  • 17. Plan : Device a plan. Define your objective and determine and strategy and supporting methods required to achieve that objective. Do : executive the plan. Create the conditions and perform the necessary training to execute the plan. Check : Check the results. Check to determine whether work is progressing according to the plan and whether the results are obtained.
  • 18. SDLC (SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE) Overview of Software Development Activities Introduction to Various Lifecycles
  • 19. Agenda Team Organization Deliverable Turn-in Project Assignments to be posted on the web-site Introduction to Software Development Activities Survey of Lifecycle Models
  • 20. Software Engineering Layered Technology Key Process Areas Tools Methods Process Quality
  • 21. Capability Maturity Model Developed by SEI(Software Engineering Integration) Five Process Maturity Levels Level 0: Chaos Level 1: Initial Level 2: Repeatable Level 3: Defined Level 4: Managed Level 5: Optimizing
  • 22. Process Principles Prescribes all major activities Uses resources, within a set of constraints, to produce intermediate and final products May be composed of sub-processes Each activity has entry and exit criteria Activities are organized in a sequence Has a set of guiding principles to explain goals Constraints may apply to activity, resource or product
  • 23. The six Stages of SDLC process are Requirement Analysis Design Development Testing Implementation Maintenance
  • 24. Requirement Analysis Study done by organization against customer’s requirement is documented as SRAS( software requirement analysis specification) The main objective of the requirements analysis is to produce a document that properly specifies all requirements of the customer. SRS(Software Requirement Specification) is the primary output of this phase.
  • 25. Design Process Decompose entire project into units / modules and prepare dataflow diagram and communication. CDD(Comprehensive Design Document) = HCL + LLD Design Process HCD LLD High Level Design Low Level Design
  • 26. HLD High-Level Design (system Design) High-level design is the phase of the life cycle when a logical view of the computer implementation of the solution to the customer requirements is developed.
  • 27. LLD Low Level Design (Detailed Design) During the detailed design phase, the view of the application developed during the high level design is broken down into modules and programs. Logic design is done for every program.
  • 28. Coding and unit testing During the build phase, the detailed design is used to produce the required programs in a programming language. This stage produces the source code, executable, and databases applicable.
  • 29. Testing Unit testing Integration testing System testing STATIC(Reviewing) DYNAMIC (Execution)
  • 30. Integration testing Integration is a systematic approach to building the complete software structure specified in the design from unit-tested modules. Integration plan must specify the order in which the modules are integrated.
  • 31. System Testing System testing is an activity to validate the software product against the requirement specification. This stage is intended to find defects that can be exposed only by testing the entire system.
  • 32. Acceptance and Installation Acceptance and installation is the phase in the software life cycle during which a software product is integrated into its operational environment and tested in this environment to ensure that it performs as required. The two basic tasks- getting the software accepted and installing the software at the customer site.
  • 33. Project Management Project Management is nothing but organising, Planning,ans scheduling software projects. Project staffing Project planning Project scheduling Project monitoring
  • 34. Risk Management Software Risks 1. Risk identification : Identify project, product and business risks. 2. Risk analysis : Assess the likelihood and consequences of these risks. 3. Risk planning : Draw up plans to avoid or minimize the effects of the risk. 4. Risk monitoring : Monitor the risks throughout the project
  • 35. Requirements Management Requirements management is managing changes in the evolving software in a cost effective manner. Changes may come externally or internally. External changes may be due to problem,customer, environment. Internal changes may be due to requirements, design, implementation, testing, maintenance
  • 36. Configuration Management Standards and procedures for managing changes in an evolving software product is configuration management. New versions of software systems are created as they change for different machines/OS, offering different functionality. Software systems are sometimes called baselines as they are a starting point for further development.
  • 37. Verification and release management Invent identification scheme for system versions plan when new system version is to be produced. Ensure that version management procedures and tools and properly applied. Plan and distribute new system releases.
  • 38. version/variants/releases Version : An instance of a system, which is functionally distinct in some way from other system instances. Variant: An instance of a system, which is functionally identical but non-functionally distinct from other instances of a system. Release : An instance of a system, which is distributed to users outside of the development team.
  • 39. Version derivation structure V 1.1 V 1.2 V 1.1a V 1.1b V 1.1.1 V 2.0 V 1.0 V 2.1 V 2.2
  • 40. Software Testing Fundamentals Primary role of software testing? determine whether the system meets specification (producer view) determine whether the system meets business and user needs (customer view).
  • 41. STF What is Defects ? The purpose of testing is to find defects. A defect is a variance from a desired product attribute. Two categories of defects are Variance from product specifications. Variance from customer/user expectation.
  • 42. Defects 1. Wrong : The specifications have been implemented incorrectly. This defect is a variance from customer / user specification. (correctly mentioned in specification but wrongly implemented) 2. Missing : A specified or wanted requirement is not in the built product. This can be a variance from specification, an indication that the specification was not implemented. ( given in specification but missed out in application) 3. Extra : A requirement incorporated into the product that was not specified. This is always a variance from specifications, but may the user of the product desire an attribute. (any thing that dissatisfies)
  • 43. Test case Set of procedures written by a tester which execute in our system to find defect. Positive test case negative test case A test case is said to be effective only when both positive and negative cases are prepared.
  • 44. Testing Economics & Cost Traditional Testing Continuous Testing Accumulated Accumulated Test cost Error Error Test cost Remaining Remaining 0 20 10 $ 10 0 40 15 $ 25 0 60 18 $ 42 $ 480 12 4 $ 182 $1690 0 0 $ 582 Requirement Design Code Testing Production
  • 45. TESTING LEVELS Unit Testing Integration Testing System Testing Acceptance Testing
  • 46. Unit Testing Unit testing is a testing in which the individual unit of the software are tested in isolation from other parts of a program. Advantage : To catch the defects that occurs at the early stage of software development. To minimize the ration of defects before moving to next level
  • 47. Integration Testing Integration testing refers to the testing in which software units of an application combined and tested for a communication interfaces between them. Big Bang Testing Bottom Up Testing Top Down Testing
  • 48. Big Bang Testing Module - 1 System Module - 4 Module - 2 Module - 3 Module - 5 Module - 6
  • 49. Big Bang Testing A type of integration in which software components of an application are combined all at once into a overall system according to this approach Advantage : To check the data flow from one module to another Communication between various modules is checked
  • 50. Integration Bottom-up Integration testing : In bottom up integration, all modules are added or combined from lower level hierarchy to higher level hierarchy I.e., the lower level model is tested in isolation first, then the next set of higher level modules are tested with the previously tested lower modules. Worker modules are grouped into builds and integrated.

Editor's Notes

  1. Software testing – 2
  2. Qp-2